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Catalytic domain: The region of an enzyme that interacts with its substrate to cause the

enzymatic reaction. The regions of a protein that interact to form the active or functional
site of the protein.
A structural domain is a level of organization that is intermediate between secondary
structure and tertiary structure. The sense of 'order' and 'organization' is central to the
concept of a structural domain.
Regulatory domain: function as a generic on-off switch modules, which can exist in two
distinct structural states.
The reactions catalyzed by enzymes require the incorporation of additional chemical
groups to facilitate rapid reaction. Thus to fulfill reactivity needs that cannot be achieved
with the amino acids alone, many enzymes incorporate nonprotein chemical groups into
the structures of their active sites. These nonprotein chemical groups are collectively
referred to as enzyme cofactors or coenzymes . In most cases, the cofactor and the
enzyme associate through noncovalent interactions.
In enzymes requiring a cofactor for activity, the protein portion of the active species is
referred to as the apoenzyme, and the active complex between the protein and cofactor
is called the holoenzyme. In some cases the cofactors can be removed to form the
apoenzyme and be added back later to reconstitute the active holoenzyme. In some of
these cases, chemically or isotopically modified versions of the cofactor can be
incorporated into the apoenzyme to facilitate structural and mechanistic studies of the
Multiple Equivalent Binding Sites: we assumed the simplest model in which each receptor
molecule had a single specific binding site for the ligand. Hence the molarity of specific
ligand binding sites was identical to the molarity of receptor molecules
Multiple Nonequivalent Binding Sites It is also possible for a single receptor molecule to
have more than one type of independent specific binding site for a particular ligand, with
each binding site type having a different dissociation constant.
Three distinct regions of this curve can be identified: at low substrate concentrations the
velocity appears to display first-order behavior, tracking linearly with substrate
concentration; at very high concentrations of substrate, the velocity switches to zero-order
behavior, displaying no dependence on substrate concentration; and in the intermediate
region, the velocity displays a curvilinear dependence on substrate concentration.

