Writing Genre PDST

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Writing Genre A

The Primary School Curriculum recognises the act of writing as part of the language learning
process. Writing is a skill and a craft that needs to be taught and which is learned from
practice. The diagram below illustrates the key components of writing.

Components of Writing

This manual provides guidance on how schools may approach the teaching of a number of
writing genres. While the focus is on seven genres, this list is not exhaustive. Appropriate
assessment tools are suggested, along with a variety of practical activities.
Students should be given opportunities to engage actively and collaboratively in analysing,
interpreting and constructing a variety of genres. Such skills and processes need to be
modelled, shared and guided before they are practised independently in a manner that is
integrated across literacy and across the curriculum. In maths class for example, students
will be encouraged to use the language of maths and the structure of procedural writing to
explain how they have solved a problem. In this way, writing becomes a pathway to

Writing Genres
Definitions and activities to support classroom implementation.
Please note that these activities are adapted from First Steps Writing 2
Edition, 2005.

Narrative Writing
Narratives entertain and engage the reader in an imaginative experience.
Narrative texts are organised according to setting, event leading to a problem and solution.
The main features of narrative writing are: defined characters, descriptive language, past tense.

1. Tired Words/Boring Sentences
Children chose overused words from their own and other peoples writing and they
brainstorm alternatives
Read sentence carefully
Brainstorm alternative words for each word in the sentence / list
Create a new sentence using some words from the alternative list.
Compare original sentence and new sentence
2. Connecting Words
Scan the first few pages of texts to find connecting words- for example, and, but, when
Write each word on a card and display
Use sentences to give children opportunity to see the words in use, for example,
Complete the following..
I went to the hospital.. and/but/because
3. Pass-it-on
Sitting in small groups, children each write first sentence of story- set the scene and
name two characters (one male & one female)
Children then fold back the section on which they have written so that it cannot be seen
and pass the paper to the next person who writes a sentence beginning with Suddenly
Repeat the procedure- folding, passing and adding sentences.
She said.. After that.. In the end...
Group then unfolds paper and read narrative to group!
4. Building Character Profiles
Children receive a picture of a character and build a simple profile based on a number of
characteristics (I look like, I wear etc.)
More complicated characteristics for more senior children (Aspirations etc.)
Can develop it to focus just on one feature (e.g. Eyes, colour, shape, look)
Samples of Narrative Writing
*Narrative sample for Junior classes

Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived at the edge of a large dark
forest. She always wore a red coat so everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, her mother gave her a basket of food and told her to take it to her
grandmother. On the way, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. Where are you
going? he asked. Im going to my grandmothers house, Red Riding Hood said.
The greedy wolf took a short cut to the grandmothers house and put on her
clothes. When Red Riding Hood got there, she did not know her grandmother.
What big teeth you have she said. All the better to eat you said the wolf. Red
Riding Hood shouted Help someone Help!
A woodcutter came and chased the wolf away.
Little Red Riding Hoods granny got out of the press where she was hiding and
they had a lovely tea.

*Narrative sample for Senior Classes

Na Tr Mhuicn
L amhin thg na tr mhuicn a dtithe. Rinne muicn amhin teach as tu. Rinne
muicn eile teach as adhmad agus rinne an tri mhuicn a theach as brc.
Chnag an mac tre ar doras an t a bh danta as tu. Lig isteach m. Lig isteach
m! arsa an mac tre.
N ligfidh m isteach th arsa an chad mhuicn. Tigh abhaile!
Bhuel, sidfidh m is leagfaidh m do theach tu! Ansin shid s agus shid s
agus leag s an teach tu!
Chnag an mac tre ar dhoras an t adhmaid. Lig isteach m. Lig isteach m! arsa
an mac tre.
N ligfidh m isteach th arsa an dara muicn . Tigh abhaile!
Bhuel, sidfidh m is leagfaidh m do theach adhmaid! Ansin shid s agus
shid s agus leag s an teach adhmaid!
Chnag an mac tre ar dhoras an t a bh danta as brc. Lig isteach m. Lig
isteach m! arsa an mac tre.
N ligfidh m isteach th arsa an tr mhuicn. Tigh abhaile!
Bhuel, sidfidh m is leagfaidh m do theach brc! Ansin shid s agus shid s
ach norbh fhidir leis an teach leis na bhric a leagadh!
Ansin chuaigh an mac tre suas ar an don sos an simlar leis agus...
PLOP! Isteach san uisce leis an mac tre. Thosaigh na tr mhuicn ag gire!
Connectives/ Conjunctions/ Joining Words

And or but yet

Even though while

Although like as after

Before since when

If unless in case also

Whereas bothand despite

Because now that provided that

Such as for example however

Furthermore similarly

On the other hand


I can think about a character and write a sentence.


Can you use adjectives?
I look like

I wear

I like to ..

