Svm/Svmi E-Series Prompts and Prompts Utility: Voice Studio

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The SVM/SVMi E-Series Systems speak to callers and subscribers, through a series of System and Custom Prompts

stored on the system's Hard drive or Compact Flash. These prompts were recorded and implemented in such a
way that the SVM/SVMi E-Series System would sound human and conversational. To allow for greater customiza-
tion, the SVM/SVMi E-Series System uses the following naming convention for all prompts used on the system.
Prompts are named XXXX.PMT where XXXX is a four digit, zero padded value. Prompt numbers less than 1000 are
reserved and are referred to as System Prompts. Prompt numbers 1000 and above are referred to as Custom
Prompts. Custom Prompts are generally installation specific. This guide assumes you have either already read the
Product Reference Manual and/or passed one of our training courses, and know how to implement and assign
the prompts you want.
This guide will discuss the utilities and steps required to record those prompts you want customized, as well as
list all the system prompts already shipped with the system. We will also go over utilities installed on the system
that you can use to convert files that you may have had professionally recorded in a 32 kbs/8KHz/Mono Dialogic
ADPCM "VOX" format to the required "PMT" format of the SVM/SVMi E-Series System.
The list of System Prompts is in a chart format based on the Alphabetical order of what the Prompt speaks. The
chart contains the Prompt Text, the block type that may use it, it's category or location within that block, and it's
Prompt Number.
The Utilities and Procedures discussed in this guide will be the "Voice Studio", System Administration - Edit System
Prompts via telephone, and BUILDPMT a VOX file conversion utility.
Voice Studio
The Voice Studio can be accessed from the System Main Menu of the SVM/SVMi E-Series System' GUI. This facili-
ty will allow you to record both the Voice Recording and enter or edit the Text for Prompts, Announcements, and
Fax Document Voice Labels. In this guide we will only be discussing Prompts.
NOTE: Announcements and FAX Documents are functionalities only available in the SVMi-8E and SVMi-16E sys-
tems. The fax functionality also requires that at least one VPMF-E be installed on these systems.
System Administration
Prompts can be recorded using the SVM/SVMi E-Series System' Telephone System Administration. This is
accessed by dialing from a touch tone phone the station group number or direct extension number(s) of the
port(s) assigned to the system, when the system answers press * to escape to the main menu then enter # plus
the number of zeros equivalent to the "Maximum Caller Entry Digits" in the menu handling the call, followed by
the System Administration Password. You will be prompted to press 1 for System Prompts and then prompted to
enter the Prompt Number. Since this procedure is done from a touch tone phone you will not be able to edit the
prompt text. This utility allows the system administrator the ability to quickly make a last minute or spur of the
moment change to a system prompt for holidays or emergency weather conditions from a remote location.
NOTE: There are different login procedures for accessing Telephone System Administration. These procedures
are detailed later in this document.
Professionally Recorded Prompts
To convert VOX files recorded Professionally or by using some third party Voice or Multi-Media recording software
package to the SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompts you would use the Buildpmt.exe utility. This is strictly a con-
version utility and is not responsible for the quality of the recording. All prompts must be recorded then saved
as an 8Khz/32Kbs/Mono Dialogic ADPCM 'VOX' file format in order to use this utility. The Buildpmt utility will
allow you to embed a text file along with the voice, so it can be seen as well as heard in the SVM/SVMi E-Series
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 1
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompts Utility
Home Page
The Voice Studio
The Voice Studio is a facility for recording custom prompts, announcements and fax document Voice Labels.
(NOTE: Announcements and FAX Documents are functionalities only available in the SVMi-8E and SVMi-16E sys-
tems. The fax functionality also requires that at least one VPMF-E be installed on these systems. )
To access the Voice Studio, from the System Main Menu highlight Item 'F' and press ENTER. A series of dialog
screens will lead you through setting up your system for recording. The telephone extension number to use is
selected at this time. Make sure the phone is within an easy reaching distance of the SVM/SVMi E-Series system,
so you can read the text on the screen while recording the prompt into the phone. Three studios are available to
choose from. Select from the Prompt, Announcement, or Fax Voice Label Studios.
Three pages are required to contain the Voice Studio parameters and instructions. They are as follows:
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 2
Home Page
ACCESS DIALOG - VOICE STUDIO Enter your extension or telephone number for the SVM/SVMi E-Series System
to call to record and/or edit the voice. The SVM/SVMi E-Series System will call out on it's second to last port. The
telephone used for this purpose should be close to the SVM/SVMi E-Series system. You will be using the
SVM/SVMi E-Series System text screen as a teleprompter, you can read the text on the screen as you speak it into
the phone. Once you are satisfied and saved the recording, you can press [Ctrl + N] on the keyboard and the
SVM/SVMi E-Series System will advance to the next Prompt, in numerical order, on the system. If you have logged
into the SVM/SVMi E-Series System from a remote location using a Terminal Emulator (such as Hyperterminal , you
can enter a local or long distance number for the SVM/SVMi E-Series System to call you. Remember this is limit-
ed to any restrictions applied to the SVM/SVMi E-Series System by the Phone System connected to the second to
last port on the SVM/SVMi E-Series System. You can leave the telephone number blank to if you are only review-
ing or editing the prompt, announcement, or fax voice label text.
OBJECT DIALOG - VOICE STUDIO Select the Prompt (P), Announcement (A), or Fax Voice Label (F) Studio. Enter
the Group Number, if opening the Announcement or Fax Voice Label Studios, to bring up the selected studio. A
Group number is not required if opening the Prompt Studio. The Fax Voice Label Studio allows the recording of
Fax Voice Labels and has no effect on the actual fax document.
