This document summarizes the design of a reinforced concrete beam-slab system. Key details include:
- The beam is designed to span 7000mm and carry a factored service load of 65.3 kN/m.
- A trial section of 625mm depth with 400mm wide flanges is analyzed for deflection, strength, and shear.
- Longitudinal reinforcement includes 4 bottom N20 bars and 10 top N20 bars.
- The design satisfies requirements for deflection, strength, shear, and detailing.
This document summarizes the design of a reinforced concrete beam-slab system. Key details include:
- The beam is designed to span 7000mm and carry a factored service load of 65.3 kN/m.
- A trial section of 625mm depth with 400mm wide flanges is analyzed for deflection, strength, and shear.
- Longitudinal reinforcement includes 4 bottom N20 bars and 10 top N20 bars.
- The design satisfies requirements for deflection, strength, shear, and detailing.
Original Description:
Steel Component Complete Assignment for CVEN3302:Structural Behaviour and Design
This document summarizes the design of a reinforced concrete beam-slab system. Key details include:
- The beam is designed to span 7000mm and carry a factored service load of 65.3 kN/m.
- A trial section of 625mm depth with 400mm wide flanges is analyzed for deflection, strength, and shear.
- Longitudinal reinforcement includes 4 bottom N20 bars and 10 top N20 bars.
- The design satisfies requirements for deflection, strength, shear, and detailing.
This document summarizes the design of a reinforced concrete beam-slab system. Key details include:
- The beam is designed to span 7000mm and carry a factored service load of 65.3 kN/m.
- A trial section of 625mm depth with 400mm wide flanges is analyzed for deflection, strength, and shear.
- Longitudinal reinforcement includes 4 bottom N20 bars and 10 top N20 bars.
- The design satisfies requirements for deflection, strength, shear, and detailing.
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CVEN3302 Assignment 1
Column loading (for the purpose of SpaceGass)
PG 1350 kN Given in Assignment Data PQ 1000 kN Given in Assignment Data Factored Column Loading P * 3120 kN P * /2 1560 kN From Slabs AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Section 4 Combinations of Actions 4.2 Combinations of actions fro ultimate limit state 4.2.1 Stability 1.2G+1.5Q 4.2.2 Strength 1.2G+1.5Q Table 4.1 S 0.7 L 0.4 AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Section 7 Confirmation Methods 7.2 Ultimate Limit State 7.2.2 Strength RdEd Rd=Ru RCB Equation 2.11 Values of Page 61 RCB 2ED Properties of Slab Tributary Area 42 m 2 Area of Slab parts acting on beam B4 Tributary Width 6 m Width of Slab parts acting on beam B4 parallel to slab direction p 0.031 From Slab Desgin Steel Weight 1 kN/m 3 AS1170.1:2002 Appendix A Slab Thicknes 0.25 m From Slab Desgin Concrete Unit Weight 24 kN/m 3 AS1170.1:2002 Appendix A Slab Unit Weight 25 kN/m 3 Slab Unit Pressure 6.25 kPa or kN/m 2 Dead Imposed Load 1.0 kPa or kN/m 2 Given in Assignment Data Live Load (Office) 3.0 kPa or kN/m 2 AS1170.1:2002 Table 3.1 Slab Line Load 37.5 kN/m Dead Load 6.0 kN/m Live Load (Office) 18.0 kN/m G 43.5 kN/m Q 18.0 kN/m 1.35G 58.7 kN/m RCB Equation 2.1 1.2G 52.2 1.5Q 27 1.2G+1.5Q 79.2 kN/m (governs) RCB Equation 2.2 Spacegass Results Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 dweb=480 Support 1 mid span support 2 midspan support 3 midspan fixed end dweb=625 Support 1 mid span support 2 midspan support 3 midspan fixed end D=730 -1155.07 728.13 -1377.33 0 -1297.32 0 0 D=875 -1171.42 738.66 -1397.53 687.93 -1316.18 667.01 -1533.32 Beam Design (Beam-Slab T-Section) Material Properties f'c 32 MPa implies Ec 