Segway - Request For ITC Investigation

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cb, IH-3T5.
The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
U.S. International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20436
September 9,201
David F. Nickel
.2. 3^
Office of the
Int'l Trade Commission
Re: Certain Personal Transporters, Components Thereof, andManuals Therefor
Inv. No. 337-TA- __
Dear Secretary Barton:
Enclosed for filing on behalf of Complainants Segway Inc. and DEKA Products Limited
Partnership ("Segway" or "Complainants") are documents in support of Segway's request that
the Commission commence an investigation pursuant to Section 337of the TariffAct of 1930,
as amended. Pursuant to the CommissionRules of Practice and Procedure, a request for
confidential treatment of Confidential Exhibit Nos. 7, 40, 42, 43, and 45 is also included with
this submission.
Segwaysubmits the following documents to accompanythe Complaint filing:
1. An unbound original and eight (8) copies of Segway's non-confidential verified
Complaint and the Statement of PublicInterest; and (1) copyof the accompanying non
confidential Exhibits in electronic form (on a CD), with (1) copy of the Confidential
Exhibits Nos. 7, 40, 42, 43, and 45 in electronic form (on a CD) segregatedfromthe
other material submitted (Commission Rules 201.6(c), 210.4(f)(3)(f) and210.8(a));
2. Certified copies of United States Patent Nos. 6,789,640 ("the '640 patent"); 7,275,607
("the '607 patent"); D551,722 ("the '722 patent"); and D551,592("the '592 patent")
referenced in the Complaint as Exhibits 1-4, respectively, and the original Copyright
Registration No. TX-7-800-563 referenced in the Complaint as Exhibit 5 (Commission
3. Copies of the assignment histories for the assertedpatents, referenced in the Complaint
as Exhibit Nos. 6 and 8-12, respectively (Commission Rule 210.12(a)(9)(ii));
4. A certified copy of the prosecution history of the '640 patent (Appendix A), a certified
copy of the prosecution history of the '607 patent (Appendix C), a certifiedcopy of the
prosecution history for the '722 patent (Appendix E), and the certified copy of the
Foster, Murphy, Altman & Nickel, PC 1899 LStreet, NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20036
September 9, 2014
Page 2
prosecution historyfor the '592 patent (Appendix G); and four (4) additional copiesof
each in electronic form (on a CD) (Commission Rule 210.12(a)(9)(ii));
5. Four (4) copies in electronic form (on CD) of each technical reference mentioned in the
prosecutionhistories of the asserted patents, referenced in the Complaint as Appendices
B, D, F and H (Commission Rule 210.12(c)(2));
6. Thirteen (13) additional copies of the verifiednon-confidential Complaint, including all
accompanying non-confidential Exhibits in electronic form (on a CD), and Public
Interest Statement for service upon each Proposed Respondent (Commission Rules
210.4(f)(3)(i), 210.8(a) and 210.11(a));
7. Thirteen (13) additional copies of the Confidential Exhibits Nos. 7, 40. 42. 43, and 45 in
electronic form (on a CD) for service upon a representative of each Proposed
Respondent who has properly subscribed to the protective order in this matter
(Commission Rules 210.4(f)(3)(i), 210.8(a) and 210.11(a));
8. One (1) additional copy ofthe non-confidential Complaint and Public Interest Statement
for service upon the Embassy of China, in Washington, D.C. (Commission Rules
210.8(a) and 210.11(a)(1)(H)); and
9. A letter and certification pursuant to Commission Rules 201.6(b) and 210.5(d)
requesting confidential treatment of information appearing in Confidential Exhibit Nos.
7, 40, 42, 43, and 45.
Thank you for your assistancein this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Respectfully submitted,
David F. Nickf ~
Foster, Murphy, Altaian & Nickel. PC
1899 L Street, N.W., Suite 1150
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: 202-822-4100
Facsimile: 202-822-4199
Counsel to Complainants
Segway Inc. and
DEKA ProductsLimitedPartnership
Foster Murphy Altman & Nickel, PC 1899 LStreet, NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC20036
The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
U.S. International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20436
[email protected]
September 9, 2014
Re: Certain Personal Transporters, Components Thereof and Manuals Therefor,
Inv. No. 337-TA-
Dear Secretary Barton:
Foster, Murphy, Altaian & Nickel, PC represents Complainants Segway Inc. and DEKA
Products Limited Partnership ("Segway") in a complaint filed pursuant to Section 337 of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337.
Pursuant to Commission Rules 201.6 and 210.5, 19 C.F.R. 201.6 and 210.5, Segway
respectfully requests confidential treatment of the business information contained in
Confidential Exhibit Nos. 7, 40, 42, 43, and 45. Segway seeks confidential treatment of the
information contained in these exhibits because the information is proprietary commercial and
technical information, and is not otherwise publicly available.'
The information in Confidential Exhibit Nos. 7, 40, 42, 43, and 45 qualifies as
confidential information pursuant to 19 C.F.R. 201.6 in that the information concerns or
relates to, or would otherwise disclose, proprietary commercial information, the disclosure of
which would result in substantial harm to the competitive position of Segway and also would
impair the Commission's ability in the future to obtain such types of information in performance
of its statutory function. Specifically, the confidential exhibits contain confidential proprietary
information relating to licensing of the asserted patents and Segway's investments relating to the
exploitation of the asserted patents, and the source of certain information used in preparation of
the Complaint. I certify that substantially identical information is not reasonably available to
the public.
Foster, Murphy, Altman & Nickel, PC 1899 LStreet, NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC20036
September 9, 2014
Page 2
Respectfully submitted,
i5avid F. Nickel
Foster, Murphy, Altman & Nickel, PC
1899 L Street, N.W., Suite 1150
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: 202-822-4100
Facsimile: 202-822-4199
Counsel to Complainants SegwayInc. and
DEKA Products LimitedPartnership
Foster Murphy Altman & Nickel, PC 1899 LStreet, NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20036
Washington, D.C.
In the Matter of
Investigation No. 337-TA-
Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(b), 19 C.F.R. 210.8(b), Complainants SegwayInc.
and DEKA Products Limited Partnership (collectively "Segway" or "Complainants")
respectfully submit this Statement Regarding the Public Interest. The products at issue in the
Complaint are personal transporters and components thereof that infringe U.S. Patent No.
6,789,640 ("the '640 Patent"), U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 ("the '607 Patent"), U.S. DesignPatent
Nos. 551,722 ("the 722 Patent") and 551,592 ("the f592 Patent"), and certain manuals therefor
that infringe Segway's copyright, registered under Reg. No. TX 7-800-563. Exclusion of such
products from the United States will not have an adverse effect on the public health and welfare
in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like
or directly competitive articles in the United States, or United States consumers.
The accused products are personal transporters, components thereof and manuals
therefor. These products are sold for importation into the United States, imported into the United
States and/or sold in the United States after importation, at least, by proposed respondents
PowerUnion (Beijing) Tech Co. Ltd.; UPTECH Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.; Beijing
Universal Pioneering Robotics Co., Ltd.; Beijing Universal Pioneering Technology Co., Ltd.;
Ninebot Inc. (in China); Ninebot Inc. (in USA); Shenzhen INMOTION Technologies Co., Ltd.;
Robstep Robot Co., Ltd.; FreeGo High-Tech Corporation Limited; Freego USA, LLC; Tech in
the City;; and EcoBoomer Co. Ltd. The accused products are personal
transporters marketedas self-balancingelectric vehicles, and sold under the names, for example,
WindRunner, Ninebot, FreeGo , Inmotion , and Robstep. Theyappear largelyto be
used by individuals for personal transport in place of cars, motor scooters, motorcycles, powered
bicycles, and walking.
The issuance of the requested relief, a permanent general or limited exclusion order and
cease and desist orders, would have no adverse effect on the public health, safety or welfare in
the United States. In general, concerns about a proposed remedy having a negativeimpact on
public health, safety or welfare have arisen in investigations involving pharmaceuticals, medical
equipment or green technologyproducts, such as hybrid cars or solar panels. For example, the
Commission has previously concluded that access to necessary medical equipment is a
significant public interest consideration. See Certain FluidizedSupporting Apparatus &
Components Thereof Inv. No. 337-TA-182/188, USITC Pub. 1667, Comm'nOp. at23-25 (Oct.
1984). None of those concerns is present here. The accused products are consumer
transportation devices for individual riders. Access to Respondents* infringing personal
transporters does not implicate any reasonably conceivable public health, safety or welfare
concern. The requested relief is in the public interest because it would serve the purpose of
enforcing U.S. intellectual property rights.
Segway manufactures its patented personal transporters in the United States and has the
capacity to meet the demand for Segway type-personal transporters should Respondents'
infringing products be excluded from the United States. Competitive non-infringingpersonal
transportation devices would also be available from third-party suppliers. Consequently,
consumers would have access to competitive products from Segway and other suppliersof non
infringing personal transporters.
As set forth above, Segway has the capacity to meet the demand for genuine Segway-
type personal transporters should the accused products that infringe Segway's patents be
excluded from the United States. To date, Segway has supplied the vast amoimt of Segway-type
personal transportation devices purchased in the United States. It has the capacity to increase its
domestic production of its personal transporters should demand require. In addition, personal
transporters will also continue to be available from non-infringing sources such as sellers and
lessors of motor scooters, motorcycles, powered bicycles and the like. Consequently, consumers
would have access to competitive products from Segway and third-parties in amounts sufficient
to meet the demand should the accused products be excluded from the United States.
U.S. consumers will have available to them in the United States marketplace a wide
variety of personal transporters and other individual transportation devices, including genuine
Segway branded personal transporters and other competitive transportation devices should the
accused products be excluded from the United States. In light of the availability of these
commercial alternatives to the accused products, the exclusion of the infringing personal
transporters will not negatively impact U.S. consumers. Rather, the requested relief will serve
the public interest by enforcing U.S. intellectual property rights andprotecting the public from
unfair competition.
Dated: September 9, 2014 Respectfully submitted,
F. David Foster
Susan Koegel
Kandis C. Gibson
1899 L Street, NW, Ste 1150
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 822-4100
Maureen K. Toohey
340 Commercial Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Tel: (603)206-0200
Fax: (603)666-5438
Washington, D.C.
In the Matter of
Investigation No. 337-TA-
Segway Inc.
14 Technology Drive
Bedford NH 03110
Tel: (603) 222-6000
Fax: (603) 222-6001
DEKA Products Limited Partnership
340 Commercial St Ste 401
Manchester, NH 03101
Tel: (603) 669-5139
David F. Nickel
F. David Foster
Susan Koegel
Kandis C. Gibson
1899 L Street, NW, Ste 1150
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 822-4100
Maureen K. Toohey
PowerUnion (Beijing) Tech Co. Ltd.
A09, 2nd Floor, Guangshun North Street No.
19, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC 100012
UPTECH Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.
Room 302,3/F TianLi Building No. 56,
ZhiChun Road, Haidan District, Beijing, PRC
Beijing Universal Pioneering Robotics Co.,
Room 302,3/F TianLi Building No. 56,
ZhiChun Road, Haidan District,
Beijing, PRC 100098
Beijing Universal Pioneering Technology
Co., Ltd.
