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CE 432 Wastewater Treatment Plant Design

Sewer Design, edit bolded values: S, n, conduit fill ratio e.g. .75, Qavg (MGD) and the factors for Qpeak hourly and Qmin.
Given:S = .005 ft/ft, n=.003, conduit 3/4 full BOD
S(ft/ft) = 0.005 SS 220
n = 0.013 Total P 9
conduit fill ratio = 0.75 NH
-N as N 30
Q avg, MDG = 15
Q peak hourly, factor 2.5
Q min, factor 0.4
Find: D, Vmin, Vmax
D, inches = 40.28 Use next larger commerically available size, subsequent d's and V's based on the calculated value shown.
Vmax, fps = 8.15
davg, inches 28.56
Vavg, fps = 3.46
dmin, fps = 20.26
Vmin, fps = 2.08
Waste Flows
Design Flow Factor MGD CFS GPM
Q avg 1 15.00 23.21 10417
Q peak 2.5 37.50 58.01 26042
Q min 0.4 6.00 9.28 4167
Calculate the pipe diameter
d/D= 0.75
q = 2cos
(1-(2d/D))= 240.00
q, radians 4.19
R=(D/4)(1 - sin(q)/qr)
/ (8*4
)(q-sin(q)(1 - sin(q)/qr)
(q-sin(q)(1 - sin(q)/qr
= Qn(8*4
)/ [ (1.486)*D
D based on peak flow = [ Qn(8*4
)/ (1.486)S
(q-sin(q))(1 - sin(q)/qr)
D, feet = 3.36
D, inches = 40.28 Use next larger commercially available size
Calculate the maximum velocity based on the peak hourly flow
d for max flow, ft 30.21
d/D= 0.75
q = 2cos
(1-(2d/D))= 240.00
q, radians 4.19
A, ft
= 7.12 Based on calculated D, not next larger commerically available size
Vpeak, fps = 8.15
Calculate the average velocity based on the average flow
d for avg flow, ft = 2.38 Based on calculated D, not next larger commerically available size
d for avg flow, inches = 28.56
d/D= 0.71
q = 2cos
(1-(2d/D))= 229.47
q, radians 4.00
A, ft
= 6.71
Vavg, fps = 3.46
Calculate the minimum velocity based on the minimum flow
d for min flow, ft = 1.69 Based on calculated D, not next larger commerically available size
d for min flow, inches = 20.26
d/D= 0.50
q = 2cos
(1-(2d/D))= 180.68
q, radians 3.15
A, ft
= 4.46
Vmin, fps = 2.08
Sewer Design, edit bolded values: S, n, conduit fill ratio e.g. .75, Qavg (MGD) and the factors for Qpeak hourly and Qmin.
Use next larger commerically available size, subsequent d's and V's based on the calculated value shown.
CE 432 Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
Bar Screens
Given: Provide 2 (1+1) mechanical screens, q=75, bars space = 1.0 inches, Vmax = 3.0 fps, Vavg = 2fps, Vmin =1.3 fps
q, degrees = 0.005
Vmax, fps = 0.013
Vavg, fps = 0.75
Vmin, fps =
1. Bar rack dimensions
2. Chamber dimensions
d in the rack at peak flow
headloss through the rack
draw a dimensional plan and profile of the bar screen structure
Waste Flows
Design Flow Factor MGD CFS
Q avg 1 15.0 23.21
Q peak 2.5 37.5 58.01
Q min 0.4 6.0 9.28
Given: Provide 2 (1+1) mechanical screens, q=75, bars space = 1.0 inches, Vmax = 3.0 fps, Vavg = 2fps, Vmin =1.3 fps
CE 432 Waste water treatment plant design
Waste characteristics BOD
Design Flow MGD CFS SS 220
Ave Q 12 18.60 Total P 9
Peak Q 25 38.75 NH3-N as N 30
D. Primary
CE 432 Waste water treatment plant design
Waste characteristics BOD
Design Flow MGD CFS SS 220
Ave Q 12 18.60 Total P 9
Peak Q 25 38.75 NH3-N as N 30
Plant Effluent Qualities (mg/l) L/W ratio 4
SS 20
VSS/SS ratio 0.65
Module D-- Primary Treatment
Percent Removal 34 63
Effluent (mg/l) 165 81.4
Design Criteria
No. of Tanks 2
Detention Time 1.5 hours min.