30100 MPa RCB Table A.1 0.826 0.83 RCB Equation 3.60 2 0.904 0.85 RCB Equation 3.61 fsy 500 MPa ES 200000 MPa n 6.6 Durability Exposure Classification A2 AS3600-2009 Table 4.3 f'c 32 MPa minimum Cover 25 mm AS3600-2009 Table Fire FRP 3 hrs as 50 mm AS3600-2009 Table 5.4.1(B) b 550 mm AS3600-2009 Table 5.4.1(B) Combination 3 minimum cover 24 mm Durability governs, take minimum cover 25 mm Make consistant with slab 30 mm (Cover to the bottom longitudinal reinforcement) Distance to top slab reinforcement 20 mm (assumed) Stirrups R10 10 mm S 0.7 rc 25 kN/m 3 L 0.4 /span 1/250 mm/mm 26.88 mm Slab's 6000 Beam Span 7000 mm bef 1240 Assuming 450x450 columns t 250 Lo 6720 mm RCB Equation 2.25 Ln 6600 mm D 625 Trial Depth dweb 375 D 733.3333333 mm RCB Table C.1 D1 730 mm bw 400 D2 625 mm bw1 438 mm CROSS-SECTION OF BEAM PERPINDICULAR TO LOGITUDINAL bw2 400 mm Span 7000 a 4900 mm RCB 0.8 RCB Table 2.1 t 250 Take N28 bars Lo 6720 d 28 mm A mm 2 RCB Table B.4 Ln 6600 N o. 450 450 Ast mm 2 CROSS-SECTION OF BEAM PARALLEL TO LOGITUDINAL Design for Deflection S.W beam-slab 41250000 kN/mm 41.3 kN/m wG 47.3 kN/m (Self weight + unfactored line load calculated in the 'From Slab Section Above) wQ 18.0 kN/m (Self weight + unfactored line load calculated in the 'From Slab Section Above) Time-dependent effective service load: Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 Taking Support 1 mid span support 2 midspan support 3 midspan fixed end kcs 2 1 -1155.07 728.13 -1377.33 639.23 -1297.32 656.44 -1544.45 Then 2 -1171.42 738.66 -1397.53 687.93 -1316.18 667.01 -1533.32 Fd.ef 168.8 kN/m Foster Lecture Notes 3 -1211.67 760.41 -1437.31 708.72 -1355.03 687.21 -1578.02 4 -680.35 420.01 -784.33 393.93 -745.59 379.36 -898.56 5 -636.34 391.81 -730.24 367.84 -695.11 354.15 -842.28 6 -615.38 378.38 -704.48 355.47 -671.05 342.02 -815.47 Considering Span 1 (End Span): Considering Span 2 (Interior Span): Considering Span 3 (End Span): Fom Spacegass Fom Spacegass Fom Spacegass ML -615.38 kNm ML -704.48 kNm ML -671.05 kNm MM 378.38 kNm MM 355.47 kNm MM 342.02 kNm MR -704.48 kNm MR -671.05 kNm MR -815.47 kNm Second Moment of Area RCB Equation 3.46 Second Moment of Area RCB Equation 3.46 Second Moment of Area RCB Equation 3.46 Rearranging for Moment of Area Rearranging for Moment of Area Rearranging for Moment of Area Ief.av > 1.433E+09 mm 4 Ief.av > 1.267E+09 mm 4 Ief.av > 1.124E+09 mm 4 Taking the largest of the three: Ief.av MAX 1.433E+09 mm 4 (Desgin for Span 1 governs) Checking the Trial Section: Assume Ig is 4*iefav Ig 5.73E+09 mm 4 (Compare with trial section's I gross) Beam bef 1 1240 mm RCB Equation 3.79 2 1240 mm 3 1240 mm bef 1240 mm << 6000 mm Ignoring any reo steel y 226.9 mm from top y 398.1 mm from bottom Ig.flange 4.834E+09 mm 4 (The initial dimensions were used to calculate the different moment of inertia, Ig.web 1.991E+09 mm 4 they were optimised to match and be close to the gross second moment of area; Ig.trial 6.824E+09 mm 4 that is 4 times the effective moment of inertia that in turn corresonds to the deflection criteria) Ig.trial/Ig 1.19 (Ig.trial>Ig) O.K. Tiral Section: D 625 mm Design for Strength Checking minimum reinforcements for strength 1.2G 47.3 kN/m (No patterning is needed as (3/4)*G>>Q) 1.5Q 18.0 kN/m w* 65.3 kN/m Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 Support 1 mid span support 2 midspan support 3 midspan fixed end Moments -251.4 145.17 -266.08 139.76 -253.56 132.49 -349.99 Since desgin for span 1 governs Then The moment capacity Mu of the section should not be less than 1.2 Mcro 1.2 Mcro is equal to 1.2f'ct.pZ Ztop 3.008E+07 mm 3 Zbottom 1.714E+07 mm 3 At supports 1.2 Mcro 1.225E+08 Nmm 1.2 Mcro kNm Muis