4F Zhong Hang Ke Ji Building, ZhiChun
Road, Haidan District,
Beijing, PRC 100098
340 Commercial Street Ninebot Inc. (in China)
Manchester, NH 03101 Room 101,1/F, Building A-1, Northern
Tel: (603) 206-0200 Territory, Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science
Fax: (603)666-5438 and Technology Park, No.66, Xixiaokou Road,
Haidian District,
Beijing, PRC 100102
Ninebot Inc. (in USA)
113 Barksdale Professional Ctr.,
Newark, DE 19711, USA
(302) 266-9367
Shenzhen INMOTION Technologies Co.,
(West Side) 1st Floor, Building 711, Pengji
Industrial Zone, Liantang Street, Luohu
Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC
Robstep Robot Co., Ltd.
Room 110, The R&D Building, No. 1 Sci &
Tech Road 9, SSL Sci & Tech Industry Park
Dongguan, Guangdong, PRC 523808
FreeGo High-Tech Corporation Limited
6/F, Block I, Electronic Info Industrial Park,
HuangCheng Road, YangMei,
Bantian, Shenzhen, PRC 518129
Freego USA, LLC
915 5th PL,
Sibley, IA 51249 USA
Tech in the City
77 Pauahi St.,
Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
21541 Crawford Lake Rd.,
Laurel Hill, NC 28541, USA
EcoBoomer Co. Ltd.
18139 Coastline Dr., Suite 3,
Malibu, CA 90265, USA
(469) 450-8740
A. Complainants 4
B. Proposed Respondents 4
A. U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640 10
B. U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 13
C. U.S. Design Patent No. D551/722 15
D. U.S. Design Patent No D551,592 17
E. Foreign Counterparts of the Asserted Patents 19
F. Licensees Under the Asserted Utility Patents 20
G. Licensees Under the Asserted Design Patents 20
IV. The Asserted Copyright 20
A. Copyright Registration No. Reg. No. TX-7-800-563, entitled and including
"Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2" 21
B. Copyright RegistrationNo. Reg. No. TX-7-800-563, including"Reference
Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2" 21
C. Licenses Under the Asserted Copyright 21
A. Segway's Personal Transporters and Associated Manuals 21
B. Respondents' Infringing Products 23
A. Respondents' Infringement of the '640 Patent 27
B. Respondents' Infringement of the '607 Patent 31
C. Respondents' Infringement of the '722 Patent 35
D. Respondents' Infringement of the '592 Patent 37
E. Respondents' Infringement of the Asserted Copyright 39
F. Summary of Unfair Practices 40
A. WindRunner products 42
B. Ninebot products 43
C. INMOTION products 45
D. Robstep products 45
E. FreeGo products 46
A. Technical Prong 48
B. Economic Prong 49
List of Exhibits
1. Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640 ("the '640 Patent")
2. Certified Copy of U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 ("the '607 Patent")
3. Certified Copy of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722 ("the '722 Patent")
4. Certified Copy of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,592 ("the '592 Patent")
5. Original copy of "Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2,"
including "Reference Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2," Copyright Reg.
No. TX-7-800-563
6. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640 to DEKA PLP
7. Description of the exclusive license agreement and a confidential copy of exclusive
license of U.S. Patents Nos. 6,789,640 and 7,275,607 to Segway Inc. (Confidential)
8. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 to DEKA PLP
9. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722 to Segway LLC
10. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722 to Segway Inc.
11. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,592 to Segway LLC
12. Certified copy of assignment of U.S. Design Patent No. D551,592 to Segway Inc.
13. "Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i25 x2"
14. "Reference Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2"
15. Declaration of Dean Kamen and Attachments A-F
16. WindRunner (G1Uand G1X) User Manual
17. Claim chart '640 Patent claims 1 and 4 v. WindRunner G1U
18. Claim chart '640 Patent claims 1 and 4 v. WindRunner G1X
19. Ninebot PTR [mini flight] User Manual
20. Claim chart '640 Patent claims 1 and 4 v. Ninebot [mini flight]
22. Claim chart '640 Patent claims 1and4 v. INMOTION SCV [INMOTION R-1]
23. Robin [Robstep M-l] User Manual
24. Claimchart '640 Patent claims 1 and 4 v. Robstep Robin [Robstep M-l]
25. FreeGo [F3] User Manual
26. Claim chart '640 Patent claims 1 and 4 v. FreeGo [F-3]
27. Claim chart '607 Patent claims 1 and 7 v. WindRunner G1U
28. Claim chart '607 Patent claims 1 and 7 v. WindRunner G1X
29. Claimchart '607 Patent claims 1 and 7 v. Ninebot [mini flight]
30. Claim chart '607 Patent claims 1and7 v. INMOTION SCV [INMOTION R-1]
31. Claim chart '607 Patentclaims 1and 7 v. Robstep Robin[Robstep M-l]
32. Claim chart '607 Patent claims 1 and 7 v. FreeGo [F-3]
33. Claim chart'722 Patent v. WindRunner G1U
34. Claim chart '722 Patent v. WindRunner G1X
35. Claim chart '722 Patent v. Ninebot [mini flight]
36. Claim chart '722 Patent v. FreeGo F3
37. Claim chart '592 Patent v. WindRunner G1X
38. Claim chart'592 Patent v. FreeGo F3
39. Copyright Infringement Charts: Segway Manuals v. Ninebot PTR User Manual and
WindRunner (G1U and G1X) User Manual
40. Confidential Declaration and Attachments A-C (Confidential)
41. Declaration of Ron Crocco and Attachments A-C.
42. Declaration of Rod Keller and Attachments A-Z, AA-DD (Confidential)
43. Declaration of Matthew J. Harding (Confidential)
44. Segway SE User Manual
45. Commercialization of640 and '607 Patents (Confidential)
46. Commercialization of '722 Patent
47. Commercialization of '592 Patent
List of Appendices
A. Certifiedcopy of prosecutionhistory of U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640 (SN 10/308,850)
B. Copies of references cited in prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640
C. Certifiedcopy of prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 (SN 10/939,955)
D. Copies of references cited in prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607
E. Certified copy of prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. D551,722 (SN 29/262,411)
F. Copies of references cited in prosecution history of U.S.. Patent No. D551,722
G. Certifiedcopy of prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. D551,592 (SN29/262,412)
H. Copies of references cited in prosecution history of U.S.. Patent No. D551,592
1. This Complaint is filedpursuantto Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended, 19U.S.C. 1337, by Complainants Segway Inc. and DEKAProducts Limited
Partnership ("DEKA") (together, "Complainants" or "Segway") for violations of 19U.S.C.
1337(a)(l)(B)(i) by importation into the United States, sale for importation into the United States,
or sale within the United States after importation of certain personal transporters, components
thereof, and manuals relating thereto that infringe one or more valid and enforceable claims of
U.S. Patent Nos. 6,789,640 and 7,275,607 and U.S. Design Patent Nos. D551,722 and D551,592
("Asserted Patents"), and U.S. Copyright Reg. No. TX 7-800-563 ("Asserted Copyright"). An
industry exists in the United States for articles protected by each of the Asserted Patents and
Asserted Copyright. Such unlawful acts were and are being perpetrated by at least the following
proposed respondents: PowerUnion (Beijing) Tech Co. Ltd. ("PowerUnion"); UPTECHRobotics
Technology Co., Ltd. ("UPTECH"); Beijing Universal Pioneering Robotics Co., Ltd.
("Robotics"); Beijing Universal Pioneering Technology Co., Ltd. ("Technology"); Ninebot Inc.
(in China) ("Ninebot China"); Ninebot Inc. (in USA) ("Ninebot USA"); Shenzhen INMOTION
Technologies Co., Ltd. ("INMOTION"); Robstep Robot Co., Ltd. ("Robstep"); FreeGo High-
Tech Corporation Limited ("FreeGo"); Freego USA, LLC ("Fre.egoUSA"); Tech in the City
("Tech in the City"); ("Roboscooters"); and EcoBoomer Co. Ltd.
("EcoBoomer") (collectivelyreferred to herein as "Respondents"). Complainants seek a general
exclusion order and cease-and-desist orders against further importation and distribution of said
infringing articles.
2. One or more of each Respondents' personal transporters infringe one or both of the
following U.S. utility patents, owned byDEKA and licensed to Segway Inc. (collectively, "the
Asserted Utility Patents"):
U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640 ("the '640 Patent") (Ex. 1);
U.S. Patent No. 7,275,607 ("the '607 Patent") (Ex. 2).
In particular, eachof the Respondents imports into the UnitedStates, sells for importation intothe
United States, and/or sells withinthe UnitedStates after importation, personal transporters that
infringe at least claims 1 and 4 ofthe '640 Patent and claims 1, 3 and 7 ofthe '607 Patent. Other
claims of the Asserted Utility Patents may be assertedas infringedby one or moreRespondents
after discovery of additional technical details of Respondents' products, including discovery of
the software in Respondents' products that implement functionality recited in those claims.
3. One or more ofthe imported personal transporters of each of Respondents
PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics, Technology, Ninebot China, Ninebot USA, FreeGo, FreeGo
USA, Tech in the City, and EcoBoomer infringe one or bothof the following two U.S. design
patents owned by Segway Inc. (collectively, "the Asserted Design Patents"):
U.S. Design Patent No. D551,592 ("the '592 Patent") (Ex. 3); and
U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722 ("the '722 Patent") (Ex. 4).
Intheeye of anordinary observer, giving such attention as a purchaser usually gives, the designs
of these identified Respondents' imported personal transporters are substantially the same as the
designs embodied in the Asserted Design Patents, and the resemblance is such as to deceive such
an observer, inducing himor her to purchase the identified Respondents' infringing personal
transporters supposing them to be the claimed designs ofthe Asserted Design Patents.
4. One or more of the imported manuals relating to their respective imported
personal transporters of each of Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics, Technology,
Ninebot China, Ninebot USA, Tech in the City, and Roboscooters infringe the following
registered copyright owned by Segway Inc. (collectively, the "Asserted Copyright"):
"Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2," and "Reference
Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2," Copyright Reg. No. TX 7-800-563
The identified Respondents haveno liceiise, or any otherform of permission to copy, duplicate,
sell, license, distribute or import into the United States their infringing manuals.
5. Because it is necessary to prevent circumvention of an exclusion order limited to
products of the named Respondents, and because there is a widespread pattern of infringement
and it is difficult to identify the source of infringing products, Segway seeks a general exclusion
order barring the importation, sale for importation, and/or sale after importation into the United
States of infringing personal transporters, components thereof, and accompanying manuals.
Alternatively, Segway requests a limited exclusion order preventing the sale for importation,
importation and/or sale after importation of Respondents' infringing personal transporters,
components thereof, andaccompanying ljnanuals.
6. Segway also seeks permaijient cease and desist orders prohibiting Respondents,
their subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, distributors, dealers, successors and assigns and
other appropriate entities from selling, offering to sell, marketing, advertising, demonstrating,
distributing, warehousing for distribution or soliciting in the United States any sale of imported
infringing personal transporters, components thereof, and accompanying manuals.
A. Complainants
7. Segway Inc. is a corporation incorporated in the state of Delaware, with its
principal placeof business in Bedford, NewHampshire. It was established in 2000. In 2001,
SegwayInc. completed construction of its manufacturing plant and headquarters in Bedford, New
Hampshire, which is dedicated to the design, development, manufacture, distribution and
servicingof its patented personal transporters. It made the first public sales of personal
transporters in 2002, which are now well-knownto the American public. In 2006, Segway Inc.
introduced its second generation personal transporters with its breakthrough LeanSteer
technology. As of January 2014, the company employedapproximately85 people in the United
States, including approximately 67 employees at its primary facilities in Bedford, New
Hampshire; Segway's number of emplyees has increased since then.