At low concentrations of S the concentration of ES would be directly proportional to [S]. At
very high concentrations of S, however, practically all the enzyme would be present in the
form of the ES complex. Under such conditions the velocity depends of the rate of the
chemical transformations that convert ES to EP and the subsequent release of product to
re-form free enzyme.
The value of Km varies considerably from one enzyme to another, and for a particular
enzyme with different substrates. We have already defined Km as the substrate
concentration that results in half-maximal velocity for the enzymatic reaction. An
equivalent way of stating this is that the Km represents the substrate concentration at
which half of the enzyme active sites in the sample are filled (i.e., saturated) by substrate
molecules in the steady state.
The value of kcat is sometimes referred to as the turnover number for the enzyme, since it
defines the number of catalytic turnover events that occur per unit time. The significance
of kcat is that it defines for us the maximal velocity at which an enzymatic reaction can
proceed at a fixed concentration of enzyme and infinite availability of substrate
The catalytic efficiency of an enzyme is best defined by the ratio of the kinetic constants,
While the active site of every enzyme is unique, some generalizations can be made:
1. The active site of an enzyme is small relative to the total volume of the enzyme.
2. The active site is three-dimensionalthat is, amino acids and cofactors in the active site
are held in a precise arrangement with respect to one another and with respect to the
structure of the substrate molecule. This active site three-dimensional structure is formed as
a result of the overall tertiary structure of the protein.
3. In most cases, the initial interactions between the enzyme and the substrate molecule
(i.e., the binding events) are noncovalent, making use of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic,
hydrophobic interactions, and van der Waals forces to effect binding.
4. The active sites of enzymes usually occur in clefts and crevices in the protein. This design
has the effect of excluding bulk solvent (water), which would otherwise reduce the
catalytic activity of the enzyme. In other words, the substrate molecule is desolvated upon
binding, and shielded from bulk solvent in the enzyme active site. Solvation by water is
replaced by the protein.
5. The specificity of substrate utilization depends on the well-defined arrangement of atoms
in the enzyme active site that in some way complements the structure of the substrate
Lock and key model: In this model the enzyme active site and the substrate molecule are
viewed as static structures that are stereochemically complementary. The best fits occur
with the substrates that best complement the structure of the active site; hence these
molecules bind most tightly. The two structures must complement each other in the
arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrogenbonding interactions to best enhance binding
The three-point attachment hypothesis is often invoked to explain the stereospecificity
commonly displayed by enzymatic reactions. The concepts of the lock and key and three-
point attachment models help to explain substrate selectivity in enzyme catalysis by
invoking a structural complementarity between the enzyme active site and substrate
Formation of the ES complex leads to formation of the bound transition state species ES.
As with the uncatalyzed reaction, formation of the transition state species is the main
energetic barrier to product formation. Once the transition state barrier has been
overcome, the reaction is much more likely to proceed energetically downhill to formation
of the product state. In the case of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction, this process involves
formation of the bound EP complex, and finally dissociation of the EP complex to liberate
free product and free enzyme.
Enzymes cannot alter the equilibrium between products and substrates.
Enzymes accelerate the rate of chemical reactions.
They accelerate the velocity of chemical reactions by stabilizing the transition state
of the reaction, hence lowering the energetic barrier that must be overcome.
The key to enzymatic rate acceleration is that by lowering the energy barrier, by stabilizing
the transition state, reactions will proceed faster.
In the absence of enzyme, the reaction proceeds from substrate to product by
overcoming the sizable energy barrier required to reach the transition state S. In the
presence of enzyme, on the other hand, the reaction first proceeds through formation of
the ES complex. The ES complex represents an intermediate along the reaction pathway
that is not available in the uncatalyzed reaction; the binding energy associated with ES
complex formation can, in part, be used to drive transition state formation. Once binding
has occurred, molecular forces in the bound molecule have the effect of simultaneously
destabilizing the ground state configuration of the bound substrate molecule, and
energetically favoring the transition state. The complex ES thus occurs at a lower energy
than the free S state. The reaction next proceeds through formation of another
intermediate state, the enzymeproduct complex, EP, before final product release to form
the free product plus free enzyme state. Again, the initial and final states are energetically
identical in the catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions. However, the overall activation
energy barrier has been substantially reduced in the enzymecatalyzed case. This reduction
in activation barrier results in a significant acceleration of reaction velocity in the presence
of the enzyme.
