Forest Restoration and Rehabilitation in PH

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Forest Restoration and Rehabilitation in the Philippines


Lucrecio L. Rebugio, Juan M.Pulhin, Antonio P. Carandang, Eleno O. Peralta, Leni D. Camacho
and Nathaniel C. Bantayan


The Philippines is an archipelago in Southeastern Asia made up of 7,107 islands and a total land
area of around 30 million ha. It is favorably located in relation to many of Southeast Asia's main
water bodies such as the South China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and Luzon
Strait. Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao are the three major islands which constitute about 7 percent,
19 percent, and 34 percent, respectively, of the total land area (FMB, 2004). The country is divided
into 17 administrative regions covering 81 provinces, 118 cities, 1,510 municipalities, and 41,995
(NSCB 2007).

The Philippines has a total projected population of about 87 million for the year 2006. The average
annual rate of population increase from 1980 to 2000 is about 2.34%. While the average growth
rate is expected to decline through time, current projection indicates that the population is likely
to reach more than 141 million by the year 2040. As of 2003, about 30% of the total population
subsists below the annual capita poverty threshold of P 13,133
. The average annual family
income in the same year was P 148,616 (NSCB 2007).

As of 2003, 49.2 percent of the Philippines land area, or 14.76 million ha, have been officially
classified as forestland (FMB 2004). In the context of the Philippines, forestland refers to all
property owned by the national government that is still in the public domain based on the official
system of classification. It is a legal, not a botanical description. In reality, much forest land does
not contain forests (Pulhin et al. 2006). Topographically, most of the forestlands are hilly and
mountainous with slopes 18 percent and hence are not suitable for agricultural purposes. As
such, they will remain part of the nations permanent public forest estate according to Section 15
of the Revised Forestry Code of 1975. On the other hand, about 14.15 million ha are classified as
alienable and disposable. These are lands of the public domain which have been the subject of
the present system of classification and declared as not needed for forest purposes (Section 3,
Presidential Decree No. 1559). They may be issued with permanent title and/or used for varying
purposes such as for residential, agricultural, commercial, and other use. The remaining 1.09
million ha of the countrys land area have not been subjected to an official process of land classi-
fication and by virtue of existing government law, remain under the forestland category. Figure 1
presents the breakdown of 2003 land classification in the Philippines.

Barangay is the smallest political unit in the Philippines and often corresponds to a village.
Conversion rate: roughly 50 Philippine Pesos for one US Dollar.

Figure 1: Status of land classification in the Philippines, 2003.

1. Historical Overview of Forest Degradation

In its Global Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) 2000 Main Report, the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) defined forest degradation as changes within the
forest which negatively affect the structure or function of the stand or site, and thereby lower the
capacity to supply products and/or services (FAO 2001a:396). The same document describes
deforestation as:

the long-term or permanent loss of forest cover and implies transformation into
another land use. Such a loss can only be caused and maintained by a continued
human-induced or natural perturbation. Deforestation includes areas of forest
converted to agriculture, pasture, water reservoirs and urban areas. The term
specifically excludes areas where the trees have been removed as a result of
harvesting or logging, and where the forest is expected to regenerate naturally or
with the aid of silvicultural measures.

Some areas when degraded may recover naturally or with human assistance. In other cases,
however, forest degradation may be permanent, and thus can lead to deforestation in the long
run ( forest_degradation). Indeed, in the context
of the Philippine reality, forest degradation and deforestation the way FAO has defined them
are closely intertwined. They can hardly be disentangled, hence are used interchangeably in this

The Philippines suffered from unrelenting onslaught on forest resources, leading to its current di-
minished and degraded state. When the Spanish colonizers first entered the archipelago in 1521,
about 27 million ha or 90 percent of the country was covered with lush tropical rainforest (Lasco et
Forest Reserve
Certified A & D
Civil Reservation
Military/Naval Res.
al. 2001). By the year 1900, about two years after the Americans substituted the Spanish, around
70 percent or 21 million ha was still forested (Garrity et al. 1993, Liu et al. 1993). The Americans
introduced the first modern logging operations in 1904 when the Insular Lumber Company was
granted a 20-year renewable concession to log approximately 300 km of rich dipterocarp forest
in Northern Negros in the Visayas (Roth 1983). Dipterocarp lumber, otherwise known as the Phi-
lippine mahogany, was introduced to the world market.

Towards the end of the colonial period in 1940, 163 sawmill and logging companies were operating
nationwide with a total investment cost of P 30,116,550. American firms accounted for 41 percent
of investment in the sawmill industry of the nation, while the Filipino elite accounted for 34 percent
(de la Cruz 1941). The Philippines had been transformed from a timber importer to Southeast
Asias largest timber exporter (Tucker, 1988).

American colonial records in 1920 state that 19 million ha or 64 percent of the country was covered
with forest (Bautista 1990). Between 1934 and 1941, however, forest cover had declined to around
17 million ha or 57 percent of the land area (Table 1). From 1900 to 1941, close to 4 million ha of
the forest cover were lost at an average of about 92,000 ha annually.

After World War II, the forestry sector supported the countrys macro-economic policy geared to-
wards the enhancement of industrialization to repair the war-ravaged economy. The sector started
to liquidate the countrys forest resources into solid capital to spur economic development. Forest
industries were rehabilitated within a few years and the exportation of logs and some processed
products was resumed (Boado 1985, Quintos 1989). By the 1950s, logging had grown so profitable
that timber licenses proliferated. Towards the end of the decade (1959), the country was the major
exporter of tropical timber accounting for almost one third of the worlds market in logs (Quintos

Consequently, forest cover continued to decline after World War II (Table 1). By 1969, estimates
of the remaining forest ranged from 10 to 10.9 million ha (Ganapin 1987, Revilla 1988). A national
inventory conducted in 1982-88 by the RP-German Forest Resources Inventory Project of the
DENR Forest Management Bureau (FMB) estimated forest cover at 6.46 million ha or 21.5 percent
of the total land area in 1988 (Bautista 1990).

The 1990 Master Plan for Forestry Development estimated previous forest loss based on available
information (DENR 1990). Between 1934 and 1990, the country lost 10.9 million ha of forest cover
or an average annual loss of 194,000 ha. Of this area, 10.37 million ha, or 95 percent, were con-
verted to other uses while 0.52 million ha were damaged by logging. From 1934 onwards, the loss
rate increased dramatically until it peaked at 300,000 ha per year in the decade 1965-75. The rate
then gradually declined to 100,000 ha per year from 1985-90 (Pulhin et al. 2006). Over the last
100 years, the deforestation rates have fluctuated with an average of about 150,000 ha per year
(Rebugio et al. 2005).

2. Current Status of Forest Degradation

Until recently, figures on forest cover and deforestation varied even within the same government
department depending on the sources. To reconcile conflicting information and come up with
standard government statistics, the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
(NAMRIA) and the Forest Management Bureau (FMB) generated a set of land/forest cover

Table 1. Change in forest land area by forest type (million ha), 1934-2003
(c.f. Pulhin et al. 2006)

Forest Type 1934 1934 1941 1969 1969 1976 1980 1988 2003
10.7 11.1 4.4 5.3 3.67 2.99 0.99
Closed forest 2.56
Open forest 4.03
Commercial forest 13.52
Residual dipterocarp,
Second growth
n.a. 2.5 3.4 3.3 n.a. n.a. 3.41
Broad-leaved forest 2.5
Pine (Pinus) 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 n.a. n.a. 0.24
Seasonal molave
(Vitex parviflora)
Seasonal without
Mangrove n.a. 0.3 0.2 0.3 n.a. n.a. 0.14 0.25
Forest plantation 0.33
Bamboo 0.03
Mossy, unproductive 0.7 2.6 1.7 1.8 n.a. n.a. 1.14
Sub marginal 0.54
Mid-mountain 1.9
Total forest area 17.18 17.0 17.24 10.0 10.9 8.1 7.4 6.46 7.17
% of country area 57.3 56.7 58.22 33.3 36.3 27.0 24.7 21.5 23.9

statistics using LANDSAT ETM images from 2003 (FMB 2004). Using a harmonized land/forest
cover terms and definitions in accordance with the international standard, the analysis showed
that the total forest cover in 2003 was about 7.2 million or 24% of the countrys land area. Of these,
6.5 million were found within forest land while the remaining 0.65 million were within alienable and
disposable lands. Open forests constitute 4 million ha, closed forest 2.5 million ha, plantations
330,000 ha, and mangrove 250,000 ha. In terms of regional distribution, much of the forests can
be found in MIMAROPA, the Cagayan Valley, the Cordillera Administrative, the Central Luzon,
and Eastern Visayas region, in that order (Table 2).
Table 2. Philippine forest cover by region, 2003 (area in hectares)

National Capital Region
0 2,790 30 * 2,820
Cordillera Administrative
384,877 246,848 0 40,595 672,320
Ilocos Region
37,723 117,217 151 34,710 189,801
Cagayan Valley Region
503,149 604,473 8,602 33,621 1,149,845
Central Luzon Region
226,241 304,214 368 58,672 589,495
Calabarzon Region
117,162 161,165 11,346 * 289,673
Mimaropa Region
484,866 604,246 57,567 48,465 1,195,144
Bicol Region
50,618 90,284 13,499 2,075 156,476
Western Visayas Region
105,873 104,686 4,600 49,355 264,514
Central Visayas Region
2,231 43,026 11,770 17,842 74,869
Eastern Visayas Region
36,473 410,111 38,781 34,483 519,848
Zamboanga Peninsula
29,652 126,790 22,278 3,474 182,195
Northern Mindanao
107,071 226,400 2,492 1,530 337,493
Davao Region
177,503 240,986 2,010 536 421,035
Soccsksargen Region
126,385 218,858 1,350 2,641 349,234
64,729 431,832 26,731 * 523,292
Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao
106,319 96,661 45,786 1,580 250,346
Philippines 2,560,872 4,030,588 247,362 329,578 7,168,400

* Plantation Forest boundaries have not been provided.

