Concert Report

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Writing a Concert Report

Write the rst draft of your report as soon as possible after the concert so your impressions
remain fresh, but dont necessarily write during the concert. Use the concert program to
remind yourself of what you heard when you write your report and as a way to helping you use
correct terminology. However, be careful not use the program notes as a substitute for your
own thinking and personal reactions. Additionally, dont ll your report with historical tidbits about
the piece. Be judicious and comment on matters of historical background only if they directly
inuence your personal experience of the music.
Concert Report Format
Introduction (10% in length and value)
Briey identify the concert. Who performed? What pieces were performed? Where was
it performed? Briey describe the performance space, physical surroundings, and the
appearance of the performers.

Objective Description of the Music (30% in length and value)
Describe instrumentation, dynamics, texture, rhythm and tempo, form & relationships
between movements, principles of design in the compositions, etc. Note extremes or
what is most striking. How do these elements work together?

Subjective Reactions to the Music (50% in length and value)
Did you like individual pieces? Did you have emotional reactions to any particular
piece? Why did you react the way you did? Was it in the composition or the
performance or both? What held your attention? Did your mood change in the course of
the concert? Was the concert full of variety or was it all more or less the same? Could
the performance be better? How? Could the selection of compositions performed have
been more to your taste? Was this a familiar or a new experience? Was there a
theatrical dimension to the performance?

Conclusion (10% in value)
Did you like or dislike the experience overall?

TIP: When in doubt use this model:
1. Description: describe what you hear and see.
2. Analysis: describe how things are organized and presented.
3. Interpretation: what do you think it means?
4. Evaluation: how did it effect you?

Concert review suggestions

1. Begin with a clear topic sentence and an introductory paragraph that tells me what you are
going to tell me.

2. After giving a general sense of your impressions in the introductory paragraph, give details
and specic examples. Which of the two following examples is more interesting to read?

In 1985, I attended a performance of the Mozart Requiem by a community chorus and orchestra
in Yellow Springs, Ohio. I enjoyed watching the singers as they sang. It was a memorable


In 1985, I attended a performance of the Mozart Requiem by a community chorus and orchestra
in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Part of why I remember that performance to this day is the vivid facial
expressions that I could see on some members of the chorus. One older gentleman in
particular was striking to watch. I believe he had some sort of medical problem, because his
face was in constant motion with small spasmodic twitches. Whatever the feeling was in the
music, it was amplied in his facial gestures. He looked terried and terrifying as he sang the
Dies irae. More peaceful, even joyous emotions seemed to ght through the spasms to register
in his face when the music called forth those feelings of joy and peace. Other faces in the
chorus reected happy satisfaction at the pleasure in singing Mozart.

Always try to be specic as possible. One could write, "the performance was exciting," but is
that entirely true? Surely some parts of the performance were more exciting than others and
some were not exciting at all. Which is the more interesting phrase, "a bird in a tree" or "a robin
in a willow"? Details give life and energy to writing.

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