Michigan Branch of Telluride Association Scholarship Application (Fall Cycle)

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Telluride Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or
ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical ability.

~ www.telluride-house.com ~
Application Instructions:
We highly recommend that you invest a significant amount of time into the essays. No applicant with weak es-
says has been selected for the interview round.
Parts I and II (General Information and Essays) must be sent via email to [email protected]
Parts I and II should all be submitted as a single document (multiple attachments are prohibited) saved in one
of the following formats: doc, pdf or rtf.
When submitting your application, the subject line of your email should read, Application of [Your Full Name]
Once you have submitted all application materials, you should receive a confirmation via email within two busi-
ness days. If you have not received a reply email within that timeframe, it is your responsibility to follow-up re-
garding the receipt of your application.
Part III (Recommendation Letters and Transcript) should be mailed in or brought to the house in person. All
recommendations should be clearly labeled with your full name.
Supplementary materials are not expected and cannot be returned to you, but may be included if you feel they
will significantly enhance your application.
Questions about applications should be directed to [email protected].
LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Complete applications (all three parts) must be
received by 4:00 PM on Monday, October 15, 2014. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we can-
not review your application if any component is missing (i.e, recommendation letters.) For exceptional cir-
cumstances, please contact [email protected].

Telluride House
1735 Washtenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Part One

Name: Date of Birth: / / Place of Birth:
Permanent Address:

Current Address:

Telephone: Email:

Next year at the University of Michigan will be my ____ year of: undergraduate graduate school
Expected Date of Graduation: _________ Major Area(s) of Academic Interest:

Schools Attended Prior to the University of Michigan (beginning with high school):
Dates: Name:
Dates: Name:
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If you choose, you may also submit a one-page resume in addition to filling out the following information.
Academic Honors or Awards:

Extracurricular and Community ServiceActivities
Activity Position Held Dates and Hours/Week

Work Experience
Employer Activity / Position Held Dates and Hours/Week

Contact Information for Parents/Guardians
Name: Name:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail (optional): E-mail (optional):

Optional Information: Nationality/Ethnicity/Race: Gender:
Education levels of parents/guardians:
Occupations of parents/guardians:

How did you first learn of Telluride House?

The information provided herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. The essays attached are my own work.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature Date

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Part Two

In evaluating your application, we will consider more than the facts of your accomplishments. The following essays
are extremely significant in advising our acceptance decisions. All essays should be submitted single-spaced and in
a standard 12 point font, with 1 inch margins on all sides. Essays 1-3 should each be 1-2 pages in length. Essay 4
should be 3-6 pages in length. Essay 5, if applicable to you, should be 1-2 pages in length.
Essay 1:
Please describe your education and career plans, as well as factors that have influenced you in reaching these deci-
sions. As it is applicable, discuss people, activities, or events that have been important in shaping you (e.g. family,
academic coursework, travel, organizations, service work, obstacles you have overcome).

Essay 2:
Community service is one of the pillars of Telluride House. Members are expected to participate actively in this pil-
lar and reflect critically on service. As such, please describe the successes, failures, and limitations of your prior vol-
unteer experiences. Bearing these experiences in mind, you should then propose a possible service project for the
House to engage in. Your response should include details on implementation, and anticipated community impact.

Essay 3:
Discuss the positive and negative aspects of communal life in a small self-governing community such as Telluride

Essay 4:
Present a specific topic or issue in a field of interest in a way that makes it accessible to those with no experience in
or previous knowledge of it. Explain the reason for your interest in the topic and how it might engage others. You
may address political, philosophical, scientific, social, literary or other questions.
Essay 5 (Only for people who participated in TASS or TASP):
Please evaluate your summer program. Please be completely frank and discuss any aspect of the program whatsoev-
er. You are encouraged to address both the program as a whole and your own participation in it.

Part Three

Pleaseinclude the following with your application:
An official transcript from the academic institution you currently attend or have most recently attended. If your
current transcript does not show at least two semesters of grades, also include an official transcript from the pre-
vious institution you attended.
Exactly two letters of recommendation, at least one of which is from a teacher/professor. Each letter of recom-
mendation should be printed on official letterhead and enclosed in an envelope signed at the seal.

Please note that materials in Part III have the same deadline for receipt as Parts I and II.

For exceptional circumstances, please contact [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in Michigan Branch Telluride Association.
We look forward to reviewing your application!

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