The 2003 forest cover figure is 11 percent higher than 1988 forest cover of 6.5 million ha. DENR
attributes this to the following factors (Defensor 2004, Pulhin et al. 2006):

Slowdown in commercial logging due to a logging moratorium in several provinces;

Shift in logging from old-growth to residual forests in the early 1960s;

Log and lumber export bans;

Accelerated public and private reforestation efforts;

Expanded implementation of Industrial and Socialized Industrial Forest Management
Agreements (IFMA and SIFMA) in areas where Timber Licence Agreements (TLAs)
have expired or were cancelled; and

Adoption of Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) as the national strategy for
managing the countrys forest lands that have led to intensified forest rehabilitation and

Some people outside the government on the other hand argue that despite the recorded increase
in forest cover, old growth and secondary forests continue to decline because of logging and ex-
panding frontier agriculture (Guiang 2001, Pulhin et al 2006). Accordingly, forest cover increase is
primary due to regrowth vegetation and plantation established through reforestation projects and
spontaneous tree growing by farmers and others.The estimate may also include agroforestry and
fruit trees (Pulhin et al 2006). Even if the 2003 forest cover estimate is true, most of the countrys
forestlands are still in a degraded state requiring rehabilitation for ecological and socioeconomic

Figure 2 shows the statistics on forest degradation based on a study conducted under the ASEAN-
Korea Environmental Cooperation Project (AKECOP). Appropriate GIS overlay procedures were
conducted to derive the statistical estimates. The figure shows the forest estate (i.e. forestlands)
of the country (in green and red colors estimated at 15.88 million ha). The areas in red show parts
of the forest estate that are under non-forest use, which are estimated at 65%, or 10,322,000 ha.
For the entire archipelago, the official figure on forest cover as mentioned above is 24%. Other
estimates from FAO (2001b) put the figure at 19%. We estimate this figure to be 24% based on
the GIS analysis undertaken, which is consistent with the government figure. Considering varying
estimates, there may be around 9.3 to 10.3 million ha of forest lands showing various degrees of
degradation requiring forest restoration and rehabilitation.

3. Causes of Forest Degradation

The causes of forest degradation in most tropical countries are complex. They constitute a con-
fluence of socioeconomic, cultural, political and institutional factors. Following the framework of
Contreras-Hermosilla (2000) in his analysis of The Underlying Causes of Forest Decline, forest
degradation in the Philippines may be examined in terms of its direct and underlying causes
(Figure 3). Direct causes are of two types: natural, and those resulting from human activities
referred to here as direct anthropogenic causes. Natural causes are nature-instigated phenol-
mena that contribute to forest degradation such as fires, pests and diseases, and natural cala-
mities particularly typhoons, floods and landslides. On the other hand, direct anthropogenic cau-
ses are those initiated by humans such as logging, agricultural expansion or shifting cultivation,
cattle ranching, mining and infrastructure development like road and dam construction.

Figure 2. GIS map of forest restoration in the Philippines

In contrast, the underlying causes refer to the deeper and much more fundamental forces that
drive forest degradation. They are rooted in some of the most basic features of society, such as
the inequitable distribution of economic and political power, attitudes towards corruption, popula-
tion growth, flaws in the market system, and inappropriate government policies. They can also
operate across time and space and may originate in other countries and transmit their effects
through trade and other market forces. In reality, there are many underlying causes of forest
degradation and they operate in numerous and variable combinations (Contreras-Hermosilla 2000).

Another important component of the forest degradation framework are the agents. Agents are
individuals, groups of individuals or institutions whose actions or interventions result in forest
degradation or deforestation. In the context of the Philippine forestry, they include the loggers,
slash and burn cultivators, other upland migrants and speculators, agribusiness, cattle ranchers,
miners, policy makers with vested interest, wood industries, forest products consumers, and
others. The agents interact in a dynamic and complex manner with the direct and underlying
causes. Thus, it is a mistake to attribute forest degradation to a simple cost-effect relationship
or assume that such a relationship will remain unaltered over time. Multi-causal chains are more
likely and the effect of a single force like population growth is very difficult to ascertain (Contreras-
Hermosilla 2000, Geist and Lambin 2001).

3.1 Direct Causes

In the Philippines, some of the direct causes of forest degradation with available statistical support
are kaingin or slash-and-burn cultivation, forest fire, logging, and other natural phenomena such as
pests and diseases and natural calamities. Table 3 shows the extent of damage attributed to each
factor over a period of 12 years from 1980 to 1991 and then for the year 2001 based on the official
forestry statistics produced by the government. While these figures may be underestimated when
compared to the annual deforestation as previously discussed, they nonetheless provide an idea
of the contribution of each factor to forest degradation.


Figure 3. Causes of forest degradation in the Philippines
(Modified after Contreras-Hermosilla (2000)

Anthropogenic Causes

Historically, logging activities by big companies in conjunction with other anthropogenic factors
have been a major driving force that contributes to forest degradation in the Philippines (Kummer
1992). Through logging, primary forests are first converted to secondary forests before they are
totally denuded or converted to agricultural areas and other land uses. Logging is seen to abet
forest destruction in several ways: through clear-cutting or careless felling that results in the
destruction of forest regenerative capacity, and through the development of road networks. The
latter is considered to be the most important factor since logging roads open forest lands to
encroachment by people (Borlagdan 1997). Once inaccessible, forestlands become invadable
(Cruz et al. 1992) by land-hungry migrants after they have been logged over and made accessible
by logging roads. With almost nil effort from TLA holders to do forest protection in logged-over
areas, these areas became very prone to non-forest development especially agricultural expansion.

Studying the formation and transformation of secondary forest in the Philippines, Lasco et al.
(2001) noted that areas subjected to logging (known as residual forests) could be used as a use-
ful indicator for analyzing the extent of forest degradation in the country. Using a temporal analysis,
they observed that areas of residual forests remained the same over a 26-year period from 1971
to 1997. In contrast, the area of primary forest declined from over 4.5 million ha in 1971 to less
than 1.0 million ha in 1997, a loss of 3.8 million ha in about 25 years. In theory, the said loss in pri-
mary forest could have been added to the area of secondary forest assuming the latter were not
degraded or converted to other uses. Since residual forests remained almost the same during the
26-year period, the team deduced that 3.8 million ha of secondary forests were denuded in the
Forest degradation
Natural fires
Pests and
Floods and
Anthropogenic causes
Agricultural expansion
Cattle ranching
Infrastructure (e.g. road
and dam construction)
Market failures
Unpriced/underpriced forest
goods and services
Global market forces within
and outside the forestry
Inappropriate policy
Elite-biased policies on
forest access and utilization
Inappropriate land tenure
Lack of incentives
Logging ban
Institutional weaknesses
Unstable and weak policy
implementation, monitoring and
Limited resources and institutional
Illegal activities and corruption
Broader political and
socioeconomic forces
distribution of
economic and
political power
Population growth
and density
economic model
Poverty and lack of
Slash and burn farmers
Other upland migrants and
Cattle ranchers
Policy makers with vested
Wood industries
Forest products consumers
same span of time or an average of 140,000 ha per year. This figure is much higher compared to
the government figures with a total area of only 28,860 over a 12-year period (Table 3). However, it
appears to be more consistent with the overall deforestation pattern in the country, which as earlier
mentioned, has been estimated at about 150,000 ha over the last century.

Table 3. Forest destruction and its causes in the Philippines in hectares (1980-2001)

Year Kaingin Forest Fire Logging Others* Total
1980 6,302 18,324 7,348 666 32,640
1981 5,826 12,471 6,108 0 24,405
1982 3,286 8,063 4,954 0 16,303
1983 2,241 117,951 1,015 0 121,207
1984 1,137 3,177 478 103 4,895
1985 941 11,743 1,918 0 14,602
1986 1,991 4,257 90 0 6,338
1987 570 5386 676 514 7,146
1988 2,914 423 4,474 2,444 10,255
1989 4,683 675 1,727 5,729 12,814
1991 759 5,872 72 530 7,233
2001 70 1,552 0 1,172 2,794
Total 30,720 189,894 28,860 11,158 260,632
% of Total 11.79 72.86 11.07 04.28 100

* Others refers to pests and diseases, natural calamities, etc.

Sources: Various Forestry Statistics

Other than logging, kaingin-making or slash-and-burn cultivation contributes to forest degradation.
It is employed by both the indigenous forest dwellers in the Philippines as well as by the migrant
groups although the practice varies widely from one group to the other (Borlagdan 1997). In
general, indigenous forest dwellers employ more sustainable practices compared to their migrant
counterparts. However, their environmentally-friendly traditional practices have been significantly
altered as a result of the shortening of the fallow period brought about by limited areas available
due to population pressure. From 1980 to 1991 government records indicate that a total area of
30,650 ha was destroyed due to various forms of slash-and-burn cultivation (Table 3). Since the
early 1980s, the government has been promoting more sustainable farming practice, particularly
agroforestry technology, under its various people-oriented forestry programs to reduce the ne-
gative impacts associated with kaingin-making.

Natural Causes

Recent natural calamities in the Philippines clearly point out that forest degradation is caused not
only by anthropogenic pressures but also by the forces of nature. During the 2004 devastating
landslides in Dingalan, Aurora and Infanta and Real, Quezon, many lives and properties were lost.
Just recently, in September 2006, Mt. Makiling, Laguna, was devastated by landslides and the low-
lying towns were inundated by floodwaters. The tragedy of Aurora and Quezon pointed an accu-
sing finger to improper forestry practice in general and rampant and illegal logging in particular.
The analysis of land use/land cover, which spanned a period of fifteen years, revealed otherwise
(Cruz et al. 2005). The changes in land use/land cover were analyzed and visualized through the
use of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technology. While an increase
or decrease for a particular land use/land cover is elucidated, shifts over the geographic area (i.e.,
areas that have been forested before have been converted to another use) can also be seen. It
was the force of nature that resulted in forest degradation through mass movement of soil.
Incidentally, the contribution of natural calamities like landslides to the overall forest degrada-
tion has not been well documented, and hence is not fully understood and appreciated.

Among the various natural causes of forest degradation, forest fire is probably the most docu-
mented. While forest fires in reality are mostly human-initiated in the Philippines, natural factors
such as dry weather conditions, high temperature, and strong wind velocity induced their occur-
rence and determine the extent of their damage. As presented in Table 3, forest fires have inflicted
the highest forested area destroyed equivalent to a total 189,894 ha, or 72.86%, of the total da-
mage over a 12-year period. It is also worth noting that the El Nio year of 1983 recorded the
highest forest destruction brought about by forest fires estimated at 117,951 ha. This constitutes
45.25% of the total forest damaged caused by both human- and natural-induced forces recorded
at 260,632 ha in 12 years.

Another natural cause of forest degradation in the Philippines is pests and diseases. However,
historical record on the extent of forest degradation caused by this factor is very scanty. Diseases
of trees and other plants in the Philippine forests have not been extensively studied unlike that
of agricultural crops (Quiones 1980). Experiences reveal that the occurrence of epidemics and
widespread infestations in the country has been associated with the introduction of exotic trees
in tree plantations. Examples were the varicose borer (Agrilus sp.) that infested Eucalptus deglupta
from Papua New Guinea and the albizzia cancer. Since then, integrated research programs on
pests and diseases of forest trees were undertaken (Rebugio et al. 2005). However, comprehend-
sive scientific assessment on the impacts of pests and diseases on forest degradation nationwide
remains to be done.