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 3
Voice Studio
Access Dialog
Voice Studio
Object Dialog
Home Page
PROMPT NUMBER The number of the Prompt, Announcement, or Fax Voice Label to be recorded or reviewed.
LENGTH The length of the recording in seconds. This parameter is automatically filled in by the SVM/SVMi E-
Series System when the Prompt, Announcement, or Fax Voice Label is recorded. The Prompt, Announcement, or
Label description does not have any effect on this field.
RECORDED The date the recording was made or last updated.
TEXT Space is provided for entering the text of the Prompt, Announcement, or Fax Voice Label to be recorded.
Use this space to provide information on the intended usage of the recording. The entered text has no effect on
the actual recording. However, it is recommended that the recording be the same as the text to make later edit-
ing or re-recording easier. Remember that System Administrators or technicians not involved in the initial instal-
lation may need to see this information for trouble shooting and application writing purposes.
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 4
Voice Studio
Prompt Text Screen
Home Page
System Administration
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Telephone Administration Categories
As a System Administrator, several of your tasks can be performed via the telephone. Previously we described the
use of the Voice Studio to document and record your own Custom Prompts, as well as Announcements for an
Audiotex Library or Fax Voice Labels for a Document Library. This section will discuss editing System Prompts
from our Telephone-Based Administration. There will be separate documents written for discussions and instruc-
tions on recording Announcements and Fax Voice Labels via the telephone. Even if you are not at the computer
terminal you can still complete prompt recording activities using the SVM/SVMi E-Series System's Telephone-
Based Administration. Recording Custom Prompts is one of three spoken tasks accessible under the Telephone-
Based System Administration.
SVM/SVMi E-Series Tasks Via The Telephone
From the Telephone-Based "System Administration Menu", you may Record/Edit/Review Prompts, enter into
Subscriber Administration, or override Mode settings and/or reset Automatic Scheduling for the Schedule Table.
Again this section will only talk about Prompt Administration.
There could be a number of ways to login as a Telephone-Based System Administrator. Use the Diagram on the
next page as a guide for logging into the "System Administration Menu". There are slightly different steps
depending on whether you are calling from an extension on the system or calling in from a telephone outside of
the phone system. Print the Diagram out and fill it in for the on-site administrator and/or put it in your file as a
technical reference later when you may want to access their system from your office.
Based on the Default setting of the SVM/SVMi E-Series System, once you gain access to the main auto attendant
menu, you will do the following to log into the "System Administration Menu":
o Enter #0000 to identify yourself as a System Administrator.
NOTE: The number of zeros is dependent on the Maximum Caller Entry Digits parameter (4 is the default)
in the menu you are currently connected to. This must be documented by the installer in order to use
this functionality.
You will be prompted to "Please enter your password".
NOTE: By default the System Admin Password is 0000. If this password is changed by the installer it MUST
also be documented in order to use this functionality.
o Enter 0000
You will hear, "System Administration Menu" "To edit system prompts, press 1; for subscriber"
o Press 1
You will hear, "Enter the Prompt Number".
o Enter the four digit prompt number you want to review and/or edit
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 5
Home Page
You may enter any four digit number greater than 0999 for a Custom Prompt. The standard System Prompts can-
not be edited, but they can be reviewed. These are all numbered less than 1000. If a prompt has already been
recorded for the number you enter, the menu allows you to play the existing prompt or rerecord it. When no
prompt exists, you hear the recording menu options. Once the prompt is recorded, you will hear the editing
menu, allowing you to edit, save, discard, or trim any silence from the beginning or end of the speech. After sav-
ing a new prompt you have the option to enter another prompt number, or pressing "*" to exit the menu. Use the
"*" key to cancel any action while in the System Administration process.
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 6
Home Page
Professionally Recorded Prompts
This section will go over the additional steps and utilities required for converting professionally recorded Prompts
to a format usable on the SVM/SVMi E-Series System.
Choosing a Recording Studio
Like many industries the recording industry undergoes changes, which helps keep them up to date with current
technologies. Today there are many software programs available that allow recording studios accustomed to
using digital technology, to save their recordings in a variety of formats compatible with today's business com-
munications and multi-media equipment.
You must keep in mind that what the engineers hear in the studio is not necessarily how it will sound being
played over a phone. The frequency loss, inherit in telephone transmission, and the combination of the digital
sampling process, will alter the sound quality and in some cases if recorded to 'Hot' will be over modulated and
distorted and in other cases depending on the Voice talent will sound weak and/or thin when played over the
telephone. Make sure you and/or your customer(s) choose a Studio that has had experience recording Voice
prompts for the Telecommunications Industry. If their only experience is Music on Hold, that may not be suffi-
Studios typically have libraries full of samples that they can give you to try. Take one or two and run the conver-
sions described below and create a test application on the SVM/SVMi E-Series System. Write the application so
you can hear the samples in context with other the SVM/SVMi E-Series System prompts. This should tell you
whether the studio is capable of providing the adequate quality for your customer(s).
The studio will need a separate file for every custom prompt recorded. The file will be a {name}.VOX, where the
{name} of the file can only be 8 alpha/numeric characters, because the SVM/SVMi E-Series System has a DOS
based operating system. For this conversion, it doesn't matter what media or format the studio chooses to record
the prompts. However the studio must save the file(s) in an 32Kbs/8Khz/Mono Dialogic ADPCM 'VOX' file format.
