Steam Power Plant

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Submitted by

Challa. Kanthi siddardha.

 INDEX...

Steam Power Plant..
Layout of Steam power plant..
Working of Steam power plant..
Advantages of steam power plant..
Disadvantages of steam power plant..
Characteristics of steam power plant..
Bangladesh steam power plant..
Future Aspects..
 Use of steam power started when it was first used in locomotive
invented by James watt.

 Steam power is used to rotate the prime mover of electric generator

and it is known as steam power plant.

 In this process heat energy is converted into mechanical energy and then
to electrical energy through turbine generator system heat energy may be
obtained by proper combustion of commercial fuel such as coal, gas ,oil

 steam power plants are also called thermal power plants. Prime movers of
steam plant may be operated either in non-condensing or condensing mode.
 In non-condensing operation the steam is exhausted from the prime
movers and is discharged at atmospheric pressure or greater than that

 Whereas in condensing the steam is exhausted into a condenser in

which pressure is less and steam is converted to water.
Steam Power Plant..
The steam power plant is an important source to produce
the electricity. The major portion of electricity demand is
fulfilled by this power plant.
It is also called a thermal power plant. It provides the
electricity required to different areas.


1.Cost of the land

2.Population density of the land
3.Availability of water sources
4.Availability of fuel
5.Type of land
Layout of Steam power plant..
1. Coal Storage:
It is the place where coal is stored which can be utilised when required.
2. Coal Handling:
Here the coal is converted into the pulverised form before feeding to
the furnace. A proper system is designed to transport the pulverised coal
to the boiler furnace.
3. Boiler:
It converts the water into high pressure steam. It contains the furnace
inside or outside the boiler shell. The combustion of coal takes place in
the furnace.
4. Air-preheater:
It is used to pre-heat the air before entering into the boiler furnace. The
pre heating of air helps in the burning of fuel to a greater extent. It takes
the heat from the burnt gases from the furnace to heat the air from the
5. Economiser:
As its name indicates it economises the working of the boiler. It heats
the feed water to a specified temperature before it enters into the boiler
drum. It takes the heat from the burnt gases from the furnace to do so.
6. Turbine:
It is the mechanical device which converts the kinetic energy of the
steam to the mechanical energy.
7. Generator:
It is coupled with the turbine rotor and converts the mechanical energy
of the turbine to the electrical energy..
8. Ash Storage:
It is used to store the ash after the burning of the coal.
9. Dust Collector:
It collects the dust particle from the burnt gases before it is released to
the chimney.
10. Condenser:
It condensate the steam that leaves out turbine. It converts the low
steam to water. It is attached to the cooling tower.

11.Cooling Tower:
It is a tower which contains cold water. Cold water is circulates to the
condenser for the cooling of the residual steam from the turbine.

12. Chimney:
It is used to release the hot burnt gases or smoke from the furnace to the

environment at appropriate height. The height of the tower is very high

that it can easily throw the smoke and exhaust gases at the appropriate

13. Feed Water Pump:

It is used to transport the feed water to the boiler.
Working of Steam Power Plant..
The pulverised coal is fed into the boiler where the pulverised coal is burnt into the furnace.

Due to heat from the furnace, the water present in the boiler drum changes to the high
pressure steam.

From the boiler this high pressure steam is passed to the super heater where it is again
heated up to its dryness.

After that this super heated steam strikes the turbine blades with a high speed and the
turbine blades .

Starts rotating to at high speed. Here the stored potential energy of the steam is gets
converted into mechanical energy.

A generator is coupled with the turbine rotor. As the turbine rotates, the generator also
rotate with same speed and mechanical energy of the turbine gets converted into electrical
Steam after hitting the turbines blades lost its most of the energy and leaves the turbine
with low pressure steam.

This low pressure steam enters into the condenser. Cold water circulates in the condenser
from the cooling tower. Here the low pressure wet steam is converted into water.

After that condensed water with the feed water passed to the economiser where it gets
heated up by the economiser. And finally the feed water enters into the boiler by a feed
water pump to repeat the cycle.

The burnt flue gases from the furnace passes through the superheater, economiser and air
pre-heater. This heat of the flue gases is used to heat the steam in the super heater to its
dryness, to heat feed water in the economiser before entering into the boiler and to heat air
form the atmosphere in the air pre-heater before it enters into the furnace.