8. DEKA is a New Hampshire limited partnership with its principal place of business
at 340 Commercial Street, Manchester, NewHampshire. DEKA's sole general partner is DEKA
Research & DevelopmentCorp. ("DEKAR&D"), a NewHampshire corporation, whichalso has
its principal place of business at 340Commercial Street, Manchester, NewHampshire. DEKA
R&D was founded byinventor Dean Kamen in 1982 and now employs more than 400 people,
primarily engineers, scientists, andother technical specialists, inNewHampshire. DEKA R&D
focuses on the research anddevelopment of innovative technologies, including certain
technologies on which the patented SegwayPersonal Transporter is based.
B. Proposed Respondents
9. Oninformation andbelief, Respondent PowerUnion (Beijing) Tech Co. Ltd.
("PowerUnion") is a Chinesecorporationwith its principal place of business locatedat A09. 2nd
Floor, GuangshunNorth Street No. 19, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100012. On
information and belief, certain personal transporters, components thereof, and their manuals that
infringe (i) the Asserted Utility Patents; (ii) the Asserted Design Patents; and (iii) the Asserted
Copyright are made in China by PowerUnion and/or have been imported into the United States,
sold for importation into the United States and/or sold within the United States after importation
by or for PowerUnion or others under at least the WindRunner and Ninebot brand names. See
Confidential Declaration of Rod Keller (Ex. 42, "Keller Decl.") fflf 14-27.
10. On information and belief, Respondent Ninebot China is a Chinese corporation
with its principal place of business located at Room 101,1/F, Building A-l, Northern Territory,
Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park, No. 66, Xixiaokou Road, Haidian
District, Beijing, China 100102. See us/ (visited April
17, 2014). On information and belief, Ninebot China may be related to Respondents PowerUnion
and Beijing Universal Pioneering Technology Co., Ltd. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflj 20, 22, 27.
On information and belief, certain personal transporters, components thereof, and their manuals
that infringe (i) the Asserted Utility Patents; (ii) the '722 Patent; and (iii) the Asserted Copyright
are made in China by Ninebot China and/or have been imported into the United States, sold for
importation into the United States and/orjsold within the United States after importation by orfor
Ninebot China or others under at least the Ninebot brand name. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ffl[14-27.
11. On information and belief, Respondent Ninebot USA l is a domestic corporation
incorporated in Delaware with registered agents at 113 Barksdale Professional Ctr., Newark, DE
19711 and at 2107 North First St., Suite 400, San Jose, CA. On information and belief, certain
personal transporters, components thereof, and their manuals that infringe (i) the Asserted Utility
1For purposes of this Complaint, Respondents Ninebot China and Ninebot USA will be
collectively referred to as "Ninebot".
Patents; (ii) the '722 Patent; and (iii) the Asserted Copyright have been marketed and imported
into the United States, sold for importation and/or sold within the United States after importation
by or for Ninebot USA under at least the Ninebot brand name. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 24-25.
12. On informationand belief, Respondent Beijing Universal PioneeringTechnology
Co., Ltd. ("Technology") is a Chinese corporation with its principal place of business located at
501-505 4th Floor Zhongang Technology Building, Building 56, ZhiChun Road, Haidan District,
Beijing, China 100098. On information and belief, Technology may be one and the same
corporation as UPTECH and related to PowerUnion and Ninebot China. See Exh. 42, Keller
Decl. \ 27. On information and belief, considering the relationship identified above, certain
personal transporters, components thereof and their manuals that infringe (i) the Asserted Utility
Patents; (ii) the Asserted Design Patents; and (iii) the Asserted Copyright are made in China by or
for Technology and/or have been imported into the United States, sold for importation into the
United States and/or sold within the United States after importation under at least the
WindRunner and Ninebot brand names. Id.
13. On information and belief, Respondent UPTECH Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.
("UPTECH") is a Chinese corporation with its principal place of business located at Room
302,3/F TianLi Building No. 56, ZhiChun Road, Haidan District, Beijing, China 10098, and is
believedto be a subsidiaryor otherwiserelated to Technology. See Exh. 42. Keller Decl. ^[27.
On information and belief, certain personal transporters, components thereof, and their manuals
that infringe (i) the Asserted Utility Patents; (ii) the Asserted Design Patents; and (iii) the
Asserted Copyright are made by or for UPTECH in China and/or have been imported into the
United States, sold for importation into the United States and/or sold within the United States
after importation under at least the WindRunner and Ninebot brand names. Id.
14. On information and belief, Respondent Beijing Universal Pioneering Robotics Co.,
Ltd. ("Robotics") is aChinese corporation with its principal place ofbusiness located at 4F Zhong
Hang KeJi Building, ZhiChun Road, Haidan District, Beijing, China 100098. Oninformation
andbelief, Robotics maybe oneandthe same corporation as UPTECH, or at least related to it.
See Exh. 42, Keller Decl. 127. On information and belief, certain personal transporters,
components thereof, and their manuals that infringe (i) the Asserted Utility Patents; (ii) the
Asserted Design Patents; and (iii) the Asserted Copyright are made byor for Robotics inChina
and/or have been imported into theUnited States, sold for importation into theUnited States
and/or soldwithin the United States afterimportation underat least the WindRunner andNinebot
brand names. Id.
15. On information and belief, Respondent Tech inthe City, isaHawaii Corporation
withits principal place of business at 77Pauahi St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Oninformation
and belief, certain personal transporters, components therof, and their manuals that infringe (i) the
Asserted Utility Patents; (ii) the '722 Patent; and (iii) the Asserted Copyright have been imported
intothe United States, soldfor importation intothe United Statesand/or sold within the United
States after importation by or for Tech in the City under at least the Ninebot brandname. SeeEx.
42, Keller Decl. ^ 28.
16. Oninformation and belief, Respondent Shenzhen INMOTION Technologies Co.,
Ltd. ("INMOTION") isa Chinese corporation with its principal place ofbusiness located at (West
Side) 1st Floor, Building 711, Pengji Industrial Zone, Liantang Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China 518000. On information and belief, INMOTION makes or has made on its
behalf in China certain personal transporters and components thereof that infringe the Asserted
Utility Patents which that have been imported into the United States, sold for importation into the
United States and/or sold within the United States after importation by or for INMOTION or
others under the INMOTION brand name (alternatively, "Inmotion" or "InMotion"). See Ex. 42,
Keller Decl. UK 33,34.
17. On information and belief, Respondent Robstep Robot Co., Ltd. ("Robstep") is a
Chinese corporationwith its principal place of business located at Room 110, The R&D Building,
No. 1 Sci & Tech Road 9, SSL Sci & Tech Industry Park, Dongguan, Guangdong, China 523808.
On information and belief, certain personal transporters and components thereof that infringe at
least the Asserted Utility Patents have been imported into the United States, sold for importation
into the United States and/or sold within the United States after importation by or for Robstep
under the Robstep brand name. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. 1fl[ 29-32.
18. On information and belief, Respondent ("Roboscooters") is a
distribution entity with its principal place of business at 21541 Crawford Lake Rd., Laurel Hill,
NC 28541. On information and belief, certain personal transporters, components thereof, and
their manuals that infringe at least the Asserted Utility Patents, the '722 Patent, and the Asserted
Copyright have been imported into the United States, sold for importation into the United States
and/or sold within the United States after importation by or for Roboscooters under at least the
Ninebot, Robstep and INMOTION brand names. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^[32.
19. On information and belief, Respondent FreeGo High-Tech Corporation Limited is
a Chinese corporation with its principal place of business located at 6/F, Block I. Electronic Info
Industrial Park, HuangCheng Road, YangMei, Bantian, Shenzhen, China 518129 ("FreeGo" or
"FreeGo China"). On information and belief, Freego China has manufactured in China certain
personal transporters and components thereof that infringe the Asserted Utility Patents and
Asserted Design Patents which have been imported into the United States, sold for importation
intothe United States and/or soldwithin the United States after importation by or for FreeGo
Chinaor others under the FreeGobrandname. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. \ 31-36.
20. Oninformation and belief, Respondent Freego USALLC ("Freego USA") is an
Iowa corporation with its principle place ofbusiness at 915 5th PL, Sibley, IA 51249, and a
registered agent at 8421 University Blvd., Ste M, Des Moines, IA, 50325. On information and
belief, Freego USA has marketed and sold certain personal transporters and components thereof
that infringe the Asserted Utility Patents and Asserted Design Patents, which have been imported
into the United States, sold for importation and/or sold within the United States under at least the
FreeGo brand name. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ]f36.
21. Oninformation and belief, Respondent EcoBoomer Co. Ltd. ("EcoBoomer") is a
personal transporterdistributionoffice locatedat 18139Coastline Dr., Suite 3, Malibu, California
90265. Oninformation and belief, EcoBoomer has marketed andsoldcertain personal
transporters, components thereof, and accompanying manuals that infringe the Asserted Utility
Patents, the '722 Patent, andthe Asserted Copyright, which havebeenimported into theUnited
States, sold for importation and/or sold within the United States under at least the brand names
"EcoBoomer NINE" and "EcoBoomer INMOTION", which are believed it be Ninebot and
INMOTION products. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. \ 37; (visited May 6,2014,
claiminglocations in Beijing, Shanghai and Los Angeles and showingNinebot and INMOTION
infringing articles).
22. The Asserted Patents arise froma development effort between SegwayInc. and
DEKAthat createdan international sensationwith the launch of the iconic SegwayHuman
Transporter in 2001, and the Segway Gen2 Personal Transporter in 2005. The Segway Personal
Transporters are devices with two laterally disposed wheels (i.e., co-axial) that lackstabilityfrom
tipping fore-aft when unpowered, but are capable of being operated in a dynamically balanced
mode. When dynamically balanced, the transporter remains upright and balanced by applying
torque fromthe motor to the wheels, in response to one or more sensors that determinethe pitch
ofthe transporter (e.g., sensors that determine the spatial orientation of the transporter in the fore-
aft plane). Movement forward and backwards is controlled by the "lean" of the user - when the
user leans forward, the transporter moves forward and, conversely, when the user leans backward,
the transporter moves backward - while maintaining the balance of the transporter. The Asserted
Utility Patents protect various key control functions ofthe Segway Personal Transporter that
ensure the safety and enjoyment of the user. The Asserted Design Patents protect the ornamental
features of Segway's unique transporter designs.
A. U.S. Patent No. 6,789,640
23. The '640 Patent, entitled "Yaw Control for a Personal Transporter," relates to
methods and apparatus for yaw (or turning) control of a balancingtransporter while maintaining
the safe balance of the transporter. Exhibit 1 hereto is a copy ofthe '640 patent (certified copy
with original of the Complaint). Balancingtransporters typically have two laterallydisposed(i.e.,
co-axial) wheels, such as shown in Figure 1 to the '640 Patent:
FIG. 1
24. As discussed above, the transporter remains upright and balanced by applying
torque from the motor to the wheels, in response to one or more sensors that determine the pitch
of the transporter (e.g., sensors that determine the spatial orientation of the transporter in the fore-
aft plane). Because the transporter is continually applying torque to the wheels to remain upright
and to move the transporter forward and aft in response to the leaning of the user, executing a yaw
command (i.e., turning the vehicle to the right or left) is an added complexity that needs to be
accomplished safely.