Converting to the SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt Format
To convert the 'VOX' file to a SVM/SVMI E-SERIES SYSTEM prompt, the utility BUILDPMT.EXE is provided on all the
SVM/SVMi E-Series System installations. The installation program will place BUILDPMT in the DTA directory. You
will need to copy that file to the location where you will perform the conversion. The syntax for BUILDPMT.EXE is
as follows:
BUILDPMT /Dname [/Tname] [/I] [/Eflags] /Vname[;name[;name...]]
[name] is the name of a file on disk
[flags] are for setting certain playback attributes and should not be used
Command Line Switches
/D - specifies the destination file name of the converted prompt
/T - specifies an optional text file name for embedding text in a prompt
/I - indicates that the prompt being built should be an indexed prompt
/V - specifies the name of the voice file of the original file
/E - specifies the encoding algorithm to use (8 KHz or 6 KHz, ADPCM, mu-Law, A-Law, etc.)
Because the SVM/SVMI E-Series System reserves prompt numbers 0000 through 0999 for itself, we suggest you
add an easily remembered number (1000) to the number of your custom prompt. That way, the converted prompt
will be fully editable under the SVM/SVMI E-Series System and won't conflict with any of the provided system
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 7
Home Page
To convert studio recording "Hello.VOX" to a SVM/SVMI E-Series System custom prompt 2000.PMT, first go into
the PMT directory [C:> cd \pmt ]and create a sub directory called STUDIO [C:\PMT> md studio ]. Change directo-
ry to STUDIO [C:\PMT> cd studio ] and Copy BUILDPMT.EXE to that directory [C:\PMT\STUDIO> copy
c:\dta\buildpmt.exe ]. Assuming Hello.VOX is on a floppy, you will use RX, or FTP (SVMi-8E/SVMi-16E only) to copy
that file to the Studio directory as well. NOTE: Using RX and FTP are referenced in the Programming Reference
To convert the studio recording to a the SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt type the following:
This will create a new file (2000.PMT) which will be compatible with the SVM/SVMI E-Series System using the
Dialogic 8KHz ADPCM algorithm, and leave the original studio VOX file (hello.VOX) unchanged.
After you have run Buildpmt, you will need to copy 2000.PMT to the PMT directory. Once you have put the
SVM/SVMi E-Series System back on line you will need to assign the new prompt to a Block in the SVM/SVMi E-
Series System, so that it can be played to the caller.
In the example above, when you opened Prompt 2000.PMT in the the SVM/SVMi E-Series System Voice Studio no
text would appear, so you would have to type it in at that time. Hello.VOX (prompt 2000.PMT) says "Thank you for
calling ABC Company." You could have created an ASCI TXT file prior to running BUILDPMT and embedded the
text into the Prompt at one time.
To convert the studio recording with the embedded text, type the following:
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SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 9
System Prompts

Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
All Index Prompts are listed at the end of this document
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0900
A privileged caller. Subscriber Services Prompt 0452
Access Manager. (With a short pause on the end) Subscriber Services Prompt 0307
Access Profile. Subscriber Services Prompt 0500
all callers are... Subscriber Services Prompt 0331
all callers... Subscriber Services Prompt 0326
All Day. Subscriber Services Prompt 0383
All Options enabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0415
all other callers are... Subscriber Services Prompt 0330
An operator will be with you in a moment. MOD
Salutation Prompt 2 (Default)
DAY Mode Block
An operator will be with you in a moment. Optional 0055
Auto Play of Message Information is disabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0575
Auto Play of Message Information is enabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0573
Auto Play of New Messages is disabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0358
Auto Play of New Messages is enabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0357
Blocked with Subscriber Services Prompt 0545
Broadcast message. Subscriber Services Prompt 0574
routing calls from... Subscriber Services Prompt 0325
Call blocking is canceled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0321
Call Blocking is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0457
Call forwarding is canceled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0317
Call Forwarding is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0621
Call screening is canceled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0323
Call Screening is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0322
Callback requested. Subscriber Services Prompt 0507
calling for Subscriber Services Prompt 0707
Certified. Subscriber Services Prompt 0505
Confidential. Subscriber Services Prompt 0506
Copy Message Subscriber Services Prompt 0360
Delivery options. Subscriber Services Prompt 0530
Direct call. Subscriber Services Prompt 0302
Directory name set. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0967
Discarded. Subscriber Services Prompt 0363
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 10
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Discarded. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0936
Disk error! SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0915
Document number... DTL
Document Voice Label Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
End of list. Subscriber Services Prompt 0516
End of PAN list. Subscriber Services Prompt 0458
End of recording. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0935
End of recording. Subscriber Services Prompt 0515
Enter 2 digits each for the hour and minute or, to exit, press the star key. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0910
Enter 2 digits each for the month, day and year or, to exit, press the star
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0909
Enter a personal greeting number, 1 through 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0413
Enter a subscriber number Subscriber Services Prompt 0448
Enter the day of week, Monday is day one. Subscriber Services Prompt 0528
Enter the extension to which calls should be forwarded, Subscriber Services Prompt 0316
Enter the extension to which this call should be redirected. Subscriber Services Prompt 0712
Enter the first few letters of the party's first name on the telephone
keypad. For the letter 'Q' use the '7' key. For the letter 'Z' use the '9' key.
Optional Available but NOT used 0139
Enter the first few letters of the party's last name on the telephone
keypad. For the letter 'Q' use the '7' key. For the letter 'Z' use the '9' key.