equal to M*/phi 332.6 > 122.5 OK At mid-span 1.2 Mcro 6.982E+07 Nmm 1.2 Mcro kNm Mu 181.5 > 69.8 OK The min. reo. Requirments are satisfied along span 1 (Beam 4) Longitudinal reinforcements: Check A4 for equations Positive Bending (Assume N 28 bars) dn= t= 250 mm d 571 mm M 3760672000 Nmm 3760.672 kNm (Capacity if NA were to be at lower edge of flange) At mid Span Mu is 181.5 < 3760.7 kNm d' 54 C 33728 dn N z d-dn/2 mm Second order equation equate M = Cz dn 9.51 dn 11.51 mm NA is in Flange ku 0.020163428 0.36 OK C 320753.28 N 320.8 kN Ast 641.50656 mm 2 use 4N 20 bars on bottom 1240 mm 2 Negative Bending (Assume N 16 bars) d 557 mm C 10880 dn N z d-dn/2 mm Second order equation equate M = Cz dn 56.06 dn 67.86 mm ku 0.121836977 0.36 OK C 609878.4 N 609.8784 kN Asc 1219.7568 mm 2 use 10N 20 bars on top 3100 mm 2 Checks Check Defelctions Short Term Serviceability Long Term Serviceability wG 47.3 kN/m wG 47.3 kN/m SwQ 12.6 kN/m SwQ 7.2 kN/m wS 59.9 kN/m wS 54.5 kN/m From SpaceGass ML -232.52 kNm MM 133.09 kNm MR -244.01 kNm For continous Beam, AS3600-2009 Cl recommends to find Ief.av by measuring Ief at mid span and at interior support 1240 Mid span Uncracked section: 250 y top 232 mm 1 y bottom 393 mm 375 3 2 3 (n-1)Ast 6820.0 mm2 Ixx I' I top used 1 1.6146E+09 3.5445E+09 5.1591E+09 400 2 1.7578E+09 2.9609E+08 2.0539E+09 3 0.0000E+00 7.8409E+08 7.8409E+08 7.9971E+09 pw 0.0054 RCB Equation 3.12 pcw 0.0014 RCB Equation 3.13 *cs 0.00064 AS3600-2009 Table cs 1.26 MPa Mcr 43478218.12 Nm 43.48 kNm Cracked Section: Assuming NA is in web Check A4 dn 81 mm Icr INA I' I 1 5.4916E+07 1.6475E+08 2.1966E+08 2 0.0000E+00 1.9650E+09 1.9650E+09 2.1846E+09 Ief 2.8649E+09 1240 250 Interior: Uncracked section: Negative Bending 3 3 (n-1)Asc 17360 y top 221 mm 1 y bottom 404 mm 375 2 Ixx I' I top used 1 1.6146E+09 2.8643E+09 4.4789E+09 400 2 1.7578E+09 1.6958E+08 1.9274E+09 3 0.0000E+00 8.4883E+08 8.4883E+08 7.2551E+09 pw 0.0139 RCB Equation 3.12 pcw 0.0035 RCB Equation 3.13 *cs 0.00064 AS3600-2009 Table cs 2.42 MPa Mcr 17576446.75 Nm 17.58 kNm Cracked Section: Assuming NA is in web Check A4 dn 171 mm Icr INA I' I 1 1.6667E+08 5.0002E+08 6.6669E+08 2 0.0000E+00 3.0485E+09 3.0485E+09 3.7152E+09 Ief 3.8135E+09 Iefav 3.3392E+09 Iefav/Ig 0.582744334 Kcs 2-1.2(0.25) 1.7 < 0.8 Deflection of mid-span s= Lo^2/(96*Ec*Iefav)*(MR+10MM+ML) s= 4.4 mm s.sus= 4.0 mm total= 11.1 mm < Lo/250 26.88 mm Section is OK Shear Design w* 65.3 kN/m From spacegass The larger shear near supports of beam 4 is V* 229.37 kN Vu.max= 0.2f'cbvdo 1461760 N 1461.76 kN Phi.Vu.max 1023.232 kN >>> 229.37 kN No critical web crushing ultimate shear strength Vuc 123bvdofcv(Ast/bvdo)^1/3 1 1.1319 > 1.1 2 1 3 1 bv 400 mm do 571 mm f'c 32 MPa fcv 3.17 Ast 3100 mm2 Asc 775 mm2 Vuc 123336 N 123.3 kN phiVcu 86.3 kN <V*= 229.37 need shear reinforcement A4 Detailing AS3600-2009 Section 13 Slab Beam column Clauses 1 2 1 2 3 Bars used (+)ve Bending N12 N12 N20 (-)ve Bending N12 N12 N20 Number of Bars Bottom;(+)ve in spacing in spacing 4 Top; (-ve) in spacing in spacing 10 d b 12 12 20 spacing Primary dir. 140 140 Secondary dir. 160 160 cover 30 30 30 30 30 stirrups Type Non Non R10 R10 R10 R10 Diameter 10 10 10 10 b w 400 400 400 a 130 490 k 1 1 1 1 1.3 k 2 1.2 1.2 1.12 k 3 1 1 0.925 0.925 f sy 500 500 500 500 d b 12 12 20 0 0.5k 1 k 3 f sy d b 3000 3000 4625 k 2 f' c 6.79 6.79 6.34 l d= L sy.tb 442 442 730 29k 1 d b 348 348 580 Anchorage For beam in negative bending moment near end support e 80 mm > 70 OK r 4db> 65 mm > 2.5db OK 0.5l d 365 mm Splicing Between beam reinfrocement and slab's reinforcement l d= L sy.tb 552 552 Curtailment Negative BM needs 1D beyond counter flexure D 625 mm