Enzymes accelerate the rates of chemical reactions by stabilizing the transition state of the
reaction, hence lowering the activation energy barrier to product formation.
The transition state stabilization associated with enzyme catalysis is the result of the
structure and reactivity of the enzyme active site, and how these structural features
interact with the bound substrate molecule.
Several factors associated with simply binding the substrate molecule within the enzyme
active site contribute to rate acceleration. One of the more obvious of these is that binding
brings into close proximity (hence the term approximation), the substrate molecule(s) and
the reactive groups within the enzyme active site.
(1) Encounter each other through diffusion-limited collisions in the correct mutual
orientations for reaction
(2) Undergo changes in solvation that allow for molecular orbital interactions
(3) Overcome van der Waals repulsive forces
(4) Undergo changes in electronic orbitals to attain the transition state configuration.
The rate of collisional encounters can be marginally increased in solution by elevating the
temperature, or by increasing the concentrations of the two reactants. In the enzyme-
catalyzed reaction, the two substrates bind to the enzyme active site as a prerequisite to
reaction. When the substrates are sequestered within the active site of the enzyme, their
effective concentrations are greatly increased with respect to their concentrations in
A second aspect of approximation effects is that the structure of the enzyme active site is
designed to bind the substrates in a specific orientation that is optimal for reaction.
By locking the two substrates into a specific mutual orientation in the active site, the
enzyme overcomes these encumberances to transition state attainment. Of course, these
severe steric and orientational restrictions are associated with some entropic cost to
reaction. However, such alignment must occur for reaction in solution as well as in the
enzymatic reaction.
By having the two substrates bound in the enzyme active site, the entropic cost associated
with the solution reaction is largely eliminated; in enzymatic catalysis this energetic cost is
compensated for in terms of the binding energy of the ES complex. Together, the
concentration and orientation effects associated with substrate binding are referred to as
the proximity effect or the propinquity effect.
The enzyme needs to precisely steer the molecular orbitals of the substrate into a suitable
orientation. While some degree of orbital steering no doubt occurs in enzyme catalysis,
there are two strong arguments against a major role for this effect in transition state
1. Thermal vibrations of the substrate molecules should give rise to large changes in the
orientation of the reacting atoms within the active site structure. The magnitude of such
vibrational motions at physiological temperatures contradicts the idea of rigidly oriented
molecular orbitals as required for orbital steering.
2. Recent molecular orbital calculations predict that orbital alignments result in shallow
total energy minima whereas the orbital steering hypothesis would require deep, narrow
energy minimal to retain the exact alignment.
Changes in solvation are also required for reaction between two substrates to occur. In
solution, desolvation energy can be a large barrier to reaction. In enzymatic reactions the
desolvation of reactants occurs during the binding of substrates to the hydrophobic
enzyme active site, where they are effectively shielded from bulk solvent.
Finally, overcoming van der Waals repulsions and changes in electronic overlap are
important aspects of intramolecular reactions and enzyme catalysis.
Changes in solvation are also required for reaction between two substrates to occur. In
solution, desolvation energy can be a large barrier to reaction. In enzymatic reactions the
desolvation of reactants occurs during the binding of substrates to the hydrophobic
enzyme active site, where they are effectively shielded from bulk solvent.
Overcoming van der Waals repulsions and changes in electronic overlap are important
aspects of intramolecular reactions and enzyme catalysis.
Approximation effects contribute to the overall rate acceleration seen in enzyme catalysis,
with the binding forces between the enzyme and substrate providing much of the driving
force for these effects.
Covalent Catalysis
Several families of enzymes have been demonstrated to form covalent intermediates,
including serine proteases (acylserine intermediates), cysteine proteases (acylcysteine
intermediates), protein kinases and phosphatase (phosphoamino acid intermediates),
and pyridoxal phosphate-utilizing enzymes (pyridoxalamino acid Schiff bases).
For enzymes that proceed through such mechanisms, formation of the covalent adduct is
a required step for catalysis. Generation of the covalent intermediate brings the system
along the reaction coordinate toward the transition state, thus helping to overcome the
activation energy barrier.
Enzymes that utilize covalent intermediates have evolved to break this difficult reaction
down into two stepsformation and breakdown of the covalent intermediaterather than
catalysis of the single reaction directly. The ratelimiting step in the reactions of these
enzymes is often the formation or decomposition of the covalent intermediate.
Covalent catalysis in enzymes is facilitated mainly by nucleophilic and electrophilic
catalysis, and in more specialized cases by redox catalysis.
Nucleophilic Catalysis. Nucleophilic reactions involve donation of electrons from the
enzyme nucleophile to a substrate with partial formation of a covalent bond between the
groups in the transition state of the reaction:

The reaction rate in nucleophilic catalysis depends both on the strength of the attacking
nucleophile and on the susceptibility of the substrate group (electrophile) that is being
The electron-donating ability, or nucleophilicity, of a group is determined by a number of
factors; one of the most important of these factors is the basicity of the group. Basicity is a
measure of the tendency of a species to donate an electron pair to a proton.
Generally, the rate constant for reaction in nucleophilic catalysis is well correlated with the
pKa of the nucleophile.

Other factors that affect the strength of a nucleophile include oxidation potential,
polarizability, ionization potential, electronegativity, potential energy of its highest
occupied molecular orbital (HOMO); covalent bond strength, and general size of the
group. Hence the reaction rate for nucleophilic catalysis depends not just on the pka of
the nucleophile but also on the chemical nature of the species. This is one property that
distinguishes nucleophilic catalysis from general base catalysis.
The most distinguishing feature of nucleophilic catalysis, however, is the formation of a
stable covalent bond between the nucleophile and substrate along the path to the
transition state. Often these covalent intermediates resemble isolable reactive species that
are common in small molecule organic chemistry.
The susceptibility of the electrophile is likewise affected by several factors. Again, the pKa
of the leaving group, hence its state of protonation, appears to be a dominant factor.
Studies of the rates of catalysis by a common nucleophile on a series of leaving groups
demonstrate a clear correlation between rate of attack and the pKa of the leaving group;
generally, the weaker the base, the better leaving group the species. As with the
nucleophile itself, the chemical nature of the leaving group, not its pKa alone, also affects
catalytic rate.
In enzymatic nucleophilic catalysis, the nucleophile most often is an amino acid side chain
within the enzyme active site. Enzymes, however, must function within a narrow
physiological pH range (around pH 7.4), and this limits the correlation between pKa and
nucleophilicity. The amino acids that are capable of acting as nucleophiles are serine,
threonine, cysteine, aspartate, glutamate, lysine, histidine, and tyrosine.
Electrophilic Catalysis. In electrophilic catalysis covalent intermediates are also formed
between the cationic electrophile of the enzyme and an electron-rich portion of the
substrate molecule. The amino acid side chains do not provide very effective electrophiles.
Hence, enzyme electrophilic catalysis most often require electron-deficient organic
cofactors or metal ions.
The metal can play a number of possible roles in these reactions: it can shield negative
charges on substrate groups that would otherwise repel attack of an electron pair from a
nucleophile; it can act to increase the reactivity of a group by electron withdrawal; and it
can act to bridge a substrate and nucleophilic group; they can alter the pKa and
reactivity of nearby nucleophiles. Metal ions are also used in enzyme catalysis as binding
centers for substrate molecules. Metal ions bound to substrates can also affect the
substrate conformation to enhance catalysis; that is, they can change the geometry of a
substrate molecule in such a way as to facilitate reactivity.
The Mg2+ binds at the terminal phosphates, positioning these groups to greatly facilitate
nucleophilic attack on the y-phosphate.
The most common mechanism of electrophilic catalysis in enzyme reactions is one in which
the substrate and the catalytic group combine to generate, in situ, an electrophile
containing a cationic nitrogen atom. Nitrogen itself is not a particularly strong electrophile,
but it can act as an effective electron sink in such reactions because of its ease of
protonation and because it can form cationic unsaturated adducts with ease.
Pyridoxal phosphate is a required cofactor for the majority of enzymes catalyzing chemical
reactions at the alpha, beta, and gamma carbons of the a-amino acids
The first step in reactions between the amino acids and the cofactor is the formation of a
cationic imine (Schiff base), which plays a key role in lowering the activation energy.

The function of the pyridoxal phosphate here is to act as an electron sink, stabilizing the
carbanion intermediate that forms during catalysis. Electron withdrawal from the alpha-
carbon of the attached amino acid toward the cationic nitrogen activates all three
substituents for reaction; hence any one of these can be cleaved to form an anionic
center. Because the cationic imine is conjugated to the heteroaromatic pyridine ring,
significant charge delocalization is provided, thus making the pyridoxal phosphate group a
very efficient catalyst for electrophilic reactions.
All pyridoxal-containing enzymes proceed through three basic steps: formation of the
cationic imine, chemical changes through the carbanion intermediate, and hydrolysis of
the product imine. A common reaction of pyridoxal phosphate with a-amino acids is
removal of the a-hydrogen to give a key intermediate in a variety of amino acid reactions,
including transamination, racemization, decarboxylation, and side chain interconversion. In
transamination for example, removal of the a-hydrogen is followed by proton donation to
the pyridoxal phosphate carbonyl carbon, leading to formation of an a-keto acid
pyridoxamine Schiff base. Subsequent hydrolysis of this species yields the free a-keto acid
and the pyridoxamine group. An imine is then formed between the keto acid and
pyridoxamine, and reversed proton transfer occurs to generate a new amino acid and to
regenerate the pyridoxal, thus completing the catalytic cycle.

General Acid/Base Catalysis: In small molecule catalysis, and in some enzyme examples,
protons (from hydronium ion H3+O) and hydroxide ions (OH-) act directly as the acid and
base groups in activities referred to as specific acid and specific base catalysis.
For catalysis by small molecules (nonenzymatic reactions), general acid/ base catalysis
can be distinguished from specific acid/base catalysis on the basis of the effects of acid or
base concentration on reaction rate. In general acid/base catalysis, the reaction rate is
dependent on the concentration of the general acid or base catalyst. Specific acid/base
catalysis, in contrast, is independent of the concentrations of these species. Although most
enzymatic reactions rely on general acid/base catalysis, it is difficult to define the extent of
this reliance by changing acid/base group concentration since the acid and base groups
reside within the enzyme molecule itself. Identification of the group(s) participating in
general acid/base catalysis in enzymes has generally come from studies of reaction rate
pH profiles, amino acidspecific chemical modification, site-directed mutagenesis, and x-
ray crystal structures. General acids and bases will be functional only below or above their
pKa values, respectively. Hence a plot of reaction rate as a function of pH will display the
type of sigmoidal curve we are used to seeing for acidbase titrations If we plot the same
data as log (reaction rate constant) as a function of pH over a finite pH range (pH 57 in
we find a linear relationship between log (k) and pH.