The ash from the furnace is transported to ash handling plant and finally to the ash storage.
Advantages of Steam power plant…
•As compared with the power generating plant, it has a low
initial cost and hence economical.
•Less land area is required as compared with the hydro
power plant.
•Coal is used as fuel and the cost of coal is cheaper than
petrol and diesel fuel. So the power generation cost is
•This power plant has easy maintenance cost.
•Steam power plant can be installed in any area where
water sources and transportation facility are easily
Disadvantages of Steam Power Plant…
• High Running Cost: The running cost of the steam power
plant is comparatively high because of fuel, maintenance, etc
• Low Efficiency: If we talk about the overall efficiency of the
steam power plant then it is about 35 % to 41% which is low.
• Global Warming: Due to the release of burnt gases of coal or
fuel, it contributes to global warming to a larger extent.
• Adverse Effect on the aquatic living organism: The heated
water that is thrown in the rivers, ponds etc. puts and adverse
effect on the living organism and disturbs the ecology
Characteristics of Steam Power Plants..
 The desirable characteristic for a steam power plant are
as follows :
 (i) Higher efficiency
 (ii) Lower cost.
 (iii) Ability to burn coal especially of high ash content.
 (iv) Reduced environmental impact in terms of air pollution.
 (v) Reduced water requirement.
 (vi) Higher reliability and availability.
• Steam Turbine Plants is mainly based on natural gas. Also in some cases coal and
furnace oil are used as primary fuel in small amount. The largest steam turbine
power plant based on natural gas is situated at Ghorasal, Narsingdi. There are
six numbers of units (per units 55 and 210 MW) having capacity (55x2+210x4)
950 MW. Installation of 200-300 MW capacity duel fuel plants at the existing
Ghorasal premises is under process.
• The only coal fired steam power plant of Bangladesh is situated in the district of
Dinajpur at Barapukuria. There are two units of having capacity 125 MW each
i.e. total capacity of 250 MW. The Barapukuria coal base power plant is using
domestic high quality coal. Installation of another coal base power plant unit of
125 MW at the same premises is also under process.

• Barapukuria Power Station is located to the west of, and adjacent to, the
Barapukuria Coal Mine. Its generating capacity will be 2 x 125 megawatt (MW)
of electricity. Approximately 900 L/s (77 ML/day) of water will be required for
cooling. Groundwater will be extracted from 14 production tubewells to the
north of the site.
• Barapukuria thermal power plant (BTPP) is the only coal based power plant
in Bangladesh established beside Barapukuria Coal Mine Co. Ltd., as in view that
the mining coal could be supplied easily to the power plant. It consists of two
125 MW units with an installed capacity of 250 MW. Barapukuria coal mainly
bituminous, ash contain 10.19%-14.01%, calorific value around 12,000 Btu/lb
with containing less amount of sulpher 0.63%-0.71% and comparatively it is of
good quality and less toxic than Indian coal [15]. BTPP produces 300 metric ton
coal combustion FA per day by burning 2,400 metric ton of coal to generate
250MW electricity.
Future Aspects of Steam power plant..
 Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants provides an authoritative review of steam
turbine design optimization, analysis and measurement, the development of steam turbine
blades, and other critical components, including turbine retrofitting and steam turbines for
renewable power plants.
 As a very large proportion of the world’s electricity is currently generated in systems driven by
steam turbines, (and will most likely remain the case in the future) with steam turbines operating
in fossil-fuel, cogeneration, combined cycle, integrated gasification combined cycle, geothermal,
solar thermal, and nuclear plants across the worldwide.
 Artificial intelligence, energy storage, and digital twin technology will play an important part in the
future energy landscape.
 "Power plants are just robots that don't have a brain yet,"  
 power plant of the future will be fully connected, more efficient, and operational more hours of the
year. It will process more data, be more flexible, and still play a vital role in the future of the global
energy mix.
Coal fired thermal power plants meet the growing energy demand, and hence
special attention must be given to define a strategy for the optimization of these
systems. Energy analysis presented for a coal fired thermal power plant has
provided information on the irreversibilities of each process.
High grade coal from Barapukuria (Bangladesh) is appropriate for the electricity
production due to its chemical properties. We have to utilize this coal for perfect
Condenser pressure has little influence on the energy efficiency. However, a
reduction in condenser pressure results in an increase of the energy efficiency.
With Barapukuria (BM) coal, the energy loss in the combustor was about 35%.
In the case of steam generator, the energy loss reduced to 12% from about 18% as
the steam parameters were increased from sub-critical to supercritical conditions
using this (BM) coal. Due to condenser pressure limitation, the maximum possible
overall energy efficiency was found to be about 36.7% with the ultra-supercritical
power plant. Decreasing the condenser pressure by 100 mbar will increase the
power output by 2.5%.Thus, installing coal-based thermal power plants based on
advanced steam parameters in Bangladesh will be aprospective option aiding
energy self-sufficiency.

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