Tender Document of A Pipeline Project

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Government of India Department

of Atomic Energy General Services

Organization CIVIL
Providing and laying Ductile iron Pipeline from NDDP
2MGD Plant to Poiyakkarai near DAE main gate at
Tender No - GSO/CED/CE/TR-640/2014
Part - I : Technical id
Tr-640 / 1
Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
General Services rgani!ation
Na%e o& 'or( " Pro)idin* and la+in* D,ctile iron Pi-eline &ro% NDDP 2.GD Plant to Poi+a((arai
near D/E %ain *ate at 0al-a((a%1
Tender No: GSO/CED/CE/TR-640/2014
INDE2 3P/RT - I4
Section Title #age $o%
I $otice Inviting Tender &it' Anne()res * to +1
II - A Information , Instr)ctions for -idders ++ to +.
II - -
/orm of agreement - General r)les and directions for item rate tender and
contract for &or0s
+6 to *0
III Special conditions *1 to 4+
III-A AE1- Safety g)idelines for control of &or0s 4* to 22
I3 General 4onditions of 4ontract 555550 26 to 117
Sc'ed)le - / 8 1 1+0 to 1+*
4onstr)ction #o&er S)pply , Electrical Safety 1+4 to 1+6
3 S#E4I/I4ATI$S 1+2 to +01
Additional Information and Special instr)ctions to t'e tenderer for 9alpa00am
:or0s ^^^^^M
+0+ to +0*
3I A Sc'ed)le of dra&ings +04
3I - Sc'ed)le of 4onstr)ction +04
3II Sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials +0.
Anne()re ;A; to ;G; +06 to ++0
Tr-640 / +
Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
General Services
Organisation Civil
Engineering Division
e-tenders in T&o parts are invited on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India <y t'e Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5
GSO5 /n,-,ra% 606 1275 9anc'eep)ram District= Tamilnad) from rep)ted and e(perienced
4ontractors >or? &'o are in t'e approved list of t'e appropriate class of 4entral #)<lic :or0s
Department= State #)<lic :or0s Department= 1ail&ays= @ilitary Engineers Services &it' proven
tec'nical and financial capa<ilities= possessing t'e reA)ired constr)ction eA)ipment and e(periences
of 'aving s)ccessf)lly completed &or0s d)ring t'e last seven years ending last day of t'e mont'
previo)s to t'e one in &'ic' applications are invited as follo&s" T'ree similar completed &or0s eac'
costing not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 40 B of t'e estimated cost p)t to tender= >or? T&o similar
completed &or0s eac' costing not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 60 B of t'e estimated cost p)t to
tender= >or? ne similar completed &or0 of costing not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 60 B of t'e
Estimated cost )nder a single contract and at least one &or0 of any nat)re eit'er part of a<ove &or0s
or separate one of not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 40 B of estimated cost p)t to tender s'o)ld
'ave <een completed in 4entral Government / State Government / #)<lic Sector Cnderta0ings of
4entral or State Governments / 4entral or State a)tonomo)s <odies
Tender No - GSO/CED/CE/TR-640/2014
Name of work Pro)idin* and la+in* D,ctile iron Pi-eline &ro% NDDP
2.GD Plant to Poi+a((arai near D/E %ain *ate at
Estimated Cost
R81 249120 $a(h8 1
Time allowed 6 !Si:# .onth8
Earnest Money Deposit R81 45 ;65 400/- in t'e form of Deposit at 4all 1eceipt or
Demand Draft/ -an0ers 4'eA)e or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipt
dra&n in favo)r of #ay and Acco)nts fficer= GS
Alternatively= an amo)nt of R81 25 495 200/- 8hall <e in t'e
form of Deposit at 4all 1eceipt or Demand Draft/ -an0ers
4'eA)e or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipt dra&n in favo)r of #ay and
Acco)nts fficer= GS and
-alance amo)nt of R81 25 495 200/- 8hall <e in t'e form of
-an0 G)arantee iss)ed <y a sc'ed)led <an0= as per
enclosed prescri<ed format% 4as' and 4'eA)e for Earnest
@oney Deposit &ill not <e accepted%
Security Deposit = > o& tendered )al,e
erformance Guarantee = > o& tendered )al,e
Cost of Tender Document !T"is amount
is not refunda#le$
R81 15 =90/- Dincl)ding T$3ATE in t'e form of Demand Draft/
-an0ers 4'eA)e/ #ay rder dra&n in favo)r of #ay and
Acco)nts fficer= GS= paya<le at 9alpa00am%
Tender processing fee
R81 =5 619/- <+ e--a+%ent thro,*h electronic %ode1
?,rther detail8 -lea8e 8ee '''1tender'i@ard1co%/D/E1
Date%eriod of availa#ility of tender
document for view and download
?ro% 1=-0;-2014 !10:00 Ao,r8# to 2;-0;-2014 !17:00
Ao,r8# on 'e<8ite '''1tender'i@ard1co%/D/E
Plea8e note that the tender 'ill <e a)aila<le &or do'nload <et'een the date8 a8 -re8cri<ed
a<o)e1 /*encie8 intere8ted in -artici-atin* %,8t re*i8ter in the 'e< -ortal and -a+ the
-re8cri<ed re*i8tration char*e8 a8 -er reB,ire%ent85 8ho,ld -a+ tender -roce88in* &ee online5
Tender co8t in DD &or the -re8cri<ed a%o,nt all 'ithin the date8 -re8cri<ed a<o)e1 Onl+
a*encie8 'ho ha)e re*i8tered in the a<o)e %entioned 'e< -ortal can -artici-ate in e-tender1
Detailed NIT i8 al8o a)aila<le on 'e<8ite '''1i*car1*o)1in &or )ie' onl+1
/ree vie&ing of tender doc)ments in #D/
Click "TENDERS OF DAE" on Home page Website
!ten"eri#ar"!com$DAE! %& intereste" in
participating in t'e ten"er( "onloa" tec'nical
an" Financial )i"s in E*cel Format as +n"er!
#)rc'ase of tender doc)ments in E(cel Fogin in t'e Gome page of t'e &e<site
Tr-640 / *
/ormat for participation in tendering%
&&&%tender&i!ard%com/DAE &it' yo)r Csed
ID/#ass&ord and 4lass III Digital Signat)re
4lic0 on CDN/PP$IEDC <)tton" t'en clic0 on
H1EICESTH icon D-l)e colo)rE" Enter TENDER ?EE
DD Details% #ay TENDERPROCESSING ?EE online%
4lic0 on CSD.ITC <)tton% $o& clic0 on"
CINPROGRESSC <)tton% In stat)s col)mn yo) &ill find
t'e tender is 1E4EI3ED% Jo) &ill <e a<le to do&nload
reA)ired Tender Doc)ments <y clic0ing HEDIT
ATTA4G@E$TH icon for any n)m<er of times till last
date of s)<mission%
#lease refer Gelp @an)al for s)<mission of Tender/
contact Gelp Des0 at dae'elpdes0Kgmail%com for any
Fast date for s)<mission of original
DD/-4/# etc%= to&ards Tender doc)ment
/ee and E@D
&n or #efore ,-.,/.0/,1 2,13// Ho+rs4 in t"e office of
t"e Estimate ' Contract Section( CED( Anupuram ) *+,
-./( 0anc"eepuram District1
%& t'e ten"erer &ail to s+bmit original DD$)C$5O etc!(
it' in t'e prescribe" perio" as mentione" above
t'ose ten"ers ill be s+mmaril6 re7ecte"!
Fast date , Time of pre<id clarification if any=
sent <y <idder
8pto ,13// Ho+rs on /9$,/$0/,1 to
:ail i" . ce"gso;gmail!com
Fast date and time of closing of online
s)<mission of tenders"
,-$,/$0/,1 2,13// Ho+rs4
Date and Time of online opening of
Tec"nical 2id
,-$,/$0/,1 2,13</ Ho+rs4
Date of verification of credentials for e)
tendering mode
,=$,/$0/,1 to 0,$,/$0/,1
Note3 Original "oc+ments s+bstantiating t'e
eligibilit6 criteria all mentione" s'o+l" be
pro"+ce" &or veri&ication "+ring eval+ation
process! %& t'e ten"erer &ail to s+bmit original
cre"ential &or veri&ication( it'in t'e prescribe"
perio" as mentione" above t'ose ten"ers ill be
s+mmaril6 re7ecte"!
Date of opening of 3inancial 2ids of 4ualified
Date an" time ill be noti&ie" later
T'e sec)rity deposit at . B D/ive percentE of t'e gross amo)nt of t'e <ill s'all <e ded)cted from eac'
r)nning <ills of t'e contractor= till t'e s)m along &it' t'e amo)nt already deposited as earnest money
&ill amo)nt to sec)rity deposit of . B D/ive percentE of t'e tendered val)e of t'e &or0% In addition= t'e
contractor s'all <e reA)ired to deposit an amo)nt eA)al to . B of t'e tendered and accepted val)e of
Tr-640 / 4
t'e contract as irrevoca<le performance sec)rity in t'e prescri<ed form as specified in t'e $IT &it'in a
period of fifteen days from t'e date of iss)e of letter of intent%
1. 4ontractors &'o f)lfill t'e follo&ing reA)irements s'all <e eligi<le to apply% Loint vent)res are
not accepted%
2. #roof of registration &it' Government/Semi Government organi!ations li0e 4#:D= @ES=
1ail&ays= State #:D etc%= in appropriate class 1 'aving e(perience in e(ec)tion of similar
&or0s% Scanned copy s'all <e )ploaded%
3. E(periences of 'aving s)ccessf)lly completed &or0s d)ring t'e last seven years ending last
day of t'e mont' previo)s to t'e one in &'ic' applications are invited as follo&s" T'ree similar
completed &or0s eac' costing not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 40 B of t'e estimated cost
p)t to tender= >or? T&o similar completed &or0s eac' costing not less t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to
60 B of t'e estimated cost p)t to tender= >or? ne similar completed &or0 of costing not less
t'an t'e amo)nt eA)al to 60 B of t'e Estimated cost )nder a single contract and at least one
&or0 of any nat)re eit'er part of a<ove &or0s or separate one of not less t'an t'e amo)nt
eA)al to 40 B of estimated cost p)t to tender s'o)ld 'ave <een completed in 4entral
Government / State Government / #)<lic Sector Cnderta0ings of 4entral or State
Governments / 4entral or State a)tonomo)s <odies%
CSi%ilar 'or(8C s'all mean t'at C/n+ t+-e o& Ci)il Con8tr,ction/ Pi-e line 'or(8C1
T'e val)e of e(ec)ted &or0s s'all <e <ro)g't to t'e c)rrent costing level <y en'ancing t'e act)al
val)e of &or0 at simple rate of 2 B per ann)m calc)lated from t'e date of completion to last date of
receipt of tenders%
a) S'o)ld 'ave 'ad average ann)al financial t)rnover of minim)m *0 B of estimated cost on &or0s
d)ring t'e immediate last t'ree consec)tive financial year% Scanned copy of certificate from
4'artered Acco)ntant to <e )ploaded% S'o)ld not 'ave inc)rred any loss for more t'an t&o years
d)ring t'e last five years ending previo)s financial year% Details s'all <e f)rnis'ed d)ly s)pported
<y fig)res in <alance s'eet/profit and lose acco)nt for t'e last t'ree D*E years d)ly certified <y
4'arted Acco)ntant as )ploaded <y t'e applicant to Income ta( department as per #roforma as
specified in /orm - A%
b) S'o)ld 'ave a Solvency of minim)m 40 B of estimated cost o<tained from competent a)t'orities
as per #roforma as specified in /orm - - s'all <e )ploaded% T'e Solvency certificate s'all not <e
older t'an one year from t'e date of tender opening date%
c) Applicant s'o)ld )pload t'e details of all &or0s of similar class completed in t'e #roforma as
specified in /orm - 4%
d) Fist of proMects )nder e(ec)tion or a&arded s'all <e )ploaded as per #roforma specified in /orm -
e) #erformance report of &or0s referred to in /orms ;4; , ;D; s'all <e )ploaded as per #roforma
specified in /orm - E%
f) Details regarding str)ct)re and organi!ation of t'e firm s'all <e )ploaded as per #roforma
specified in /orm - /%
g) Details regarding manpo&er possessed s'all <e f)rnis'ed as per #roforma specified in /orm -G
s'all <e )ploaded% T'e details of trained and certified &or0men proposed to <e employed at t'e
&or0 site of t'e proMect s'o)ld also <e f)rnis'ed%
h) Details of constr)ction plant= mac'inery= eA)ipment= accessories , infrastr)ct)re facilities li0ely to
<e )sed/possessed for carrying o)t t'e &or0 s'all <e f)rnis'ed as per #roforma specified in /orm
- G%
iE #A$ 4ertificate in t'e latest approved form - Details of sales ta( registration incl)ding details of
commercial ta( office &it' &'om t'ey are remitting t'is ta(%
ME 4ertificate DScanned copy of original certificates to <e )ploadedE
a. #erformance 4ertificates
Tr-640 / .
b. :4T 1egistration 4ertificate
Tr-640 / 6
c. TI$ 1egistration
d. #A$ D#ermanent Acco)nt $)m<erE 1egistration%
e. 1egistration 4ertificate in 4#:D/State #:D/@ES
f. /orm A to /orm G
0E C$DE1TA9I$G as )nder for e-tendering mode"-
I/&e )nderta0e and confirm t'at eligi<le similar &or0DsE 'ave not <een got e(ec)ted t'ro)g'
anot'er contractor on <ac0 to <ac0 <asis% /)rt'er t'at= if s)c' a violation comes to t'e notice of
t'e department= t'en I/&e s'all <e de<arred for <idding in DAE in f)t)re forever% Also= if s)c' a
violation comes to t'e notice of t'e department <efore t'e date of start of &or0= t'e engineer-in-
c'arge s'all <e free to forfeit t'e entire Earnest @oney deposit/ #erformance G)arantee%
DScanned copy to <e )ploaded at t'e time of s)<mission of -idE%
4. Information and instr)ctions for tenderer posted on &e<site s'all form part of tender doc)ment
for e-tendering mode%
5. T'e tender doc)ment consisting of plans= specifications= sc'ed)le of A)antities of vario)s types
of items to <e e(ec)ted and t'e set of terms and conditions of t'e contract to <e complied &it'
and ot'er necessary doc)ments can <e seen and do&nloaded from &e<site
&&&%tender&i!ard%com/DAE free of cost for e-tendering mode%
6. T'e <id can only <e s)<mitted after )ploading t'e mandatory scanned doc)ments s)c' as
demand draft or pay rder or <an0er;s 4'eA)e or Deposit at call 1eceipt or /i(ed deposit
receipts and <an0 G)arantee of any sc'ed)led <an0 to&ards t'e cost of tender doc)ment and
E@D in favo)r of CPa+ and /cco,nt8 O&&icer5 GSOC
7. Tho8e contractor8 not re*i8tered on the 'e<8ite '''1tender'i@ard1co%/D/E5 are
reB,ired to *et re*i8tered &or e-tenderin* %ode1 Re*i8tered contractor8 onl+ can
do'nload E 8,<%it/,-load tender81
8. T'e intending <idder m)st 'ave valid class - III digital signat)re to s)<mit t'e <id for e-tendering
9. n opening date= t'e contractor can login and see t'e <id opening process for e-tendering
10. /or e-tendering mode= contractor m)st ens)re to A)ote rate of eac' item% T'e col)mn meant for
A)oting rate in fig)res appears in JEFF: colo)r and t'e moment rate is entered= it t)rns S9J
-FCE% I& an+ cell i8 le&t <lan(5 the 8a%e 8hall <e treated a8 C0C1 T'erefore= if any cell is left
<lan0 and no rate is A)oted <y t'e <idder= rate of s)c' item s'all <e treated as H0H DNE1E%
11. /or e-tendering mode= in t'e case of <ids in t'ree stage system and if it is desired to s)<mit
revised financial <id t'en it s'all <e mandatory to s)<mit revised financial <id% If not s)<mitted
t'en= t'e <id s)<mitted earlier s'all <ecome invalid%
12. T'e department reserves t'e rig't to accept/ reMect any prospective application &it'o)t
assigning any reason t'ereof%
13. S'ort listing of agencies s'all <e s)<Mect to t'oro)g' verification of t'eir credentials and
inspection of &or0s carried o)t <y t'em= t'ro)g' a Tec'nical Eval)ation 4ommittee of e(perts=
constit)ted <y GS%
14. If any information f)rnis'ed <y t'e applicant is fo)nd to <e incorrect at a late stage= t'ey s'all
<e lia<le to <e de<arred from tendering/ ta0ing )p &or0s in DAE/IG4A1/GS%
15. In case of s)ccessf)l tenderer= t'e tenderer is reA)ired to deposit an amo)nt eA)al to .B of t'e
tendered and accepted val)e of t'e contract as irrevoca<le performance g)arantee in t'e form
of <an0 g)arantee from any of t'e sc'ed)led <an0 or <y demand draft//i(ed Deposit 1eceipt
from State <an0 of India or 4anara <an0 paya<le at 9alpa00am or Indian <an0 paya<le at
An)p)ram dra&n in favo)r of Pa+ and /cco,nt8 O&&icer5 GSO5 0al-a((a% &it'in a period of
fifteen days of iss)e of letter of intent% T'e letter of a&ard of &or0 &ill <e iss)ed only after t'e
a<ove said performance g)arantee in any one of t'e prescri<ed form as mentioned in a<ove
#ara is received and accepted= failing &'ic' t'e Government s'all &it'o)t preM)dice to any
ot'er rig't or remedy availa<le in la&= <e at li<erty to forfeit t'e earnest money a<sol)tely%
Tr-640 / 2
In addition to t'e a<ove= t'e s)ccessf)l tenderer is reA)ired to remit sec)rity deposit
amo)nting to .B of t'e tendered val)e= &'ic' s'all <e ded)cted at .B of t'e gross amo)nt of
t'e <ill from eac' r)nning <ill= till s)c' amo)nt along &it' t'e s)m already deposited as
earnest money= s'all amo)nt to sec)rity deposit as specified a<ove%
16. Tenderer to note t'at tenders &it' any condition incl)ding t'at of conditional re<ate s'all <e
reMected fort'&it'%
17. -idders s'all not <e )nder a declaration of ineligi<ility for tender A)oting and fra)d)lent
18. Doc)mentary evidence of adeA)ate financial standing%
19. Information regarding proMects in 'and= c)rrent litigation= orders regarding e(cl)sion=
e(p)lsion or <loc0 entry if any to <e f)rnis'ed%
20. T'e capacity of t'e contractor to ta0e )p a ne& proMect )nder consideration in addition to 'is
present commitments m)st <e clearly <ro)g't o)t% Ge s'o)ld also f)rnis' t'e details%
21. 4opies of original doc)ments detailing t'e constit)tion or legal stat)s place or reg)lation and
principle place of <)siness= &ritten po&er of attorney of t'e reg)latory of t'e <ond to commit
t'e <idders%
22. I)alification and e(perience of 0ey site management and tec'nical personnel proposed for
t'e contract%
23. Evidence of adeA)acy of &or0ing capital for t'is contract% Access to lines of credit and
availa<ility of ot'er financial reso)rces%
24. Information regarding any litigation= c)rrent or d)ring t'e last seven years= in &'ic' t'e <idder
is involved= t'e parties concerned and dis<)rsed amo)nt%
25. #roposals for s)<-contracting components of t'e &or0s incl)ding t'e A)alification and
e(perience of t'e identified s)<-contractor in t'e relevant field%
26. T'e proposed met'odology and program of e(ec)tion= <ac0ed &it' eA)ipment planning and
deployment d)ly s)pported &it' <road calc)lation and A)ality control proced)res proposed to
<e adopted= M)stifying t'eir capa<ility of e(ec)tion and completion of t'e &or0 as per tec'nical
specifications &it'in t'e stip)lated period of completion as per milestones%
Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO on <e'alf of president of India does not <ind 'imself to accept t'e lo&est
or any ot'er tender and reserves to 'imself t'e a)t'ority to reMect any or all of t'e tenders or to allot
#A1Ts of t'e &or0s to different agencies &it'o)t assigning any reasons t'erefore% All tenders= in
&'ic' any of t'e prescri<ed conditions is not f)lfilled or any condition= s'all <e s)mmarily reMected%
Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO1 ?or and on <ehal&
o& the Pre8ident o& India
Tr-640 / 6
>/orm of -G for E@D?