Enter Name Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Enter the new mode number or, for automatic scheduling, enter zero. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0912
Enter the new password followed by the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0430
Enter the next number of a caller you are taking calls from Subscriber Services Prompt 0333
Enter the number of a caller you are taking calls from Subscriber Services Prompt 0332
Enter the number of hours, 1 through 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0527
Enter the options you wish to enable, followed by the pound key. To
enable All Options, press the pound key alone.
Subscriber Services Prompt 0411
Enter the PAN Id. Number followed by the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0450
Enter the port number for the new mode or, to change the mode on all
ports, enter zero.
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0911
Enter the prompt number. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0902
Enter the recipients number Subscriber Services Prompt 0529
Enter the sender's number Subscriber Services Prompt 0508
Enter the stored telephone number position, 1through 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0473
Enter the telephone number where you can be reached Subscriber Services Prompt 0338
Enter the telephone number where you can be reached MCL
Prompt for Phone Number (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
Enter the telephone number, including area code, where you would like
your documents delivered. If you make a mistake, press the Star key.
Get Phone Number Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 11
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Enter the telephone number. Subscriber Services Prompt 0303
Enter two digits each for the hour and minute. Subscriber Services Prompt 0344
Enter two digits each for the month and day. Subscriber Services Prompt 0483
Enter your first name followed by the pound key. For the letter 'Q' use
the '7' key. For the letter 'Z' use the '9' key.
Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0968
Enter your last name followed by the pound key. For the letter 'Q' use
the '7' key. For the letter 'Z' use the '9' key.
Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0969
Enter your name followed by the pound key. For the letter 'Q' use the '7'
key. For the letter 'Z' use the '9' key.
Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0970
Enter your password. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0917
Enter your password. Subscriber Services Prompt 0369
Executary. Optional Available but NOT used 0485
Extended prompting disabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0436
Extended prompting enabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0435
Fax Delivery is not set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0490
Fax Delivery is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0489
Fax Document attached. Subscriber Services Prompt 0493
File discarded. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0907
File saved. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0906
Find Me is disabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0566
Find Me is enabled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0565
followed by the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0581
For a coming day of the week, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0526
For a Directory of Extensions, press 9. MNU
PMT (Default)
[Closed Main Menu & Open Main
Menu Menu Blocks]
For a directory of extensions, press 1. Optional Available but NOT Used 0040
For a directory of mailboxes, press 1. Optional 0114
For a directory, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0304
For a list of options, press 0. Subscriber Services Prompt 0388
For a specific date and time, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0620
For active only, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0605
For additional names, press 9. DIR
Press 9 for more names Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
For Additional Options, press 0. Subscriber Services Prompt 0343
For additional options, press 4. ECL
Other Options Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
For additional options, press '0'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0932
for all messages. Subscriber Services Prompt 0609
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 12
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
For all, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0607
For AM, press 1. For PM, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0345
For assistance, please hold. An operator will be with you in a moment. MNU
PMT, (Default)
[Open Main Menu Menu Block]
For assistance, press 0. ECL
Operator Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
For callbacks, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0511
For Fax Messages, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0496
For Immediate Delivery, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0479
For Mailbox Administration, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0339
For message information, press 00. Subscriber Services Prompt 0596
For messages from a specific sender, press 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0513
For Pager Notification, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0486
For pending only, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0606
For Personal Administration, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0340
For Personal Greetings, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0324
For Personal Services, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0342
For Private Access Numbers, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0405
For private delivery, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0537
For private messages, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0514
For reminders, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0512
For special scheduling features, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0502
For Subscriber Administration, press 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0579
For the Access Manager, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0320
For the beginning of the next business day, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0524
For the current document, press 1. To receive all documents, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0499
For the end of the current business day, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0519
For the next few hours, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0503
For urgent delivery, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0531
for Urgent Messages only. Subscriber Services Prompt 0610
For urgent messages, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0510
For voice label administration, press '1'. DTL
Select Voice Admin. Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
For your extension, press the pound key alone. Subscriber Services Prompt 0346
For... DIR
Target Name Prefix Pmt (Default) [Page
Forward Message. Subscriber Services Prompt 0523
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 13
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
forwarded to... Subscriber Services Prompt 0315
Forwarding to ECL
Forward Herald Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Good bye. Optional 0111
Good-bye, and thank you for calling. BYE
Goodbye & Template Bye Block
Good-bye. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0921
Greeting assigned Subscriber Services Prompt 0420
How long do you wish calls to be blocked? Subscriber Services Prompt 0481
How long do you wish calls to be forwarded? Subscriber Services Prompt 0412
How long do you wish this number to be your designated location? Subscriber Services Prompt 0480
I could not process your entry. Subscriber Services Prompt 0390
Ill try that extension again in a moment. ECL
Announce Hold Interval Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Hold Controls]
Im sorry, the call was not answered. Subscriber Services Prompt 0374
Im sorry, the call was not answered. ECL
No Answer Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Im sorry, the number is busy. Subscriber Services Prompt 0375
Im sorry, the number is busy. ECL
Busy Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Im sorry, your call did not go through. Subscriber Services Prompt 0376
Im sorry, your call did not go through. ECL
Error Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Im sorry, your page was not answered. ECL
Page Failed Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
If the telephone number is correct, press '1', otherwise, press '3'. DTL
Confirm Phone Number Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
If this is correct, press the pound key; otherwise... Subscriber Services Prompt 0392
If this is the correct greeting, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0417
If this selection is correct, press '1'. DTL
Confirm Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
If this selection is not correct, press '2'. DTL
Reject Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
If you are calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line. Optional 0057
If you are calling from your fax machine and would like your selections
faxed to you immediately, press '1'. If you would like to have your
selections faxed to another number, press '2'.
