2012 Oxman Informed Tectctonics in Material-Based Design Copy-Libre

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Informed tectonics in material-based

Rivka Oxman, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion IIT
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
The development of digital design and fabrication technologies is enabling an
expanding inter-relationship between technology and design. Material-based
design is dened as a computational informing process that enhances the
integration between structure, material, and form within the logic of fabrication
technologies. The term informed tectonics is introduced as a central concept in
material-based design. The current research aim is to formulate taxonomy based
on a series of selected case studies embedded in the context of current
knowledge. The taxonomy is derived from observations and critical analysis of
case studies. Through the comparative analysis of selected case studies of
material-based design in research and practice, conceptual models processes and
principles have been identied and formulated.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: digital design, design technology, material, fabrication, tectonics
he development of digital technologies is enabling new processes of de-
sign collaboration and a growing inter-relationship between technology
and design. We are currently witnessing a transition within the digital
design process. The growing anity between the interest in the role of mate-
rials in design and in the relationship to tectonics has produced a new mate-
riality. The emerging new synthesis of material in design is resulting in the
formulation of conceptual principles of the formal, structural and material
in new digital orders. Furthermore, the logic of these structural and material
principles is recently becoming integrated within the rationale of emerging fab-
rication technologies, thus enriching the possibility of the potential integration
of design with fabrication and production.
The origin of current fabrication technologies can be traced back to the evo-
lution of computer technologies associated with automation and production
of the nal stages of design and to the rst CAD/CAM systems (Schodek,
Bechthold, Griggs, Kao, & Steinberg, 2004). Today with advances in the inte-
gration of digital design and fabrication, the designer has become directly in-
volved with materialization technologies in both design conception and design
production stages (Kolarevic, 2003; Kolarevic & Klinger, 2008). Processes of
rapid prototyping (RP) employing fabrication technologies are an integral
[email protected],
[email protected].
0142-694X $ - see front matter Design Studies 33 (2012) 427e455
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2012.05.005 427
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
component in design and were being recognized as a signicant technology
that supports the full spectrum of digital design as a paperless process integrat-
ing computational models of generation and manufacturing in a single process
(Sass & Oxman, 2006; Shea & Cagan, 1999). As a result, the architect and
other design professions are regaining an important degree of knowledge
and control of material and material processes in their designs.
The convergence of digital design, materialization processes, and fabrication
technologies is breeding a shift in material-related design research and practices.
According to Sheila Kennedy (Kennedy, 2011) there are two types of practice-
model: the traditional horizontal model, and a new vertical model. The horizon-
tal model is the traditional model of design based on well-understood design
models and knowledge. The vertical model emphasizes synthesis of new tech-
niques, technologies and experimental models of design. Material-based design
as the integration of digital design, materialization and fabrication is becoming
a dominant emerging design model, among experimental professional practices
(Barkow, 2010). Current discourse on material studies (Schr opfer, 2011) associ-
ates this material integrative design withthe term, tectonic, inworkrelated to, for
example, smart materials and technologies (Addington & Schodek, 2005); in
studies of responsive materials and technological processes (Kennedy, 2011);
and in studies of current eects of material manufacturing and fabrication tech-
nologies indesign(Kolarevic &Klinger, 2008). Inthis research we propose a con-
cept termed informed tectonics as a key component of one of the dominant
contemporary vertical, experimental models of design in material-based design.
Architecture is in a historic process of returning to its structural and material
sources. In doing so, it is re-formulating the relationships between form, struc-
ture, material, fabrication and construction. The return of design to its mate-
rial sources through material-based design and fabrication is a design cultural
process that raises issues related to fundamental considerations of our models
of design. With this shift towards a new interest in material in design, the con-
cept of tectonics has begun to provide important contributions to theories of
material-based design. It is in the exegesis of this term and its rich cultural his-
tory that we can begin to understand the developing focal role and operative
function of tectonics in digital technologies of material-based design.
As a means of identifying the singularities of tectonics in material-based de-
sign, we introduce the term, informed tectonics. It is the explication and trans-
parency of information that provides the holistic integration of design,
materialization and fabrication. In this novel integration, it is also the anity
between tectonics and digital technologies that enhances the design possibili-
ties for the integration of form, structuring and material principles. In order
to study the development of these technologies and design processes, we
have undertaken research by the critical and comparative analysis of selected
case studies. In this research the evolution of the concept of informed tectonics
428 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
is presented; and dierent tectonic models and material-based design processes
are identied and formulated. The contribution of these models to a new the-
oretical framework in design is discussed.
In a prior pilot research, rst reported in the journal Architectural Design un-
der the title, The New Structuralism (Oxman & Oxman, 2010b) a collection of
a seminal body of theoretical papers and design works was documented and
presented. The current research builds upon the earlier work and attempts
comparative analysis of the case studies as a corpus of signicant cases of
material-based design selected from leading research-oriented design practices
both in architecture and structural engineering.
In the following sections we rst introduce and the concept of the tectonic. A
review of historical references and relevant concepts is presented and dis-
cussed. The second section introduces the concept of informed tectonics and
discusses its importance as a theoretical foundation of material-based design.
The third section presents a selection of case studies that illustrates principles
and dierent models of informed tectonics. The description and demonstra-
tion of derived knowledge, including the development of novel models of in-
tegrative material-based design is presented in the fourth section. Finally,
summary and conclusions are discussed with respect to the signicance of in-
formed tectonics in material-based design.
