Barbados Flood Events

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Historic Hazards Events for Barbados

Compiled by Bryan J. Boruff as of 2006

Table Type, Time Period, Number, and Return Period of Hazard !ents ffe"tin# Barbados.
Hazard Type Time Period Events Return Period
$rou#%t &6'0(2000 6 ').**
art%+ua,e -. /elt 0%o",s1 &620(2000 3 *6.62
/loodin# &))6(2000 *4 *.*'
/ire 5early 6rass, 0u#ar Cane, and Brus% /ires
7andslide &30&(2000 ) &2.*)
Tropi"al 0ystems &2)6(2000 &2 &2.'3
Tsunami &2'&(2000 2 *'.'2
Date: &6'0s
Location: Barbados
Tu",er, R.8.T. &340. 9T%e e"onomi" #eo#rap%y of Barbados.: T%e Journal of the
Barbados Museum and Historical Society. ;ol.;<<. No. 2. Pp )'.
Date: &222
Location: Barbados
0taff. &342. 9=tra"ts from t%e >Barbadian? ne@spaper.: The Journal of the
Barbados Museum and Historical Society. ;ol. &0. No. &. pp 26.
ause: rain defi"itA@ar in Bmeri"a
Date: June, &)4&
Location: Barbados
0taff. &342. 9=tra"ts from t%e >Barbadian? ne@spaper.: The Journal of the
Barbados Museum and Historical Society. ;ol. &0. No. &. pp 26.
ause: rain defi"it
Date: &)34(3'
Location: Barbados
ause: 7a", of rain
Ri"%ardson, B.C. &332. 9Economy and the environment in theCaribbean: Barbados and
the windwards in the late 18s.: Cni!ersity Press of /loridaD 6aines!ille. pp. 234.
Date: &)3)
Location: Barbados
ause: 7a", of rain
Ri"%ardson, B.C. &332. 9Economy and the environment in theCaribbean: Barbados and
the windwards in the late 18s.: Cni!ersity Press of /loridaD 6aines!ille. pp. 234.
Date: &32)
Location: Barbados
ause: 7a", of rain
Pellin#, E. 200*. The vulnerability of cities: natural disasters and social
resilience! art%s"an Publi"ations 7T$.D 7ondon. Pp 2&2.
Date: 0eptember, &2)6
ause: Hurri"ane
0%ep%ard, C. &32&. "n historical account of the island of St! #incent! /ran, Cass
and Company 7imitedD 7ondon. Pp 2&6.
Date: Bu#ust &&, &)*&
Location: 0out%ern Paris%es
ause: Hurri"ane
0taff. &366. 9T%e %urri"ane of Bu#ust &)*&.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. *&, No. 4, pp &)0(&)3.
Tropica! System
Date: 0eptember )(3, &)2'
Location: Barbados
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
<nspe"tor 6eneral?s Fffi"e. &)2'. 9Casualties.: The Times. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. ;ol. &4-&2061. 0eptember, &). pp. 2.
Tropica! System
Date: Bu#ust &6, &))6
Location: Barbados
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
Cnsi#ned. &))6. 97etter to t%e ditor.: The Times. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. ;ol. 2'
-26)21. Bu#ust, &). pp. 2.
Date: 0eptember &0, &)3)
Location: 0out%ern Paris%es
ause: Hurri"ane
0taff. &3'6. 9Hurri"ane Janet at Barbados.: TheJournal of the Barbados Museum Historical
Society. ;ol. 2*, No. 4, pp &'*(&64.
Ri"%ardson, B.C. &332. 9Economy and the environment in theCaribbean: Barbados and
the windwards in the late 18s.: Cni!ersity Press of /loridaD 6aines!ille. pp. 234.