3.2 Underlying Causes

Beneath the observable direct causes of forest degradation in the Philippines there are underlying
causes involving a confluence of economic, political and institutional factors.

Market Failure

Many of the services provided by forests have no market price thereby providing the concerned
actors very limited incentives to invest in forest protection and intensive management. For instance,
participants of Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) projects in upper watersheds do
not get paid for the services they provide to downstream fishermen and farmers by protecting and
rehabilitating the forests. These values include the protection of soil against erosion and irrigation
and hydropower dams against sedimentation which can be substantial to downstream operators.
Similarly, they do not obtain commercial profits for capturing carbon, maintaining scenic beauty or
for preserving biodiversity resources. As a result, upland communities have little incentive to take
these benefits into account and therefore the production of these environmental services will be
less than if they could sell them and receive a financial reward. Studies indicate that if it were
possible to alter market forces to take these values into account, there would be a higher chance
that some forest lands would not be deforested or degraded because they would be more valuable
to the private agents like the local communities (Contreras-Hermisilla 2000).
Global market forces such as the high international demand for tropical logs in the world market
have also contributed to the forest degradation in the Philippines. High market demand from the
United States for premium logs from the Philippine forests from the early 1900 until before World
War II and by the Japanese market after the War, contributed to massive timber harvesting and
forest destruction during this period at the expense of environmental considerations (Pulhin 1996).
Similarly, market forces outside the forestry sector such as the increase in the global oil prices
and the decrease in the world price of sugar resulting in the collapse of sugar industry in Western
Visayas in 1979 exert an influence on forest degradation. Thousands of affected families migrated
into the countrys forestlands adding environmental pressures to the already fragile upland eco-
system (Cruz et al. 1992).

Inappropriate Policies

Until recently, most of the Philippine forest policies have favored the privileged few in terms of
having access to and control over the countrys forest resources. Prior to the enactment of the
1987 Constitution, one TLA holder can have as much as 99,000 ha of timberland for exploitation.
Such a policy had led to the highly skewed distribution of forest access and benefits in favor of
the economically well-off and politically influential sectors of the society. For instance, during the
Martial Law years from 1972 to 1982, close to 1/3 of the total land area of the country was under
the control of 217 to 471 TLA holders (Pulhin 1996). It was during this period that the country
recorded the highest rate of forest destruction ever, estimated at around 300,000 ha in a single
year (Pulhin 1996).

On the other hand, until 1981, forest-dependent communities including the indigenous commu-
nities had been deprived of access to forest lands and were considered as squatters in their own
lands. This had discouraged their participation in forest conservation and development in the past.
With the establishment of the different people-oriented forestry programs in 1982, a number of land
tenure instruments have been issued to forest occupants. However, the recent cancellation of
more than 1000 Community-Based Forest Management Agreements by the former DENR Sec-
retary nationwide has cast doubt on the sincerity of the government to pursue CBFM and hence
threatens the continuous participation of the upland communities in forest protection and develop-

Other policies that have negative effects on forest rehabilitation include the lack of an appropriate
incentive system for the private sector to invest in forest production and rehabilitation as well as
the lack of policy stability in relation to timber harvesting. Moreover, the recent government policy
to ban logging in all natural forests and in forest plantations in some areas has negative socio-
economic and environmental impacts and in the long run is likely to contribute to a further degra-
dation of the countrys forest resources.

Institutional Weaknesses

The DENR, which is the primary government agency responsible for the overall management of
the countrys forest resources, suffers from a number of institutional weaknesses. Among these

unstable policies and weak policy implementation;

limited resources and institutional capacity;

poor monitoring and evaluation; and

the involvement of some of its staff in illegal activities and corrupt practices.

These factors promote poor forest governance and hence contribute to the continuing degradation
of the countrys forestlands and resources.

Broader Political and Socioeconomic Forces

The broader political and socioeconomic forces in consonance with the other factors already
mentioned also contribute to forest degradation. Forest degradation, for instance, was recorded
during the colonial period in an effort of the colonial government, such as the Spanish and the
Americans, to exploit the countrys resources to advance their own economic interests and pro-
mote a growth-centered model of economic development (Pulhin 1996). Similarly, the inequitable
distribution of economic and political power during the post-War period contributed to the diminu-
tion and degradation of the countrys forestlands and resources that had benefited the few econo-
mically well-off sector of the society.

Population growth together with other structural factors is also seen as a major driver of forest
degradation. Due to the intense population pressure in the Philippines and limited economic
opportunities, more people are compelled to occupy hilly and mountainous areas. As of 1985,
around 32 percent of the total population of the country, equivalent to 17.5 million people, resided
in the uplands with 18 percent on a slope and above. The movement of population to these areas
is primarily due to an increasing need for areas to cultivate. Farming of these areas, especially
those beyond 30% slope, usually results in excessive soil erosion (Cruz et al. 1992). At present,
a total of around 24 million people are believed to be residing in the uplands most of whom are
dependent on the forest for survival. Aptly summarizing the combined effects of population pres-
sure and other structural factors of the degradation of the countrys forests, Cruz et al. (1992)

The Philippine uplands, already a refuge for the growing numbers of poor
and landless, absorbed even larger numbers in the first half of the 1980s. The
sharp increase in poverty, caused by the stabilization policies adapted so as
to secure IMF loans amid the debt crisis, clearly contributed. Rapid population
growth, especially among the rural poor in areas already densely populated,
adds to the numbers without access to productive lands or alternative employ-
ment. Thus, migrants moved to public domain forest lands, sometimes faci-
litated by settlement programs and commercial loggers, looking for cultivable
lands. The result has been further degradation of forests and soils.
4. Impacts of Forest Degradation

Forest degradation has multiple impacts on the different sectors as well as the different groups in
the Philippine society.

4.1 Sectoral Impacts

Viewed from a sectoral perspective, the impacts of forest degradation in the country involve at
least three major areas: the economy, environment and governance.

The Economy

One of the well-established negative impacts of deforestation in the Philippines relate to the de-
clining contribution of the forestry sector to the Philippine economy. In the early 1970s, wood and
other forest products were top dollar earners. Forest products averaged 19 percent of the total
value of exports from 1970 to 1973. In addition, the wood industry provided direct employment to
many thousands of individuals. In 1982 for instance, the Forestry Development Center estimated
that more than 400,000 people or about 1% of the countrys total population were directly depen-
dent on the wood industry for livelihood (FDC 1987).

Figure 4. Percent Share to GNP of Forestry: 1975-2004
% Share to GNP

With the continuous degradation of the countrys forestlands and resources, however, the
contribution of the forestry sector to the Philippine economy has continued to decline. From
around 2.17 percent in 1976, the percent share of forestry in the gross national product (GNP)
has plunged to a meager 0.10 percent in 2004 (Figure 4). During the same period, the total
forest area has declined by about 1 million ha.


Environmental impacts, although not as well documented compared to economic setbacks, are
equally significant. Massive forest destruction has resulted in soil erosion and siltation of rivers and
lakes. This in turn has led in some instances to the reduction in the lifespan of hydroelectric dams
like the Magat Dam in Northern Luzon. Continuing onslaught on the countrys forest has also
rendered a number of upland areas environmentally vulnerable to soil erosion and landslides
especially during the typhoon months. Indeed, thousands of lives were lost in a number of recent
landslides which may, to a certain extent, be exacerbated by forest degradation.

Forest degradation has likewise adversely affected and continued to threaten the rich biodiversity
of the country. The Philippines is considered as one of the 17 megadiversity countries, which to-
gether contain 70 to 80 percent of global biodiversity (Mittermeier et al. 1997). However, with the
loss of more than 90 percent of its original forest cover, 418 threatened species are already listed
in the 2001 IUCN Red List (Hilton-Tylor 2002). As a result, it is now considered as one of the 25
global biodiversity hotspots (Myers at al. 2000). The variety of life found only in the Philippines is
now greatly threatened with extinction due to continuing natural resource degradation (Ong et al.

Forest Governance

The inability of the State-centered mode of forest governance to address the continuing degra-
dation and diminution of the countrys forestlands and resources contributed to the evolution of
a more participatory approach to forest management. Such an approach takes into account the
importance of involving the different stakeholders including the local communities, local govern-
ment units, non-government organizations, and others, in decision-making concerning the man-
agement of the countrys forest resources. While the impacts of these in arresting the problem
of forest degradation has yet to be ascertained, this recent trend appears to be more promising
compared to the traditional highly centralized method of forest resource management.

4.2 Impacts on the Different Societal Groups

Another way of viewing the impacts of the forest loss and degradation in the Philippines is look-
ing at them as they affect the different stakeholders in the society. Adapting the approach of
Contreras-Hermisilla (2000) the impacts of forest degradation may be better understood in terms
of identifying the specific groups of stakeholders that bear the consequences (negative or positive)
of forest degradation. These include the range of stakeholders from on-site groups such as the
forest-dwelling indigenous communities to local off-site communities, to urban dwellers, to Indus-
trial companies with economic interests, to the national governments and to the global scientific
communities (Table 4). While most stakeholders are negatively affected by forest degradation, the
greater brunt of the impacts is normally shouldered by the local on-site and economically deprived
communities, particularly the indigenous communities. Moreover, few of the stakeholders, such as
the business sector, may benefit from forest degradation in terms of increased profits though this
may not be sustainable in the long run. All these imply that stakeholder analysis is an appropriate
tool to better understand the consequences of forest degradation to specific groups and hence
develop a more responsive intervention to avoid further marginalization of the powerless groups.
Table 4. Consequences of forest degradation from the Philippines from the perspectives of
the different segments of the society (Adopted from Contreras-Hermisilla 2000)

Societal group Implications of continuing forest loss and degradation
Loss of spiritual values.
Social disruption of traditional structures and communities. Breakdown
of family values. Distress and social hardship.
Loss of traditional knowledge of how to use and protect forests in
sustainable ways.
Reduced prospects for preservation of forest environmental and aesthetic
functions of interest and potential benefit to society as a whole.
Forest farmers
and shifting

Immediate opportunity to survive.
Forest degradation and declining soil fertility.
Loss of access to forest land and the possibility of food crop production
and reduced possibilities for harvesting forest products, both for subsis-
tence and income generation.
Prospects of malnutrition or starvation.
Disruption of family structures and considerable social hardship.
communities, the
poor and landless
living outside
Decreased availability of essential fruits, fuelwood, fodder and other
forest products.
Reduced agricultural productivity. (Through loss of the soil and water
protection potential of remnant woodlands and on-farm trees: loss of
shelterbelt influence leading to reduced crop yield.)
Reduced income generation and possibilities to escape from the poverty
Urban dwellers