1 Tectonics: theoretical framework
As the operative design source of the new materiality in architecture and
design, tectonics is becoming a seminal concept in design discourse. It is the
emerging ontology of digital culture, along with its technological potential
that is contributing singular importance to the term and a revival of interest
in its cultural history. The term tectonics was derived from the Greek word,
tekton, meaning carpenter, or builder. Tectonics is a seminal concept that
denes the nature of the relationship between architectural design and its
structural and material properties. The changing denition of the symbiotic re-
lationship between architecture and structure may be considered one of the
formative inuences on the evolution of this concept in dierent historical
periods (R. Oxman, 2010). In dierent periods the emphasis has changed
depending on the contextual content of place and culture. Contextual knowl-
edge reects local environmental conditions and cultural values, as well as tra-
ditional ways of building and construction (Schr opfer, 2011). In dierent
periods throughout history, tectonic discourse has continually redened the
elements of the tectonic relationship as well as their prioritizing.
Today, due to computational processes enabling the mediation between form,
structure and material properties, tectonics is again becoming a seminal and
operative concept of design. Traditional tectonic relationships are undergoing
a revolutionary transformation; these relationships are now capable of being
Informed tectonics 429
explicitly informed and thus mediated through digital media and from concep-
tion to production. This multi-stage continuously informed mediation of the tec-
tonic content of designs is an essential component of material-based design.
The work presented below is based on a new interpretation of the concept of
tectonics by introducing the idea of an informed tectonics. In all stages of dig-
ital design, tectonics is capable of being mediated through being informed by
the explicit knowledge of its making and fabrication. In the following sections
the contribution of these ideas and their implications for a theory and meth-
odology of material-based design is presented.
1.1 Vernacular tectonics e the origin of the triumvirate
of form, structure and material in design
The origins of tectonic expression appear to reside in vernacular building tra-
ditions. Vernacular architecture represents the essence of material technolo-
gies in providing a direct understanding and expression of the structural and
constructional nature of the material. It denes the essence of the relationship
between form and structural and material relationships in being a direct state-
ment of constructional processes, where choice of local material results in the
expression of form and structure. The choices of structural materials inform
the construction process. Such tectonic inter-relationships become highly intri-
cate and complex in various vernacular building technologies, for example, in
the dynamic temporary structures of nomadic traditions. Vernacular construc-
tion encompasses both the structural system and the constructional process
that inform one another. Building construction in the vernacular proceeds
essentially without design was frequently the fruit of craft traditions such as
In the vernacular traditional material technologies evolve to become building
systems. Such systems more or less directly express both the material origins
and the constructional process. In forms of traditional vernacular building
material and the technologies of making are seminal factors in the culture of
design (Sennett, 2008). It is this direct expression of the material content
that is characteristic of the vernacular and its characteristic emphasis upon
the explicit tectonic expression of the material and the making process.
In its direct expression of material, structure and construction, the vernacular is
an implicit poetics, or explicative theory. Its tectonic provides an essential, or
sublime, expression of the constructional potential of the material, for example,
in the traditional Japanese house, construction is an essential component of
space as well as the major source of form. In this sense of a design informed
by material and constructional logic, the vernacular may be seen as an analo-
gous source of contemporary material-based design. Vernacular tectonics are
also a source for a contemporary material-based design that is now nding tec-
tonic principles in extending the logic of craft traditions such as weaving.
430 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
1.2 Tectonic as culture: prioritizing building and construction
The evolution of tectonic theory since the 19th Century and through the mod-
ern period reects dierent views of tectonic theories related to the nature of
design. The Greek word tekton later became the archi-tecton, or master builder
(Frampton, 1995). According to Frampton the ordering of architecture, struc-
ture, material and construction evolved from aesthetic and cultural interpreta-
tions of expressive qualities.
Historic usage adapted the term tectonics to transform the concept from that
of the builder to that of an integrated building system, particularly in 19th C.
interpretations of Classical architecture. Gottfried Semper (1803e1879) re-
ferred to tectonics as a phenomenon that dened the use of dierent materials
in architecture as a cultural phenomenon thus introducing an early cultural in-
terpretation of tectonics. He was referring to an explicit re-ordering of the
physical relationships of structure and material, and the case of Semper is rel-
evant to the tectonic re-ordering that currently occurring.
The interpretation of tectonics as the active role of structural form in the de-
velopment of architectural form (Frampton, 1995) transcended the purely vi-
sual, or experiential, content of tectonics. This position considered tectonics as
an essential element in the development of modern architectural form. Framp-
ton thus emphasized a more proactive role for structure and construction in
achieving a potential poetics of construction as a foundation of modern
For Frampton, the integration of structural and constructional contributions
to architectural form, space and order is one of the unique contributions of
modern architecture. He argued that modern architecture is more about struc-
ture and construction than space and abstract form. In this he departs from the
position of other major theorist/historians of modern architecture such as
Pevsner and Giedeon. However, his theory maintains a balance between struc-
ture/construction and space/form. This expanded interpretation also brings it
closer to a contemporary denition in which fabrication and manufacturing
are viewed as digitally informed systems.
Today, the prioritizing of materialization is a dominant theme of the cultural
shift. As a design cultural phenomenon, contemporary tectonics is currently
turning away from the interpretation of tectonics in the modern period.
While modernism separated shape, structure and surface, tectonics in
material-based design culture integration is emphasized. As a result the inte-
grating of form, structure, material and their fabrication/construction pro-
cess return material and production considerations to the denition of the
Informed tectonics 431
1.3 Digital tectonics e as virtual and physical materiality
Theories and technologies of digital design (Oxman, 2006, 2008) have contrib-
uted new meaning to the term tectonics. The digital has become an informing
media in its ability to integrate, mediate and dierentiate tectonic content. The
term tectonics as enhanced by computational aordance has transformed the
concept of tectonics.