SOR 800 gpd/sf
1 Tank Dimensions
Tank Area = Q/ SOR= 15000 sf total or 7500 sf each tank
Tank Vol = Q * DT 750000 gal total or 375000 gal ea tank
Tank Depth = V/A = 6.68 ft Use 7 ft plus 2 ft freeboard
A = Wx L = W x 4 W W= 43.3 use 40 ft
L = A/W= 187.5 ft use 190 ft
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Module E. Activated Sludge Treatment
Tot BOD 5 SS biodeg/SS biodg solid
Primary Effluent 165 81.4
Secondary Effluent Qualities (mg/l) 20 20 0.65 13
Peak Factor 2.1
E1 BOD rate constant k 0.1 per day
Ratio of Lu to 5 day BOD = f = 0.684
BOD due to biomass = 1.42 *biodg * BOD/Lu = 12.6
Soluble BOD in effluent = Total BOD - BOD due to biomass= 7.4
Biological Treatment Efficienty based on soluble BOD = 95.5%
Biological Tramtment Efficiency based on total BOD= 87.9%
E2 Aeration Volume
Use Metcalf and Eddy's Kinetic Model VX = Y Q C (S0-Se) / ( 1+ kd C)
Design parameters VSS/SS
X = MLVSS ( mg/l) 2800 MLSS = 3500 0.80
Y = Cell yield co. ( per day) 0.6
Q = Inflow ( MGD) 12 MGD
C= Cell resident time (days) 10 days
kd=endo. resp. rate ( per day) 0.06
So = BOD in inflow (mg/l) 165
Se = BOD in effl. (mg/l) 7.4
Volume of tank ( MG) = V = Y Q C (S0-Se) / ( 1+ kd C) /X= 2.53
Volume ( cf) = 338665
Hyd retention time = V/Q= 0.21 days or 5.1 hrs

E3 Tank dimensions
Tank depth ( ft) 15 ft No. of Tanks 4
Total Tank area = V/d 22578 sf L/W ratio 5
Area for each tank = 5644
Width of each tank = 33.6 use 34
Length of each tank= 166
E4 Return Sludge Rate
Calculate by balancing biomass around reactor ( not accurate/ ignores cell growth in reactor)
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Q Xo + Qr Xr = ( Q+Qr) X
Q Xo X Xr Qr Qr/Q
Qr=Q X / ( Xr-X) 12 0 2800 10000 4.67 0.39
E5 Waste Activated Sludge Rate
Method A. Calculated from Cell Residence time
C V X Xr Xe
C = V X/(QwXr+QeXe) 10 2.53 2800 10000 13
Qw =(VX/C-QeXe)/Xr= 0.0553301 MG
WAS--VSS (lbs/day)= 4615
WAS--SS (lbs/day) = 5768
Method B. Calculate from BOD removal Px = Yobs Q ( So-Se) 8.34
Y Kd C Yobs
Yobs = Y / ( 1+kd C) 0.6 0.06 10 0.375
Q So Se Px
Biomass 12 165 7.4 5916
SS 7394
WAS --SS (lbs/day) = Px - Q Xe 8.34 = 5393

Use the larger of two methods WAS--SS = 5768 lbs/day
E-6 RAS and WAS Pumps Tot Q Q/pump Qp/Pump
MG gpm gpm
no. of RAS pumps 3 4.67 1080 2251
no of WAS pumps 2 0.055 58 120
(WAS pumps 8 hr/d)
E-7 Oxygen Requirements O2 = C BODu - BODu in Px + N BODu
Q So Se f C BODu
C BOD = Q ( So-Se) 8.34 / f 12 165 7.4 0.684 23070
Px (SS lb/d))Biodg/SS BOD in WAS
BOD in WAS = 1.42 Px (biod) 5916 0.65 5460
O2 (lbs/d) = 17610 For ave flow
36688 For peak flow
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E-8 Compressor Requiement