The efficiency of general acid or base catalysis depends on the effective concentration of
acid or base species present. The concentrations of these species depend on the pKa of
the catalyst in relation to the solution pH at which the reaction is run.
Because of the effective concentrations of the catalytically relevant forms of the two
species, the weaker catalyst may be more effective at pH 7. For this reason, one finds that
the reaction rates for general acid/base catalysis are maximal when the solution pH is
close to the pKa of the catalytic group. Hence, in enzymatic reactions, the general
acid/base functionalities that are utilized are those with pKa values near physiological pH.
Generally, this means that enzymes are restricted to using amino acid side chains with pKa
values between 4 and 10 as general acids and bases. Surveying the pKa values of the
amino acid side chains, one finds that the side chains of apartate, glutamate, histidine,
cysteine, tyrosine, and lysine, along with the free N- and C-termini of the protein, are the
most likely candidates for general acid/base catalysts. However, it is important to realize
that the pKa value of an amino acid side chain can be greatly perturbed by the local
protein environment in which it is found.

The fundamental feature of general acid/base catalysis is that the catalytic group
participates in proton tranfers that stabilize the transition state of the chemical reaction. A
good example of this comes from the hydrolysis of ester bonds in water, a reaction carried
out by many hydrolytic enzymes. The mechanism of ester hydrolysis requires formation of a
transition state involving partial charge transfer between the ester and a water molecule
This transition state can be stabilized by a basic group (B:) acting as a partial proton
acceptor from the water molecule, thus enhancing the stability of the partial positive
charge on the water molecule. Alternatively, the transition state can be stabilized by an
acidic group that acts as a partial proton donor to the carbonyl oxygen of the ester
general acid/base catalysis is a common mechanism of transition state stabilization in
enzymatic catalysis. So too is nucleophilic catalysis
1. If the leaving group of a reaction can itself catalyze the same reaction, this is
evidence of general base rather than nucleophilic catalysis. Consider the reaction:

If this reaction went with nucleophilic attack of B on the carbonyl, the reaction product
would be the same as the starting material. Hence, catalysis by B indicates this species
must be functioning as a general base.
2. Catalysis by a second equivalent of an attacking species is evidence that general
base catalysis is occurring. The covalent intermediate of nucleophilic catalysis forms
stoichiometrically with substrate. Hence catalysis by a second equivalent of the
attacking species cannot occur via nucleophilic catalysis,
3. As stated above, observation of a transient intermediate that can be identified as a
covalent adduct constitutes proof of nucleophilic catalysis, rather than the general
base version.
4. As stated above, the Brnsted plot for general base catalysis fits a single straight
line for bases of identical basicity, regardless of their structural type. Conversely,
nucleophilic catalysis is characterized by Brnsted plots with large differences in
rates when one is considering, for example, nitrogen and oxygen pairs of catalysts
of equal basicity.
5. Steric hinderance is not an important determinant in general base catalysis but can
have significant effects on nucleophilic catalysis. This follows because general base
catalysis involves proton abstraction, while nucleophilic catalysis involves attack at
a carbon center; the steric requirements for the latter reaction are far greater than
that of the former.
6. Deceleration of reaction rate by addition of a common ion is an indication of a
reaction mechanism involving a reversible intermediate, hence nucleophilic
catalysis. For example, the pyridine-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetic anhydride
proceeds with formation of acetate ion:

Conformational Distortion: First, quantitative studies of enzymatic reactions often lead to
the conclusion that the observed rate enhancement cannot be accounted for fully by
consideration of approximation, covalent catalysis, and acid/base catalysis alone. Hence,
an additional mechanism for rate enhancement must be invoked. It is well established that
many proteins, including enzymes, are conformationally dynamic. Therefore, one
hypothesis that has emerged is that conformational adjustments are used to distort the
substrate, the enzyme, or both to bring the system toward the transition state structure