As a result of the enhanced tectonic capabilities deriving from digital me-
dia and computational technologies, various dierent approaches and
denitions of the term digital tectonics have been proposed over the
last decade.
Digital tectonics as virtual materiality
The term digital tectonics was rst introduced by William Mitchell (Mitchell,
1998). He proposed the term, virtual materiality, to describe a virtual compu-
tational space that accommodates the representation of materiality. This was
seen as a counter-position to that of Frampton (Frampton, 1995). In dening
the possibility and potential of a digital tectonics, Mitchell also superseded the
earthwork that Gottfried Semper (Semper, 1989) identied as one of the four
elements of architecture.
Today the concept of digital tectonics is expanding the function of materiality
in design and contributing to a new perspective of computational methods of
Digital tectonics as physical materiality
Various theoretical approaches to the term digital tectonics have been pro-
posed as a characterization of the inuence of emerging digital media and
technologies upon the exploration and modication of conventional con-
ceptions of tectonics in architectural practice. Liu and Lim (2006) have
identied digital tectonics with dynamic factors of motion, information,
generation and fabrication. These studies analyzed changes in traditional
construction and presented the relationship between design and digital tech-
nologies, for example, the design of responsive envelopes. The role of digital
tectonics is thus seen also to be formative in the exploration and production
of new constructional technologies. Along with emerging technologies,
there is a growing interest in motion, adaptive-responsive systems, and in-
formation embedding in building systems, all of which are dynamic charac-
teristics. Here, digital tectonics relates to media that support design
processes of four-dimensional capability, that is, the time-based and respon-
sive dimensions.
432 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Digital tectonics as fabricated materiality
Other works (Kolarevic & Klinger, 2008) discussed the change in traditional
methods of construction and the growing importance of the relationship be-
tween digital methods of design and their implications for production in com-
putationally controlled fabrication technologies.
Digital tectonics as structured materiality
Other theoreticians propose digital tectonics as a paradigm shift of design
thinking (Leach, Turnbull, & Williams, 2004) that may be characterized as
a structural turn. They describe the increasing importance of structure and ma-
terials in current design and the new creative synthesis of architecture and
structural engineering. They also make reference to the technological possi-
bilities aorded by the digital realm.
Digital tectonics as digital form-nding and morphogenetic processes
The term morphogenesis denes the relationship between tectonic material
concepts in form-nding processes and in nature (R. Oxman, 2010). Numerous
contemporary architectural engineering designs have employed digital tecton-
ics in digital morphogenesis. Pioneering experimental and methodological pro-
cesses related to digital morphogenesis can be found in the work, among others,
of the Japanese engineer Sasaki (Sasaki, 2007) and the British engineer Cecil
Balmond (2006).
Digital tectonics as adaptive materiality
Adaptive buildings are associated today with the eld of smart materials
(Addington & Schodek, 2005). Adaptive behaviour is replacing mechanical
principles with behavioural properties of smart materials introducing novel
characteristics in responsive-adaptive architectural systems (Kennedy, 2011).
The designer in such systems becomes responsible to design an adaptive mate-
rial system as a set of desired aects produced by the system performance of
materials with minimum material and energy.
1.4 Summary: digital tectonics and materiality
In a revolutionary way digital tectonics transforms the ontology of modernist
tectonics from the logic of order and aesthetics to new structuring (tectonic)
processes and behavioural models of form, structure, and material. While
modernism separated structure and envelope, digital tectonics tends to inte-
grate tectonic relationships in novel ways. Modernism emphasized structural
expression in the surface through structural form and performance. Current
approaches to digital materiality frequently express materiality through
Informed tectonics 433
integrating surface and material; this amplies the role of material as part of
the aesthetics of the tectonic.
Design by the digital and the material is becoming a process in which the synthe-
sis of architect, engineer and fabricator again controls the responsibility for the
total processes of conceptualization and materialization (R. Oxman, 2011). This
change provides a reconciliation of digital tectonics with the arguments of
Frampton (1995) and Semper (1989). The changing denition of tectonic rela-
tionship may be considered one of the formative eects of the emergence of dig-
ital tectonics.
In the following sections material-based design is dened as a computational
informing process that enhances the integration between structure, material,
and form within the logic of fabrication technologies. The term informed tec-
tonics is introduced as a central concept in material-based design.
2 Informed tectonics in material-based design
In order to accommodate all levels of synthesis in design and materialization
processes, the term, informed tectonics is proposed and introduced. Informed
tectonics, in material-based design, is mediated, by being computationally in-
formed by explicit knowledge of its design, its making and fabrication.
An introduction to informed tectonics and its importance as a theoretical foun-
dation for material-based design is presented below. The historical background,
terminological content, and basic concepts and denitions are reviewed and
2.1 Informed tectonics
Conventional designation of the interaction between the architect and engi-
neer has traditionally been characterized by the sequential stages. A formal
concept is rst conceived by the architect in early stages of design and subse-
quently structured and materialized in collaboration with the engineer. We
have found that design collaboration is no longer a posteriori. All three of
the design components are now involved at the earliest generative stage.
This early collaboration in conceptual design also brings to the fore the design
content of materialization by fabrication and manufacturing technologies.
These approaches challenge orthodox working methods of design. Now both
the architect and the engineer are becoming involved at the earliest conceptual
and generative stage. Classic examples of design collaborations that accommo-
date structural and material considerations early in the design process may be
found in process descriptions of the Serpentine Pavilion, 2002, by Toyo Ito
and Balmond (AGU, 2008) and the collaboration of Ito and Mutsuro Sasaki
(Sasaki, 2007) on the Kakamigahara Crematorium (Xie, Felicetti, Tang, &
Burry, 2004).
