Ai Report

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Landscape Overview 2017

First Edition Analytical Report

Table of Content
Introduction: AI industry in Russia

Russia AI Landscape: Mind Map

AI Companies, Mind Map industry/technology

AI Investors Stage / Volume

List of Top 15 Russia AI Influencers

List of Top 150 Russia AI Companies

List of Top 35 Russia AI Investors State of AI industry in Russia

List of Top 10 Russia AI Tech Hubs Artificial Intelligence technologies are considered to be an innovative
fuel for economies worldwide. AI sector in Russia is growing rapidly
and the market craves innovative solutions. Machine learning (ML)
Appendix 1: Top 150 Russia AI Companies Profiles
technologies are to attract investments from Russian think-tanks and
investment funds. According to in-depth interviews with the first-
Appendix 2: Top 35 Russia AI Investors Profiles line management of the largest Russian companies one in every three
organizations intend to invest in robotics, deep learning and computer
Appendix 3: 10 Russia AI Tech Hub Profiles vision. The amount of Russian companies which are considering
investing in AI technologies has risen by 1,5 times from the third
Appendix 4: 15 Russia AI Influencers Profiles quarter of the year 2017. Data scientists, entrepreneurs and tech
specialists are developing solutions in tech to meet the demand and
to expand the market.

A survey conducted by a division of “AI Hub” “Data Insight” indicated AI to set trends in economic development for other industries in less
than two years. Russian funds invested 18.3 million USD in 2016 and 37.1 million USD in 2017. Sberbank’s first $100 million venture fund,
SBT Venture Capital, has already invested in AI startups and is highly interested in AI industry as an investment opportunity.

The Russia’s Artificial Intelligence sector is boosting and challenges the way how start-up companies and
corporations are operating. According to co-founder of “VisionLabs”, a company that specializes in
computer vision and machine learning, technologies have already become commodities on the market that
makes cooperation with huge enterprises for start-ups possible. AI Lab resident “OncoUnite”, a project that
develops AI and ML technologies for treating oncological diseases, has a contract with a Russian investor
and presented results to the UK invest funds. Co-founder of OncoUnite Ilya Shevela, MBA, stated that the
technology works with an accuracy of 98,99% and is to be upgraded.

Russian banks and corporations are highly interested in implementing AI-technologies. The head of the
the Russian private space company “Galaktika” Alia Prokofieva emphasized positive results of implemented
technologies based on AI algorithms. In specialized industries emergency situations are modeled and
calculated to decrease a probability of such cases to happen to zero. It took from three to four years to
model and to calculate each process, whereas with AI technologies in four months they get sufficient

Russian banks embedded bots that call debtor clients, chatbots for small business, trade bots for traders
and virtual advisors. Russian recruitment agencies launched recommendation systems based on Machine
Learning (ML) technologies. A large retail company used robotics automation solutions for interviewing

Russian state-owned organizations have already invested more than 23 billion roubles in Artificial Intelligence services for the past 10
years. Russian government invested in projects focused on data analysis (33%), decision-making algorithms (16.5%), image, and video
recognition (13.9%) in different industries namely military, transport, natural gas and healthcare. Geopolitical issues determine a demand on
Artificial Intelligence systems for military industry. Data analysis and recognition systems are applied in logistic management.

Underdeveloped infrastructure determines the inability of start-ups to be integrated into business processes. Maria Mikhailenko, a founder of
“SmartAn”, a company that specializes in predictive analytics for banks and financial institutions, noticed that Russian corporations are not
willing to give an access to data for ML that makes a growth of startups complicated.

AI market in Russia is mostly represented by startups specialized in computer vision (33%). Natural language processing technologies, namely
methods of text analysis (14%), chatbots (9%) and speech recognition (5%) are on the second place in the ranking. Startups that are using
intellectual data analysis represent 16% of the market. The market for recommendation systems (8%), predictive analytics (7%) and robotics
(7%) is at the earliest stage of market development.

Companies leading in Artificial intelligence are designing their strategy for entering developed markets. Corporations are interested in
cooperating with teams and with startups to implement their technologies in their business processes. However in some industries
implementation faces difficulties related to industry specifications. Russian startups have a potential to operate in the global market,
although they deal with “gaps” in the Russian innovation environment.

1 Potential investors are experiencing lack of information. Russia was

ranked 17th out of 20 countries in the Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking.
The absence of experts in technology companies’ top-management leads
to lower amounts of successfully sold AI projects.

2 Russian corporations in AI market ecosystem disclose less information

than international partners. It makes the process of machine learning on
big data complicated. In the European Union and the USA companies
disclose and make big data publicly available. Only few Russian
companies disclose data. Yandex provides data for advertisement
targeting and Sberbank discloses information necessary for predicting
user behavior. However, in order to boost the development of Russian
startup industry companies are advised to make datasets public.

3 Russian companies and experts are not fully integrated in international academic exchange. Although Russian AI research
has strong history but now it is only ranked 20th by the number research publications in the field in 2016. The
communication with researchers and the awareness of the latest developments in AI technologies is more productive if a
company is based either in London or in San Francisco rather than in Moscow. Doing a research in one of the Western
European capitals gives access to the European knowledge base.

4 AI startups in Russia are facing challenges with recruitment of machine learning specialists. Hiring foreign specialists and
keeping Russian specialists from moving abroad makes recruitment process complicated. Companies are advised to open
boarders for international experts. In this case, Russian government is expected to stop Russian companies from moving
abroad, in order to retain AI specialists in Russia.

Russia AI Landscape
Mind Map
Overall, Russia has a strong position in the global Artificial Intelligence market. The overview of Russian influencers, startups
and researchers in the sphere of Machine learning is showing a great perspective for development of the Russian AI market. The
amount of investments from businesses and government is rising. However, there are challenges for Russian AI ecosystem. The
unwillingness to disclose information, the absence of integration of Russian companies in the global economy as well as the
problem of retention and recruitment of AI professionals creates obstacles for Russian start-ups to boost.



AI Companies
technology / Industry



Data Analysis



Big Data


Chatbots &

Search Engines
& Language


Health Marketing Security Social Consulting Entertaiment Device Transport

& Biotech & Finance & infrastructure & Media & Outsourcing Manufacturing Industry
Kaggle Users by Location

United States
United Kingdom

0 500 1000 1500 2000


Submissions at ICLR 2017






0 20 40 60 80 100


List of Top 15
Russia AI Influencers

Mikhail Burtsev
Head of laboratory,

Arkady Volozh
Yandex founder

Herman Gref Albert Efimov

CEO, Sberbank Chief of Skolkovo

Andrey Gulin David Yang

Search specialist ABBYY founder
in Yandex

Konstantin Vorontsov Dmitry Grishin

Major Scientist, CEO,

Dmitry Vetrov Alexander Dyakonov

Head of Bayesian Data science specialist,
Methods department Moscow State University
at HSE
Evgeny Burnaev Andrey Ivaschenko
Researcher, Skoltech Head, NeuroNet

Andrey Sebrant Victor Lempitsky

Director of marketing, Associate professor,
Yandex Skoltech

Ilya Munchik
Main researcher,
School of Data Analysis


2. Sberbank Technologies 3. Wunder Fund
1. Rubbles (Сбербанк)

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: >8500
Employees: 1-10
Employees: 10 - 50 Established: 2011
Established: 2014
Established: 2014 Sberbank Technology is an IT company
providing services in software development Exchange fund which is developing trade
Rubbles is a professional video production, and implementation for Sberbank of Russia. platforms using AI technologies
marketing, and editing company