Date: 0eptember 3, &3*&
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
Caribbean $isaster Eiti#ation ProGe"t -C$EP1. &332. 9$lannin% to miti%ate the im&acts
of natural ha'ards in the Caribbean:Miti%ation &lannin% manual ("&&endi): *atural
Ha'ards in theCaribbean!+!: Cnit of 0ustainable $e!elopment and n!ironment for t%e
C0B<$ Fffi"e of /orei#n $isaster
Bssistan"e, and Fr#anization of Bmeri"an 0tatesD 8as%in#ton, $.C. pp &&. found
atD%ttpDAA@@@.oas.or#AenA"dmpApublist.%tm. found onD June 2t%, 2004.
Date: Bu#ust *&, &343
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
0taff. &343. 9Hea!iest rains sin"e &)3) pus% do@n brid#eD %ouses s@ept a@ay.:
Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. 2. pp. &(2.
Hurricane #anet
Date: 0eptember 22,&3''
Location: 0out%ern Paris%es
ause: Hurri"ane
8atson, H. 200*. Barbados first: the years of chan%e. Cole?s Printer 7imitedD
Bri#to@n, Barbados. 204 pa#es.
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
0taff. &3''. 9Hurri"ane Janet.: Barbados "dvocate!Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0eptember, 2*. pp. &(4.
0taff. &3''. 9Hurri"ane Janet.: Barbados "dvocate! Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0eptember, 24. pp. &('.
0taff. &3''. 9Hurri"ane Janet.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0eptember, 22. pp. '.
0taff. &3'6. 9Hurri"ane Janet at Barbados.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. 2*, No. 4, pp &'*(&64.
Date: 0eptember *&, &36&
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane -Hattie1
Caribbean $isaster Eiti#ation ProGe"t -C$EP1. &332. 9$lannin% to miti%ate the im&acts
of natural ha'ards in the Caribbean:Miti%ation &lannin% manual ("&&endi): *atural
Ha'ards in theCaribbean!+!: Cnit of 0ustainable $e!elopment and n!ironment for t%e
C0B<$ Fffi"e of /orei#n $isaster
Bssistan"e, and Fr#anization of Bmeri"an 0tatesD 8as%in#ton, $.C. pp &&. found
atD%ttpDAA@@@.oas.or#AenA"dmpApublist.%tm. found onD June 2t%, 2004.
Date: &36*
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane -dit%1
Pon"elet, J.7. &332. 9$isaster Eana#ement in t%e Caribbean.: -isasters. ;ol.
2&-*1. Pp 262(223
Date: 0eptember, &324
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane -Carmen1
Caribbean $isaster Eiti#ation ProGe"t -C$EP1. &332. 9$lannin% to miti%ate the im&acts
of natural ha'ards in the Caribbean:Miti%ation &lannin% manual ("&&endi): *atural
Ha'ards in theCaribbean!+!: Cnit of 0ustainable $e!elopment and n!ironment for t%e
C0B<$ Fffi"e of /orei#n $isaster
Bssistan"e, and Fr#anization of Bmeri"an 0tatesD 8as%in#ton, $.C. pp &&. found
atD%ttpDAA@@@.oas.or#AenA"dmpApublist.%tm. found onD June 2t%, 2004.
Date: 0eptember, &324
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane -/ifi1
Caribbean $isaster Eiti#ation ProGe"t -C$EP1. &332. 9$lannin% to miti%ate the im&acts
of natural ha'ards in the Caribbean:Miti%ation &lannin% manual ("&&endi): *atural
Ha'ards in theCaribbean!+!: Cnit of 0ustainable $e!elopment and n!ironment for t%e
C0B<$ Fffi"e of /orei#n $isaster
Bssistan"e, and Fr#anization of Bmeri"an 0tatesD 8as%in#ton, $.C. pp &&. found
atD%ttpDAA@@@.oas.or#AenA"dmpApublist.%tm. found onD June 2t%, 2004.
Hurricane "!!en
Date: Bu#ust 4, &3)0
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
0taff. &3)0. 9Hurri"ane Bllen.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust, '.
pp. &(2.
0taff. &3)0. 9No @ater of t@o days in nort%.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
Bu#ust, 6. pp. 2(*.