434 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Today, with the reintroduction of material-based design, early concepts of
form-nding are being revisited and providing a radical shift in experimental
design. Classical works of form-nding were those of the architects and engi-
neers Gaudi, Otto, Isler and others. These experiments can be regarded as the
rst models of informed tectonics. While these pioneering experiments were
experimental and analogical, digital media and emerging fabrication technol-
ogies are establishing novel forms of digitally informed tectonics.
The changing denition of the relationship between design and production
may be considered one of the formative eects of digital tectonics. New con-
cepts such as Digital Materiality (Gramazio, Kohler, & Oesterle, 2010) and
Digital Material (N. Oxman, 2011) are now available for the designer as
new forms of tectonic processes.
2.2 Conceptualization in material-based design
Material-baseddesign is nowaccommodated inthe early conceptual stages of de-
sign. In the work of Gramazio and Kohler, for example, computational pro-
gramming of production data integrates design with the materialization
process. Material conditions and assembly logic are thus integrated and can be
used as the basis for design. Digital Materiality (Gramazio et al., 2010) is now
available for the designer as newforms of tectonic representation in which design
components are mutually informed in the processes of design conceptualization.
In fact, in many respects, materiality is frequently the basis for design concep-
tualization. Fabrication is therefore not merely a modelling technique, but
a change in the generation and making of designs. The current impact of ma-
terialization concepts upon form has become one of the main inuences in con-
temporary design.
3 Research on principles and models of informed
3.1 Introduction
The research methodology consisted of the selection and analysis of a case
study sample of architectural and engineering design practices noted for their
experiments in the integration of original computational methods of material-
based design. The resulting iconic projects have demonstrated original princi-
ples and models of informed tectonics. Observations and comparative analyses
have been the basis for the identication of changes in traditional design pro-
cesses and the classication of concepts, processes and media that are contrib-
uting to new forms of material-based design.
Through the analysis of the case studies, we have attempted to formulate novel
models of design and, in particular, to explore how the structuring, encoding,
and fabricating of material systems have begun to contribute to the formation
Informed tectonics 435
of diverse models of material-based design. A main objective of the analysis of
case studies was also to identify new bodies of knowledge, models, concepts
and principles in the actual practices of material-based design. Finally, we
have attempted to illustrate and compare the unique contribution of each of
the case studies.
3.2 Research framework
The study and characterization of how design practitioners think belongs to
a long research tradition in design studies (Cross, 2006, 2011). The pilot study
was undertaken over a period of eighteen months under the sponsorship of the
British architectural and design journal, Architectural Design which published
a special issue on The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architec-
tural Technologies (Oxman & Oxman, 2010a). This international journal has
had a long-term historical commitment to provide a professional forum for
discourse in both theory and praxis.
The research underlying this publication placed an emphasis upon the impact
of engineering design and emerging technologies on the design process. The
original intention was to base the research upon a sample of the leading prac-
tices in design engineering that had also been prominent in theoretical dis-
course and publication with respect to emerging technologies. The process
of sample selection was undertaken through a literature survey in the elds
of recent research and theoretical studies in design engineering and material
technologies. The selection process attempted to identify a body of work rep-
resentative and comprehensive enough to foreground emerging theories and
design models. The nal selection included eight participants in design engi-
neering and seven in material technologies. The latter group was diverse in-
cluding architectural researchers in academic contexts, experimental
practices, new professional specializations, etc. Virtually all of the fteen par-
ticipants have some form of academic involvement.
The participants were approached directly. Each produced a written document
relating to the issues, concepts, practices and models which dened their expe-
rience of the relationships between architectural design, design engineering
and material technologies.
Major concepts and related issues are presented below:
Types of holistic models of material-based design ( from conception to
What types of integrated conceptual processes can be identied? i.e. initial
form; formestructure; formestructureematerial; formestructureemateriale
fabrication; what diverse models of materialization processes can be dened?
i.e., fabrication; material fabrication; manufacturing
436 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Information ow e supporting digitally informed processes in material-based
What types of knowledge, models and techniques are supporting information
ow in the above models of material-based design?
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
What are the re-ordering of priorities in the relationships among form, struc-
ture, and material in material-based design and how they are achieved?
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in tectonic
What is the role of material fabrication in the material-based design? How is it
supported by information ow, and in what stage is it incorporated?
The cases studies presented in the next section were selected as signicant
examples of diverse models of informed tectonics in material-based design.
Each of the cases was selected and was comparatively analysed by the concepts
presented above. Each case demonstrates a unique informed tectonic model
that is based on digital informing processes.
4 Informed tectonics e case studies in material-based
Various models that contribute to the theory of the informed tectonic were
identied based on the analysis of case studies.
4.1 Informed tectonics: the rationalization model
The construction-aware design model (Pottmann, 2010; Pottmann, Asperl,
Hofer, & Kilian, 2007; Pottmann, Schiftner, & Johannes, 2008) aims to ratio-
nalize the process of selecting optimal solutions on the basis of geometry,
production, fabrication and construction. It is based on a rationalization
model incorporating knowledge of a specic material used, specic panel
types, sub-construction, etc. through research and design collaboration be-
tween mathematicians, designers, architects, structural and construction
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
Rationalization processes for informed tectonics aim at providing digital
design tools and enabling a completely digital work ow from design con-
ception to manufacturing (developed especially for highly complex
Informed tectonics 437
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Information ow in rationalization processes encapsulates foundational
knowledge of Architectural Computational Geometry. Research in architec-
tural geometry (AG) and digital design has an important role in enabling
a complete digital work ow from design to manufacturing. Computational
models that support this kind of digital work ow incorporating structural
and material properties; construction processes and manufacturing technolo-
gies that are known as rationalization processes (Veltkamp, 2007). Research
on rationalization models can be found in the work of research groups such as
the Advanced Geometry Unit (AGU) at Arup, and the Specialist Modelling
Group (SMG) of Foster and Partners.