>$ $$ LCDI4IAF STA@# #A#E1 / 3AFCE 1S% 100/-?
:GE1E AS8888888888888888888888888>$ame and Address of t'e -idder? D'erein after called Ht'e
-idder DsEHE 'as s)<mitted 'is/t'eir <id Dated 88888888888888 >Date? for )nderta0ing t'e &or0 of
888888888888888888888888888888>$ame of :or0? D'erein after called Ht'e -idHE%
9$: AFF #E#FE <y t'ese presents t'at &e888888888888888>$ame and Address of t'e -an0? of
8888888888888>$ame of co)ntry? 'aving o)r registered office at888888888888888888888888D'erein
after called Ht'e -an0HE are <o)nd )n to #resident of India= acting t'ro)g' 4'ief Engineer= General
Services rganisation= >'erein after called HGSH? An)p)ram - 60* 1+2 in t'e s)m of 1s%
>1)pees88888888888888888888? for &'ic' payment &ill and tr)ly <e made to <e
said GS t'e -an0 <inds itself= 'is s)ccessors and assigns <y t'ese presents%
SEAFED &it' t'e common seal of t'e said -an0 t'is88888day of88888888mont' of year888888%
TGE 4$DITI$S of t'is o<ligation are"
(1) If after -id opening t'e -idder &it'dra&s 'is -id d)ring t'e period of -id validity specified in
t'e form of -id or ma0es any modification in t'e terms and conditions of t'e tender &'ic'
are not accepta<le to GS" 1
(2) If t'e -idder 'aving <een notified of t'e acceptance of 'is -id <y GS d)ring t'e period of
<id validity
a) /ails to ref)ses to e(ec)te t'e form of agreement in accordance &it' t'e instr)ctions of
-idders= if reA)ired" 1
b) /ails to commence t'e &or0 specified in t'e tender doc)ment in prescri<ed time%
:e )nderta0e to pay GS )p to t'e a<ove amo)nt )pon receipt of t'eir first &ritten demand= &it'o)t
GS 'aving to s)<stantiate t'eir demand= provided t'at in t'eir demand GS &ill note t'at t'e
amo)nt claimed <y t'em is d)e to t'em o&ing to t'e occ)rrence of one or any of t'e a<ove
conditions= specifying t'e occ)rred condition or conditions%
T'is g)arantee &ill remain in force )p to and incl)ding t'e date888888888888888
T'is date may <e
e(tended <y GS= notice of &'ic' e(tensions to t'e -an0 is 'ere<y &aived% Any demand in respect of
t'is g)arantee s'o)ld reac' t'e -an0 not later t'an t'e a<ove date%
DATE88888888888888SIG$ATC1E / TGE -A$9888888888888888888888888888888
>Signat)re= name and address of &itness?
(1) T'e <idder s'o)ld insert t'e amo)nt of G)arantee in &ords and fig)res denominated in Indian
1)pees% T'is fig)re s'o)ld <e t'e same as specified in t'e tender doc)ment%
(2) T'is date s'o)ld <e 4. days after t'e end of validity period of t'e -id= rec0oning from t'e
deadline for s)<mission of -ids &'ic' is stated in t'e tender doc)ment%
Tr-640 / 7
/nne:,re - I
$i8t o& Doc,%ent8 to <e 8canned E ,-loaded 'ithin the -eriod o& <id 8,<%i88ion &or e-
tenderin* %ode: !Scanned co-+ o& ori*inal certi&icate8 to <e ,-loaded#
1. /inancial T)rnover certified <y 4A
2. #rofit , Foss statement certified <y 4A
3. Fatest -an0 Solvency 4ertificate
4. Fist of SI@IFA1 :19S completed in last 2 years indicating"
i) Agency for &'om e(ec)ted=
ii) 3al)e of &or0=
iii) Stip)lated and act)al time of completion
5. Fist of :19S in 'and indicating"
i) Agency=
ii) 3al)e of &or0=
iii) Stip)lated time of completion/present position%
6. Fist of 4onstr)ction #lants and @ac'inery
7. Fist of tec'nical Staff
8. 4ertificates"
i) 1egistration 4ertificate
ii) 4ertificates of :or0 E(perience/#erformance certificates
iii) 4ertificate of 1egistration for sales Ta(/3AT/:4T and service Ta(
iv) TI$ 1egistration certificate
v) #A$ D#ermanent Acco)nt $)m<erE 1egistration
9. Cnderta0ing A to D of Anne()re I= Anne()re II%
10. Demand Draft/#ay rder or -an0er;s 4'eA)e of any Sc'ed)led -an0 to&ards cost of -id
11. E-payment t'ro)g' online electronic mode to&ards cost of processing fee%
12. Demand Draft/#ay rder or <an0er;s 4'eA)e/Deposit at 4all 1eceipt//D1 of any
-an0 against E@D%
13. -an0 G)arantee of any Sc'ed)led -an0 against E@D%
14. /orm of tender%
Tr-640 / 10
Dnderta(in* - /
HI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Son of%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1esiding at%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'ere<y give an )nderta0ing t'at I 'ave read and I am a&are of all t'e
classes and s)< cla)ses of tender forms and I confirm t'at I &ill a<ide <y all t'e terms and conditions
availa<le in t'is tender doc)ment% @y income Ta( #ermanent $)m<er D#A$E is
Seal of t'e /irm DDated Signat)re of contractor or 'is
a)t'orised #o&er of attorneyE
Dnderta(in* -
Son of%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1esiding at
'ere<y give an )nderta0ing t'at none of my relative DsE as
defined <elo& is / are employed in DAE as per details given in tender doc)ment% In case at any stage=
it is fo)nd t'at t'e information given <y me is false / incorrect= GS/IG4A1 s'all 'ave t'e a<sol)te
rig't to ta0e any action as deemed fit &it'o)t any prior intimation to meH T'e near relatives for t'is
p)rpose are defined as"
1. @em<ers of a Gind) )ndivided family%
2. T'ey are ')s<and and &ife%
3. T'e one is related to t'e ot'er in t'e manner as fat'er= mot'er= sonDsE= son;s &ife DDa)g'ter-
in-la&E= da)g'terDsE= da)g'ter;s ')s<and DSon-in-la&E= <rot'erDsE and <rot'er;s &ife= sisterDsE
and sister;s ')s<and D<rot'er-in-la&E
Seal of t'e /irm DDated Signat)re of contractor or 'is
a)t'orised #o&er of attorneyE
Tr-640 / 11
Dnderta(in* - C
HI/ :e 'ave read and e(amined t'e $otice Inviting Tender= General 1)les , Directions= /orm of
tender= Special 4onditions= safety code for :or0s 4ontract= General 4onditions of 4ontract=
Sc'ed)le-/= Specifications= Sc'ed)le of constr)ction= dra&ings and all ot'er contents in t'e tender
doc)ment for t'e &or0 A$D A441DI$GFJ I / :e= 'er<y tender for e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 specified
for t'e #resident of India &it'in t'e time specified in sc'ed)le H/H= vi!%= Sc'ed)le of I)antities and in
accordance in all respects &it' t'e specifications= designs= dra&ings and instr)ctions in &riting
referred to in 1)le 1 of General r)les , directions and in 4la)se - 11 of t'e General 4onditions of
4ontract and &it' s)c' materials as are provided for= <y and in respects in accordance &it'= s)c'
conditions so far as applica<leH%
Seal of t'e /irm DDated Signat)re of contractor or 'is
a)t'orised #o&er of attorneyE
Dnderta(in* - D
HI/ :e )nderta0e and confirm t'at eligi<le similar &or0DsE 'as/'ave not <een got e(ec)ted t'ro)g'
anot'er contractor on <ac0 to <ac0 <asis% /)rt'er t'at= if s)c' a violation comes to t'e notice of t'e
department= t'en I / :e s'all <e de<arred for <idding in DAE in f)t)re forever% Also= if s)c' a violation
comes to t'e notice of t'e department <efore date of start of &or0= t'e engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e
free to forfeit t'e entire amo)nt of Earnest @oney Deposit/#erformance G)aranteeH%
Seal of t'e /irm DDated Signat)re of contractor or 'is
a)t'orised #o&er of attorneyE
Tr-640 / 1+
/nne:,re - II
Declaration <+ contractor
T'is is to certify t'at"
1) I /:e 'ave s)<mitted t'e tenders in t'e #roforma as do&nloaded directly from t'e &e<sites
&'ic' are same as availa<le in t'e &e<site and t'ere is no c'ange in t'e format= n)m<er of
pages etc%=
2) I /:e 'ave not made any modifications / corrections / additions etc%= in t'e tender
doc)ments do&nloaded from &e<site <y me / )s%
3) I /:e 'ave c'ec0ed t'at no page is missing and all pages as per t'e inde( are availa<le
and t'at all pages of tender doc)ment s)<mitted <y )s are clear and legi<le%
4) I /:e 'ave s)<mitted t'e cost of t'e tender doc)ment , Tender processing fee%
5) I /:e 'ave s)<mitted reA)isite E@D in t'e prescri<ed form%
6) In case at later stage= it is noticed t'at t'ere is any difference in my/ o)r tender doc)ments
&it' t'e original doc)ments= GS / IG4A1 s'all 'ave t'e rig't to cancel t'e tender / &or0=
forfeit t'e Earnest @oney= #erformance G)arantee , Sec)rity Deposit= ta0e appropriate
action as per t'e prevailing r)les in force and GS / IG4A1 s'all not <e <o)nd to pay any
damages to me / )s on t'is acco)nt% 5tf55
DDated Signat)re of 4ontractor
&it' sealE
Tr-640 / 1*
I1 /inancial Analysis - Details to <e f)rnis'ed d)ly s)pported <y fig)res in <alance s'eet/profit and
loss acco)nt for t'e last five years d)ly certified <y t'e 4'artered Acco)ntant= as s)<mitted <y t'e
applicant to t'e Income Ta( Department" D4opies to <e attac'edE
#artic)lars /inancial Jears
+007-10 +010-11 +011-1+ +01+-1* +01*-14
DiE Gross Ann)al t)rnover
D1)pees in Fa0'sE%
DiiE #rofit/ Foss
D1)pees in Fa0'sE%
DiiiE 4ertified <y
$ame and
address of
II. ?inancial arran*e%ent8 &or carr+in* o,t the -ro-o8ed 'or(1
3i!% line of credit= :or0ing 4apital= FiA)id capital= /i(ed deposits etc%= - Cpload scanned copy of
III. The 8canned co-ie8 o& &ollo'in* certi&icate8 are to <e ,-loaded1
a) #rofit , Foss statement certified <y 4A , as s)<mitted to income Ta( Department%
b) Solvency 4ertificate from <an0er;s of applicant% -an0er;s certificate s'o)ld <e on letter 'ead of
t'e <an0% In case of partners'ip firm= certificate s'o)ld incl)de names of all partners as
recorded &it' t'e <an0 as said in t'e /orm H-H
c) 3al)e added ta( registration certificate
d) #ermanent Acco)nt $)m<er D#A$E
$ame , Address of a)t'orised Signatory
$ote" /)rt'er details if reA)ired may <e as0ed from t'e contractor after opening of t'e <ids% T'ere is
no need to )pload t'e entire vol)mino)s <alance s'eet%
Tr-640 / 14
!Scanned co-+ o& an(erG8 letter head to <e ,-loaded# ?OR. GG - ?OR. O?
T'is is to certify t'at to t'e <est of o)r 0no&ledge and information t'at @/s% / S'ri%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D&it' addressE a c)stomer of o)r <an0
are / is respecta<le and can <e treated as good for any engagement )p to a limit of 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D1)pees%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
T'is certificate is iss)ed &it'o)t any g)arantee or responsi<ility on t'e <an0 or any of t'e officers%
DSignat)reE /or t'e
(1) -an0er;s certificates s'o)ld <e on letter 'ead of t'e <an0%
(1) In case of partners'ip firm= certificate s'o)ld incl)de names of all partners as recorded &it'
t'e <an0%
Tr-640 / 1.
/DGDST5 2014
a) Applicant may s)<mit separate form for giving details of &or0 DcompletedE for eac' year to fill
)p t'e details as a<ove% Separate s'eets if any s'all <e n)m<ered in seA)ence%
b) T'e scanned copies of t'e &or0 orders for eac' &or0 along &it' completion certificate s'all
<e )ploaded%
c) 4ertified t'at t'e a<ove list of &or0s is complete and no &or0 'as <een left-o)t and t'e
information given is correct to t'e <est of my 0no&ledge and <elief%
$ame , address of a)t'orised Signatory
1 + * 4 . 6 2 6 7 10
4ertified t'at t'e a<ove list of &or0s is complete and no &or0 'as <een left o)t and t'at t'e
information given is correct to my 0no&ledge and <elief%
$ame and address of a)t'orised Signatory
Tr-640 / 16
Note: OIndicate gross amo)nt claimed and amo)nt a&arded <y t'e Ar<itrator
1 + * 4 . 6 2 6 7 10
1. $ame of &or0/ proMect , location
2. Agreement $o%
3. $ame of 4ontractor
4. Estimated cost
5. Tendered cost
6. 4ompleted cost
7. Date of start
8. Date of completion
(i) Stip)lated date of completion
(ii) Act)al date of completion
9. Amo)nt of compensation levied for delayed completion= if any
10. Amo)nt of red)ced rate items= if any 8 I
Tr-640 / 12
11% #erformance report
(1) I)ality of &or0
(2) /inancial So)ndness
(3) Tec'nical #roficiency
(4) 1eso)rcef)lness
(5) General -e'avior
(6) Time 4onscio)sness
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
3ery Good/Good//air/#oor
Tr-640 / 16
Dated" E:ec,ti)e En*ineer or
EB,i)alent Si*nat,re
'ith Seal
Tr-640 / 17
$ame , #ostal Address of t'e Applicant"
+% Telep'one no% /Tele( $o% //a( $o%
*% Fegal stat)s of t'e Applicant D#lease tic0 and attac' attested copies of original doc)ment
defining t'e legal stat)sE
DaE An individ)al" D<E A proprietary firm" DcE A firm in partners'ip
DdE A limited company or corporation
4% #artic)lars of registration &it' vario)s Government -odies Dattac' attested p'otocopyE
Dept%/rganisation , #lace of registration 1egistration $o%
.% $ames and Titles of Directors , fficers &it' designation proposed to <e concerned &it' t'is
6% Designation of individ)als a)t'orised to act for t'e organisation%
2% :as t'e Applicant ever reA)ired to s)spend &or0 for a period of more t'an si( mont's
contin)o)sly after 'e commenced t'e &or0P If so= give t'e name of t'e proMect and reasons
of s)spension of &or0%
6% Gas t'e Applicant= or any constit)ent partner in case of partners'ip firm= ever <een a<andoned
t'e a&arded &or0 <efore its completionP If so= give t'e name of t'e proMect and reasons for
Tr-640 / +0
Gas t'e Applicant or any constit)ent partner in case of partners'ip firm= ever <een
de<arred/ <lac0 listed for tendering in any organisation at any timeP If so= give details%
10% Gas t'e Applicant or any constit)ent partner in case of partners'ip firm= ever <een convicted
<y t'e co)rt of la&P If so= give details%
11% In &'ic' fields of Engineering 4onstr)ction t'e Applicant 'as speciali!ation and interestP
1+% Any ot'er information considered necessary <)t not incl)ded a<ove%
$ame and Address of a)t'orised Signatory
Tr-640 / +1
$ame and Address of a)t'orised
Tr-640 / ++
for t'is
$ame I)alifications
and details
of &or0
carried o)t
Go& t'ese
involved in
t'is &or0
1 + * 4 . 6 2 6 7




&ners'ip Stat)s

1 + * 4 . 6 2 6 7 10 11 1+
DiE E(cavators%
DiiE 4ranes
DiiiE 4oncrete mi(er DDiesel/ ElectricalE
DivE $eedle vi<ratorD#etrol/ ElectricalE
DvE S')ttering @aterial
DviE Tippers / Tr)c0s
DviiE :ater #)mps%
/n+ other Plant8 / eB,i-%ent8
$ame and Address of a)t'orised Signatory
Tr-640 / +*
1.0. General:
1.1. All information called for in t'e enclosed forms s'o)ld <e f)rnis'ed against t'e relevant col)mns
in t'e forms% If for any reason= information is f)rnis'ed on a separate s'eet= t'is fact s'o)ld <e
mentioned against t'e relevant col)mn% Even if no information is to <e provided in a col)mn= a
HnilH or Hno s)c' caseH entry s'o)ld <e made in t'at col)mn% If any partic)lars/A)ery is not
applica<le in case of t'e <idder= it s'o)ld <e stated as Hnot applica<leH% T'e <idders are
ca)tioned t'at not giving complete information called for in t'e tender forms or not giving it in
clear terms or ma0ing any c'ange in t'e prescri<ed forms or deli<erately s)ppressing t'e
information may res)lt in t'e <id <eing s)mmarily disA)alified%
1.2. 1eferences= information and certificates from t'e respective clients certifying s)ita<ility=
tec'nical 0no&ledge or capa<ility of t'e <idder s'o)ld <e signed <y an officer not <elo& t'e ran0
of E(ec)tive Engineer or eA)ivalent%
1.3. T'e <idder may f)rnis' any additional information &'ic' 'e t'in0s is necessary to esta<lis' 'is
capa<ilities to s)ccessf)lly complete t'e envisaged &or0% Ge is= 'o&ever= advised not to f)rnis'
s)perfl)o)s information% $o information s'all <e entertained after s)<mission of eligi<ility criteria
doc)ment )nless it is called for <y t'e Employer%
1.4. Any information f)rnis'ed <y t'e <idder fo)nd to <e incorrect eit'er immediately or at a later
date= &o)ld render 'im lia<le to <e de<arred from tendering/ta0ing )p of &or0 in GS/IG4A1%
+%0% De&inition8:
2.1. In t'is doc)ment t'e follo&ing &ords and e(pressions 'ave t'e meaning 'ere<y assigned to
2.2. Employer" @eans t'e #resident of India= acting t'ro)g' t'e 4'ief Engineer%
2.3. -idder" @eans t'e individ)al= proprietary firm= firm in partners'ip= limited company private or
p)<lic or corporation%
2.4. HJearH means H/inancial JearH )nless stated ot'er&ise%
*%0% .ethod o& tender: > K
3.1. If t'e <idder is an individ)al= t'e tender s'all <e signed <y 'im a<ove 'is f)ll type &ritten name
and c)rrent address%
3.2. If t'e <idder is a proprietary firm= t'e tender s'all <e signed <y t'e proprietor a<ove 'is f)ll
type&ritten name and t'e f)ll name of 'is firm &it' its c)rrent address%
3.3. If t'e <idder is a firm in partners'ip= t'e tender s'all <e signed <y all t'e partners of t'e firm
a<ove t'eir f)ll type&ritten names and c)rrent addresses= or= alternatively= <y a partner 'olding
po&er of attorney for t'e firm% In t'e later case a certified copy of t'e po&er of attorney s'o)ld
