The document proposes the creation of an Informatics Research Center at a university to increase student knowledge in specific technology fields like bioinformatics, algorithms and methods, multimodal interfaces, and cognitive systems. The center would hire staff, provide space for meetings and research, and create a website to share results and ideas. Its goals are to make the university's faculty and students more sophisticated in technology applications and increase the university's reputation.
The document proposes the creation of an Informatics Research Center at a university to increase student knowledge in specific technology fields like bioinformatics, algorithms and methods, multimodal interfaces, and cognitive systems. The center would hire staff, provide space for meetings and research, and create a website to share results and ideas. Its goals are to make the university's faculty and students more sophisticated in technology applications and increase the university's reputation.
The document proposes the creation of an Informatics Research Center at a university to increase student knowledge in specific technology fields like bioinformatics, algorithms and methods, multimodal interfaces, and cognitive systems. The center would hire staff, provide space for meetings and research, and create a website to share results and ideas. Its goals are to make the university's faculty and students more sophisticated in technology applications and increase the university's reputation.
The document proposes the creation of an Informatics Research Center at a university to increase student knowledge in specific technology fields like bioinformatics, algorithms and methods, multimodal interfaces, and cognitive systems. The center would hire staff, provide space for meetings and research, and create a website to share results and ideas. Its goals are to make the university's faculty and students more sophisticated in technology applications and increase the university's reputation.
Purpose The purpose of our proposal is to request the authorities of our University for creation of an Informatics Research Center that will work on adaptive use of computer science and information in some abstract fields, and try to implement some projects of the type in the University itself. The idea is to increase the knowledge of the students in more specific areas, making the faculty more sophisticated, and hiring highly qualified working stuff. Summary Informatics, or technology in general, is in some way part of everybodys life. It may appear in form of computers, televisions, mobile phone, surround systems and many others. What we want with this Research Center is to go deeper than just knowing about computers, phones, televisions etc. We want to guarantee larger knowledge of the more specific branches where Informatics can be applied, and also in near future to propose different technologies which will make our university more modern and technological. The main branches which will be subject of our Research Center are: Bioinformatics Algorithms & Methods Multimodal Interfaces Cognitive Systems So far we have described the different tasks that the Center will work on, but now in order to make it all possible we have to analyze the Centers needs. The Center will need its room where the meetings will be kept, new personnel to be employed, who will work in the different research fields, and then of course all students who have the desire to participate and to learn more. Also, the planes include making a separate web site which will increase universitys reputation and make more interesting the center itself, by uploading daily news, results, and ideas.
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May 11, 2011
Introduction We are proposing the Research Center with the idea and hope that the authorities will seriously take in consideration our project, and will try all the possibilities to realize it as soon as possible. In that way from the next academic year the students will have the possibility to choose to expand their knowledge in one of the areas previously mentioned, and also to credit their practical instruction obligations exactly in these fields.
The main purpose of this center will be to analyze the different fields in which informatics can be adopted. More specifically, it will work on researches of more efficient algorithms and methods that can be used in software engineering and Artificial Intelligence, it will deeply analyze the multimodal interfaces that could be in future used and implemented in the University (such as speech recognition and image retrieval). Moreover, the center will cover also the field of medicine, with its applications in bioinformatics, and finally supposing success in the three mentioned categories, the next step will be insertion in cognitive systems (human robots) with the help of the students of the MIR faculty, since the research in this branch requests greater budget and working staff.
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May 11, 2011
Algorithms & Methods What type of algorithms our center will be oriented on? Mainly, our center will work on artificial intelligence algorithms. More specifically, it will work on some already existing algorithms, but in such way that it will somehow find the parts to be modified to make the algorithms more efficient and implement them in a creation of smarter machines. What is artificial intelligence (AI)? It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. The term Intelligence can be defined as the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines.
The robot on the picture, ASIMO , is perhaps one of the most famous, advanced robots that have been developed in Japan that are currently out there it was primarily known for being one of the first and best robots to actually walk on two legs like humans, even climb stairs. The idea with this is to tell the students that the future on the world is based on the artificial intelligence technologies and thats why they need to direct themselves on this field as quickly as possible.
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Multimodal Interfaces There are four main multimodal interfaces where informatics is being applied and those are: content-based image retrieval, proactive information retrieval, speech recognition, and natural language processing. The scope of our center will be oriented on content-based image retrieval and natural language processing, and in the following paragraphs we are going to introduce them.
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) Content-based image retrieval is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem of searching for digital images in large databases. "Content-based" means that the search will analyze the actual contents of the image rather than the metadata such as keywords, tags, and/or descriptions associated with the image.
Natural language processing (NLP) Natural language processing is a field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. In theory, natural-language processing is a very attractive method of human-computer interaction. Natural language understanding is sometimes referred to as an AI complete problem, because natural-language recognition seems to require extensive knowledge about the outside world and the ability to manipulate it.
May 11, 2011
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Bioinformatics The term bioinformatics was invented for the study of informatics processes in biotic systems. Its primary use since the late 1980s has been in genomics and genetics, particularly in those areas of genomics involving large scale DNA sequencing. Bioinformatics now entails the creation and advancement of databases, algorithms, computational and statistical techniques, and theory to solve formal and practical problems arising from the management and analysis of biological data. Common activities in bioinformatics include mapping and analyzing DNA and protein sequences, aligning different DNA and protein sequences to compare them and creating and viewing 3-D models of protein structures.
Cognitive Systems
Cognitive systems are systems that incorporate psychological data, similar to the way that human think and process information. They have been created to engage the inherent functions of human cognition and increase one's cognitive capabilities. In non-technological terms, this type of system can be viewed as an aide that helps people with difficulties processing information. The original bases for cognitive systems were based on theories from psychology and are also part of artificial intelligence movement.
May 11, 2011
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Conclusion A cognitive machine is an intelligent device that has the ability to take information from the environment and use it to make decisions. This is much like the processes in human thinking. It uses the data gathered based on stimuli provided by the environment and corresponds changes within itself in order to adjust to the environment and its surroundings.
The idea was to propose this type of center to make a big step forward for the whole university and to make even better the opinion of the world for it. It is clear, if there is such place in our university it will automatically increase its reputation in the eyes of the next to come students, and it will direct them to choose it. This project is an investment for the future, since the world is going in unique direction which is the continuous evolution of the technology. Investing in study sections such Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Interfaces, and Bioinformatics cannot be a losing strategy because already from today most of the procedures are done automatically, with help of machines, something which doesnt allow space for mistake or error of calculation. Besides the previous facts, we should look on the future and the benefits that are coming with the growing of this project. The university will become more sophisticated, in such a way that, there will be a specific place where the professors can implement some of the projects treated in class, making the things easier to understand. Another good thing is that new work places will be created, reducing the unemployment and giving people a real work on the sector of their specialization. After some time of existence of the center, will have gained the credibility and some experience behind, it can start to make profit for the university, by selling the projects to interested companies.
May 11, 2011
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Group of students Ervin Kamberoski Pavel Gichevski Valdet Osmani Egzon Ademi
University for Information Science and Technology
Ohrid, Macedonia
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