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
Rationalization processes re-compute the geometry of a given digital model at-
tempting tomake minimal deviation fromthe original design taking into account
the integration of form, structure, material construction and manufacturing
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in tectonic
Fabrication is not yet fully implemented as part of rationalization processes.
Extensive research is currently done in order to develop a general (rather
than specic) fabrication-aware design tool that can include consideration of
structural constraints, material types and types of fabrication technologies.
Example: Skipper Library conceptual design e Formtexx; consultation by Hel-
mut Pottman Vienna University of Technology.
The rationalization model is illustrated by the Skipper Library. In this project
a construction-aware digital design environment has incorporated knowledge of
the material used, panel types, and panel geometry options. The panelisation
of the Skipper Library example issued by Formtexx is based on strips of constant
width that demonstrates how a non-regular connectivity of strips can be used to
structurally materialized the form computed by Evolutes (Evolute GmbH
panelisation tool (Pottmann, 2010) (Figure 1).
4.2 Informed tectonics: the evolutionary model
Evolutionary processes and types of tectonic systems that are composed of
components contain design logic and are interesting in the way they inform in-
tegrated tectonics processes in design. Bollinger, Grohmann, and Tessmann
(2010) present an evolutionary model in their work on the LAVAs, VOxEL,
extension for the Hochschule f ur Technik in Stuttgart.
438 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
In this model a design system composed of design components has a certain
integrated design and tectonic logic. This logic characterizes an integrated
formal-structural conceptual model that emerges from given structural and
formal relationships of individual components in a bottom-up strategy in
the conceptual stage.
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Computational algorithms support in this case a unique informed relation-
ships between form and structure. Information ow related to generative
and evaluative criteria that characterize the design logic; this model originates
in this case from the formal and structural relationships of a particular design
system. By running a computational optimization iterative process, best solu-
tions of previous generation cycles are selected.
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
Individual components address botharchitectural (form) and engineering (struc-
tural) tectonic logic. The tectonic relationship are integrated and recongured by
mutation processes generating new iterations of satised solutions until both ar-
chitectural and structural tectonics and spatial criteria are satised.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing in tectonic processes
This logic can potentially be rationalized as a driver in fabrication processes.
Interactive evolutionary processes of form generation and negotiation pro-
cesses between form and structure may be linked to the fabrication process.
Figure 1 Skipper Library conceptual design e Formtexx; consultation by Helmut Pottman Vienna University of Technology
Informed tectonics 439
Example: LAVAs, VOxEL extension for the Hochschule fur Technik in Stutt-
gart, Bollinger and Grohmann Engineers, Germany.
The VOxEL project (Bollinger et al., 2010) illustrates both the structural and the
organizational principles in a conceptual model of a square-edged sponge cong-
uration. Anite-element-methodanalysedthe structural behaviour was basedon
the logic of interconnected elements that presented a newtypology. As character-
istic of complex structural designs, the system properties are not dened by indi-
vidual elements, but by sets of elements. The behaviour of the interdependent sets
of elements emerges from intricately informed evolutionary computational pro-
cesses without any top-down control. A nite-element-method that analysed the
structural behaviour basedonthe logic of interconnectedelements of anirregular
spongeorganization. The structural performance of the congurationbecomes
the tness criteria inthe evolutionary process that provides a close interlocking of
the same elements for spatial and structural organization (see Figure 2).
4.3 Informed tectonics: the ow model e from design to
The process of preparation for nal fabrication and construction may depend
upon a reinterpretation of specic tectonic properties of each individual pro-
ject. This process is based on the preparation of a customized system. Specic
design input is translated to production data depending on shape, surface
quality, materials and fabrication methods including the logistics and assem-
bly sequences which are project specic (Scheurer, 2010).
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
The core model is re-dened due to specic considerations of specic fabri-
cation requirements of the nal fabricationeconstructioneassembly stage of
the design
Figure 2 Lava VOxEL; Bollinger and Grohmann Engineers, Germany
440 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
The integration of knowledge of structure, materials, fabrication, and con-
struction in design is a key factor in the creation of informed design and pro-
duction processes. The knowledge is incorporated in a continuous ow of
information including and mapping the various types of data-formats. This
is a new profession who needs a new skill.
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
Individual pre-fabricated detailed parts and segments of intersecting girders
are fabricated and assembled by CNC technology.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in tectonic
CNC provides seamless integration of design and fabrication processes by fa-
cilitating knowledge and digital information controlled by machining data.
Fabrication becomes an interface between architecture engineering and
Example: Nine Bridges Golf Resort Yeoju; South Korea; Shigeru Ban, Blumer-
Lehmann AG SJB Kempter-Fitze & Creation Holz; consultation by Fabian
Scheurer, designtoproduction, ZuricheStuttgart.
In this project (Scheurer, 2010) a set of canopies was composed of inter-woven
timber girder elements in a craft like tectonics. The girder elements were as-
sembled from intricately detailed glue-lam pre-fabricated segments. The wo-
ven timber girders were assembled from 3500 intricately detailed pre-
fabricated segments of intersecting girders that were fabricated by CNC
(Computer Numerical Control) machines (designtoproduction, Scheurer,
2010) (see Figures 3 and 4).