Subscriber Services Prompt 0498
If you are calling from your fax machine and would like your selections
faxed to you immediately, press '1'. If you would like to have your
selections faxed to another number, press '2'.
Delivery Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
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SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 14
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
If you are finished, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0598
If you are taking all calls, press 1. If you are taking calls from PAN callers,
press 2. To limit calls to privileged PANs press 3. If taking calls from a
specified list, press 4. If you are not taking any calls, press 5.
Subscriber Services Prompt 0336
If you know the extension of the person you are calling, you may enter it
PMT, (Default)
[Closed Main Menu & Open Main
Menu Menu Blocks]
If you wish the interactive message to be automatically deleted after it
plays to the PAN caller, press 6.
Subscriber Services Prompt 0470
If you would like to hold, please stay on the line. ECL
No digit Hold Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Hold Controls]
If you would like to hold, press 2. ECL
Hold Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
I'll transfer you to an operator. Optional 0110
I'm sorry, the document storage unit is full. DTL
Disk Full Error Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
I'm sorry, the message storage unit is full. AXL
Disk is Full Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of all Audiotex Librarian Blocks]
I'm sorry, your party is already being paged. Please make another
Pager Busy Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
I'm sorry. That extension is still busy. ECL
Still Busy Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
I'm sorry. That party is not available. Subscriber Services Prompt 0377
I'm sorry. That party is not available. ECL
Blocked Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Imperative. Subscriber Services Prompt 0560
Indefinitely blocked with... Subscriber Services Prompt 0319
Invalid entry, please try again. Subscriber Services Prompt 0738
Invalid entry. DIR
Invalid Entry Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Invalid entry. Try again. DTL
Invalid Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Invalid entry. Try again. MCL
Prompt for Invalid Entry (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Special Service
Invalid entry. Try again. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0903
is holding. Subscriber Services Prompt 0380
is holding. ECL
Caller Holding Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 15
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
is in your Mailbox. Subscriber Services Prompt 0561
is now available. MCL
Prompt for User Available (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Special Service
Load the new document into your fax machine and press the start
Begin Fax Transmit Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Mailbox Administration Subscriber Services Prompt 0558
Mailbox Greeting Subscriber Services Prompt 0497
Message alert is not set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0543
Message alert is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0542
Message discarded. MCL
Prompt indicating discard (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
Message Hook. Subscriber Services Prompt 0553
Message sent. Subscriber Services Prompt 0589
Message sent. MCL
Prompt indicating success (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
New Messages Subscriber Services Prompt 0361
New messages have arrived. Subscriber Services Prompt 0569
Night intercept is canceled. Subscriber Services Prompt 0625
Night intercept is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0624
No announcements match your entry. AXL
Empty ANN Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of all Audiotex Librarian Blocks]
no callers... Subscriber Services Prompt 0329
No Fax Document is attached. Subscriber Services Prompt 0494
No greeting is recorded. Subscriber Services Prompt 0576
No interactive message exists. Subscriber Services Prompt 0453
No matching recordings were found. Subscriber Services Prompt 0568
No message is recorded. Subscriber Services Prompt 0495
No names matching your entry were found. DIR
No Matches Found Pmt (Default) [Page
No PAN records are available. Subscriber Services Prompt 0475
No recorded name exists. Subscriber Services Prompt 0451
No recording exists. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0934
No undelivered message was found. Subscriber Services Prompt 0554
One moment please. ECL
Blind xfer Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
One moment. Optional 0116
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 16
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Our office hours are 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Optional Available but NOT Used 0003
Our office is closed due to emergency conditions. We hope to return to
normal operation soon. Some of our employees may be in.
Optional Available but NOT Used 0005
Our office is closed for the holiday. Optional Available but NOT Used 0004
Pager notification is not set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0557
Pager notification is set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0556
PAN callers and subscribers... Subscriber Services Prompt 0327
PAN editor. Subscriber Services Prompt 0459
Password set. Subscriber Services Prompt 0431
Paused. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0963
Personal Administration. Subscriber Services Prompt 0577
Personal Greeting Number. Subscriber Services Prompt 0419
Personal Greetings. Subscriber Services Prompt 0367
Personal Services Subscriber Services Prompt 0354
Playback paused. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0938
Please begin speaking at the tone. To stop recording, press '2' or simply
hang up.
Prompt Prior to Record (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
Please enter the announcement number. MNU
Prompt (Default)
[Audiotext Admin Menu Block]
Please enter the first few letters of the person's last name. For the letter
Q, use the 7 key. For the letter Z, use the 9 key. Please enter the
letters now.