I say

Dont tell anyone but my name is___________________

Recount Writing
Recount tells the reader what happened and this may involve the authors personal
interpretation of events. There are different types of recounts which including personal (my trip
to the farm), factual (retelling an accident) and imaginative recounts (a day in the life of a
puppy). Recount writing is organised by setting, events in chronological order and a concluding
The main features of recount writing are specific participants, action verbs and past tense.
1. Tell your news
In pairs, small groups and whole class use the clown poster to guide you

2. Create shared experiences that can then be re-told or written by children
In pairs, small groups or recorded on tape (e.g. blowing bubbles, PE, a school trip).
Teacher can scribe for children during shared writing and then use the subsequent text
for reading activities

3. Class diary
Teacher may act as a scribe and record some class news in the form of a recount each
day for a week. Display each days recount on a wall then collate and put into the class library. Re
read entries every day that week. Older children may wish to keep their own weekly diary

4. Set up a daily news broadcast
Where children use props (e.g. microphone and hat) and prepare and deliver a short news story to
the class

5. Living charts
Jointly create and display charts of terms used by the children in their oral and written recounts
under the following headings: who, where, when, feelings (e.g. WHO: cousin, sister, best friend,
WHERE: park, school, cinema, WHEN: yesterday, weekend, after school, FEELINGS: bored, ecstatic,
surprised, delighted etc.) Add to these charts whenever a new term arises and add terms that are
commonly used in the childrens free writing. Model using words from these charts when modelling
writing to the children

6. Use simple templates to organise recounts
7. Class Writing Bag
Send home the writing bag and encourage students to recount personal experiences

8. Sequence Events
Have students recall an experience shared by the class, in small groups write each event on a
sentence strip, then have another group sequence the strips

9. Use www.xtimeline.com to create a pictorial or written timeline of an experience.
*Recount Sample for Junior Classes

At the Beach
My friend and I went to the beach on Saturday.
While we were at the beach we had a cool swim.
After our swim we built sandcastles.
Later it began to rain, so we packed up and went home.
We were tired from our day at the beach, so we went to bed early

*Recount Sample for Middle Classes
A Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant.
When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to
give to the animals.
After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw
birds and reptiles which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride
it. Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope.
During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw
the animals being fed.
When we returned home we were tired but happy because we had
so much fun.


*Recount Sample for Senior Classes
Sunday, 14 June, 1942
On Friday, June 12th, I woke up at six oclock and no wonder, it
was my birthday. But of course I was not allowed to get up at that
hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quarter to seven. Then
I could bear it no longer, and went to the dining room, where I
received a warm welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven I went to Mummy and Daddy and then to the
sitting room to undo my presents. The first to greet me was you,
possibly the nicest of all. Then on the table there were a bunch of
roses, a plant, and some peonies, and more arrived during the day.
I got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy, and was
thoroughly spoiled by various friends. Among other things I was
given Camera Obscura, a party game, lots of sweets, chocolates, a
puzzle, a brooch, Tales and Legends of the Netherlands by Joseph
Cohen, Daisys Mountain Holiday (a terrific book) and some
money. Now I can by The Myths of Greece and Rome grand!
Then Lies called for me and we went to school. During recess I
treated everyone to sweet biscuits, and then we had to go back to
our lessons.
Now I must stop. Bye-bye, were going to be great pals!

Source: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank, Bantam Publishers

Procedural Writing
Procedures are written to explain how something is done, in a series of sequenced steps.
They are organised by goal, material, method and evaluation.
Features of procedural writing include: detailed factual description, reader referred to in a
general way (draw a line), linking words to do with time, tense is timeless.

1. Headings.
Discuss the different parts of a procedure
1. Read a procedure
Discuss the content and the headings
Label the parts
2. Simon Says.
Flip chart the bossy verbs for living charts
3. Tell me about
Oral retell of everyday tasks
4. Class Recipe
Do a simple procedure and record the steps involved
5. Sequence pictures.
Order the steps involved in a simple task
6. Match picture and caption.
Discuss what is happening in each picture and find the matching sentence
7. Role-play interview.
Children choose a job card and in pairs conduct an interview
8. Make a game.
Place a selection of resources / equipment on floor, children pick 3 items and come up with a game
to play
9. Lost Instructions.
Hand out board games; explain that the instructions are missing. Children must tell the group how
the game is played

*Procedural Writing for Junior Classes
How to Make Jelly

1. Fill the kettle with water and bring to the boil.
2. Break up the jelly into small pieces.
3. Put the jelly pieces into the jug.
4. Pour the boiling water over the jelly in the jug.
5. Stir well until all the jelly has dissolved.
6. Pour into the bowl.
7. Leave in a cold place to set.
8. Put in a dish. Add cream or ice-cream. Taste.

*Procedural Writing for Middle Classes
How to Play Hurling
Hurling is a national sport in Ireland. It has been played here for thousands of years.


What we need:
Litre Jug

Hurley Shin Guards Shorts
Sliotar Ash Guard
Helmet Socks
Jersey Boots

1. Hold the hurley with your strong hand above your other hand.
2. Scoop or roll the sliotar onto the hurley.
3. Flick the sliotar into your hand.
4. Throw the sliotar in the air and strike it with the hurley.
5. Shoot the ball past the goalie to score a goal. (1 goal = 3 points)
6. Hit it between the uprights to score a point.

*Procedural Writing for Seniors
How to Make Pancakes
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. Mix the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a bowl. If you have a whisk, use it, and make sure
the batter it is well mixed.
2. In another bowl, beat the egg then add the milk and oil. Mix until it is thoroughly combined.
3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk them together for about a minute. The
mixture should be a bit lumpy.
4. Heat a blob of butter in a large frying pan.

5. Pour about a third of a cup of batter into the pan. If you want larger pancakes, pour more. For
smaller pancakes pour less batter.
6. It will take about two minutes to cook the first side. You will know it is cooked when bubbles that
will form on the top.
7. Flip it over and let it cook for a minute more. When the pancakes are golden brown, put them on
a plate and enjoy.

Report Writing
Reports are written to describe or classify the way things are or seem to be.
They organise and record information.
Reports are organised by; classification, description and summarising comment.
The features of report writing are; generalised participants, impersonal objective language,
timeless present tense and subject specific vocabulary.