accompany t'e tender% In <ot' cases a certified copy of t'e partners'ip deed and c)rrent
address of all t'e partners of t'e firm s'o)ld accompany t'e tender%
3.4. If t'e <idder is a limited company or a corporation= t'e tender s'all <e signed <y a d)ly
a)t'ori!ed person 'olding po&er of attorney for signing t'e tender accompanied <y a copy of
t'e po&er of attorney% T'e <idder s'o)ld also f)rnis' a copy of t'e @emorand)m of Articles of
Association d)ly attested <y a #)<lic $otary%
4%0% ?inal deci8ion %a(in* a,thorit+1
T'e employer reserves t'e rig't to accept or reMect any <id and to ann)l t'e process and reMect all <ids
at any time= &it'o)t assigning any reason or inc)rring any lia<ility to t'e <idders%
.%0% Site )i8it
T'e <idder is advised to visit t'e site of &or0= at 'is o&n cost= and e(amine it and its s)rro)ndings to
'imself collect all information t'at 'e considers necessary for proper assessment of t'e prospective
Tr-640 / +4
6%0% Eli*i<ilit+ criteria
6.1. T'e <idder s'o)ld 'ave satisfactorily completed/completed val)e of ongoing similar nat)re of
t'ree similar &or0s of val)e eac' not less t'an 40 B of estimated val)e or t&o similar &or0s
eac' val)e not less t'an 60 B of estimated val)e or one similar &or0 val)e not less t'an 60 B
of estimated val)e d)ring t'e last seven years ending last day of t'e mont' previo)s to one in
&'ic' receipt of tender and at least ne &or0 of any nat)re Deit'er part of a<ove &or0s or
separate oneE of val)e not less t'an 40 B of estimated val)e s'o)ld 'ave <een
completed/completed val)e of ongoing similar nat)re in 4entral/State Government
rganisation/4entral or State A)tonomo)s <ody/4entral or State #)<lic Sector )nderta0ing
DSimilar &or0s s'all mean t'at Any type of Civil Construction% ipe line works$1 /or t'is
p)rpose= ;cost of &or0; s'all mean gross val)e of t'e completed/completed val)e of ongoing
similar nat)re &or0 incl)ding t'e cost of materials s)pplied <y t'e Government / 4lient= <)t
e(cl)ding t'ose s)pplied free of cost% T'is s'o)ld <e certified <y an officer not <elo& t'e ran0
of E(ec)tive Engineer / #roMect @anager or eA)ivalent%
6.2. T'e <idder s'o)ld 'ave 'ad average ann)al financial t)rn over DgrossE of minim)m 60 > of
estimated val)e on any &or0s d)ring t'e immediate last t'ree consec)tive financial years%
T'is s'o)ld <e d)ly a)dited <y a 4'artered Acco)ntant% Jear in &'ic' no t)rnover is s'o&n
&o)ld also <e considered for &or0ing o)t t'e average%
6.3. T'e <idder s'o)ld not 'ave inc)rred any loss in more t'an t&o years d)ring t'e immediate
last five consec)tive financial years= d)ly certified <y t'e 4'artered Acco)ntant%
6.4. T'e <idding capacity of t'e contractor s'o)ld <e eA)al to or more t'an t'e estimated cost of
t'e &or0 p)t to tender% T'e <idding capacity s'all <e &or0ed o)t <y t'e follo&ing form)la"
iddin* Ca-acit+ L 3/:N:24 -
/ Q @a(im)m val)e of S:@ &or0s e(ec)ted in anyone year d)ring t'e last &i)e +ear8 ta0ing into
acco)nt t'e completed as &ell as &or0s in progress%
N Q $)m<er of years prescri<ed for completion of &or0 for &'ic' <ids 'as <een invited%
Q 3al)e of e(isting commitments and ongoing &or0s to <e completed d)ring t'e period of
completion of &or0 for &'ic' <ids 'ave <een invited%
6.5. T'e <idder s'o)ld 'ave a solvency of minim)m 40 B of estimated val)e certified <y 'is
-an0ers not earlier than one +ear &ro% the date o& o-enin* o& tender1
6.6. T'e <idder s'o)ld o&n constr)ctions eA)ipment as per list reA)ired for t'e proper and timely
e(ec)tion of t'e &or0% Else= 'e s'o)ld certify t'at 'e &o)ld <e a<le to manage t'e eA)ipment
<y 'iring etc%= and s)<mit t'e list of firms from &'om 'e proposes to 'ire%
6.7. T'e <idder s'o)ld 'ave s)fficient n)m<er of Tec'nical and Administrative employees for t'e
proper e(ec)tion of t'e contract% T'e <idder s'o)ld s)<mit a list of t'ese employees stating
clearly 'o& t'ese &o)ld <e involved in t'is &or0%
6.8. T'e <idder;s performance for eac' &or0 completed in t'e last Se)en Fear8 and in 'and
s'o)ld <e certified <y an officer not <elo& t'e ran0 of E(ec)tive Engineer or eA)ivalent and
s'o)ld <e o<tained in sealed cover%
7.0. E)al,ation criteria
7.1. S'ort listing of t'e <idders s'all <e s)<Mect to t'oro)g' verification of t'eir credentials and site
inspection of similar &or0s carried o)t/ in progress <y t'em= t'ro)g' a tec'nical committee of
e(perts to <e constit)ted <y t'e department%
7.2. T'e department= 'o&ever= reserves t'e rig't to restrict t'e list of s)c' A)alified contractors to
any n)m<er deemed s)ita<le <y it%
Tr-640 / +.
2%*% Even t'o)g' any <idder may satisfy t'e a<ove reA)irements= 'e &o)ld <e lia<le to
disA)alification if 'e 'as"
7.3.1. made misleading or false representation or deli<erately s)ppressed t'e information in t'e
forms= statements and enclos)res reA)ired in t'e eligi<ility criteria doc)ment=
7.3.2. 1ecord of poor performance s)c' as a<andoning &or0= not properly completing t'e contract=
or financial fail)res / &ea0nesses etc%
7.4. Any effort on t'e part of t'e <idder or 'is agent to e(ercise infl)ence or to press)ri!e t'e
employer &o)ld res)lt in reMection of 'is <id% 4anvassing of any 0ind is pro'i<ited%
7.5. T'e details s)<mitted <y t'e <idders &ill <e eval)ated in t'e follo&ing manner"
7.5.1. T'e eligi<ility criteria prescri<ed in #ara 2%1 to 2%. a<ove in respect of e(perience of similar
class of &or0s completed= <idding capacity and financial t)rn over etc% &ill first <e scr)tini!ed
and t'e <idder;s eligi<ility for t'e &or0 &ill <e determined%
7.5.2. T'e <idders A)alifying t'e eligi<ility criteria as set o)t in #ara 2%1 to 2%. a<ove &ill <e
eval)ated <y t'e e(pert committee on t'e <asis of details f)rnis'ed <y t'em%
6%0% ?inancial in&or%ation
-idder s'o)ld f)rnis' t'e follo&ing financial information"
Ann)al financial statement for t'e last five years in D/orm HAHE and solvency certificate in D/orm H-HE
7%0% E:-erience in 'or(8 hi*hli*htin* e:-erience in 8i%ilar 'or(8
9.1. -idder s'o)ld f)rnis' t'e follo&ing"
(a) Fist of all &or0s of similar nat)re s)ccessf)lly completed d)ring t'e last seven years in
D/orm H4HE%
(b) Fist of t'e proMects )nder e(ec)tion or a&arded in D/orm HDHE%
9.2. #artic)lars of completed &or0s and performance of t'e <idder d)ly a)t'enticated/certified
<y an officer not <elo& t'e ran0 of E(ec)tive Engineer or eA)ivalent s'o)ld <e f)rnis'ed
separately for eac' &or0 completed or in progress in D/orm HEHE%
7%*% Information in D/orm HDHE s'o)ld <e complete and no &or0 s'o)ld <e left o)t%
10%0% Or*ani8ation in&or%ation
-idder is reA)ired to s)<mit t'e information in respect of 'is organi!ation in /orms H/H%
11%0% Plant and eB,i-%ent
-idder s'o)ld f)rnis' t'e list of Tools , #lants to <e )sed in carrying o)t t'e &or0% Din /orm HGHE%
Details of any ot'er plant , eA)ipment reA)ired for t'e &or0 not incl)ded in /orm HGH and availa<le
&it' t'e applicant may also <e indicated%
1+%0% O-enin* o& Price <id
After eval)ation of t'e credentials/doc)ments s)<mitted <y t'e <idder along &it' #art-I tender= a list of
s'ort listed agencies &ill <e prepared <ased on t'e eligi<ility criteria% T'ereafter t'e financial <ids of
only t'e A)alified and tec'nically accepta<le <idders s'all <e opened at t'e notified time date and
place in t'e presence of t'e A)alified <idders or t'eir representatives DIntimation letter &ill <e sent only
to t'e tenderer &'o are considered A)alified after eval)ation of #art-IE=% T'e validity of t'e #art-II
D#rice -idE tender s'o)ld <e ,A/ Da6s from t'e date of opening of #art-I tender%
Tr-640 / +6
1*%0% /'ard criteria
13.1. T'e employer reserves t'e rig't= &it'o)t <eing lia<le for any damages or o<ligation to
inform t'e <idder= to"
(a) Amend t'e scope and val)e of contract to t'e <idder%
(b) 1eMect any or all t'e tenders &it'o)t assigning any reason%
13.2. Any effort on t'e part of t'e <idder or 'is agent to e(ercise infl)ence or to press)ri!e t'e
employer &o)ld res)lt in reMection of 'is <id% 4anvassing of any 0ind is pro'i<ited%
Tr-640 / +2
1. All &or0s proposed for e(ec)tion <y contract &ill <e notified in a form of invitation to tender
posted in p)<lic places and signed <y t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS/ Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'is form &ill state t'e &or0s to <e carried o)t as &ell as t'e date for s)<mitting and opening
tenders and t'e time allo&ed for carrying o)t t'e &or0= also t'e amo)nt of earnest money to <e
deposited &it' t'e tender= and t'e amo)nt of sec)rity deposit to <e deposited <y t'e s)ccessf)l
tenderer and t'e percentage= if any= to <e ded)cted from t'e <ills= #erformance Sec)rity to <e
deposited <efore commencement of t'e &or0% 4opies of t'e specifications= designs and
dra&ings any ot'er doc)ments reA)ired in connection &it' t'e &or0 designed for t'e p)rpose of
identifications <y t'e 4'ief Engineer= GS/Engineer-in-4'arge% It s'all also <e open for
inspection <y t'e 4ontractor at t'e office of t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS/Engineer-in-c'arge=
d)ring office 'o)rs%
2. In t'e event of t'e tender <eing s)<mitted <y a firm= it m)st <e signed separately <y eac'
mem<er t'ereof= or in t'e event of t'e a<sence of any partner= it m)st <e signed on 'is <e'alf
<y a person 'olding a po&er-of-attorney a)t'ori!ing 'im to do so= s)c' po&er of attorney to <e
prod)ced &it' t'e tender and it m)st disclose t'e firm is d)ly registered )nder t'e Indian
#artners'ip Act%
3. 1eceipts for payments made on acco)nt of a &or0 &'en e(ec)ted <y a firm m)st also <e
signed <y t'e several partners% E(cept &'ere t'e contractors are descri<ed in t'eir tender as a
firm= in &'ic' case t'e receipts m)st <e signed in t'e name of t'e firm <y one of t'e partners or
<y some ot'er persons 'aving d)e a)t'ority to give effect)al receipts for t'e firm%
4. Any person= &'o s)<mits a tender= s'all fill )p t'e )s)al printed form= stating at &'at rate 'e is
&illing to )nderta0e eac' item of t'e &or0% Tenders= &'ic' proposes any alteration in t'e &or0
specified in t'e said form of invitation to tender= or in t'e time allo&ed for carrying o)t t'e &or0=
or &'ic' contain any ot'er condition= of any sort= incl)ding conditional re<ates= &ill <e
s)mmarily reMected% Go&ever= a tender &it' )nconditional re<ateDsE is accepta<le% $o single
tender s'all incl)de more t'an one &or0= <)t contractors &'o &is' to tender for t&o or more
&or0s s'all s)<mit separate tender for eac'% Tenders s'all 'ave t'e name and n)m<er of t'e
&or0s to &'ic' t'ey refer= &ritten on t'e envelopes%
T'e rateDsE m)st <e A)oted in decimal coinage%
5. T'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS / Engineer in c'arge= or 'is d)ly a)t'orised assistant &ill open
tenders in t'e presence of any intending tenderer &'o may <e present at t'e time= and &ill
enter t'e amo)nts of t'e several tenders in a comparative statement in a s)ita<le form% In t'e
event of a tender <eing accepted= a receipt for t'e earnest money for&arded t'ere&it' s'all
t'ere)pon <e given to t'e tenderer &'o s'all t'ere)pon for t'e p)rpose of identification sign
copies of t'e specifications and ot'er doc)ments mentioned in 1)le-1% In t'e event of a tender
<eing reMected= t'e earnest money for&arded &it' s)c' )naccepted tender s'all t'ere)pon <e
ret)rned to t'e tenderer &it'o)t any interest%
6. T'e officer inviting tenders s'all 'ave t'e rig't of reMecting all or any of t'e tenders= and &ill not
<e <o)nd to accept t'e lo&est tender or any ot'er tender%
7. T'e receipt of an acco)ntant or cler0 for any money paid <y t'e tenderer &ill not <e considered
as an ac0no&ledgement of payment to t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS / Engineer-in-c'arge=
and t'e 4ontractor s'all <e responsi<le for seeing t'at 'e proc)res a receipt signed <y t'e
4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS / Engineer-in-c'arge= or <y t'e Acco)nts fficer or d)ly a)t'orised
8. T'e @emorand)m of &or0 tendered for= and t'e Sc'ed)le of @aterials to <e s)pplied <y t'e
General Services rgani!ation and t'eir iss)e rates s'all <e filled in and completed in t'e office
of t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS/Engineer-in-c'arge <efore t'e tender form is iss)ed% If a form
Tr-640 / +6
is iss)ed to an intending tenderer &it'o)t 'aving <een so filled in and completed= 'e s'all
reA)est t'e office to 'ave t'is done <efore 'e completes and delivers 'is tender%
9. T'e tenderers s'all sign a declaration )nder t'e officials Secret Act 17+*= for maintaining
secrecy of t'e tender doc)ments dra&ings or ot'er records connected &it' t'e &or0 given to
t'em% T'e )ns)ccessf)l tenderer s'all ret)rn all t'e dra&ings given to t'em%
10. In case of any tender &'ere )nit rate of any item/items appear )nrealistic= s)c' tender &ill <e
considered as )n<alanced and incase t'e tenderer is )na<le to provide satisfactory
e(planation= s)c' a tender is lia<le to <e disA)alified and reMected%
11. In e)ent no rate ha8 <een B,oted &or an+ ite%!8# then the rate &or 8,ch ite%!8# 'ill <e
con8idered a8 @ero and 'or( 'ill <e reB,ired to <e e:ec,ted accordin*l+1
12. If it is fo)nd t'at t'e tender is not s)<mitted in proper manner or contains too many corrections
and/or a<s)rd rates= or amo)nt= it &ill <e open for t'e Government to ta0e s)ita<le disciplinary
action against t'e contractor%
13. T'e contractor s'all give a list of ga!ette and non-ga!ette GS/IG4A1 employees related to
Tr-640 / +7
I/:e 'ave e(amined t'e notice inviting tender= sc'ed)le of s)pply of material= dra&ings=
Specifications applica<le= Dra&ings , Designs= General 1)les , Directions= 4onditions of contract=
cla)ses of contract= Special 4onditions= Sc'ed)le of I)antities , ot'er doc)ments and r)les referred
to in t'e conditions of contract and all ot'er contents in t'e tender doc)ment for t'e &or0%
I/&e 'ere<y tender for t'e e(ec)tion for t'e #resident of India of t'e &or0 specified in t'e
)nder&ritten memorand)m &it'in t'e time specified in s)c' memorand)m at t'e rates specified
t'erein= and in accordance in all respects &it' t'e specifications= designs= dra&ings and instr)ctions in
&riting referred to in 1)le-1= 'ere of and in cla)se-II of t'e conditions of contract and &it' s)c'
materials as are provided for= <y and in all respects in accordance &it'= s)c' conditions so far as
T'e sec)rity deposit eA)al to . B D/ive percentE of t'e contract val)e &ill <e collected <y ded)ctions
from t'e r)nning <ills of t'e contractor at t'e rate of . B of t'e gross amo)nt of t'e <ill and earnest
money= deposited at t'e time of tender= &ill <e treated as part of sec)rity deposit% T'e sec)rity deposit
&ill also <e accepted in t'e form of Government sec)rities or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipt of Sc'ed)led
-an0s or State -an0 of India &ill also <e accepted for t'is p)rpose provided confirmatory advice is
enclosed% T'e sec)rity deposit as ded)cted a<ove can <e released against <an0 g)arantee iss)ed <y
a sc'ed)led <an0= on its acc)m)lations to a minim)m of 1s%. Fa0's s)<Mect to t'e condition t'at
amo)nt of s)c' <an0 g)arantee= e(cept last one s'all not <e less t'an 1s%. Fa0's%
T'e performance G)arantee eA)al to .B Dfive percentE of t'e contract val)e is reA)ired to <e
deposited &it'in 1. days from t'e date of FI= in t'e form of fi(ed deposit receipts or G)arantee
<onds of any Sc'ed)led -an0 or State -an0 of India%
T'e #erformance G)arantee s'all <e endorsed in favo)r of #ay and Acco)nts fficer= GS=
9alpa00am - 60*10+%
Tr-640 / *0
aE General Description Pro)idin* and la+in* D,ctile iron Pi-eline &ro% NDDP
2.GD Plant to Poi+a((arai near D/E %ain *ate at
<E Estimated 4ost R81 249120 $a(h8
cE Earnest @oney R81 45 ;65 400/- in t'e form of Deposit at 4all 1eceipt or
Demand Draft/ -an0ers 4'eA)e or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipt
dra&n in favo)r of #ay and Acco)nts fficer=
Alternatively= an amo)nt of R81 25 495 200/- 8hall <e in t'e
form of Deposit at 4all 1eceipt or Demand Draft/ -an0ers
4'eA)e or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipt dra&n in favo)r of #ay
and Acco)nts fficer= GS and
-alance amo)nt of R81 25 495 200/- 8hall <e in t'e form of
-an0 G)arantee iss)ed <y a sc'ed)led <an0= as per
enclosed prescri<ed format% 4as' and 4'eA)e for
