Maslow's hierarchy of human needs outlines 5 levels of basic human needs - physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs like food, water, air and rest are most basic to survival. Safety and security needs become important once physiological needs are met. Higher level needs like love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization are sought once lower level needs are satisfied. Understanding human needs helps nurses prioritize care, understand patient behavior, and provide holistic care addressing physical and psychosocial needs.
Maslow's hierarchy of human needs outlines 5 levels of basic human needs - physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs like food, water, air and rest are most basic to survival. Safety and security needs become important once physiological needs are met. Higher level needs like love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization are sought once lower level needs are satisfied. Understanding human needs helps nurses prioritize care, understand patient behavior, and provide holistic care addressing physical and psychosocial needs.
Maslow's hierarchy of human needs outlines 5 levels of basic human needs - physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs like food, water, air and rest are most basic to survival. Safety and security needs become important once physiological needs are met. Higher level needs like love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization are sought once lower level needs are satisfied. Understanding human needs helps nurses prioritize care, understand patient behavior, and provide holistic care addressing physical and psychosocial needs.
Maslow's hierarchy of human needs outlines 5 levels of basic human needs - physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. Physiological needs like food, water, air and rest are most basic to survival. Safety and security needs become important once physiological needs are met. Higher level needs like love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization are sought once lower level needs are satisfied. Understanding human needs helps nurses prioritize care, understand patient behavior, and provide holistic care addressing physical and psychosocial needs.
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Definition:- A basic human need is want of something or requirement for biological, social or spiritual functioning experienced by a person without which a person cannot survive Hierarchy.:- Hierarchy means that in any list of items some items are classed as more important than others. Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs:- Abraham Maslow identified in 1968 five basic level of basic human needs that are arranged in the order of priority for satisfaction. They are:- Basic Human Needs And Related Nursing Action:-
Physiological needs:- they are the lower level needs. They have the highest priority overall the other needs because they are essential to life. They include the needs for air, food, water, temperature maintenance, rest or sleep, elimination, sexuality and avoidance of pain. Some physiological needs are more important to survive than 2
others eg.:- the need for oxygen takes priority over the need for the food or water. Also the body can survive longer without food than without water. A primary nursing function is to meet these needs as they are vital to the survival of patients. Safety and security needs:- these needs come next in priority. They can be aliened through adequate shelter and protection from harmful factor in the environment. Safety means physical as well as psychological safety. Individual usually feel most secure in a familiar environment eg. Home, with people they can trust and the things they can know. An important function of the nurse is the promotion of patients physical safety and emotional security in a health care setting. Eg :- bed railing for an unconscious patient. Love and belonging needs:- once individuals are satisfied with the basic physiological safety and security needs, they seek their need for love and belonging (higher level needs). These needs include understanding, group acceptance, affection, mutual trust, and the feeling of the belonging to other. Ever individual either sick or well desires the companionship and recognition of his family or friends. The nurse should always consider love and belonging needs of the patients by way of care and by establishing a nurse client relationship based on mutual understanding and trust. Self esteem needs:- it is necessary to feel pride, to feel a sense of accomplishment, in what one does, and to believe that others also share this regard. Self esteem gives the individual confidence, independence, worth, strength, adequacy, usefulness and importance. Lack of self esteem gives a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy weakness and helplessness. The feeling of self dislike leads to frustration and sense of failure. Nurses can meet patients self esteem needs by accepting their values and beliefs, encourages them to set attainable goals and facilitating support by family or friends.
Self actualization needs:- self actualization is the highest level of human needs. When the need for self esteem is satisfied the individual strives for self actualization, of ones potential through full development of ones unique capabilities. Cognition (the need to know and understand) is a strong desire of a human being. The intelligent individual seeks information, analysis it, and searches for meaning of her or himself. The nurse must focus on the strength and capabilities rather than on problem to meet patients self actualization needs. She must aim at caring the total individual need (holistic care), and must provide a sense of hope to maximize his potentials.
Implication of HUMAN NEEDS in nursing practice:- Knowledge of human needs helps nurses to:- Understand themselves, so that they can meet their personal needs outside the health care setting, eg:- maintenance of body temperature. Set priorities as in giving care. Eg:- working and playing will assume a low priority during a period of critical illness. Better to understand patients behavior so that they can respond therapeutically rather than emotionally. Relieve the distress of patients, eg:- helping a patient to meet his unmet need of love and affection. To get used to all ages and in all health care setting both at health and illness. It is an approach for holistic nursing care. Help client to develop and grow, eg:- nurse can help clients to move towards self actualization by helping them to find meaning on their illness experience. Provide a framework and be applied the nursing process at the individual and family level.