Model and share writing reports
Show and Tell
Ask children to bring in something interesting from home to show their classmates. Encourage the
child to give an oral report about the object and encourage other children to ask questions

Create displays and label items e.g. Irish animals, mini beasts, our favourite toys

Who We Are
During shared writing sessions, create a class book describing each student in turn
Children can then illustrate the page describing them. Re-read the book to the class and share with
parents and other classes
Create mind maps and reports for a given topic using www.mindmeister.com

Oral Activities: Oral activities such as Barrier Games encourage children to use descriptive language.
Children sit side by side with a barrier between them and describe/instruct simple sequences or
patterns e.g. stringing beads, drawing a clothes line, colour parts of same picture, simple
construction e.g. Lego, locate items on a picture board, grids position shapes or objects on a grid,
route finding describe how to get from one point to another on a map, spot the difference pictures
which are commercially available

*Report Writing for Junior Classes
Bicycles are a mode of transport. They bring people from place to place.
They have two wheels attached to a frame, with a seat and handle bars for
steering. They also have brakes.
Bicycles are made in factories and then sold in shops.
People use bicycles to get to work and for pleasure.
Cycling is good exercise.

*Report Writing for Middle Classes
Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, highest and driest continent in the world. It
is situated at and around the South Pole.
Most of Antarctica is covered in very thick ice and snow. In fact, the ice
covering Antarctica makes up nearly 70% of the worlds fresh water.
The average rainfall on Antarctica is lower than in many desert areas in the
world. By that standard, it could be said that Antarctica is the largest desert in
the world.
For obvious reasons, Antarctica is mostly uninhabited, apart from staff working
at research stations. No land vertebrates live on Antarctica, but a handful of
insects and worms have been found. Penguins, seabirds, seals, whales and
dolphins inhabit the waters and shores.
Antarctica is like no other continent in the world. Its extremes make it one of
the most spectacular and beautiful places on Earth.

*Report Writing for Senior Classes
Hang out with BATS!
Although bats have wings and can fly like birds, they are mammals. This means that, unlike birds,
they feed their young with milk produced by the mother. The scientific name for bats is Chiroptera,
which means winged hand. There are over 950 different types of bat in the world.
Bats can be found in all parts of the world, on all continents except Antarctica, although most types
of bat live in warm countries. They roost in caves, hollow trees and buildings anywhere where it is
dark and warm. Sometimes they even live underneath bridges. Bats are nocturnal animals; they
sleep during the day and forage for food during the night. When they sleep, they hang upside down,
using their feet to grasp onto a twig or ledge.
The different types of bat in the world eat a wide variety of foods. Sometimes it is easy to tell what a
bat eats just by its name, e.g. Fruit Bat and Fishing Bat. However, insects are the most common bat
food. A single bat can catch 600 mosquitoes in just one hour.
Bats which hunt for live food do so at night. They cannot see
their prey in the darkness, so they use a technique called
echolocation. By making high-pitched clicking and squeaking
sounds, they can judge how close things are by how quickly
the sound bounces back to them. If there is no echo, then they
know that there is nothing to eat nearby.
Many bats hibernate during the winter. When they wake in the spring, the females give birth to
babies called pups. Normally a bat mother will have only one baby at a time, like a human mother,
but sometimes they have twins. When they are born, the pups are hairless and tiny, but they have
strong claws so that they can hang on to the ledge while their mothers are hunting. They grow
quickly, and some types of bat can fly and hunt for themselves when they are just one month old.
Although they are very useful animals, due to the way they control insects and help to reseed plants,
many bats are in danger of extinction. Of the fourteen species of bats which live in Britain today, two
are endangered and nine others are threatened.

Explanation Writing
Explanations are written to explain how something works or the process involved in actions,
events or behaviour. E.g. How does a rainbow occur?
Explanation texts are organised by: a definition or statement, and a sequenced explanation.
The features of explanation writing are: non-human participants, cause and effect relationships,
passives and timeless present tense.

1. Headings.
Discuss the different parts of an explanation text

2. Read an explanation
Discuss the content and the headings
Label the parts

3. Informal Explanations

4. Oral Explanations
(Using topic cards explain how/why something works etc.)

5. Explanation Jig-saw
Children reconstruct an explanation text using their knowledge of the explanation framework

6. Tell from the diagram
(Say/write explanations to go with illustrations)

7. Independent Construction
(Using a written plan to record main points of their text)

*Explanation Writing for Juniors
Making your own music
It is easy to understand how a drum makes a sound- you can see the drum skin
vibrating. You can also see the strings on a guitar vibrating back and forth
when they are plucked. All wind instruments, like a tin whistle or a saxophone,
also make their sounds using vibrations.
All wind instruments have a tube. The musician blows air through this tube.
The air vibrates against the tube as it travels down. All this bouncing air
produces notes. The length and width of the tube effects the notes that we

*Explanation Writing for Middle Classes
How is Food Digested?
The food we eat is broken down and used by our bodies. This breaking down of
food is called digestion.
You may have heard your stomach gurgling after you have eaten. The stomach,
teeth, tongue and intestines all help to digest food.
When you chew your food, digestion begins. The food is pushed by the tongue
to the trapdoor at the back of the mouth called the oesophagus.
It then moves to the stomach where the digestive juices make it smaller. In the
small intestine, the goodness is soaked up. Finally, water is taken out in the
large intestines.
The goodness that is left can now be carried around the body by the blood to
be used for energy, repair and growth!

