Database Views

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Database Views

Database Views
A database view defines table joins for reporting purposes. For example, a database view can join the Incident table
to the Metric Definition and Metric Instance tables. This view can be used to report on incident metrics and may
include fields from any of these three tables.
A number of useful database views are installed with the Database View plugin and the Database Views for Service
Management plugin. These database views cover most metric reporting needs and greatly reduce the need to define
new ones.
Database views cannot be created on tables that participate in table rotation.
Creating a New Database View
Perform the following tasks to create a new database view:
Task 1: Create a new database view record.
Task 2: Add tables to the database view using the View Tables related list on the Database View form.
Task 3: Restrict the fields that are returned by the join by using the View Fields related list on the View Tables
Task 4: Edit the number of rows returned, if necessary.
Task 5: Test the database view you just created.
Task 1: Create a Database View
1. Navigate to System Definition > Database Views.
2. Click New.
The Database View form appears.
3. Name the view as you would name a new table.
The Label and Plural fields define how the database view is labeled in lists and forms.
Database Views
Task 2: Add Tables to the Database View
The Table field in the View Table form names the table to join to the database view. A Variable prefix can be
assigned and used later when specifying a Where clause to define the conditions for the join. These conditions can
refer to any field, but typically define the join by matching a field in the table to a field in another table that is part of
the database view. When writing the Where clause, add the field name to the Variable prefix of its table with an
underscore. For example, in the following screenshot, in the Where clause field, mi_id refers to the id field in the
Metric Instance [metric_instance] table (mi) and the inc_sys_id refers to the sys_id field in the Incident [incident]
table (inc). Database views can not be created on tables that participate in Table Rotation.
Database Views
The Where clause supports these JavaScript conditional operators:
=, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &&, ||
To create a table with a left join:
1. From the Database View form, click New on the View Tables related list.
2. Personalize the form and add the Left join field (a check box) to the form.
3. Click Save.
4. Complete the form and select the Left join check box.
Selecting Left join causes the left-hand table in the database view to display all records, even if the join
condition does not find a matching record on the right-hand table. Select this check box for view tables that
specify a Where clause. Selecting Left join for view tables without a Where clause does not affect the query.
Joined tables are ordered left to right from lowest to highest Order values.
5. Click Submit.
6. Personalize the View Tables related list to show the Left join column.
The Left join field shows a value of true.
Database Views
7. Click a record to view a table.
The View Table form appears.
8. To add an OR to your where clause use ||.
For example, to query all incidents related to RFCs OR all incidents that are the parent of a change request,
use the following syntax:
inc_rfc = chg_sys_id || chg_parent = inc_sys_id
Task 3: Specify Fields to Return
The View Field form enables you to restrict or specify a field you want returned by the join. If no fields are defined
in the View Fields list, all fields are returned. If any fields are defined, then only those fields are returned.
When you restrict the fields returned by creating View Field records, you must create a record for the join field from
the Where clause in the parent record. If you omit a record for this field, it cannot be returned, and the join fails. In
the previous example, the Where clause uses the sys_id field from the Incident table to establish the join. For the
join to succeed with a restricted field list, you must include a record for the sys_id field.
Database Views
Relabeling a Column
In some cases, two different tables may have fields of the same name that are both important (such as two tables with
a sys_updated_on field).
To create clear reports, relabel the fields on the Database View [sys_db_view] table without changing the names of
the fields:
1. Navigate to System Definition > Language File.
2. Click New.
3. Fill in the form as follows:
Table: Name of the database view
Label: Display label
Plural: Plural form of the display label
Element: Name of the field on the database view
Task 4: Specify the Number of Records to Return
A property called glide.db.max_view_records controls the maximum number of rows returned when
running a GlideRecord query in a script. The default value for this property is 10,000. To change this value, add the
property to the System Property [sys_properties] table and edit the number of rows to return.
This property only applies when querying a database view table in a script. When displaying the database view table
in a list or report, this property does not apply.
Database Views
Task 5: Test the Database View
After the new view is defined, test it by clicking Try It under Related Links on the Database View form. If you do
not see the Try It link, the tables necessary for the view do not exist. If this occurs, it is possible that you did not
activate the necessary plugins to create the supporting tables. When tables are not present to support the view, the
form looks like this:
Note: Database views tables are not included in FTP exports.