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions
Banking / Finance Services / Finance
B2B / Finance, Marketing
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere
Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Forecasting systems;
ML, Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Big Data Recommender systems
Recommender system
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
——— ———

4. Retail rocket 5. Test4startup 6. Intento

Base: Moscow
Base: USA Employees: 1-10
Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1-10 Established: 2016
Employees: 10-50 Established: 2016 Intento benchmarks Cognitive Services and provides
a single API to use all of them. Intento helps to discover
Established: 2013 Research the market in just 7 seconds and use the best Artificial Intelligence services without
with the help of Big Data and Artificial spending human effort on integration and switching
Retail Rocket offers user behavior-based
providers.For each service category, Intento provides
online shopping recommendation services Intelligence a Single API to clients. The service requests are routed
to the best provider based on the data, client’s preferences,
and our unique benchmarks.
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
B2B / E-commerce Finance / Analytics (Market research) Industries / Functions

AI Sphere All / Analytics (Market research)

AI Sphere
Recommender systems Machine Learning; Predictive Analytics; AI Sphere
Big Data
Machine Learning; Search Engine
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
450K ———

7. HowPop 8. OhMyBet! 9. Statsbot


Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 1-10

Base: San Francisco, USA
Established: 2017 Established: 2016
Employees: 1 - 10
OhMyBet! is an Artificial Intelligence
Service HowPop uses AI to analyse texts Established: 2016
tool for sports bettors that predicts
and predict their popularity. It also provides outcomes of tennis matches using Statsbot is a Business Intelligent assistant
recomendations for author how to improve machine learning algorithms to explore data and get analytical insights

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Entertainment / Analytics Entertainment / Analytics B2B / E-commerce
(Text popularity prediction)
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere
Recommender systems; Forecasting Chatbot, Analytics
Text Recognition, Machine Learning systems

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 100 k 1.93 M

10. Forecsys
11. NativeOS 12. Iceberg

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 50
Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2015
Established: 2000
Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Iceberg is the hockey sport analytics platform
Forecsys is a Russian vendor of BI solutions. which fixate the player’s activity every 0.1
Employees: 1 - 10
The company creates software and offers seconds and use mathematics algorithms to
consulting services in the following areas: Established: 2016 analyze the player’s actions and make the
data analysis, forecasting, modelling and conclusions, useful for couches, team managers
improving business processes NativeOS creates native ads with
neural networks and team doctors.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
All / Finance, Marketing
All / Advertising Entertainment / Analytics
AI Sphere
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Big Data; Machine Learning; Predictive
Analytics; NLP Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Machine Learning,
Content Analysis Data Analysis
Total investments
Total investments Total investments
——— ———

13. WorkFusion 14. Kaspersky Lab 15. Cubik robotics

Base: New York, USA Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Saint Petersburg, Russi
Employees: 100 - 250 Employees: 1000 - 5000
Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2011 Established: 1997
Established: 2012
WorkFusion is the complete automation solution for Kaspersky Lab is the world’s largest privately
global operations, combining into one platform the held vendor of endpoint protection solutions. Cubic Robotics manufactures robots for home use.
core capabilities you need to digitize complex business
processes: business process management (BPM), robotic The company is ranked among the world’s top Its features include recognizing human speech,
process automation (RPA), workforce orchestration, and four vendors of security solutions for endpoint answer questions, and search for information
machine learning-powered cognitive automation. users. in the Internet.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
Cubic Robotics manufactures robots for home use.
Its features include recognizing human speech,
B2B / Analytics, Human Resources, All / Security, Software answer questions, and search for information
in the Internet.
AI Sphere
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Deep Learning; Image recognition;
Optimization, Machine Learning, RPA Machine Learning, Data Analysis Recommender systems; Voice recognition;
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
71.3M ———
1.5 M

16. RoboCV 17. xTurion 18. Alpha Smart Systems

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2012 Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Base: Moscow, Russia
RoboCV develops intelligent autopilot Employees: ———
systems. The company’s flagship product, Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2012
RoboCV X-MOTION NG, is a multifunctional
Established: 2011
system designed to automate all types xTurion is a mobile robotic platform
of floor movements for pallet goods at for advanced monitoring of home. Alpha Smart Systems is an international
warehouses. developer of robots and robotized ecosystem,
innovative solutions and artificial intelligence.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
Electronics / IoT
Transport / Autopilot & Navigation All / Robotics
AI Sphere
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Robotics;Machine Learning;Autonomous
Deep Learning; Image recognition; Vehicles;Artificial Intelligence, Computer Robotics,
Autopilots Vision, Objects Recognition Machine Learning

Total investments Total investments Total investments

3.5 M 170K 40K

19. Wicron 20. Emlid 21. Alfa Robotics

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10 Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Established: 2012 Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: ———

Wicron is engaged in the development Established: 2014 Established: ———

and promotion of Webot, a remote Emlid makes Linux based Raspberry Pi autopilot Alfa Robotics is a division of Russian
presence robot. Navio2 and first truly affordable RTK GPS Reach. company AlfaLED specializing in production,
sales and leasing of commercial robots.
The core product is interactive mobile
promoter robot KIKI.
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
Electronics / Administration Transport / Autopilot & navigation Industries / Functions
B2B / Advertising
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Machine learning Machine learning AI Sphere
Machine learning

Total investments Total investments Total investments

100 K 81 K ———

22. Robodem 23. OMI Robotics 24. Lexy

Base: Perm, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2013 Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2013
OMI Robotics - a new high-tech company Employees: ———
Robodem offers unique software which is engaged in the design and creation
of unique robots. Snow removal become Established: 2014
and engineering solutions in the field
a fascinating computer game with the use
of control systems of autonomous mobile Lexy - is a desktop device with artificial
of a mobile application and software product
robots. for PC. intelligence and fully voice interface.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

B2B / Manufacturing Electronics / Manufacturing Electronics / IoT

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

AI;Robotics Hardware, robotics Robotics, Speech Recognition

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———
25. AnyWalker 26. Data Mining Labs 27. Promobot

Base: Perm, Russia

Base: ———
Employees: 10 - 50
Base: Krasnodar, Russia Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2015
Employees: ——— Established: 2013
Company develops robots for advertising
Established: 2015 and promotion. Robots are designed to
Data Mining Labs provides leading work in areas of high concentrations of
The company develops a robot which can move
expertise in data analytics with top-notch people in which the robot helps people
solutions that boost business efficiency with navigation, answers any questions,
in any type of environment which includes stairs, translates promotional materials and
overcoming obstacles and opening doors. remembers everyone with whom had
to communicate.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Electronics / Manufacturing All / Consulting, outsourcing Industries / Functions
Electronics / Advertising
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Robotics Neural Networks, Machine Learning, AI Sphere
Big Data
Robotics, speech recognition
Total investments Total investments Total investments
——— ——— 2M

28. Vocord 29. Orience 30. VisionLabs

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Employees: 10 - 50
Employees: 100 - 500 Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2012
Established: 1999 Established: 2017
VisionLabs is a team of computer vision
Vocord is a developer and manufacturer Special device for blind and visually and machine learning experts cpecializing
of high-tech security systems based impaired, that solves three major problems: in developing products and solutions in the
on computer vision and intelligent obstacle avoidance, geo-navigation areas of face recognition, object recognition,
video processing algorithms. and image recognition. augmented reality and virtual reality.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Health / Manufacturing Health / Manufacturing All / Retail, Finance, Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer vision Computer vision Deep Learning; Image recognition