Harris, E. &3)0. 9C%aos %its Careena#e as 20 !essels sin,.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust, '. pp. &(*.
Harris, E. &3)0. 9Bllen @re",s farm.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. Bu#ust, 2. pp. &.
Tropica! System
Date: Bu#ust 4, &3)0
Location: Barbados
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
0taff. &3)0. 90torm "auses dama#e.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"tober, 6. pp. &(2.
0taff. &3)0. 9Cleanup "ontinues.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"tober, 2. pp. &.

Tropica! Storm Emi!y
Date: 0eptember 20, &3)2
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
0taff. &3)2. 9Tropi"al storm mily.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0eptember, 22. pp. &(2.

Hurricane $abrie!!e
Date: 0eptember 4, &3)3
Location: arbados
ause: Hurri"ane 6abrielle
;as"o, P. &3)3. 9<t?s too rou#% at Cattle@as%.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. '. pp 2('.
0taff. &3)3. 9Clean(up time on east "oast.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0ept. 6. pp 24.
Hurricane %ary!in
Date: 0eptember &), &33'
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
Hurricane Li!i
Date: 0eptember 24, 2002
Location: Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
Date: &620, &624, &62', &630, &200, &202, &220
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
0"%ombur#,, R.H. &32&. 9T%e %istory of BarbadosD "omprisin# a #eo#rap%i"al
and statisti"al des"ription.: /ran, Cass and Company 7imitedD 7ondon. pp
"!t Source:
C060. 200*. 9art%+ua,e %azards pro#ramD art%+ua,e sear"%.: National
art%+ua,e <nformation CenterD Reston, ;B. found onD Bpril &0, 2004. found atD
Date: $e"ember 2*, &)&6
Location: Barbados
0%ep%ard, C. &32&. "n historical account of the island of St! #incent! /ran, Cass
and Company 7imitedD 7ondon. Pp 2&6.
Date: &3'*
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e -&2' ,m Nort%(@est of 0t. 7u"ia1
0eismi" Resear"% Cnit. 200*. 9Earth2ua3es!: Cni!ersity of 8est <ndiesD 0t
Bu#ustine, Trinidad Toba#o. found onD Bpril &&, 2004. found atD
Date: Bu#ust &', &))6
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
"!t Source:
Cnsi#ned. &))6. 97etter to t%e ditor.: The Times. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. ;ol. 2'
-26)21. Bu#ust, &). pp. 2.
Date: July 0', &30&
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: Bu#ust 22, &3&)
Location: 0out% end of <sland
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6.
Date: Bu#. 2', &3&3
Location: 8aterford $istri"t 0t. Ei"%ael
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6.
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: &3*)
Location: $elamere Tenantry -bet@een Halls Road and Constitution Ri!er1(no@
Jueen lizabet% Hospital
ause: Tropi"al $epression
8atson, H. 200*. Barbados first: the years of chan%e. Cole?s Printer 7imitedD
Brid#eto@n, Barbados. 204 pa#es.
Date: Bu#ust *&, &343
Location: Barbados
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
8atson, H. 200*. Barbados first: the years of chan%e. Cole?s Printer 7imitedD
Brid#eto@n, Barbados. 204 pa#es.
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &343. 9Hea!iest rains sin"e &)3) pus% do@n brid#eD %ouses s@ept a@ay.:
Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. 2. pp. &(2.
0taff. &343. 9Bnot%er flood !i"tim foundD dama#e Eay be K*0,000 ) deadL 2 in
%ospital.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. *. pp. &(2.
Date: F"tober &6, &360
Location: 0t Bndre@ and 0t T%omas
ause: T%understorm
0taff. &360. 9=tra"ts from t%e Barbadian Ne@spaper.: The Journal of the Barbados
Museum Historical Society. ;ol. 2), No. &, pp &2.
Date: F"tober 22, &360
Location: 0t Josep% -/rizer Plantation1
ause: T%understorm
0taff. &360. 9=tra"ts from t%e Barbadian Ne@spaper.: The Journal of the Barbados
Museum Historical Society. ;ol. 2), No. &, pp &2.