Reduced availability (and/or overpriced) essential forest products such
as fuelwood, charcoal, fruits, building materials and medicinal products.
Reduced prospects for assured supplies of clean drinking water and
clean air.
Loss of the recreational opportunities and amenity values afforded by
national forest parks and wilderness areas.
forest industrial
companies and
forest worker

Immediate large profits.
In the longer term, loss of company business and forced closure of forest
Loss of jobs for forest-dependent communities, social disruption and
Loss of income and possible negative social implications of reduced
income of shareholders with significant savings invested in forest
industrial company stocks.
Table 4. continued

Mining and other

Improved access to potentially profitable mineral or other commercially
valuable products located under forests.
Increased profitability of company operations and returns to company
Politically negative impact on company operations of criticism by
environmentally concerned groups.

advocacy groups
and conservation

Loss of the essential environmental functions of forests including
biodiversity, climate regulation, preservation of water catchments
and fishery values.
Loss of cultural values and social hardship for the underprivileged
communities whose welfare these groups are committed to protect.
Increased problems of environmental pollution.
Loss of those forest values that could be of vital importance and/or
interest to the survival and welfare of future generations
The global

Prospects that continued forest destruction will accelerate global warming
with potentially negative consequences for human welfare and survival.
Continuing biotic impoverishment of the planet, loss of genetic resources,
and all that implies for sustainable food production, and loss of potentially
valuable medicinal and other products.
Increasing pollution and toxification of forest soils, contributing to decli-
ning forest health.
planners and

Immediate escape from political pressures when impoverished popula-
tions migrate to frontier forest areas.
Loss of a potential source of development revenues with consequences
of reduced employment and opportunities, sustainable trade and eco-
nomic development.
Loss of the wide range of environmental functions that forests provide in
contributing to societal needs and a habitable earth.
Loss of political support in situations where forestry loss and degradation
adversely affect the welfare of many citizens.


1. History of Restoration/Rehabilitation

Reforestation is a process of bringing back of crop cover, usually arborescent plants, in once
vegetation-rich but now vegetation-bereft lands that also includes ecological reforestation and
economic reforestation or their combination (Esteban, 2003). It may also refer to new plantings,
assisted natural regeneration and enrichment planting. Reforestation can be interchanged with
forest rehabilitation if combined with some vegetative or infrastructural measures to stabilize the
soil while forest restoration is a special type of reforestation where the intention is to bring back
a semblance of the original forest condition through planting of native species found in an area
coupled with assisted natural regeneration and enrichment planting. On the other hand, rain-
forestation is reforestation strictly using indigenous species, but may also include the use of native
fruit trees in combination with forest trees to regenerate the area.

The Philippines has almost a century of experience in reforestation. Since 1910, small-scale forest
rehabilitation initiatives have already started when the first recorded rehabilitation initiative in the
country was initiated by the Forestry School in Los Baos, Laguna (Luzon) as part of its silvi-
cultural class (Annex Table 1). This initiative formed part of the overall concern about forest re-
habilitation under the American colonial period (1910-1945). By 1916, about 600 species had been
tried in the nursery and plantation of the School, which was then part of the administration of the
Bureau of Forestry. The same year saw the governments initial attempt to embark on ex-tensive
planting of barren lands when the Philippine Legislature appropriated the sum of P 10,000 under
Act 2649 for the reforestation of the Talisay-Minglanilla Friar Lands Estate in Cebu province with
an aggregate area of 4,095 ha. According to Orden (1960), the project started with the ejec-tion of
the people considered as squatters in the area who were hostile to the project and 73% of the
area was planted. Due to lack of funds, however, the work had to be stopped for some time re-
sulting in local people returning to the area to make clearings and plant ipil-ipil and other fast-
growing tree species.

From 1919 until the outbreak of World War II, several reforestation projects were opened through-
out the country among which are as follows: Magsaysay Reforestation Projects in Arayat, Ilocos,
and Zambales, all on the island of Luzon; Cincona plantation in Bukidnon (Mindanao) and other
reforestation projects elsewhere in the country. Initial fundings were very limited then until 1936.
In 1937 until WWII, more extensive and large-scale reforestation was observed. A special office
was established under the Director of Forestry to inspect new reforestation projects.

At the outbreak of World War II, a total of 35 reforestation projects were in operation covering an
area of 535,000 ha mostly located in Luzon. From 1910 to 1941, a total of about P3.57 million was
spent on reforestation including nursery and plantation establishment and maintenance. The gov-
ernment was the main actor in reforestation and the primary purposes were scientific enquiry, re-
greening barren lands and presumably providing environmental services to the public. These pro-
jects were to be long-term reforestation sites managed by the Bureau of Forestry. Appropriation
by the government was the primary source of funding.

During the Post-war era (1946-mid 1970s), 29 of the 35 reforestation projects operating before
the war were reopened. In July 1948, a new and permanent source of funding was made available
under Republic Act No. 115 that revived reforestation activities that were halted during World War
II. The Act levied charges for each cubic meter of timber (P0.5 for the first and second species
groups, and P0.4 for the third and fourth species groups) cut and removed for commercial pur-
poses from any public forest. This fund provided a great boost in the reforestation efforts of the
government especially during the 70s when annual log production exceeded 10 million m

In 1960, the Reforestation Administration was created under Republic Act (RA) No. 2706. In 1972,
91 reforestation projects were being implemented almost entirely by the government. Also in this
year, the Reforestation Administration was integrated with the Bureau of Forestry, Parks and Wild-
life Office, and Southern Cebu Reforestation Project under Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1.
Likewise, the Letter of Instruction (L.O.I.) No. 3 on the same year integrated reforestation active-
ties into the mandate of the then Bureau of Forest Development (BFD).

In the mid-70s, multi-sectoral rehabilitation efforts had been given impetus. For example, P.D. 705
(1975) required the conduct of nationwide reforestation activities with the participation of the pri-
vate sector.

From 1976 onwards, the holders of TLAs were given the responsibility to reforest inadequately-
stocked forest lands within their forest concessions as a requisite in their operation plans
(1-year, 5-year and long-term operations plan). The Program for Forest Ecosystem Manage-
ment (PROFEM) was also launched calling for a holistic approach to forest ecosystem manage-
ment involving all sectors of the society. In 1977, P.D. 1153 was issued requiring all able-bodied
citizens, 10 years and above, to plant 12 seedlings annually for 5 consecutive years. In 1979,
the Letter of Instruction (L.O.I.) No. 818 was enacted compelling all holders of existing timber
licenses, leases, and permits to reforest one hectare of denuded or brush land for every hectare
logged. By the end of the 1970s other sectors of the society such as the private sector, govern-
ment agencies other than the Bureau of Forest Development, local government units and citizens
were involved in various forest rehabilitation efforts. In 1981, the Executive order No. 725 was
issued further encouraging and providing incentives in private sector involvement in reforestation
through the establishment of Industrial Tree Plantations, Tree Farms and Agroforestry Farms all
over the country.

People-oriented forestry programs such as the Integrated Social Forestry Program (ISFP) and
the Community Forestry Program (CFP) were given much attention in the 1980s, mostly funded
by foreign donors. This period ushered the participatory approach to forest conservation and
development. Rehabilitation efforts were seen as a major strategy to address upland poverty
and to promote livelihood opportunities among the participating communities.

The period of the late 80s through 1990s saw the more active participation of the different sectors
in forest rehabilitation through the different policies and programs initiated by the government.
The Peoples Power Revolution in 1986 became an impetus to contract huge loans to fund for-
est rehabilitation. In 1987, the Forestry Sector Program (FSPI) from Forestry Sectoral Loan I was
launched. There was a significant shift in the national reforestation strategy from regular BFD
reforestation projects to contract reforestation by corporate groups, families, local government
units, non-government organizations and communities under the National Forestation Program
(NFP). The regular reforestation projects were just given meager funds for maintenance only, with
no new targets in plantation establishment. Likewise, monitoring of plantation performance was
given to independent private groups using a method developed in PICOP called inspection chart
mapping (ICM).

Assessment on FSP showed much success in sites developed by communities. In 1995, the
second sectoral loan was contracted to launch the FSP II. This time, the vehicle to this nation-
wide program was the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) under the same NFP. In
the same year, Executive Order No. 263 adopted CBFM as the national strategy for sustainable
management and development of forest lands. Under FSP II, communities were contracted to do
the reforestation and were given tenure over areas developed by them. In most areas developed
under FSP I Forest Land Management Agreements (FLMA) were issued to communities; these
areas were later also to become CBFMA sites.

The 1990s also saw many foreign-assisted projects being implemented all throughout the country.
This was also the start of more active LGU involvement in forest rehabilitation and watershed man-
agement by virtue of the 1991 Local Government Code.

Major Driving Forces of Forest Rehabilitation in the Philippines

The first rehabilitation initiatives conducted in the country were driven by scientific needs in trying
to find practical methods of converting Imperata grassland areas into forest plantations, of testing
performance of several tree species over grasslands and as laboratory experimentation exercises
for students. Likewise, a major driver of early reforestation efforts was the promotion of environ-
mental stability. Most early reforestation projects were located in established forest reserves, na-
tional parks and in the watersheds. Environmental considerations continued to be a major reason
in forest rehabilitation even in the 1960s and 1970s with a main purpose of restoring denuded or
inadequately timbered areas for protection purposes. However, the 1980s and 1990s efforts were
driven by political factors in the face of public clamour and pressure to restore forests that had
been perceived as destroyed by commercial logging in the 70s and 80s. Hence, policies were
issued compelling TLA holders, LGUs, OGAs and private citizens to plant trees. Rehabilitation
efforts of all sectors peaked during this period. Eventually, efforts and enthusiasm for forest re-
habilitation waned due to declining financial support from the government and lack of appropriate
incentives to the private sector. Major rehabilitation efforts in the period of the 1970s to the 1990s
were mainly driven by economic considerations due to the eminent symptoms of an impending
timber crisis in the country. Development of tree farms, industrial forest plantations, agroforestry
farms and other plantations boomed during this period.