Earnest @oney Deposit &ill not <e accepted%
dE Sec)rity Deposit = > o& the tendered )al,e o& the 'or(1
eE #erformance Sec)rity = > o& the tendered )al,e o& the 'or(1
aE Time allo&ed for t'e &or0" 6 !Si:# !Incl,din* %on8oon -eriod# &ro% &i&teenth da+
a&ter the date o& 'ritten order to co%%ence the 'or(
S'o)ld t'is tender <e accepted in &'ole or in part= I/:e= 'ere<y agree"
i) To a<ide <y and f)lfill all t'e terms and provisions of t'e said conditions anne(ed 'ereto and all
terms and provisions contained in notice inviting tenders so far as applica<le and/or in defa)lt
t'ereof to forfeit and pay to t'e #resident of India or 'is s)ccessor in office= t'e s)m of money
mentioned in t'e said conditions% A s)m of 1s% 45 ;65 400/- is 'ere<y for&arded in Deposit at
4all 1eceipt of a Sc'ed)led -an0 G)aranteed <y t'e 1eserve -an0 of India/ Demand draft /
-an0er;s 4'eA)e/ /i(ed deposit 1eceipt of a sc'ed)led <an0 / -an0 G)arantee% If= I/:e fail to
f)rnis' t'e prescri<ed performance g)arantee &it'in t'e prescri<ed period as specified in t'e
a<ove memorand)m= I/:e= agree t'at t'e said #resident or 'is s)ccessors in office s'all
&it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er rig't or remedy <e at li<erty to forfeit t'e said Earnest @oney
a<sol)tely% /)rt'er= if I/&e fail to commence t'e &or0 specified in t'e a<ove @emorand)m= I/&e
agree t'at t'e said president or 'is s)ccessors in office s'all &it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er rig't
or remedy availa<le in la&= <e at li<erty to forfeit t'e said Earnest @oney and performance
g)arantee a<sol)tely= ot'er&ise t'e said Earnest @oney retained <y department s'all <e
treated as part of Sec)rity Deposit mentioned against 4la)se DdE of t'e a<ove mentioned
ii) To e(ec)te all t'e &or0s referred to in t'e tender doc)ments )pon t'e terms and conditions
contained or referred to t'erein and to carry o)t% S)c' deviations as may <e ordered )p to a
ma(im)m of percentage mentioned= at t'e rates A)oted in t'e tender doc)ment and t'ose in
e(cess of t'e limit at t'e rates to <e determined in accordance &it' t'e provisions contained in
4la)se 1+%+ , 1+%* of t'e Tender form%
/)rt'er= I/&e agree t'at in case of forfeit)re of earnest money or <ot' Earnest @oney ,
#erformance G)arantee as aforesaid= I/&e s'all <e de<arred for participation in t'e re-
tendering process of t'e &or0%
I/:e )nderta0e and confirm t'at eligi<le similar &or0DsE 'as/'ave not <een got e(ec)ted
t'ro)g' anot'er contractor on <ac0 to <ac0 <asis% /)rt'er t'at= if s)c' a violation comes to t'e notice
of department= t'en I/&e s'all <e de<arred for tendering in DAE in f)t)re forever% Also= if s)c' a
violation comes to t'e notice of department <efore date of start of &or0= t'e Engineer-in-c'arge s'all
<e free to forfeit t'e entire amo)nt of earnest @oney Deposit/#erformance G)arantee%
I/&e= 'ere<y declare t'at I/&e s'all treat t'e tender doc)ments= dra&ings and ot'er records
connected &it' t'e &or0 as Secret/4onfidential doc)ments and s'all not comm)nicate
information/derived t'ere from to any person ot'er t'an a person to &'om I/&e am/are a)t'ori!ed to
comm)nicate t'e same or )se t'e information in any manner preM)dicial to t'e safety of t'e state%
Dated t'e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%day of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+014%
:itness R 88888888888888888888888888888888888
$ame , Address" 888888888888888888888888888888888888
cc)pation 8888888888888888888888888888888888
Tr-640 / *1
T'e a<ove tender is 'ere<y accepted <y me on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India%
Dated t'e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%day of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+014%
O Signat)re of 4ontractor <efore s)<mission of tender% OO
Signat)re of t'e officer <y &'om accepted t'e tender% R
Signat)re of &itness to contractor;s signat)re%
1) T'e tender s'all <e valid for minim)m period of 190 !One h,ndred and Ei*ht+# da+8 from
t'e date of opening #art-I tenders%
2) T'e tender doc)ment incl)ding dra&ings if any attac'ed t'is tender s'all <e signed <y t'e
tenderer and ret)rned along &it' t'e offer for t'is &or0%
Tr-640 / *+
1) $OC/TION:
T'e proposed site for t'is &or0 is near Sad')rangapattinam% T'e site is accessi<le <y road from
4'ennai via% 4'engalpatt) - T'ir)0al)0)ndram and also via @amallap)ram t'ro E41%
T'e contractor ac0no&ledge t'at 'e 'as satisfied 'imself as to t'e nat)re and location of t'e &or0= t'e
general and local conditions= partic)larly t'ose <earing )pon transportation= disposal= 'andling and
storage of materials= availa<ility of la<o)r= &ater= electric po&er= roads and )ncertainties of &eat'er= or
similar p'ysical conditions of t'e site= t'e confirmation and conditions of t'e gro)nd t'e c'aracter= t'e
A)ality and A)alities of s)rface and s)<-s)rface materials to <e enco)ntered= incl)ding t'e s)<soil
&ater levels= t'e c'aracter of eA)ipment facilities needed preliminary to and d)ring t'e progress of t'e
&or0= and all ot'er matters )pon &'ic' information is reasona<ly o<taina<le and &'ic' can in any &ay
affect t'e &or0 or 'is cost t'ereof )nder t'is contract% Any fail)re of t'e contractor to acA)aint 'imself
&it' all t'e availa<le information concerning t'ese conditions &ill not relieve 'im from responsi<ility for
estimating properly t'e diffic)lty or cost of s)ccessf)lly performing t'e &or0% $on-familiarity &it' t'e
site conditions &ill not <e considered a reason eit'er for e(tra claims or for not carrying o)t t'e &or0 in
strict conformity &it' dra&ings and specifications% T'e contractor s'all note t'at any clarifications
regarding specifications= conditions of contract= sc'ed)le of A)antities= scope of &or0= etc%= are
reA)ired= 'e s'o)ld contact t'e office of t'e Engineer% $o claim on acco)nt of am<ig)ity in any respect
&ill <e entertained%
3) SCOPE O? IOR0: M K 1
T'e tenderer s'o)ld also note t'at ot'er contractor &ill <e &or0ing in t'e vicinity and t'is &or0 &ill
'ave to <e carried o)t in proper co-ordination &it' t'em% T'e tenderers s'all also note t'at t'ey s'all
'ave to clear t'e site of vegetation= de<ris etc% <efore commencement of t'e &or0 and t'at no e(tra
payment is permissi<le on acco)nt of clearance of site= removal of de<ris etc% coming in t'e &ay of
constr)ction &or0%
T'e &or0 to <e done )nder t'ose specifications consists of f)rnis'ing all la<o)r= materials= tools=
eA)ipment and services and performing all &or0 De(cept &or0= eA)ipment and materials specified to
<e performed or f)rnis'ed <y t'e DepartmentE reA)ired to e(ec)te t'e &or0 specified in t'e tender=
and all ot'er &or0 reA)ired to satisfactorily complete constr)ction in strict accordance &it' t'e
specifications and dra&ings enclosed% It is intended t'at t'e dra&ings and specifications incl)de
everyt'ing reA)isite and necessary to finis' t'e entire &or0 properly% $ot&it'standing t'e fact t'at
every item necessarily involved may not <e specifically mentioned% All &or0 &'en finis'ed s'all <e
delivered in a complete and )ndamaged state%
T'e contractor s'all layo)t 'is &or0 from <ase lines and grades esta<lis'ed <y t'e Department= and
s'all <e responsi<le for all meas)rements in connection t'ere&it'% T'e contractor s'all= at 'is o&n
e(pense f)rnis' all sta0es= templates= platforms= eA)ipments= ranges and la<o)r t'at may <e reA)ired
in setting and c)tting or laying o)t any part of t'e &or0% T'e contractor s'all <e 'eld responsi<le for
t'e proper e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 to s)c' lines and grades as may <e esta<lis'ed or indicated on t'e
dra&ings and specifications% T'e contractor s'all ta0e <enc'mar0s= lines and levels% T'e contractor is
to constr)ct and maintain proper <enc'es at t'e intersections of all main &alls= col)mns= etc% in order
t'at t'e lines and levels may <e acc)rately c'ec0ed at all times= t'eodolite= levels= prismatic compass=
c'ain= steel and metallic tapes and all ot'er s)rveying instr)ments fo)nd necessary for t'e &or0 s'all
<e provided <y t'e contractors for )se at site in connection &it' t'is &or0 &it' assisting
Tr-640 / **
T'e contractor s'all control t'e grading in t'e vicinity of t'e <)ildings and trenc'es= so t'at s)rface
&ater is prevented from r)nning into e(cavated areas% T'e contractor s'all also <e responsi<le to see
t'at no area aro)nd 'is &or0s <ecomes flooded d)ring rainy season <eca)se of 'is piles )p materials=
etc%= and s)<seA)ently flood ot'er <)ildings% At t'e discretion of t'e Engineer t'e contractor s'all ta0e
steps to prevent flooding% It s'all <e t'e contractor;s responsi<ility to 0eep areas aro)nd 'is &or0 dry%
T'e cost of repairing damages= if any= to t'e &or0 )nder e(ec)tion or to any Government property in
and aro)nd t'e site s'all <e entirely <orne <y t'e contractor &'en s)c' damages are d)e to non-
compliance &it' t'e a<ove conditions%
T'e contractor &ill <e reA)ired to constr)ct s)ita<le approac' roads leading to t'e constr)ction site
from t'e main road and maintain t'e same at 'is o&n cost%
4ontractor s'all <e permitted to )se t'e e(isting roads in t'e esta<lis'ment area for t'e p)rpose of
transporting la<o)rers and materials etc% T'e Engineer-in-c'arge= 'o&ever= &ill not )nderta0e to
provide any approac' roads to t'e site of &or0% It s'all <e entirely t'e responsi<ility of t'e contractor to
provide and maintain s)c' temporary approac' roads at 'is o&n cost for t'e p)rpose of movement of
men= materials and eA)ipment% Fayo)t of s)c' approac' road s'all <e s)<mitted to Engineer-in-
c'arge for 'is approval <efore )nderta0ing t'e constr)ction of t'e same% S)c' approac' roads s'all
<e made availa<le to ot'er agencies carrying o)t t'e &or0 in t'e same area in cons)ltation &it'
Engineer-in-c'arge of t'e &or0s &it'o)t any e(tra cost%
a) T'e &or0 s'all conform to t'e contract specifications enclosed%
b) T'e &or0 s'all also conform to t'e enclosed dra&ings= and to s)c' ot'er dra&ings relating
t'ereto as may <e f)rnis'ed from time to time d)ring constr)ction <y t'e Engineer in e(planation
of details of modifications= incl)ding s)c' modifications as t'e Engineer may consider necessary
to meet conditions fo)nd d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0%
c) It s'all <e )nderstood t'at dra&ings f)rnis'ed to t'e contractor s'all <e interpreted <y t'e
)se of given dimensions= and nomenclat)re only= and t'at t'e dra&ing s'all not <e scaled%
d) #rior to t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0= t'e contractor s'all c'ec0 all dra&ings and s'all
immediately report all errors= discrepancies and/or omissions discovered t'erein to t'e Engineer%
All s)c' errors discrepancies and/or omissions &ill <e adM)sted <y t'e Engineer% Any adM)stment
made <y t'e contractor &it'o)t prior approval of t'e Engineer s'all <e at 'is o&n ris0 and t'e
settlement of any complications arising from s)c' adM)stment s'all <e made <y t'e contractor at
'is o&n e(penses%
e) In t'e a<sence of any specification for any &or0 or material= relevant Indian Standard
specifications &ill apply% In t'e case of any class of &or0 for &'ic' no specifications 'ave <een
given= s)c' &or0s s'all <e carried o)t in accordance &it' t'e specification and reA)irement given
<y t'e Engineer%
In case of difference <et&een dra&ings and specifications= t'e specifications s'all govern% Anyt'ing
mentioned in t'e specifications= and not s'o&n on t'e dra&ings= or s'o&n on t'e dra&ings and not
mentioned in specifications= s'all <e of li0e effect as if s'o&n or mentioned in <ot'%
aE T'e dra&ings consisting of s)c' detailed dra&ings as are not incl)ded in t'e contract dra&ing or
larger scale details of certain parts of t'e &or0 indicated on t'e contract dra&ings= s'all <e
complete and s'all contain all reA)ired detailed information as may <e reasona<ly reA)ired for
satisfactory prosec)tion of t'e &or0%
Tr-640 / *4
b) Dra&ings to <e f)rnis'ed <y t'e contractor s'all <e incl)ded in t'e price <id of t'is &or0%
Approval of t'e s'op dra&ings s'all not <e constr)ed as a)t'ori!ing additional &or0 or
increased costs to t'e department% AdM)stment in t'e <id price or any e(tension of time to
cover reA)ired c'arges in t'e s'op dra&ings to comply &it' t'e reA)irements of t'e contract
specifications s'all not <e permitted%
c) #rior to s)<mittal for approval= t'e contractor s'all <e responsi<le for t'oro)g'ly c'ec0ing all
dra&ings &'et'er prepared <y 'im or <y 'is s)<-contractors to ens)re t'at t'ey comply &it'
intend and reA)irements of t'e contract specifications and t'at t'ey fit in &it' t'e overall
<)ilding layo)t% Dra&ings fo)nd to <e inacc)rate or ot'er&ise in error &ill <e ret)rned for
correction <y t'e contractor to 'is s)<-contractors prior to s)<mittal%
d) T'e Engineer-in-c'arge &ill revie& and ret)rn t'ree copies of eac' dra&ing to t'e contractor=
mar0ed eit'er HA##13EDH= HA##13ED AS $TEDH or H$T A##13EDH% T'en
approved= eac' copy of t'e dra&ings &ill <e identified as 'aving received s)c' approval <y
<eing stamped and dated% If t'e dra&ings are approved as noted= t'e contractor s'all ma0e
t'e indicated corrections immediately and may proceed &it' t'e &or0 as t'o)g' t'e dra&ings
'ad <een approved% If )napproved= t'e contractor s'all ma0e all reA)ired corrections
immediately and res)<mit dra&ings as a<ove )ntil t'ey are approved or approved as noted%
e) After t'e contractor 'as made t'e corrections to )napproved dra&ings= t'e contractor s'all
s)<mit si( copies of eac' dra&ing to t'e Engineer &'o &ill ret)rn t'ree approved copies to
t'e contractor%
f) T'e approval of t'e dra&ings <y t'e Engineer s'all not <e considered as a complete
dimensional c'ec0= <)t &ill indicate only t'at t'e general met'od of constr)ction and detailing
is satisfactory% Approval of s)c' dra&ings &ill not relieve t'e contractor of t'e responsi<ility for
any errors or compliance &it' reA)irements of t'e contract plans and specifications= nor &ill
any discrepancy <et&een s'op dra&ings and contract plans and specifications% T'e
contractor s'all <e responsi<le for t'e dimensions and design of adeA)ate connections=
s)pports details and satisfactory constr)ction of t'e &or0= any fa<rication= erection setting or
ot'er &or0 done in advance of t'e receipt of approved dra&ings s'all <e done entirely at t'e
contractor;s ris0%
T'e entire &or0 s'all <e completed &it'in t'e period as specified in t'e Tender sc'ed)le else&'ere
incl)ding monsoon period from fifteent' day after t'e date on &'ic' t'e &ritten order to commence
t'e &or0 is iss)ed%
a) T'e contractor s'all f)rnis' s)fficient forces= constr)ction plant and eA)ipment= and s'all &or0
s)c' 'o)rs= incl)ding nig't s'ifts and overtime operations= as may <e necessary to ens)re t'e
progress of t'e &or0 in accordance &it' t'e attac'ed constr)ction sc'ed)le and its
completion &it'in t'e time specified in t'is contract% If in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer= t'e
contractor ref)ses or fails to comply &it' 'is o<ligations set fort' in t'e preceding sentence=
t'e contractor s'all ta0e s)c' steps as may <e necessary to improve t'is progress and t'e
Engineer may reA)ire 'im to increase t'e n)m<er of s'ifts and/or overtime operations= days
of &or0= si!e of forces and/or t'e amo)nt of constr)ction plant% All s)c' action ta0en <y t'e
contractor p)rs)ant to t'e direction of t'e Engineer s'all <e &it'o)t additional cost to t'e
/ail)re of t'e contractor to meet 'is o<ligations set-fort' in t'e paragrap' a<ove= )nder t'is provision
s'all <e gro)nd for determination <y t'e Engineer t'at t'e contractor is not progress t'e &or0 &it'
s)c' diligence as &ill ens)re completion &it'in t'e time specified% Cpon s)c' determination t'e
Engineer s'all ta0e necessary steps to increase t'e la<o)r forces= amo)nt of constr)ction plant= etc%=
as 'e deems fit to ens)re completion of &or0s in accordance &it' t'e sc'ed)le at t'e contractor;s
b) It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e contractor to mar0 t'e act)al progress of t'e &or0s in
progress report from at t'e end of every t&o &ee0s= and t'e calc)lated progress for t'e Mo< as
a &'ole= and s'all s)<mit t'ree copies to t'e Engineer%
Tr-640 / *.