25. The claimed inventions of the '640 Patent allow for yaw (or turning) control in
such a way as to maintain balance of the transporter in the course of executing yaw control for the
safety of the user and to facilitate smooth turns while maintaining balance. The '640 Patent
issued on September 14, 2004.
26. The '640 Patent names Richard W. Arling, W. Patrick Kellery, Philip LeMay, John
B. Morrell, Jonathan B. Pompa and David W. Robinson as inventors. The inventors assigned
their interests toComplainant DEKA Products Limited Partnership onApril 10, 2003. Acopy of
the assignment is attached as Exhibit 6 (certified copywith original of the Complaint).
27. Segway Inc. is the exclusive licensee under the '640 Patent in the relevant field
pursuant to a license agreement withDEKA. A confidential description of the license agreement
and a confidential copy ofthe license agreement are attached as Confidential Exhibit 7.
Accordingly, DEKA and Segway Inc. hold all right, title and interest in and to the '640 Patent for
uses in the relevant field.
28. With this Complaint, Complainants have filed a certified copy and three additional
copies of theprosecution history of the '640 Patent (Application Serial No. 10/308,850) as
Appendix A. Complainants have filed four copies of each patent and technical reference
identifiedin the prosecutionhistory of the application leading to the issuance of the '640 Patent as
Appendix B.
29. In general, the claimed inventions of the '640 Patent described methods and
apparatus for the yaw(or turning) control of the balancing transporter, in which theuserprovides
a yaw input (e.g., an input of a desired yaw directionand/or yawrate) and a summer determines
thedifference between thecurrent yaw direction and/or yawrate and theuser-input yaw direction
and/or yaw rate to generate a yawcommand signal. Similarly, a pitch(or leaning) command
signal isalso generated based on the pitch (or leaning) of the user. These two command signals
(yaw and pitch) are then applied is such a way as ensure that thebalancing transporter remains
balanced in the process ofturning the transporter.
B. U.S. Patent No. 7,275,6017
30. The '607 Patent, entitled "Control of a Personal Transporter Based on User
Position," relates to improved controllers for a transporter. Exhibit 2 hereto is a copy of the '607
patent (certified copy with the original of the Complaint). The yaw input device of the first
generation Segway Personal Transporter jconsisted of a twist grip on the handlebar of the
transporter. While the Segway Personal ^Transporter isdynamically balanced in the fore-aft plane,
its lateral stability comes from thetwo laterally disposed wheels. Similar in some ways toriding
a motorcycle, the user must "lean into" a turn, particularly a sharp turn, to maintain proper lateral
stability. The hard movement required to actuate twist grip did not encourage the user to achieve
the correct body position to execute a proper turn. In other words, the twist grip did not
encourage the user to lean into a turn.
31. The claimedinventionsof the '607 Patent encourage proper ridingpostureby
linking the yaw input to the body position of the user - for example, ifthe user leans left while
holding onto a handlebar/control shaft, the transporter turns left (and, conversely, if a user leans
right while holding onto a handlebar/control shaft, the transporter turns right). Moreover, the lean
ofthe user while holding onto the handlebar/control shaft is proportional - the further the user
leans to the right (or left), the sharper the turn. Thus, the user is encourage to lean a little into a
gentle turn and encouraged to lean a lot into a sharp turn for optimal riding posture.
32. This improved yaw control, which allows for safer, more intuitive, and more
natural yaw (or turning) control, was implemented in the second generation Segway Personal
Transporter (or Segway Gen 2) as the breakthrough LeanSteer technology. The '607 Patent
issued on October 2, 2007. I
33. The '607 Patent names DeanKamen, Robert R. Ambrogi, JamesJ. Dattolo, Robert
J. Duggan, J. Douglas Field, Richard Kurt Heinzmann, Matthew M. McCambridge, John B.
Morrell, Michael D. Piedmonte andRichard J. Rosasco as inventors. The inventors assigned their
interests to DEKA Products Limited Partnership on or before December 21, 2004. A certified
copy of theassignment is attached as Exhibit 8 (certified copy with theoriginal of theComplaint).
34. Segway Inc. is the exclusive licensee under the '607 Patent in the relevant field
pursuant to a license agreement with DEKA. A confidential description of the license agreement
and a confidential copy of the license agreement are attached as Confidential Exhibit 7.
Accordingly, DEKA and Segway hold all right, title and interest in and to the '607 Patent for uses
in the relevant field.
35. With this Complaint, Complainants have filed a certified copy and three additional
copies of the prosecution history of the '607 Patent (Application Serial No. 10/939,955) as
Appendix C. Complainants have filed four copies of each patent and technical reference
identified in the prosecution historyof the application leadingto the issuanceof the '640 Patent as
Appendix D.
36. In general, the claimed inventions of the '607 Patent describe a controller for a
transporter that receives an input from the user of a desired yaw (or turning) direction and rate
based on the body orientation ofthe user. The controller also determines the desired direction of
motion of thetransporter based onitspitch as determined bya pitch state estimator. Aprocessor
then generate a commandsignal based at least on these input in such a manner as to maintain
balance of the transporter inthe course of achieving the desired yaw(or turning) and direction of
the transporter. In particular, claim7 of the '607 Patent goes on to claim an inventionin which
the desired yaw direction andrateareinput based onthe position of the control shaft (e.g.,
handlebar). j
C. U.S. Design Patent No. D551,722
37. The '722 Patent, entitled "Human Transporter," issued on September 25, 2007, and
names Shih-Tao Chang and Scott Waters as inventors. Exhibit 3 hereto is a copy of the '722
patent (certified copy with the original of the Complaint). The inventors assigned their interests
to Segway LLC on June 29, 2006. Segv^ay LLC assigned its interest to Segway Inc. on October
9, 2006. Copies of these assignments are attached as Exhibits 9 and 10, respectively (certified
copies with the original of the Complaint).
38. With this Complaint, Complainants have filed a certified copy and three additional
copies in electronic format of the prosecution history of the '722 Patent (Application Serial No.
29/262,411) as Appendix E. Complainants have filed four copies in electronic format of each
patent and technical reference identified in the prosecution history of the application leading to
the issuance of the '722 Patent as Appendix F.
39. The '722 Patent claims an ornamental design for a personal transporter as shown
and described in the following figures:
FIG. 1 FIG. 2
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
FIG. 6
FIG. 5
f /
FIG. 7
D. U.S. Design Patent No 0551,592
40. The '592 Patent, entitled ''Human Transporter," issued on September 25, 2007, and
names Shih-Tao Chang and Scott Waters as inventors. Exhibit 4 hereto is a copy of the '592
patent (certified copy with the original of the Complaint). The inventors assigned their interests
to Segway LLC on June 30, 2006. Segway LLC assigned its interest to Segway Inc. on October
9, 2006. Copies of these assignments artf attached as Exhibits 11 and 12, respectively (certified
copies with the original of the Complaint).
41. With this Complaint, Complainants have filed a certified copy and three additional
copies in electronic format of the prosecution history of the '592 Patent (Application Serial No.
29/262,412) as Appendix G. Complainants have filed four copies in electronic format of each
patent and technical reference identified in the prosecution history of the application leading to
the issuance of the '592 Patent as Appendix H.
42. The '592 Patent claims an ornamental design for a personal transporter as shown
and described in the following figures:
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
! FIG. 3
FIG. 4
FIG. 6
FIG. 5
/ FIG. 7
E. Foreign Counterparts of the Asserted Patents
43. There are no foreign patents or foreign patent applications pending, filed,
abandoned, withdrawn or rejected corresponding to the '640 Patent.
44. The foreign counterpart patents and/or applications to the '607 Patent are listed
below. Apart fromthose listed, there are no other foreign patents or foreign patent applications
pending, filed, abandoned, withdrawn or;rejected corresponding to the '607 Patent.
Country Application Number Status Patent/Publication Number
Canada 2580632 Pending
China 2005800388177 Issued 2005800388177
Denmark 58008665 Issued 58008665
France 58008665 Issued 58008665
Great Britain 58008665 Issued 58008665
Hong Kong 81042778 Pending
Italy 58008665 Issued 58008665
Japan 2006-33331 Pending
Spain 58008665 Issued 58008665
45. The foreign counterpart patents and/or applications to the '772 Patent are listed
below. Apart from those listed, there areno other foreign patents or foreign patent applications
pending, filed, abandoned, withdrawn or rejected corresponding to the '722 Patent.
Application Number
Patent/Publication Number
EU 000643630-0002 Granted 000643630-0002
Japan 2006-33331 Abandoned 1323922
Taiwan 95307310 Abandoned Dl24942
46. The foreign counterpart patents and/or applications to the '592 Patent are listed
below. Apart fromthose listed, there are no other foreignpatents or foreign patent applications
pending, filed, abandoned, withdrawn or rejected corresponding to the '592 Patent.
Application Number
Patent/Publication Number
EU 000643630-0001 Granted 000643630-0001
Japan 2006-33330 Abandoned 1314974
Taiwan 95307311 Abandoned Dl24943
F. Licensees Under the Asserted Utility Patents
47. A confidential description of the relevant license agreements is attached as
Confidential Exhibit 7, with the relevant confidential license agreements attached thereto.
G. Licensees Under the Asserted Design Patents
48. Segway Inc. has not licensed any of the Asserted Design Patents.
IV. The Asserted Copyright
49. The Asserted Copyright protects Segway Inc.'s creative expression embodiedin
its works entitled (i) Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2 (Ex. 13);
and (ii) Reference Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2 (Ex. 14), collectively referred
to herein as the "Manuals", including the illustrations within the Manuals.
50. Each second generation Sjegway Personal Transporter models i2 and x2, sold until
the introduction in April 2014 of the Seg^vay Personal Transporter"SE" models, was soldwith
copies of each of thetwo Manuals. The Manuals are designed, illustrated, written, printed and
sold by Segway Inc. in the United States.
A. Copyright Registration No. Reg. No. TX-7-800-563, including "Getting Started
Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, s2"
51. "Getting Started Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2" was created as
a work-for-hire by Segway Inc. employees for Segway Inc. Segway Inc. is thus the author of this
Manual and theowner of the Copyright subsisting therein. Acopy of the Copyright Registration
Certificate is appended hereto as Exhibit 5 (original certificate with original of the Complaint).
B. Copyright Registration No. Reg. No. TX-7-800-563, including "Reference
Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2"
52. "Reference Manual Segway Personal Transporter (PT) i2, x2" was created as a
work-for-hireby Segway Inc. employees for Segway Inc. Segway Inc. is thus the author of this
Manual andthe owner of the copyright subsisting therein. Acopyof the Copyright Registration
Certificate is appended hereto as Exhibit 5 (original certificate with original of the Complaint).
C. Licenses Under the Asserted Copyright
53. Segway Inc. has not licensed the Asserted Copyright.
A. Segway's Personal Transporters and Associated Manuals
54. Segway Inc. created the market for personal transporters when it introduced the
first self-balancing, zero-emission personal vehicle in2001: the Segway Human Transporter
(now known as the Segway Personal Transporter (PT)). Founded on a vision to develop highly-
efficient, zero-emission transportation solutions using dynamic stabilization technology, Segway
Inc.'s research and development was focused on creating devices that took up a minimal amount
of space, were extremely maneuverable and could operate onpedestrian sidewalks andpathways.