Current efforts to rehabilitate degraded forests are still influenced by many factors but most of
them converge on the two major drivers, namely the economic and environmental factors. These
twin drivers are fully articulated in the current CBFM program. The Program promotes active and
productive partnership between the government and the forest communities in developing, re-
habilitating and managing vast tracks of forest areas. It is anchored on the thesis that if the govern-
ment seriously addressed the poverty problems in the upland communities, these communities
themselves would protect and manage the forests. Thus, the CBFM slogan People first, sustain-
able forestry will follow. Under CBFM, the communities are being organized and given long term
tenure instruments over forest areas with the privilege to derive direct benefits through harvesting
of forest products, agroforestry and other livelihood programs with the corresponding obligation to
manage and protect the forest area in the long term.

2. Current Policies Governing Land Use and Restoration/Rehabilitation

2.1 Pres. Decree 705 (The Revised Forestry Code Of The Philippines (Pres. Decree
705 Dated May 19, 1975 as Amended)

Although already thirty years old, this law has remained the statutory basis of the governments
policies, plans and programs affecting the countrys forest resources. It has provided for the
reforestation of open and degraded forest lands mainly by the government. This law has also
formalized the establishment, development and maintenance of industrial tree plantations, tree
farms, and agrofestry farms and promoted these undertakings with a package of incentives. The
incentives include tax discounts/credits, exemption from rents and forest charges, technical and
material assistance from the government, and preferences on harvests. The establishment of
industrial tree plantations was further enhanced with the issuance of Executive Order No. 725
to facilitate the countrys reforestation efforts.

For the wood industry, this law mandated that no authorized person shall cut, harvest or gather
any timber, pulpwood, or other products of logging unless he plants three times the same variety
for every tree cut or destroyed by such logging or removal of logs.

2.2 Executive Order No. 263

This executive order launched the countrys present national strategy for the rehabilitation of open
and degraded open lands, the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Program. This
program consolidated previous people-centered forestry programs such the Integrated Social
Forestry Program under LOI 1260 (1982) and Community Forestry Program under DAO 89-123
(1989). Under this program, the task of restoring/ rehabilitating open and degraded forest lands
becomes the responsibility of the upland community through its peoples organization (PO). The
government extends technical and material assistance to these POs to ensure the sustainability
of the CBFM project in their hands. The private sector provides the market for the products that
will be derived from the production areas of the CBFM projects.

The DENR is required to work with local government units (LGUs), people's organizations (POs),
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), religious groups, business and industry, and other
concerned organizations. The principal participants in the CBFM program are the local commu-
nities represented by their people's organizations (POs). To encourage POs to participate in the
CBFM program, they are entitled to:

Usufructuary rights over the improvements introduced in the area;

Possessory and custodial rights over the CBFM area;

Over-all management of the CBFM project; and

Technical and material assistance from the government.

2.3 Executive Order No. 318 (Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the

Recently, a presidential directive was issued to promote sustainable forest management in the
country through EO 318 dated June 9, 2004. A very important guiding principle is the holistic,
sustainable and integrated development of forestry resources with priority given to rehabilitation
and slope stabilization and protection. This directive provided for incentives to enhance private
investments, economic contribution and global competitiveness of forest-based industries such as

Incentives and services for private forest development including deregulation;

Development of high-value tree crops and non-timber forest crops; and

Encouragement of co-management of forest resources.

2.4 Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD)

The countrys national policy framework for sustainable development is contained in the Philippine
Agenda 21 that detailed the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD). The re-
storation/rehabilitation of open and degraded forest lands implements two important principles
of sustainable development under the PSSD:

ecological soundness that recognizes nature as our common heritage and thus
respecting the limited carrying capacity and integrity of nature in the development
process to ensure the right of present and future generations to this heritage; and

bio-geographical equity and community-based resource management that recog-
nizes that communities residing within or most proximate to an ecosystem of a bio-
geographical region will be the ones to most directly and immediately feel the positive
and negative impacts on that ecosystem, they should be given priority to the develop-
ment decision affecting that ecosystem including the management of the resources.
To ensure bio-geographic equity, other affected communities should be involved in
such a decision.

A key component of the PSSD is the social reform and poverty alleviation program of the govern-
ment that was institutionalized by the Republic Act No. 8425 (Social Reform and Poverty Allevi-
ation Act). To implement this law, the Office of the President issued the Administrative Order No.
21 dated November 8, 2001, which articulated the Philippine approach to social reform and poverty
alleviation composing of four dimensions that include:

Ecological dimension or the sustainable use of productive resources to ensure the
effective and sustainable utilization of the natural and ecological resource base, thus
assuring greater social acceptability and increased participation of the basic sectors
in environmental and natural resources conservation, management and development;

Governance dimension or equal representation and participation that address
the issue of political equity and ensure equal participation in all venues in society,
especially in decision-making and management processes.

2.5 Revised Master Plan for Forestry Development

One of the strategic policy measures of the revised master plan is forest resource expansion to be
implemented as follows:

Expand areas under forest and tree cover through afforestation/reforestation with
appropriate species (from the point of view of site factors, utilization needs and
profitability criteria) in available bare (non-forest lands), degraded lands, deforested
areas and marginal lands.
Further extend tree planting to farm lands, grazing lands, recreation areas,
margins of roads and railways, as well as peri-urban lands.

Provide encouragement and support for expansion and/or improvement of
social/community/agroforestry, farm forestry, village woodlots and private
forestry through adequate extension and appropriate incentives.

3. Case Studies on Forest Restoration/Rehabilitation Initiatives

In the past few decades, several/different sectors are involved in forest rehabilitation in the
Philippines. Involvement can be categorized into initiators and implementers. The following
actors fall under both categories as follows: the government itself through the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the local government units (LGUs), the private
sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), communities or peoples organizations (POs)
and other government agencies (OGA). In a study funded by the Center for International Forestry
Research (CIFOR) in 2004-2005, several reforestation sites were studied in Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao including 12 sites with detailed case studies.
The main objective of such a study is
to document the lessons learned in the long history of reforestation in the Philippines. In the
following some case studies in forest rehabilitation examined in the study (Source: Chokkalingam,
et al, 2006 (CIFOR)) are given. These case studies were selected and evaluated based
on the following simple criteria:

Driving factors of rehabilitation,

Project success evaluation (bio-physical, social and environmental impacts),

Factors contributory to success/failure,

Lessons learned.

The Philippine study team is composed of the following persons: Antonio P. Carandang, Rodel D.
Lasco, Juan M. Pulhin, Romeo T. Acosta, Unna Chokkalingam, Ramon A. Razal, Mayumi Q.
Natividad, and Rose Jane J. Peras.


Case Study 1: IFMA of Col. Tiempo, Private Fund
Location Bgy. Tayawan, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental
Duration 1991 - present
Area (ha)
805 .0
Driving factors of
rehabilitation effort

The rehabilitation effort was primarily driven by the desire to commercially
produce timber and generate employment in the area. Secondary to the
above purposes are the ecological objectives of bringing back the forest
vegetation and contribute to watershed protection in the area.
Project success and
In terms of bio-physical accomplishment, the project is successful with
accomplishment of at least 158% of the target area. The whole area is now
fully stocked with planted trees (mangium, bagras and another eucalyptus
sp.). The major impacts of the project are: livelihood/employment
generation to the people living within the area through labor works at the
plantation; environmental balance as brought about by the well-stocked
established plantations; and wildlife tends to go back to the area due to the
renewal of forest for their habitat.
Factors contributory to
The owner was able to obtain funds in 1994 from the Asian Development
Bank with a principal sum of P19.8 M payable in 15 years, enough funds
to develop the 805 hectare-tree plantations. Likewise, the owner made sure
that proper silvicultural techniques from nursery to plantation maintenance
are applied.
Lessons learned

One major problem encountered in the site constitutes the forest fires,
which are caused by jealous people. In this case, the owner formed his
own squad of protection personnel that scouts the vicinity of the plantation.
Col. Tiempo stated that in the entire process of rehabilitation, government
assistance is central in encouraging private capital to come in. As of the site
visit in 2004, his main problem lies in the aspect of marketing the timber as
he has yet to find a good buyer for his products.

Case Study 2: IFMA/Davao ESP Resources, Private Fund
Location Magsaysay, Marilog District, Davao City
Duration 1992
Area (ha) 160.6
Driving factors of
rehabilitation effort
The area was developed primarily to produce plantation timber to be sold
in Davao City or any other outlet available. The other reason is to provide
employment to the residents of the area.
Project success and
The project is successful in enlisting the support of the residents as they
agree to help develop their areas by providing labor as well as protect
these areas with the end purpose of sharing from the proceeds of the
plantations. Physically, the plantations are of various qualities. Those in
the ridge tops are mostly stunted, while those below the gullies and along
creeks have good performance. In general, the estimate of the owner is
that only about 50 percent of the plantations are good. Many of the plan-
tations are now mature.
Factors contributory to
The owner was able to develop 160.59 ha of forest plantations based on
the results of GPS validation conducted by DENR. Many residents in the
area were able to obtain employment for a while. This effort has raised
conciousness among the residents in the area as they also planted trees
and rattan in their farms as a spin-off activity in the area. The technical
knowhow gained by some farmers is now being put into good use. The
care taker of the area has developed his own nursery where he supplies
the seedling needs of the DENR and other local farmer groups who are
into rattan and cocoa plantation.
Lessons learned

Two years ago, the IFMA holder tried to harvest the mature gmelina trees
(Gmelina arborea). However, based on his computations, the proceeds
from the timber cannot even pay for the harvesting costs, because of the
very low price of gmelina timber in the area. An average cubic meter of
gmelina only fetches from P 800.00 to P 1200.00, whereas harvesting
costs also amounts to this on the average. The costs include felling, man-
ual hauling and loading and trucking. Hence, the IFMA holder stopped har-
vesting operations to the dismay of his farmer partners because as a con-
sequence they will not receive their share based on agreed rate of 10% of
gross proceeds. At present, the IFMA holder is still looking for good price
for his timber. According to the IFMA holder, it is discouraging to find that
the forest plantation business is not as profitable as he has projected. The
right choice of species plays a big role in the viability of plantations in
Mindanao. He also said that it could have been more profitable if portions
of his area had been developed into sugarcane plantations because this is
allowed in the IFMA PROGRAM. Nevertheless, he hopes to recover when
his other crops like mangium (Acacia mangium) and mahogany (Swetenia
macrophylla) mature.