Total investments Total investments Total investments

140 K 140 K 5.5 M

31. 32. Smart Engines 33. Cognitive Technologies

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 500 - 1000
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2010 Established: 1993
Employees: 1 - 10
Smart Engines Ltd. is a company aimed Cognitive Technologies – a leading
Established: 2017 at developing systems for image Russian developer of robotic systems,
processing and character recognition i software for machine vision and business
Visual Recommendation and Search
n a video stream. systems (ERP, SRM, EAS).
for Fashion E-commerce

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Fashion / E-Commerce All / Administration All / Administration

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Image Recognition, Image Recognition, Text Recognition, Image Recognition, Text Recognition,
Text Recognition Machine Learning Speech Recognition, Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

34. Prisma 35. GeoCV 36. Roadar

Base: San Francisco, USA Base: New York, USA Base: Kazan
Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2016 Established: 2011 Established: 2013
Prisma transforms photos into artworks GeoCV is a venture capital backed 3D Mobile application for drivers with road signs
using the styles of famous artists: Van Gogh, capturing technology company. Company’s recognition and navigation in Augmented
Picasso, Levitan, as well as world famous vision is to enable everyone to capture the world Reality
ornaments and patterns. A unique combination in 3D with a phone and share it in virtual and
of neural networks and artificial intelligence helps augmented reality.
turn memorable moments into timeless art.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Entertainment / Software Real Estate / Software Transport / Autopilot & navigation

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Neural networks, Deep Learning, Virtual Reality, 3D Technology Virtual Reality, Image Recognition
Image Processing

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 2.5M 2.5M

37. ChatFirst 38. Cherlock Platform 39. N-Tech.Lab

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50
Base: Moscow, Russia Established: 2015
Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1-10 NTechLab develops and implements
Employees: 10 - 50 artificial intelligence algorithms.
Established: 2015
Established: 2015 The company is composed of experts
Sherlock is the platform which provide in machine and deep learning, focused
ChatFirst is an Artifical Intelligence Robots Creator. text analytics and chatbots for the popular on building software that makes the world
They introduce AI Officer (Artificial Intelligence State messengers a safer and more comfortable place.
Aware Automation Controller) - AI unit in their
constructor. They provide a full set of tools to create,
maintain and integrate it into your applications.
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions All / Marketing All / Security
All / Software
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere Recommender systems; Mobile AI Assistant
Forecasting systems
AI Assistant Creator
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
——— ———

40. AI today 41. Mr.Chatbot 42. Speech Technology


Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Employees: 100 - 500
Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia Established: 1990
Employees: 1-10 Employees: 1-10 STC Group is the leading developer of voice and
multimodal biometric systems, as well as solutions
Established: 2012 Established: 2016 for audio and video recording, processing and analysis.
With one of the largest R&D teams in the industry
AI today is the company which integrate Mr. Chatbot allows ecommerce shops and more than 25 years of experience, STC Group is well
known for solutions implemented by some of the largest
AI technologies into your business to create their own helpful chatbot. international companies in banking, security, telecom
and public sectors

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions
Software Retail / Software
All / Security, Administration
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere
AI Assistants, NLP; Deep Learning
Chatbots Speech recognition

Total investments Total investments

Total investments
——— ———

43. ABBYY 44. DCS Talk Analytics 45. Icon8

DCS Talk Analytics

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1 - 10

Employees: 1000 - 2000 Employees: 10 - 50 Established: 2016

Established: 1989 Established: 2016 Icon8 is an artificial intelligence that helps its
users transform their selfies into a wide range
ABBYY provides document conversion, Cloud Service for speech analysis for of arts. Icon8 is used through the iOS and
optical character recognition, data capture, call-centers of all sizes Android platforms and through the Facebook
Messenger application. It allows its users to snap
and linguistic software and services.
selfies, apply styles, and share the new look with
their friends.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Software B2B / Human Resources Entertainment / Software

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

OCR, NLP Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Neural networks, Deep Learning,
Speech Recognition, NLP Image Processing

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

46. Yandex 47. Mail.Ru 48. Emotian

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 5000 - 10000 Base: Moscow, Russia
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 1997 Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 5000 - 10000
Yandex is one of the largest internet Established: 2015
Established: 1998
companies in Europe, operating Russia’s Service for analysing human emotions
most popular search engine and its most Mail.Ru Group is an internet company and displaying it on interactive map.
that operates social networking sites, Emotian uses NLP techniques and
visited website.
IM networks, email services, and internet portals. analyses social networks.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Entertainment / Analytics (Human
Telecommunications/ All Emotion Analysis)
Telecommunications / All
AI Sphere
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Text Recognition, Neural Networks,
Text Recognition, Data Analysis Text Recognition, Text Analysis
Data Analysis, Machine Vision,
Geodata Analysis

Total investments Total investments

Total investments ——— ———

49. Findo 50. Tardis 3D Technologies 51. Verso

Base: Menlo Park, USA

Base: Moscow, Russia
Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 10 - 50
Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2016
Established: 2016
Established: 2015
Findo is a smart search assistant that
works across personal emails, files, images, Verso is an AI-experiment with computer
Tardis 3D Technologies does computer
notes in Gmail, Google Drive, Dropbox, vision and augmented reality magic for vision software to monitor any type of media
Evernote, Outlook, OneDrive, YahooMail, apparel industry (TV, YouTube, Instagram, cams) and analyze the
iCloud Mail (,, impact. Its goal is to discover patterns of how
notebooks, among others. The system the messages spread across all platforms.
“intuits” human-like language and can do
a search by description.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions Retail / Optimization B2B / Finance, Marketing
All / Administration
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere Computer Vision ML, Big Data, Predictive Analytics,
Semantic search, AI, NLP Recommender system

Total investments Total investments Total investments

7M ——— 100 K
52. Opiner 53. Rambler & Co 54. Pureso

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1700 Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2013 Established: 2016
Established: 2013 One of the biggest Russian company Artificial neural network models, high-load
Artificial intelligence for collection and working in the sphere of media, technology calculations, cascade analytics, big data
aggregation of people opinions from web. and e-commerce analytics

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Media / Marketing, Analytics Media / Analytics All / consulting, outsourcing

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Deep Learning; NLP; Social Big Data, NLP, Machine Learning, Neural networks; Big data;
Networks analysis Recommender Systems High-load calculations

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

55. MyMind 56. Social Data Hub 57. Expasoft

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1-10
Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Novosibirsk, Russia
Established: 2016
Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 10 - 50
MyMind is engaged in the creation of
Established: 2014
technological products using machine Established: 2010
learning in both the B2B segment (retail, Social Data Hub provides product Predictive analytics service in the areas:
financial sector, insurance, medicine, telecom) for comprehensive analysis of media, bioinformatics, oil&gas, healthcare,
and B2C (applications, web services) social networks, forums and blogs. fraud-detection

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / consulting, outsourcing Media / consulting, outsourcing Oil & Gas, Health / consulting,
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere
AI Assistant, Recommender Systems Big Data, Data Mining, Data Analysis
AI;Big Data

Total investments Total investments Total investments

500k ——— ———

58. Ocutri 59. 60. Datadvance

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 100 Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 11 - 50 Established: 2008 Employees: >40
Established: 2014 Biosoft aims to become a conductor between
Established: 2011
fundamental science and services. It helps
Full cycle custom software development business representatives to find appropriate
DATADVANCE develops and offers its
and R&D for non-standard and science customers software and consulting services
scientific partners.Biosoft aims to put on for predictive modelling, intellectual data
intensive tasks. stream fundamental science problems that analysis and multidisciplinary optimization.
phramaceutical and other lifesciences companies
are forced to deal with in order to get a desired
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
All / consulting, outsourcing Industries / Functions All / consulting, outsourcing
Lifescience / consulting,
AI Sphere outsourcing AI Sphere
ML;AI;CV:Big Data Predictive Analytics, Data analysis,
AI Sphere
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
——— ———

