Reregister Vehicle in Bangalore

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Namma Bengaluru is home to people from across the country.

While a good number of people depend on public

transport or company-arranged travel to commute around the city, theres likely to be an equal number driving around
in their own vehicles. iven the fact that Bangalore has a si!able migrant population, there are many vehicles from
other states entering the city now and again.
etting your own vehicle from your home state is perfectly all right, provided all your documents are in place, you
get the vehicle re-registered in "arnataka and pay the prescribed ta#.
$he "arnataka %otor &ehicles 'ct ()*+ makes it mandatory for all vehicle owners to change their address to a local
address within ,- days from the day the vehicle enters a city, followed by a change in the registration number.number
Procedure for re-registering a vehicle
Step one: In your home state
/ou will need to procure two documents from your home state, where your vehicle has been previously registered0
(1 2olice report from any police station at your hometown to authenticate your records.
31 No 4b5ection 6ertificate 7N461 from the original 8egistered $ransport 4ffice 7$ransferor1 in 6%& 9orm 3:.
Step Two: In Karnataka
'pproach your areas concerned 8egional $ransport 4ffice 78$41 office. ;ere you are required to submit the
following documents. $hose items that are starred 7<1 are compulsory.
N46 in the 6%& 9orm 3: or a postal acknowledgment that states that you have applied for the issue of N46
with the registering authority 7in quadruplicate1 <
6%& 9orm 3+ - 'pplication for "arnataka 8egistration %ark <
6%& 9orm ,, - 6hange of 'ddress 7will cost around 8s ,--1 <
"%& 9orm 3+ - =ntimation of %igration <
>tate 6rime 8ecord Bureau 7>68B1 report - can be obtained from +th 9loor, %> Building, "8 6ircle and
costs about 8s 3- <
86 book
$a# card with proof of payment of ta#
&ehicle =nsurance 6ertificate
2ollution ?nder 6ontrol 72?61 6ertificate
6onsent of financier 7if applicable1
9itness 6ertificate and permit in case of transport vehicle
2urchase invoice 7for 8$4 to arrive at ta# amount1 <
$hree passport si!e photographs
=@ 2roof of applicant 72an card.&oter =@ card.2assport [email protected] card1 <
2resent 'ddress 2roof 78ental agreement, Amployee contract letter1 <
Alectricity or telephone bill of local premises
>elf addressed postal envelope with adequate stampage 7for 8$4 to mail documents1
9orm "%& (B - 2ayment of $a# 7this will be given to you once you submit all the documents over the
@emand @raft for ta# amount to be paid in favour of 8egional $ransport 4fficer 76ash payment can be made
for ta# amount up to 8s ,---1
=n case the vehicle has not been inspected earlier, the 8$4 may ask to produce it for inspection as well.
$he forms above can be obtained from the 8$4 office or can be downloaded online free of cost. $here are typically
several shops near the 8$4 office which sell the form as well.
How long will the re-registration take?
$he 8$4 website mentions that the new registration mark will be assigned on verification of application and
documents and have stated that the documents will be delivered in two days time. ' post on on the re-
registering process stated that it while the website stipulated two days for processing the documents, in reality it
could take (* to 3- days. =n case the applicant does not receive the documents within that time, he could go to the
8$4 to figure out the status of application.
@ 8 2rakash, a social service activist and member of 4sborne 8oad 'rea 8esident Welfare 'ssociation says that
while the change in address takes place with immediate effect, the re-registration will happen only on receipt of 64'
76onfirmation of 'uthenticity1 from the previous registering authority. >ometimes there is delay in the process, and
this might take a few months, but it will not e#ceed (( months.
;e adds, D' vehicle can run for a ma#imum period of one year in another state with the old number, from the date of
entry into the state. =f 64' is not obtained even within the stipulated period, the registration will stand invalid and
vehicle will be liable for sei!ure.E
How much ta are you lia!le to pay?
9or re-registration of your vehicle in the state that you migrate to, you need to pay Fifetime $a#. =t is referred to as
F$$ as the life of a vehicle is considered to be (* years. $his was also earlier referred to as 8oad $a# in the late
():-s, where it was being collected once a year. $he 8$4 found out that it was losing out on income as a result of ta#
evasion and implemented payment of ta# at one shot in the form on Fifetime $a#.