The enzyme active site undergoes a series of conformational adjustments that distort the
substrate toward its transition state structure, thus facilitating catalytic bond rupture.
The second experimental observation that suggests a need to invoke conformational
distortions is the manifestation of substrate specificity in kcat rather than in Km
The best measure of substrate specificity is the second-order rate constant obtained by
dividing kcat by Km. the Km value for the worst substrate is actually lower than that of the
best substrate, clearly indicating that ground state substrate binding is not a major
determinant of substrate specificity for this enzyme. A similar conclusion is often reached by
the study of the effects of point mutations within the active site of enzymes.
Models are needed that take into account the need for conformational flexibility and
optimization of active sitetransition state complementarity. Three major models have
been put forth to fill these needs: (1) the induced-fit model, (2) the nonproductive binding
model, and (3) the induced-strain model.
The induced-fit model, suggests that the enzyme active site is conformationally fluid. In the
absence of substrate, the active site is in a conformation that does not support catalysis.
When a good substrate binds to the active site, the binding forces between the enzyme
and the substrate are used to drive the enzyme into an energetically less favorable, but
catalytically active conformation. In this model a poor substrate lacks the necessary
structural features to induce the conformational change required for catalytic activity, and
thus does not undergo reaction.
In the nonproductive binding model the enzyme active site is considered to be rigid; and a
good substrate would be one that has several structural features, each one being
complementary to a specific subsite within the active site structure. Because of the
presence of multiple complementary subsite interactions, there would be only one active
conformation and orientation of the substrate in the active site of the enzyme; other
structures or orientations would lead to binding of an inactive substrate species that would
be nonproductive with respect to catalysis. A poor substrate in this model might lack
one or more key functional group for correct binding. Alternatively, the functional group
might be present in a poor substrate, but arranged in a fashion that is inappropriate for
correct binding in the enzyme active site
The third major model for conformational distortion is referred to as the induced-strain
model. In this model the binding forces between enzyme and substrate are directly used to
induce strain in the substrate molecule, distorting it toward the transition state structure to
facilitate reaction. The enzyme active site is considered to be flexible in this model. The
most stable (i.e., lowest energy) conformation of the active site is one that does not
optimally fit the ground state substrate conformation, but instead is complementary to the
transition state of the reaction. For the ground state substrate to bind, the enzyme must
undergo a conformational deformation that is energetically unfavorable. Hence, in the ES
complex there will be a driving force for the enzyme molecule to return to its original lower
energy conformation, and this will be accompanied by distortions of the substrate
molecule to bring it into the transition state structure that is complementary to the lowest
energy conformation of the active site.
Steric effects are not the only mechanism for inducing strain in a bound substrate
molecule. Electrostatic effects can also provide for induction of strain in the ground state,
which is subsequently relieved in the transition state structure.

Preorganized Active Site Complementarity to the Transition State: An alternative to
mechanisms utilizing conformational distortion is one in which the enzyme active site is,
relatively speaking, conformationally rigid and preorganized to optimally fit the substrate in
its transition state conformation. This is somewhat reminiscent of the lock and key model of
Fischer, but here the complementarity is with the substrate transition state, rather than the
ground state.

Difference in free energy of binding between S and S. First, there may be significantly
stronger binding interactions between the enzyme and the transition state conformation of
the substrate. The second possibility is that the free energy of interaction between the
solvent and the transition state is very much less favorable than that for the solvent and the
ground state substrate. Hence, in solution the attainment of the transition state must
overcome a significant free energy change due to solvation effects. In other words, in this
case significantly better interactions between the enzyme and S relative to S are not the
main driving forces for transition state stabilization. Instead, by removing S from solvent, the
enzyme avoids much of the solvation-related barrier to formation of S. In this model the
enzyme does not so much stabilize the transition state as avoid the destabilizing effect of
the solvent by sequestering the substrate.
The physical explanation for these observations is that the effect of solvent on the solution
reactions is counterproductive. Significant solvent reorganization is required for the solution
reaction to proceed to the transition state, and this reorganization has a retarding effect
on the rate of reaction. The enzyme thus functions as a mechanism for solvent substitution
for the reactants. Placement of charged groups within the active site, the enzyme can
achieve electrostatic complementarity with the transition state structure of the substrate,
thus eliminating the solvent retardation effects. The foregoing argument suggests that the
enzyme active site is preorganized to be complementary to the transition state of the
substrate, thus minimizing the energetic cost of reorganizations such as those occurring in
solution. This mechanism would disfavor conformationally induced distortions of the
substrate, which would only add to the reorganizational cost to catalysis.

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