4.4 Informed tectonics: material structuring and the timber-
fabric model
The material structuring model presents designs in which material structures
may have textile-like generative capability as well as adaptability (Weinand
& Hudert, 2010). Traditionally, building structures have striven for rigidity
whereas textiles embody the properties of elasticity and suppleness. When ex-
posed to an increasing load, the elasticity of wood, for example, may enable
deformation instead of destruction.
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
Informed tectonics 441
Timber-fabric is an experimental approach which integrates interdisciplinary
design: architecture, structural engineering and timber construction. This
body of experiments is intended to explore and to demonstrate how textile
principles can be applied to construction scales.
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Two planar interbreeding timber panels and the usage of particular techniques
of assembly related to given material properties, have produced a structurally
ecient construct by employing digital processes. Software that simulates ma-
terial behaviour such as elastic deformation has been developed to integrate
a textile module with digital design and material fabrication.
Figure 3 Nine Bridges Golf Resort Yeoju; South Korea; Shigeru Ban, Blumer-Lehmann AG SJB Kempter-Fitze & Creation Holz; consultation
by Fabian Scheurer, designtoproduction, ZuricheStuttgart
Figure 4 Intersecting girders fabricated by CNC machines; designtoproduction, ZuricheStuttgart
442 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
Re-ordering of tectonic principle and relationships
This experiment is intended to explore and to demonstrate how organizational
principles of one material system can be re-ordered and applied to construc-
tion scale. In this case principles of material organization of textile are trans-
ferred and tested in timber construction.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in tectonic
The application of textile principles to tectonic context of timber construction
demonstrates an interdisciplinary approach in which architecture turns from
traditional design to material-based fabrication design practice.
Example: Timber-Fabrics; Yves Weinand, EPFL Lausanne.
In this experiment the basic unit of a textile module is essential to the structural
development of the timber fabric. This process is generic and can be applied to
other materials and applications. Integrated tectonic qualities at dierent
scales can be developed in material construction and contribute to unique tec-
tonic properties. The application of textile principles in the context of timber
construction demonstrates intrinsic contrasting physical conditions (Weinand
& Hudert, 2010). The ability of a structure to adapt to a load is a signicant
property, when exposed to an increasing load, the elasticity of the wood enable
deformation instead of destruction (see Figure 5).
4.5 Informed tectonics: robotic fabrication as a large-scale
customization model
Robotic fabrication can extend the scale of conventional construction
methods and of craft-based fabrication methods by enabling the performance
Figure 5 Timber-Fabrics; Yves Weinand, EPFL Lausanne
Informed tectonics 443
of complex and large-scale customized tasks (Bechthold, 2010). Industrial ro-
bot is a generic tool that is not specialized for any specic action. According to
Bechthold, today the emphasis on customization considers the performance of
industrial robots as a contribution to the production of non-standard assem-
blies using normative construction materials. The manufacturing machine in-
tegrates the specic material logic and can execute any combination of newly
dened actions.
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
The design model in this approach is based on automatic generative code that
is changing the mode of design generation from top-down to bottom-up
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Information ow is achieved by automating the generation of robotic code di-
rectly from parametric shape models that address the need for complexity and
variability of non-standard customized parts.
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
From shape to material production: parametric shape models are driving the
production of a variable sheet metal surface.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in material-
based processes
Industrial robots are becoming accepted as fabrication tools. The ability to
control issues of collision detection, singularities, payload restrictions and re-
peatability tolerances by arms and elements of robotic manipulators is becom-
ing essential task in fabrication environment. Development of new supportive
automated programming strategies and languages is becoming a need in fab-
rication research and development.
Example: Variable sheet metal surface; Martin Bechthold, GSD Harvard
An early prototype of this approach is presented. It demonstrates the ability to
automate the programming of a prototypical robotic sheet metal environment.
The highly individualized sheet metal components in this case were cut on a ro-
botic water jet (see Figure 6).
444 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
4.6 Informed tectonics: the digital materiality model
This model is based on the ability to convert architectural and design represen-
tations into an explicit machine code (Gramazio & Kohler, 2008). This work
(Gramazio et al., 2010) demonstrates how design, fabrication, production, and
manufacturing can be integrated directly in a single design process. In this
work, the encoding of the assembly logic of a material system can be integrated
with a fabrication machine that is capable of physically carrying out dierent
actions of assembly. Fabrication becomes an interface between architecture,
structural design and manufacturing. These novel production means negotiate
between performance requirements and component-based design systems
which manipulate material design systems.
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
The digital materiality model provides seamless integration of design and fab-
rication from conception to materialization processes by facilitating a genera-
tive process of shape and form related to structure and material that is
controlled by machine data.
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Information ow is achieved by facilitating a generative process of shape and
form related to structure and material that is controlled by machine data. Dig-
ital design code of complex instructions is driving the production of physical
and material products. Building scale elements are designed as material sys-
tems that behave and adapt according to specic materials and assembly
logics. The manufacturing process consists of the data required to control
the robot and the respective properties of the tool that is being used. End-
eectors dene the material machining process that is attached to the end of
Figure 6 Variable sheet metal surface; Martin Bechthold, GSD Harvard University
Informed tectonics 445
a kinematic chain. The design of custom end-eectors enables the designer to
control and conceptualize the material processes. The digital design code of
complex instructions drives the production of the design, e.g. in robotic brick
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
The encoding of desired macro-design geometrical properties is superimposed
upon the logic of a specic material system. The geometrical properties are de-
signed according to their unique system assembly logic that represents both
shape and material in specic organizational geometric pattern. Material-
based components such as bricks which have certain geometrical attributes
are being displayed by the machine according to a specic tectonic logic of
any particular material system. These are designed according to their unique
assembly-tectonic logic that represents the shape and material of a desired or-
ganizational pattern.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in material-
based processes
Robotic-fabrication processes and the encoding of production data integrate
design with the materialization process. This process potentially shapes both
the design of structural and material elements in an encoded formal design
process. In this case, both the design and construction processes may be robot-
ically controlled. This customization potential also contributes to the function
of fabrication as a generative process.
