Dry Cooling Systems1.2

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Water demand from thermal power plants, mainly for steam condensation
(power plant cooling) can place a significant burden on limited local and
regional freshwater supplies. An approach to reducing this cooling water
demand is the use of direct dry cooling, which requires no consumptive
water use and can reduce a power plants water demand by up to
95 percent. Direct dry cooling uses aircooled steam condensers which
consist of a series of finned, aircooled condenser tubes arranged in an
Aframe configuration. Steam is routed from the steam turbine to the
condenser, where the heat from the condensing steam is rejected to the
environment via the finned tubes. Beneath these condenser tubes is an
array of fans, which force a stream of air through the condenser.

A major limitation to using this cooling technology is that aircooled steam
condensers are unable to maintain their performance during very hot
and/or windy periods. This directly affects energy production because a
reduction in condenser performance creates backpressure on the steam
turbine and reduces electricity generation

Thermal Power Plant:
A thermal power station is a power plant in which the prime mover is
steam driven. Water is heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine
which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine,
the steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was
heated; this is known as a Rankine cycle.Steam is generated in the boiler
of the thermal power plant using heat of the fuel burnt in the combustion
chamber. The steam generated is passed through steam turbine where
part of its thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy which is
further used for generating electric power. The steam coming out of the
steam turbine is condensed in the condenser and the condensate is
supplied back to the boiler with the help of the feed pump and the cycle is
repeated. The function of the Boiler is to generate steam. The function of
the condenser is to condense the steam coming out of the low pressure
turbine. The function of the steam turbine is to convert heat energy into
mechanical energy. The function of the condenser is to increase the
pressure of the condensate from the condenser pressure to the boiler
pressure. The other components like economizer, super heater, air heater
and feed water heaters are used in the primary circuit to increase the
overall efficiency of the plant.

General Layout of Thermal Power Plant:

The general layout of thermal power plant consists of mainly four circuits
as shown in [1]. The four circuits are
1. Coal and Ash circuit
2. Air and Gas circuit
3. Feed Water and Steam circuit
4. Cooling Water circuit

1.Coal and Ash Circuit:
In this circuit, the coal from the storage is fed to the boiler through coal
handling equipment for the generation of steam. Ash produced due to
combustion of coal is removed to ash storage through ash-handling

2.Air and Gas Circuit:
Air is supplied to the combustion chamber of the boiler either through
forced draught or induced draught fan or by using both. The dust from the
air is removed before supplying to the combustion chamber. The exhaust
gases carrying sufficient quantity of heat and ash are passed through the
air-heater where the exhaust heat of the gases is given to the air and then
it is passed through the dust collectors where most of the dust is removed
before exhausting the gases to the atmosphere.

3. Feed Water and Steam Circuit:
The steam generated in the boiler is fed to the steam prime mover to
develop the power. The steam coming out of the prime mover is
condensed in the condenser and then fed to the boiler with the help of
pump. The condensate is heated in the feed-heaters using the steam
tapped from different points of the turbine. The feed
heaters may be of mixed type or indirect heating type. Some of the steam
and water are lost passing through different components of the system,
therefore, feed water is supplied from external source to compensate this
loss. The feed water supplied from external source to compensate the
loss. The feed water supplied from external source is passed through the
purifying plant to reduce to reduce dissolve salts to an acceptable level.
This purification is necessary to avoid the scaling of the boiler tubes.
4.Cooling Water Circuit:
The quantity of cooling water required to condense the steam is
considerably high and it is taken from a lake, river or sea. At the Columbia
thermal power plant it is taken from an artificial lake created near the plant.
The water is pumped in by means of pumps and the hot water after
condensing the steam is cooled before sending back into the pond by
means of cooling towers. This is done when there is not adequate natural
water available close to the power plant. This is a closed system where the
water goes to the pond and is re circulated back into the power plant.
Generally open systems like rivers are more economical than closed

Working of the Thermal Power Plant:
Steam is generated in the boiler of the thermal power plant using heat of
the fuel burnt in the combustion chamber. The steam generated is passed
through steam turbine where part of its thermal energy is converted into
mechanical energy which is further used for generating electric power. The
steam coming out of the steam turbine is condensed in the condenser and
the condensate is supplied back to the boiler with the help of the feed
pump and the cycle is repeated. The function of the Boiler is to generate
steam. The function of the condenser is to condense the steam coming out
of the low pressure turbine. The function of the steam turbine is to convert
heat energy into mechanical energy. The function of the condenser is to
increase the pressure of the condensate from the condenser pressure to
the boiler pressure. The other components like economizer, super heater,
air heater and feed water heaters are used in the primary circuit to
increase the overall efficiency of the plant.

Site Selection of a Thermal Power Plant:
The important aspect to be borne in mind during site selection for a
thermal power plant are availability of coal, ash disposal facility, space
requirement, nature of land, availability of water, transport facility,
availability of labor, public problems, size of the plant.

The different types of systems and components used in
steam power plant are as follows :

(i) High pressure boiler
(ii) Prime mover
(iii) Condenser
(iv) Coal handling system
(v) Ash and dust handling system
(vi) Draught system
(vii) Feed water purification plant
(viii) Pumping system
(ix) Air pre heater, economizer, super heater, feed heaters

The coal is obtained primarily from Wyoming. This is done in most cases,
but coal may also be shipped by trucks or by pipelines. Inside the power
plant there is an unloading dock where the carts of the rail are heated to
melt the snow on the rail carts before unloading them. The coal is stored in
huge heaps or piles of a half a mile in diameter. The reason for stocking
this much of coal is because the loss due to loss of generation due to lack
of coal is very high. The upper layer of the coal heap has to be compacted
to make it into a airtight surface to prevent loss of coal due to oxidation.
Other methods of preventing oxidation are by keeping it under water or by
spraying chemicals on it.

2. Coal handling:
In plant coal handling is a very important aspect of power plant
safety. In variably the coal is not exposed as it can pollute the air and
release poisonous gases like carbon monoxide. The coal from the heaps is
moved into the plant by means of long conveyors that are electrically
operated. There are many different types of conveyors and coal-handling
devices like screwing conveyors, bucket elevators, grabbing bucket
conveyors etc.