55. Since August 2006, Segway Inc. has sold its second generation of personal
transporter vehicles, which include the patented LeanSteer technology. The initial models
were: the i2, with thin non-marking tires for most urban and suburban paved surfaces; and the x2,
with deeply-treaded, all-terrain tires for off-road uses. Both models were sold and distributed
with the Manuals. True and accurate copies of the Manuals are appended hereto as Exhibits 13
and 14. Segway Inc.'s salesof the i2 andx2 models ceased in March 2014, andwerereplaced by
sales of newsecondgenerationmodels, the SEi2 and the SE x2, which also include the patented
LeanSteer technology, and are sold with the Manuals.
56. Representative pictures of the i2 and x2 models are shown below:
B. Respondents' Infringing Products
57. Oninformation andbelief, at least Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics
and Technology make or have made in China, and/or sell for importation into the United States,
import into the United States and/or sell within the United States afterimportation at least two
models ofinfringing products under thetrade name WindRunner: G1U (Urban standard) and
G1X (Off-road standard). The WindRunner products pictured below are representative of the
"WindRunner brand products" that infringe the Asserted Design Patents and the Asserted Utility
Patents. See Ex. 40, ^ 1-10; Ex. 42, Keller Decl. T|22. The operating manuals that accompany
imported infringing WindRunner brand product infringe the Asserted Copyright. See Exs. 16 and
58. On information and belief, Respondents PowerUnion and Ninebot China make in
China or have made, and/or sell for importation into the United States, import into the United
States and/or sell within the United States after importation an infringing personal transporter
under the trade name Ninebot. The Ninebot mini-flight pictured below is representative of the
"Ninebot brand products" that infringe the Asserted Utility Patents and at least the '722 patent of
the Asserted Design Patents. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflj 14 - 20; Ex.15, Kamen Decl. tlf 3, 22,
23 and exhibits thereto. The operating manuals that accompany the imported infringing Ninebot
brand products infringe the Asserted Copyright. See Exh. 19.
59. On information and belief, Respondent INMOTION makes or has made, and/or
sells for importation into the United States, imports into the United States and/or sells within the
United States after importation an infringing personal transporter under the trade name
INMOTION. The INMOTION SCV Rl (Sensor Controlled Vehicle) pictured below is
representative of the "INMOTION brand products" that infringes the Asserted Utility Patents.
See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ffl[ 33, 34.
60. On information and belief, Respondent Robstep sells for importation into the
United States, imports into the United States and/or sells within the United States after
importation infringing products under the trade name Robstep, including but not limited to the
Robstep Ml. The Robstep Ml pictured lf>elow is representative of the "Robstep brandproducts"
that infringe the Asserted Utility Patents. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ffif 29-32.
61. On information and belief, the FreeGo Respondents (FreeGo High-Tech
Corporation Ltd. and FreeGo USA) make or have made in China and /or sell for importation into
the United States, import into the United States and/or sell within the United States after
importation infringing products under the FreeGo trade names, including but not limited to
models UV-OID Pro, UV-OID, Fl, F2 and F3. The FreeGo F3 model among the five (5) FreeGo
models pictured below is representative of the "FreeGo brand products" that infringe the Asserted
Design and the Asserted Utility Patents. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. 1 36.
Freego can read your mind.
UV-01DPro ^f^FJfc^B!
* F2
62. On information and belief, Respondent EcoBoomer sells for importation into the
United States, imports into the United States and/or sells within the Unites States after
importation at least two models of infringing products under the trade names EcoBoomer Nine
and EcoBoomer Inmotion. On informationand belief, the EcoBoomer NINEis the same product
as the infringing Ninebot mini flight and the EcoBoomer INMOTION is the same product as the
infringing Inmotion SCV Rl. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. If 37.
63. On information and belief, Respondent Tech in the City sells for importation into
the United States, imports into the United States and/or sells within the Unites States after
importation at least one of the Ninebot brand infringing products identified above. See Ex. 42,
Keller Decl. 128.
64. On information and belie:7, Respondent sells for importation
into the United States, imports into the linked States and/or sells within the Unites States after
importation at least the Ninebot, Inmotion and Robstep brands of infringing products identified
above. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. f 32.
A. Respondents' Infringement of the '640 Patent
65. On information and belief*, units ofthe accused WindRunner brand products are
sold for importation into the United States are imported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in the United States, and infringe at least claim 4 ofthe '640 Patent and, to be
determinedupon discovery, likely claims 2 and 3 and perhaps others. Claim charts that apply
claim 4 to representative WindRunner brand accused products, the WindRunner G1U and
WindRunner GIX, are attached to this Complaint as Exhibits 17 and 18, respectively, referring to
the Confidential Declaration of DeanKajnen (Ex. 15, "Kamen Decl.") andthe WindRunner User
Manual (Ex. 16). The WindRunner branfi accused products, including the representative
WindRunner G1U and GIX are, on infoifmation and belief, made in China by or for, and/or
imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by or for at
least Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics and Technology and others. See Ex. 42,
Keller Decl. If 22; Ex. 40.
66. On information and belief, units of the accused Ninebot brand products are sold for
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States and infringe at least claim 4 of the '640 Patent and, to be determined upon
discovery, likely claims 2 and 3 and perhaps others. A claim chart that applies claim 4 to a
representative Ninebot-brand accused product, the Ninebot mini-flight, is attached to this
Complaint as Exhibit 20, referring to Kamen Decl. (Ex. 15) and the Ninebot User Manual (Ex.
19). The Ninebot brand accused products are, oninformation and belief, made inChina by orfor,
and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by orfor
at least Respondents Power Union, Ninebot, UPTECH, Robotics, Technology, EcoBoomer, Tech
in the City, SeeEx. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 14-28, 32, and37.
67. Oninformation andbelief, units of the INMOTION brand accused products are
sold for importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in the United States and infringe at least claim 4 of the '640 Patent and. to be
determined upon discovery, likely claims 2and 3and perhaps others. Aclaim chart that applies
claim 4 to a representative INMOTION accused product, theINMOTION SCV Rl, is attached to
this Complaint as Exhibit 22, referring to KamenDecl. (Ex. 15) and the INMOTION SCVUser
Manual (Ex. 21). The INMOTION brand accused products are, oninformation and belief, made
inChina by or for, and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the
UnitedStates by or for at least Respondents INMOTION, EcoBoomer, and
See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. 1ffl 32-34, 37.
68. On information and belief, units of theRobstep brand accused products are sold
for importation intothe United States, imported intothe UnitedStates and/or soldafter
importation inthe United States and infringe at least claim 4 of the '640 Patent and, tobe
determined upon discovery, likely claims 2and 3and perhaps others. Aclaim chart that applies
claim 4to a representative Robstep brand accused product, the Robstep Ml, is attached to this
Complaint as Exhibit 24, referring to Kamen Decl. (Ex.15) and the Robin User's Manual (Ex.
23). The Robstep brand accused products are, on information and belief, made in China by or for,
and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by or for
at least Respondents Robstep and Robos^ See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Iffl 29-32; Ex. 41,
Crocco Decl.
69. On information and belief, units of the FreeGo brand accused products are sold for
importation intothe UnitedStates, imported intothe UnitedStatesand/orsold after importation in
the United States, and infringe at least cl^im 4 ofthe '640 Patent and, tobe determined upon
discovery, likely claims 2 and 3 and perhaps others. A claimchart that applies claim4 to a
representative FreeGo brand accused product, the FreeGo F3, is attached to this Complaint as
Exhibit 26, referring to Kamen Decl. (E 15) and the FreeGo user manual (Ex. 25). The FreeGo
brand accused products are, oninformation andbelief, made in Chinaby or for, and/or imported,
sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by or for at least
Respondents FreeGo China and FreeGo USA. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ffif 35, 36.
70. On information and belief1, Respondents identified inparagraphs 65-69 actively
induce others, including distributors and end-users who possess, demonstrate, sell or use the
personal transporters identified in paragraphs 65-69 above, to commit direct infringement of at
least claims 1 and4 of the '640 patent and, to be determined upon discovery, likelyclaims2 and
3 and perhaps others. On information and belief, distributors and end-users who possess,
demonstrate, sell or use the personal transporters identified above directly infringe at least claims
1 and 4 of the '640 patent and, to be determined upon discovery, likely claims 2 and 3 and
perhaps others. Seeclaimcharts at Exhibits 17, 18, 20, 22, 24and 26. Oninformation and belief,
Respondents are aware of the '640 patent or have acted with willful blindness to its existence.
Since at least October 2011, all Segway model i2 and x2 personal transporters have had affixed to
them a label that reads "Patents: http^/wYv^"
The Reference Manual to which one is directed by this label contains, on pp. 141 and 142, a list
of Segway patents andapplications that coverthe product, including the '640 patent. Further,
Respondents havehadactual knowledge of the '640 patent at least as of the filing of this
Complaint. These model Segway personal transporters werethe original suchpersonal
transporters in the U.S. and world market, and were recognizedas pioneeringand inventive, and
therefore one wouldbelieve they were almost certainlycovered by U.S. patents. Indeed,
Respondents' accused productsduplicate, in some cases extremely closely, the design and
operation of these Segway personal transporters, andRespondents oftenreference andcompare in
their advertisements and elsewhere their infringing product to the patentedSegway personal
transporters in operations. On information and belief, Respondents intendtheir infringing
products to largely if not completely mimic Segway's personal transporters in operation. Further,
on information and belief, Respondents by providingat least manuals, training, guides, videos
and/or demonstrations, inducedistributors and/or end-users of the transporters identified in
paragraphs 66-70to performacts intended by Respondents to cause direct infringement of at least
claims 1 and 4 of the '640 patent and, to be determined upon discovery, likely claims 2 and3 and
perhaps others.
71. On information and belief, Respondents contribute to infringement by others of at
least claims 1and 4 of the '640patent and, to be determined upon discovery, likely claims 2 and 3
andperhaps others, including distributors and end-users whopossess, demonstrate, sell or use the
personal transporters identifiedin paragraphs 65-69 above. Respondents contribute to such
infringement, at least byproviding to such distributors and end-users, personal transporters or
components thereofwhichare specially made or adaptedfor use in an infringement of these
claims and are not staple articles of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. On
information and belief, as discussed in theimmediate prior paragraph, Respondents had
knowledge or acted with willful blindness to the fact that the personal transporters or components
thereof are specially made or adapted for use to infringe the '640 patent and are not staple articles
of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
B. Respondents' Infringement of the '607 Patent
72. On information and beliefi units of the WindRunner brand accused products, sold
for importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in the United States, infringe at least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the '607 Patent and, to be
determined upon discovery, perhaps other claims. Claim charts that apply claims 1 and 7 to
representative WindRunner brand accused products, the WindRunner G1U and WindRunner
GIX, are attached to this Complaint as Exhibits 27 and 28, respectively, referring to Kamen Decl.
(Ex. 15) and the WindRunner User Manual (Ex. 16). The WindRunner brand accused products,
including the representative WindRunner G1U and GIX products are, on information and belief,
made in China by or for, or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the
United States by or for at least Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics and Technology.