T'e time allo&ed for carrying o)t t'e &or0 as entered in t'e tender s'all <e strictly o<served <y t'e
contractor and s'all <e deemed to <e of t'e essence of t'e contract on t'e part of t'e contractor and
s'all <e rec0oned from t'e fifteent' day of t'e date on &'ic' t'e &or0 order to commence t'e &or0 is
iss)ed to t'e contractor and all &or0 s'all <e completed in accordance &it' t'e approved constr)ction
sc'ed)le attac'ed to t'e specifications% @onsoon or inclement &eat'er &ill not <e considered reason
for e(tension of time% T'e contractor s'all s)<mit a time sc'ed)le 0eeping t'e p'asing of t'e &or0
generally in line &it' t'e constr)ction sc'ed)le for t'e approval of t'e Engineer and s)c' an approved
programme s'all <e strictly ad'ered to <y t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all e(ec)te t'e finis'ing &or0 as per t'e seA)ence given <y t'e Engineer from
time to time% It s'all <e t'e contractor;s responsi<ility to transport all eA)ipment and materials to
t'e Mo< site at 'is o&n e(penses% T'e contractor s'all )se only esta<lis'ed road&ays for constr)ct
and )se s)c' temporary road&ays or necessary and approved <y t'e Engineer% :'en it is
necessary to cross 0er<s or side&al0s= protection against damage s'all <e provided <y t'e
contractor% Any damage ca)sed to roads= 0er<s= side&al0s= or ot'er load <earing facilities s'all <e
repaired <y t'e contractor at 'is o&n e(penses%
T'e contractor for &or0 )nder t'e contract s'all <e reA)ired to co-ordinate 'is &or0s &it' t'at of ot'er
contractors performing &or0 at t'e site and also in t'e same area% So far as practica<le all contractors
s'all 'ave eA)al rig'ts to )se all roads= gro)nd and facilities made availa<le for t'e Moint )se of t'e
contractors% In case of disagreement regarding s)c' )se= t'e decision of t'e Engineer s'all govern%
T'e contractor s'all afford all facilities and give complete co-operation for t'e e(ec)tion of vario)s
ot'er &or0s= if reA)ired to <e carried o)t sim)ltaneo)sly <y ot'er agencies &'ile 'is o&n &or0 is in
progress% T'e co-ordination &ill <e effected in cons)ltation &it' t'e Engineer-in-4'arge of t'e &or0%
t'er contractors are also li0ely to <e a)t'ori!ed <y t'e o&ners to &or0 in t'e same area d)ring t'e
constr)ction stage for &or0 s)c' as DiE Electrical= DiiE Air-conditioning= DiiiE Services and DivE #)<lic
Gealt' and ot'er miscellaneo)s &or0s%
T'e contractor s'all afford all facilities
a) /or t'e installation of em<edded parts= sleeves &it' its accessories in sla<s= <eams or &alls <y
t'e ot'er agencies= <efore t'e reinforcement is placed% $ecessary o)tlets in t'e S')ttering &ill
'ave to <e provided <y t'e civil contractor for t'is p)rpose for &'ic' no e(tra payment &ill <e
b) /or t'e installation of vario)s service lines in t'e &alls= floors= sla<s d)cts etc%
c) T'e contractor s'all afford all facilities for )sing scaffolding etc% <y t'e ot'er contractors%
$o e(tra claims on acco)nt of facilities provided for carrying o)t t'e &or0 mentioned a<ove &ill <e
entertained% It is envisaged t'at ot'er &or0s s)c' as installation of sanitary= &ater s)pply and
electrical arrangements= eA)ipment= piping and ot'er &or0s not covered in t'is contract may 'ave to
<e carried o)t <y t'e ot'er agencies in t'e completed/partial completed portion of t'e <)ilding along
&it' t'is &or0% T'e tenderer s'all permit s)c' &or0s to <e carried o)t &it'o)t any 'indrance and f)lly
co-ordinate 'is activities &it' ot'er agencies% $o compensation or claim for s)c' contingencies s'all
<e entertained%
T'e &or0 s'all <e cond)cted )nder t'e general discretion of t'e Engineer and is s)<Mect to
inspection <y 'is appointed Inspectors to ens)re strict compliance &it' t'e terms of t'e contract%
$o fail)re of t'e Engineer or 'is designated representative d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 to
discover or to reMect materials or &or0 not in accordance &it' t'e reA)irement of t'is contract s'all
Tr-640 / *6
<e deemed an acceptance t'ereof= or a &aiver of defects t'erein= and no payment <y t'e
Engineer= or partial/entire occ)pancy of 'e premises= s'all <e constr)ed to <e an acceptance of
&or0 or materials &'ic' are not strictly in accordance &it' t'e reA)irement of t'is contract% $o
c'ange &'atsoever to any provision of t'e specifications s'all <e made &it'o)t &ritten
a)t'ori!ation from t'e Engineer%
13) SDPP$F O? ./TERI/$S:
T'e materials to <e s)pplied <y t'e department and t'eir iss)e rates are given in sc'ed)le of
s)pply of materials and t'e contractors 'ave to ma0e t'eir o&n arrangements for t'e carriage of
t'e same from departmental stores to t'e &or0 site% :'ile every attempt &ill <e made to s)pply
si!es as detailed in t'e dra&ings ot'er s)ita<le sections may <e offered to s)it t'e design% $o
e(tra payment &o)ld <e admissi<le for t'e )se of alternative sections% @aterials not covered <y
t'e Sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials and availa<le for iss)e &'ic' t'e Department may <e s)pplied
at t'e discretion of t'e Engineer at rates to <e fi(ed <y 'im and incl)sive of storage and
s)pervision c'arges%
Alt'o)g' every effort &ill <e made <y t'e Department to sec)re t'e permits and a)t'ori!ation for
controlled materials= incl)ding cement and steel= yet &it' delay in t'e s)pply of t'ese materials &ill
not entitle t'e contractor to any compensation &'atsoever% In case t'e materials incl)ded in
sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials are not s)pplied <y t'e Department and in case t'e )se of s)c'
materials is reA)ired in t'e &or0s= t'e contractor &it' prior orders of t'e Engineer= for t'e )se of
eac' of s)c' materials/sections= etc%= from 'is o&n stoc0s or so)rces= may )se of s)c' materials
of approved and tested A)ality% In all s)c' cases t'e contractor s'all prod)ce t'e details of t'ese
materials s)c' as A)ality= A)antities incl)ding testing certificates and s'all <e entitled to claim
e(tra payment for s)c' )se% T'e e(tra payment &o)ld <e difference <et&een t'e act)al price Dto
<e s)pported <y vo)c'ersE and t'e iss)e price%
a) In any section of t'ese specifications &'ere items of material or eA)ipment are specified <y
<rand name= catalog)e n)m<er or <y name of man)fact)rers t'e reference is intended to <e
descriptive and got restrictive and is solely for t'e p)rpose of indicating type or A)ality of item t'at
&ill <e accepta<le% An approved eA)al s'all <e accepta<le &'et'er so specifically stated or not at
t'e discretion of Engineer-in-4'arge%
b) T'e Engineer-in-4'arge reserves t'e rig't to 'ave certain tests and/or analysis made of
any proposed s)<stit)te material or eA)ipment to determine its accepta<ility for t'e p)rpose
(i) Samples of t'e proposed s)<stit)te material or eA)ipment certified <y t'e man)fact)rer
s'all <e s)<mitted to t'e Engineer for test and/or analysis% T'e A)antities of t'e items in
A)estion reA)ired for t'ese tests and/or analysis s'all <e determined <y Engineer%
(ii) D)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0= t'e Engineer may= s'o)ld <e deem it advisa<le= ta0e
samples of t'e s)<stit)te item for c'ec0 test for analysis%
(iii) All costs of t'e tests= c'ec0 tests and/or analysis made s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor=
e(cept t'at &'ere more t'an t&o c'ec0 tests= are reA)ested t'at t'e cost of additional
tests and/or analysis s'all <e <orne <y t'e department%
(iv) $o proposed s)<stit)te for a specified item s'all <e )sed in t'e &or0 of t'e contract prior
to &ritten a)t'ori!ation <y t'e Engineer= s)c' &ritten a)t'ori!ation to state t'e amo)nt of
t'e adM)stment= if any to <e made in favo)r of t'e department%
(v) S'o)ld t'e )se of a)t'orised s)<stit)te materials and/or eA)ipment proposed <y t'e
contractor= reA)ire= in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer c'anges or modifications in t'e design=
engineering dra&ing= specifications or &or0 to <e performed )nder t'e contract in any
Tr-640 / *2
&ay= all of t'e cost of ma0ing s)c' c'anges or modifications= &'et'er or not considered at
t'e time of t'e s)<stit)te &as approved s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor% Said costs s'all
incl)de= <)t not <e limited to= t'e finis'ing installation <y t'e contractor or any additional
materials or eA)ipment &'ic' in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer may <e deemed necessary to
accommodate t'e s)<stit)te materials and/or eA)ipment in t'e &or0%
1) -e SC-@ITTED &it'in t'e time specified in t'ese specifications or if no time specified=
&it'in a reasona<le time as determined <y t'e Engineer <efore )se to permit inspection and
2) -e s'ipped prepaid and delivered as specified in t'ese specifications= or as directed <y t'e
3) DiE -e properly mar0ed to s'o& t'e name of t'e materials trade name or man)fact)rer=
place of origin name and location of t'e &or0 &'ere t'e materials represented <y t'e
sample is to <e )sed= and t'e name of t'e contractor s)<mitting t'e sample%
DiiE /ail)re of any sample to pass t'e specified reA)irements for a partic)lar )se &ill <e
s)fficient ca)se for ref)sal to consider f)rt'er for t'e same )se any sample from t'e same
man)fact)rer &'ose materials failed to pass t'e tests%
a. Testing of materials s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e contractor and t'e cost of all t'e tests=
c'ec0 tests and/ or analysis made s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor= e(cept &'ere more t'an
t&o test/c'ec0 tests are reA)ested= t'en t'e cost of additional tests and/ or analysis s'all <e
<orne <y t'e department%
b. 4ontractor s'all proc)re e(tra A)antity reA)ired for t'e samples of testing over and a<ove t'e
sc'ed)led A)antity reA)ired for t'e &or0 &it'o)t any claim of e(tra cost%
c. It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e contractor to provide n)m<er of concrete c)<e mo)lds and
arrange to cast t'e c)<e specimens as per specifications and as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-
c'arge% After initial c)ring= t'e test specimens s'all <e delivered to t'e concrete testing
la<oratory at 9alpa00am for f)rt'er c)ring and testing <y t'e Department% T'e contractor s'all
also provide necessary eA)ipment and la<o)r for sampling and cond)cting ot'er field tests
li0e sl)mp tests etc%= as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge at no e(tra cost to t'e
d. /or all ot'er materials= necessary tests s'all <e carried o)t as per IS and as directed <y t'e
Engineer in c'arge and t'e cost of s)c' tests carried o)t &ill <orne <y t'e contractor%
18) .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT:
@ode of meas)rement &'en not specified in t'e tender s'all <e in accordance &it' t'e relevant
Indian Standard specifications and &'ere not spelt o)t in I%S%S%= t'e Engineer;s decision s'all <e
final and <inding on t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all provide necessary la<o)r and assistance to t'e Engineer for c'ec0ing layo)t=
alignments= levels and ot'er s)rvey &or0s connected &it' t'e e(cavation of &or0 and also for
ta0ing meas)rement for finis'ed &or0s at no e(tra cost to t'e Government%
T'e sc'ed)le of A)antities is to <e read in conM)nction &it' t'ese special conditions= general
conditions of contract= specifications= dra&ings and sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials= detailing
materials to <e s)pplied <y t'e Department%
Tr-640 / *6
The B,antitie8 8tated are to <e con8idered a--ro:i%ate onl+ and the ,nit -rice8 entered in
the 8ched,le o& B,antitie8 8hall a--l+ to the act,al B,antitie8 in the co%-leted 'or(5 ,- to
a De)iation o& a8 8-eci&ied el8e'here in the contract )al,e o& the 'or(1
Eac' tender s'o)ld contain not only t'e rates <)t also t'e val)e of eac' item of &or0 entered in a
separate col)mn and all t'e items s'o)ld <e totaled )p in order to s'o& t'e aggregate val)e of t'e
entire tender% All corrections in t'e tender sc'ed)le s'all <e d)ly attested <y t'e dated initials of t'e
tenderer% 4orrections &'ic' are not attested may entail t'e reMection of t'e tender% T'e tender
doc)ment s'o)ld <e signed and ret)rned &it'o)t= detac'ing any part of t'e doc)ment%
1ates A)oted s'all incl)de la<o)r= materials= tools= plant= appliances= transport= eA)ipment= ta(es=
d)ties= octroi levies &ater and po&er s)pply= metering and cons)mption c'arges= temporary pl)m<ing=
cost of storage s'eds for materials= contractor;s s)pervision= over'eads and profit= general ris0s of
lia<ilities and all t'at is necessary for t'e satisfactory completion of t'e Mo<= ot'er t'an services and
materials s)pplied free <y t'e Government% T'e rates A)oted <y t'e tenderer in t'e sc'ed)le s'all <e
incl)sive of 4ess= Sales Ta( on contract materials= Sales ta( on contract t)rnover as levied <y t'e
local State Government a)t'orities= ctroi d)ty and or ot'er d)ties levied <y t'e Government or ot'er
#)<lic <odies% Cnless ot'er&ise stated in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities rates for all items s'all <e for t'e
complete &or0 incl)ding s)pplying and fi(ing of all materials etc% T'e contractor &'en called for <y t'e
department s'o)ld f)rnis' detailed analysis in s)pport of t'e rates A)oted <y 'im against eac' item of
t'e tender% T'e Department reserves t'e rig't to )tili!e t'e analysis t')s s)pplied in settling any
deviations or claims arising on t'is contract% T'e rates s'all <e firm and s'all not s)<Mect to t'e
e(c'ange variations= la<o)r conditions or any conditions &'atsoever ot'er t'an &'at is provided in
t'e contract%
22) SER"ICE T/2:
Service ta5 is not applica#le for t"is work #eing non commercial government organisation1 6owever(
in respect of service ta5( if t"e same is paid #y t"e contractor to t"e concerned department on
demand( it will #e reim#ursed to "im #y t"e Engineer)in)C"arge after satisfying t"at it "as #een
actually and genuinely paid #y t"e contractor on production of documentary evidence1 Hence( it nee"
not be incl+"e" in B+oting o& rates b6 ten"erer!