61. Inleksys 62. Yurburo 63. Econtenta

Base: New York, USA

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia Employees: 10 - 50

Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2015

Established: 2017 Established: 2014 E-contenta helps brands target their convertible
auriences with the most relevant editorial, prepared
Inleksys provides services for big data ——— and delivered in the format of native ads.
analysis, data mining and machine learning

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / consulting, outsourcing All / administration Fashion / Optimization

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Machine Learning, Data Analysis Machine Learning, Reinforcement Recommender Systems

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 228k 250k

64. Semantic Hub 65. Talkbank 66. Relap

Semantic Hub

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2015 Established: 2016 Established: 2016
Company offers services for finding TalkBank is digital bank in messengers Relap recommends content and ads for top
promising products for pharmaceutical that understands banking commands Runet sites. Relap helps publisher monetize
companies by means of big data analysis in natural language. content, retain and increase their audience.
and semantic search

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Pharmacy / Analytics Finance / HR Media / Advertising

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

NLP, Big Data, Data Mining NLP, chatbots Recommender systems

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— 150k

67. Choicy 68. Encom Aurora 69. Scriptology


Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Irkutsk, Russia
Employees: ———
Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2016
Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2016
Choicy is a platform for internet services Established: 2015
of choice – choice of restaurants, events, Website-widget, which is capable of
movies, hotels, tickets, etc. It allows answering the user’s questions and System of interactive customized sales scripts.
customers to make their choice in the making dialogue with both voice and Service helps to see weaknesses in sales and
fastest way by automatically asking text. provides solutions for effective sales scripts
them clarifying questions in natural
language in chat interface.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions All / Human Resources Retail / E-commerce
Entertainment / Administration
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere NLP, Chatbots Recommendation system, NLP
NLP, Chatbots

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

70. Scorista 71. RYNKL 72. Iponweb

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10 Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2013 Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2017
Scorista - a unique online service for Established: 2016
IPONWEB works across the advertising
assessing the borrower. With our RYNKL is a mobile application aimed spectrum to help innovative companies
analytical system to perform detailed to detect and track wrinkles in order unlock the potential of their data & business
and qualitative assessment of the solvency to evaluate various anti-wrinkle treatments opportunity with highly customised
of the borrower for one minute without any and interventions using AI algorithm for ad technology solutions. Find out how we
extra costs for you and install additional facial wrinkles recognition from can help bring your vision to life today.
software. high-resolution facial photos (selfies)

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Banking / Finance Industries / Functions Media / Marketing
LIfe Sciences, Analytics
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Machine Learning, Predictive systems AI Sphere Recommender systems
Image Analysis, AI

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

73. Prognoz 74. Avrora Robotics 75. WebSemantics

Base: Perm, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 50 - 100
Employees: ———
Established: 1991 Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: ———
Prognoz develops Business Intelligence Employees: 10 - 50
and Business Performance Management develops software which
Established: 2009 uses advertising to locate target audience
solutions that help corporations and
government agencies harness the power through social networks and helps convert
Avrora robotics produces self-driving
of data to make informed decisions. them into customers.
autonomous cars for farmers.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

B2B / Analytics Agriculture / Manifacturing Media / Optimization

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Predictive Analytics, Data Mining Robotics, Computer Vision Machine Learning, Data Analysis

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

76. Maugry 77. ReHub 78. Double Data

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2012
Established: 2015
Base: Perm, Russia Double Data targets banks and other financial
REHub is a modern multipurpose hybrid institutions who need to improve their performance
Employees: 10 - 50 theme. Theme covers many modern for a variety of processes – from customer acquisition
Business models for profitable websites. and assessment to debt collection. The Double Data
Established: 2010 software combines Big Data analysis tools,
Each part can be configured and used
computer-aided learning methods and data
Maugry is a mobile guide for navigating separately or can be combined all in
museums one site.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Entertainment / Analytics Media / Optimization Finance / Analytics

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision, Navigation Predictive Analytics, Data Analysis Big Data, Predictive Analytics

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— 3.2M
79. 80. F-Score Lab 81. Clever Data


Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 50–100
Base: San Francisco, USA Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2014
Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2016
Clever Data creates solutions for clients in such
Established: 2015 System using machine learning and spheres as analysis of customers databases,
face recognition techniques for credit implementation of AI-based advertising and
Deep learning for time series analysis
scoring digital marketing solutions
and prediction.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Finance / Analytics Finance / Analytics All / consulting, outsourcing

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Deep Learning, Neural Networks Predictive Analytics, Computer Big Data, Machine Learning, Predictive
Vision Analytics

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

82. IQMen 83. BaseGroup Labs 84. Antiplagiat

Base: Ryazan, Russia

Employees: 50 - 100
Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2014
Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 10 - 50
Analytical Platform with several implemented
Established: 2014 machine learning algorithms such as Established: 2005
Intellectual real-time analysis self-organizing maps, neural networks,
Platform that helps to find plagiat
decision trees, etc and with various tools
of information for applied business for data visualization in works.
tasks, decision making support.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / consulting, outsourcing All / consulting, outsourcing Education / Analytics

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Machine Learning, Big Data, Predictive Machine Learning, Deep learning, Natural Language Processing
Analytics Big Data

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

85. ClevApi 86. Nanosemantic Lab 87. Video Analysis Technologies

Base: Makhachkala, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2015
Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 50
Clevapi provides automatic image
recognition solutions. The SaaS technology Employees: 10 - 50 Established: 2010
combines real-time visual recognition with
artificial intelligence to provide information Established: 2016 Company specializes in applied R&D in the field of computer vision
about the objects and concepts presented with primary focus on video analysis. Range of possible applications
on the visual content. That brings opportunities Chatbot imitating real person. Collects data, of technologies includes security surveillance systems, audience
to use recognized objects for in-image sells goods, helps with technical support. analysis for Digital signage, intelligent search in video archives,
advertising, social media analytics and to Chatbot is easily implemented to social networks, augmented reality systems, etc.
power visual search. web sites, mobile apps.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions All / Security
All / Marketing, Advertising All / Human Resources
AI Sphere
AI Sphere Computer Vision
AI Sphere
Image Processing, Deep Learning
Chat bot, Natural Language Processing
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
——— ———

88. Kribrum 89. Youscan 90. Adnetic

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 100 - 250
Employees: 1 - 50
Established: 2010
Established: 2009 Base: Moscow, Russia
Kribrum is a social media monitoring
and analysis system for online reputation YouScan is a social media monitoring Employees: 1 - 10
management. Kribrum is a cloud-based platform that helps brand owners to listen
service for automated monitoring and to consumer opinions posted online about Established: 2016
analysis of online discussions of selected their products and competitors, and manage
object (brands, companies, events, their brands online. First Russian technology for automated placement
personalities) in social networks, blogs of native content on media resources
and microblogs, online media, forums
and communities, etc.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions
Media / Analytics Media / Optimization
Media / Analytics

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Big Data, Natural Language Big Data, Natural Language Processing Recommender System

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 240k ———

91. Socmedica 92. SocioHub 93. Deep Systems

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1 - 10

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2015

Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2013 Deep Learning solutions for various business

sectors. Company’s primary focus — computer
Established: 2012 Sociohub provides software for collecting vision and recommendation systems. Company
open data from social networks in order takes on the entire development cycle: from R&D
Socmedica creates expert systems in to improve quality of data for credit scoring to production deployment.
the sphere of medicine