Using Disjunctions in Complex Queries
ServiceNow performs conjunction statements before disjunction statements in a query. Ensure that when creating a
complex query you use parenthesis around disjunctions where appropriate to ensure proper grouping of query
elements. For example, you must use parenthesis in the query (md_table = 'incident' || md_table =
'task') && mi_definition = md_sys_id && mi_id = inc_sys_id. Removing the paraenthesis
from this query returns all records where the md_table value is incident.
Database Views
Database Views in the Base System
These views are included in the base system with the Database Views and Database Views for Service Management
Name Description Label
change_request_metric Join change to metric definition to metric instance, creating a view that can be reported on for
things like: Changes that were closed by category.
Change Metric
change_request_sla Join change_request to sla (task_sla), creating a view that can be reported on for things things
like change request resolved by sla per change category.
Change Request
change_task_metric "Join change task to metric definition to metric instance, creating a view that can be reported
on for things like: Change tasks that were closed by change state"
Change Task
change_task_sla Join change_task to sla(task_sla), creating a view that can be reported on for things things like
change tasks resolved by sla.
Change Task SLA
change_task_time_worked Join change task to task time worked to pull time worked entries associated with incidents. Change Task Time
incident_metric "Join incident to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported on
for things like: Incidents that were resolved on the first call by category"
Incident Metric
incident_sla Join incident to sla(task_sla) to report on things like incidents resolved by sla per incident
Incident SLA
incident_time_worked Incident Time
pm_project_metric "Join pm_project to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported
on for things like: Projects that were closed by name or date"
Project Metric
pm_project_sla Join pm_project to sla(task_sla) to report on things like project names by sla. Project SLA
pm_project_task_metric "Join pm_project_task to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be
reported on for things like: Project tasks that were closed by name or date"
Project Task
pm_project_task_sla Project Task SLA
pm_project_task_time_worked Join pm_project_task to task time worked to pull time worked entries associated with project
Project Task Time
problem_metric "Join problem to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported on
for things like: Problems that were resolved on the first call by category"
Problem Metric
problem_sla Join problem to sla(task_sla) to report on things like problems resolved by sla per problem
Problem SLA
release_feature_metric "Join release_feature to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be
reported on for things like: Release Features that were closed by product"
Release Feature
release_project_metric "Join release_project to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be
reported on for things like: Releases that were closed by category"
Release Metric
release_task_metric "Join release_task to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported
on for things like: Release Features that were closed by feature"
Release Task
release_task_sla Join release_task to sla(task_sla) to report on things like release tasks by sla. Release Task SLA
sc_request_metric "Join sc_request to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported on
for things like: Requests that were closed by category"
Catalog Request
sc_request_sla Join sc_request to sla(task_sla) to report on things like requests by sla. Catalog Request
sc_req_item_metric "Join sc_request_item to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be
reported on for things like: Request Items that were closed by item"
Catalog Request
Item Metric
Database Views
sc_req_item_sla Join sc_req_item to sla(task_sla) to report on things like request items by sla. Catalog Request
Item SLA
sc_task_metric "Join sc_task to metric definition to metric instance creating a view that can be reported on for
things like: Catalog tasks that were closed by item"
Catalog Task
sc_task_sla Join sc_task to sla(task_sla) to report on things like tasks by sla. Catalog Task SLA
Database View Reserved Words
Certain words have special functionality when used as table identifiers. Using these terms may cause unintended or
undesirable performance. Please refer to the MySQL reserved words document
for more information.
[1] http:/ / dev. mysql. com/ doc/ refman/ 5.5/ en/ reserved-words. html
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Database Views Source: Contributors: Brad.simmons, CapaJC, Carleen.greenlee, Cheryl.dolan, Emily.partridge, Eric.schroeder,
G.yedwab, Gadi.yedwab, Guy.yedwab, Jessi.graves, Joe.Westrich, Joseph.messerschmidt, Mark.stanger, Michael.randall, Peter.smith, Rachel.sienko, Steve.wood, Suzannes
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:Dbviews1.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Gadi.yedwab
Image:Dbviews4.gif Source: License: unknown Contributors: Steve.wood
Image:DB-leftjoin4.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Joseph.messerschmidt
Image:Dbviews2.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Gadi.yedwab, Steve.wood
Image:Dbviews3.gif Source: License: unknown Contributors: Steve.wood
Image:Dbview try it.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Eric.schroeder
Image:Warning.gif Source: License: unknown Contributors: CapaJC

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