@ 8 2rakash, adds, DF$$ is calculated on the basis of invoice value and age of the vehicle. =n absence of the invoice,
the current value of the vehicle is considered for deriving the quantum of ta#. ;owever, it is advisable to submit your
invoice while paying F$$.E
's per 2art '( and '* of 6%& 'ct, the F$$ ta# is applicable as follows0
' vehicle is considered as new for first two years from the date of purchase mentioned in purchase invoice. $he older
the vehicle, the lesser the road ta# one needs to pay, as the value of the vehicle depreciates.
"ther payments applica!le:
2ayment of the ta# must be made across the counter in cash and a receipt will be provided immediately. $his is
applicable for cases where the ta# amount is below 8s ,,---. =f the ta# amount e#ceeds 8s ,---, a demand draft must
be drawn in favour of the D8egional $ransport 4fficerE.
9or change of address within ,- days from the date of change in residence, the applicant is required to pay 8s. 3-. =n
case of delay, 8s (-- needs to be paid.
=ssue, renewal of 86 or assignment of new registration mark costs 8s G- for motorcycles and 8s 3-- for light motor
vehicles used for non-transport purposes.
=n the >tate Budget for 3-(, - 3-(B, provisions had been made to introduce an electronic payment facility in order for
people to make the payment of ta# and fees without visiting the 8egional $ransport 4ffices. $his is yet to be
's per the >tate Budget for 3-(B-(3-(B, amendments to the %otor &ehicle 'ct, to prevent vehicles registered in
other states, from plying in "arnataka without paying the F$$ have also been suggested.
"!taining a #"$ from the previous %T"
$o obtain an N46 from the previous registering authority 7transferor1, the applicant must apply with 6%& 9orm 3:
7in quadruplicate1. $he N46 must then be submitted at the 8$4 in "arnataka for re-registration.
=f the previous registering authority fails to provide an N46 even after ,- days from the date of application, you can
legally apply for a new registration number in "arnataka 7the state that you have moved to1. 9or this, you must
provide a copy of the 9orm 3: that has been submitted with the previous registering authority, a postal
acknowledgement of the same 79or e.g. registered post receipt1, and a declaration with the following statement, H$he
application for N46 has neither been re5ected nor any reply received from the previous registering authority. $his
needs to be submitted to the registering authority in "arnataka and signifies that the original authority has no problem
with you applying for a new registration number.
&erification of documents
$he registered owner will be required to be present along with the vehicle at the time of inspection .
$he required documents are to be produced along with challans for verification in front of the
>uperintendent . $hese papers are required to be submitted at the inward counter and an acknowledgement
can be obtained for the same.
New registration number will sent by post
New registration number or D%ark 6ardE will be issued by post. $o get this applicants need to submit a self
addressed, secured envelope 7light green with cloth lining1 with adequate stampage1.
4nce the 8$4 office verifies the documents submitted, a new registration number will be issued in (* days.
'hat if you are caught without re-registration?
When you are pulled up by the $raffic Anforcement 'uthority, you can show the acknowledgement issued by 8$4I
this will prove that you have applied for the registration.
=f you have not applied for re-registration, you will be penalised as per the rule under >ection BB read with >ection
(++ of the %otor &ehicle 'ct, which states that failure to register the vehicle for more than (3 months, can lead to
penalty of 8s (-- for the first offense and 8s ,-- for the second and any subsequent offences. $his is in addition to
the ta# that needs to have been paid from the vehicles time of entry, along with interest.
4n receiving new registration number, you can apply for refund of Fife $ime $a# to the original 8$4 office in the
state which you have migrated from. ;ere, the sooner you apply, the higher the refund you will get. $he refund
amount can be ascertained here.
9or application of refunds from the "arnataka 8$4, click here.
(dditional resources:
8$4 office timings0 (- am to (0,- pm and 30,- pm to * pm
6ash transactions 0 4nly between (- am to 30,- pm
9orms pertaining to vehicle registrations and related services
' migrant from urgaon shares his e#perience of re-registering his bike in Bangalore on his blog.
' 6hennai-ite shares the list of documents one needs to carry to re-registering a vehicle.

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