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Medicine / Analytics Banking / Finance All / consulting, outsourcing

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning Data Mining, Predictive Analytics Machine Learning, Data Analysis

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

94. Segmento 95. Akilio 96. FindFace

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 50 - 100 Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia Employees: 1 - 10

Established: 2011 Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2015

Segmento is a major Russian programmatic Established: 2015 FindFace’s technology offers high face
platform, which employs machine learning recognition accuracy, and is proven for fast,
technology to target digital advertising. Expert System for business. large-scale search of photos.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Advertising All / Analytics All / Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Machine Learning, Reccomendation Deep Learning, Neural Networks Computer Vision, Deep Learning

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

97. 98. APERSO 99. Vocalize

Base: California, USA

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1 - 50
Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2010
Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2016
API.AI is a conversational UX platform
enabling brand unique, natural language Established: 2016 System for biometrical person
interactions for devices, applications, identification based on speech
System for face recognition and analysis
and services. biometrical identification

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Human Resources All / Security All / Security, Administration

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Chat bots, Natural Language Processing Computer Vision Speech recognition, Natural Language

Total investments Total investments Total investments

8.6M ——— ———

100. Speereo 101. Everypixel 102. Relation Rate

Base: England
Employees: 10 - 50 Base: Russia
Established: 1998 Employees: ——— Base: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Company owns and develops Speereo Established: 2016 Employees: 1 - 50
Speech Recognition (SSR) system.
It creates and distributes SW, HW Everypixel is a powerful search engine Established: 2015
that indexes 51 paid and free stock image
and systems based on SSR. Latest
websites, and allows users to search through Company that creates solutions for big data
product – universal Voice Remote. a massive database of stock photos in seconds. analysis and computer vision.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Security Media / Optimization All / consulting, outsourcing

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Speech Recognition Computer Vision Big data, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

103. Istra Soft 104. RecFaces 105. ProSoft Biometrics

Base: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 50

Employees: 100 - 500 Employees: 10 - 50 Established: 2006

Established: 1991 Established: 2014 Prosoft-Biometrics provides products

Russian developer of industry solutions, and solutions in access control and
IstraSoft is involved in development work time tracking systems with the
of computer technologies and computer formed into ready-made proposals based
on Id-Me multi-modal biometric identification use of biometric identification and
software for education and cultural needs. RFID cards technology.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Education All / Security All / Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Speech recognition, Natural Language Computer Vision Computer Vision, Speech Recognition

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———
106. Papillon Systems 107. 3I Technologies 108. Biometrical Systems

Base: Miass, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 50 - 100 Base: Moscow, Russia

Established: 1991 Established: 2014 Employees: 1 - 50

PAPILLON AO is a foremost Russian IT Complex IT solutions and specified Established: 2014

company and manufacturer, involved in libraries in the sphere of search, Solutions, programs and technology for
full-scale development and implementation processing and analysis of audio- video- person identification based on face images
of high-tech solutions and services to and textual information
facilitate the work of law-enforcement
agencies, businesses and government.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Industries / Functions All / Administration, Security All / Security
All / Security
AI Sphere AI Sphere
AI Sphere Bi Data, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision
Computer Vision Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

109. Cognitive Systems 110. Conundrum Analytics 111. Aidata

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 1 - 10
Established: 2015 Base: London, England
Established: 2016
Since 2015 Cognitive Systems company Employees: 10 - 50
End-to-end consulting from finding
has been developing Brain2 online system. cutting-edge technological and business Established: 2012
The service will allow a person without ideas, through development of data science
special skills to train and use artificial is a data analytics company that
proof-of-concepts, to optimization solutions
intelligence systems through ordinary helps companies reduce unnecessary data
for big data including data engineering.
texts or databases. information.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Real Estate All / Consulting, outsourcing All / Marketing

AI Sphere
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Recommendation Systems, Big Data,
Computer Vision, Natural Language Big Data, MAchine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing
Processing, Neural Networks Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

112. Sarafan 113. Inspector Cloud 114. Mallenom Systems

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Cherepovets, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10 Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 50 - 100
Established: 2016 Established: 2016 Established: 1999
Searching clothes and things according Computer Vision techniques for detecting System for transport detection, analysis
to the picture in instagram labels and products in supermarkets and analytics

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Fashion / E-commerce Retail / Optimization Transport / Analytics, Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer VIsion, Neural Networks Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Computer Vision
Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments

Total investments
——— ———

115. Intelligence Retail 116. 3DiVi 117. Surf Studio

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Miass, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 10-50
Base: Voronezh, Russia
Established: 2016 Established: 2011
Employees: 50 - 100
Intelligence Retail provide services that 3DiVi is developer of VicoVR Sensor, which
Established: 2011
increase sales efficiency, using technologies is a game changing Bluetooth accessory
of image recognition to companies in the that brings full body tracking to MobileVR Surf Studio craft & code mobile experiences
sector of FMCG / Retail for big brands

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Retail / Optimization All / Optimization, Security All / consulting, outsourcing

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Computer Vision, VR Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 1.87M ———

118. Pawlin Technologies 119. Systech 120. Logistix

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 50 - 100 Base: Kaliningrad, Russia

Established: 2005 Employees: 100 - 500 Base: Moscow, Russia

Pawlin Technologies study neural Established: 2000 Employees: 100 - 500

network approach for stereo image System Technologies Ltd. develops software Established: 1990
face recognition. which helps automate and manage
distribution. Logistix is a company that designs, builds
and manages value chain solutions.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Retail / Analytics, Security Retail / Analytics Retail / Optimization

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning Computer Vision
Predictive Analytics

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

121. LIfe.Film 122. TeleMD 123. Malevich

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 1 - 10
Base: Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia Established: 2016 Established: 2016
Employees: 1 - 10 Medical knowledge base with medical Malevich works the way human brain does.
ontologies for the preparation of Using next generation neural networks it mixes
Established: 2014
mathematical models and interpretation contents of your photo and the style of your
AI service automatically create your of the results of using artificial intelligence favorite artist.
video timeline. technologies

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Entertainment / Optimization Medicine / Analytics Entertainment / Software

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer vision Computer Vision, Predictive Analytics Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

124. Ostagram 125. Kuznech 126. Cera Marketing

Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2015 Base: Newton, Massachusetts
Established: 2015
Ostagram provides an opportunity to Employees: 10-50
come in touch with the world of art, Provider of a behavioral analytics service.
Established: 2011
without any skills. After uploading a photo The company provides behavior analytics
for processing and a image in a style you’d KUZNECH is a company that specializes wherein they analyze buyers and sellers
like to copy, you can get an amazing result in turning today’s data into tomorrow’s behavior through videos and helps in reduction
you might have never dreamt of. innovation by neural networks training. of theft and cashier errors

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Entertainment / Software All / Analytics Retail / Analytics, Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Computer Vision, Data Mining Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— 2.23M 21.7K

127. Integra S 128. Intellectual Security 129. Lesnoy Dozor


Base: Samara, Russia

Employees: 50 - 100 Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Established: 1996 Employees: 50 - 100 Employees: 10 - 50
An integrated security system for the Established: 1996 Established: 2008
infrastructure of a banking institution is
a complex automated management system Complex Solutions in video analysis, Company DiSiCon develops and implements
that is responsible for the security of each video management and detection terrestrial remote surveillance system «Lesnoy Dozor»
site in the bank. systems designed to observe large forest areas.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Transport / Analytics, Security All / Security Resources / Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Computer Vision Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