3. Coal Crusher:
Before the coal is sent to the plant it has to be ensured that the coal is of
uniform size, and so it is passed through coal crushers. Also power plants
using pulverized coal specify a maximum coal size that can be fed into the
pulverizer and so the coal has to be crushed to the specified size using the
coal crusher. Rotary crushers are very commonly used for this purpose as
they can provide a continuous flow of coal to the pulverizer.

Most commonly used pulverizer is the Boul Mill. The arrangement consists
of 2 stationary rollers and a power driven baul in which pulverization takes
place as the coal passes through the sides of the rollers and the baul. A
primary air induced draught fan draws a stream of heated air through the
mill carrying the pulverized coal into a stationary classifier at the top of the
pulverizer. The classifier separates the pulverized coal from the
unpulverized coal.
Advantages of pulverized coal:
Pulverized coal is used for large capacity plants.
It is easier to adapt to fluctuating load as there are no limitations
on the combustion capacity.
Coal with higher ash percentage cannot be used with out
pulverizing because of the problem of large amount ash deposition after

Increased thermal efficiency is obtained through pulverization.

The use of secondary air in the combustion chamber along with
the powered coal helps in creating
turbulence and therefore uniform mixing of the coal and the air during
Greater surface area of coal per unit mass of coal allows faster
combustion as more coal is exposed to heat and combustion.
The combustion process is almost free from clinker and slag
The boiler can be easily started from cold condition incase of
Practically no ash handling problem.
The furnace volume required is less as the turbulence caused
aids in complete combustion of the coal with minimum travel of the
The pulverized coal is passed from the pulverizer to the boiler by means of
the primary air that is used not only to dry the coal but also to heat is as it
goes into the boiler. The secondary air is used to provide the necessary air
required for complete combustion. The primary air may vary anywhere
from 10% to the entire air depending on the design of the boiler. The coal
is sent into the boiler through burners. A very important and widely used
type of burner arrangement is the Tangential Firing arrangement.
Tangential Burners:
The tangential burners are arranged such that they discharge the fuel air
mixture tangentially to an imaginary circle in the center of the furnace. The
swirling action produces sufficient turbulence in the furnace to complete
the combustion in a short period of time and avoid the necessity of
producing high turbulence at the burner itself. High heat release rates are
possible with this method of firing.
The burners are placed at the four corners of the furnace. At the Columbia
Power Plant six sets of such burners are placed one above the other to
form six firing zones. These burners are constructed with tips that can
be angled through a small vertical arc. By adjusting the angle of the
burners the position of the fire ball can be adjusted so as to raise or lower
the position of the turbulent combustion region. When the burners are tilted
downward the furnace gets filled completely with the flame and the furnace
exit gas temperature gets reduced. When the burners are tiled upward the
furnace exit gas temperature increases. A difference of 100 degrees can
be achieved by tilting the burners.

5.Ash Handling:
The ever increasing capacities of boiler units together with their ability to
use low grade high ash content coal have been responsible for the
development of modern day ash handling systems. The widely used ash
handling systems are

1. Mechanical Handling System
2. Hydraulic System
3. Pneumatic System
4. Steam Jet System
The Hydraulic Ash handling system is used at the Columbia Power Plant.
Hydraulic Ash Handling System:
The hydraulic system carried the ash with the flow of water with high
velocity through a channel and finally dumps into a sump. The hydraulic
system is divided into a low velocity and high velocity system. In the low
velocity system the ash from the boilers fall into a stream of water flowing
into the sump. The ash is carried along with the water and they are
separated at the sump. In the high velocity system a jet of water is sprayed
to quench the hot ash. Two other jets force the ash into a trough in which
they are washed away by the water into the sump, where they are
separated. The molten slag formed in the pulverized fuel system can also
be quenched and washed by using the high velocity system. The
advantages of this system are that its clean, large ash handling capacity,
considerable distance can be traversed, absence of working parts in
contact with ash.
6.High Pressure Boiler:
It is a common practice to use high pressure and temperature boilers to
increase the efficiency of the plant and to decrease the cost of electricity
production. The boiler at the power plant is a water tube boiler, which
means that water that is converted to steam is passed through the tubes
inside the boiler. The tubes are bent back and forth many times to ensure
that all the water is converted to steam. Wet steam is not desirable when it
goes to the turbine as it may cause corrosion on the turbine blades. A high
pressure boiler is not a simple assemble of certain components like
burners, super heaters, air heaters and others. The function of the
components is interrelated. The location of the heat transfer surfaces is
very important and it depends on the required duty of the boiler and the
quality of the coal used. The most commonly used furnace layout or
pulverized is shown in the figure. In zone 1, heat transfer is primarily by
radiation. As the gases move upward and secondary air is added, the
effect of radiation is reduced and convection becomes predominant. The
heat transfer in Zone 2 and Zone 3 takes place mainly by convection.
Zones 2 being a high temperature zone and Zone 3 being the low
temperature zone. The evaporators are placed in the Zone 1 as it is
desirable to have lowest possible tube metal surface temperature because
of AFT (ash fusion temperature) issues. Since the Zone 2 has high
temperatures, slagging is an important concern in this zone. The excess
heat is removed by using panels or platens, which may either be super
heaters or evaporators. The Zone 3 because of comparatively low
temperatures is ideally suited for heat recovery equipment like
economizers and air pre heaters.