The bee sucks nectar with its
mouth, which is shaped like a
Bees fly hundreds of times
between flowers and their
In the country, some bees make their nests in
places like the trunk of a tree.
Bees make honeycombs with wax from their
own bodies. The gaps in the honeycomb are
where the honey is stored.
In gardens or farms, beekeepers keep
bees in beehives like this one so they
can collect honey. About fifty thousand
bees live in one beehive.
The beekeeper collects the
honey from the beehive.
He takes out the
honeycomb which is full of
He is dressed in special
clothes so that he doesnt
get stung.
Honey is used in lots of different
recipes. It is delicious when it is
spread onto bread.
*Explanation sample for seniors
Persuasive Writing
Persuasive texts are written to argue or persuade. They promote the writers point of view.
Persuasive texts are organised with: Proposition to be argued, arguments in logical order,
The features of persuasive writing are: generalised participants, passives to help text structure,
linking words associated with reasoning, nominalisation (actions become things) e.g. To pollute
becomes pollution.

1. Pass argument around the group
Topic for debate is introduced to each group
Pass it around the circle each person has to think of an argument for
Pass it the other way each person has to think of an argument against

2. Four Corners
Topic for debate
Agree, Disagree, Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree justify their position

3. Informal & Formal Debate
Seize the moment- capitalise on current topics to provide authentic reasons for debate
Help- gather, select & present info. Reflect on best arguments- and why?

4. Be the Expert
All expert groups- parents/students/ teachers- work in groups together-then reform own group

5. Change the point of view
Retell story from different point of view- True story of the 3 pigs-told by the wolf

6. Character Defences
Delete character from familiar story- allocate character- pupil has to defend inclusion in story

*Persuasive writing for Junior Classes
Healthy Lunches
Children should eat healthy lunches in school every day.
Firstly, children need to drink milk to make their teeth and bones strong. Some
schools provide milk for children and this is an excellent idea.
Secondly, children need to eat fruit and vegetables every day to keep them
healthy. Some children do not eat fruit or vegetables and they get sick more
Sweets and fizzy drinks should be banned from schools because they rot your

*Persuasive writing for Middle Classes
Time for Play
During the past few years, schools have been giving pupils much more
Some parents believe more homework is better for the future. However, this is
not as good as it seems!
Children are having their time for play stolen from them, because they get too
much homework. Children need time to play, to exercise and meet their
Also, it is not fair that some children have more homework than others. It
makes them very angry that they cant play as much as other children.
I think that children should only have to complete a small amount of
homework. A law could be made that says how much homework all children
should have to do.


*Persuasive writing for Middle Classes
11 Sample Street
11 September 2008
Dear Minister Dempsey,
Most people in the world drive their cars on the right side of the road. As international travel
becomes cheaper and more common, more and more people who are used to driving on the right
side of the road are getting confused and causing accidents on Irish roads, where we drive on the
An obvious solution would be for countries in the minority, like Ireland, which drive on the left side
of the road, to change their rules so that all people in the world drive on the right side of the road.
This would minimise confusion, and in the long term greatly reduce the number of injuries and
deaths due to road accidents.
An additional benefit would be the reduction in accident repair costs and a corresponding reduction
in the amount we all have to pay for car insurance.
One problem with this solution is that for a little while there would be more confusion on Irish roads,
and more accidents, while everyone got used to driving on the right side.
In the long run though, changing to driving on the right side of the road in Ireland makes sense. We
should not allow some short term disadvantages to deter us from enjoying the huge long term
advantages of making this change.
Yours sincerely
M de Brca
Mchel de Brca


Should school be

Should violent video
games be banned?

Should cigarettes be
Should children be
allowed out on their
own after 7pm?
Should children be
allowed have
televisions in their
Should it be
compulsory to wear a
helmet when riding a
Should TV adverts for
junk food be banned?
Is television a bad
influence on children?
Should people who
live in the city be
allowed to drive 4x4

Supporting pupils to get started
Talk about the purpose of writing to socialise
Provide texts cut into individual paragraphs and have students reconstruct them and share
their reasoning for text order
Provide authentic contexts for students to write freely for social purposes e.g. letterbox,
message pads, notice boards
Have students role play conversations that would occur in classroom interest areas e.g.
shopkeeper, station from Aistear programme. Reinforce the use of courteous language and
Use puppets to model the language of socialising used during conversations
Provide opportunities for students to put themselves in someone elses position and speak
and behave as they would. Ensure students can relate the situation to their own experiences
(answering phone as mam or dad, giving messages as an older sibling, thanking others for
sharing as teacher)
Supporting students at beginning and developing stages
Paper chain
o Have each student randomly select the name of a class member, then write a
positive note to that student on a strip of paper. Each student responds to their note
on a different coloured strip of paper. Connect all the strips to make a paper chain

Brown Bag ME
o Place several items in a large paper bag prior to the class, with each item
representing some sub strand of yourself (picture of dog, favourite CD). Take the
Writing to Socialise
Texts used to socialise help writers to maintain or enhance relationships. These forms of writing
can be formal or informal in tone depending on the relationship between the writer and the
audience. Different text forms used to socialise include apologies, thank you notes, invitation,
greetings, notes and messages.
The framework for this genre will vary depending on the form and topic but will include the
orientation, body and prompt.
Orientation: This will include a greeting, establish the purpose and may include the time and place.
Body: The body of the text consists of the message, stating the details of communication.
Prompt: This is often a call to action and involves instructions about what to do e.g. RSVP. It may
include how, by when and where that information is to be passed on. If the prompt is not a call to
action, it is most likely to be a formal farewell e.g. yours sincerely.
Language features include: first and second person pronouns (I, me, you), specific participants,
questions or statements of inquiry, concise language, simple past tense, call to action, action verbs,
signal words to show time, formal or informal tone and may include abbreviations or pictograms.