Date: F"tober 3, &362
Location: 0pei#%tsto@n
ause: Hea!y Rain
0taff. &366. 9=tra"ts from t%e Barbados 6lobe.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. *0, No. &, pp 42(4).
Date: F"tober 2, &320
Location: Barbados
ause: Tropi"al Cy"lone
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &320. 9Eillions of KK $ama#e by /loods.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. F"tober, 4. pp. &(&'.
0taff. &320. 9Hea!y dama#e up Nort% from floods: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. F"tober, 6. pp. )(3.
0taff. &320. 9$o@npour "auses floodin#: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"tober, &'. pp. &.
Date: F"tober *0, &320
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: 0eptember ', &320
Location: Barbados
ause: !ery %ea!y rains
0taff. &320. 9Hea!y floodin# affe"ts island!: Barbados "dvocate! Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0eptember, '. pp. &().
Date: &32' -I1
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: Bu#ust *, &3)0
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: F"tober 3, &3)&
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)&. 98otton residents #et "omplete @as%(out.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. F"t. &&. pp. &.
0taff. &3)&. 98otton families mo!ed to 8ildey.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. F"t. &2. pp. &.
Date: F"tober &, &3)4
Location: Barbados
ause: !ery %ea!y rains
CR$. 2004. 9EM,-"T: the ./-"0C1E- international disaster data base!:
Center for Resear"% on t%e pidemiolo#y of $isasters -CR$1D BrusslesD
Bel#ium. /ound onD Bpril ), 2004. /ound atD %ttpDAA@@@.em(dat.netA.
0taff. &3)4. 9T%ree %ouses suffer dama#e.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"t. *. pp. &.
Date: F"tober *&, &3)4
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)4. 9/loodin# in t%e nort%.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!.
&. pp. &.
0prin#er, J. &3)4. 9Residents tell about >ni#%t of fear.?: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. 2. pp. &.
0taff. &3)4. 92' 0t. Peter families %omeless.?: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
No!. 2. pp. &.
Date: No!ember 2, &3)4
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)4. 9$ama#e "ontinues M one deat%D roads flooded, @alls tumble.?: Barbados
"dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. *. pp. &.
Brat%@aite, J. &3)4. 90t Bndre@ %ard(%it by flood @aters.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. *. pp. &.
0"ott, B. &3)4. 9Residents of flood area "lean up s%op.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. 4. pp. &.
0taff. &3)4. 9K200,000 in road dama#eD #o!ernment starts @or, on brid#es.: Barbados
"dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. '. pp. &.
Date: F"tober &3, &3)'
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: No! &&, &3)'
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
P%illips, 8. &3)'. 9Eore 0t. Peter floodin#D @ater as %i#% as fi!e feet.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. &2. pp. &.
0taff. &3)'. 9Plan to ta",le floodin#D #o!?t to di# &20 su", @ells.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. No!. &*. pp. &.
Date: No! 2&, &3)'
Location: Barbados
ause: I
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)'. 90t. P%ilip family fa"e @ater problem: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. No!. 22. pp. &.
Date: 0ept 3, &3))
Location: Barbados
ause: tropi"al depression -'0 miles nort%1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)). 9$ren"%edND 0"%ools and offi"es "losed, CRF sounds flood alert.: Barbados
"dvocate! Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. &0. pp &(2.
0taff. &3)). 9Rains %amperin# @ater ser!i"e.: Barbados "dvocate! Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0ept. &2. pp &.
Date: 0ept &4, &3))
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
Source: /arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: F"tober &), &3))
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Bustin, 0. &3)). 9/loodin#, slippa#e as t%e rains "ome.: Barbados "dvocate!
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. F"t. 20. pp *.
Date: 0eptember 4, &3)3
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &3)3. 90afe(for no@.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. 4. pp &.
0taff. &3)3. 90urprise s%o@ers.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. '. pp 4('.