7. Boiler Accessories:
A large amount of fuel is used in thermal power plant and very large
amount of heat is generated and carried by waste gases. The loss would
be very high if the waste gases carry all the heat away. The loss can he
halved by installing an economizer and a pre- heater in the path of the
waste gases. The economizer transfers the heat from the waste gases to
the incoming feed water. This reduces the heat required to convert the
feed water to steam. The air pre heater increases the heat of the air
supplied into the boiler for combustion. This increases the efficiency of the
8. Economizer:
The economizer is a feed water heater, deriving heat from the flue gases.
The justifiable cost of the economizer depends on the total gain in
efficiency. In turn this depends on the flue gas temperature leaving the
boiler and the feed water inlet temperature. A typical return bend type
economizer is shown in the figure.
Types of economizer:
Plain Tube Economizer:
These are generally used in case of boilers with natural draught. The tubes
are made of cast iron and their ends are pressed into top and bottom
headers. The economizer is placed in the main flue gas path between the
boiler and the chimney. The waste flue gases flow outside the tubes and
heat is transferred to the water flowing inside. High efficiency can be
achieved by maintaining the water walls soot free.
Grilled Tube Economizer:
This is the type of economizer used in the power plant. This type of
economizer reduced space considerably. Rectangular grills are cast on the
bare tube walls. Economizer tubes may have finned tubes to increase the
heat transfer rate. Thicker fins offer greater efficiency than thinner ones
because of greater surface area.

Air Pre-heater:
The flue gases coming out of the economizer is used to preheat the air
before supplying it to the combustion chamber. An increase in air
temperature of 20 degrees can be achieved by this method. The pre
heated air is used for combustion and also to dry the crushed coal before
Types of Air Heaters:
Tubular Air Heater:
The flue gas flows outside the tubes in which the air flows heating it. To
increase the time of contact horizontal baffles are provided.

Plate Type Air Heater:
It consists of rectangular flat plates spaced 1.5 to 2 cm apart leaving
alternate air and gas passages. This is not used extensively as it involves
high maintenance.
Regenerative Air Heater:
The transfer of heat from hot gas to cold air is done in 2 stages. In the first
stage the heat from the hot gases is passed to the packing of the air
heater and the temperature of the gas is sufficiently reduced before letting
it out in the atmosphere. This is called the heating period. In the second
stage the heat from the packing is passed to the cold air. This is called the
cooling period.
Soot Blowers:
The fuel used in thermal power plants cause soot and this is deposited on
the boiler tubes, economizer tubes, air pre heaters etc. This drastically
reduces the amount of heat transfer of the heat exchangers. Soot blowers
control the formation of soot and reduce its corrosive effects. The types of
soot blowers are fixed type, which may be further classified into lane type
and mass type depending upon the type of spray and nozzle used. The
other type of soot blower is the retractable soot blower. The advantages
are that they are placed far away from the high temperature zone, they
concentrate the cleaning through a single large nozzle rather than many
small nozzles and there is no concern of nozzle arrangement with respect
to the boiler tubes.
The use of a condenser in a power plant is to improve the efficiency of the
power plant by decreasing the exhaust pressure of the steam below
atmosphere. Another advantage of the condenser is that the steam
condensed may be recovered to provide a source of good pure feed water
to the boiler an reduce the water softening capacity to a considerable
extent. A condenser is one of the essential components of a power plant.
Types of Steam Condensers:
Mixing or Jet Type Condenser: These type of cndensers are mainly of
two types. Parallel flow type and Conunter flow type. The parallel flow type
the steam and the water flow in the same direction and in the counter flow
type they flow in opposite directions. These type are rarely used in high
capacity modern day power plants.

Non Mixing Type or Surface Condensers: In this type the cooling water
and steam do not come in contact with each other. This is used where
large quantity of inferior quality water is available. In this the cooling water
flows in pipes and the steam flows in a perpendicular direction to the
pipes. The velocity of water flowing is very high to absorb the heat from the
steam. This condenser can be classified based on the number of passes
of the tube and the direction of the condensate flow and tube arrangement,
either down flow or central flow.

Cooling Tower:
The importance of the cooling tower is felt when the cooling water from the
condenser has to be cooled. The cooling water after condensing the steam
becomes hot and it has to be cooled as it belongs to a closed system. The
Cooling towers do the job of decreasing the temperature of the cooling
water after condensing the steam in the condenser.

The fan centered at the top of units draws air through two cells that are
paired to a suction chamber partitioned beneath the fan. The outstanding
feature of this tower is lower air static pressure loss as there is less
resistance to air flow. The evaporation and effective cooling of air is
greater when the air outside is warmer and dryer than when it is cold and
already saturated.

Air Cooled Steam Condenser:-
Aircooled steam condensers are increasingly employed to reject heat in
modern power plants.
Aircooled condensers (ACCs) use ambient air to cool and condense a
process fluid. Mechanical draft ACCs are used extensively in the chemical
and process industries and are finding increasing application in the global
electric power producing industry due to economic and environmental
considerations .

The generation of electric power is traditionally a water intensive activity,
and with the sustainability of fresh water resources becoming a major
concern in many parts of the world, there is increasing pressure on this
industry to find ways to reduce their fresh water consumption. Modern
thermoelectric power plants with steam turbines are equipped with a
cooling system to condense the turbine exhaust steam and maintain a
certain turbine exhaust pressure (often referred to as turbine
backpressure) in a closed cycle ),
Mechanical draft aircooled steam condensers (ACSCs) consisting of
multiple fan units are used in direct cooled thermoelectric power plants
to condense steam in a closed cycle using ambient air as the cooling
medium . No water is directly consumed in the cooling process and as
such the total fresh water consumption of a power plant with an ACSC is
significantly less than one employing wet cooling. There are a number of
advantages over and above water consumption reduction, such as
increased plant site flexibility and shortened licensing periods,
associated with the use of ACSCs.

In a direct cooled steam turbine cycle with an ACSC, low pressure steam
is ducted from the turbine exhaust to steam headers that run along the
apex of a number of ACSC fan units (also referred to as Aframe units or
cells). A typical forced draft ACSC fan unit, consists of an axial flow fan
located below a finned tube heat exchanger bundle. The

steam condenses inside the finned tubes as a result of heat transfer to
ambient air forced through the heat exchanger by the fan. The finned
tubes are typically arranged in an A frame configuration for cooling
applications of this magnitude so as to maximize the available heat
transfer surface area while keeping the ACSC footprint to a minimum.
The inclined tube configuration also aids in the effective drainage of the
condensate which is ultimately pumped back to the boiler , or heat
recovery steam generator in the case of a combinedcycle plant, to
complete the closed cycle.

