Power System Instability-What Relay Engineers Need To Know
Power System Instability-What Relay Engineers Need To Know
Power System Instability-What Relay Engineers Need To Know
sin 90
= 1. When the voltage phase angle between local and
remote generation increases beyond 90
the power that can be
transmitted is reduced and
the system becomes unstable and
usually splits apart into islands. If enough lines are tripped
between the load center and the remote generation supplying
the load center, the reactance (X) between these two sources
increases, thereby reducing the maximum power (Pmax),
which can be transferred. The power angle curve in Fig. 4
illustrates this reduction as line 1 trips the height of the power
angle curve and maximum power transfer is reduced because
the reactance (X) between the two systems has increased.
When line 2 trips, the height of the power angle curve is
reduced further to where the power being transferred cannot
be maintained and the system goes unstable.
0 180
All Lines in Service
Line 1
Line 2
Pmax = Eg Es
Pe = Eg Es Sin ( 0g- 0s )
Where: Eg = Voltage at the Load Center
Es = Voltage at the Remote Generation
Pe = Electrical Real Power Transfer
X = Reactance Between Local and
Remote Generation
0g = Voltage Angle at Local Generation
0s = Voltage Angle at Remote Generation
0g - 0s
Fig.4. Power angle analysis - steady-state instability
At this point, the power system is in deep trouble. During
unstable conditions, the power system breaks up into islands.
If there is more load than generation within the island,
frequency and voltage go down. If there is an excess of
generation in an island, frequency and voltage generally go
up. Voltage collapse and steady-state instability occur together
as transmission line tripping increases the reactance between
the load center and remote generation. Generally, the voltage
drop at the load center is the leading indicator that the system
is in trouble with low frequency occurring only after the
system breaks up into islands. Analyses of major blackouts
indicate that voltage is more of a leading edge indicator of
power system impending collapse. Waiting for the frequency
reduction may be waiting too long to shed load to save the
2) Transient Instability: Voltage phase angle instability can
also occur due to slow-clearing transmission system faults.
This type of instability is called transient instability. Transient
instability occurs when a fault on the transmission system near
the generating plant is not cleared rapidly enough to avoid a
prolonged unbalance between mechanical and electrical output
of the generator. A fault-induced transient instability has not
been the cause of any major system blackout in recent years.
However, generators need to be protected from damage that
can result when transmission system protection is slow to
Fig. 5. Typical large power plant one-line diagram
Relay engineers design transmission system protection to
operate faster than a generator can be driven out of
synchronism, but failures of protection systems have occurred
that resulted in slow-clearing transmission system faults. It is
generally accepted [3] that loss-of-synchronism protection at
the generator is necessary to avoid machine damage. The
larger the generator, the shorter is the time to drive the
machine unstable for a system fault. Fig. 5 illustrates a typical
breaker-and-a-half power plant substation with a generator
and a short circuit on a transmission line near the substation. If
the short circuit is three-phase, very little real power (MW)
will flow from the generator to the power system until the
fault is cleared. The high fault current experienced during the
short circuit is primarily reactive or VAr current. From the
power transfer equation (Fig. 4), it can be seen that when Eg
drops to almost zero, almost no real power can be transferred
to the system. The generator AVR senses the reduced
generator terminal voltage and increases the field current to
attempt to increase the generator voltage during the fault. The
AVR control goes into field-forcing mode where field current
is briefly increased beyond steady-state field circuit thermal
During the short circuit, the mechanical turbine power (P
of the generator remains unchanged. The resulting unbalance
between mechanical (P
) and electrical power (P
) manifests
itself with the generator accelerating, increasing its voltage
phase angle with respect to the system phase angle as
illustrated in the power angle plot in Fig. 6. The speed with
which the generator accelerates depends on its inertia. The
larger the generator, the faster it will accelerate. If the
transmission system fault is not cleared quickly enough, the
generator phase angle will advance so that it will be driven out
of synchronism with the power system.
Fig. 6. Power angle analysis transient instability
Computer transient stability studies can be used to establish
this critical switching angle and time. The equal area criteria
can also be applied to estimate the critical switching angle
). When area A
= A
in Fig. 6, the generator is just at the
point of losing synchronism with the power system. Note that
after opening breakers 1 and 2 to clear the fault, the resulting
post fault power transfer is reduced because of the increase in
reactance (X) between the generator and the power system.
This is due to the loss of the faulted transmission line. In the
absence of detailed studies, many users establish the
maximum instability angle at 120