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The term growth and development both refer to dynamic processes often used interchangeably, these term have different meaning. The period of growth and development extends throughout the life cycle; however, the period in which the principle changes occur is from conception to the end of adolescence. Definition of terms:- Growth:- i) According to the Dorothy Marlow, Growth refers to the increase in physical size of the whole or any of its parts and can be measured in inches or centimeter and in pounds or kilograms. Growth results because of cell division and the synthesis of proteins. It causes a quantitative change in the childs body. ii) According to Potter and Perry, Growth refers to the changes that can be measured and compared, for example- taking the height and weight of a pediatric client and comparing the measurements to the standardized growth charts. Development:- It is an increase in the complexity of function and skill progression. It is a capacity and skill of a person to adapt to the environment. Development is the behavioral aspect of growth. Eg:- a person develops the ability to walk, to talk and to run. Development takes place from birth to death. Growth and Development are independent, interrelated processes. For eg:-an infant muscle, bones and nervous system must grow to a certain point before the infant is able to sit up or walk. Characteristics of Growth and Development :- 1) I ndividual differences:- each child has an individual rate of growth, but the pattern of growth shows less variability. 2) Readiness for certain tasks:- the critical periods; measurable period lasting from a few days to few weeks, during which the learning of certain behaviours occur, are termed as critical periods. These are defined as those points in which the maximal capacity for an aspect of development is first present or at which structures to be developed are undergoing rapid growth. 3) Rate of development :- during the period of growth and development of the total body and its subsystems, growth is sometimes rapid and at times it slows down.
Stages or Period of Growth:- Prenatal period:- Ovum - 0-14 days Embryo -14 days Fetus 9wks birth Perinatal period:- 28 weeks of gestation to 7 days after birth Postnatal period:- New born 1 st four weeks after birth Infancy 1 st year of birth Toddler 1-3 years Pre schooler -3-6 ears Schooler 6-10years (girls) 6-12years (boys) Adolescents :- Pre pubescent 10-12 yrs (female) & 12- 14 yrs (male) Pubescent 12-14 yrs (female) & 14-16 yrs (male) Post pubescent 14-18 yrs (female) & 16-20 yrs (male) Adult hood:- Young adulthood 20-40 yrs Middle adulthood 40-60 yrs Late adulthood - <60 yrs Old age:- Over the age of 65 Stages of prenatal development:- 1. Pre embryonic stage:- (zygote or fertilized ovum) from conception to 2 weeks 2. Embryonic stage:- 3 8 weeks 3. Fetal satge:- 9 weeks to till birth Development of fertilized ovum:- When the ovum has been fertilized, it continues its passage through the uterine tube and reaches the uterus 3 or 4 days later. During this time segmentation or cell division takes place and the fertilized ovum divides into 2 cells, then into 4, then 8, 16 and so on until a cluster of cells is formed known as the morula (mulberry). These divisions occur quite slowly, about 6
once every hour. Next, a fluid filled cavity or blastocele appears in the morula which now becomes known as the blastocysts. Around the outside of the blastocyst there is a single layer of cells known as the trophoblast. The remaining cells are clumped together at one end forming the inner cell mass. The inner cell mass become the fetus and amnion. The inner cell mass:- While the trophoplast is developing into the placenta, which will nourish the fetus, the inner cell mass is forming the fetus itself. The cells differentiate into three layers, each of which will form particular parts of the fetus. The Ectoderm mainly forms the skin and nervous system. The Mesoderm forms bones and muscles and also the heart and blood vessels, including those which are in the placenta. Certain internal organs also originate in the mesoderm. The Endoderm forms mucous membranes and glands, The three layers together are known as the embryonic plate. Two cavities appear in the inner cell mass, one on either side of the embryonic plate.
The Embryo:- This name is applied to the developing offspring after implantation and until 8 weeks after conception. During the embryonic period all the organs and system of the body are laid down in rudimentary form so that at its completion they have simply to grow and mature for a further 7 month. The conceptus is known as a fetus during this time. Growth and Development of Embryo and fetus 0-4 weeks after conception Rapid growth Formation of embryonic plate Primitive central nervous system forms Heart develops and begins to beat. Limb buds form 04-8 weeks Very rapid cell division Head and facial feature develop. All major organs are laid down in primitive form External genitalia develop but sex not distinguishable. Early movements. Visible on ultrasound on 6 weeks 7
08-12 weeks Eye lids fuse Kidneys begin to function and fetus passes urine from 10 weeks Fetal circulation functioning properly Sucking and swallowing begin Sex apparent Fetus moves freely Some primitive reflexes present
12-16 weeks Rapid skeletal development visible on x-ray. Meconium present in gut. Lenugo appears. Nasal septum and palate fuse. 16- 20 weeks Quickening- mother felts fetal movement Fetal heart beat heard on auscultation Vernix caseosa appears Finger nails can be seen Skin cells begin to be renewed 20-24 weeks Most organ become capable of functioning Periods of sleep and activity Respond to sound Skin red and wrinkled 24-28 weeks Survival may be expected if born Eyelids reopen Respiratory movements. 28-32 weeks Begins to store fat and iron Estes descend into scrotum Lenugo disappears from face Skin becomes paler and less wrinkled
32-36 weeks Increased fat makes the body more rounded Lenugo disappears from the body Head hairs lengthens Nails reach tips of the fingers Ear cartilage soft Planter creases visible 36-40 weeks Term is reached and birth is due Contours rounded Skull firm Growth and Development Of The New Born New born:- The term new born refers to the baby ages from birth to four weeks. First week of age is known as early neonate period. Late neonate period ranges from 7-28 days of life. Adjustment to extra uterine life to all system:- Respiratory system:- the most critical immediate physiologic changes required of the new born is the onset of breathing The stimuli that help to initiate respiration are primary. a) Chemical stimuli- chemical factor in the blood (low oxygen, high carbondioxide and low ph ), which initiate impulses that excite the respiratory centre in the medulla. b) Thermal stimuli- it is the sudden chilling of the infant who leaves warm environment and enters a relatively cooler atmosphere. This abrupt change in temperature excites sensory impulses in the skin that are transmitted to the respiratory centre. The initial entry of air into the lungs is opposed by the surface tension of the fluid that filled the fetal lungs and alveoli. However fetal lung fluids that filled the fetal lungs and alveoli is removed by the pulmonary capillary and lymphatic vessels. Some fluid is also removed during the normal forces of labour and delivery. As the chest emerges from the birth canal, fluid is squeezed from the lungs through the nose and the mouth. Following emergence of the newborns chest brisk recoil of the thorax occurs. Air enters the upper airway to replace the lost fluid. In the alveoli the surface tension of the fluid is reduced by a surfactant. This surfactant reduces the surface tension of the fluid that lines the alveoli and respiratory passages resulting in uniform expansion and maintenance of lung expansion at low intra alveolar pressure. Deficient surfactant production causes unequal inflation of alveoli on and expiration.