Steam condensers coupled to the exhaust of these turbines return
condensate to the power cycle and boiler.Either surface-type or air-
cooled condensers can be selected. The former have once-through or
recirculating water as the cooling medium, while the latter are once-
through systems employing the atmosphere as the heat sink. Among
the advantages of air-cooled steam condensers, compared with wet
systems, are elimination of: makeup water supply, blowdown disposal,
water-freezing problems, water vapor plumes, and concerns over
governmental water-pollution restrictions. Because of the dry nature of
the equipment, lower
system-maintenance costs also result

An air-cooled steam condenser system starts at the turbine exhaust
flange. It includes all of the equipment necessary to condense the
steam and return the condensate to the boiler feed water piping.
These items are:

1. Air-cooled steam condenser tower.
2. Air-flow control equipment.
3. Wind and/or cell-partition walls.
4. Steam-bypass heating system.
5. Air removal equipment.
6. Condensate storage tank.
7. Condensate pumps.
8. Steam ducts and expansion joints.
9. Condensate drain and air-removal piping.
10. Instrumentation, controls and alarms.
11. Pressure-relief device for protection of steam-turbine exhaust
12. Steam-duct condensate drain system.

The basic air-cooled steam condenser includes the bundles, steam
distribution manifold, fans, motors, gear boxes and supporting steel. In
large installations, the cost of the tower structure supporting the
condenser bundles can be a substantial portion of the total cost. The
structure's design specifications for wind load, snow load, live load and
seismic requirements should be carefully chosen. Generally, grade-
mounted towers cost less than roof-mounted ones.

Limitations on plan dimensions must be made clear in the inquiry
specification. Heat sources located close to the proposed tower and
discharging into the atmosphere must be identified. The prevailing
wind directions define the proper location and orientation of the tower
with respect to other large structures and heat sources. Summer winds
are important in the consideration of thermal performance, and winter
winds in prescribing freeze-protection measures. Noise limitations
should also be stated, since lower fan noise generally requires lower
tip speed, more fan blades and possibly wider blades.

The purchaser should specify whether the thermal performance
guarantees are to be based on steam pressure measured at the
turbine exhaust flange, or at the steam manifold inlet at the
condenser. Other options are an
all-welded system to reduce the potential for air leaks into the condenser,
and the use of extruded aluminum fins , which provide longer trouble-free
operation than embedded or wrap-on fins (these are prone to galvanic
corrosion because of their bimetallic tube-to-fin interface).

Airflow control equipment for freeze protection, though an integral part of
the engineered package supplied by the manufacturer, nevertheless
reflects the purchaser's preferences and needs. Consideration should
be given to variable-pitch fans, air-flow control louvers, steam isolating
valves and two-speed motors. The extra price of electric starters needed
for two-speed motors should be included.

Wind walls are sometimes necessary to protect the bundles from wind
gusts that can upset equilibrium operating conditions and at times cause
freezing in some remote parts of the tower. Partition walls between fan
cells isolate operating cells from non operating ones. Without partition
walls, a non operating fan would induce bypass of air intended for the

Depending upon the minimum design ambient-air temperature, the type
of turbine, and the type of plant operation, it may be economic to provide
a steam-bypass heating system for cold-weather startup. This would
operate directly off the boiler, requiring both a steam pressure-reducing
station and a de-superheating station, with steam flow exhausting
directly into the main steam duct. Part of the condenser heating steam
during startup would be supplied by the turbine exhaust, and the
remainder from this bypass system. Alternatively, large steam-isolating
valves can be installed, to supply condenser sections sequentially, with
steam flows only from the turbine exhaust.

The equipment extracting non condensables from the system
consists of the hogging ejector and the operating ejectors. During
startup, the hogging ejector removes air from inside the, turbine,
steam ducts, steam manifolds and bundles. It reduces the air
pressure within the system front atmospheric to about 10 in. Hg
absolute in a time period.

For the usual full-vacuum steam condenser, a two-stage operating
ejector system complete with condensers is normally provided, with or
without standby. Its capacity is generally specified by the purchaser in
accord with the Heat Exchange Institute Standards for steam surface
condensers. Some purchasers add a safety allowance by doubling the
venting capacity recommended in the standard. Thc costliest parts of the
ejector package arc the inter- and after-condensers, which are shell-and-
tube construction. These can be smaller and lower-cost if a separate,
colder, cooling-water supply is used instead of the hot condensate.
Motor-operated vacuum pumps can also be chosen; these adapt
readily to automated remote operations. The purchaser's inquiry
specification should establish, for the air removal package, these
points: choice of
steam-jet air ejector or motor-driven vacuum pump; motive steam
pressure and temperature; hogging-ejector
minimum operating time; evacuating capacity of operating ejector
package (compared with Standards recommendation); standby
requirements for

condensers and ejectors; and condenser cooling-water supply
source and temperature.

The condensate storage tank is generally sized for a 5- to 10-min
operating storage capacity. Total tank size exceeds this operating
storage capacity by an amount representing the total condensate held in
the drain
pots and drain piping.

The condensate pumps are generally either two 100%-size units or
three 50%-size units, to provide standby capability for emergency
situations. The system generally has a very low net positive suction
head availability so the pumps should be installed close to the
condensate storage tank. The pump's total dynamic head must be
sufficient to deliver the condensate into the purchaser's boiler feed
water system.

The steam duct system (Item 8) connects the condenser inlet-steam
manifold to the turbine exhaust flange. It includes expansion joints,
anchor points, elbows, turning vanes and duct supports. The purchaser
should specify the preferred corrosion allowance for the manifolds and
steam ducts since this affects system cost.

Economics dictate the steam-duct diameter. The smaller the size, the
greater the steam pressure drop and the greater the required heat-
transfer-surface area in the condenser. The tradeoff lies between heat-
transfer-surface cost and steam-duct cost. (The steam-turbine thermal
performance and power output depend on condenser pressure at the
turbine exhaust flange, not on the steam pressure at the inlet to the
bundles.) Past evaluations for full-vacuum systems have generally
indicated an optimum steam velocity of about 200 ft/s at 6 in. Hg
absolute steam pressure.