130. Elvees Neotek 131. Agregator 132. Axxon

Base: Seoul, South Korea

Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 100 - 500
Employees: 50 - 100
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2003
Established: 2011
Employees: 100 - 500 Leading developer of smart integrated security
ELVEES NeoTek is the leading developer and video surveillance systems. The company’s
Established: 2009
and producer of high-tech security systems. portfolio for the Safety & Security market boasts
ELVEES NeoTek is a pioneer in Multispectral Agregator produces all necessary over 150,000 projects with 2.5 million cameras
Computer Vision technology. equipment for video monitoring installed.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Transport / Analytics, Security All / Security All / Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Computer Vision Computer Vision

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———
133. Macroscop 134. Computer Vision 135. Video Intellect

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 50 - 100
Established: 2008 Base: Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 50 -100 Employees: 1 - 10
Global provider of Video Management
Software (VMS) with the added strong Established: 2011 Established: 2008
intelligence of video analytics and network
video recorders (NVR). Currently over «Computer Vision Systems» - is a leading Systems for video analysis - algorithms for
23 000 video surveillance systems, Russian developer in the area of stereo detecting scenarios, predictive video analysis
employing over 200 000 IP video cameras, computer vision. and people detection
are successfully running all over the world.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Security All / Security Banking, Transport, Retail / Analytics, Security

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Computer Vision Computer vision, Predictive Analytics

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

136. Synesis 137. Mivar 138. Detectum

Base: Moscow, Moscow City

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Malung, Sweden
Employees: 50-100
Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2007
Established: 2012 Established: 2014
Synesis, an open video analytics platform,
enables third party companies to implement The company develops application systems Detectus AB is a Swedish company that
intelligent video surveillance apps in various on the basis of logical artificial intelligence, develops, manufactures and sells EMC
fields. integrates mivar solutions into IT- landscape test systems directly and through distributors
of the client. worldwide

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Analytics All / Human Resources, Administration Retail / E-commerce

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Computer Vision Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Processing,

Chatbots, Robotics Machine Learning

Total investments Total investments Total investments

1M ——— ———

139. Particle 140. MrBot 141. Cleverise

Base: California, USA Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 1 - 10
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2016 Established: 2016
Employees: 1 - 10
Particle is Google for life-science Dialogue platform (chatbot) that can
recruiters Established: 2016 communicate via social networks, messengers
and web sites
Professional chatbot
developers team.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

Life Sciences / Analytics Industries / Functions All / Administration, Advertising
All / Advertising
AI Sphere AI Sphere
Search Engine Chatbots, Natural Language Processing
AI Sphere
Chatbots, Natural Language Processing
Total investments Total investments
Total investments
75k ———

142. InfoQubes 143. Sensemaking Lab 144. Meanotek

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Kazan, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 10 - 50 Employees: 1–10
Employees: 10 - 50 Established: 2010 Established: 2014
Established: 2011 Sensemaking Lab designs, develops and Meanotek performs different tasks: from
implements data-driven analytical solutions analysis of news to recommendation system
Platform for text analysis. based on the concept of Big Data and provides for medical treatment. All tasks implement
related services.
machine learning and NLP.

Industries / Functions
Industries / Functions Industries / Functions
All / Marketing, Advertising,
Administration All / Analytics All / Analytics

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Processing, Big data Natural language processing, Recommendation
Data mining systems

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

145. DeepHackLab 146. Promt 147. Eureka Engine

Base: Moscow, Russia

Employees: 1 - 10
Base: Moscow, Russia
Established: 2016
Base: Moscow, Russia Employees: 1 - 10
DeepHackLab includes a combination of
neuroscience expertise and neurocognitive Employees: 1 - 10 Established: 2015
architectures to improve deep learning EUREKA ENGINE - is a high-speed modular
Established: 2017
applications, especially in Q&A and dialog type system of linguistic text analysis that
systems, with a long-term focus on artificial Inleksys provides services for big data allows to extract new knowledge and facts
conversational interfaces. analysis, data mining and machine learning from unstructured data.

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Optimization, administration All / Translation All / Marketing, Analytics

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Natural Language processing, Natural Language processing Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning, Chatbots

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———

148. Avicomp Services 149. Habidatum 150. Aitarget

Base: New York, USA

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia
Employees: 1 - 10
Employees: 100 - 500 Employees: 10 - 50
Established: 2014
Established: 1991 Established: 2012
Habidatum is an international company
Big software development company assisting urban planners, businesses and AI-based technology for optimization
specializing on big textual analysis professional experts in understanding the target advertising from marketing partner
tasks hyper-dynamic urban environment. of Facebook and Instagram

Industries / Functions Industries / Functions Industries / Functions

All / Software Transport / Optimization Media / Advertising

AI Sphere AI Sphere AI Sphere

Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, Predictive Analytics Recommender Systems
Data mining

Total investments Total investments Total investments

——— ——— ———
1. IIDF (Internet initiatives 2. Baring Vostok capital 3. LETA Capital
development fund) partners

Base: Moscow
Base: Moscow
Focus Region: Global
Base: Moscow Focus Region: Russia
LETA Capital is a corporate boutique venture
Focus Region: Russia Baring Vostok Capital Partners Limited fund investing in innovative IT startup companies
Investment fund with more than is a venture capital and private equity at their seed or early growth stage
200 portfile companies firm.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

15 k - 5 M 3 M - 200 M 300 k - 5 M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
100 - 500 10 - 50 10 - 50

4. VTB Capital Investment 5. GVA Capital 6. Universe Ventures


Base: San Francisco, California

Focus Region: US, Europe, Russia
Base: Moscow
Founders: Magomed Musaev, Pavel Base: Russia
Focus Region: Global Cherkashin. GVA Capital is an early-stage,
Silicon Valley based VC firm with $120m Focus Region: Russia
under management. The firm is focused
Founded in 2008, VTB Capital on science-intensive innovations across
Investment Management offers a variety of verticals, including Artificial
Universe Ventures is a Russian company
investment banking products and Intelligence, FinTech, Robotics, Big Data, providing early-stage venture capital and
Cloud, Consumer Mobile, Advertising,
services to Russian and international clients. and Autonomous Vehicles. startup acceleration services since 2013.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

3 M - 60 M 100 k - 10 M 30 k – 75 k
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 10 - 50 10 - 50

7. Artsofte IT Company 8. Yandex 9. Larnabel VC

Base: Moscow
Base: Moscow
Focus Region: Russia
Base: Moscow Focus Region: Russia, US, Europe
Yandex is one of the largest internet
Focus Region: Russia Venture Capital Fund of Larnabel Enterprises,
companies in Europe, operating Russia’s
a company founded by the Gutseriev family
Studio Artsofte - professional IT-company, most popular search engine and its most
to invest in the information technology sector.
specializing in web technologies visited website.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

50 k – 400 k 50 k – 5.5 M 200 k – 10 M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
1 – 10 10 - 50 ———

10. Skolkovo Foundation 11. Finstar Financial Group 12. AltaIR Capital

Base: Moscow Base: Moscow Base: Tel Aviv

Focus Region: Russia Focus Region: Europe Focus Region: USA, Europe, Russia, Israel

Skolkovo Foundation is a Russian organization that

Finstar Financial Group is one of the Founder: Igor Ryabenkiy
largest private investment groups. AltaIR Capital is a venture capital firm that
fosters startups and venture capitals focused on the
Finstar has a significant experience
areas of energy, IT, biomedicine, nuclear, and space. invests in very early/seed stage tech companies,
in launching start-up projects and
The IT cluster develops strategic directions of
information technologies
in restructuring and expanding of primarily in the areas of Internet and Mobile.
companies in selected industries.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