items out of the bag one at a time and explain to the students the significance of
each item. Then have each student compose their own Brown Bag ME. Use these
sessions as a springboard to having students write notes and messages to each other
Vocabulary Development
o Jointly create class charts that focus on specific vocabulary used when using writing
to socialise. E.g. When: yesterday, at the weekend, last night. Where: at the beach,
in the playground. Who: Dad, my sister
o Have students read texts used to socialise and underline or highlight where specific
information has been included. This helps them focus on the key information in texts
used to socialise, they can then do the same activity with their own writing allowing
them to add missing information
Across learning areas
o Provide opportunities across learning areas for students to compose texts used to
socialise e.g. P.E: A thank you note to a visitor. Science: A note of apology to the
cleaner! Art: An invite to view an exhibition
o How to write an e-mail.
o Social media twitter, Facebook,
o Creating PowerPoints
o www.Ewriteonline.com : This is a resource for teachers only.
o www.wordle.net: it is an online tool for creating word clouds from passages of text.
o www.prezi.com: its an alternative to traditional PowerPoint.
o www.kidblock.org: it is a safe and simple blogging platform suitable for primary
o www.zooburst.com: it is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create
his/her own pop up books.
o www.storyjumper.com: write stories for an authentic audience.
o www.storybird.com: Story birds are short art inspired stories for you to make to
share read and print
Writing Frameworks
Purpose To re-tell past experiences
Personal e.g. My trip to the Farm
Factual e.g. retelling an accident
Imaginative e.g. a day in the life of a puppy
Setting Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Events In time order
Concluding statement
Example My school tour
Language Features Specific participants
Linking words to do with time, e.g. later, after, before
Paragraphs in time order sequence
Action verbs
Simple past tense

Purpose To tell an imaginative story (may be based on fact)
Setting Who? Where? When?
Initiating event How did the characters get involved
Problem What was the conflict/problem
Resolution How was the problem solved
Examples The three little pigs
A space adventure
Language Features Usually past tense
Defined characters
Descriptive language to create images
Linking words to do with time

Purpose To explain how things work or how things came to be
Explains how things occur e.g. how does a rainbow occur?
How things work e.g. how do engines work?
Why things are or happen
Definition What is it?
Parts Describe
Operation How it works
Application When/where it works, how its used
Interesting features
Example How erosion occurs
Language Features Generalised non-human participants
Cause and effect relationships
Some passives e.g. is driven by
Timeless present tense e.g. soil is deposited

Purpose To list steps to follow in making/doing something
Give instructions on how to operate something e.g. washing machine
Show steps for making and doing e.g. baking a cake, playing a game
List sequences of actions e.g. find a location
Aim What is to be done
Requirements What is needed (usually a list)
Method How to do it (usually numbered)
Evaluation Was it successful
Examples How to make a sandwich
Directions to the shop
Language Features Detailed factual description
Reader referred to in a general way or not mentioned at
all, e.g. draw a line
Linking words to do with time e.g. after, as soon as
Tense is timeless
Action verbs often begin each sentence

Purpose To present factual information
Objects e.g. A report on computers
Places e.g. A report on deserts
Animals e.g. A report on Birds
People e.g. A report on Life on Mozart
Classification What is it?
Description Size, shape, features
Place/Time Where? What?
Dynamics What does it do?
Summarising comment
Example Frogs
Language Features Generalised participants
Impersonal objective language
Timeless present tense
Subject specific vocabulary

Purpose To persuade others involving argument and debate
persuade readers to agree with one point of view
show all points of view and reach conclusion e.g. debate
argue a case
State problem/argument
Arguments for and
supporting evidence

Arguments against and
supporting evidence

Examples Mobile phones should be banned
Language Features Generalised participants
Passives to help text structure
Linking words associated with reasoning e.g. therefore
Nominalisation (actions become things) e.g. to pollute
becomes pollution

Writing to socialise
Purpose Helps writers to maintain or enhance relationships
Can be formal or informal depending on relationship
between writer and audience
Orientation Establishes the purpose and may include time and place. The
orientation may include a greeting
Body Consists of the message, stating the details of the
Prompt Involves instructions about what to do e.g.. RSVP or formal
Language Features Frist and Second person pronouns e.g. I, me, you, your
Specific participants e.g. Mrs Smith, Grandma
Questions or statement of inquiry
Concise language
Simple past tense
May include personal endearments e.g. pet names
Action verbs
May include abbreviations or pictogram e.g. gr8, l8r


Narrative Writing
To tell an imaginative
story, but this may be
based on fact.

Who? Where? When?

Initiating Event:
How did the characters get

What is the problem?

How was it solved?

Fairy tales

Recount Writing
To retell past
Who? What? When?
Where? Why? How?

In time order

Concluding Statement:

**Recount writing is always
written in time order**
My School Tour
St. Patricks Day
Procedural Writing
To lists steps to
follow in making or
doing something.

What is to be done

List of what is needed

How to do it

Was it successful





Report Writing
To present factual


What is it?

Size? Shape? Features?

Place/ Time:
Where? What?

What does it do?

Summarising Comment:


Persuasive Writing
To persuade others in
argument and debate.


State Problem/ Argument
Arguments for and
supporting evidence
Arguments against and
supporting evidence

Mobile phones
should be banned

Explanatory Writing
To explain how things
work or came to be.


What is it?


How it works

When/Where it works,
how its used

Interesting Features:

How erosion
















Writing to Socialise

This is the
message, stating
the details of the
Call to action
Farewell (formal
or informal)
Thank you note

Step 1: Familiarisation with the genre
Integration with reading and oral language, for example, comparing samples of the genre,
using sample displays, reading to and reading with students.