Air requirement at STP ( 14.7 psi and 68 F)
lbs/cf O2/Air Vol O2/Air Wt air wt(lb/d) air (lb/sec) air (scfm)
Air 0.0752 0.21 0.23 76566 0.886 707
Air requirement= air /transfer efficiency transfer eff = 0.128 6.923 5524
Air requirement at Qp 14.42 11508
Compressor HP = [WRT/(550 n e) ][(P2/P1)**n-1] Sized at Qp
W (lb/sec) n e P2 (psia) P1(psia) R T (R)
14.42 0.283 0.8 24.7 13.7 53.3 570
Total Each compressor
Av disch P 19.7
no of compressor
HP max 639 6 106
Check MIxing scfm V (1000 cf) scfm/1000cfm T tank P ave tank
Ave Q (scfm/1000 cf aeration vol) 5524 339 16.3 560 17.9
At Qp 34.0
cfm/scfm* cfm/1000cfm *Vt=(Pstp/Pt)x (Tt/Tstp) Vstp
Ave flow 0.87 14.2 Range 20-30
At peak flow 29.5
E-9 Calculate numuber of diffusers (Ts/Ts) Vs
From M&E p. 562 T 10-7, typical values 3.3-10 cfm per diffuser
Use diffuser with 5 cfm/diffuser at Qp Ceramic Disc Grids
number of diffusers = 2302
number of diffuser per tank= 575
L n Spacing(ft) spacing(in)
Coarse bubble spiral Diffuser spacing = L/n
Grid Spacing =sqrt( tank area/ no of diffusers) = 3
E-10 F/M Ratio So Q F (lbs/d)
F (lb/d) = Sox Qx 8.34 165 12 16513
M(lbs) = MLVSS V 8.34 2800 2.53 59155.7
F/M ratio = 0.28 Typical range 0.2-0.4
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E-11 Organic Loading ( #BOD/d per 1000 cf aetation volume)
F ( lbs/d) 16513
V ( 1000 cf) 339
F/V 48.8 Typical range 50-120
Alternate I. Trickling Filter
Es = 100/(1+0.0085 sqrt(W/VF)) V = Volume in Acre-Ft W = BOD applied lbs/d
V = W/F [(100/Es-1)/0.0085]^(-2) Es= BOD removal Efficiency
F = (1+R)/(1 + 0.1 R)**2
R = Recirculaiton ratio
Es R F W V (AC-Ft) V ( cf)
Calculate V 88 2.0 2.08 16513 30.10 1,311,216
# filters Depth (ft) SF each Diam ( ft)
Filter Dimensions 6 6 36423 215
Alternate II. RBC See Text Figure 10-39
Hydraulic loading depends in soluble BOD in influent and total BOD in effluent.
Influent total BOD 165 mg/l Assume 70% soluble
Influent soluble BOD 115.5
Effluent total BOD 20
Hydraulic loading rate 1.6 gpd/sf From Fig 10-39 , P. 634
Calculate A required 7500000 SF
Check Organic Loading 2.20 lbs/d per 1000 SF Typical range 2- 3.5
Each shaft provides 140 MSF( average value) for shaft length 27 ft
No of shafts required 54
No of shafts per train 4
No.of shafts per train 13.4
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F. Final Clar
Module F. Final Clarifier
Design Criteria (MGD) (gpd/sf) (#/d per sf)
at Qp 25 1500 50
at Q ave 12
Area required for clarification = Q/SOR = 16667 SF
Note: See P.588. Q excludes Qr becasue return sludge is drawn off the bottom, therefore,
does not contibute to overflow rate.