45 k - 6.7 M 3 M – 31.5 M 50 k – 500 k
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 1 – 10 100

13. Emery Capital 14. iTech Capital 15. Flint Capital

Base: California
Focus Region: Europe, US, Israel, Russia
Base: Moscow Base: Moscow
Founders: Dmitry Smirnov, Oleg Seydak
Focus Region: Global Focus Region: Global Flint Capital I, II is an international venture
iTech Capital invests up to US$10 mln. capital $200 million funds investing across
Emery Capital is a venture capital
per deal in the digital world globally. Quick Europe, Israel and US with offices in Palo Alto,
management company that invests Boston and Tel Aviv. Flint Capital focuses on
and effective due diligence is based on
in global-focused early stage technological recognised professional experience of AI/ML, SaaS, Advertisement, Automotive,
startups. the international investment team CyberSecurity and Enterprise sectors.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

75 k – 9 M 1 – 10 M 500 k – 5 M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
1 - 10 ——— 10 - 50

16. Grishin Robotics 17. Gagarin Capital 18. Sistema Venture Capital

Base: California
Base: Moscow
Focus Region: Europe, US, Russia
Focus Region: Russia, CIS
Founder: Dmitry Grishin. VC firm based
in Silicon Valley and London, currently Base: California A venture capital firm focused
investing its second early-stage fund.
Focus Region: USA, Israel, CIS on investments in the growth-stage
Grishin Robotics has been one of the
first to start supporting entrepreneurs Internet companies (or at least Series
A venture firm focusing on the
in robotics, IoT, AI, smart hardware A Round).
Internet and high-tech.
and associated software.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

250 k – 20 M 1 M – 3.5 M 1.1 M – 6.2 M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
10 – 50 1 - 10 1 - 10

19. Almaz Capital 20. Titanium Investments 21. I2BF Global Ventures

Base: New York

Focus Region: Asia, Russia, Europe, US
Base: California
Base: Moscow Founder: Ilya Golubovich. I2BF Global Ventures
Focus Region: Eastern Europe is an international clean technology venture
Focus Region: Global capital firm with a global investment mandate.
An early stage venture capital firm
Established in 2005, I2BF Global Ventures
investing in entrepreneurs and Titanium Investments invests
manages four venture capital vehicles: I2BF
engineering talent in high-growth in young performing start-ups world Holdings, I2BF Venture Fund, Russia-Kazakhstan
tech sectors. wide. Nanotechnology Fund and late-stage venture
fund I2BF-RNC Strategic Resources Fund.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

250 k – 25.7 M 600k - 11M ———
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 10 - 50 10 - 50

22. Runa Capital 23. Maxfield Capital 24. RTP Ventures

Base: California
Base: New York
Focus Region: US, Europe, Russia, Israel, Base: New York
Southeast Asia Focus Region: US, Russia
Focus Region: USA, Russia, Israel, Europe
Invested in: Founders: Kirill Sheynkman, Leonid
Invested in: Founders: Ilya Zubarev, Serguei Invested in: Founders: Oleg Koujikov, Boguslavsky. RTP Ventures is an early-stage venture
Beloussov, Dmitry Chikhachev, Andre Bliznyuk.
Alexander Lazarev, Alexander Turkot capital fund investing in companies that create applied
Runa Capital is a technology-focused venture
Maxfield Capital - helps startups go global solutions for Financial Services and Healthcare
capital firm whose investments have created using IT and IoT Technologies as a foundation.
or incubated companies with more than $10B – it specializes on early stage opportunities
These companies almost always provided B2B
in assets. that are prepared to tackle global markets. products and usually deliver these products as SaaS.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

1M - 10M 500k - 2.5M 1M - 10M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
50 - 100 10 - 50 10 - 50

25. Viazra Investments 26. Sistema JSFC 27. Pulsar Venture Capital

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Kazan, Russia

Focus Region: Russia Focus Region: Russia, USA
Base: New York Established in 1993, today Sistema is Pulsar Venture Capital is an active player of
a large private investor operating in the the global venture capital market with a strong
Focus Region: Russia, Israel, US
real sector of the Russian economy. network of experts both in Russia, USA
Vaizra invests in talented teams with Sistema’s investment portfolio comprises and worldwide. Besides traditional
creative solutions to existing or emerging stakes in predominantly Russian companies investments, Pulsar Venture Capital’s professional
consumer needs. Vaizra invests both in early from various sectors of economy, including team specializes in accelerating the growth of new
and late stage opportunities as syndicate telecommunications, utilities, retail, high tech, high-tech businesses and also works to grow the
pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, innovation infrastructure. Pulsar Venture Capital
participants or lead positions
railway transportation, agriculture, finance, offers financing and mentorship to clean tech,
mass media, tourism, etc. Sistema made robotics, and electronics startups.
invested in Vision Labs and Segmento in 2016.
Investment size
Investment size Investment size
Number of investments
——— 10k - 15M
10 - 50
Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 10 - 50

28. Starta Capital 29. Winter Capital 30. Inventure Partners

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow, Russia

Base: Moscow, Russia
Focus Region: Russia, Europe Focus Region: Europe, Russia, USA, Israel
Focus Region: Russia, CIS
Starta Capital provides venture Inventure Partners is an innovative investment
Winter Capital is an investment advisory fund focused on funding disruptive technology
assistance and strategic advice to
firm focused on private equity and venture startups. The fund looks for teams with a novel
European entrepreneurs working on
capital. The primary focus of the team over approach to business models, and companies
early stage breakthrough technologies. the subsequent years was to manage and that are able to solve real problems and remove
ultimately advise on the disposal of Interros
inefficiencies in the market.
legacy holdings in technology, media
& entertainment, agriculture and other

Investment size Investment size Investment size

100k - 500k 75k - 3M 600k - 11M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
1 - 10 1 - 10 10 - 50

31. LIfe.SREDA 32. BAUR 33. Target Global

Base: Singapore Base: Ekaterinburg, Russia Base: Berlin, Germany

Focus Region: Asia, Russia, Europe Focus Region: Russia Focus Region: Europe, Russia
Life.SREDA VC is an international venture Baur is a structure uniting like-minded Target Global is an international VC firm with
capital firm, established in 2012 and people who are, or are willing to become over $450 million in assets under management
business angels. The need to join due to
headquartered in Singapore. Being one of and offices in San Francisco, Berlin, Tel Aviv
the fact that the use of the best international
the first FinTech-only non-corporate VC fund experience in the analysis and preliminary and Moscow. Target Global focuses primarily
in the world, Life.SREDA has already invested assessment of long-term projects, as well on fast-growing digital-enabled B2C and
in more than 20 FinTech companies around as build relationships with other investors - B2 SMB companies in e-Commerce, finTech,
the world venture capital and seed funds travel, software and mobile.

