G.R. No. 147589 June 26, 2001 Ang Bagong Bayani vs. Comelec G.R. No. 147613 June 26, 2001 BAYAN MUNA vs. Comelec Facts

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G.R. No.

147589 June 26, 2001

G.R. No. 14761 June 26, 2001
BAYAN !"NA vs. Comelec
Petitioners challenged the Comelecs Omnibus Resolution No. 3785

!hich a""roved the "artici"ation o#
$5% organi&ations and "arties including those herein im"leaded in the '(($ "art)-list elections.
Petitioners sought the dis*uali#ication o# "rivate res"ondents arguing mainl) that the "art)-list s)stem
!as intended to bene#it the marginali&ed and underre"resented+ not the mainstream "olitical "arties the
non-marginali&ed or overre"resented. ,nsatis#ied !ith the "ace b) !hich Comelec acted on their "etition
"etitioners elevated the issue to the -u"reme Court.
$. .hether or not "etitioners recourse to the Court !as "ro"er.
'. .hether or not "olitical "arties ma) "artici"ate in the "art) list elections.
3. .hether or not the Comelec committed grave abuse o# discretion in "romulgating Omnibus Resolution
No. 3785.
$. /he Court ma) ta0e cogni&ance o# an issue not!ithstanding the availabilit) o# other remedies 1!here the
issue raised is one "urel) o# la! !here "ublic interest is involved and in case o# urgenc).1 /he #acts
attendant to the case rendered it 2usticiable.
'. Political "arties 3 even the ma2or ones -- ma) "artici"ate in the "art)-list elections sub2ect to the
re*uirements laid do!n in the Constitution and R4 75%$ !hich is the statutor) la! "ertinent to the Part)
6ist -)stem.
,nder the Constitution and R4 75%$ "rivate res"ondents cannot be dis*uali#ied #rom the "art)-list
elections merel) on the ground that the) are "olitical "arties. -ection 5 4rticle 78 o# the Constitution
"rovides that members o# the 9ouse o# Re"resentatives ma) 1be elected through a "art)-list s)stem o#
registered national regional and sectoral "arties or organi&ations: . 8t is ho!ever incumbent u"on the
Comelec to determine "ro"ortional re"resentation o# the ;marginali&ed and underre"resented: the criteria
#or "artici"ation in relation to the cause o# the "art) list a""licants so as to avoid desecration o# the noble
"ur"ose o# the "art)-list s)stem.
3. /he Court ac0no!ledged that to determine the "ro"riet) o# the inclusion o# res"ondents in the Omnibus
Resolution No. 3785 a stud) o# the #actual allegations !as necessar) !hich !as be)ond the "ale o# the
Court. /he Court not being a trier o# #acts.
9o!ever seeing that the Comelec #ailed to a""reciate #ull) the clear "olic) o# the la! and the
Constitution the Court decided to set some guidelines culled #rom the la! and the Constitution to assist
the Comelec in its !or0. /he Court ordered that the "etition be remanded in the Comelec to determine
com"liance b) the "art) lists.

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