Circulatory System:- Equally important as the initiation of respiration are the circulatory changes that allow blood to flow through lungs. This change occurs more gradually and is the result of pressure changes in the lungs, heart and other major blood vessels. The transition from fetal circulation ensures that the most vital organs and tissue receive the maximum concentration of oxygenated blood. Once the lungs are expanded the inspired oxygen dilates the [pulmonary vessel which decreases the pulmonary vascular resistance and consequently increases the pulmonary blood flow. As the lungs receive blood, the pressure in the right atrium, right ventricle and pulmonary artery decrease. At the same time there is progressive rise in systemic vascular resistance from the increased volume of blood through the placenta at cord clamping. This increases the pressure in the left side of the heart. Since blood flows from an area of high pressure to that of low pressure, the circulation of blood through fetal shunts is reversed.
Changes in fetal circulation at birth. Structure Before birth After birth Umbilical vein Bring arterial blood to the heart Obliterate: becomes round ligament of the liver Foramen Ovale Connects right and left auricles Obliterated usually. Lungs Contain no air and very little blood; filled with fluid, Filled with air and well supplied with blood Pulmonary arteries Bring little blood to lungs Bring much blood to lungs Ductus Arteriosus Shunts arterial and some venous blood from the pulmonary artery to aorta Obliterated; becomes ligamentum arteriosum. Umbilical Arteries Bring arterio venous blood to placenta Obliterated; becomes vesical ligame on anterior abdominal wall. Ductus venousus hunts bring arterial blood into inferior vena cava Obliterated; becomes ligamentum venosum.
Physiologic status of other systems:- Thermoregulation Heat regulation is the most critical to the newborns survival. Although the newborns capacity for heat production is adequate several factors predispose the newborn to excessive heat loss .they are:- a) Newborns large surface area facilitates heat loss to the environment. Newborn produces only two third as much as heat per unit area .however the large body surface is partially compensated for by the newborns usual position of flexion, which decreases the amount of surface area exposed o the environment. b) Radiation of conservation of body heat due to a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. Since core body temperature is approximately 100F higher than the surface body temperature, this temperature gradient causes a heat transfer from a higher to lower temperature. c) Newborn mechanism for producing heat .unlike adult ,who can increases heat production through shivering ,a chilled neonate cannot shiver but produces heat through non shivering thermogenesis ( NST ).it is produced by stimulating cellular respiration the resulting oxygen consumption can be three times of any other body tissue. A unique thermogenic source to a full term newborn is brown adipose tissue (BAT)or brown fat. It has greater capacity for heat production through intensified metabolic activity than does ordinary adipose tissue. Heat generated in the bat is distributed to other parts of the body through blood. Superficial deposition of BAT is located between the scapulae, around the neck, in the axilla and behind the sternum. Deeper layers surround the kidneys, trachea, esophagus, some major arteries and adrenals. Hemopoetic Systems The blood volume of the newborn depends upon the amount of placental transfer of blood. The blood volume of the full term infant is about 80-85 ml/kg of body weight. Immediately after birth the total blood volume averages 300ml, but depending on how long the newborn is attached to the placenta, as much as 100 ml can be added to the blood volume. Fluid And Electrolytes Changes occur in total body .water volume, ECF volume and ICF volume during transition from fetal to postnatal life. At term the fetus is composed of 73% fluid as compared to 58% in adults. The infant has a proportionately higher ratio of ECF than the adult, and consequently has a higher level of total body sodium, chloride and a lower level of potassium, magnesium and phosphate. The rate of fluid exchange is 7 times higher than in adult and the metabolism is twice as great in relation to body weight. As a result twice as much acid is formed leading to more rapid development of acidosis. In addition immature kidneys cannot sufficiently concentrate urine to conserve body water. These factors make the newborn more prone to dehydration, acidosis and over hydration. 11
Gastrointestinal System The ability of the newborn to digest, absorb and metabolize food stuff is adequate but limited to certain functions. Enzymes are available to catalyse proteins and simple carbohydrates but deficient production of pancreatic amylase impairs utilization of complex carbohydrates. A deficiency of pancreatic lipase limits the absorption of fats, especially with ingestion of food that has high saturated fatty acids content such as cows milk. Liver is the most immature organ of the digestive system. The activity of glucoronic treansferase is reduced to conjugation of bilirubin with glucoronic acid, which contribute to physiologic jaundice of the newborn. Some salivary gland is functioning at birth but majority do not begin to secreate saliva until 2-3 months, when drooling is common,the stomach capacity is limited to 90ml, thus newborn require