Optional 0115
Please enter the mailbox number for which the message is intended. MNU
Prompt (Default)
[Transfer to MBX Menu Block]
Please enter your password. AXL
Get Password PMT, (Default)
[Page 1 of all Audiotex Librarian Blocks]
Please enter your password. DTL
Request Password Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Please enter your password. MNU
Request Password PMT, (Default)
[Page 1 of all Menu Blocks]
Please hold while I connect your call. ECL
Monitored xfer Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Please hold while I connect your call. MCL
Prompt prior to transfer (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Special Service
Please hold while I connect your call. Optional 0103
Please hold while I dial that number. Subscriber Services Prompt 0305
Please hold while I locate your party. ECL
Find Me xfer Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 17
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Please hold while I page your party. ECL
Hold for Page Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
Please press the start or manual receive button on your fax machine. Subscriber Services Prompt 0601
Please press the start or manual receive button on your fax machine. DTL
Start Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Press eight. DIR
Press Eight Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press five. DIR
Press Five Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press four. DIR
Press Four Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press one. DIR
Press One Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press seven. DIR
Press Seven Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press six. DIR
Press Six Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0482
Press three. DIR
Press Three Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Press two. DIR
Press Two Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
Private Access Numbers. (With a short pause on the end.) Subscriber Services Prompt 0449
Privilege granted. Subscriber Services Prompt 0467
Privilege revoked. Subscriber Services Prompt 0468
Privileged PAN callers... Subscriber Services Prompt 0328
Quick Memo. Subscriber Services Prompt 0580
Record Message Subscriber Services Prompt 0362
Recording paused. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0939
Recording. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0925
Recording. MCL
Prompt prior to recording (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Conversation
Record Controls]
Recordings cannot be made at this time. Try again later. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0924
Reminder. Subscriber Services Prompt 0550
Reply Required. Subscriber Services Prompt 0555
Reply to sender. Subscriber Services Prompt 0522
Saved Messages. Subscriber Services Prompt 0365
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 18
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Saved. Subscriber Services Prompt 0364
Select the kind of Commitments you wish to review. Subscriber Services Prompt 0603
Select the kind of Follow Ups you wish to review. Subscriber Services Prompt 0602
Select the kind of Tasks you wish to review. Subscriber Services Prompt 0604
Sorry, that is not a valid entry. Please try again, or hold for an operator. Optional
[could be used to replace 0009 when
you have an operator available.]
Sorry, that is not a valid entry. Please try again. AXL
Invalid Entry Prompt, (Default)
[Page 1 of all Audiotex Librarian Blocks]
Sorry, that is not a valid entry. Please try again. MNU
Invalid Condition PMT, (Default)
[Page 1 of all Menu Blocks]
Sorry. The message storage unit is full. MCL
Prompt indicating error (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
Sorry. The message storage unit is full. Subscriber Services Prompt 0587
Start Time. Subscriber Services Prompt 0393
Stop Time. Subscriber Services Prompt 0394
Stored telephone numbers. Subscriber Services Prompt 0472
Subscriber Administration (with a short pause on the end) Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0422
Subscriber created. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0447
Subscriber deleted. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0445
Subscriber Editor. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0439
Subscriber name. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0434
Subscriber Services. To access your Executary, please enter your
subscriber number.
Prompt (Default)
[Subscriber Menu Block]
System administration menu. To edit system prompts, press 1. For
Subscriber administration, press 2. To manually set the mode of one or
all ports, press 3. To exit from system administration, press the star key.
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0964
System administration menu. To edit system prompts, press 1. To set
system date and time, press 2. To manually set the mode of one or all
ports, press 3. To exit from system administration, press the star key.
Optional Available but NOT used 0901
System error! SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0916
Temporarily blocked with... Subscriber Services Prompt 0318
Thank you for calling. Optional 0001
Thank you, The documents you have selected will be delivered shortly. Subscriber Services Prompt 0600
Thank you. Subscriber Services Prompt 0743
Thank you. Optional
[could be used to replace 0016 when
you have an operator available.]
Thank you. Please hang up now. Subscriber Services Prompt 0713
Thank you. The documents you have selected will be delivered shortly.
We will make up to 5 attempts to deliver your selections.
Deliver Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 19
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Thank you. One moment please. DAL Prompt:, (Default) 0016
That option is not available. Subscriber Services Prompt 0389
The current Directory name is... Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0972
The current password is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0429
The current setting is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0386
The estimated hold time is Subscriber Services Prompt 0736
The fax document has been discarded. DTL
Erase Confirmation Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
The fax document has been received. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0951
The fax document has been received. DTL
Receipt Confirmation Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
The interactive message is permanent. Subscriber Services Prompt 0455
The interactive message is temporary. Subscriber Services Prompt 0454
The interactive message was last updated on... Subscriber Services Prompt 0474
The new setting is Subscriber Services Prompt 0491
The number you entered is Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0971
The phone number is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0544
The system caller options. Subscriber Services Prompt 0410
The telephone number you have entered is... DTL
Phone Prefix Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
There is a call for ECL
Announce Page Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
There is a Voice Message for SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0918
There is no return address. Subscriber Services Prompt 0521
This call is for Subscriber Services Prompt 0705
This call is Forwarded from Subscriber Services Prompt 0704
This call is from Subscriber Services Prompt 0706
This document is currently unavailable. DTL
Document Unavailable Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
This document was last revised on... DTL
Last Revision Date Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
This is a Network Message. Please press 1. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0948
This message has been retrieved and placed in your New Message Que. Subscriber Services Prompt 0570
This message is confidential and cannot be forwarded. Subscriber Services Prompt 0518
This message was forwarded by... Subscriber Services Prompt 0520
This message will be sent to Subscriber Services Prompt 0368
This reminder has been sent. Subscriber Services Prompt 0551
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 20
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
This subscriber does not exist. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0440
To accept the call, press 1. ECL
Accept Call Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
To accept, press 1. To change, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0391
To access the main menu, press 1. To return to your Executary, press the
pound key, To exit this call, press the star key.