T'e rates A)oted <y t'e tenderer s'all also <e incl)sive of &or0s contract ta(= if any on t'e transfer of
property in roads involved in e(ec)tion of :or0 4ontract Act 176* Din ot'er &ords t)rn over ta(E &'ic'
is to <e paid <y t'e tenderer to t'e Government from time to time d)ring t'e e(ec)tion of t'e
contract/&or0s% $o separate claim on t'is acco)nt &ill <e entertained <y t'e Department%
24) Ior(8 Contract Ta: - Pro)i8ion8 &or 'or(8 contract a&ter ta(in* into /cco,nt TN"/T act
Tamil $ad) Government 'as enacted t'e HT'e Tamil $ad) 3al)e Added Ta( Act +006 DT$3ATE
&'ic' 'as come into force in t'e State= &it' effect from 01-01-+002% /ollo&ing are t'e provisions
relating to &or0 contracts <eing e(ec)ted in IG4A1/GS etc%
:or0s 4ontract Ta( &ill <e levied as )nder"-
(i) /or maMor civil &or0s " +B of t'e total amo)nt paya<le to t'e contractor
(ii) /or civil maintenance " +B of t'e total amo)nt paya<le to t'e &or0s
(iii) t'er &or0s contracts " 4B of t'e total amo)nt paya<le
to t'e contractor
Tr-640 / *7
:or0s 4ontract Ta( E(emption 4ertificate iss)ed )nder T$GST is not valid &it' effect from 01-01-
+002% H$o Fia<ility 4ertificateH in /orm-S )nder T$3AT 'as to <e o<tained afres' <y all t'e contractors
for availing e(emption% T'e certificate is iss)ed for eac' contract separately and t'e original is
reA)ired to <e s)<mitted to Acco)nts D:or0sE / GS%
As per Section 174 D4E of Income Ta( Act= t'e Income Ta( K +B Dt&o percentE on t'e gross val)e of
t'e &or0 done or as applica<le <y latest amendment iss)ed <y @inistry of /inance DDepartment of
1even)e and Ins)ranceE= $e& Del'i &ill <e recovered from t'e <ills% A certificate for t'e amo)nt so
recovered &ill <e iss)ed <y t'e Department to t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all cond)ct 'is operations so as to interfere as little as possi<le &it' t'e )se of
e(isting roads at or near locations &'ere t'e &or0 is <eing performed= &'en it is necessary to
e(cavate a trenc' across an e(isting road= store materials t'ereon or perform ot'er &or0 &'ic' &o)ld
o<str)ct traffic= notification of t'e start of s)c' &or0 or storage of materials= and details of t'e
proposed met'ods of providing t'e reA)ired facilities for safe and contin)o)s )se of roads s'all <e
s)<mitted to t'e Engineer atleast 46 'o)rs in advance= t'ereof= and t'e contractor s'all at 'is o&n
e(pense= mar0s s)c' approved temporary provisions as are reA)ired to maintain atleast one lane of
traffic <y <ridging t'e e(cavation= providing ramps over s)rface o<str)ctions or providing s)ita<le
temporary <y-pass aro)nd t'e o<str)ctions% T'is contract to provide and erect= <efore constr)ction=
s)<stantial <arricades= <ridging over trenc'es= ramps side&al0s= g)ard rails and &arning signs=
f)rnis'= place and maintain adeA)ate lig'ts and &arning signals and provide flag man= &atc'man as
directed <y t'e Engineer%
27) GO"ERN.ENT $/ODR $/IS:
T'e contractor 'as to follo& strictly t'e Government la<o)r acts &'ic' are in force at present and
all necessary facilities and arrangements for la<o)r &ill 'ave to <e made <y t'e contractor%
T'e amo)nt of t'e earnest money= &'ic' a contractor s'o)ld deposit &it' t'e tender= is reg)lated
<y t'e follo&ing scales% In case of petty &or0s costing 1s%.= 000/- or less t'e E(ec)tive Engineer
may= at 'is discretion= dispense &it' t'e condition for calling for earnest money%
(i) /or &or0s estimated to cost )pto 1s% Ten 4rores - + B DT&o percentE of t'e estimated cost%
(ii) /or &or0s estimated to cost more t'an 1s% Ten 4rores - 1s% T&enty Fa0's pl)s 1B Dne
percentE of t'e estimated cost in e(cess of over 1s% Ten 4rores%
T'e earnest money may <e accepted in t'e follo&ing forms iss)ed <y any sc'ed)led <an0 g)aranteed
<y t'e 1eserve -an0 of India%
a) Deposit at call receipt%
b) -an0er;s 4'eA)e%
c) Demand draft%
d) /D1%
Ihen a%o,nt o& earne8t %one+ i8 %ore than R81 ?i)e $a(h85 -art o& earne8t %one+ i8
acce-ta<le in the &or% o& <an( *,arantee al8o1 In s)c' case= minim)m .0B D/ifty percentE of
earnest money or 1s% T&enty Fa0's= &'ic'ever is less= &ill 'ave to <e deposited in s'ape prescri<ed
a<ove and <alance can <e accepted in form of <an0 g)arantee iss)ed <y a sc'ed)led <an0% 7Model
form of 2ank Guarantee for EMD is enclosed followed #y t"e tender notice in tender document8
Tr-640 / 40
It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at t'e /D1 is valid for a period of si( mont's or more after last date of receipt
of tenders and t'at it is pledged in favo)r of t'e #ay , Acco)nts officer= GS%
If t'e <an0s are closed on t'e day of opening of tenders= t'e date of opening of tender s'all <e
postponed s)ita<ly%
A s)m K .B of t'e gross amo)nt of t'e <ill s'all <e ded)cted from eac' r)nning <ill of t'e contractor
till s)m along &it' t'e s)m already deposited as earnest money= &ill amo)nt to sec)rity deposit of .B
of t'e tendered val)e of t'e &or0% In addition t'e contractor s'all <e reA)ired to deposit an amo)nt
eA)al to .B of tendered val)e of t'e contract as performance sec)rity &it'in t'e period prescri<ed in
Fetter f Intent DFIE iss)ed to 'im% Go&ever= sec)rity deposit may <e released against <an0
g)arantee iss)ed <y a sc'ed)led <an0 of its acc)m)lation to a minim)m amo)nt of 1s%. la0's s)<Mect
to t'e condition t'at amo)nt of any <an0 g)arantee e(cept last one= s'all not <e less t'an 1s%. Fa0's%
Relea8e o& Sec,rit+ De-o8it: T'e amo)nt of Sec)rity Deposit recovered from t'e contractor &ill <e
ref)nded only a&ter co%-letion o& the de&ect lia<ilit+ -eriod as referred in Clause ) -/ of t'e
General Conditions of contract DSection - I3E= <ased on t'e certificate iss)ed <y t'e Engineer in
If any tenderer &it'dra&s 'is tender &it'in t'e validity period or ma0es any modification in t'e terms
and conditions of t'e tender &'ic' are not accepta<le to t'e Department= t'en t'e Government s'all
&it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er rig't or remedy <e at li<erty= to forfeit .0B Dfifty percentE of t'e earnest
money a<sol)tely% /)rt'er t'e tenderer s'all not <e allo&ed to participate in re-tendering process of
t'e &or0%
If t'e contractor fails to f)rnis' t'e prescri<ed performance g)arantee &it'in t'e prescri<ed period= t'e
earnest money is a<sol)tely forfeited to t'e #resident%
T'e contractor s'all &it'in fifteen days= after t'e date of a&ard of t'is contract notify t'e Engineer in
&riting of t'e names of all s)<contractors proposed for t'e &or0 and t'e e(tent and c'aracter of t'e
&or0 to <e done <y eac'% If= for s)fficient reason= at any time d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0= t'e
Engineer determines t'at any s)<-contractor is incompetent or )ndesira<le= &'o &ill notify t'e
contractor accordingly and t'e contractor s'all ta0e steps immediately to cancel s)c' s)<-contract%
S)<letting <y contractors s'all <e s)<Mect to t'e same reg)lations% $ot'ing contained in t'is contract
s'all create any contract)al relations <et&een any s)<contractor and t'e department%
T'e contractor s'all follo& at site all sec)rity r)les as may <e framed <y t'e department from time to
time regarding removal of materials from site= iss)e of Identity cards control of entry of personnel and
all similar matters%
33) /CCO..OD/TION:
T'e Engineer &ill not provide any A)arters for t'e accommodation of contractor;s personnel% $o land
&ill <e made availa<le &it'in t'e proMect area for t'e constr)ction of staff and la<o)r A)arters for t'e
contractor% T'e contractors &ill ma0e 'is o&n arrangement for leasing s)ita<le land for 'o)sing 'is
personnel and t'e cost on t'is acco)nt s'o)ld <e incl)ded in 'is rate str)ct)res% T'e contractor s'all
ma0e 'is o&n arrangements at 'is cost for &ater s)pply= sanitation= access roads= electrification and
general cleanliness of 'is camps= as reA)ired <y la<o)r la&s in force% All arrangements regarding
Tr-640 / 41
sanitation= &ater s)pply= electric s)pply and cleanliness s'all <e tidy and &or0man li0e and s'all <e
got approved <y t'e Engineer prior to t'e constr)ction of t'e camps= &are'o)se= s'ed= s'op and
office facilities as reA)ired <y t'e contractor s'all <e provided <y 'im at 'is o&n e(penses= and s'all
<e approved <y t'e Engineer%
After t'e &or0 is over= all t'ese temporary facilities s'all <e removed <y t'e contractor at 'is o&n
e(pense to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer= &it'in *0 days from t'e date of completion of &or0%
:are'o)se= s'ed= &or0s'op and office facilities as reA)ired <y t'e contractor s'all <e provided <y 'im
at 'is o&n e(penses% #rior approval of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge s'all <e o<tained in respect of location
layo)t and details= of t'ese <)ildings% After t'e &or0 is over t'ese temporary facilities s'all <e
removed <y t'e contractor at 'is o&n e(penses to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge &it'in 10
days from t'e date of completion% $o land for erecting temporary ')ts for 'o)sing t'e contractors
Fa<o)rers &ill <e made availa<le <y t'e Department% T'e contractor &ill 'ave to ma0e 'is o&n
arrangements for t'e same%
35) STOR/GE:
All materials s'all <e stored as to prevent deterioration or contamination <y foreign matters and to
ens)re t'e preservation of t'eir A)ality and fitness for t'e &or0% If t'e storage arrangement is not to
t'e Engineer;s satisfaction= t'e Engineer may direct t'e contractor to ma0e s)c' arrangements as 'e
considers necessary and in t'e event of non-compliance= 'e &o)ld reserve t'e rig't to ma0e proper
arrangements departmentally or t'ro)g' ot'er agencies at contractor;s cost% All materials s'all <e
stored in adeA)ate A)antities &ell in advance to meet t'e constr)ction sc'ed)le%
a) T'e contractor s'all select good A)ality of roc0 approved <y t'e Engineers for t'e
p)rpose of prod)cing aggregates and r)<<le stone for constr)ction &or0% Any mac'ine cr)s'ed
graded stone aggregate conforming to IS &ill <e permitted for all concrete &or0s% It is t'e
responsi<ility of t'e tenderer to o<tain good A)ality material to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer% If t'e
A)ality of roc0 is not )pto t'e reA)ired standard from one A)arry= t'e tenderer &ill 'ave to o<tain t'e
roc0 from ot'er so)rces% T'e tenderer is not entitled for any e(tra payment on acco)nt of e(tra lead if
any involved%
b) Similarly= contractor s'all ma0e 'is o&n arrangements for identifying t'e so)rce
A)arrying <orro&ed eart' and t'e eart' so o<tained s'all <e of good A)ality f)lfilling t'e reA)irement
of specification% All necessary permits= fees to <e paid s)c' A)arrying s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of
contractor and no e(tra claim &ill <e entertained <y t'e department%
T'e contractors may please not t'at t'e identify cards s'all 'ave t'e p'oto;s of t'e personnel
concerned control of entry of personnel and all similar matters% T'e contractor and 'is personnel s'all
a<ide <y all sec)rity meas)res imposed <y t'e Engineer or 'is d)ly a)t'orised representative from
time to time%
38) E.P$OFEES:
It is to <e ens)red t'at all t'e employee and &or0ers employed <y t'e contractor and also <y t'e s)<-
contractor are la& a<iding citi!ens= &it' clean record% Anti-social elements= ro&dies and persons &it'
adverse police records s'o)ld not <e employed as far as possi<le on t'e &or0s at 9alpa00am%
It is to <e ens)red <y t'e contractor t'at t'e correct personnel partic)lars and addresses of t'e
employees and &or0ers employed <y t'e contractor and s)<-contractors are availa<le &it' t'em%
Tr-640 / 4+
It may <e noted t'at t'e Government as a part of t'e emergency preparedness for any event)al site
emergency civil defense &'ic'/&o)ld reA)ire t'e entire or part of t'e contractors personnel and la<o)r
to <e evac)ated from t'e site &it'o)t any advance notice as and &'en deemed necessary% T'is may
res)lt in temporary stoppages of &or0 &it' possi<le loss of time and prod)ctivity not li0ely to e(ceed
one day% T'is aspect s'all <e ta0en into acco)nt &'ile A)oting t'eir rates and t'e department &ill not
)ncertain any claim/compensation on t'is acco)nt% Go&ever= t'e department may grant s)ita<le
e(tension of time only%
All t'e tr)c0s transporting materials for t'e &or0s s'o)ld 'ave valid permit for r)nning inside
9alpa00am/An)p)ram To&ns'ip area% T'e materials 'ave to <e transported only d)ring 07%00 'o)rs
and 16%00 'o)rs &it'in t'e 9alpa00am/An)p)ram To&ns'ip area%
41) I/TER:
:ater s)pply= if reA)ired= s'all <e made availa're&toit'e55ntractor free of cost at one point from t'e
e(isti ng &ater mains and t'e contractSMS'5lMMLay5rf)rt'er piping to t'e vario)s &or0 sites at 'is o&n
/or t'e p)rpose of arriving at t'e amo)nt of escalation referred to in 4la)se 10 44 of t'e General
4onditions of 4ontract DSection I3E t'e component of cement= steel= materials= la<o)r and #F as
indicated in Sc'ed)le - /%
Pro)ided al'a+8 that the -ro)i8ion o& cla,8e 10 C/ 8hall not <e a--lica<le &or contract8 'here
-ro)i8ion8 o& cla,8e 10 CC are a--lica<le5 <,t in ca8e8 'here -ro)i8ion8 o& cla,8e 10 CC are
not a--lica<le5 the -ro)i8ion8 o& Cla,8e 10 C/ 'ill <eco%e a--lica<le1
Any person &'o s)<mits a tender s'all fill )p t'e )s)al printed form= stating at &'at rate 'e is &illing
to )nderta0e eac' item of t'e &or0% Tenders= &'ic' propose any alteration in t'e &or0 specified in t'e
said form of invitation to tender or in t'e time allo&ed for carrying o)t t'e &or0= or &'ic' contain any
ot'er condition of any sort incl)ding conditional re<ate &ill <e s)mmarily reMected% $o single tender
s'all incl)de more t'an one &or0= <)t contractors &'o &is' to tender for t&o or more &or0s s'all
s)<mit separate tender for eac'% Tender s'all 'ave t'e name and n)m<er of t'e &or0s to &'ic' t'ey
refer= &ritten on t'e envelopes% T'e rateDsE m)st <e A)oted in decimal coinage% Amo)nts m)st <e
A)oted in f)ll r)pees <y ignoring fifty paise and considering more t'an fifty paise as r)pee one%
All painting eA)ipment scaffolding ladders and materials provided <y t'e contractors s'all &'en
<ro)g't on to site to <e deemed to <e e(cl)sively / intended for t'e constr)ction and completion of t'e
&or0s= and t'e contractor s'all not remove t'e same or any part t'ereof Dsave for t'e p)rpose of
moving it from one part of t'e site to anot'erE &it'o)t t'e consent in &riting of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge
s)c' s'all not <e )nreasona<ly &it''eld%
aE T'e Department s'all not at any time <e lia<le for t'e loss of or inM)ry to any of t'e said
constr)ction plant and temporary &or0 of materials%
Tr-640 / 4*
<E If any plant or eA)ipment or mac'inery p)rc'ased o)t of advances ta0en from t'e Department=
s)c' plant= eA)ipment or mac'inery s'all 'ave to <e iss)e <y t'e contractor at least to t'e
e(tent of s)c' advance and pledged in t'e name of t'e Department )ntil all s)c' advances
s'all 'ave <een paid to t'e Department%
If <y reason of any accident or fail)re or ot'er event occ)rring to= in connection &it' t'e &or0s or any
part t'ereof eit'er d)ring t'e period of maintenance any remedial or ot'er &or0 on repair s'all in t'e
opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge <e )rgently necessary for sec)rity and t'e contractor is )na<le or
)n&illing= Engineer-in-c'arge at once to do 'is o&n or ot'er &or0men to s)c' &or0 or repair as may
consider necessary% If t'e &or0 or repair so done is &or0 &'ic' in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-
c'arge= t'e contractor &as lia<le to do at 'is o&n e(penses )nder t'e contract= all t'e costs and
c'arge properly inc)rred <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge in doing so= s'all on demand= <e paid <y
contractor or may <e ded)cted from any moneys d)e to &'ic' may <ecome d)e to t'e 4ontractor
provided al&ays t'at t'e Engineer-in-c'arge s'all <e soon after t'e occ)rrence of any s)c'
emergency as may <e reasona<ly practica<le notify t'e contractor t'ereof in &riting%
T'e contractor 'as to follo& strictly t'e Government Fa<o)r Acts= &'ic' are in force at present and
introd)ced from time to time= s)c' as= Acts enforced <y Fa<o)r 4ommissioner= 1egional #rovident
/)nd 4ommissioner% Directorate of ESIS and Enforcement fficer of 4ontract Fa<o)r Act= and all
necessary arrangement for la<o)r= sec)rity ins)rance &ill 'ave to <e made <y t'e 4ontactor at 'is
o&n cost%
$a<o,r 'el&are ce88 N 1> o& *ro88 )al,e o& 'or( done 8hall <e reco)ered &ro% each <ill -aid
to the contractor1
Tr-640 / 44
1.1 General
T'e Department of Atomic Energy DDAEE t'ro)g' its constit)ent )nits e(ec)tes vario)s site &or0s
eit'er <y t'eir o&n manpo&er or <y manpo&er of vario)s o)tside agencies% T'e nat)re of contracts
&it' o)tside agencies can <e &or0s contracts= engineering proc)rement contracts= p)rc'ase
contracts= minor fa<rication contracts etc% T'ese site &or0s involve entire gam)t of conventional
ind)strial activities li0e e(cavation= roc0 <lasting= eart' 'andling= constr)ction= material 'andling=
fa<rication= installation= operation= maintenance etc% of n)clear or conventional plants/facilities% T'is is
a c'allenging responsi<ility for t'e contractor d)e to t'e comple(ity of pro<lems li0e A)ality of
&or0force D&'ic' may <e )ns0illed= illiterate= migratoryE availa<le for la<or-intensive Mo<s= lac0 of
coordination among agencies at site= lac0 of safety a&areness among concerned a)t'orities= time
sc'ed)les of proMect etc% As a principal employer= facility management s'all <e responsi<le to ens)re
'ealt' and safety of all personnel engaged for t'e &or0% In t'is process= t'e contractor t'ro)g' 'is
esta<lis'ed meas)res s'all ens)re t'at t'e g)idelines are implemented% Go&ever t'e facility
management s'all monitor t'e compliance &it' t'e provisions o)tlined in t'e g)idelines t'ro)g'
periodic s)pervision and revie&% Any accidental inM)ry or loss of life is detrimental to t'e facility as &ell
as t'e society% T'is ;g)idelines; covers t'e safety organi!ation and t'e safety management system
reA)irements in sections t&o and t'ree% T'e &or0 specific safety preca)tions are covered in section
fo)r% T'e reA)irements relating to personal protective eA)ipment and medical management are
covered in sections . and 6% 5555
1.2 O<Oecti)e
T'is ;g)idelines; 'as a <asic frame&or0 of ind)strial safety organisation= safety management systems=
safe &or0 proced)res to maintain a safe &or0ing environment for all personnel and to prevent any
)nsafe condition/act endangering t'e life of personnel engaged for ind)strial activities% T'e maMor
o<Mectives of t'is ;g)idelines; are" ^m^^^^ :
(i) To create a&areness among &or0ers a<o)t ind)strial 'a!ards and safe &or0ing proced)res%
(i) To lay do&n safe &or0 proced)res and systems to <e follo&ed for different type of ind)strial
(ii) To esta<lis' a ro<)st safety management system%
(iii) To protect t'e 'ealt' and ens)re t'e safety of t'e &or0ers from ind)strial activities%
1.3 Sco-e
T'is ;g)idelines; is essential for implementation and ass)rance of conventional safety in areas s)c' as
ind)strial= c'emical= electrical= fire= environmental and is applica<le for all &or0s e(ec)ted t'ro)g'
contracts= li0e engineering proc)rement contract= minor fa<rication contract etc% :'ere t'e e(ec)tion
of &or0 is envisaged in radiation controlled area or involves 'andling and fa<rication of any n)clear
material= additional preca)tions noted in relevant AE1- safety doc)ments on radiation protection s'all
also <e applica<le%
211 General
(a) 4onstr)ction proMects 'ave significant 'ealt' and safety 'a!ards= &'ic' need to <e managed
systematically since t'e proMect inception stage to ac'ieve incident- free completion of Mo<s%
4ontractor s'o)ld 'ave &ell-defined safety organisation &'ic' 'elps in effective
implementation of safety management systems and ens)res 'ealt' and safety of &or0ers%
(b) T'e top management of contractor s'o)ld ass)re t'at all t'e provisions of relevant Acts ,
1)les are conformed to%
(c) Safety organisation s'o)ld carry o)t safety s)rveillance= safety training= safety enforcement
meas)res= safety a)dit etc% related to all &or0s to f)lfill t'e overall safety reA)irements of t'is
Tr-640 / 4.
(d) Safety f)nctionaries s'o)ld <e e(cl)sively assigned &it' t'e &or0 related to protection of
'ealt' and safety of &or0ers%
(e) IS" 16001"+002 gives detailed reA)irements of 'ealt' and safety management system
reA)irements% IS" 1.27* gives reA)irements of good practices for managing environment=
occ)pational 'ealt' and safety legal compliance% T'is ;g)idelines; prescri<es reA)irements in
addition to IS" 16001"+002 and IS" 1.27* and gives g)idelines on implementing t'ese specific
to a constr)ction proMect%
(f) T'e reA)irements prescri<ed in vario)s central and state reg)lations incl)ding -)ilding and
ot'er 4onstr)ction :or0ers D1eg)lation of Employment and 4onditions of ServiceE Act= 1776
and r)les framed t'ere )nder &it' respect to managing 'ealt' and safety in constr)ction
proMects s'all <e complied &it'%
212 Or*ani8ational Str,ct,re &or Sa&et+ .ana*e%ent
(a) T'e 4ontractor s'all deploy A)alified and e(perienced line management personnel for
s)pervising t'e Mo<s to <e carried o)t safely <y &or0ers% In order to oversee t'e ind)strial and
fire safety aspects d)ring e(ec)tion of 'a!ardo)s Mo<s Dlisted o)t in para *%11E <y t'e
contractors= at least one safety s)pervisor &it' t'e A)alifications and e(perience mentioned in
Ta<le - 1 s'all <e in place irrespective of t'e man po&er deployed <y t'e contractor%
(b) T'e A)alification= e(perience and t'e minim)m n)m<er of safety professionals to <e deployed
<y contractor s'all <e as per t'e follo&ing ta<le"
Ta<le-1 : J,ali&ication5 E:-erience and N,%<er o& Sa&et+ Pro&e88ional8 &or Con8tr,ction ProOect8
Cate*or+ o&
8a&et+ -er8on
.andator+ reB,ire%ent J,ali&ication
Safety officer ne in eac' s'ift Dminim)mE )p to
1000 &or0ers%
If n)m<er of &or0ers in a s'ift
Dincl)ding contractor;s &or0ersE
e(ceeds 1000= additionally one
safety officer s'o)ld <e deployed
for every 1000 &or0ers or part
Degree in engineering / tec'nology and diploma in
ind)strial safety &it' minim)m t&o years of
Diploma in engineering &it' diploma in ind)strial
safety &it' minim)m 6 year;s e(perience
A recognised degree in p'ysics or c'emistry and
'as practical e(perience of &or0ing in a factory in a
s)pervisory capacity for a period of not less t'an .