Investment size Investment size Investment size

315k - 15M 2M 200k - 25M
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 1 - 10 10 - 50

34. RWM Capital 35. The Untitled

Base: Moscow, Russia Base: Moscow

Focus Region: Russia Focus Region: Russia
RWM Capital is a Moscow-based private The Untitled is a venture capital company
equity firm specialized in direct fund based in California that finances seed and
investments in IT sphere. early stage companies. Managing
Partner - Konstantin Siniushin

Investment size Investment size

100k - 500k 10k - 1.5M
Number of investments Number of investments
1 – 10 10 - 50
1. OpenData Science 2. IPavlov 3. HSE Business incubator

Base: Moscow Base: Moscow

Base: Moscow Focus Region: Russia Focus Region: Russia

Focus Region: Russia, CIS The main goal of the iPavlov project is HSE Business Incubator is a department of National
сonversational intelligence. To solve this Research University “Higher School of Economics”.
The biggest russian-language online community ambitious task, iPavlov does research to Our main aim to provide an environment where young
about data science, machine learning and artificial advance existing state of the art in the field. entrepreneurs can build and develop their own start-ups.
intelligence with more than 6000 participants. iPavlov creates platform that makes it possible HSE Business Incubator also organizes workshops, contests,
Open Data Science actively supports conferences, to easily test ideas and develop scalable solutions public seminars, meetings and consultancies with experts
meetings and hacathons. for dialogue systems in business.HSE Business Incubator is open for all student,
staff, alumni and friends of Higher School of Economics

Investment size Investment size Investment size

15 k - 5 M ——— ———
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
100 - 500 ——— ———

4. IIDF (Internet initiatives 5. Science Guide 6. Neuronet

development fund)

Base: Moscow
Focus Region: Russia Base: Moscow
Base: Moscow Focus Region: Europe
Science Guide brings together developers,
Focus Region: Russia scientists and businesspeople at multidisciplinary
Neuronet is an organization that fosters projects
conferences, meetups and hackathons.
in the field of neural networks. It accelerates
Investment fund with more than These collaborations provide the solutions for
neuronet projects, organizes conferences,
200 portfile companies scientific problems and the development
meetings and other events
of knowledge-based business projects

Investment size Investment size Investment size

——— ——— ———
Number of investments Number of investments Number of investments
——— ——— ———

7. AI Community 8. Skolkovo Foundation 9. School of Data Analysis


Base: Moscow Base: Russia

Focus Region: Russia Base: Russia
Focus Region: Russia
Skolkovo Foundation is a Russian organization Focus Region: Russia, CIS
Community of AI specialists. AI Community
that fosters startups and venture capitals
organized 7 hacathons, 15 meet-ups and The School of Data Analysis is a free Master’s-level
focused on the areas of energy, IT, biomedicine,
conferences and 3 expert sessions. It helps program in Computer Science and Data Analysis, which
nuclear, and space. The IT cluster develops
companies to find investors and specializats is offered by Yandex since 2007 to graduates in
strategic directions of information technologies,
in such spheres as neural networks, chat-bots, engineering, mathematics, computer science or related
including search systems and cloud calculations.
big data, machine learning and computer vision fields. The aim of the School is to train specialists in data
The biomed cluster supports and develops
innovations in the field of biomedical analysis and information retrieval for further employment
technologies at Yandex or any other IT company

Investment size
Investment size Investment size
45k - 6.7M ———
Number of investments
Number of investments Number of investments
10 - 50 ———

10. Eclass

Base: Russia
Focus Region: Russia, CIS, Europe, USA,
Eclass is an online class giving their
emphasis on complex and sophisticated
disciplinary skills and understandings

Investment size
Number of investments

List of Top 15
Russian influencers
in AI
Arkady Volozh
Arkady Volozh is a principal founder and largest individual shareholder of search engine Yandex, Russia’s Google.
In 2016 Volozh co-founded Turkish food delivery outfit Getir and became investor and board member in Israeli firm,
NeuroSteer, brain monitoring and neurofeed technology firm

Company Education / degree Position

Yandex Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Founder and CEO of Yandex

Alexander Dyakonov
Alexander Dyakonov is one of the best specialists in data science in Russia. For a long period of time he held the
1st place in Kaggle AI specialists rating. Currently Alexander is a professor at MSU.

Company Education / degree Position

Moscow State University Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Professor

Dmitry Vetrov
Dmitry Vetrov is a head of Bayesian Methods research group. He believes that we’re moving towards The New
Mathematics or the mathematics of big data age where completely new learning, inference, optimization and
storage technologies will appear. The first steps (deep learning, tensor decomposition, stochastic optimization)
has been made already but many more to be made in recent years. The creation of those new technologies is
his mission.

Company Education / degree Position

Higher School of Economics, Phd in Physics and Head of Bayesian Methods
Yandex Mathematics department at HSE, Senior
Researcher at Yandex

David Yang
David Yang is the founder of ABBYY is a leading provider of document recognition, data capture,
and linguistic technologies and services.

Company Education / degree Position

Yandex Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas Founder and CEO of Yandex

Konstantin Vorontsov
Researcher, expert in Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
and Predictive Analytics

Company Education / degree Position

Yandex, HSE, MSU, DSc in Theoretical Professor at HSE, MSU, MIPT, deputy
MIPT, Forecsys Foundations of Computer Science director of science at Forecsys

Dmitry Grishin
Dmitry Grishin is a Russian businessman, investor and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as co-founder,
Chairman and CEO of Group. Grishin also made significant contributions to Russia’s internet presence,
Runet, in its early days. In 2012, Grishin invested $25 million to found the first-ever robotics investment company,
Grishin Robotics, to focus exclusively on consumer robotics.

Company Education / degree Position

Mail.Ru Group Graduate from Bauman State University Сo-founder, Chairman and CEO
of Group

Andrey Gulin
Andrey Gulin works on the improving of quality search in Yandex. One of the authors and creators
of MatrixNet search algorithm. Andrey Gulin was a speaker at many AI related conferences.

Company Education / degree Position

Yandex Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Search specialist

Herman Gref
Herman Gref is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia
from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank.
Herman Gref actively supports and promotes AI and ML technologies. He fis also a member of boards
and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex

Company Education / degree Position

Sberbank PhD in economics CEO

Mikhail Burtsev
The field of scientific interests is connected with creating artificial cognitive systems

Company Education / degree Position

MIPT PhD, Candidate of Physical Head of the Laboratory of Neurointelligence and
and Mathematical Sciences. Neuromorphic Systems of the Kurchatov NBICS Center,
Albert Efimov
Albert Efimov is currently the most cited Russian expert in the field of robotics .
Known for public speeches and work with all types of media. Permanent member of expert councils of the
federal level that devoted to the issues of new production technologies

Company Education / degree Position

Skolkovo Foundation PhD Chief of Skolkovo Robotics

Evgeny Burnaev
Evgeny’s research interests encompass the areas of regression based on Gaussian Processes, bootstrap,
confidence sets and conformal predictors, volatility modeling and nonparametric estimation, statistical decisions
and rapid detection of anomalies in complex multicomponent systems.

Company Education / degree Position

Skoltech, MIPT, HSE, PhD in computer Science Researcher
Yandex, RAS (IITP RAS)

Andrey Ivaschenko
Andrey Ivaschenko serves as the Chairman and Director of ChemRar, the Moscow-based pharmaceutical
and biotechnology services company at Viriom Inc. Leader at Neuronet working group.

Company Education / degree Position

Neuronet Doctor of technical Co-founder and leader of
sciences working group

Andrey Sebrant
Andrey Serbrant is a director of marketing services at Yandex. He is a big machine learning popularizator
and speaker at many AI-related events

Company Education / degree Position

Yandex PhD in Physics and Director of marketing services

Viktor Lempitsky
Viktor is a computer vision expert and researcher. He is a head of several CV groups in Skoltech and Yandex,
teacher in 3 universites and regular member of machine learning conferences.

Company Education / degree Position

Skoltech, School of PhD in applied Researcher, head of computer
Data Analysis, Yandex mathematics vision team

Ilya Muchnik
Ilya Muchnik is a head of “School of Data Analysis” and research supervisor of 17 doctors
of sciences.

Company Education / degree Position

School of Data Doctor of Sciences Research supervisor

Mikhail Burtsev Grigory Sapunov

Denis Tsitko Aleksey Natekin
[email protected]

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