Step 2: Use an example to devise a framework
Children analyse one effective sample of the text form. Children discover the framework of
a form of a text. . Create a framework with key words/prompts for the genre e.g. in
Narrative: Title, Setting, Characters, Problem, Resolution.

Step 3: Modelled writing (teacher only)
The teacher thinks aloud as he/she writes while the class observe.

Step 4: Shared writing
Teacher has the pen and continues to think aloud but uses childrens ideas also. Children
engage in talking, writing and reading within the genre.

Step 5: Guided Writing: Children plan their writing
Children can plan their writing in pairs/groups using the framework they have devised.

Step 6: Independent writing
Children plan and write their own piece including drafting, editing and redrafting.

Step 7: Presentation to audience
Children write for real purpose and for real audience.

7 Steps to Teaching a Writing Genre


Sample plan for implementation of a genre over a seven week timeframe

Week 1:
- Familiarisation showing the children lots of examples of this genre
- Discovery (direct model) engaging in focussed talk and discussion, questioning, etc.
- Teacher models (teacher writes their own sample of that genre using their own
ideas, not the childrens)
Week 2:
- Familiarisation
- Discovery (analysing text) breaking down the text into its various subheadings, etc.
- Teacher models highlighting the structure, the language features, grammar and so
Week 3:
- Modelled writing
- Shared writing teacher writes the childrens ideas
Week 4:
- Modelled writing
- Guided writing - using frameworks devised by teacher or the resource book
Week 5:
- Modelled writing
- Independent construction
Week 6:
- Modelled writing
- Independent construction
- Presentation to audience (reading it for different classes, hall display, school
website, class book, parish newsletter, etc.)
Week 7:
- Independent construction
- Presentation to audience


Schools measure the effectiveness of reading initiatives in many different ways. In order to do this, it
is crucial that we gather and analyse information before we begin an initiative, so that on conclusion
we can repeat a similar assessment in order to measure the success of the initiative. In this section,
we outline some of the many sources of evidence that we can use to monitor pupils reading
development and the impact of our reading initiatives.
Assessment is the process of generating, gathering, recording, interpreting, using and reporting
evidence of learning in individuals, groups or systems, which relies upon a number of instruments,
one of which may be a test. Educational assessment provides information about progress in
(Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for School. NCCA, 2007, p. 4)

Writing Assessment Continuum

o Writing Surveys / Questionnaires
o Writing Logs
o Tools to allow pupils to reflect on positive aspects of their work and to focus on
an area for improvement e.g.
- Prompts the most important thing I learnt was... what I found difficult
was... what helped me best...
- Two Stars (identifying the positives) and a wish (identify area for
- Ladders (See p. 85 Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum,
Guidelines for Schools (NCCA, 2007))
- WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If)
(See pg 92, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for Schools,
NCCA, 2007)

o Using a Rubric (Genre: narrative)
(See p. 25, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for Schools
NCCA, 2007)
Assessment of Writing
o Using a Rubric (Genre: explanation)
o Child/ Teacher Conference
(See p. 26, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for Schools NCCA,

o Creating a Writing Portfolio
(See p. 31, Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for Schools NCCA,


o Blooms Taxonomy of Questioning
See Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for Schools (NCCA, 2007, pp.
Evaluation check, critique, hypothesise, judge, debate
Synthesis create, compose, plan, design, propose, formulate, invent, predict,
construct, imagine, devise, combine
Analysis Analyse, compare, investigate, identify, order, connect; distinguish,
contrast, categorise, separate, explain, infer
Application Solve, use, construct, examine, apply, calculate, show, illustrate,
complete, classify, demonstrate, modify
Understanding Retell, summarise, describe, explain, discuss, interpret, outline,
predict, restate, compare, estimate, contrast
Knowledge tell, list, define, name, when, where, identify, show, state, locate,
relate, who


o Drumcondra English Profiles
o Checklists for formal observations

Tasks and

Teacher-designed tasks and tests can be administered as individual tasks or group tasks.
These may look at a variety of areas of writing development such as use of texts,
conventions, understanding contexts, using strategies to spell, plan writing, proofread.
o Writing samples (assessed using checklists /Drumcondra Profiles as above)
o Free Writing copy


o Drumcondra Primary School Spelling Test: (www.erc.ie)
The Drumcondra Primary Spelling Test (DPST) is designed to be administered to pupils in
first to sixth classes in primary schools. The DPST includes three item types: word spelling,
in which pupils are asked to spell words called out by the teacher; sentence or story
completion, in which the pupil is asked to write out the missing words in a text that is also
read aloud by the teacher; and error detection ('mistakes') where the pupil is asked to
identify common spelling errors in each of several sentences, and to write out the correct
Interpreting Standardised Test Results
Standardised Test results may be interpreted in different ways and at different levels.
Individual pupils results can be analysed, tests can be examined from a whole class
perspective and both of these analyses can then be utilised to feed into the building of a
whole school picture. This whole-school picture allows us to identify trends, emerging
patterns or whole school strengths and areas for improvement. This big picture will
inevitably prove invaluable when used as a basis for whole school planning in English.

PDST has 2 excel files available to assist you in monitoring individual and whole school
progress. These are available from www.pdst.ie
o Yearly individual tracking of class / pupil
o 1/ 3 year aggregate STEN/ Standard score

Sample Assessment Tools for Writing
Questionnaires/ Surveys
Writing Questionnaire

1) Name one piece of writing you did this term that you were really pleased with.
2) Why were you pleased with this piece of writing?
3) Do you find learning to write in English difficult? (tick one box)
All the time sometimes rarely never
4) What parts of learning to write in English do you find difficult?
5) Why is it so difficult?
6) What usually helps you when its a bit of a struggle to learn to write?