Case Study 3: Ihan Reforestation Project, NGO-led, PO-implemented and funded by AUSAID
Location Ihan, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur
Duration 1995
Area (ha) 17.0
Driving factors of
rehabilitation effort

Basically, the area covered by the project is a combination of public forests
and privately-claimed lands. The areas were formerly covered by grasses,
hence the farmers agreed to plant their farms with forest trees, particular-
ly mahogany (Swetenia macrophyla), Teak (Tectona grandis), Gmelina
(Gmelina arborea) and Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta). Their main objec-
tive is to produce timber as the timber sources in the area have become
increasingly scarce.
Project success and
The project is successful, which is evidenced by the very good growth
of the planted trees. The aesthetic value of the area was tremendously
boosted by the lush scenery, compared to adjacent areas which were not
developed as other farmers did not cooperate. The area is now becoming
a favorite site for field trips by students. Several staff of AUSAID have re-
portedly visited the area and were happy to see the results of their support.
For a while, plantation establishment has provided employment to PO
members. The farmers are now happy with the outcomes of the project
and are looking forward to harvest time.
Factors contributory to
The farmers were successful with the family approach where each family
planted trees on their own claims and private lands which are very near
to them. Hence, maintenance was not a problem as they can always main-
tain their sites whenever they have free time. The motivation that good
maintenance would produce good plantations worked in these families.
Besides, there was no funding problem in the project as it is small.
Lessons learned

As far as the farmers are concerned, planting trees for their own benefits
alone is already a good incentive to them, especially as they were given
free seedlings and were paid for their labor during planting, maintenance
and protection.


Case Study 4: Pilar Watershed Rehabilitation Project, LGU-led and funded through sharing
by different sectors/agencies
Location Pilar, Bohol
Duration 1997 - 2001
Area (ha) 20.0
Driving factors of
rehabilitation effort

The municipality of Pilar, Bohol, through its Mayor, has been en-
couraging its constituents to plant trees in their respective back-
yards. There are annual festivities devoted to the environment. In
1997, during the inauguration of the reservoir, the then President
Ramos saw the need to reforest/rehabilitate certain parts of the
watershed due to the siltation/sedimentation experienced at the
reservoir. That same day President Ramos promised a P 1 million
budget for the rehabilitation of the nearby degraded upland areas.
Basically, the quality of water produced at the reservoir is the major
driving factor that led to the rehabilitation of this watershed by the
local government unit of Pilar.
Project success and
According to the projects contractors, non-contractors and members
of the cooperative, on average the project success is rated 9 in a scale
of 1-10, 10 being highly successful. From the focus group discussion
con-ducted, the participants strongly believed that the project had signi-
ficantly improved the environmental conditions in the area. However,
some participants were negatively affected due to a decrease in their
farming area.
Factors contributory to
The relative success of the project was attributed to the smooth imple-
mentation of the project. Beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries believe
that there is no doubt that the project has provided services to the en-
vironment, particularly in reducing the frequency of soil erosion and
enhancing the micro-climate.
Lessons learned

It was strongly recommended that in order to be able to compensate
those that are negatively affected, they should be given appropriate
livelihood project/s and should let those benefiting from the project/s
share something in return.

Case Study 5: Elcadefe CBFM Planters Association, Inc., Funded by J BIC, DENR led, PO
Location Sta Fe, New Corella, Davao del Norte
Duration 1997 to date
Area (ha) 1,149.0
Driving factors of
rehabilitation effort

Saug watershed is an important source of water for irrigation purposes in
Nabunturan and Montevista, of Compostela Valley and New Corella of Davao
del Norte. Likewise, the watershed is being earmarked to generate electric
power through hydro power construction along the Saug River.The project was
implemented primarily to rehabilitate the watershed through the community-
based forest management approach. The project envisioned to provide a sus-
tainable source of income to participant communities through rehabilitation and
institutionalize community participation in forest management.
Project success and
The project area was successfully developed by the PO with a total of
1,232.93 ha of forest and agroforestry plantations established, thus ex-
ceeding their planned target. The latest monitoring and evaluation report
conducted by an independent NGO showed an average survival rate of 85.23
percent. At the time this survey was conducted, the PO members were busy
in maintaining and protecting the plantations especially, the agroforestry sites
where they expect to sustain their benefits over the long term. There are a
total of 707.79 ha of different fruit trees particularly Durian (Durio zebithenus),
Lanzones, Mango and Rambutan. The PO expects to start harvesting some
fruits from these plantations by 2006. Full blast production of these fruit trees
is expected to come by the year 2008. By any standard, these agroforestry
farms are large enough to elevate the standard of living of project participants.
Project benefit assessment also showed a significant increase in household
income from an average annual income of PhP 13,757.39 in 1995 to PhP
19,257.50 in 2002.
Factors contributory
to outcomes
The PO attributed their success to the full support given by the DENR to their
site with a full project staff (subproject site management office SUSIMO)
supporting them full-time. Likewise, the project was fully funded by JBIC, hence
only a small counterpart was provided by PO like PO management support to
the project and time of their leaders. PO members who are working in the fields
are fully paid by the project. Moreover, most community members consented to
using their own farms as part of the project development target.
Lessons learned

In CBFM projects, the most critical activities come during the formative period
of the peoples organization. Experience in the Philippines showed the signi-
ficant effect of good community organizing activities to the success of the
project. ELCADEFE is a similar case. The efforts of assisting the organization
that carried out the community organizing activities provided the critical inputs
for the organization of the project communities and in their preparation in
conducting forest development as well as keeping their organization intact.
However, such a period (the community organizing phase) lasted only two
years and due to the concerns to strengthen the organization and capacitate
them both technically and socially, the assessment conducted intimated that the
PO could have been stronger, if this CO phase were longer, giving enough time
for the POs to internalize the CO processes, so that they themselves can
confidently continue the CO activities.

Case Study 6: Lunga Farmers Association (LUFA), PNOC led, (OGA)
Location Lunga, Valencia, Negros Oriental
Duration 2004
Area (ha) 152
Driving factors of rehabilitation

Before the Phil. National Oil Company entered into the forest area
of Barangay Lunga, most of the residents had been practicing the
kaingin system of farming. The water shortage brought upon by
the El Nio phenomena in 1983 and 1991, the diminishing forest
cover within the Banika watershed, and the Ormoc tragedy that has
cost thousands of lives had led the community of Lunga to form an
or-ganization that would help minimize the experienced impacts of
water shortage through forest rehabilitation as well as generate
sustainable sources of income for the community.
Project success and
The Lunga Farmers Association (LUFA) officers and members
rated the project success since its establishment on the average
as 7.38 from a scale of 1-10, with 10 being highly successful.
Among the projects positive impacts are: provision of livelihood
projects; seminars/trainings on livestock production, agroforestry,
reforesta-tion, food processing, recording/bookkeeping;
environmental awareness/education; travel/trips to other demo
areas; provision of additional income through the reforestation
component of the project; enhanced micro-environment;
interdependence of the community/ social cohesion more intense;
good social relationship/ social capital; low/no conflict at all/ good
conflict management; and children were sent to high school and
Factors contributory to
The presence of a willing PO that was capacitated to implement
the project contributed much to its success.
Lessons learned

Continuing community empowerment and continued support
from the funding agency (PNOC) is necessary for sustained
project implementation. The PO is still weak in law enforcement.
Other incentives like alternative livelihood sources for participating
households are necessary to sustain their interest.

4. Assessment of Existing Capacities of Stakeholders Involvement in Forest

The Philippines has a long tradition and rich experience in forest rehabilitation involving different
stakeholders including government institutions, private sector, local communities, non-government
organizations, civic organizations, local government units, and ordinary citizens. This has been
gained through programs of various sizes and forms that were implemented all throughout a
century of forest rehabilitation in the country. Technically, the country is equipped to implement
any type of rehabilitation program involving different stakeholders. The appropriate technologies
on reforestation have long been present and tested, from silvicultural regeneration techniques that
include mass production of planting materials through cloning, to models on species site matching
up to plantation management as developed by Bukidnon Forests Inc. and others. The FSP II
demonstrated that given enough preparation even the communities are capable of reforesting
vast tracts of denuded lands. The experience in Pilar, Bohol showed that LGUs can successfully
implement rehabilitation programs, provided that a sharing of resources (logistics, manpower and
expertise) among stakeholders takes place. The country is not replete with stories of successes
and failures that were even documented so that factors contributing to success may be adopted
while those contributing to failures may not be repeated in the future.

Nevertheless, there are other aspects of forest rehabilitation, particularly concerning stakeholders
as implementers, like social mobilization, organizational, managerial, financial and up to utilization
and marketing capabilities of stakeholders that need to be carefully considered in any design of
future forest rehabilitation programs in the country. In the CIFOR study mentioned above it was
found that institutional capacity of agencies funding and coordinating the effort is central in im-
plementing successful reforestation projects. Capability building in terms of human resource
development, financial management, and public relations aspects should be carefully designed,
instituted and sustained. Human resource capacity should be supplemented by appropriate logistic
support and long-term incentives, and everything else follows naturally.

With regard to other implementers, technical capability can be greatly enhanced by employing
knowledgeable people to prevent costly errors. However, other aspects of rehabilitation aside
from technical matters must be given enough attention as social and economic dimensions
attendant to this endeavor can make or break the project. Further considering that the target areas
for these endeavors are usually uplands with plenty of communities, successful rehabilitation goes
beyond putting the trees on the ground as it should be simultaneously be concerned with putting
the livelihood of the people off-the-ground while enhancing their forest management capability.


1. Policy Improvement/Reform

The main law mandating the restoration/rehabilitation of the countrys open and degraded forest
lands the Presidential Decree 705 is already 31 years old. Congressional attempts to revise
this law have not been successful so far. Right now, the proposed revision the Sustainable
Forest Management Act is still pending in Congress and there is no positive indication that it will
soon be passed. There is a need for a stronger and more sustained advocacy program to mobilize
pressure groups pushing for the passage of the pending bills on sustainable forest management.

At the local levels, it is imperative that national and even international policies enhancing restor-
ation/rehabilitation of open and degraded forest lands should be passed and implemented. The
local government units have the required mandate and authority under existing laws to enact the
necessary ordinances to pursue a local forest restoration/rehabilitation program or activity.

While hard laws are being deliberated, intra- and inter- institutional arrangements can be under-
taken. These institutional arrangements could be anchored on the respective mandates, plans and
programs of the concerned institutions. The example of the co-management arrangement between
the province of Nueva Vizcaya and the regional office of the DENR for the management of a water-
shed is a model that has been recognized and adopted in other places.

2. Building Research and Educational Capacities

It is important that the countrys research and educational capacities have a solid foundation on
sustainable forest management so that it can launch an effective forest rehabilitation/restoration
program. In this regard, the University of the Philippines at Los Baos (UPLB) College of Forestry
and Natural Resources (CFNR) has re-oriented its research and academic programs to respond
squarely to the needs and challenges of sustainable forest management. In the process, the
university adopted four general strategies:

Shifting toward sustainable development and environmental conservation as a guiding
framework/paradigm for program development;

Re-aligning R & D around sustainable forest management-related programs such
as in biotechnology, sustainable management systems, participatory resources
management, and policy studies;

Re-aligning curricular programs through curriculum change and development, both
in formal and non-formal education; and

Institutional development through staff training and organizational re-engineering.