small and frequent small feeds. The infants intestine is longer in relation to body size than in adults. So there are larger number of secreatory glands and a larger surface area for absorption as compared with adult. These waves combined with an immature, relaxed cardiac sphincter, makes regurgitation a common occurance. Progressive changes in the stooling pattern indicating functioning of GI tract, which includes the following- Meconium-infants first stool. Composed of amniotic fluid and its constitutes, intestinal secreations, shed mucosal cells and possibly blood. The passage of meconuim should occur within the first 24-48 hours although it may be delayed upto 7days in a very LBW baby. Transitional stools-usually appear by third day day after initiation of feeding, greenish brown to yellowish brown, thin and less sticky than meconium, may contain some milk curds. Milk stool-usually appears by fourth day. In feeding newborn stools are yellow to golden, is pasty in consistency and has an odor similar to that of sour milk. In formula feeds the stools are pale yellow to light brown ,are firmer in consistency and has an offensive odor. Genito-Urinary System All structural components are present in the renal systems, but there i s a functional deficiency in the kidneys ability to concentrate urine and to cope with conditions and to cope with conditions of fluid and electrolyte fluctuations, such as dehydration or a concentrated solute load. The total urinary output per 24 hours is about 200-300ml by the end of first week. The bladder involuntarily empties when stretched by a volume of 15ml resulting in as many as 20voiding per day. The first voiding occurs within 24hours.the urine is colourless and odourless and has a specific gravity of 1.020. Male genitalia develop at birth, although their maturation varies. The testes of male descend into the scrotum before birth.occasionaly they remain in the abdomen or inguinal canal called undescended testes or cryptorchidism.non retractability of the foreskin and glans penis is normal in newborn (phimosis). Foreskin and glans separate, beginning in prenatal period. This process gradually completed in 3-5 years. Female genitalia maybe slightly swollen .blood tinged mucus maybe discharged from the vagina. This is due to hormonal withdrawal from the mother at birth. I ntegumentary System :- Newborn have all the structures within the skin present but many of their functions are immature. Epidermis and dermis are loosely bound to each other and are very thin. Slight 12
friction across the epidermis such as the removal of the tape, can cause separation of the layers or blister formation or loss of epidermis. The sebaceous glands are very effective late in fetal life and in early infancy because of high levels of maternal androgens. They are most densely located on scalp, face and genitalia. plugging of the sebaceous gland cause milia. Vernix caseosa :- A cheese like substance that covers the skin of the newborn, is made of cells and glandular secreation, is thought to protect the skin from irritations and the effects of watery environment. Milia may be seen on nose and chin. And will be disappearing within a few weeks. Stroke bite is seen on the nape of neck and on the eyelids. The eccrine glands are functional at birth and palmar sweating on crying reaches levels equivalent to those of anxious adults by 3 weeks of age. Observing palmar sweating is helpful in the assessment of pain.the eccrine glands produces sweat in response to higher temperature as compared to adults and retention can cause miliaria.the apocrine gland remain small and non-functional till puberty. Musculoskeletal System:- At birth skeletal system contains large amount of cartilage than ossified bone, although the process of ossification is fairly rapid during the first year. The nose for example is predominantly cartilage at birth and is frequently flattened by the force of delivery. The six skull bones are relatively soft and not yet joined. The sinuses are incompletely formed at birth. Growth in size of the muscular tissue is caused by hypertrophy, rather than hyperplasia of cells. I mmune Systems:- The neonate is born with several defenses against infection. The first line of defense is the skin and mucus membranes which protect the body from invading organisms. The second line of defense is the cellular elements of the immunologic system, which produces several types of cells capable of attacking a pathogen. The neutrophills and monocytes and phagocytes, cells that engulf, ingest and destroy foreign agents. Eosinophills also probably have a phagocytic proprety, since in the presence of foreign protein they increase number. The lymphocytes are capable of converted to other cell types such as monocytes and antibodies. Although the blood has phagocytic properties in it, the inflammatory response of the tissues to localize an infection is immature. The third line of defense is the formation of specific antibodies to an antigen. This process requires exposure to various agents for antibody production to occur. Infants are not capable of producing their own immunoglobulins until the beginning of the second month of life but receive considerable passive immunity in the form of immunoglobulin from the maternal circulation and from human milk. They are protected against most childhood diseases including diphtheria, measles, polio and rubella for about three months provided that the mother has developed antibodies to these illnesses.