The condensate drain piping and manifold system starts at the
bottom of the bundles and ends at the condensate storage tank. The
air-removal piping and manifold system starts at the top of the
bundles and terminates at the steam-jet air ejector package.

The instrumentation package includes such devices as temperature
indicators and thermocouples; pressure indicators and transducers;
vibration-pickup transducers; liquid-level devices; status lights;
annunciator panel; and recorders. The controls might include storage-
tank condensate level; low-flow condensate pump bypass; fan pitch
control; air louver control; steam-valve control; and fan-motor control.
These controls can be computerized from startup to shutdown, to

maximize the turbine's thermal efficiency and power output, minimize the
auxiliary-fan power consumption, and protect the condenser from

In the event of complete electric-power failure to the steam-condenser
fans, an atmospheric-relief diaphragm safety device should be
installed in the turbine exhaust system, to protect the turbine exhaust
hood from excessive steam pressure. This diaphragm generally
ruptures and relieves at about 5 psi for turbines designed for full-
vacuum service. Some turbine manufacturers provide such a device
on the exhaust hood; if not, the purchaser can provide external
protection by installing an atmospheric relief valve(s) in the exhaust
steam duct close to the turbine.

The large steam duct connecting the turbine exhaust to the steam-
condenser manifold condenses a considerable quantity of steam during
a cold startup, while the metal temperature rises to some equilibrium
level. This condensate must be drained to an appropriate low point in
the duct system and then pumped or ejected into the condensate
storage tank.

Pumping systems account for nearly 20% of the worlds electrical energy
demand and range from 25-50% of the energy usage in certain industrial
plant operations (US DOE, 2004).

Pumps have two main purposes:
Transfer of liquid from one place to another place (e.g. water from
an underground
aquifer into a water storage tank)
Circulate liquid around a system (e.g. cooling water or lubricants
through machines and

2 Pumping system

1.2.1 Resistance of the
system: head
Pressure is needed to pump the liquid through the system at a certain
rate. This pressure has to be high enough to overcome the resistance of
the system, which is also called head. The total head is the sum of
static head and friction head:

Static head is the difference in height between the source and
destination of the pumped liquid (see Figure 2a). Static head is
independent of flow (see Figure 2b). The static head at a certain
pressure depends on the weight of the liquid and can be calculated with
this equation:

Head (in feet) = Pressure (psi) X 2.31
Specific gravity

Static head consists of:
Static suction head (hS): resulting from lifting the liquid relative to the
pump center line.
The hS is positive if the liquid level is above pump centerline, and
negative if the liquid level is below pump centerline (also called
suction lift)
Static discharge head (hd): the vertical distance between the pump
centerline and the
surface of the liquid in the destination tank.

b) Friction head
This is the loss needed to overcome that is caused by the resistance to
flow in the pipe and fittings. It is dependent on size, condition and type of
pipe, number and type of pipe fittings, flow rate, and nature of the liquid.
The friction head is proportional to the square of the flow rate as shown
in figure 3. A closed loop circulating system only exhibits friction head
(i.e. not static head).
4 Pump suction performance
Cavitation or vaporization is the formation of bubbles inside the pump.
This may occur when at the fluids local static pressure becomes lower
than the liquids vapor pressure (at the actual temperature). A possible
cause is when the fluid accelerates in a control valve or around a
pump impeller.

Vaporization itself does not cause any damage. However, when the
velocity is decreased and pressure increased, the vapor will evaporate
and collapse. This has three undesirable effects:
Erosion of vane surfaces, especially when pumping
water-based liquids

Increase of noise and vibration, resulting in shorter seal
and bearing life
Partially choking of the impeller passages, which reduces the pump
performance and can
lead to loss of total head in extreme cases.

The Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA) indicates how much
the pump suction exceeds the liquid vapor pressure, and is a
characteristic of the system design. The NPSH Required (NPSHR) is the
pump suction needed to avoid cavitation, and is a characteristic of the
pump design.


This section describes the various types of pumps.
Pumps come in a
variety of sizes for a wide range of applications. They can be classified
according to their basic operating principle as dynamic or positive
displacement pumps (Figure 7).



Centrifugal Special effect Rotary Reciprocating



2 Revised 06/06

Figure 7. Different types of pumps
In principle, any liquid can be handled by any of the pump designs. Where different
pump designs could be used, the centrifugal pump is generally the most economical
followed by rotary and reciprocating pumps. Although, positive displacement pumps
are generally more efficient than centrifugal pumps, the benefit of higher
efficiency tends to be offset by increased maintenance costs.

Positive displacement pumps

Positive displacement pumps are distinguished by the way they operate: liquid is
taken from one end and positively discharged at the other end for every revolution.
Positive displacement pumps are widely used for pumping fluids other than water,
mostly viscous fluids.

Positive displacement pumps are further classified based upon the mode of
Reciprocating pump if the displacement is by reciprocation of a piston
Reciprocating pumps are used only for pumping viscous liquids and oil
Rotary pumps if the displacement is by rotary action of a gear, cam or vanes in
a chamber
of diaphragm in a fixed casing. Rotary pumps are further classified such as
internal gear, external gear, lobe and slide vane etc. These pumps are used for
special services with particular conditions existing in industrial sites.

In all positive displacement type pumps, a fixed quantity of liquid is pumped after
each revolution. So if the delivery pipe is blocked, the pressure rises to a very high
value, which can damage the pump.
2 Dynamic pumps

Dynamic pumps are also characterized by their mode of operation: a rotating
impeller converts kinetic energy into pressure or velocity that is needed to pump the

There are two types of dynamic pumps:
Centrifugal pumps are the most common pumps used for pumping water in
applications. Typically, more than 75% of the pumps installed in an industry are
centrifugal pumps. For this reason, this pump is further described below.
Special effect pumps are particularly used for specialized conditions at an
industrial site.
2 Revised 06/06

How a centrifugal pump works
A centrifugal pump is one of the simplest pieces of equipment in any process plant.
Figure 8 shows how this type of pump operates:
Liquid is forced into an impeller either by atmospheric pressure, or in case of a
jet pump
by artificial pressure.
The vanes of impeller pass kinetic energy to the liquid, thereby causing the
liquid to
rotate. The liquid leaves the impeller at high velocity.
The impeller is surrounded by a volute casing or in case of a turbine pump a
diffuser ring. The volute or stationary diffuser ring converts the kinetic energy into
pressure energy.