Area required for thickening = Total SS lbs/d / SL
Qr/Q Qp (Q+Qr) peak MLSS Total SS
Total solids (lb/d) 0.39 25 34.72 3500 1013541.7
Area required for thickening (SF) = 20271 Use the higher area for design
d DT (h) ave DT (h) pk
Detention time = A d / (Q+Qr) 10 2.2 1.05
No. of circular tanks= 4
Tank dimensions A Dia
Each Tank 5068 80
Module G. Gravity Thickener
# tanks SLR SOR Thicken S
Design Criteria lbs/d/sf gpd/sf % solids
2 10 800 8%
Sludge Quantity SS(mg/l) Q SS (lbs/d) VSS/SS VSS(lbs/d)
SS in WW 220 12 22018 0.7 15412
WAS ( From E-5) 5768 0.80 4615
Total Sludge 27786 20027
Total A Each A Diam (ft)
Circular Tank Dimensions 2779 1389.2881 42
SS (lb/d) SG Solid % V (cf/d) Depth (ft/d)
Volume of Thickend Sludge 27786 1.01 8% 5511 2.0
Blanket(ft) Rmvl(ft/d) SVI
Sludge Volume Ratio = V of sludge blanket/ V sludge removal 8 2.0 4.0
Typical range of SVI is 0.5-20. If SVI > 20, Bulking sludge.
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CE 432 Waste water treatment plant design
Waste characteristics BOD
Design Flow MGD CFS SS 220
Ave Q 12 18.60 Total P 9
Peak Q 25 38.75 NH3-N as N 30
H. Ana Dig
Module H. Anaerobic Digester
Design Criteria
# Tank T digester T slud in T earth T air DT VSS load
oF days lb VSS/d/cf
3 95 50 40 40 15 0.2
SS (lbs/d) VSS/SS VSS(lbs/d) V (cf/d)
Primary sludge 22018 0.7 15412
Biosludge 5768 0.8 4615
Total sludge 27786 0 20027 5511
1 Tank Dimensions
Volume required for hyd loading = 82664 cf
Volume required for VSS loading= 100134 cf Use the higher value
Digester Dimensions
#Tank V (cf) each Depth(ft) A each Daim
Each Tank 3 33378 30 1113 38

2 Energy Production
15 cf gas per lb solids destroued
600 BTU per cf gas
50% of VSS applied are destroyed
TSS app Fix SS VSS appl VSS destr Gas prod E prod
#/d #/d #/d #/d cf/d MBTU/d
27786 7759 20027 10013 150201 90121
Digested Sludge Characteristics
VSS FS TSS ( lbs/d)
10013 7759 17772
3 Energy Requirements for Digester Heating (BTU/d)
Total Heat Req( Ht) = Heat req to raise temp of sludge ( Hs) + Heat req to compensate for loss ( Hl)
Hs = P ( #/d sludge dry solids) x ( 100/ps) ( Td-Ts) x (1/24 )x Cp
ps=% solids Cp = sp heat of sludge Td= temp of digester Ts = temp of sludge
P ps Td Ts Cp Hs (BTU/hr)
Cal Hs 27786 8% 95 50 1 651229
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H. Ana Dig
Hl= C ( Coef of heat flow) x A ( contact area) x ( T d- To) To is temp of outside
Cal Hl C Td To A Hl
Dry earth 0.08 95 40 3338 14686
Air ( Cover) 0.3 95 40 3338 55074
Air ( walls) 0.3 95 40 10642 175591
Wet earth 0.26 95
Total heat loss 245351
Total Heat requirements ( BTU/h) = Hs + Hl = 896580
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I. Sludge Dewater
Module I Sludge Dewatering
Disgested Sludge TSS (lbs/d) 17772
1 Solid Loading Rate for filter drum 4 #/hr per sf
Filter Drum Area (sf) = 185

2 Chemical Requirements
Dose lbs/d
Lime 8% 1422
Ferric Chloride 2% 355
3 Volume of Sludge Cake
Total Weight of sludge cake = 19550
Solid content of sludge cake = 18%
SG of dry solids is assumed to be 2
Calculate SG of sludge 1.18
Volume of sludge cake (cf/d) 1475
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