Endocrine system:- Generally the endocrine system of the newborn is adequately developed, but their functions are immature. For eg- the posterior lobe of pituitary gland produces limited quantities of ADH or vasopressin which inhibit diuresis. This renders the newborn highly susceptible to dehydration. The effect of maternal sex hormone is particularly evident in the newborn. The labia are hypertypical and the breast in both sexes may be engorged and secrete milk (witches milk),during the first few days of life to as long as 2month of age. Female may have pseudo menstruation due to sudden drop in progesterone and estrogen levels. Neurologic System At birth the nervous system is incompletely integrated but sufficiently developed to extrauterine life. The autonomic nervous system is crucial during transition because it stimulates initial respirations helps maintain acid base balance and partially regulate temperature control. Myelination of the nervous system follows the cephalocaudal- proximodistal laws of development and is closely related to the mastery of fine and gross motor skills. Tracts that develop myelin earliest are the sensory, cerebellar and extrapyramidal. This accounts for the acute senses of taste, smell, hearing as well as the perception of pain,in the newborn. All cranial nerve are myelinated except the optic and olfactory nerves. Sensory Functions:- Are well developed and have a significant effect on growth and development including the attachment process. Vision:-at birth the eyes are structurally incomplete. The cornea centralism is not yet completely differentiated from the macula. The ciliary muscles are immature limiting the ability of the eyes to accommodate and fixate on an object for any length of time. The pupils reflect to light, the blink reflex is responsible to a minimal stimulus, and the corneal reflex is activated by a light touch. Tear glands do not begin to function until 2-4 weeks of age. The newborn has the ability to momentarily fix on bright or moving objects that is within 20cm and in midline of the visual field. In fact infant ability to fixate on coordinate movement is greater during the first hour of life than in succeeding several days. Visual acuity is between 20/100 and 20/400 depending upon the visual preference.:-medium colors (red, orange , blue),black, and white contrasting patterns, especially geometric shapes checker-large objects with medium complexity rather than small complex objects, and reflecting objects over dull ones. Hearing:- Ones the amniotic fluid has drained from the ears, the infants probably has auditory acuity similar to that of adult. The newborn able to detect a loud sound of about 90 decibels, and reacts with a startle reflex. Newborns response too low frequency differs from that of higher frequency. Former tends to decrease an infants most activities and crying whereas the later elicits an altering reaction. Smell:- Newborns react to strong odors by turning their head away. Breast fed newborn are able to smell breast milk. Also they are able to differentiate the smell between the breast milk 14
of their mother from other women. Maternal doctors are believed to influence attachment process and successful breast feeding. Tastes:- The newborn can differentiate taste difference between different types of solution and elicit different facial reflexes. A tasteless solution elicits no facial expression. A sweet elicits an eager suck and a look of satisfaction sour solution elicits a usual puckering of lips and bitter produces upset expressions. They prefer glucose water to sterile water. The newborn perceives tactile sensation in any part of the body although face , hands and soles of the feet seem to be most sensitive. There is increasing documentation that touches and motion are essential for normal growth and development. However painful stimuli, pinprick is upsetting. Most neurologic reflexes are primitive reflexes
Development of the new born:- Physical growth:- newborn loses some weight shortly after birth. This weight usually is regained within 10 to 12 days. Most newborns gain about 4 oz (113 g) to 8 oz (227 g) a week and grow about 1 in. (2.5 cm) to1.5 in. (3.5 cm) in the first month. Cognitive development. Cognition is the ability to think, learn, and remember. Newborn's brain is developing rapidly. To promote healthy brain growth every time mother need to interact in a positive way with baby. Emotional and social development. Newborns quickly learn to communicate. They seek interaction with you and express how they feel with sounds and facial expressions. At first, instinctual behaviors, such as crying when uncomfortable, are the baby's ways to signal his or her needs. Soon newborn starts to subtly communicate and interact with mother. For example, baby's eyes will track mothers movements. And his or her face will brighten when mother cuddle and talk soothingly. Even at a few days old, baby may try to mimic by sticking out tongue. Language development:- newborn is listening to and absorbing the basic and distinct sounds of language. This process forms the foundation for speech. Sensory and motor skills development. Newborns have all five senses. Newborn quickly learns to recognize face, the sound of voice, and how you smell. Newborn's sense of touch is especially developed, particularly around the mouth. Baby also has a strong sense of smell. After a few days, newborn hears fairly well and responds most noticeably to high-pitched and loud sounds. Baby recognizes and prefers sweet tastes to those that are sour, bitter, or salty. Vision is developing quickly but is believed to be the weakest of the senses. Motor skills develop as baby's muscles and nerves work together. Movements are mostly controlled by reflexes, such as the rooting reflex, which is when a newborn's head turns and his or her mouth "reaches" toward a touch. Hands are tightly fisted when the baby is alert.
Growth and Development Of The infant:- Babies change more in the first year of life than at any other time. From 1 to 12 months of age, most babies grow and develop in these main areas:- Physical growth:- A baby's growth is dramatic during this first year. Babies grow taller, and their heads get bigger. The first year is characterized by rapid physical growth. A normal baby doubles its birth weight in six months and triples it in a year. During that time, there is great expansion of the head and chest, thus permitting development of the brain, heart, and lungs, the organs most vital to survival. The bones, which are relatively soft at birth, begin to harden, and the fontanelles, the soft parts of the newborn skull, begin to calcify, the small one at the back of the head at about 3 months, the larger one in front at varying ages up to 18 months. Brain weight also increases rapidly during infancy: by the end of the second year, the brain has already reached 75% of its adult weight. Growth and size depend on environmental conditions as well as genetic endowment. For example, severe nutritional deficiency during the mother's pregnancy and in infancy are likely to result in an irreversible impairment of growth and intellectual development, while overfed, fat infants are predisposed to become obese later in life. Human milk provides the basic nutritional elements necessary for growth; however, in Western cultures supplemental foods are generally added to the diet during the first year. The newborn infant sleeps almost constantly, awakening only for feedings, but the number and length of waking periods gradually increases. By the age of three months, most infants have acquired a fairly regular schedule for sleeping, feeding, and bowel movements. By the end of the first year, sleeping and waking hours are divided about equally.