Date: 0eptember &&, &3)3
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: 0eptember 22, &3)3
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Bustin, 0. &3)3. 9Cnder @ater N: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
0ept. 2). pp &.
Bustin, 0. &3)3. 9/loodedN: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. 2). pp
Date: No! &0, &3)3
Location: Barbados
ause: I
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: Eay &, &330
Location: Barbados
ause: I
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &330. 9Eay $ay rally "alled off: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Eay . pp. &4(&'.
Date: F"tober 2(4, &330
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May
5th.: C%ief Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of
Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
0taff. &330. 98aterlo##edN: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. F"tober 4. pp. &(2.
Ja",son, . &330. 9Classrooms still @et: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"tober 6. pp. *.
0taff. &330. 9Hea!y rains dren"% Barbados.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
F"tober *. pp. &.
Date: No! 22, &33&
Location: Barbados
ause: I
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May 5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and Hydrolo#yD
Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: No! 2&, &332
Location: Barbados
ause: I
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Date: Bu#ust *, &33'
Location: Barbados
ause: I -probably a tropi"al system1
/arnum, /.C., and Narayan, H. 2004. 9$ersonal communication4 May5th.: C%ief
Hydrolo#ist and Hydrolo#ist. Caribbean <nstitute of Eeteorolo#y and
Hydrolo#yD Brid#eto@n, Barbados.
Ja",son, . &33'. 90%o",in#D Brt%ur de"lares 8eston a disaster area.:
Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust 4. pp. 2.
0taff. &33'. 9Rains ta,e BaGans by storm.: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados.
Bu#ust 4. pp. 6(2.
0taff. &33'. 9?Help fello@ "itizens.?: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust 4.
pp. ).
0taff. &33'. 9?T@as total "%aos as t%e rains "ame pourin# do@n: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust '. pp. 2.
$ear , H. &33'. 9<n mournin#: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. Bu#ust 6.
pp. 6.
Date: F"tober, &33)
Location: Barbados
Pellin#, E. 200*. The vulnerability of cities: natural disasters and social
resilience! art%s"an Publi"ations 7T$.D 7ondon. Pp 2&2.
Personal Communi"ation. 2004. C%ief /ire Fffi"er. Brid#eto@nD Barbados. /ebruary,
auses of (ires:
( pres"ribed "ane fields burns out of "ontrol
( burnin# of #arba#e #ets out of "ontrol
( arson
"t Ris' %ateria!s:
( dry #rasses on t%e Nort% side of t%e island "an burn all year round
( "ane areas are burned seasonally -e!ery 6 mont%s1
( dry #rass around airport burns all year
( oils fields in t%e sout% "entral part of t%e island are also a "on"ern
( 7P6 Plant also a "on"ern
( Ti#%tly pa",ed C%attel %ouses in lo@ in"ome nei#%bor%oods
( #ettin# @ater to t%e fires is a "ommon problem
( in 2002 t%ere @ere &'3 #rass fires and 2&3 "ane fires
( in 200* t%ere @ere &23 #rass fires and **3 "ane fires
yre, 7.B. &3)2. 9/ire in t%e tropi"al en!ironment.: Jamaica Journal! ;ol. 20.
No. &. pp &0(&6.
Ri"%ardson, B.C. &332. 9Economy and the environment in the Caribbean: Barbados and
the windwards in the late 18s.: Cni!ersity Press of /loridaD 6aines!ille. pp. 234.
Date: F"tober 22, &322
Location: 0t Jo%n -7i#%tfoot and Ris, Plantations1
ause: T%understorm
0taff. &360. 9=tra"ts from t%e Barbadian Ne@spaper.: TheJournal of the Barbados
Museum Historical Society. ;ol. 2), No. &, pp &2.