See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. If 22; Ex. 40. |
73. On information and belief, units of the Ninebot brand accused products sold for
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe at least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the '607 Patent and, to be determined upon
discovery, perhaps other claims. A claim chart that applies claims 1 and 7 to a representative
accused Ninebot brand product, theNinebot mini-flight, is attached tothis Complaint as Exhibit
29, referring to Kamen Decl. (Ex. 15) and the Ninebot User Manual (Ex. 19). The accused
Ninebot brand products are, on information and belief, made in China by or for, and/or imported,
sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by or for at least
Respondents PowerUnion, Ninebot, UPTECH, Robotics, Technology, EcoBoomer, Tech in the
City, and See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Ijf 14-28, 32, and 37.
74. Oninformation and belief, units of the INMOTION brandaccused products sold
for importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in theUnited States, infringe at least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the '607 Patent and, to be
determined upondiscovery, perhaps other claims. A claimchart that applies claims 1and7 to a
representative INMOTION brand accused product, the INMOTION SCV Rl, is attached to this
Complaint as Exhibit 30, referring to Kamen Decl. (Ex. 15) and the INMOTION SCV
[INMOTION R-1] User Manual (Ex. 21). The accused INMOTION SCV brand products are, on
information and belief, made in China by or for, and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold
after importation into the United States byor for at least Respondents INMOTION, EcoBoomer,
and See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Iflf 32-34, and 37.
75. Oninformation and belief, units of the Robstep brandaccused products soldfor
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe atleast claims 1, 3and 7ofthe '607 Patent and, to be determined upon
discovery, perhaps other claims. Aclaim chart that applies claims 1and 7toa representative
Robstep brand accused product, the Robstep Ml, is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 31,
referring toKamen Decl. (Ex.15) and the Robin [Robstep M-l] User's Manual (Ex. 23). The
accused Robstep brand products are, on information andbelief, made in China byor for, and/or
imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into the United States by orfor at
least Respondent Robstep and See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 29-32; Ex. 41.
Crocco Decl.
76. On information and belief, units of the FreeGo brand accused products soldfor
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe at least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the '607 Patent and, to be determined
upondiscovery, perhaps other claims. A claimchart that applies claims 1 and 7 to a
representative FreeGo brand accused product, the FreeGo F3, is attached to this Complaint as
Exhibit 32, referring to Kamen Decl. (Ex. 15) and the FreeGo user manual (Ex. 25). The accused
FreeGo brand products are, on information and belief, made inChina by orfor, and/or imported,
sold for importation and/or soldafter importation intothe United States by or for at least
Respondents FreeGo ChinaandFreeGo USA. SeeEx. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 35, 36.
77. Oninformation andbelief, at least Respondents identified in paragraphs 72-76
above actively induce others, including distributors andend-users who possess, demonstrate, sell
or use the personal transporters identified in paragraphs 72-76 above, to commit direct
infringement ofat least claims 1, 3and 7ofthe '607 patent and, tobe determined upon discovery,
perhaps other claims. Oninformation and belief, distributors andend-users who possess,
demonstrate, sell or usethepersonal transporters identified abov.e directly infringe at least claims
1, 3 and 7 of the patent and, to be determined upon discovery, perhaps other claims. See claim
charts at Exhibits 27-32. On information and belief, Respondents are aware of the '607 patent or
have acted with willful blindness toits existence. Since at least October 2011, all Segway model
i2 and x2 personal transporters have had affixed to them a label that reads "Patents:
http^/^" The Reference Manual to
which one is directed bythis label contains, on pp. 141 and 142, a list of Segway patents and
applications that coverthe product, including application 20050121866, whichis the application
for the '607 patent. Further, Respondents have hadactual knowledge of the '607 patent at least as
of the filing of this Complaint. Also, these model Segway personal transporters were the original
suchpersonal transporters in the U.S. and world market, and were recognized as pioneering and
inventive, and thereforeone would believe that they were almost certainly coveredby U.S.
patents. Indeed, Respondents' accusedproducts duplicate, in some cases extremely closely, the
design and operation of these Segway personal transporters, and Respondents often reference and
compare in their advertisements and elsewhere their infringing product to the Segway personal
transporters. On informationand belief, Respondents intend their infringingproducts to largelyif
not completely mimic Segway's personal transporters in operation. Further, on information and
belief, Respondents by providing at least manuals, training, guides, videos and/or demonstrations,
induce distributors and/orend-users of the transporters identified in paragraphs 72-76 toperform
acts intended by Respondents to cause direct infringement of at least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the
patent and, to be determined upon discovery, perhaps other claims.
78. On information and belief, Respondents contribute to infringement by others of at
least claims 1, 3 and 7 of the '607 patent and, to be determined upondiscovery, perhaps other
claims, including distributors and end-users whopossess, demonstrate, sell or use the personal
transportersidentifiedin paragraphs 72-76 above. Respondents contributeto such infringement,
at least byproviding to suchdistributors andend-users personal transporters or components
thereof which are speciallymade and adapted for use in an infringement of these claimsand are
not staple articles of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use. On information and
belief, as discussed in the immediate prior paragraph, Respondents had knowledge or acted with
will blindness to the fact that personal transporters or components thereofare specially made or
adapted for use to infringe the '607 patent and are not staple articles of commerce suitable for
substantial non-infringing use.
C. Respondents' Infringement of the '722 Patent
79. On information and belief, units of the accused WindRunner brand products, sold
for importation into the United States, iniported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in the United States, infringe the claimed design of the '722 Patent. Claim charts that
apply the claimed design to representative WindRunner brand products, the WindRunner G1U
and WindRunner GIX, are attached to thjis Complaint as Exhibits 33 and 34, respectively. The
WindRunner brand products, including the representative WindRunner G1U and GIX are, on
information and belief, made in China by or for, or imported, sold for importation and/or sold
after importation into the United States by or for at least Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH,
Robotics and Technology. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Tf 22; Ex.40.
80. On information and belief, units of the accused Ninebot brand products, sold for
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe the claimed design ofthe '722 Patent. A claim chart that applies the
claimed design to a representative accused Ninebot brand product, the Ninebot mini-flight, is
attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 35.; The accused Ninebot brand products are, on
information and belief, made in China by or for, and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold
after importation into the United States by or for at least Respondents Power Union, Ninebot,
UPTECH, Robotics, Technology, EcoBoomer, Tech in the City, and See Ex.
42, Keller Decl. ffl[ 14-28, 32 and 37.
81. On information and belief, units of the FreeGo brand accused product, sold for
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe the claimed design ofthe '722 Patent. Aclaim chart that applies the
claimed design to a representative FreeGo brand accused product, the FreeGo F3, is attached to
this Complaint as Exhibit 36. The FreeGo brand accused products are, on information andbelief,
made in Chinaby or for, and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into
the UnitedStates by or for at least Respondents FreeGo China and FreeGoUSA. SeeEx. 42,
Keller Decl. m 35, 36.
82. Oninformation and belief, all Respondents except INMOTION andRobstep
actively induce others, including distributors and end-users who possess, demonstrate, sell or use
the personal transporters identified in paragraphs 79-81 above, to commit direct infringement of
the claimed design of the '772 patent. On information and belief, distributors and end-users who
possess, demonstrate, sell or use the personal transporters identified above directly infringethe
claimed design of the '772 patent. See claimcharts at Exhibits 33-36. On information andbelief,
Respondents are aware ofthe '722 patent or have acted with willful blindness to its existence.
Further, Respondents havehadactual knowledge of the 772 patent at least as of the filing of this
Complaint. These model Segway personal transporters werethe original suchpersonal
transporters in the U.S. and world market, and were recognized as pioneering and inventive, with
a distinctive design. Respondents' accused products copy the design of these Segway personal
transporters, and Respondents often reference and compare in their advertisements and elsewhere
their infringing product to the Segwaypersonal transporters. On information andbelief,
Respondents willful copying evidences a willful blindness totheexistence of patents covering
suchdistinctive design. Further, on information andbelief, Respondents by providing at least
manuals, training, guides, videos and/or demonstrations, induce distributors and/or end-users of
thetransporters identified inparagraphs 79-81 to perform acts intended by Respondents to cause
direct infringement of the design claimed in the '722 patent.
83. On information and belief, Respondents contribute to infringement by others ofthe
claimed design of the '772 patent, including distributors and end-users who possess, demonstrate,
sell or use the personal transporters identified in paragraphs 79-81 above. Respondents contribute
to such infringement, at least by providing to such distributors and end-users, personal
transporters or components thereof, whidh are specially made or adapted for use to infringe the
'722 patent and are not staple articles of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringinguse.
Oninformation and belief, as discussed i^i the immediate prior paragraph, Respondents had
knowledge or acted with willful blindness to the fact that the personal transporters or components
thereof are specifically made or adapted for use in an infringement of the '722 patent and are not
staple articles of commerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
D. Respondents' Infringement of the '592 Patent
84. On information and belief, units of the accused WindRunner brand products, sold
for importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after
importation in the United States, infringe the claimed design ofthe '592 Patent. A claim chart
that applies the claimed design to the WindRunner GIX is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit
37. The accused WindRunner brand products, including the WindRunner GIX, are, on
information and belief, made in China by or for, or imported, sold for importation and/or sold
after importation into theUnited States b^ or for at least Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH,
Robotics and Technology. See Ex. 42, KJeller Decl. Ifff 22; Ex. 40.
85. On information and belief, units of the FreeGo brand accused products, sold for
importation into the United States, imported into the United States and/or sold after importation in
the United States, infringe the claimed design of the '592 Patent. A claim chart that applies the
claimed design a representative FreeGo Brandaccused product, the FreeGo F3, is attachedto this
Complaint as Exhibit 38. Theaccused FreeGo brand products are, on information andbelief,
madein Chinaby or for, and/or imported, sold for importation and/or sold after importation into
the United States by or for at least Respondents FreeGo ChinaandFreeGo USA. SeeEx. 42,
Keller Decl. ffi[ 35, 36
86. On information and belief, Respondents identified in paragraphs 84 and 85
actively induce others, including distributors and end-users who possess, demonstrate, sell or use
the personal transporters identified in paragraphs 84 and 85 above, to commit direct infringement
of the claimed design of the '592 patent. On information and belief, distributors and end-users
who possess, demonstrate, sell or use the personal transporters identified abovedirectly infringe
the claimed design of the '592 patent. See claim chart at Exhibits 37 and 38. On information and
belief these Respondents are aware of the '592 patent or have acted with willful blindness to its
existence. Further, Respondents have actual knowledge of the '592patent at least asof thefiling
of this Complaint. These model Segway personal transporters were the original such personal
transporters in the U.S. and world market, and were recognized as pioneering and inventive, with
a distinctive design. These Respondents' accused products copy the design of these Segway
personal transporters, and Respondents often reference and compare in their advertisement and
elsewheretheir infringing product to the Segwaypersonal transporters. On information and
belief, Respondents willful copying evidences a willful blindness to theexistence of patents
covering such distinctive design. Further, oninformation and belief, Respondents by providing at
least manuals, training, guides, videos and/or demonstrations, induce distributors and/or end-users
ofthe transporters identified inparagraphs 84and 85 toperform acts intended by Respondents to
cause direct infringement of the design claimed in the '792 patent.