Prompt (Default)
[Subscriber Exit Menu Block]
To access the main menu, press 1. To end this call, press the star key. MNU
Prompt (Default)
[Public Exit Menu Block]
To add a contact number, press 1; otherwise, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0552
To append to the recording, press 3. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0952
To assign your blocked greeting, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0404
To assign your busy greeting, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0403
To assign your Call Screening Greeting, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0398
To assign your Night Greeting, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0397
To assign your no answer greeting, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0402
To begin, press any key. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0923
To cancel Reply Required, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0548
To cancel call blocking, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0312
To cancel call forwarding, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0310
To cancel Call Screening, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0437
To cancel Imperative Delivery, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0539
To cancel Night intercept, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0623
To cancel private delivery, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0538
To cancel return receipt, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0534
To cancel urgent delivery, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0532
To cancel your callback request, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0536
To cancel your selections and access other options, press the Star key. DTL
Cancel Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To cancel your selections and to speak with an operator, press '0'. DTL
Operator Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To cancel, press the star key. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0933
To change playback speed, press 99. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0958
To change playback volume, press 77. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0957
To change the phone number, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0613
To change your password, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0423
To change your phone number, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0409
To clear the current setting, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0488
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 21
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
To clear the currently assigned greeting, press 0. Subscriber Services Prompt 0414
To continue holding, please stay on the line. ECL
No digit Continue Holding Pmt
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Hold Controls]
To continue holding, press 2. ECL
Hold Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
To continue recording, press 2. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0959
To continue, press '8'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0940
To copy the previous days settings, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0385
To create a Commitment, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0583
To create a Follow Up, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0582
To create a mailbox, press '2'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0442
To create a Reminder, press ##. Subscriber Services Prompt 0509
To create a Reminder, press 66. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0956
To create a Task, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0584
To create an extension, press '1'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0441
To create both, press '3'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0443
To delete this subscriber, press '4'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0444
To disable Auto Play of Message Information, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0572
To disable Auto Play of New Messages, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0356
To disable extended prompting, press '4'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0426
To disable Fax Delivery, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0618
To disable Find Me, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0564
To disable Message Alert, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0617
To disable Pager Notification, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0372
To disable Pager Notification, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0616
To discard and re-record, press 3. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0960
To discard the fax document currently in memory, press '3'. DTL
Erase a Fax Document Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To discard the interactive message, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0464
To discard this entire record, press 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0478
To discard, press '3'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0929
To edit stored telephone numbers, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0424
To edit stored telephone numbers, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0471
To edit the greeting, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0416
To edit the interactive message, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0463
To edit the subscriber, press '5'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0446
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 22
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
To edit your Access Profile, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0438
To edit your Mailbox Greeting, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0396
To edit your personal greetings, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0399
To enable Reply Required, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0547
To enable Auto Play of Message Information, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0571
To enable Auto Play of New Messages, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0355
To enable extended prompting, press '4'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0425
To enable Fax Delivery, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0492
To enable Find Me, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0563
To enable Imperative Delivery, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0549
To enable message alert, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0540
To enable Pager Notification, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0371
To enable Pager Notification, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0619
To enter a new name, press '0'. DIR
Press 0 for a new name Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
To enter your Directory Name, press '3'. Subscriber Admin System Prompt 0966
To Exit, press the * key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0347
To exit, press the star key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0387
To exit, press the Star key. DIR
Press * to exit Pmt (Default)
[Page 2]
To exit, press the Star key. DTL
Exit Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To exit, press the star key. ECL
Escape Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
To fast forward, press '9'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0942
To fast forward, press '9'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0594
To forward a copy to someone else, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0350
To forward calls to another extension, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0309
To give this PAN privileged access, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0465
To go to the next PAN, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0460
To go to the previous message, press 11. Subscriber Services Prompt 0366
To group New Messages, press 11 Subscriber Services Prompt 0301
To group Saved Messages, press 33. Subscriber Services Prompt 0314
To have the caller transferred to your location, press 1 and hang up.
Otherwise, press 2.
Subscriber Services Prompt 0562
To have your party paged, press 3. ECL
Overhead Page Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 23
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
To hear a list of existing numbers, press 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0427
To hear a list of messages, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0559
To hear your Access Profile, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0501
To hear your selection again, press '3'. DTL
Replay Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To leave a confidential message for the person you are calling, please re-
enter the number you called.
Optional 0056
To leave a confidential message, for the person you are calling, please
enter the mailbox number now.
Optional 0112
To leave a message in our after hours message center, please stay on the
PMT, (Default)
[Closed Main Menu Menu Block]
To leave a message, press 1. ECL
Leave a Message Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
To listen to New Messages, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0300
To load a new fax document, press '2'. DTL
Load a New Document Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To make the interactive message permanent, press 6. Subscriber Services Prompt 0469
To mark your message Urgent, press 2. MCL
Prompt for Urgent Delivery (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
To modify call blocking, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0541
To pause or continue, press '8'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0944
To pause or continue, press '8'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0593
To pause, press 8. Subscriber Services Prompt 0341
To pick up dial ECL
Pickup Caller Pmt (Default)
[Page 3 of the Eclass, Overhead Paging
To place a Direct Call to the sender, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0348
To place a Direct Call, press 5. Subscriber Services Prompt 0353
To play the message, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0462
To play, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0590
To reach the sales department, press 2. For the service department, press
Optional 0007
To Reach... Optional 0133
To receive the attached fax document, press 55. Subscriber Services Prompt 0349
To receive the selected fax documents, press '4'. DTL
Receive Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To record a Real Time Greeting, press 5. ECL
RT Greeting Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 24
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
To record a Reminder, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0359
To record an introduction, press 2. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0961
To record and send a message, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0308
To record the conversation, press 4. ECL
Record Call Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
To record your name, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0433
To record, press '2'. To stop, press '2' again. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0927
To redirect the call, press 2. ECL
Redirect Call Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
To reject the call, press 3. ECL
Reject Call Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
To replay this announcement, press 1. AXL
Offer Replay Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of all Audiotex Librarian Blocks]
To reply to the message sender, press '4'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0599
To request a callback, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0535
To request a Callback, press 3. MCL
Prompt for Call Back (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
To request a return receipt, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0533
To reset the password to the default value, press '1'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0432
To reset the password to the default value, press '5'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0965
To retrieve this message, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0567
To review all Reminders, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0597
To review Commitment Reminders, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0586
To review Deleted Messages, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0373
To review Follow Up Reminders, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0585
To review Saved Messages, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0313
To review statistics, press 00. Subscriber Services Prompt 0477
To review Task Reminders, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0588
To review the greeting, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0608
To review Undelivered Messages, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0378
To review your Workload, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0351
To review, press 1. To rerecord, press 2. To confirm, press 3. To exit
and return to the main menu, press the star key.