Cognitive development. Babies make great advances in being able to learn and remember. Emotional and social development. Babies start to show their emotions and how they feel about other people. Language development. Babies quickly learn language by what is spoken around them. Sensory and motor development. Babies become strong enough to sit. Some will stand, and others will begin to take their first steps. Each baby grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. It is common for a baby to be ahead in one area, such as language, but a little behind in another. Babies who were born early or have health problems may grow and develop at a slower pace.
Growth and Development Of The Toddler Toddler:- Toddler ranges from the time when children begin to walk independently until they walk and run with ease which is form 12 to 36 months. The toddler is characterized by increasing independence bolstered by greater physical mobility and cognitive abilities. Toddlers are 16
increasingly aware of their abilities to control and are pleased with the successful effort with this new skill. The ages between 2 and 5 are often called the preschool years. During these years, children change from clumsy toddlers into lively explorers of their world. A child develops in these main areas Physical growth of the toddler:- 1) Biological growth:- the rate of biological growth slows down compared with that during infancy. 2) Weight and height:- the toddler rate of weight gain markedly differ in comparison with the infant. The toddler gains about 1.8 to 2.7 kg a year. The average weight at 2 years of age is 12 kg. at 2
years of age the childs weight is about four times that at birth. The gain in height is greater than that of weight during the toddler period. Height increases about 10 to 12.5 Cms per year and is largely a result of growth in the length of the legs. The height of 2 years of age is about 85 cms. Boys tend to be slightly taller than girls, although this difference is slight. 3) Body proportion:- the young toddler has a relatively large head in comparison with the size of the rest of the body. The head circumference in the second year increases by 25cm. by 2 years of age the hest circumference exceeds that of the head. 4) Dentition:- at 2 years, the toddler has about 16 teeth, and 2 1/5 years the full set of 20 temporary teeth have erupted Growth of the preschooler :- Ages 2 through 6 are the early childhood years, or preschool years. Like infants and toddlers, preschoolers grow quicklyboth physically and cognitively Children begin to lose their baby fat, or chubbiness, around age 3. Toddlers soon acquire the leaner, more athletic look associated with childhood. The child's trunk and limbs grow longer, and the abdominal muscles form, tightening the appearance of the stomach. Even at this early stage of life, boys tend to have more muscle mass than girls. The preschoolers' physical proportions also continue to change, with their heads still being disproportionately large, but less so than in toddlerhood. Threeyearold preschoolers may grow to be about 38 inches tall and weigh about 32 pounds. For the next 3 years, healthy preschoolers grow an additional 2 to 3 inches and gain from 4 to 6 pounds per year. By age 6, children reach a height of about 46 inches and weigh about 46 pounds. Of course, these figures are averages and differ from child to child, depending on socioeconomic status, nourishment, health, and heredity factors. Development of the toddler upto preschooler:- Physical development. In these years, a child becomes stronger and starts to look longer and leaner. Cognitive development. A child this age makes great strides in being able to think and reason. In these years, children learn their letters, counting, and colors. 17
Emotional and social development. Between the ages of 2 and 5, children gradually learn how to manage their feelings. By age 5, friends become important. Language. By age 2, most children can say at least 50 words. By age 5, a child may know thousands of words and be able to carry on conversations and tell stories. Sensory and motor development. By age 2, most children can walk up stairs one at a time, kick a ball, and draw simple strokes with a pencil. By age 5, most can dress and undress themselves and write some lowercase and capital letters. Each child grows and gains skills at his or her own pace. It is common for a child to be ahead in one area, such as language, but a little behind in another. Learning what is normal for children this age can help you spot problems early or feel better about how your child is doing. Growth and development of school age children:- School-age period is between the age of 6 to 12 years. The child's growth and development is characterized by gradual growth. Biological changes:- Growth in height and weight assumes a slower but steady pace as compared with the earlier years. Between ages 6 to 12, children will grow an average of 5cm per year to gain 30-60 cm in height and will almost double their weight, increasing 2 to 3 per year. Age 6: Male/female Weight:- 16-23.5 kg Height:- 106.6-123.5 cm Age 7: Male/female Weight:- 17.7-30 kg Height:- 111.8-129.7 cm Age 8-9: Male/female Weight:- 19.6-39.6 kg Height:- 117-141.8 cm Age 10-12: Male/female Weight:- 24.3-58 kg Height:- 127.5-162.3 cm Physiological changes:- Mature of the gastro-intestinal system is reflected in fewer stomach upset, better maintenance of blood glucose and an increased stomach capacity, which permits retention of food for longer period. The school age child does not need to be fed carefully. Physical maturation is evidenced by other body tissues and organs. 18
Bladder capacity, greater in girls than boys. Heart grows slowly in the middle years and small in size when compared with the size in the other age period. Heart rate and respiratory rates steadily decreases and blood pressure increases during this age period Immune system becomes more competent in its ability to localize infection and produce an antibody-antigen response. Bones continue to grow and musculoskeletal system continues to mature, in size and coordination. Sensory and motor changes:- At the age of 6 year Aware of hand as a tool Returns to finger feedings Likes to draw and print Color vision reaches maturity Uses knife to spread butter or jam on bread. At the age of 7 years Repeats the performance to master them More caution in performing new things Uses brush and combs the hair At the age of 8-9 years Often graceful Always on the go; jumps skip. Increased smoothness and speed in fine motor control At the age of 10-12 years Mostly children will have the normal characteristics similar to adults. Developmental tasks of school age children Develop the concepts of number Counts 13 pennies/coins Knows the time as morning and afternoon. Knows right from left hand Does simple calculation Perform bed time activities Takes bath alone More independent in doing things Occasional temper tantrum can be seen. Cognitive development:-