87. On information and belief, Respondents contribute to infringement by others of the
claimed design ofthe '792 patent, including distributors and end-users who possess, demonstrate,
sell or use the personal transporters identified inparagraphs 84 and 85 above. Respondents
contribute to such infringement, at least byproviding tosuch distributors and end-users, personal
transporters or components thereof, which are specially made or adapted for use to infringe the
claimed design of the '792 patent and are not staple articles of commerce suitable for substantial
non-infringing use. On information and belief, as discussed inthe immediate prior paragraph,
Respondents hadknowledge or acted with willful blindness to the fact that the personal
transporters or components thereof are specially made or adapted for use in an infringement of the
'792 patent and are not staple articles ofCommerce suitable for substantial non-infringing use.
E. Respondents' Infringement of the Asserted Copyright
88. The Manuals (Exs. 13 & 14) include original, creativeliterary, pictorial and
graphic works and are otherwise Copyrightable subject matter under the laws of the United States.
Segway Inc. is the legal author andowner of the Manuals andthe Asserted Copyright as its
employees created the Manuals as works-for-hire. TheManuals .contain Copyright notices. Id.
Segway Inc. has registered its copyright in the Manuals withthe Copyright Office. Ex. 5.
89. As the sole ownerof all right, title and interest in and to the copyright inthe
Manuals, Complainant hasthe exclusive right to exploit the Asserted Copyright by, among other
things, reproducing the works, preparing derivatives of the works, distributing the works and
importing the works into the United States.
90. The Manuals have been distributedwith the i2 and x2 personal transporters and
made available on the Internet (at since August 2006 and thus have been
accessible to competitors such as Respondents since that time. Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^13.
91. Upon information and belief, because of accessibility and substantial similarity, at
least Respondents Ninebot, PowerUnion, UPTECH, Technology, and Robotics copied substantial
portions of the Manuals to create, distribute and import into the United States the Ninebot PTR
User Manual and the WindRunner User Manual, respectively, which infringe the Asserted
Copyright and Respondents Tech in the City, and EcoBoomer include such
infringing manuals with their infringing products, all in violationof 17U.S.C. 1et seq.
92. Upon information and belief, units of the accused Ninebot brand and WindRunner
brand personal transporters sold for importation into the United States, imported into the United
States and/or sold after importation in the United States by at least Respondents UPTECH,
Technology, Robotics, Tech in the City,, and EcoBoomer include the Ninebot
PTR User Manual (Ex. 19) and/or the WindRunner User Manual (Ex. 16). Ex. 42, Keller Decl..
Iflf 18, 19, 22, and 27; Ex. 40. Each infringes Segway's copyright in its Manuals. A chart (the
"Copyright Infringement Chart") comparing the illustrations from the Ninebot PTR User Manual
and the WindRunner User Manual to illustrations from Segway's Manuals is appended hereto as
Exhibit 39. As is readily apparent froma reviewofthe Copyright Infringement Chart (Ex. 39A-
D), in almost all instances, Respondents Power Union's, Ninebot's, UPTECH's, Robotic's, and
Technology's copying is exact and without significant, indeed any, modification. At least
Respondents Tech in the City, and EcoBoomer, who distribute at least Ninebot
brand infringing products, on information and belief, distribute the infringing manuals with the
Ninebot brand accused product. Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Iflf 28, 32, and 37,
F. Summary of Unfair Practices
93. In summary, as reflected in the following chart, at least the Proposed Respondents
make or have made in China, and/or unlawfullysell for importation, import, and/or sell after
importation into the United States
therefor that directly or indirectly infringi
identified below:
personal transporters, components thereof, andmanuals
at least the Asserted Patents and Asserted Copyright
Respondent The '640
The '607
The '722
PowerUnion (Beijing)
Tech Co. Ltd.
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X X
UPTECH Robotics
Technology Co., Ltd.
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X X
Beijing Universal
Pioneering Robotics
Co., Ltd.
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X X
Beijing Universal
Pioneering Technology
Co., Ltd.
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X X
Ninebot China. 1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X
Ninebot USA. 1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X
Technologies Co., Ltd.
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7
Robstep Robot Co.,
1 and 4 1,3, and 7
FreeGo High-Tech
Corporation Limited
1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X
Freego USA, LLC 1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X
Tech in the City 1 and 4 1,3, and 7 X X 1 and 4 1,3, and 7 .x X
EcoBoomer Co. Ltd. 1 and 4 1, 3, and 7 X X
94. On information and belief, all Respondents are and will continue importing, selling
for importationand/or selling within the United States after importation personal transporters and
components thereof that infringe one or rjiore ofthe Asserted Patents in violation ofSection 337.
Inaddition, at least Respondents PowerUJnion, Ninebot, UPTECH, Technology, Robotics, Tech in
the City,, and EcoBocfner include with the accused Ninebot brand and/or
WindRunner brand accused personal transporters, which are imported, sold for importation and/or
sold after importation, the Ninebot PTR User Manual and/or the WindRunner User Manual,
which infringe Segway's registered Copyright in violation of Section 337.
A. WindRunner Brand Products
95. Segway has obtained in the United States samples of the representative
WindRunner GIU and GIX models. A detailed description of the steps that Segwaytook to
procure these samples is set forth in the Ex. 40. Specific instances of importation, sale for
importation and/or sale within the United States after importation of infringing personal
transporters by the Respondents are set forth below.
96. On informationand belief, Respondent PowerUnion is engagedin distributing,
importing into the United States and marketing personal transporters and manuals made in China
that infringe one or more of the Asserted Patents and Asserted Copyright, including but not
limitedto the WindRunner GIU and GIX personal transporters and manuals. SeeEx. 40; Ex. 15,
Kamen Decl. 1ffl 10-15; Ex. 16 at 101; Exs. 16, 17,18, 27, 28, 33, 34, 37 and 39. Ex. 42, Keller
Decl. THf 14, 20, 22, and 27. See (visited September 4, 2014)
(PowerUnion, WindRunner and Ninebot linked).
97. On information and belief, Respondents PowerUnion, UPTECH, Robotics and
Technologyare responsible for at least the manufacture of the infringing WindRunner GIU and
GIXpersonal transporters in China, and are actively engaged in shipping and distributing these
products in the UnitedStates. Id.; see also}V37.html
(visited September 4, 2014) (subsidiaries).
98. In May, 2013, PowerUnion shipped one each of WindRunner GIU and
WindRunner GIX personal transporters (with WindRunner User Manuals) to the United States
from China afterreceiving a wire transfer payment to its bankin Beijing. SeeEx. 40. The
exemplarproducts were deliveredto the United States on or about May 24, 2013 and are nowin
the possession of Segway. Id.
B. Ninebot Brand Products
99. Segway has obtainedin the United States a sampleof the representative Ninebot
mini-flight personal transporter and its accompanying Ninebot PTR User Manual. A detailed
description of the steps that Segway tookto procure this sample is set forth in theKeller
Declaration (Ex. 42, ffif 14-21). Specific instances of importation, sale for importation and/or sale
within the United States after importation of infringing personal transporters and the
accompanying Ninebot PTR User Manual by the Respondents are set forth below.
100. On information and belief, Respondents PowerUnion andNinebot are both
engaged indistributing, importing into the United States and marketing personal transporters that
infringe one or more ofthe Asserted Patents, including at least the Ninebot mini-flight personal
transporters. Exs. 19, 20, 29 and 35; Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^ 14-27;
(visited April 18, 2014) (PowerUnion, WindRunner andNinebot linked).
101. Oninformation and belief} Respondents PowerUnion andNinebot are both
engaged in distributing, importing intothe UnitedStatesand marketing the Ninebot PTRUser
Manual which infringes the Asserted Copyright. See Id.; Exs. 13, 14, 19, and 39 (comparison).
102. Oninformation and belief, Ninebot personal transporters that infringe one or more
of theAsserted Patents aremanufactured in China by or for Respondent Ninebot. See Ex. 15,
Kamen Decl. fflf 3-9; Ex. 19; Ex. 42, Kelter Decl. fflf 20, 22, 27.
103. Oninformation andbeliefJthe Ninebot PTRUser Manuals which accompany the
accused personal transporters arealso manufactured and/or copied in China byor for Respondent
Ninebot. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 8, 19.
104. In January, at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, accused
Ninebot brandpersonal transporters, including the representative Ninebot Mini-Flight and
accompanyingNinebot PTR User Manual, were on display and available for use by attendees at a
boothwith bothPowerUnion andNinebot markings. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 14-23. Afterthe
Consumer Electronics Show, Segway obtained and currentlyholds one of the exemplarNinebot
mini-flight personal transportersand the Ninebot PTRUser Manual, at its headquarters in New
Hampshire. See id. In addition, the Ninebot PTRUser Manual has been made readilyavailable
for downloading and distribution into the United States from Ninebot's website at
105. On information and belief, Ninebot is actively looking for distributors in the
United States, and has held itself out as having a presence in Silicon Valley. See Ex. 15, Kamen
Decl., Attachments C ("recruit distributors from all around the world") and D; Ex. 42, Keller
Decl. Iflf 15, 21. A Ninebot representative appeared to claim falsely that Segway had licensed it.
See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^26.
106. On information and belief, Respondent Tech in the City has imported the accused
Ninebot mini flight products into Hawaii and is distributingthe importedNinebot brand accused
products in Hawaii as of July 2014. See id. f 28.
107. On information and belief, Respondent of 21541 Crawford
Lake Rd., Laurel Hill, NC 28531 is selling imported accused Ninebot brand products, including
the representative Ninebot mini-flight, in the UnitedStates. See id. f32.
108. On information andbelief, Respondent EcoBoomer is importing and/or selling
imported accused Ninebot products, including the representative Ninebot mini-flight, inthe
United States. See id. \ 37.
INMOTION Brand Products
109. On information and belie Respondent INMOTION is engaged in distributing,
importinginto the United States and marketingpersonal transporters made in Chinathat infringe
one or more of the Asserted Patents, including the representative INMOTION Rl model. See Ex.
15, Kamen Decl. 18,19; Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflj 33, 34.
110. On information and belief, on or about January 6, 2014, at the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas, at least the accused INMOTION SCV Rl personal transporter
was on display. The press reported riding a INMOTION Rl made and sold at half the price of
Segway personal transporters by the Chinese company. Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^ 33, Attachment T.
111. On information and belief, INMOTION is actively seeking distributors for its
infringing products, including the representative INMOTION SCV Rl personal transporter, in the
United States. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. 134.
112. On information and belief, "" of 21541 Crawford Lake Rd.,
Laurel Hill, NC 28531, is selling imported INMOTION brand infringing products in the United
States. See id 132.
113. On information and belief, Respondent EcoBoomer is importing and/or selling
imported INMOTION brand infringing products in the United States. See id. ^j 37.
D. Robstep Brand Products
114. On information and belief, at least Respondent Robstep is engaged in distributing,
importing into the United States and marketing personal transporters made in China that infringe
one or more of the Asserted Patents, including but not limited to the representative Robstep Ml
model. See Ex. 15, Kamen Decl. 120; Exs. 23, 24, 31; Ex. 42, Keller Decl. tH 29-31; Ex.41,
Crocco Decl.
115. On or about January 6, 2014, at the Consumer Electronics ShowinLas Vegas,
there were present Robstep personal transporters. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^ 29. The Robstep
brand accusedproducts were on display and available for use by attendees as demonstration units.
Id. On information and belief, based on the showdirectory and webpages, Robstep manufactures
the personal transporters in China. Id.; see (visited May 6,
116. Robstep has a dealer in the United States at 16055 Heron Avenue, La Miranda, CA
90277, from which it supplies infringing product. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^[31. On information
and belief, "" of 21541 Crawford Lake Rd., Laurel Hill, NC 28531 also sells
importedRobstep brand accusedproducts in the United States. See id. 1f 32.