Example: Sequential Wall, West Fest Pavilion; Fabio Gramazio and Matias
Kohle, ETH Zurich.
In these two case studies, material-based design components such as bricks
have geometrical attributes and a constructional logic. Gramazio and Kohler
have demonstrated how the encoding of the assembly logic of a material sys-
tem can be integrated with a fabrication machine that is capable of physically
carrying out dierent actions of assembly (see Figure 7). These large-scale
building elements are designed as material systems that behave and adapt ac-
cording to a specically desired materials and assembly logic.
The West Fest Pavilion employs standard wooden battens forming columns
that are transformed into large cantilevers that support a roof. The robotic
fabrication allows modifying the dimensions of individual battens during the
production process. The columns constitute the spatial layout as well as the
carrying structure of the pavilion that satised the architectural organization,
the structural performance and the assembly process. The coding of the assem-
bly logic is essential in this approach. The Sequential Wall project presents
446 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
a similar fabrication process. In this case performance requirements of an ex-
terior wall satisfy weather conditions and thermal insulation. The physical
conditions dened the arrangement and modes of variations generated by de-
sign algorithms (see Figure 7).
4.7 Informed tectonics: digital material and the variable
property model
In this work the digital tectonic synthesizes principles of natural design that
are applied to generate a heterogeneous material structure through digitally
fabricated material. This experimental design research has been developed
and termed, variable property design (N. Oxman, 2010, 2011).
The following model denes the shift from a geometric-centric design to mate-
rial-based design in which digital materiality is encoded as a basis for design
with fabricated digital materials of heterogeneous behaviours. The following
work, models and processes in material-based design computation were in-
spired by nature and by biological materials (Oxman, 2009). In this approach,
the material system is informed by external performative environmental forces
that act upon it in a similar way to nature. In nature, structural bio-materials
form micro-structures engineered to adapt to external constraints during con-
tinuous growth throughout their life span. This is similar to bone structures
that are re-modelled under structural or mechanical load. In nature, the se-
quence formestructureematerial is inverted bottom-up. For example, in bones
and cellular structures shape is directly informed by the materials from which
they are made. In nature, in most cases, material comes rst. This ability to
distribute material properties by way of locally optimizing regions of varied
external requirements, such as bones ability to remodel its material structure
under altering mechanical loads, or woods capacity to modify its shape by
way of containing moisture, is facilitating the variable property model.
Figure 7 Sequential wall; Fabio Gramazio and Matias Kohler, ETH Zurich
Informed tectonics 447
Types of holistic models of material-based design (from conception to
The variable property model provides a seamless integration of design and
fabrication integrating material specication and shape giving. Where material
has traditionally been regarded as a feature of form, in this model an alterna-
tive schema is presented where the properties of the material are regarded as
the main driver of formal and structural expression.
Information ow e types of knowledge, models and techniques
Computational algorithms of generation and evaluation along with digital de-
sign machine code are driving single information ow by facilitating a fabrica-
tion process of 3D printing machines. Various combinations of digitally
informed material are printed and controlled by specied desired material
Re-ordering of tectonic relationships
Formestructureematerial is inverted bottom-up. The encoding of material
properties and the logic of specic material system is driving the formal qual-
ities of the tectonic product. The geometrical properties are formed in response
to their unique material system. Shape and variable properties are directly in-
formed and directly produced by fabrication.
Integration of material fabrication and manufacturing processes in material-
based processes
3D printing in fact may become design by fabrication, eventually naturally
shaping designs according to given specications of any desired material sys-
tem and its desired properties. Generative and materialization processes of
material-based design fabrication can now be integrated in a single informed
Examples: Beast, Prototype for a customized chaise lounge; Carpal Skin, Pro-
totype for a customized carpel tunnel syndrome splint; Neri Oxman Media-
Lab MIT.
The design of the chaise lounge, Beast (N. Oxman, 2010) corresponds to struc-
tural, environmental, and performance criteria by adapting its thickness, pat-
tern, density and stiness to load, curvature, and skin-pressured areas
respectively (Boston Museum of Science) (see Figure 8). In the chaise lounge,
a single continuous surface is acting both as structure and skin that is locally
modulated to provide for both support and comfort. The shape and stiness
448 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
distribution are informed by the structural loading. Variable properties are di-
rectly informed and directly produced by fabrication.
Carpal Skin (N. Oxman, 2010) is a customized therapeutic device for individ-
ualized treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Boston Museum of Science)
(see Figure 9). The local thickness corresponds to strategic areas across the
surface area of the individual patients wrist in cushioning and protecting it
from stress.
5 Summary and conclusion
The emergence of a new materiality as expressed by the growing interest in
the role of materials in design has been viewed as design cultural phenomenon
that has motivated this research. The objective of the research was to investi-
gate the role of digital and fabrication technologies as a force in returning
elds of design to their characterization as material-based design, and, in ad-
dition, to formulate the theoretical concepts, processes and principles of a new
Figure 8 Beast, prototype for a chaise lounge; Neri Oxman, Media-Lab MIT
Figure 9 Carpal skin, prototype for a customized carpel tunnel syndrome splint; Neri Oxman Media-Lab MIT
Informed tectonics 449
level of digital aordance of material-based design. Within the framework of
this initial denition, material-based design was further dened as a process in
which digital informing techniques enhance the integration between tectonic
properties of form, structure, and material within the logic and the rationale of
fabrication technologies.