Writing Survey
Section A
(1) When I am writing, I make a plan beforehand of what I will write
Always Sometimes Never
(2) When I am writing, I read back over my work to check that it makes sense
Always Sometimes Never
(3) When I am writing, I think about who will read my work
Always Sometimes Never
Section B
(4) What do you do when you are writing and you cant spell a word?
(5) What do you do if you cant think of what to write?
Section C
(6) I like being a good writer
Agree Dont know Disagree
(7) I like to write at home
Agree Dont know Disagree
(8) I prefer writing to reading
Agree Dont know Disagree
(9) I would like to spend more time on writing
Agree Dont know Disagree

Pupil Self-Assessment Tools
Thinking About Your Writing
Name: _____________________
1) I found this piece of writing Easy Difficult (circle one)

2) The best part of this piece of writing is

3) Something I want to work on for the future is
4) I plan to do this by
(Adapted from First Steps Writing)

Sample of a KWL and Two Stars and a wish for writing are available on the website; www.pdst.ie
Using an assessment rubric as part of conferencing
Curriculum area Language
Subject English
Strand Competence and confidence in using language / Writing
Strand unit Writing: developing competence, confidence and the ability to write
Competence and confidence in using language: developing competence,
confidence and the ability to write independently
Curriculum objectives The child should be enabled to write, without redrafting, on a given
or chosen topic within certain time constraints.
The child should be enabled to observe the conventions of grammar,
punctuation and spelling in his/her writing.
The child should be enabled to help others in editing their writing.
Class level Fifth and sixth classes
Strand Receptiveness to language / Writing
Strand unit Writing: creating and fostering the impulse to write
Receptiveness to language: creating and fostering the impulse to write
Curriculum objective The child should be enabled to receive and give constructive
Responses to writing.
Class level Fifth and sixth classes
Sixth class children use the rubric below to assess a story they have written. The particular elements
in the rubric are based on what makes a good story as discussed and agreed by the children and
their teacher beforehand (the criteria for success in writing the story). Another rubric might be used
in subsequent writing to assess punctuation, for example the use of quotation marks, exclamation
marks, and so on.
Sample rubric
Feature I didnt do well I made a good effort I made a very good effort
and plot
My story doesnt have a
clear beginning, middle
and end.
My story has a structure
and plot but some of it
is not clear.
My story has a clear
structure and plot.

Paragraphs I have too many (or too
few) paragraphs, or they
are not beginning in
suitable places
Some paragraphs are in
the right places, but
some arent.

My paragraphs begin at
change points in the story
and help the reader to
follow the story better.
Interest My story is not that
My story is fairly
My story is very interesting.
Characters I have described no
strong character in the
I have described at least
one strong character in
the story
The characters in the story
are described well.

Each childs reflection on his/her own piece of writing helps to develop his/her skills of
metacognition (reflecting on ones own learning). A key outcome of each conference is that both the
teacher and the child can understand something more about the childs learning and the next steps
that need to be taken in supporting learning. In addition, the individualised nature of the conference
means that the teacher can differentiate support appropriate to each childs abilities and needs.
(Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for School, NCCA, 2007, 25)

In this template you may choose to add other features to be observed and also to complete the
missing criteria/descriptions
Rubric: Explanation Writing
Learning Objective: To write an explanation, organising and linking ideas logically and using
language features, grammar and punctuation accurately


I didnt do well I made a good effort I made a very good
Purpose The purpose of the
writing is unclear.

It is clear for some parts
of the writing what is
being explained.
Reader is clearly
aware of what is
going to be
Organisation of
Ideas are jumbled with
no logical sequence to
the writing.
Ideas are not always
logical or clearly
Ideas are logically
clearly and
linked to show cause
and effect
Paragraphing No evidence of
Some attempt at

Excellent use of all of
the language
features of
explanation writing.
Frequent mistakes in
punctuation and
grammar showing that
the work has not been
proof read
Some attempt at proof
reading but there are
still occasional
Mainly error free

Creating a Writing Portfolio
Curriculum area Language
Subject English
Strand Receptiveness to language / Writing
Strand unit Writing: creating and fostering the impulse to write / Receptiveness to
Curriculum objectives The child should be enabled to express and communicate reactions to
reading experiences.
The child should be enabled to experience interesting and relevant writing challenges.
The child should be enabled to see his/her writing valued.
Class level Fifth and sixth classes
Strand Competence and confidence in using language / Writing
Strand unit Writing: developing competence, confidence and the ability to write
Competence and confidence in using language
Curriculum objectives The child should be enabled to observe the teacher improving writing.
Class level Fifth and sixth classes
Ms. Kennedy teaches fifth class and uses portfolios to assess the childrens work in English during
the year. She gets the children to make up the folders (A3 size) and design the covers. She tells the
children at the outset that the purpose of the portfolio is to show others and themselves how their
English work improves during the year. About every two weeks Ms. Kennedy gives the class some
time to look at their pieces of work and asks them to select what they think is a good piece. On the
back of it they write one or two sentences explaining what is good about it. These features/qualities
of good work are written on posters by Ms. Kennedy and displayed on the classroom wall so that she
and the children can refer to them. They provide the basis for useful discussions.
Over the months the collection of work in each portfolio grows. By the end of the year, each
portfolio has about fifteen items including poems, pieces of writing (some descriptive and some in
story form), the re-telling of news items discussed in class, and accounts of holidays and school
events. There are also word puzzles and quizzes, jokes and cartoon strips. The children store the
portfolios on a shelf in the class library.
Ms. Kennedy is surprised at how well the children look after their portfolios. At the end of the year
the class have a portfolio presentation whereby each child has a minute to talk to the class about
his/her work and select their best piece. Many of the children are able to say how their work in
English improved over the year. The portfolios are of great interest to parents when they meet the
teachers and receive their childrens reports.
(Assessment in the Primary School Curriculum, Guidelines for School, NCCA, 2007, 31)