117. On information and belief, Robstep is actively seeking distributors in the United
States for its imported accused products. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. f 31.
E- FreeGo Brand Products
118. On informationand belief, at least the FreeGo Respondents are engaged in
distributing, importing intothe UnitedStates and marketing personal transporters made in China
that infringe one or more of the Asserted Patents, including but not limited to the Fl, F2, F3, UV-
OID andUV-OID Pro models. See Ex. 15, KamenDecl. Iflf 16-17; Exs. 25, 26, 32, 36, 38; Ex.
42, Keller Decl. 1J1f22, 35, 36.
119. On information and belief, at least the FreeGoRespondents sell for importation,
import orsell after importation into the United States infringing personal transporters, including
the representative F3 model identified herein, toa dealer inSibley, Iowa. Ex. 42, Keller Decl. If
36. Their usein the United States is shown in a YouTube video published in February 2014.
httr):// (visited April 18, 2014) ("Freego USA Night
Stand-Up Electrical Vehicle Racing"), j
120. The dealer describes itself in this way: "Freego USA, LLC was born to distribute
the Freego Self Balancing scooters in the USA, due to the tremendous response of having
affordable machines compared to the alternatives."
April 18, 2014); see Ex. 42, Keller Decl. If 36. Its principal place of business is at 915 5th PL,
Sibley, IA 51249. See id.
121. On information and belief! theproducts at issue may beclassified under at least the
following headings of the Harmonized Tiriff Schedule of the United States: 8703.10.5060,
8709.11.0030, and 8713.90.
122. The Asserted Patents and the Asserted Copyright are not and have not been the
subject of any other court or agency litigation.
123. A domestic industry as defined by 19 U.S.C. 1337(a)(3) exists with respect to
Complainants' activities in the United States that exploit the Asserted Patents and the Asserted
Copyright, based on products that employ the patented technology and Copyrighted works by
reason of Complainants' significant investment in plant and equipment, significant employment
of labor and capital and substantial investments in the exploitation of the Asserted Patents and the
Asserted Copyright through engineering knd research and development.
A. Technical Prong
1. The '640 Patent
124. Personal transporters designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Segway
practice the '640 Patent and are markedwiththat patent number. For example, Segway's i2 PT
practices at least claim4 of the '640 Patent. A claimchart demonstrating howthe i2 PTpractices
the invention claimed in claim4 is attached as Exhibit 45, referring to Exs. 13,14, 44 (Segway
manuals) and the Confidential Declarationof MatthewJ. Harding (Ex. 43, "Harding Decl.").
125. Segway's x2 PT also practices at least claim 4 of the '640 Patent. A claim chart
demonstrating how the x2 PT practices the invention claimed in claim 4 is attached as Exhibit 45.
126. Segway's new i2 SE and x2 SE also practice at least claim 4 of the '640 Patent. A
claim chart demonstrating how the i2 SE and x2 SE practice claim 4 of the '640 Patent is attached
as Exhibit 45.
2. The '607 Patent
127. Personal transporters designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Segway
practice the '607 Patent and are marked with serial number of the patent application in the '607
Patent. For example, Segway's i2 PT practices at least claim 1 ofthe '607 Patent. A claim chart
demonstrating how the i2 PT practices claim 1 of the '607 Patent is attached as Exhibit 45.
128. Segway's x2 PT also practices at least claim 1 of the '607 Patent. A claim chart
demonstrating how the x2 PT practices claim 1 of the '607 Patent is attached as Exhibit 45.
129. Segway's new i2 SE and x2 SE also practice at least claim 1 of the :607 Patent. A
claim chart demonstrating how the i2 SE and x2 SE practice claim 1 of the '607 Patent is attached
as Exhibit 45.
3. The '722 Patent
130. Personal transporters designed,
practice the design claimed in the '722 Patent
claimeddesign of the '722 Patent. A ch^rt
design is attached as Exhibit 46.
4. The '592 Patent
131. Personal transporters designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Segway
practice thedesign claimed inthe '592 Patent. For example, Segway's x2 PTembodies the
claimed design ofthe '592 Patent. Aclaim chart demonstrating how the x2 PT practices the
claimed design is attached as Exhibit 47.
5. The Asserted Copyright
132. Since 2006, the Segway i2J and x2 personal transporters designed, developed,
manufactured and sold by Segway have fyeen sold and distributed withthe Manuals which were
authored, designed, developed and published by Segway. See Ex. 42, Keller Decl. If 13.
B. Economic Prong
1. Significant Investment in Plant and Equipment
133. Adomestic industry exists intheUnited States by virtue of Complainants'
significant investments in plant andequipment in the United States involved in activities related
to the production, engineering, development, testing, marketing, distribution, customer service,
repair, and warranty fulfillment concerning personal transporters and their accompanying
Manuals that employ and exploit thetechnology anddesigns covered bytheAsserted Patents and
the creative works that are protected by the Asserted Copyright. Ex. 42, Keller Decl. fflf 3-13, sets
forth further details regarding thenature akid scope of Complainant's investments inthese
, developed, manufactured and sold by Segway
For example, Segway's i2 PT embodies the
demonstrating how the i2 PT practicesthe claimed
134. Segway maintains its headquarters and its manufacturing plant in Bedford, New
Hampshire. At this facility it conducts design, engineering, research, development, manufacture,
and testing for the personal transporters that practice the Asserted Patents (Ex. 42, Keller Decl. Iffl
3-12). At this facility, Segway's employees also created the Manuals, including the illustrations
reflected in the Copyright Infringement Chart. See Id, ^ 13, and Ex.39.
135. Segway also uses its headquarters in New Hampshire to perform customer support,
quality assurance, warranty fulfillment and other after-market services relating to its patented
personal transported for its customers, distributors and dealers. See id., 1f1f 10 and 12, for
. 136. Segway has made significant investments in its headquarters and manufacturing
facilities in the United States that are dedicated to the design, research, development,
manufacture, testing and distribution of its patented personal transporters. See Id., 1ffi 8 and 11,
for example.
2. Significant Employment of Labor and Capital
137. Segway currently employs in the United States significant labor and capital for
activities related to the production, engineering, development, manufacture, testing, marketing,
distribution, customer service and warranty fulfillment concerning personal transporters that
employ and exploit the technology and designs covered by the Asserted Patents and the Asserted
Copyright. See id, P, Ifff 10, and 12, for example.
3. Substantial Investment in Exploiting the Asserted Patents and the
Asserted Copyright
138. Segway has made, and will continue to make, substantial investments in the United
States in research and development and engineering for products embodying the inventions,
technology and designs for personal transporters that are claimed in the Asserted Patents and for
the creative works embodied in Segway'^ Asserted Copyright. See id., ^f 12 andl3, for
139. Segway seeks a general exclusion order as part of its relief.
140. Ageneral exclusion order! iswarranted when such exclusion isnecessary to
prevent circumvention ofanexclusion orjder limited toproducts and named persons orwhere
thereis a pattern of violation of Section 237 andit is difficult to identify the source of the
infringing products. Ageneral exclusion order is warranted here both to prevent circumvention of
anyexclusion order limited to products of named entities, and because thereis a pattern of
violation of Section 337 and it is difficult to identify the source of infringing products.
141. As setforth above and in^he Confidential Declaration of Mr. Rod Keller (Ex. 42),
there are numerous infringing products entering the United States, under brand name orprivate
label, andit is extremely difficult to identify the sources of these infringing products. While
Segway has identified herein multiple manufacturers and distributors of numerous infringing
products, discovery will likely show additional, unrelated manufacturers in China and perhaps
other locations, and unrelated distributors that also import infringing personal transporters.
Indeed, manufacturers (and distributors) of personal transporters, appear to employ complex
business arrangements, dobusiness under more thanone name and/or form intricate arrays of
confusingly similar affiliates, which will make it difficult, if not impossible, for Customs to
determine the source ofthe infringing products. See, for example, Ex. 42, Keller Decl. ^ 14,15,
22, and 27.
142. Moreover, Respondents ar0 actively trying gain more distributors in the United
Statesthat will import and sell after importationinfringingpersonal transporters, sometimes under
private label. As shown above, distributors easily offer for sale and sell infringing personal
transporters over the Internet. Given the difficulty in identifyingthe source of the infringing
products and the ease of distribution of infringingpersonal transporters, such distributors may
easily evade an exclusion order limited to named Respondents.
143. Accordingly, given the apparently numerous sources abroad of infringing personal
transporters and components thereof, the difficulty in identifying the manufacturing source of
such infringing products, and the ease of distribution of imported infringing products, a general
exclusion order is necessary to protect Segway and its substantial domestic industry.
WHEREFORE, Segway respectfully requests that the United States International Trade
A. Institute an immediate investigation pursuant to Section 337(b)(1) of the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, into the violation by Respondents of Section 337
arising from the importation into the United States, sale for importation, and/or sale within the
United States after importation of Respondents' personal transporters , components thereof, and
accompanying manuals that infringe the Asserted Patents and the Asserted Copyright;
B. Schedule and conduct a hearing pursuant to Section 337(c), for purposes of
receiving evidence and hearing argument concerning whether there has been a violation of
Section 337 and, following the hearing, determine that there has been a violation of Section 337;
C. Issue a general exclusion order pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(2), barring from
entry into the United States any personal transporters, components thereof, and manuals relating
thereto that infringe the Asserted Patents and Asserted Copyright;
D. Issue a limited exclusion order, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1), barring from
entryintothe United States Respondents^ Accused Products, including personal transporters,
components thereof, and manuals relating thereto that infringe the Asserted Patents and the
Asserted Copyright;
E. Issue permanent ceaseand desist orders, pursuant 19U.S.C. 1337(f), directing
Respondents to cease and desist from selling for importation into the United States, importing,
selling after importation intothe United States, offering for sale, marketing, advertising,
demonstrating, sampling, warehousing inventory for distribution, distributing, licensing, testing,
providing technical support, use, or other related commercial activity involving Respondents'
personal transporters, components thereof, and manuals relating thereto that infringe the Asserted
Patents and the Asserted Copyright; and
F. Grant all such other and further relief as it deems appropriate under the law, based
upon the facts complained of herein and as determined by the investigation.
Dated: September ^ , 2014
Respectfully submitted,
avidF. NickST/
F. David Foster
Susan Koegel
Kandis C. Gibson
1899 L Street, NW, Ste 1150
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 822-4100
Fax: (202) 822-4199
Maureen K. Toohey
340 Commercial Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Tel: (603)206-0200
Fax: (603) 666-5438
I, Rod Keller, declare, in accordance with 19 C.F.R. 210.4 and 210.12 and under
penalty of perjury, under the laws of tlie United States of America, that tlie following statements
are true and correct:
1. I am the President of Segway Inc.;
2. I am duly authorized to verify this Complaint on behalf of Segway Inc. and DEKA
Partners Limited Partnership;
3. I have read the Complaint and am familiar with its contents;
4. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry
reasonable under the circumstances:
a. The Complaint is well founded in fact and is not being presented for any
improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless
increase in the cost of litigation;
b. The claims, defenses, and other legal contentions in the Complaint are
warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension,
modification, or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law; and
c. The allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or are
likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further
investigation or discovery
Dated: September j$. 2014
Rod Keller
Segway Inc.

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