At 7-11 years, the child now is in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development. He is able to function on a higher level in his mental ability. 19
Greater ability to concentrate and participate in self-initiating quiet activities that challenge cognitive skills, such as reading, playing computer and board games. Emotional development:-
The schoolage child: Fears injury to body and fear of dark. Jealous of siblings (especially 68 years old child). Curious about everything. Has short bursts of anger by age of 10 years but able to control anger by 12 years. Social development:- The schoolage child is : Continues to be egocentric. Wants other children to play with him. Insists on being first in every thing Becomes peer oriented. Improves relationship with siblings. Has greater selfcontrol, confident, sincere. Respects parents and their role. Joints group (formal and informal). Engage in tasks in the real world. Growth Development Of Adolescence:- Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. Its is based on childhood experiences and accomplishments. It begins with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends when somatic growth is completed and the individual is psychological mature. Stages of adolescence:- Early adolescence- (9-13 years):- this is characterized by growth and development of secondary sexual characteristics. Mid adolescence- (14-15 years):- this stage is distinguished by the development of a separate identity from parents, of new relationship with peer groups, and the opposite sex and experimentation. Late adolescence- (16-19 years):- at this stage adolescents have fully developed physical characteristics, and form a distinct identity and have well formed option and ideas. Physical growth: Weight: Growth spurt begins earlier in girls (1014 years, while it is 1216 in boys). 20
Males gains 7 to 30kg, while female gains 7 to 25kg. Height: By the age of 13, the adolescent triples his birth length. Males gains 10 to 30cm in height. Females gains less height than males as they gain 5 to 20cm. Growth in height ceases at 16 or 17 years in females and 18 to 20in males 1- Secondary sex characteristics in girls: Increase in transverse diameter of the pelvis. Development of the breasts. Change in the vaginal secretions. Growth of pubic and axillary hair. Menstruation (first menstruation is called menarche, which occurs between 12 to 13 years). 2- Secondary sex characteristics in boys: Increase in size of genitalia. Swelling of the breast. Growth of pubic, axillary, facial and chest hair. Change in voice. Rapid growth of shoulder breadth. Production of spermatozoa (which is sign of puberty). Cognitive development: Through formal operational thinking, adolescent can deal with a problem. Emotional development: This period is accompanied usually by changes in emotional control. Adolescent exhibits alternating and recurrent episodes of disturbed behavior with periods of quite one. He may become hostile or ready to fight, complain or resist everything. Social development: He needs to know "who he is" in relation to family and society, i.e., he develops a sense of identity. If the adolescent is unable to formulate a satisfactory identity from the multi-identifications, sense of self-confusion will be developed according to Erikson:- Adolescent shows interest in other sex. He looks for close friendships.
Early adulthood growth and developmental Age frame is from about late teens to thirty (20-40 years) Peak of physical health and fitness (occurs on average at approximately age 30) Height of cognitive abilities Healthy, vigorous, energetic Physical growth:- In 20 years May still gain height Gain in muscle, fat Brain still increasing in size and weight (although no new neurons are being formed) Senses optimal Developmental task:- Establish personal and economic independence Forming a support group of friends and others Developing work skills/career Making a commitment in a relationship Establishing a family Managing optimal healthy lifestyles Middle Adulthood development:- Age frame from about the thirties to the mid sixties Expand personal and social involvement and responsibility Adjusting to physiological and emotion changes Reaching and maintaining job satisfaction/ preparing for retirement Observing maturation of children Managing chronic health conditions Late Adulthood development:- Age time frame from mid sixties to death. Aging is influenced by heredity, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle choices such as smoking, and lifelong adjustments to change. Young-Old development task:- Age frame 65-74 years If healthy may not experience ages from middle years Beginning social and emotional adjustments to decreasing physical strengths and changes in body such as vision and hearing limitations Adjusting to retirement with loss of job related activities Adjusting to changing family roles with children, spouse and grandchildren. 22
Middle Old and Old- Old development task:- Middle old, 75-84 Adjusting to more chronic conditions, such as arthritis Adjusting to losses of abilities to drive car Losses of friends and siblings Need to accept lifes experiences Old-Old, 85 and older Accept physical limitations and dependence on others Acceptance of losses (deaths and activities). Acceptance to alternate living conditions, such as assisted living or long term care
Piaget theory (cognitive development) Infancy stage up to2 years sensory -motor Toddler stage 2-3 years pre-conceptual phase Preschool stage Up to 4years pre-conceptual phase School-age stage 7-12 years concrete-operational Adolescence stage 12-15 years preoperational formal operations 15 years - through life formal operations
Eriksons Theory
Eriksons (1963) psychosocial theory states that an individuals development proceeds throughout life. Each of his eight developmental stages includes psychosocial tasks that need to be mastered .