QRY Exit Prompt 0071
To review, press '1'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0926
To rewind, press '7'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0943
To rewind, press '7'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0592
To save, press '2'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0591
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 25
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
To schedule delivery, press 5. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0954
To schedule Fax Delivery, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0615
To schedule Pager Notification, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0487
To schedule Voice Message Delivery, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0614
To schedule your availability, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0395
To select a different greeting, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0418
To select additional documents, press '5'. DTL
Get More Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
To select all messages, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0611
To select Urgent Messages only, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0612
To send a Broadcast Message, press 9. Subscriber Services Prompt 0578
To send a copy to someone else, press 6. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0955
To send your message with normal delivery, press 1. MCL
Prompt for Normal Delivery (Default)
[Page 3 of the Mclass, Public Record
To set Call Blocking, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0484
To set call blocking, press 3. Subscriber Services Prompt 0311
To set Call Screening, press '5'. Subscriber Services Prompt 0428
To set Fax Message Delivery, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0381
To set Message Alert options, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0370
To set Message Attributes, press 4. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0953
To set Night intercept, press 7. Subscriber Services Prompt 0622
To set to all day, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0384
To set Until Further Notice, press the pound key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0461
To set Voice Message Deliver, press 1. Subscriber Services Prompt 0379
To skip this message, press the pound key Subscriber Services Prompt 0595
To stop recording, press 2. Subscriber Services Prompt 0421
To take away privileged access, press 4. Subscriber Services Prompt 0466
To trim the front, press '1'. To trim the back, press '2'. When you are
finished, press the pound key.
SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0946
To trim the recording, press '4'. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0930
To try another extension, enter it now. ECL
Other Number Pmt (Default)
[Page 1 of the Eclass, System Caller
to your designated location. Subscriber Services Prompt 0335
Transferring a call. Subscriber Services Prompt 0703
Transferring to ECL
Target Herald Pmt (Default)
[Page 2 of the Eclass, Transfer]
Until further notice. Subscriber Services Prompt 0352
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 26
Prompt Text in Alphabetical Order
Function Category and
Urgent. Subscriber Services Prompt 0504
Weekly Schedule. Subscriber Services Prompt 0382
We're sorry, but due to technical difficulties, your document selections
cannot be delivered at this time. Please try again later.
Error Pmt (Default)
[Page 4]
When would you like this message to be delivered. Subscriber Services Prompt 0546
When you are finished with the call, press the star key. Subscriber Services Prompt 0306
When you are finished, press the pound key alone. Subscriber Services Prompt 0334
When you are finished, press the pound key. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0962
When you are satisfied with the recording, press the pound key. SVM/SVMi E-Series System Prompt 0931
Whos calling please? Subscriber Services Prompt 0700
You are now the Subscriber Services Prompt 0735
You can now dispose of the original. Subscriber Services Prompt 0525
Your blocked greeting is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0408
Your busy greeting is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0406
Your call has been directed to the message center. Optional 0054
Your Call Screening Greeting is Subscriber Services Prompt 0401
your extension... Subscriber Services Prompt 0337
Your message was last played on... Subscriber Services Prompt 0476
Your message was received by... Subscriber Services Prompt 0517
Your Night Greeting is Subscriber Services Prompt 0400
Your no answer greeting is... Subscriber Services Prompt 0407
Your phone number is Subscriber Services Prompt 0456
Home Page
SVM/SVMi E-Series Prompts and Prompt Utility/July 2004 27
Indexed Prompts

Indexed prompts are nested into a single prompt. Code is written to reference Prompt 900 and extract the prompt(s) by index or
indexes required for certain functionality. This list is here solely for you to see what the prompts are. It is highly recommended
that you do not try to alter Prompt 900 or the prompts it contains.

0 "ZERO" 46 "MAILBOX" 92 "MAY"
1 "ONE" 47 "MESSAGE" 93 "JUNE"
2 "TWO" 48 "MESSAGES" 94 "JULY"
4 "FOUR" 50 "OH" 96 "SEPTEMBER"
5 "FIVE" 51 "NO" 97 "OCTOBER"
8 "EIGHT" 54 "NEXT" 100 "HUNDRED"
9 "NINE" 55 "FIRST" 101 "THOUSAND"
10 "TEN" 56 "SECOND" 102 "MILLION"
11 "ELEVEN" 57 "THIRD" 103 "BILLION"
12 "TWELVE" 58 "FOURTH" 104 "HOURS"
13 "THIRTEEN" 59 "FIFTH" 105 "HOUR"
14 "FOURTEEN" 60 "SIXTH" 106 "AND"
30 "AM" 76 "CALLER IS" 122 "TO"
31 "PM" 77 "CALLERS ARE" 123 "UNTIL"
39 "NOT SET" 85 "MINUTE" 131 "TASK"
40 "PAUSE" 86 "MINUTES" 132 "TASKS"
45 "POUND" 91 "APRIL"

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