$ot&it'standing t'e provision contained in t'e
a<ove criteria any person &'o
DiE possesses a recognised degree or diploma in
engineering or tec'nology and 'as 'ad
e(perience of not less t'an five years in a
department of t'e central or state government
&'ic' deals &it' t'e administration of t'e /actories
Act= 1746 or t'e Doc0 :or0ers Dsafety= 'ealt'
and &elfareE Act= 1766 D.4 of
1766E r
Cate*or+ o&
8a&et+ -er8on
.andator+ reB,ire%ent J,ali&ication
DiiE #ossesses a recognised degree or diploma in
engineering or tec'nology and 'as 'ad e(perience
of not less t'an . years= f)lltime on training=
ed)cation= cons)ltancy= or researc' in t'e field of
accident prevention in ind)stry or in any instit)tion=
s'all also <e eligi<le for appointment as a safety
#rovided t'at competent a)t'ority may= s)<Mect to
s)c' condition as it may specify= grant e(emption
from t'e reA)irement of t'is s)< r)le if in its opinion=
a s)ita<le person possessing t'e necessary
Tr-640 / 46
A)alification and e(perience is not availa<le for
ne in eac' s'ift Dminim)mE )p to
.00 &or0ers
ne S)pervisor for any
'a!ardo)s Mo< Dlisted in para *%11E
if= carried o)t <y 4ontractor
irrespective of n)m<er of &or0ers%
If n)m<er of persons &or0ing in a
s'ift Dincl)ding t'e contractors;
&or0ersE e(ceeds .00=
additionally one safety s)pervisor
s'o)ld <e deployed for every
.00&or0ers or part t'ereof% 5555
Diploma in engineering and diploma in ind)strial
61 S/?ETF ./N/GE.ENT
3.1 General
T'e constr)ction agencies DcontractorsE s'all <e as0ed to s)<mit a proMect specific 'ealt' and safety
plan Dconstr)ction safety management planE proposing t'e met'odology for managing 'ealt' and safety
and t'eir capa<ility in completing t'e proMect in a safe manner%
3.2 Sa&et+ Polic+
(a) T'e facility and t'e constr)ction agency Mointly or separately s'all 'ave a &ritten statement
prescri<ing t'e 'ealt' and safety policy of t'e organisation% T'e 'ealt' and safety policy
conveys t'e management commitment and intent of t'e organisation to&ards 'ealt' and safety=
its organisation and arrangements to ens)re t'at t'e set o<Mectives are met% It also provides a
frame&or0 for esta<lis'ing= maintaining and periodically revie&ing 'ealt' and safety o<Mectives
and targets%
(b) Gealt' and safety policy s'all meet t'e reA)irements of -)ilding and ot'er 4onstr)ction :or0ers
D1eg)lation of Employment and 4onditions of ServiceE Act= 1776 and IS 16001%
(c) T'e policy s'all <e comm)nicated to all sta0e'olders t'ro)g' display and ot'er means% T'e
policy s'all <e displayed in local lang)ageDsE &'ic' may <e )nderstood <y maMority of t'e
Tr-640 / 42
616 Sa&et+ Plan
(a) A proMect specific 'ealt' and safety plan s'all <e developed <y t'e contractor and approved
<y t'e facility% n approval <y t'e facility= 'ealt' and safety plan s'all <e reference doc)ment
for implementation= control and monitoring of 'ealt' and safety aspects of t'e proMect <y t'e
(b)#roMect 'ealt' and safety plan s'all descri<e 'o& t'e proMect specific 'ealt' and safety o<Mectives
and targets s'all <e ac'ieved% It s'all define t'e road map for ac'ieving t'e standards t'at an
organisation lays do&n for itself so t'at efforts can <e coordinated= synergi!ed and monitored%
(c) Gealt' and safety plan s'all e(plain t'e means of esta<lis'ing a positive 'ealt' and safety c)lt)re
at t'e proMect site% Gealt' and safety plan s'all identify and en)merate t'e control meas)res to
mitigate t'e ris0s to t'e proMect completion arising o)t of 'ealt' and safety iss)es so t'at t'e proMect is
allo&ed to proceed &it'o)t interr)ption and e(ec)ted as per sc'ed)le%
Salient aspects t'at may <e covered in t'e proMect 'ealt' and safety plan are"
(i) #roMect specific 'ealt' and safety o<Mectives= targets and programmes in line &it' 'ealt'
and safety policy%
(i) Ga!ard identification and ris0 assessment
(ii) @eeting legal and ot'er reA)irements
(iii) Gealt' and safety organisation
(iv) 1eso)rces= roles= responsi<ility and a)t'ority
(v) General 'ealt' and safety r)les
(vi) Gealt' and safety reA)irements to <e follo&ed <y s)<-contractors
(vii) peration control proced)re
(viii) Activities reA)iring &or0 permit system and its proced)re
(ix) @anagement of traffic safety inside t'e proMect
(x) Access control of employees
(xi) Safety of visitors
(ii) @anagement of critical activities s)c' as &or0 at 'eig't= material 'andling= &or0ing &it'
plant and mac'inery= etc%
(xii) Safe 'andling of c'emicals= e(plosives= gas cylinders= electrical eA)ipment etc%
(xiii) Ens)ring t'e competency and a&areness of t'e &or0men
(xiv) /ire prevention and fire fig'ting plan
(xv) Emergency preparedness and response plan
(xvi) Traffic management plan
(xvii) Training matri(
(xviii) #ersonal protective eA)ipment matri(
(xix) Gealt' and safety performance monitoring meas)res s)c' as inspection and a)dit
(xx) Incident reporting and investigation proced)re
(xxi) #roactive and reactive indicators of 'ealt' and safety
(xxii) 1e&ard and reprimand for 'ealt' and safety performance
(xxiii) 4'ec0list and formats%
(xxiv) Gealt' monitoring plan for employees/&or0ers e(posed to 'a!ardo)s Mo<s%
Tr-640 / 46
(d) T'e ris0 control meas)res identified s'all meet t'e provisions of -)ilding and ot'er 4onstr)ction
:or0ers D1eg)lation of Employment and 4onditions of ServiceE Act= 1776= ot'er legislations and
provisions of vario)s safety related standards%
(e) #roced)res s'all <e esta<lis'ed for timely recording and reporting of information reA)ired for
contin)al improvement of 'ealt' and safety performance%
Internal reporting proced)res s'all cover"
(i) Incident reporting
(ii) $on-conformance reporting
(iii) Gealt' and safety performance reporting
(iv)Ga!ard identification reporting
E(ternal reporting s'all cover
DiE Stat)tory reporting reA)irements
T'e recording of reporting of 'ealt' and safety performance s'all <e clearly doc)mented in t'e 'ealt'
and safety plan%
3.4 Role85 Re8-on8i<ilit+ and /,thorit+
(a) 4ontractor s'all define= doc)ment and comm)nicate t'e roles= responsi<ilities and a)t'orities
of all personnel &'o manage= perform and verify activities 'aving an effect on 'ealt' and
safety ris0s% It s'all also incl)de s)<contractors and visitors%
(b) T'e line management personnel &'o are responsi<le for e(ec)tion of activities are directly
responsi<le for 'ealt' and safety in t'e &or0 )nder t'eir control%
(c) Gealt' and safety gro)p and 'ealt' and safety officers are responsi<le for g)iding t'e top
management of t'eir o&n organisation on 'ealt' and safety iss)es and facilitating t'e
implementation of 'ealt' and safety in t'e proMect site% /or d)ties and responsi<ilities of
'ealt' and safety officers refer Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les-1776%
(d) Gealt' and safety s)pervisors s'all <e engaged to assist t'e 'ealt' and safety officers in
performing t'eir d)ties%
(e) @anagement s'all provide adeA)ate reso)rces essential to effectively manage t'e 'ealt' and
safety management system reA)irements of t'e proMect%
3.5 De8i*n and En*ineerin*
DaE Design dra&ings= constr)ction met'odology and plans s'all <e revie&ed to determine &'et'er
any additional ris0s may arise d)ring t'e constr)ction d)e to t'e feat)res in t'e design or
Attention s'all <e paid to"
(i) #roviding permanent 'oo0s and loops for tying safety slings of &or0ers
(ii) #roviding 'oles or s)c' arrangements to t'e str)ct)re to &'ic' safe &or0ing
platforms and safety nets can <e connected
(iii) Faying permanent slings= gra< rails/<ars to <e )sed <y t'e &or0ers
(iv) #ermanent provision for attac'ing railings
(v) #rovision for alternative access to t'e trapped or distressed &or0ers
(vi) #rovision for comm)nication
(vii) Design facilitating <arricading of t'e area aro)nd &or0 site &it'o)t ca)sing 'indrance
to <)ilding f)nctional activities
(viii) D)ra<ility of s)c' safety related permanent design integrated elements
(ix) t'er safety practices reA)ired for t'e type of &o0s involved
Tr-640 / 47
D(E Significant ris0s from constr)ction materials= &'ic' cannot <e avoided in t'e design%
(b) Analysis of design and integration of safety meas)res= as descri<ed a<ove= s'o)ld <e
)nderta0en as val)e engineering t'ro)g' m)lti-sta0e'older cons)ltation= necessarily involving
designers= o&ner/client= operation/maintenance management and constr)ction agency%
(c) :'ile need for special &or0 met'odology and ena<ling infrastr)ct)re is considered to ma0e
conditions safe for constr)ction= attention s'all also <e dra&n to t'e safety d)ring
maintenance operations Dincl)ding inspections &'ic' may <e necessary <efore proMect
commissioning as &ell as maintenanceE%
(d) It s'all also <e ascertained &'et'er it &o)ld <e feasi<le D&it'in t'e time and cost
considerationsE to erect necessary temporary ena<ling infrastr)ct)re% If= in t'e d)e
assessment <y t'e proMect manager= it is esta<lis'ed t'at t'e design= as proposed= &o)ld
contin)e to <e )nsafe d)ring constr)ction and maintenance operations )nless special
ena<ling infrastr)ct)re is created and &or0 proced)res specifically dra&n= t'e design s'all <e
616 Con8tr,ction Plannin*
(a) #rior to t'e start of constr)ction &or0= detailed planning s'all <e carried o)t &'ic' may
(i) Identifying aspects of design t'at 'ave <earing on 'ealt' and safety d)ring constr)ction
(ii) :'ile sc'ed)ling t'e vario)s activities of t'e constr)ction= allo&ing adeA)ate time to carry
&or0 in accordance &it' 'ealt' and safety reA)irements%
(iii) 1evie&ing t'e proposed &or0 met'od of vario)s activities= identifying 'ealt' and
safety 'a!ards of activities in t'e proMect and assessment of t'e ris0 level%
(iv) :'en t'e ris0 level is )naccepta<le= ta0ing additional control meas)res incl)ding
revision of t'e &or0 met'odology so t'at identified ris0 is at AFA1# DAs Fo& as 1easona<ly
#ractica<leE level%
(v) #lanning and esta<lis'ing t'e facilities for implementation of 'ealt' and safety s)c' as
&or0men training facility= 'ealt' centre for medical c'ec0-)p and first aid= access control of
employees= etc%
(vi) Ens)ring t'at t'e temporary esta<lis'ments at proMect site s)c' as site offices=
&or0men camps= toilets= canteens and rest s'eds= etc% are created meeting t'e reA)irements
of t'e relevant stat)tes and standards%
(b) /acility s'all ens)re t'at t'e constr)ction agency 'as )nderstood t'e c'allenges and 'as planned
to meet t'e proMect specific 'ealt' and safety reA)irement t'ro)g' appropriate competencies%
(c) Gealt' and safety meas)res need proper coordination <y t'e constr)ction agency and s)c' efforts
of t'e constr)ction agency s'all <e revie&ed= monitored and appropriately g)ided <y t'e facility%
(d) In respect of s)<-contractors= proMect manager of t'e constr)ction agency s'all ens)re t'at t'e
s)<-contractors meet t'e 'ealt' and safety reA)irements of t'e proMect% Gealt' and safety control and
monitoring s'all <e esta<lis'ed specific to t'e needs of t'e proMect%
617 Sa&et+ Co%%,nication
DaE #roced)res s'all <e esta<lis'ed to comm)nicate significant 'a!ards and ris0s to and from
employees and ot'er interested parties% T'e 'ealt' and safety 'a!ards and ris0s may <e
comm)nicated in t'e follo&ing &ays"
(i) S'aring of accidents case st)dies &'ic' occ)rred in t'e proMect site as &ell in ot'er similar
(ii) Safety ind)ction and orientation training
(iii) Gealt' and safety posters and displays
Tr-640 / .0
DivE Gealt' and safety campaigns and competition involving t'e employees
DvE S'aring of res)lts of t'e a)dits= inspections and ot'er monitoring systems
Tr-640 / .1
(vi) Esta<lis'ing a system for collecting feed<ac0 on 'ealt' and safety from employees and
ot'er interested parties
(vi) Tool <o( meeting
(vii) Safety signage%
(b) Gealt' and safety comm)nications addressed to &or0men s'all prefera<ly <e in local
lang)ageDsE )nderstanda<le <y maMority of t'e &or0men%
(c) T'e facility and constr)ction agency s'all Mointly endeavo)r to promote a positive 'ealt' and
safety c)lt)re at t'e proMect% Top management of t'e organisations s'o)ld e('i<it a visi<le
management commitment and felt leaders'ip to&ards 'ealt' and safety% T'is s'all <e
ac'ieved <y participating in 'ealt' and safety programmes s)c' as"
(i) #roMect 'ealt' and safety committee meeting
(ii) Gealt' and safety &al0 do&n
(iii) Incl)ding 'ealt' and safety in all performance revie& meetings
(iv)E('i<iting a safe <e'avio)r &'ile at site%
(d) T'e top management s'o)ld clearly comm)nicate t'at it considers safety as core val)e and it
s'all not allo& it to get compromised% S)c' messages &'en it reac'es do&n t'e level in t'e
organisation ena<le to create a positive 'ealt' and safety c)lt)re%
619 Sa&et+ .onitorin* Pro*ra%%e
(a) T'e o<Mective of t'e safety s)rveillance programme s'o)ld address ass)rance of effective
implementation of safety meas)res in e(ec)tion of &or0s% /ollo&ing s)rveillance programme s'o)ld
<e in place at sites% T'e safety organisation s'o)ld monitor= maintain record and follo& )p for
corrective actions%
(b) T'e s)rveillance programme s'o)ld consist of identification of safety related deficiencies and
stat)s of corrections t'ereof= t'e implementation of protective meas)res= t'e safe &or0 practices=
')man <e'avior etc%
(c) Specific s)rveillance s'o)ld <e ens)red &it' respect to testing of eA)ipment= porta<le po&er
tools= electrical eA)ipment and tools= 'and tools= s)rveillance of material 'andling eA)ipment=
transport eA)ipment= eart' moving eA)ipment= gas cylinders= stores= etc% to comply &it'
vario)s stat)tory reA)irements%
(d) S)rveillance on safety a&areness and training compliance incl)ding ind)ction training= on t'e
Mo< training and refres'er training= Mo< specific pre-Mo< <riefing= Mo< 'a!ard analysis= etc% as per
facility;s g)idelines s'o)ld <e ens)red%
(e) Safety related deficiencies DS1DsE s'all <e detected <y any employees/&or0er of constr)ction
agency and comm)nicated to t'e line manager for corrective actions% T'e corrective action s'all <e
monitored and records s'all <e maintained%
(f)Systematic )pdating of S1Ds attended and pending s'o)ld <e made availa<le <y t'e contractor for
verification of facility%
(g) T'e 'ealt' and safety performance monitoring and meas)rement proced)res s'all provide
(i) -ot' A)alitative and A)antitative meas)res appropriate to t'e proMect
(ii) @onitoring t'e e(tent to &'ic' proMect 'ealt' and safety o<Mectives are met
(i) #roactive meas)res of compliance t'at meas)res compliance &it' 'ealt' and safety plan=
operational control proced)res and legislation
(ii) 1eactive meas)res of performance to monitor accidents= ill 'ealt'= near misses and non-
Tr-640 / .+
(iii) @onitoring dangero)s occ)rrences
Tr-640 / .*
(vi)/ire occ)rrences
(vii) /irst aid inM)ries%
D'EGealt' and safety inspections s'all <e prefera<ly cond)cted <y a team of t'e concerned engineer=
'ealt' and safety officer and area in-c'arge of t'e contractor%
DiE T'e type of inspections t'at s'all <e carried o)t and t'e freA)ency s'all <e decided d)ring t'e
planning stage and doc)mented in t'e proMect 'ealt' and safety plan% T'e 'ealt' and safety
inspections s'o)ld incl)de"
(i) General site 'ealt' and safety inspection
(ii) Electrical safety inspection
(iii) #lant and mac'inery inspection
DivE Gealt' and 'ygiene inspection
DvE Scaffolding safety inspection%
(vi) #orta<le tools and tac0les
(vii) Fifting tools and tac0les
(viii) /ire eA)ipment inspections
(ix) Ill)mination level and noise level monitoring
DME Stat)s of 'ealt' and safety implementation s'all <e meas)red and monitored <y several proactive
indicators &'ic' incl)de t'e follo&ing"
(i) 4ompliance level of proMect 'ealt' and safety plan
(ii) 4ompliance level of 'ealt' and safety o<servations &it' in t'e target date
(iii) Implementation stat)s of training plan
(iv)Implementation stat)s of corrective and preventive actions
(v) 4ompliance level of pre-employment medical c'ec0s and periodic medical c'ec0)ps
(vi)4ompliance level of legal and ot'er reA)irements
(vii) #ercentage of activities for &'ic' detailed proMect specific ris0 assessment is
D0E #roced)res s'all <e esta<lis'ed to report= investigate and analy!e incidents% T'e proced)res s'all
(i) @em<ers of t'e incident investigation team
(ii) Agencies to <e reported in case of incidents
(iii) Time period &it'in &'ic' incidents need to <e reported
(iv)@et'odology for investigation and determining t'e root ca)se of accidents%
T'ese proced)res s'all form a part of t'e proMect 'ealt' and safety plan and monitored on a reg)lar
<asis for its effectiveness%
DlE All incidents incl)ding near miss cases= accidents and dangero)s occ)rrences s'all <e t'oro)g'ly
investigated= direct and root ca)ses determined and corrective action planned% Incidents may <e
analysed covering t'e follo&ing &ays to prepare and implement an effective prevention plan"
(i) -ody part inM)red
(ii) Age of t'e victims
(iii) Time of accidents
(iv)4a)ses of accidents
(v) $at)re of inM)ry%
Tr-640 / .4
/or detailed g)idelines on analysis of incidents and comp)tation of inM)ry rate refer IS *266%
DmE T'e follo&ing reactive 'ealt' and safety indicators s'o)ld <e )sed to meas)re and monitor t'e
'ealt' and safety performance of t'e proMect site"
(i) $)m<er of near miss cases
(ii) $)m<er of first aid cases
(iii) Fost time inM)ry freA)ency rate
(iv)Fost time inM)ry severity rate%
DnE T'e 'ealt' and safety performance of s)<contractors s'all <e monitored on a reg)lar <asis and
necessary directive and s)pport s'all <e given to ac'ieve t'e set 'ealt' and safety o<Mectives and
DoE All accidents leading to property damage/personnel inM)ries/fatal accident/near miss and
dangero)s occ)rrence s'o)ld <e reported to t'e facility;s engineer-in-c'arge immediately
DpE All ;near-miss; accidents s'o)ld also <e recorded/reported and investigated and recommendations
arising o)t s'o)ld <e implemented on priority%
61; Trainin*/Orientation
(a) It s'all <e ens)red t'at all employees are competent to perform t'e assigned &or0 safely
on t'e <asis of appropriate ed)cation= training or e(perience% T'e competency
reA)irements of different categories of employees s'all <e mapped and proced)res s'all
<e implemented to ens)re t'at t'ose deployed meet t'e competence reA)irements%
(b) T'e o<Mective of 'ealt' and safety training s'all <e to eA)ip t'e employee &it' necessary
0no&ledge and s0ill to perform t'e &or0 assigned to 'im in a safe manner= to foster
contin)al improvement and to im<i<e safety c)lt)re%
(c) #refera<ly= t'e training s'o)ld <e carried o)t a&ay from t'e &or0ing place of t'e
participants to ens)re foc)sed attention on t'e training for <ot' trainer as &ell as trainees%
(d) After completion of training d)e proced)re s'all <e follo&ed for o<taining t'e feed<ac0
from t'e participants on t'e effectiveness of t'e training% Effectiveness of training imparted
s'all <e monitored for contin)al improvement and necessary corrections in
(e) T'e training/orientation programme s'o)ld <e implemented to meet t'e mandatory
reA)irements% >1)le 4*D+E DmE of t'e Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les 1776?% T'e training
s'o)ld <e p'ased as follo&s"
(f) Ind)ction c)m orientation training s'o)ld incl)de t'e overall safety aspects of t'e &or0 and
give a general overvie& of t'e vario)s 'a!ards= t'e partic)lar activities and t'e do;s and
don;ts% As a part of training= &or0ers s'o)ld also <e given demonstrations on )se of
personal protective eA)ipment= first aid and fire-fig'ting eA)ipment= fire moc0 drills= ot'er
emergency preparedness etc%
(g) T'e line manager along &it' t'e safety representative s'o)ld cond)ct pre-Mo< <riefing on
day-to-day <asis prior to specific 'a!ardo)s Mo<s% T'is &ill ma0e t'e &or0ers a&are of t'e
'a!ards and t'e preca)tions to <e ta0en%
(h) 1efres'er training s'o)ld <e imparted to eac' &or0er at least once in a year%
DiE A training sc'ed)le s'o)ld <e prepared <y t'e constr)ction agency and comm)nicated to
facility for conc)rrence%
DME 1ecords of training= demonstration and pep tal0 s'o)ld <e maintained%
6110 Per%it to Ior( S+8te%
DaE Activities reA)iring permit to &or0 s'all <e decided <efore starting t'e constr)ction and s'all <e
s)ita<ly doc)mented in t'e proMect 'ealt' and safety plan% Some of t'e activities &'ic' s'all reA)ire
permit to &or0 are"
Tr-640 / ..