1.Trust vs Mistrust :- The first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth and one year of age and is the most fundamental stage in life. Because an infant is utterly dependent, the development of trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child's caregivers. If a child successfully develops trust, he or she will feel safe and secure in the world. Caregivers who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or rejecting contribute to feelings of mistrust in the children they care for. Failure to develop trust will result in fear and a belief that the world is inconsistent and unpredictable. Psychosocial Conflict: Trust vs Mistrust Major Question: "Can I trust the people around me?" Basic Virtue: Hope 2. Autonomy vs Shame & doubt :- This stage occurs between the ages of 18 months to approximately age two to three years. According to Erikson, children at this stage are focused on developing a greater sense of self-control. Gaining a sense of personal control over the world is important at this stage of development. Toilet training plays a major role; learning to control ones body functions leads to a feeling of control and a sense of independence. Other important events include gaining more control over food choices, toy preferences and clothing selection. Children who successfully complete this stage feel secure and confident, while those who do not are left with a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt. Psychosocial Conflict: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt Major Question: "Can I do things myself or am I reliant on the help of others?" Basic Virtue: Will 3. I nitiative vs. Guilt:- This stage occurs during the preschool years, between the ages of three and five. During the initiative versus guilt stage, children begin to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and other social interactions. Children who are successful at this stage feel capable and able to lead others. Those who fail to acquire these skills are left with a sense of guilt, self-doubt, and lack of initiative. Play and imagination takes on an important role at this stage. Children have their sense of initiative reinforced by being given the freedom and encouragement to play. When efforts to engage in physical and imaginative play are stifled by caregivers, children begin to feel that their self- initiated efforts are a source of embarrassment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose, while failure results in a sense of guilt. 24
Psychosocial Conflict: Initiative versus Guilt Major Question: Am I good or bad? Basic Virtue: Purpose 4. Industry vs .Inferiority:- This stage covers the early school years from approximately age 5 to 11. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. During the industry versus inferiority stage, children become capable of performing increasingly complex tasks. As a result, they strive to master new skills. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their skills. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt their ability to be successful. According to Erikson, this stage is vital in the development of self-confidence. During school and other social activities, children receive praise and attention for performing various tasks such as reading, writing, drawing and solving problems. Children need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority. Psychosocial Conflict: Industry versus Inferiority Major Question: "How can I be good?" Basic Virtue: Competence 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion:- This stage occurs during adolescence between the ages of approximately 12 to 18.In the adolescent years, youths develop a desire for independence from parents, achieve physical maturity and are concerned with the question of Who am I? Achievement of the task result in a sense of confidence, emotional stability, and a view of the self as a unique individual. Commitments are made to the choice of career and to relationship with members of other genders. Parents are available to Offer support when needed and to encourage the development of an independent sense of self. Non achievement results in sense of self consciousness, doubt, and confusion about once role in life. Psychosocial Conflict: Identity Versus Confusion Major Question: "Who am I? Basic Virtue: Fidelity 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation:- This stage takes place during young adulthood between the ages of approximately 19 and 40. During this period of time, the major conflict centers on forming intimate, loving relationships with other people. Erikson believed it was vital that people develop close, committed relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation. Psychosocial Conflict: Intimacy Versus Isolation 25
Major Question: "Will I be loved or will I be alone? Basic Virtue: Love 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation:- This stage takes place during middle adulthood between the ages of approximately 40 and 65.During adulthood, we continue to build our lives, focusing on our career and family. Those who are successful during this phase will feel that they are contributing to the world by being active in their home and community. Those who fail to attain this skill will feel unproductive and uninvolved in the world. Psychosocial Conflict: Generatively Versus Stagnation Major Question: "How can I contribute to the world?" Basic Virtue: Care 8. Integrity vs. Despair:- This stage occurs during late adulthood from age 65 through the end of life. During this period of time, people reflect back on the life they have lived and come away with either a sense of fulfillment from a life well lived or a sense of regret and despair over a life misspent. Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general feeling of satisfaction. These individuals will attain wisdom, even when confronting death. Those who are unsuccessful during this phase will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings of bitterness and despair. Psychosocial Conflict: Integrity versus despair Major Question: "Did I live a meaningful life? Basic Virtue: Wisdom
Summary Basic human needs are the indispensable need of our body. For living a healthy and meaningful life we have to fulfill all the needs. Nurses have a great role in achieving the needs of the individual, family community. Nurses must have thorough knowledge regarding the needs of an individual and should know how to plan and give care to the patient according to the priority of need. In this seminar I have covered basic human needs, Maslow Hierarchy of need, growth and development, its principles and its occurrence in different stages of life, and theories related to development like, Freud theory and Erikson theory. Conclusion Through this seminar I learned more about the growth and developmental needs of human being. Milestones and developmental task of each stage of life. The role of cognitive, emotional and social development in different stage of life.
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