Date: F"tober 24, &322
Location: Codrin#ton House, 0t Ei"%ael
ause: T%understorm
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6
Date: July 4, &323
Location: 0t 7u"y
ause: T%understorm
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6
Date: F"tober &0, &323
Location: 0t. Jo%n
ause: T%understorm
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6
Date: 0eptember 20, &3*2
Location: 0t P%ilip -Crane Hotel1
ause: T%understorm
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society. ;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'(&*6
Date: &30&
Location: Bos"obel
ause: Hea!y Rain
Cumbarbat"%, .H.0.J. &363. 9Bn assessment of t%e soils "onser!ation s"%eme, 0"otland
$istri"t, Barbados &3'2(&363.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical
Society. ;ol. **, No. &, pp &4(24.
Ri"%ardson, B.C. &332. 9Economy and the environment in theCaribbean: Barbados and
the windwards in the late 18s.: Cni!ersity Press of /loridaD 6aines!ille. pp. 234.
Eartin(Haye, P., and Bad"o",, J. &3*4. 96eolo#i"al ba",#round to soil "onser!ation and
land re%abilitation measures in Barbados, 8.<.: TheJournal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. *0, No. &, pp *(&*.
Date: &3&0
Location: 0t Bndre@ paris%
ause: Tropi"al $epression Rains
Eartin(Haye, P., and Bad"o",, J. &3*4. 96eolo#i"al ba",#round to soil "onser!ation and
land re%abilitation measures in Barbados, 8.<.: TheJournal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. *0, No. &, pp *(&*.
Date: &3*)
Location: 0t Bndre@ paris%
ause: Tropi"al $epression Rains
8atson, H. 200*. Barbados first: the years of chan%e. Cole?s Printer
7imitedDBri#to@n, Barbados. 204 pa#es.
Eartin(Haye, P., and Bad"o",, J. &3*4. 96eolo#i"al ba",#round to soil "onser!ation and
land re%abilitation measures in Barbados, 8.<.: TheJournal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. *0, No. &, pp *(&*.
Date: &366
Location: 0t Bndre@ and 0t Josep%
ause: Hea!y Rain
Cumbarbat"%, .H.0.J. &363. 9Bn assessment of t%e soils "onser!ation s"%eme, 0"otland
$istri"t, Barbados &3'2(&363.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical
Society. ;ol. **, No. &, pp &4(24.
Date: &366
Location: Ha",leton?s Cliff bet@een Horse Hill and Eel!ern Plantation
ause: Hea!y Rain
Cumbarbat"%, .H.0.J. &363. 9Bn assessment of t%e soils "onser!ation s"%eme, 0"otland
$istri"t, Barbados &3'2(&363.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical
Society. ;ol. **, No. &, pp &4(24.
Date: &322
Location: 0addleba", and Cpper Par,s, Joe?s Ri!er, 0"otland $istri"t
ause: I
Hanna, 7. &336. 9n!ironmental %azards in BarbadosD per"eption and responses in t%e
0"otland $istri"t and t%e @est "oast.: Caribbean 6eo%ra&hy! ;ol. 2-&1. pp 2*(*'.
Date: F"tober *, &330
Location: C%imborazo, 0t Josep%
ause: Hea!y Rain
0taff. &330. 9OBnd t%e rains "ame tumblin# do@n: Barbados "dvocate. Brid#eto@nD
Barbados. F"tober '. pp. &.
Date: &334
Location: 0addleba", and Cpper Par,s, Joe?s Ri!er, 0"otland $istri"t
ause: I
Hanna, 7. &336. 9n!ironmental %azards in BarbadosD per"eption and responses in t%e
0"otland $istri"t and t%e @est "oast.: Caribbean 6eo%ra&hy! ;ol. 2-&1. pp 2*(*'.
Date: No!ember 2&, &2'&
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
N6$C. 200*. 9Tsunami runup database.: National 6eop%ysi"al $ata CenterD
Boulder, CF. foundD 4('(2004. found atD
Date: No!ember &, &2''
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
N6$C. 200*. 9Tsunami runup database.: National 6eop%ysi"al $ata CenterD
Boulder, CF. foundD 4('(2004. found atD
0%ep%erd, J.B. 200& 9Tsunami Hazard in t%e astern Caribbean.: Presented at t%e
8or,s%op on ;ol"ani" and 0eismi" Hazards in t%e Caribbean. 7o"ation.