Difficulties in the assessment of pumps

In practice, it is more difficult to assess pump performance. Some important
reasons are:

Absence of pump specification data: Pump specification data (see Worksheet
1 in section
6) are required to assess the pump performance. Most companies do not keep
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) documents that provide these data. In
these cases, the percentage pump loading for a pump flow or head cannot be
estimated satisfactorily.
Difficulty in flow measurement: It is difficult to measure the actual flow. The
are used to estimate the flow. In most cases the flow rate is calculated based on
type of fluid, head and pipe size etc, but the calculated figure may not be
2 Revised 06/06

accurate. Another method is to divide the tank volume by the time it takes for the
pump to fill the tank. This method can, however, only be applied if one pump is in
operation and if the discharge valve of the tank is closed. The most
sophisticated, accurate and least time consuming way to measure the pump flow
is by measurement with an ultrasonic flow meter.
Improper calibration of pressure gauges and measuring instruments:
Proper calibration
of all pressure gauges at suction and discharge lines and other power measuring
instruments is important to obtain accurate measurements. But calibration has not
always been carried out. Sometimes correction factors are used when gauges
and instruments are not properly calibrated. Both will lead to incorrect
performance assessment of pumps.


This section includes main areas for improving pumps and pumping systems. The
main areas for energy conservation include:
Selecting the right pump
Controlling the flow rate by speed variation
Pumps in parallel to meet varying demand
Eliminating flow control valve
Eliminating by-pass control
Start/stop control of pump
Impeller trimming

Centifugal pump
The centrifugal pump creates an increase in pressure by transferring me-
chanical energy from the motor to the fluid through the rotating impeller. The
fluid flows from the inlet to the impeller centre and out along its blades. The
centrifugal force hereby increases the fluid velocity and consequently also the
kinetic energy is transformed to pressure.

Centrifugal pumps basically consist of a stationary pump casing and an impeller
mounted on a rotating shaft. The pump casing provides a pressure boundary
for the pump and contains channels to properly direct the suction and discharge
flow. The pump casing has suction and discharge penetrations for the main flow
path of the pump and normally has small drain and vent fittings to remove gases
trapped in the pump casing or to drain the pump casing for maintenance.

Figure 1 is a simplified diagram of a typical centrifugal pump that shows the

2 Revised 06/06

relative locations of the pump suction, impeller, volute, and discharge. The pump
casing guides the liquid from the suction connection to the center, or eye, of the
impeller. The vanes of the rotating impeller impart a radial and rotary motion to the
liquid, forcing it to the outer periphery of the pump casing where it is collected in
the outer part of the pump casing called the volute. The volute is a region that
expands in cross-sectional area as it wraps around the pump casing. The purpose
of the volute is to collect the liquid discharged from the periphery of the
impeller at high velocity and gradually cause a reduction in fluid velocity by
increasing the flow area. This converts the velocity head to static pressure.
The fluid is then discharged from the pump through the discharge connection.

Centrifugal pumps can also be constructed in a manner that results in two distinct
volutes, each receiving the liquid that is discharged from a 180
region of the
impeller at any given time. Pumps of this type are called double volute pumps (they
may also be referred to a split volute pumps). In some applications the double volute
minimizes radial forces imparted to the shaft and bearings due to imbalances in the
pressure around the impeller

2 Revised 06/06

3 Pumps in parallel to meet varying demand

Operating two pumps in parallel and turning one of when the demand is lower, can
result in significant energy savings. Pumps providing different flow rates can be
used. Parallel pumps are an option when the static head is more than fifty percent
of the total head. Figure 15 shows the pump curve for a single pump, two pumps
operating in parallel and three pumps operating in parallel. It also shows that the
system curve normally does not change by running pumps in parallel. The flow
rate is lower than the sum of the flow rates of the different pumps.

HORIZONTAL VS VERTICAL PUMPS, considering these key
-NPSH, Priming,

Melvin S. Mann, Peerless Pump Company

IN MANY PUMP applications thequestion should a horizontal or vertical pump be used
deserves careful study. Frequently the type of pump is dictated by the installation and
there simply is no choice between the two.

Perhaps the most frequent example of this is the deep well vertical turbine type of pump
used extensively for pumping water from deep wells with pump settings as much as 1000
feet below the surface. However, there are many marginal cases where either a horizontal or
vertical pump could be used. In such cases it is necessary to appreciate and consider some
of the inherent advantages of one type over the other so that a proper choice can be made. It
is the purpose of this paper to point out some of the factors which should be considered if
there is an opportunity to choose between using a horizontal or vertical type of pump.
Because of the widespread use of the vertical turbine unit, this specific type of vertical pump
will be used as a basis of comparison with horizontal centrifugal types.
Space Requirements If available floor area is limited, a vertical unit generally requires less
area. However, if available headroom is limited the horizontal unit almost invariably requires
less headroom. Perhaps the best way to indicate space requirements is by typical example. It
should be kept in mind that area and height requirements will differ somewhat between various
manufacturers and with the type of configuration of the unit specified. Figures 1, 2, and 3, and
Table 1
compare actual dimensions of horizontal with vertical pumps.

2 Revised 06/06

The comparison of both designs of horizontal pumps with the vertical, expressed as

(A1/A3, H3/H1 etc.), clearly demonstrates the general order of magnitude of the area and
height differences of the three types of pumps. It should be noted that the vertical turbine
occupies even less floor area than the close coupled unit shown in Figure 1. In general then,
consider the vertical where available area is critical and the horizontal where available
headroom is critical.

Priming Where the level of the liquid to be pumped is below the floor level, no special priming
equipment is required for the vertical turbine pump since the impellers are always submerged.
However, where a horizontal pump is used, some method must be used to raise the water to
the impeller before the pump is started.

