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Est representado por un hombre musculoso que
tiene un mazo, este muestre la fuerza y la potencia
de la empresa con respecto a la competencia y los
colores por que son ecolgicos y estticos.
Is represented by muscular man that have a
mallet, This shows the strength and power of the
company respect to the competence, and the
colors because they are ecological and

3- Mision
Ferremax S.A. is a trading company, a distributor of light
tools for the industrial, agro industrial and construction
sectors. This company bases its production on domestic
and foreign suppliers in order to provide its customers
high quality products, affordable and guaranteed to
satisfy their needs.

By the 2012 Ferremax S.A. hopes to get national
recognition as the N 1 tools distributor and as the
purchasing preferred center by all the customers, due to
the added value of our company, which hast to do with
the constant models innovation and the optimal service
that our company provides.

5-Objetivo General.
Generar a las empresas industriales de Colombia
variedad de productos con precio y calidad
aprovechando los mercados internacionales
gestionados por FERREMAX.

General objective.
Provide variety of price and quality products to
industrial companies in Colombia, taking
advantage of international markets managed by

6-Objetivos especficos.
Identificar las necesidades de nuestros
clientes, siendo oportunos y practicos a la
hora de entregar nuestros productos.
Proporcionarle al cliente la garanta de
nuestros productos y servicios en base a la

Specific objectives.
Identify the needs of our customers, being
opportune and practical at the hour to deliver
our products.
Provide the customer with the guarantee of
our products and services, and based on
7-La idea.
La idea surgi de la necesidad de tener en nuestro
pas una empresa que cuente con los recursos y los
productos ferreteros necesarios para desempear
grandes obras , contando con mercanca importada.
y siendo FERREMAX la empresa mas grande en
Colombia en distribuir estos productos a nivel

The idea.
The idea arose from the need to have in our
country an enterprice that has the neccesary
resouces and products to make great Works,
having imported merchandise and being
FERREMAX the biggest company in Colombia to
distribute these products in national level.

Los productos que ofrece ferremax estn dirigidos
hacia las grandes empresas industriales del pas
que utilizan estos productos y para algunas
microempresas que estn en el sector formal.

To who
The products offered by FERREMAX are directed
towards the country's biggest industrial
enterprises that used this products, and towards
some micro-enterprises in the formal sector.

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