Eay 2)
M June &
Date: Ear"% *, &26&
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
N6$C. 200*. 9Tsunami runup database.: National 6eop%ysi"al $ata CenterD
Boulder, CF. foundD 4('(2004. found atD
Date: Bpril 4, &262
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
N6$C. 200*. 9Tsunami runup database.: National 6eop%ysi"al $ata CenterD
Boulder, CF. foundD 4('(2004. found atD
Date: Eay 2, &302
Location: Barbados Careena#e
ause: eruption of 0oufriere
Eiller, J.E. &302. 9The Martini2ue Horror and the St! #incent Calamity!7 6lobe
Bible Publis%in# CompanyD P%iladelp%ia, PB. pp. '60.
0%ep%erd, J.B. 200& 9Tsunami Hazard in t%e astern Caribbean.: Presented at t%e
8or,s%op on ;ol"ani" and 0eismi" Hazards in t%e Caribbean. 7o"ation.
Eay 2)
M June &
Bnderson, T., J.0. /lett, and T.E. E"$onald. &30*. Report on t%e eruptions of t%e
0oufriere, in 0t. ;in"ent, in &302, and on a !isit to Eonta#ne Pelee, in
Eartini+ue. Part <. $hiloso&hical Transactions of the 1oyal Society of 8ondon!
Series "4 Containin% $a&ers of a mathematical or $hysical Character! 20)D
Date: July 24, &3*3
Location: Barbados
ause: eruption of Hi", >em Jenny
0%ep%erd, J.B. 200& 9Tsunami Hazard in t%e astern Caribbean.: Presented at t%e
8or,s%op on ;ol"ani" and 0eismi" Hazards in t%e Caribbean. 7o"ation.
Eay 2)
M June &
Date: $e"ember 2', &363
Location: Barbados
ause: art%+ua,e
Source: 7ander, J./., 7.0. 8%ite, and P.B. 7o",rid#e. 2002. B brief %istory of
tsunamis in t%e Caribbean. Science of Tsunami Ha'ards! ;ol. 20,
No. 2, pp '2(34.
N6$C. 200*. 9Tsunami runup database.: National 6eop%ysi"al $ata CenterD
Boulder, CF. foundD 4('(2004. found atD
0%ep%erd, J.B. 200& 9Tsunami Hazard in t%e astern Caribbean.: Presented at t%e
8or,s%op on ;ol"ani" and 0eismi" Hazards in t%e Caribbean. 7o"ation.
Eay 2)
M June &
Severe *ave "ction
Date: Bpril 4(6, &3')
Location: ast and 8est "oast of Barbados
ause: Nor?easter in t%e Nort%ern Btlanti"
0taff. &36&. 90e!ere sea sur#es at Barbados.: The Journal of the Barbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. 2), No. 4, pp &*2(&40.
Severe *ave "ction
Date: F"tober 24(2), &3')
Location: ast "oast of Barbados
ause: =tra Tropi"al Cy"lone in t%e Nort%ern Btlanti"
0taff. &36&. 90e!ere sea sur#es at Barbados.: The Journal of theBarbados Museum
Historical Society. ;ol. 2), No. 4, pp &*2(&40.
Severe *ave "ction
Date: 0eptember 4, &3)3
Location: Cattle@as%, Barbados
ause: Hurri"ane 6abrielle
;as"o, P. &3)3. 9<t?s too rou#% at Cattle@as%.: Barbados "dvocate.
Brid#eto@nD Barbados. 0ept. '. pp 2('.
Date: 0eptember 20, &3*2
Location: Fli!e Bran"% Plantation
ause: Tropi"al 0ystem
0,eete, C.C. &3*4. 98eat%er obser!ations and re"ords in Barbados &324(**.: The
Journal of the Barbados Museum Historical Society.;ol. &, No. 2, pp &&'( &*6.

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