Curriculum development and change were undertaken by:

Enriching existing courses by integrating sustainable management strategies;

Enriching the existing curriculum by instituting new courses in sustainable forest

Revising the existing curriculum to re-orient it towards sustainable forest management;

Instituting a new curriculum related to sustainable forest management.

3. Reconciling Global and National Policies

3.1 Present State

While existing international conventions contain provisions regulating forest-related activities, there
is yet no global legal instrument wherein all environmental, social and economic aspects of forest
ecosystems are discussed. The closest one that is adopted by the international community is the
Non-Legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Manage-
ment, Conservation and Sustainable Development of all Types of Forests (Forest Principles). This
document contains the authoritative statement of principles for a global consensus on the manage-
ment, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. Among the more important
principles is: "2(b). Forest resources and forest lands should be sustainably managed to meet the
social, economic, ecological, cultural, and spiritual needs of present and future generations. These
needs are for forest products and services such as wood and wood products, water, food, fodder,
medicine, fuel, shelter, employment, recreation, habitats for wildlife, landscape diversity, carbon
sinks, and reservoirs"

The more important global conventions related to forests are:

International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA);

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries
experiencing serious drought and/or desertification (UNCCD).

The ITTA came into force on April 1, 1985 with the Philippines as a signatory under the category
of timber producing country. This treaty recognizes the importance of, and the need for, proper and
effective conservation and development of tropical forests with a view to ensuring their optimum
utilization while maintaining the ecological balance of the regions concerned and of the biosphere.
Relevant to restoration/rehabilitation of open and degraded forest lands are its three objectives:

To encourage increased and further processing of tropical timber in producing
member countries with a view to promoting their industrialization and thereby
increasing their export earnings;

To encourage members to support and develop industrial tropical timber
reforestation and forest management activities; and

To encourage the development of national policies aimed at the sustainable
utilization and conservation of tropical forests and their genetic resources, and
at maintaining the ecological balance in the regions concerned.

The UNFCCCs ultimate objective is to limit human-induced disturbances to the global climate
system by seeking to achieve a stable level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. An additional
legally binding instrument the Kyoto Protocol has a more explicit provision related to forests:
industrialized countries are obliged to implement and/or further elaborate policies and measures
that include the promotion of sustainable forest management practices, afforestation, and

Among the goals of CBD is the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity, and
considering that forest ecosystems contain an estimated 70% of the worlds plant and animal
species, it has considerably expanded its horizon to include forests.

The long-term strategies of UNFCC to combat desertification focused on improved productivity
of land and on the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of land and water

In its 4
Session (Jan. 31-Feb. 11, 2000) in New York, the International Forum on Forests (IFF)
concluded that the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation are the interrelated
social and economic factors such as: poverty, lack of secure land tenure patterns, inadequate
recognition of the rights and needs of forest-dependent indigenous and local communities;
inadequate cross-sectoral policies; undervaluation of forest products and services; lack of parti-
cipation; lack of good governance; absence of an economic climate that supports sustainable
forest management; illegal trade; lack of capacity; lack of enabling environment; national policies
that distort the market and encourage forest lands conversion to other uses.

Hence, combating deforestation requires the involvement of many actors, including national and
sub-national governments, civil society, forest owners, international organizations, the private sec-
tor, research organizations and international and bilateral aid agencies.

Also needed is a broad participation of indigenous and local communities including indigenous
peoples and other forest dependent people practicing traditional lifestyles, forest owners possess-
ing important traditional forest-related knowledge and women in forest-related processes.

The most recent international policy initiative is the UN Millenium Declaration that was adopted by
the General Assembly of the United Nations held in New York, USA, from 6 to 8 September, 2000.
One fundamental value that was considered was Respect for Nature, which was described as
prudence in the management of all living species and natural resources, by intensifying collective
efforts for the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.

3.2 Immediate Challenge

The immediate challenge is how to translate these global conventions related to forests into the
current forest policy system. For the CBD, the country has already passed a counterpart law
Wildlife Resources Conservation and Development Act but for UNFCCC and UNFCC, so far only
soft policies have been promulgated. The following important developments in the global arena
should now be integrated into the countrys forest policy system:

Increasing influence of global markets on forest management including the grow-
ing capacity of forest plantations to help meet the worlds wood demands.

Emerging demands for the environmental services that forests provide, from water
purification to eco-tourism.

Shifting from an excessive focus in establishing new protected areas to strategies
that emphasize integrated landscapes and mosaic approaches.

Widening recognition of the role of forests as carbon sinks and as a common
biome for addressing synergies between CBD, UNCD and UNFCCC.

Growing acceptance of governance, transparency and accountability including
the growing role of independent certification as indicators of good resource

Increasing awareness of emerging threats including the risks posed by climate
change and non-native invasive species.

Development of a strong forest conservation infrastructure with a new generation
of institutions with the capacity to deal with the complexity and unpredictability of
forest ecosystems, manage across jurisdictions within the country, deal with forest
problems in an integrative, holistic way and create markets to enable payments for
ecosystem services.

Underlying the task of building research and educational capacities of the country is the new sus-
tainable forest management paradigm that puts premium to forest restoration/rehabilitation as a
basic strategy.

3.3 Formulate National Program to Combat Forest Fires, Pests and Diseases and
Regulate Introduction of Exotics and Alien/Invasive Species

The country through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) initiated a
Forest Fire Control and Management Program (FFCMP) in 1981. This program was implemented
until 1984 by the then Bureau of Forest Development (Bartolazo, 1994). It involves four major

Fire prevention through the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC)

Fire preparedness, which covers all preparations for actual firefighting in case
fire prevention fails;

Fire suppression: The actual fire suppression is in the hands of the firefighters
who are deployed in the different DENR Offices; and

Monitoring and evaluation.

All activities in the implementation of the forest fire control and management program are moni-
tored, evaluated, and analyzed for the purpose of improving the system and serve as a basis for
policy- and decision-making. An important strategy of this national program to combat fires, pests
and diseases is the direct involvement of the upland community and the local government units.
This extends the participation of the upland community in the sustainable management of forest
resources found in their areas and ensures the support and cooperation of the local leaders.

Further, the government is currently implementing the Rep. Act 9147 (Wildlife Resources
Conserva-tion and Protection Act) regulating the introduction of exotic wildlife. This means
that indigenous species are preferred for forest rehabilitation/restoration programs. This law
is supplemented by Rep. Act 7586 that prohibits exotic species to be used in the restoration
of forests within protected areas.

4. Creating Public and Community Awareness and Support

The success of any undertaking to rehabilitate/restore open and degraded forest lands depends
to a large degree on the support and cooperation of society. Towards this end, the government
has mobilized civil society organizations, local government units, and the private sector in en-
listing the support of the public in forest rehabilitation/restoration. The media, church groups,
civic organizations, and non-governmental organizations have been very strong in advocating
sustainable forest management through forest rehabilitation and restoration of the countrys open
and degraded forest lands. The countrys educational system, particularly the public elementary
and secondary schools, now integrates modules on environmental protection and natural re-
sources conservation in their curricular programs.

5. Planning, Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation

The Revised Master Plan for Forestry Development (2003) in the Philippines noted the inade-
quacies of planning and programming in many aspects of forestry development in the country.
Planning/programming are important tools to translate the policies into implementable components
(either by subject area, geographic coverage, and time periods, or a combination of those). With
respect to forestry plantation development, however, some constraints to proper planning, pro-
gramming and project implementation must be overcome as follows:

Inadequate planning capability of institutions implementing plantation development.

Lack of linkages of several of the ongoing plantation activities to any long-term umbrella
plans with a definite programme structure.

Inadequacies of the knowledge base, reliable statistical information, maps, inventories,
surveys, etc. to support realistic planning.

Inadequate appreciation of economic concepts (e.g. Pareto optimality) of planning and
importance of the program structure for future planning and for monitoring and evaluation.

Lack of a relevant and fresh outlook in forestry development.

In the planning and programming for a wide-scale reforestation, a new forest plantation develop-
ment outlook is needed. Past trends, current situation and projections of future scenarios provide
materials for outlook in plantation development. This outlook is a combination of several forestry
outlooks on land use, productivity, ecology, technology, demand and supply, human resources,
institutional situations, etc. For example, future production of timber can be estimated based on
projections on the above forestry outlooks with several interacting elements such as forestland
(area), technology/productivity, local human resources, global and local demand/consumption
pattern and others. Each of these, in turn, depends on influencing factors, such as income, price
and related elasticities, availability of substitutes, competing demand, and efficiency levels in
production, processing and use (Chandrasekharan, 2003). Program planning and development
would then proceed considering other factors such as political situations, stakeholders capability,
community needs and institutional and social dynamics in project areas. Realistic goals and targets
on the national, regional and local levels could then be set based on the above outlook analysis.
Hence, it is possible to have several levels of plans (national, regional and project/field level plans)
depending on local conditions but will still follow the general plan formulated out of a fresh outlook
in plantation development.

Monitoring and evaluation (M & E) will be an integral component of the plan. The number of M & E
design will also correspond to the number of modules developed in the planning stage. Simple but
effective data-capture forms must be developed for affordability in implementation.The costs of this
activity must be deliberately included in the estimates of budgetary requirements of the overall plan.
Nevertheless, ingenuity in the design of M & E is needed to capture relevant experiences in var-
ious sites that would be inputs in the improvement of the program designs and serve as inputs to
plantation development researches that would be integral to the overall plantation development
program. For purposes of reliability of results, M & E activities must be implemented by indepen-
dent entities. However, it is imperative for individual project implementers to have internal M & E
system that can easily be verified by external M & E.

6. Financing for Forest Restoration

6.1 Mobilizing Resources for Reforestation

It has been observed no current major forest rehabilitation programs are in the pipeline or being
prepared by the government. Nevertheless, pockets of efforts to obtain funding can be seen in
some national programs like the Mindanao Rural Development Project II, where a natural re-
sources management component aims to pilot small efforts of forest rehabilitation through the
communities and is being integrated into the whole programme. The Department of Agriculture
and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources have pipeline proposals
on forest management/biodiversity programs requesting the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
to be considered under its current resource allocation framework for the country. Still fragments
of small efforts are observable in some LGUs and Regions where small local and international
funding is available. Definitely, forest rehabilitation is a daunting task. However, there are some
basic questions that need to be answered before we strategize on mobilizing resources for re-
forestation, among which are as follows:

Is the government still interested in forest rehabilitation?

