Icebreaker Games For Youth

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The passage discusses several icebreaker games that can be used to help groups get to know each other better and feel more comfortable interacting. Some examples provided include Time Bomb, Name That Person, Add Words, and Three Things About Me.

Some icebreaker games described include Time Bomb, Name That Person, Add Words, and Three Things About Me. Time Bomb involves quickly passing a ball between group members. Name That Person involves learning facts about others and trying to guess their identity. Add Words is a word association game. Three Things About Me involves learning 3 facts about each other.

Some tips provided for running icebreaker games include being enthusiastic, choosing volunteers carefully to avoid embarrassment, moving on quickly if an activity isn't working, paying attention to timing, and choosing age-appropriate games. The leader should also understand what will and won't work for their specific group.


Icebreakers, used wisely, can create a great atmosphere and provide momentum for further
participation and learning. Icebreakers adapt and evolve through each generation of youth
leaders. Most have come to me by word of mouth from friends, colleagues or just seeing them in

The icebreakers below include simple getting-to-know-you activities, active and more physical
games and some word games.

Icebreakers (and games in general) are no substitute for a prayerfully planned programme of
discipleship, linked to opportunities for young people to live out and express their faith. BUT
Icebreakers can enhance your teaching by helping to stimulate friendship, cooperation and
participation. They can provide positive momentum for small group study and discussion by:
Helping a new group get to know one another.
Helping new members to integrate into a group.
Helping young people feel comfortable together.
Encouraging cooperation.
Encouraging listening to others.
Encouraging working together.
Encouraging young people to break out of their cliques.
Developing social skills.
Building a rapport with leaders.
Creating a good atmosphere for learning and participation.
Be enthusiastic, whatever happens, be enthusiastic!
Choose volunteers carefully and don't cause embarrassment.
If something is not working move quickly on to the next activity.
Timing is important. Don't flog them to death. Use only 2 or 3 icebreakers as a 20-30
minutes introduction to your programme. Finish each icebreaker while to young people
are still enjoying it.
Choose icebreakers appropriate for your age group. No group is the same and your
understanding of what will and will not work with your group is a core youth work skill.


Invite the young people to sit (facing inwards) in a circle. You will need a small foam or tennis
ball to be the bomb. A young person is selected to start with the bomb. He then has to call out
someones name and throw the bomb to them. That person has 2 seconds only to say someone
elses name and throw the bomb to them.
You leave the game if you hold the ball for too long, dont say someones name before you
throw, or do such a poor throw it cannot be caught by the next person. A very simple game but it
can get very fast and furious. Try it with 2 bombs!

Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of card. Ask them to write five little
known facts about themselves on their card. Include all leaders in this game too. For example, I
have a pet iguana, I was born in Iceland, my favourite food is spinach, my grandmother is called
Doris and my favourite colour is vermillion.

Collect the cards into two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team pile. Each team
tries to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five points if they get it on the first clue,
then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points wins. (Note: if you select the most obscure facts
first, it will increase the level of competition and general head scratching!)


Simple, completely ridiculous and a lot of fun. The first person says a word, for example 'The'.
The second person says the first word and ADDS a second word of their choice, and so on. At
the end you might have a complete sentence! For example, 'The aardvark spiralled into the
puddle of custard clutching his skateboard while whistling his favourite Bjork melody.' The fun
thing is putting twists in the sentence so that the others have a hard time coming up with a word
that fits. ADD WORDS can be played a few times without being boring.

Ask everyone to write on a piece of paper THREE things about themselves which may not be
known to the others in the group. Two are true and one is not. Taking turns they read out the
three facts about themselves and the rest of the group votes which are true and false. There are
always surprises. Here are my three: I am 41 years old, I have a cat called Rufus, I was born in
Sri Lanka. What do you think?


Divide the young people into pairs. Ask them to take three minutes to interview each other. Each
interviewer has to find 3 interesting facts about their partner. Bring everyone back to together
and ask everyone to present the 3 facts about their partner to the rest of the group. Watch the
time on this one, keep it moving along.


Each person is given a sheet of paper with a series of instructions to follow. This is a good
mixing game and conversation starter as each person must speak to everyone else. For example;
Count the number of brown eyed boys in the room.
Find out who has made the longest journey.
Who has the most unusual hobby.
Find the weirdest thing anyone has eaten.
Who has had the most embarrassing experience.
Who knows what 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is a fear of. Nearest guess

Ask the youth group to line up. Works best with 8-10 in a line. If youve got a bigger group, split
them up and challenge each line to complete the task first. Ask the group to form a new line in
order of.
Height, from smallest to tallest.
Birthdays, from January through to December.
Shoe size, from smallest to largest.
Alphabetical first names (A-Z).
Alphabetical mothers first names.
Alphabetical grandmother's first names!
Anything else you think up.

You need to have a spool of string or wool for this game. Ask the young people to stand in a
circle. Hold on to the end of the string and throw the ball/spool to one of the young people to
catch. They then choose a question from 1-20 to answer. (A list of 20 sample questions is given
below. Adapt for your group.) Holding the string they then throw it to another member of the
group. Eventually this creates a web as well as learning some interesting things about each other!
At the end of the game you could comment that we all played a part in creating this unique web
and if one person was gone it would look different. In the same way it's important that we all
take part to make the group what it is, unique and special.
1. If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or in
history would you visit?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. If your house was burning down, what three objects would you try and save?
4. If you could talk to any one person now living, who would it be and why?
5. If you HAD to give up one of your senses (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting)
which would it be and why?
6. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
7. Do you have a pet? If not, what sort of pet would you like?
8. Name a gift you will never forget?
9. Name one thing you really like about yourself?
10. What's your favourite thing to do in the summer?
11. Who's your favourite cartoon character, and why?
12. Does your name have a special meaning and or were you named after someone special?
13. What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
14. If you are at a friend's or relative's house for dinner and you find a dead insect in your
salad, what would you do?
15. What was the best thing that happened to you this past week?
16. If you had this week over again what would you do differently?
17. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about God?
18. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
19. If you could ask Christ to change one problem in the world today, what would you like
him to change?
20. What book, movie or video have you seen/read recently you would recommend? Why?

The leader starts a story with a sentence that ends in SUDDENLY. The next person then has to
add to the story with his own sentence that ends in SUDDENLY. Continue the story until
everyone has contributed. The story becomes crazier as each young person adds their sentence.
Tape it and play it back. For example; 'Yesterday I went to the zoo and was passing the elephant
enclosure when SUDDENLY.....'

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