This can be accomplished by using auxiliary vacuum pumps, air aspirators, or self priming
pumps. Foot valves can also be used so that once filled, the suction pipe is kept full of liquid at
all times. However, the point to keep in mind is that the vertical turbine pump is always primed
or submerged and thus requires no special priming equipment or special starting procedures.

Net Positive. Suction Head In order to avoid cavitation, the net positive suction head
(NPSH) available must be greater than the NPSH required by the pump. For a given set of
conditions the NPSH available increases as the submergence over the pump increases or if
there is a suction hit, the NPSH available increases as the lift is decreased. On vertical pumps,
as noted in the discussion above on priming, the suction lift is eliminated and, furthermore, it
usually is a comparatively simple matter to provide enough submergence by properly selecting
the length of vertical column and thus provide enough NPSH available to simplify the pump
selection cavitation-wise. In contrast to this, a given a given horizontal pump has no flexibility
since the amount of suction lift or submergence is fixed by the plant layout. Consequently
where extremely low NPSH is available the vertical pump is usually far easier to adapt than a

A good example of this occurs frequently in the application of condensate pumps. Hot wells
are often located close to the floor in order to reduce the over-all height and thus the cost of
building. However, by so doing, the NPSH available with respect to the floor is minimized.
Thus it is not uncommon on condensate pump applications to have only 2 or 3 feet NPSH
available with respect to the floor. It can be seen from Figure 4 that by using a vertical pump
enough submergence can be added to the 2 or 3 feet to insure cavitation-free operation.

In addition to the example just discussed, other common applications occur where NPSH
is critical such as pumping highly volatile fluids (propane, ammonia, etc.). Also, there are
installations where hydraulic losses in the suction pipe leading to the pump are sufficiently
high to reduce the absolute pressure of the fluid to a point where it is one or two pounds over
the vapor pressure, thus normally requiring a vertical to increase the submergence of NPSH
2 Revised 06/06


Figure 1.
close coupled end

Figure 2.
double suction
split case.

Figure 3.
2 Revised 06/06

Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.

10 13 5 346
Note: L, W, & H are expressed in inches. H = Over-all Height A = Total Floor Area of
Expressed in square inches

Flexibility Where changes in pumping heads are anticipated because of plant expansion,
2 Revised 06/06
changes in a process, or transfer of the pump to a different service, it is relatively easy and
inexpensive to add or remove stages from a vertical turbine type pump in order to meet the
new conditions. Many users recognize the limitation of the horizontal type of pump in this
respect and partially compensate for this shortcoming by specifying on new equipment that
full diameter and minimum diameter impellers are not acceptable. It should be recognized that
this practice can sometimes mean that the manufacturer, to avoid using a full diameter
impeller, is forced to select a pump larger than necessary to meet the initial conditions and in
some cases less efficient pump.

Thus, both initial and operating costs are increased in some cases, in order to have a unit
which is capable of an increase in head by substituting a full or larger diameter impeller, if and
when the need arises. Vertical turbine pumps, however, can be staged and de-staged
relatively easily. Where increased heads are anticipated, the vertical turbine can be built so
that additional stages can be added in the future, often with little
expense compared with the initial cost of the unit. This usually means furnishing the pump
initially with sufficiently large shafting and motor base to accommodate the increased future
horsepower. Where the head is decreased, it is a simple matter to de-stage the bowl unit.

Corrosion and Abrasion The high cost of repair and down time on many pumps which are
applied on corrosive and/or abrasive applications is well known to operating personnel. On
vertical turbine pumps the bearings are lubricated by the fluid
being pumped. This is a distinct disadvantage when compared with horizontal centrifugal
units where the pump bearings are usually if not always oil or grease lubricated and are
isolated from the fluid being pumped.

It is true that vertical turbine process pumps have been successfully applied for corrosive
fluids by using special bearing materials such as TFE, graphitar, boron carbide, Babbitt and
meehanite. It is also true that in severe abrasive service the bearings can be flushed by a
clean non-corrosive fluid provided the process fluid will not be contaminated by the flushing
fluid. Such a design
is shown in Figure 5. However, use of special
32 Revised

Figure 6. Typical horizontal process pump.

Figure 5. Vertical
Pump bowl
designed for use
of special flushing fluid.

bearing lubrication or materials means special non-standard equipment with relatively high
initial costs and longer delivery. Therefore, where other considerations are equal, the
horizontal pump bearing-wise: has a distinct advantage over the vertical turbine where
severe abrasion and/or corrosion is to be expected.

Figure 6 pictures a horizontal-type process pump. Note the entire bearing bracket is
isolated from the fluid being pumped by means of the backplate.

This type of design means that only the shaft, volute, impeller and backplate need be
made of corrosion bracket usually made of inexpensive material such as cast iron. In
contrast to this, all parts of the vertical turbine are exposed to the fluid
and consequently must be made of suitable material throughout in order to resist corrosive
attack. Thus, in addition to the bearing problem, a vertical turbine process pump made out of
high alloy materials is considerably more expensive than a horizontal process pump made
with the same high alloy and designed for the same service.

Inspection and Repair In general, the horizontal pump is far more accessible for
inspection, maintenance and repair than the vertical turbine pump. There are
undoubtedly exceptions to this, plus the fact that ease of maintenance of various types of
horizontals will vary considerably. However, to inspect a turbine pump bowl the motor,
motor base and column all must be removed before the bowl can be disconnected from
the column to which it is attached. In contrast to this, for example, is the double suction,
33 Revised
horizontally split, horizontal pump. Figure 7 pictures such a pump. With the upper half of
the case removed thus allowing the complete rotating unit to be visually inspected and
if necessary. Neither the piping nor the motor need be disturbed to remove the rotating
element. There are also vertically split horizontal pumps designed so that it is unnecessary to
disturb the motor
or piping in order to remove the rotating assembly.