If it is, can it fund forest rehabilitation?

How much area is needed to be developed to have a significant impact?

Assuming that the government would target 2.5 million ha of denuded forests in 25 years it has to
develop at least 100,000 ha per year with at least 2 years lead time for negotiation and planning.
With development costs of P 36,000 per ha (2006 prices), the government needs 90.0 billion pesos
or roughly 1.8 billion USD to do this.

6.2 Traditional Sources of Rehabilitation Funds

In the past, the country was able to acquire forest rehabilitation funds from several sources among
which are as follows:

Multilateral donors (WB, ADB, JBIC ) all loans, not forthcoming in the near future, not
feasible in the short term;

Bilateral donors (USAID, foreign embassies coming from their official development
assistance to third world countries);

International Donors/NGOs (WWF, OISCA) cover small areas, very site-specific, very
difficult to access;

National Government Agencies DENR, NIA, NAPOCOR, PNOC, etc., no more budget
for rehabilitation except NAPOCOR from its watershed management fund;

Local government units forest rehabilitation not a priority, if at all, only small amounts
are available;

Local NGOs effective, but feasible in small areas only because of high cost/unit area;

Private Sector competitiveness of the effort with respect to other investment options, not
enough incentives because of very high risks of not recovering capital, unstable policies,
low potential profit in forestry businesses, and

POs/local communities vast managerial and labor potential, with people power, however,
no money and incentives for them to plant on their own.

6.3 New Potential Funding Source

In the face of the budgetary difficulties the country is facing, it is also difficult to convince policy
makers to allot budgets for forest rehabilitation in the regular budget cycle of the government as
regularly enacted through the general appropriations act (GAA). Thus, it is strategic to explore all
possible sources of funds as follows:

RUPES: rewarding the upland poor for environmental service;

Adopt a Mountain Program, where interested and committed civic organizations and
private businesses will be encouraged to support efforts to rehabilitate and protect a
particular mountain or forest, especially if this is the source of their water supply;

GEF (Global Environmental Facility) for biodiversity conservation, sustainable land
management and other operational strategies that are being funded under its many
programs through conduit organizations like UNDP and World Bank;

CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) for carbon sequestration and trading;

Multilateral environmental agreements; and

Other sources like CBD, CCD, UNFCCC.

6.4 Formulation of a National Strategy for Reforestation

The following are some of the basic ideas the authors are forwarding with respect to keeping
the Philippines green:

Develop a long-term national forest rehabilitation plan that would involve various
stakeholders (with ecological, economic and social development components).

The country needs only 400,000 ha for industrial production purposes (RMPFD, 2003).
This must be deliberately planned to achieve such a target. Hence, appropriate high-
yielding species of high economic value must be planted on appropriate areas specifically
established for this purpose and to be maintained for such purpose. The plan must include
provisions for processing, marketing and replacement of harvested areas, including
reinvestment of surplus income.

Another 300,000 ha are needed in CBFM for production purposes (agroforestry, high-
yielding forest plantations). This strategy would cater for community needs and hence,
the adoption of species would be anchored on the socio-economic requirements of the
communities. Develop/implement a system on how to recover costs in production areas.
Strategies for marketing and utilization and benefit sharing must be in place.

The rest or around 1.8 million ha maybe developed for restoration/protection purposes,
where no harvest will be allowed. All stakeholders may potentially be involved in this
endeavor. This would require multi-donor financing, and creative sustainable funding
sources. Maintenance of these restoration areas must be ensured and strategies on how
to recover costs from these must be thought of (e.g., explore innovative sources of funds
(CDM, RUPES, Ecotourism and Mountain projects, etc.)

Explore Multi-Sources of funds for particular end uses. Ensure sustainability of funding
sources. Some fund for subsequent rehabilitation may come from harvests from plan-
tations established in initial years.

The plan must ensure the sustained COMMITMENT of everybody.


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Table 1. Evolution of national rehabilitation initiatives in the Philippines

Date Description of Events Main Actor/s Involved
1910 First recorded rehabilitation initiative in the country by the
Forestry School in Los Baos, Laguna (Luzon) as part of
silvicultural class.
Academe-Forestry School
in Los Baos
1914 Some 118 species were tried and planted in Los Baos. Academe-Forestry School
in Los Baos
1910-1936 The piloting period since the trial plantings laid down the
foundation or more extensive reforestation in the years to
come. It may be noted, however, that reforestation was
sporadically. Undertaken depending upon the release of
the budget by the Philippine Legislature.
Government/Bureau of
1916 Act 2649 established Reforestation of the Talisay-
Minglanilla Friar Lands Estate in Cebu Province (Visayas)
with budget of P10,000. Later, other reforestation projects
were opened (e.g. Caniaw, Nasiping, Paraiso, etc.)
Government/Bureau of

1919 Magsaysay Reforestation Project established in Arayat,
Ilocos, and Zambales (Luzon).
1919-1926 Reforestation funded from general appropriation of the
Bureau. Limited funds confined activities to small projects.
Government/Bureau of
1927-1931 Act No. 3238 appropriated P 50,000 to continue reforesta-
tion activities. Cincona Plantation in Bukidnon (Mindanao)
plus 3 other projects established.
Government/Bureau of
1932-1936 P 310,000 made available for reforestation activities.
Money was used to maintain the then existing projects and
no new projects were started.
Government/Bureau of
1937-1941 Establishment of Makiling Reforestation Project (Luzon)
Extensive reforestation due to substantial fund appro-
priation by government to enhance previous efforts
Special Office under the Director of Forestry established
to conduct inspection of new reforestation projects.
A new Division of Reclamation and Reforestation under the
Bureau of Forestry was established in 1939. Of the 545,000
hectares of open, denuded grasslands in critical watershed,
about 28,000 hectares already planted.
Academe/ Bureau of
Table 1. continued

Pre-World War II Total of 35 projects established with a total area of 535,000
ha (11 in Northern Luzon, 14 in Central Luzon, 1 in
Southern Luzon, 6 in the Visayas and 3 in Mindanao)
Total area planted was 26,660 ha;
Forest nurseries with a total area of 24 ha and annual
capacity of 17 million seedlings established;
A total of P3.57 million spent on reforestation from 1910 to
the start of World War II.
Government/Bureau of
Japanese Period Large portion of established plantations destroyed, only
15% or 4000 ha survived the war. Republic government,
through RA 115, imposed a reforestation fee of 50 cen-
tavos and 40 centavos on every cubic meter cut in the
public forest on the 1st and 2nd group and 3rd and 4th
group of species, respectively.

Post War: 1946 Commonwealth Act No. 718 appropriated P540,000 for
reforestation; 29 of the 35 projects reopened.
Government/Bureau of
1948-1960 Congress passed Republic Act 115 to solve funding gap;
levied P0.5 for each cubic meter of timber from the 1st &
2nd group species and P0.4 for 3rd & 4th group species
removed from public forest to support reforestation
Government/Bureau of
1960 R.A 2706 created Reforestation Administration as a se-
parate agency under the then Department of Agriculture
and Natural Resources (DANR) It attained an average rate
of 10,000 hectares planted annually and even reached
35,400 hectares in 1963. Reforestation projects increased
in number from 57 in 1960 to 91 in 1972 with a total of
182,000 hectares planted.
1966 onward Reforestation became a joint undertaking by the gov-
ernment through its regular and foreign assisted funding;
the industrial tree plantation (later the IFMA), tree farm and
agro-forestry schemes and the upland people through
socially-oriented programs in which reforestation is a
component such as the Integrate Social Forestry (ISF), the
Community Forest Stewardship Management Agreement
(CFSMA), and the Community Forest Management Agree-
ment (CFMA). Project under PD No. 1 and Letter of In-
structions No. 3 into Bureau of Forest Development.
Government, Private Sector
1972 LOI No. 3 integrated reforestation activities into mandate of
the Bureau of Forest Development.
1974 By 1974, more than 91 projects since 1916. Area planted
from 1946-74 equals 161,714 ha.
Table 1. continued

1975 P.D. 705 issued requiring the conduct of reforestation
nationwide; the Bureau of Forest Development (BFD)
was formally organized.
Government, private sector
1976 Launching of PROFEM to intensify reforestation activities;
called for a holistic approach to forest ecosystem manage-
ment involving all sectors of the society.
1977 P.D. 1153 issued requiring all citizens to plant 12 seedlings
annually for 5 consecutive years.
1979 LOI No. 818 requires all holders of existing timber licenses,
leases and permits to reforest one hectare of denuded or
brush land for every hectare logged.
Government/Lease holders
1981 Executive Order No. 725 issued encouraging the establish-
ment of Industrial Tree Plantations (ITPs).
Government/ Lease holders
1982 Integrated Social Forestry Program launched; Government/foreign donors
1980s NGO work on forest regeneration and agriculture with up-
land communities;
1986 Launching of National Forestation Program (NFP) to involve
wider sector of the citizenry in reforestation; integrated all
reforestation efforts undertaken by government and non-
governmental sector. 6.5 M ha total target, 1.4 M ha target
from 1987-2000.

1987 Community Forestry Program launched; Government/ foreign donors
1987 Around 135 regular reforestation projects under the juris-
diction of the then Bureau of Forest Development (BFD)
were already established throughout the Philippines with
an aggregate area of about 1,055,000 hectares. Of these,
about 263,000 hectares were already planted as of March
1986 (BFD, 1989).
Regular BFD budget
1988 Forestry Sector Project Loan I (under NFP) replaced the
traditional government reforestation by contract refores-
tation which involves contracting families, communities,
NGOs, LGUs, corporations and others to reforest.
Government/various sectors
of the society
Funded by ADB, OECF,
GOP: USD 283 M
1995 E.O. 263 adopted CBFM as the national strategy for sus-
tainable forest management and social justice;
Entrusted the responsibility of forest rehabilitation, pro-
tection and conservation to communities with the promise
of equitable access to forest benefits;
Forestry Sector Project Loan II (under NFP) using CBFM
organized communities

Funded by JBIC, ADB and
GOP: USD 140 M
1990s Other foreign-assisted community-oriented projects
LGU efforts intensified with enactment of the 1991 local
government code;
Government, NGOs,
communities, LGUs
Table 1. continued

By 2002 Area planted from 1975-2002 equals 1.6 million ha, 58%
by DENR, 31% private sector, 6% by LGUs and OGAs,
and 5% by citizens. Budgeted amount in this period
USD 570 M.
All sectors

Sources: Esteban, 2003, Chokkalingam et al, 2006, Pulhin, et al. 2006, and RMPFD, 2003.

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