As an essential ingredient of this theory of material-based design, tectonics was
proposed and introduced as a seminal concept, the operative power of which
was enabled and supported by new digital technologies. In attempting to cre-
ate a linkage between distinct traditions of discourse and to identify their
newly refreshed relevance to contemporary material-based design, an exegesis
of the cultural evolution of this important concept was briey presented the
transformation of tectonic concepts. A new concept, informed tectonics, was
introduced as a basis for the development of a theoretical framework in this
research, as well as a seminal basis for the theory.
In tracing the roots of this term classical works of form-nding by architects
and engineers such as Gaudi, Otto, and Isler were presented as rst models
of informed tectonics. While these pioneering attempts were experimental
and analogical, digital media and digital fabrication technologies are establish-
ing today novel forms of tectonics.
Among objectives of the case study analysis was to identify relevant bodies of
knowledge, models, concepts, and principles in the actual practices of
material-based design. The methodology consisted of the selection and analy-
sis of a case study sample of leading design practices and their application of
methods of material-based design. Through the analysis of the case studies, we
have explored how the structuring, encoding, and fabricating of material sys-
tems have begun to contribute to the formation of diverse models of informed
tectonics in material-based design.
The following is a summary of concepts and principles of models that are pro-
posed as representative emerging models of informed tectonics in material-
based design.
Rationalization model
This model constitutes an active research area for providing construction-
aware design tools to support digital work ow from design to manufacturing,
especially for highly complex geometries
Evolutionary model
This model presents negotiation processes between form and structure that
represents a certain design logic. In this case the logic emerges from given
450 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
structural and formal relationships of individual components in a bottom-up
Tectonic ow model
The ow model is based on by re-use of a project-specic digital core model
reecting form, structure, material and fabrication requirements of the nal
fabricationeconstructioneassembly stages.
Material structure model
The model illustrate how organizational principles of material structure of
craft scale can be re-ordered and applied to construction scale. Integrated tec-
tonic qualities at dierent scales are demonstrated to contribute to unique tec-
tonic properties. This is particularly relevant to the investigation of analogous
tectonic systems, such as textile and weaving.
Robotic-fabrication model
The robotic-fabrication model extends the scale of conventional construction
methods and current craft-based fabrication methods, performing complex
and large-scale customized tasks. This process shapes both the design of struc-
tural and material elements in an encoded formal design process.
Digital materiality model
Information ow is achieved by facilitating a generative process of shape and
form related to structure and material that is controlled by machine data. Con-
struction scale elements are designed as material systems that behave and
adapt according to any specic materials and assembly logics.
Digital material: variable property model
In this model, form, structure and material play equal roles in performance-
based material design. They promote the application of material subsequent
to form. This model is a signicant in the shift from a geometric-centric design
to a material-based design. Fabrication, in this case, 3D printing, becomes
design by fabrication shaping designs according to given specications of any
desired material system and its desired properties.
To conclude, there currently exist the conditions for change in traditional de-
sign processes as well as the emergence of concepts, processes and media that
are contributing to the evolution of new forms of design. From the point of
view of the relationship between design and technology as well as from the
characterization of architecture as a material practice we are at a great
Informed tectonics 451
water-shed in design. We have found that informed tectonic models of material-
based design are challenging orthodox design processes and providing innova-
tive working methods of design. Material-based design is providing impetus
for the re-integration of technology and engineering in design as well as pro-
viding a new role for digital design beyond its form-generative potential.
All three of the design components: formestructure and material, are now in-
volved at the earliest generative stage. This new paradigm of the early inclu-
sion of material factors in conceptual design is a profound historical
transition from the form-centric domination of the last century. These changes
also bring to the fore the design content of materialization by fabrication and
manufacturing technologies.
Fabrication is re-dened today as an integral part of the design conceptual
process. In fact, in many respects, materiality by fabrication logic is frequently
the basis for design conceptualization. Fabrication is, therefore, not merely
a prototyping technique, but a change in the generation and making of de-
signs. The current impact of materialization concepts upon form generation
has become one of the main inuences in contemporary design.
The control and the owof digital information is nowavailable tothe designer as
a new form of guidance, or driver, of tectonic process in which formestructure
and material are mutually informed in the processes of design. These may inform
one another at all stages of design, from conception to fabrication and construc-
tion. It is the computationally informed content of material-based design that
supports the explication of these complex tectonic relationships.
The terms, concepts, models and empowering technologies of material-based
design is a design cultural eld that is transforming the culture of architecture
as well as other elds of design. Beyond these important historical and cultural
considerations, material-based design is strengthening, interdisciplinary, col-
laborative, and research-oriented design. The emergence of experimental re-
search in academia and in practice has introduced a growing level of
engagement between design and technology. This has become an area of de-
sign study in which expanded knowledge is shared among architects, structural
engineers as well as industrial designers and other design elds.
How do we educate designers to function as material practitioners? Obviously
there is the profound inuence of the denition of the requisite knowledge
base. Many of the research processes and subjects described above require
the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are relatively new. This cultural
shift within design culture is beginning to profoundly transform the cultural
institutions of design. Not only are these changes challenges to practice, but
they proer a new territory for knowledge and education.
452 Design Studies Vol 33 No. 5 September 2012
The paper was written during my sabbatical stay at the GSD in Harvard
University. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Martin Bechthold
for providing a stimulating environment and acknowledge his students in
particular Rachel Vroman, Justin Lavallee, and Yahir Keshet. I would also
like to thank Helen Castle, the editor of Architectural Design (AD) for her
invaluable contribution to the publication of our prior pilot research: Rivka
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