Conclusions Besides the characteristics of the pump itself, there are certainly other factors
which influence the choice of pumping equipment, not the least of which is the design and
configuration of the plant equipment and layout, with which the pump must be coordinated.
Other factors such as
safety regulations will affect the choice of pumping equipment. For example, in order to avoid
side outlets in the storage tank it is normally good
safety practice on above ground tanks to use vertical we pit pumps when pumping

But even where well defined factors such as these do not pre-determine the choice of
pump types, it is a mistake to make any hard and fast rules about the selection of a horizontal
over a vertical or vice versa. Often in marginal cases, where new equipment is being
considered, it would be expedient to obtain quotations on both horizontal and vertical types.
Each application must be judged on its won merits, keeping in mind the basic advantages and
disadvantages of each type, as outlined above.
34 Revised


35 Revised


This section includes most important options to improve energy efficiency of
pumps and pumping systems.

Operate pumps near their best efficiency point (BEP)
Ensure adequate NPSH at site of installation
Modify pumping system and pumps losses to minimize throttling.
Ensure availability of basic instruments at pumps like pressure gauges, flow
Adapt to wide load variation with variable speed drives or sequenced
control of multiple units
Avoid operating more than one pump for the same application
Use booster pumps for small loads requiring higher pressures
To improve the performance of heat exchangers, reduce the difference in
temperature between the inlet and outlet rather than increasing the flow
Repair seals and packing to minimize water loss by dripping
Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce pump power requirements
Avoid pumping head with a free-fall return (gravity), and use the siphon effect
Conduct a water balance to minimize water consumption, thus
optimum pump operation
Avoid cooling water re-circulation in DG sets, air compressors,
refrigeration systems, cooling towers feed water pumps, condenser pumps
and process pumps
In multiple pump operations, carefully combine the operation of pumps
to avoid throttling
Replace old pumps with energy efficient pumps
T improve the efficiency of oversized pumps, install variable speed drive,
downsize /
replace impeller, or replace with a smaller
Optimize the number of stages in multi-stage pump if margins in pressure exist
Reduce the system resistance by pressure drop assessment and pipe size
Regularly check for vibration to predict bearing damage, misalignments,
unbalance, foundation looseness etc.


Discharge =
As per selection minimum motor power required
140kw but as per Nema it is come in 160kw
Efficiency = 64%
Apex GC pumpsets Outline dimensions

available on

All dimensions mm.

H0 H1 H2 W1 W2 N1 N2 M1 M2 S G1 G2
40-125 0.75/2 N80 40 40 150 150 5 150 167 120 108 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 255 129 36
40-125 1.1/2 N80 40 40 150 150 5 150 167 120 108 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 255 129 37
40-125 1.5/2 A90S 40 40 150 150 5 150 167 120 108 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 244 148 40
40-125 2.2/2 A90L 40 40 150 150 5 150 167 120 108 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 269 148 43

50-160 1.5/2 A90S 50 50 190 190 5 155 165 130 125 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 244 148 48
50-160 2.2/2 A90L 50 50 190 190 5 155 165 130 125 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 269 148 51
50-160 3.0/2 A100L 50 50 190 190 5 155 165 130 125
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 303 155 58
50-160 4.0/2 A112M 50 50 190 190 5 155 165 130 125
Apex GC pumpsets Outline dimensions

270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 320 168 64

50-200 4.0/2 A112M 50 50 210 210 5 150 169 145 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 320 168 72
50-200 5.5/2 A132S 50 50 210 210 5 150 169 145 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 93
50-200 7.5/2 A132S 50 50 210 210 5 150 169 145 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 99

50-250 11/2 A160M 50 50 230 230 5 150 207 180 170
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 136
50-250 15/2 A160M 50 50 230 230 5 150 207 180 170
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 152
50-250 18.5/2 A160L 50 50 230 230 5 150 207 180 170
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 168

65-125 1.5/2 A90S 65 65 185 175 5 160 168 125 116 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 244 148 45
65-125 2.2/2 A90L 65 65 185 175 5 160 168 125 116 270
230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 269 148 48
65-125 3.0/2 A100L 65 65 185 175 5 160 148 125 116
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 303 155 55
65-125 4.0/2 A112M 65 65 185 175 5 160 148 125 116
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 320 168 61

65-160 3.0/2 A100L 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 145 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 303 155 61
65-160 4.0/2 A112M 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 145 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 320 168 67
65-160 5.5/2 A132S 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 145 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 88
65-160 7.5/2 A132S 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 145 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 94

65-200 5.5/2 A132S 65 65 240 240 5 175 165 150 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 96
65-200 7.5/2 A132S 65 65 240 240 5 175 165 150 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 102
65-200 11/2 A160M 65 65 240 240 5 175 205 150 145
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 121

65-250 11/2 A160M 65 65 260 260 5 170 210 180 180
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 138
65-250 15/2 A160M 65 65 260 260 5 170 210 180 180
Apex GC pumpsets Outline dimensions

270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 154
65-250 18.5/2 A160L 65 65 260 260 5 170 210 180 180
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 170
65-250 22/2 A180M 65 65 260 260 5 170 210 180 180
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 578 291 192

65-160A 5.5/2 A132S 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 150 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 88
65-160A 7.5/2 A132S 65 65 220 220 5 175 166 150 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 405 193 94
65-160A 11/2 A160M 65 65 220 220 5 175 206 150 135
270 230 180 140 14 1/4 1/4 1/4 517 250 113
Total power consumpation as per power plant condensor
Power consumpation
equipment Unit Datas
1 Fan Motor Kw 501
2 CEP Motor(CEP)(for one pump) Kw 77.35
3 Hotwell Motor(HWT)(for one pump)Kw 2.15
Total 580.5
1 Type
2 Discharge capacity m3/hr
3 Head developed mWC
4 Qty Reuired Nos
Comparsion of horizotal vs verticals pumps(Cep+HWT)
Horizotal Veritcal
1 Type CEP CEP
2 Make Sulzer Grundfos
3 Pump Model ZE 100-4400 CR 64-7
4 Quantiy 1 3
Discharge capacity m3/hr
64.3 per pump ( 3 NosX
64.3 =193)
6 Head developed mWC 160 163
7 Pump input power kW 160 45(3 Nos X 45=135)
Total Power consumpation(3
160 135
Data as per horizotal
pump requirement.

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