Teacher Observation - Drumcondra Profiles
Drumcondra Profiles
(See page 133-143)
- Looking at the writing sample below and the Drumcondra writing profile for this class level,
what can you conclude about this childs writing development?
- Use the Drumcondra Profiles choose 3 children from your class ranging in ability from
experiencing difficulty, capable, capable and confident
- At staff gathering, compare work of these children discussing
o Strengths and challenges for writer
o Implications for our teaching

Sample Checklists to assist Teacher Observation
Questions for Teachers Formal Observations

Planning Drafting Editing Publishing
Has the pupil identified
the purpose and
audience for writing?

Has the appropriate
form of writing been
identified e.g. report?

How did the pupil plan
before writing?

Does the child use
reading as a stimulus
for writing ideas?
Does the pupil write
with fluency when
recording initial ideas?

Does the child edit as
they go?

Is fluency hampered by
difficulties with

Does the pupil have-a-
go at unknown

What strategies are
At which point does
the pupil reread and
make changes?

To what extent does
the pupil edit?

Can the child edit for
many conventions at
one time or

How does the spelling
change between the

Have all corrections
been identified?

Have careful
corrections been

Has consideration
been given to the way
the piece is presented?

Does the pupil seem
satisfied with final

used when spelling
unknown words?
Is the pupil able to
identify misspellings?
Has it been shared
with others?
Adapted from First Steps Writing

Checklist: Writing Behaviours
Name: Age: ____ Date :___________

Always Sometimes Never
Forms alphabet letters

Has direction/return sweep
Leaves space between words
Uses initial consonants
Uses dominant consonants
Has consonant framework
Uses some vowels
Makes close approximations
Writes some words independently
Locates unknown words in the environment
Uses upper/lower case letters
Uses punctuation
Writes one sentence
Writes two sentences
Writes a page
Generates quality ideas
Writes in different genres
Proof reads/Edits

Checklist: Explanation Writing

Layout of writing
Did he/she introduce the writing with a definition?
Did he/she explain the important points in order?
The parts (describe)
Operation (how it works)
Application (how it is used)

Did he/she conclude the writing with an interesting fact or
an evaluation comment?

Did he/she use technical vocabulary?
Did he/she use time connectives e.g. next, later
Did he/she use connectives e.g. so, because, when
Are spellings correct?
Did he/she use the present tense?
Capital letters
Full stops

*Checklists for all the writing genres are available on www.pdst.ie


Writing with your children
Top Ten Tips for Parents/Guardians
Infants to 1
to 4
Class 5
to 6
1. Model writing
yourself shopping
lists / letters /
cards etc.
2. Provide a special
place for your child
to write / scribble
provide a variety of
materials- crayons
markers /pencils
3. Display your childs
name as often as
possible i.e. Seans
4. Teach your child the
letters in his own
5. Provide alphabet
books friezes.
6. Write messages /
reminders to your
7. Encourage child to
write his / her own
messages. Computer.
8. Praise your childs
9. Ask child to read
their own messages.
10. Respond to the
messages and not to
grammar and spelling

1. Praise your childs
efforts respond to
the message and not
spelling /
2. Look for
opportunities for
purposeful writing
activities at home -
writing greeting
cards, notes,
telephone messages.
3. Encourage your child
to use a word
processor /
4. Provide a quiet
writing /study area
for your child well
equipped with
pencils/ paper
5. Encourage your child
to keep a diary.
6. Support your childs
spelling attempts.
7. Encourage him to
have a go at spelling
difficult words.
8. Use scrapbooks to
support the childs
hobby / special
interests. Presents
that support writing.
9. Make sure your child
has a dictionary to
help with writing.
10. Help child fill in
personal details on
forms etc.
1. Encourage your child to
keep a diary. Respect
2. Encourage your child to
write for real purposes
everyday shopping
lists / phone messages
3. Praise the effort and
respond to the message
and not the handwriting,
grammar etc.
4. Make sure that your
child has access to a
dictionary, thesaurus to
help with writing.
5. Allow your child work on
a word processor.
6. Try crossword puzzles
and Find the word
7. Provide a range of
attractive writing
materials coloured
pens, fancy paper.
8. Encourage your child to
write greeting cards /
thank you notes etc.
9. Encourage your child to
take part in writing
competitions /
community projects.
10. Show your child that
you value writing by
writing yourself.

Department of Education and Science (1999). Primary school curriculum. Dublin : Government
Department of Education and Science (2005). An Evaluation of curriculum implementation in primary
schools. English, Mathematics and Visual Arts. Dublin : Government Publications Office.
Department of Education and Skills (2011). Literacy and numeracy for learning and life : The national
strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people 2011-2020. Dublin :
Government Publications.
Education Department of Western Australia (1997). First Steps Writing Resource Book. Rigby.
Education Department of Western Australia (1997). First Steps Writing Developmental Continuum.
Education Department of Western Australia (2005). First Steps Writing Resource Book 2
Education Department of Western Australia (2005). First Steps Writing Map of Development 2

Edition. Rigby.
Shiel, G. & Murphy, R. (2000) Drumcondra English profiles. Dublin : Educational Research Centre.
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (2007). Assessment in the primary school
curriculum: Guidelines for schools. Dublin : NCCA.
National Council for Curriculum and Assessement (2012). Literacy in early childhood and primary
education (3-8 years).

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