(i) E(cavation
(ii) Entry into confined spaces
(iii) Electrical &or0 DG3/F3E
(iv)pening man'oles= covers and grills
(v) -lasting operation
(vi)Got &or0
(vii) :or0 on plant and mac'inery and ot'er po&er driven eA)ipment
DviiiE :or0ing at 'eig't
Di(E :or0ing at nig't
(b) T'e contractor s'o)ld esta<lis' a permit to &or0 system for any ot'er 'a!ardo)s activity=
&'ic' it feels necessary to <e controlled administratively for safe e(ec)tion%
(c) 4ontractor s'o)ld o<tain valid safety &or0 permit <efore carrying o)t any 'a!ardo)s Mo< and s'all
maintain a copy of it &it' 'im t'ro)g'o)t t'e period of 'is &or0% 1ecord of safety &or0 permit s'o)ld
<e maintained in a systematic manner% All t'e safety conditions and reA)irements stip)lated in t'e
safety &or0 permit s'o)ld <e ens)red strictly%
(d) 4ontractor s'o)ld ens)re t'at only a)t'ori!ed personnel are deployed for 'a!ardo)s
&or0s/Mo<s Drefer item *%11 for 'a!ardo)s Mo<E and provide facilities for t'e same%
6111 Ho< Aa@ard /nal+8i8
DaE It s'o)ld <e ens)red <y contractor t'at a safe &or0 proced)re e(ists for all t'e 'a!ardo)s Mo<s as
mentioned 'ere)nder and t'e reA)irements of t'e safety proced)res are ens)red at t'e &or0 sites%
Lo< 'a!ard analysis DLGAE s'o)ld form a part of s)c' safe &or0 proced)res% A c'ec0list <ased on
LGA s'o)ld <e prepared% T'is c'ec0list s'o)ld <e crossc'ec0ed <y t'e line managers and verified <y
safety officer% Typical list of Mo<s reA)iring Mo< 'a!ard analysis DT'is list is ill)strative only and not
e('a)stiveE is as follo&s"
(a) -lasting incl)ding )nder &ater <lasting
(b) Eart' and stone removal/<ac0filling/d)mping of eart'/stones
(c) Any e(cavation more t'an 1%6 m dept'%
(ii) :or0 at 'eig't D&or0ing <eyond *%. meters a<ove gro)ndE
(a) Erection and dismantling of scaffolding= platforms= s')ttering/de-s')ttering &or0
(b) Dome &or0= rod <ending= constr)ction of c'imney and cooling to&ers
(c) :or0ing on to&er crane%
DiiiE @aterials and material 'andling
DAE 4ritical eA)ipment 'andling e%g%
(a) 4alandria
(b) Steam generators
(c) T)r<ine generator components
(d) Diesel generator set
(e) Generator stator
(f) End s'ields
(g) /)elling mac'ines components
(h) Geat transport p)mps etc%
Tr-640 / .6
(B) Ga!ardo)s c'emical 'andling e%g%
(a) Acids and al0alis
(b) Ammonia
(c) 4'lorine
(d) /reon
(e) Gydra!ine
(f) Gydrogen s)lp'ide
(g) $PG
(h) @orp'oline
(C) @ovement of 'eavy material <y crane
(D) @ovement of tractor trolley on slopes
(E)@an)al lifting of 'eavy material to 'eig't
(F)Erection of 'eavy mac'inery= eA)ipment%
(iv)Electrical connection
(a) /ield connection for electrical installation
(b) Installation of lig'ting fi(t)res
(c) 4'arging of electrical system
(d) 4'arging of transformer= s&itc' yard= s&itc' gears
(e) :or0ing near 'ig' voltage lines
(f) Cse of porta<le electrical tools%
(v) EA)ipment/str)ct)ral erection &or0
(a) @aterial 'andling
(b) Foading and )nloading
(c) Transportation of material from one place to ot'er
(d) Steel fa<rication and erection
(e) 4leaning and maintenance of <atc'ing plant eA)ipment%
(vi)/inis'ing/painting &or0
(a) #ainting at 'eig't
(b) #ainting in confined space%
DviiE t'er specific &or0
(a) :or0 &it' pne)matic tools/compressed air
(b) :or0 on press)re vessels/lines
(c) :or0 in t'e vicinity of steam lines
(d) :or0 in 'ig' ent'alpy area
(e) :or0 in 'ig' noise area
(f) :or0 in confined space incl)ding t)nnels and trenc'es
(g) :or0 in isolated area Da&ay from main siteE
(h) 1adiograp'y &or0
DiE :or0 related to &elding= gas c)tting= grinding
Tr-640 / .2
DME :or0ing near conveyor= rotating mac'ine D0E Fea0
detection testing% 6112 Re'ard
DaE To motivate t'e employees and organisation to &or0 safely meas)res can <e implemented <ased
on t'e s)ita<ility% Selection and re&arding for t'e follo&ing categories may <e considered on reg)lar
(i) Safest &or0men
(ii) Safest s)pervisor
(iii) Safest area
(iv)Safest s)<-contractor= etc%
(v) S)<-contractors and employees may <e re&arded &'en t'e proMect ac'ieves significant
million man-'o)rs &it'o)t any lost time inM)ry%
4.1 General
(a) T'e contractor s'o)ld ens)re t'at safety preca)tions are ta0en d)ring t'e e(ec)tion of
a&arded &or0 and &or0 areas are maintained safe at all times% At t'e end of eac' s'ift and at
all times &'en t'e &or0 is s)spended= it s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at t'e &or0 area is left safe in
s)c' a &ay t'at no materials and eA)ipment t'at can ca)se damage to e(isting property=
personal inM)ry or interfere &it' t'e ot'er &or0s of t'e proMect or station are left in an )nsafe
(b) T'e contractor s'o)ld ens)re to provide and maintain all lig'ts= g)ards= fencing= &arning
signs= ca)tion <oards and ot'er safety meas)res and provide for vigilance as and &'en
necessary for t'e protection of &or0ers and for t'e safety of ot'ers% T'e ca)tion <oards
s'o)ld also 'ave appropriate sym<ols%
(c) AdeA)ate lig'ting facilities s)c' as floodlig'ts= 'and lig'ts and area lig'ting s'o)ld <e
provided at t'e site of &or0= storage area of materials and eA)ipment and temporary access
roads &it'in t'e &or0ing area%
(d) All &or0s s'o)ld <e planned so as to avoid interference &it' ot'er facilities= &or0s of ot'er
contractors or s)<-contractors at t'e site% In case of any interference= necessary coordination
s'o)ld <e ens)red for safe and smoot' &or0ing%
(e) It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at t'e instr)ctions given <y t'e safety officer or 'is designated
nominee regarding safety preca)tions= protective meas)res= 'o)se0eeping reA)irements= etc%
are complied &it'% T'e safety officer &it' d)e intimation to line manager s'o)ld 'ave t'e rig't
to stop t'e &or0= if in 'is opinion= proceeding &it' t'e &or0 &ill lead to an )nsafe and
dangero)s condition% Fine manager s'o)ld arrange to get t'e )nsafe condition rectified and/or
provide appropriate protective eA)ipment%
(f) 4ontractor s'o)ld ens)re t'at eac' Mo< &it' a 'a!ard &'et'er small or <ig is intimated to t'e
Gead= ind)strial safety of t'e facility &ell <efore it is ta0en )p%
(g) T'e contractor s'o)ld <e f)lly responsi<le for non-compliance of any of t'e safety meas)res
or reA)irements= implications= inM)ries= fatalities= dangero)s occ)rrences and compensation
arising o)t of s)c' sit)ations or incidents%
(h) @a(im)m d)ty 'o)rs of an individ)al s'o)ld <e as per t'e /actories Act 1746 or its latest
DiE Ill)mination levels s'o)ld <e as per t'e stat)tory reA)irements%
4.2 Roc( la8tin*
DaE All <lasting operations s'o)ld <e carried o)t on t'e <asis of proced)res approved <y Gead=
ind)strial safety and engineer-in-c'arge% All &or0s in t'is connection s'o)ld <e carried o)t as
per -IS specification/code DIS 4061" 1766% Title"- Safety code for <lasting and related
Tr-640 / .6
drilling operations D/irst 1evisionEE% -arricades= &arning signs etc% s'o)ld <e placed on t'e
roads/open area%
(b) -lasting permit s'o)ld <e o<tained from Gead= Ind)strial Safety at least one day <efore t'e
<lasting operation and preca)tions mentioned t'ere in s'all <e ens)red <y t'e engineer-in-
c'arge <efore <lasting operation%
(c) T'e <laster s'o)ld 'ave a licence from competent a)t'ority )nder E(plosive 1)les= 176* for
<lasting &or0% It s'o)ld also <e ens)red t'at 'e 0no&s a<o)t t'e ris0s involved%
(b) -lasting s'o)ld <e done )nder t'e s)pervision of competent engineer/s)pervisor%
(d) -lasting in t'e open site s'o)ld only <e carried o)t d)ring fi(ed 'o)rs every day/fi(ed day in
t'e &ee0 <et&een s)nrise and s)nset% 1esidents of adMacent area s'o)ld <e informed in
advance a<o)t t'e <lasting sc'ed)le%
(c) $o <lasting s'o)ld <e )nderta0en d)ring t')nderstorm%
(e) $ecessary preca)tion s'o)ld <e ta0en to ens)re t'e sta<ility/integrity/safety of t'e adMacent
str)ct)re <y limiting t'e pea0 particle velocity%
(f) $o loose material= s)c' as tools= drilling eA)ipment= etc% s'o)ld <e left on t'e s)rface to <e
<lasted% #roper m)ffling arrangement of t'e <lasting area s'o)ld <e ens)red to avoid flying of
<lasted material%
DiE A)t'ori!ed <laster s'o)ld personally ens)re t'at all t'e personnel / eA)ipment 'as <een
removed from t'e <lasting area <efore t'e <lasting operations%
DME -lasting area s'o)ld <e free of detonating gas= inflamma<le o<Mects= spar0ing or damaged
&iring system= stray c)rrents and static electricity%
D0E All electrical lines in <lasting area s'o)ld <e de-energised%
DlE Entry of )na)t'ori!ed personnel s'o)ld <e prevented <y displaying &arning signs%
DmE In case of misfire= no person s'o)ld <e allo&ed to approac' t'e <lasting site )nless it is
inspected and cleared <y a competent engineer/s)pervisor%
DnE E(plosives and <lasting material s'o)ld <e stored only in clean= dry= &ell-ventilated= s)ita<ly
constr)cted <)llet/maga!ine &'ic' s'o)ld <e fire resistant and sec)rely loc0ed% Stoc0 <oo0
s'o)ld <e 0ept acc)rate and maintained% Ficence s'o)ld <e o<tained for storage of e(plosive
as per t'e E(plosives Act= 1664%
DoE -lasting caps= electric <lasting caps or primers and detonators s'o)ld not <e stored in t'e
same <o(= container or room &it' ot'er e(plosives%
DpE #reca)tions against lig'tening s'o)ld <e provided in accordance &it' Indian Electricity 1)les=
17.6 Damended in +000E%
DAE T'e e(plosives s'o)ld <e transported in specially designed ve'icles <earing a special sign or
inscription entitled ;DA$GE1-ET#FSI3ES;% Also detonators separated from ot'er e(plosive
s'o)ld <e transported in a separate compartment%
416 E:ca)ation5 Trenchin* and Earth Re%o)al
(a) -efore ta0ing )p e(cavation &or0= necessary permission s'o)ld <e o<tained from t'e
engineer-in-c'arge &it' reference to e(isting )ndergro)nd services%
(b) T'e Fine manager of t'e &or0s s'o)ld e(ercise f)ll care to ens)re t'at no damage is ca)sed
<y 'im or 'is &or0men= d)ring t'e operation/e(cavation etc%= to t'e e(isting &ater s)pply=
se&erages= po&er or telecomm)nication lines or any ot'er services or &or0s% Ge s'o)ld
provide and erect <efore constr)ction= s)<stantial <arricades= g)ardrails= and &arning signs
aro)nd t'e &or0 area% Ge s'o)ld also f)rnis'= place and maintain adeA)ate &arning lig'ts=
display <oard= signals etc%= as reA)ired%
(c) All trenc'es 1%+ m or more in dept' s'o)ld at all times <e s)pplied &it' at least one ladder for
every *0 m along t'e trenc'% Fadders s'all e(tend from <ottom of t'e trenc' to at least 1m
a<ove t'e s)rface of t'e gro)nd%
Tr-640 / .7
(d) T'e sides of t'e trenc'/pit in soil= &'ic' are 1%+ m or more in dept' s'o)ld <e stepped <ac0 to
give s)ita<le slope Dangle of reposeE or sec)rely 'eld <y tim<er <racing or appropriate
Tr-640 / 60
s'oring/s)pport= to avoid t'e danger of soil slides from collapsing% T'e e(cavated material
s'o)ld not <e placed &it'in 1%. m or 'alf of t'e dept' of t'e pit &'ic'ever is more from edges
of t'e trenc'/pit% 4)tting s'o)ld <e done from top to <ottom% Cnder no circ)mstances mining
or )nder-c)tting s'o)ld <e done%
(e) :or0ers s'o)ld not <e e(posed to t'e danger of <eing <)ried <y e(cavated material or
collapse of s'oring% @eas)res to prevent dislodgment of loose or )nsta<le eart'= roc0 or ot'er
material from falling into t'e e(cavation <y proper s'oring s'all <e ens)red%
(f) T'e sta<ility and safety of t'e e(cavation= adMacent str)ct)res= services and ot'er &or0s
s'o)ld <e ens)red%
(g) All e(cavated area s'o)ld <e fenced off <y s)ita<le railing and installation of ca)tion <oard to
&arn t'e persons from slipping or/ falling into t'e e(cavation pit/ mo)nd%
(h) All e(cavated areas s'all 'ave an ill)mination level of at least +0l)( for nig't &or0 and a red
danger lig't s'all <e displayed at prominent place near t'e e(cavation site to &arn
approac'ing traffic and men%
DiE /or removal of eart' from an eart' mo)nd/e(cavated 'eap a &ritten permission s'o)ld <e
o<tained from t'e engineer-in-c'arge of t'e &or0% As far as practical= eart' s'o)ld <e
removed mec'anically% :'erever man)al removal of eart' is involved= eart' s'o)ld <e
removed from t'e top <y maintaining a slope eA)al to t'e angle of re-pose of t'e eart'% S)c'
&or0 s'o)ld <e constantly s)pervised to ens)re t'at no )nder-c)tting is done and to ens)re
t'at no person is trapped%
DME D)mping of e(cavated soil s'o)ld <e done at a specified area )nder proper s)pervision &it'
respect to signaling= ill)mination and safety clearance%
D0E It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0= every
ve'icle or eart' moving eA)ipment is eA)ipped &it' DaE silencers= D<E tail lig'ts= DcE po&er and
'and <ra0es= DdE reversing alarm DeE searc' lig't for for&ard and <ac0&ard movement= &'ic'
are reA)ired for t'e safe operation of s)c' ve'icle or eart' moving eA)ipment and DfE t'e ca<
of t'e ve'icle or eart' moving eA)ipment is 0ept at least one meter from t'e adMacent face of
a gro)nd <eing e(cavated% DgE indicator etc%
DlE It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at &'en a crane or s'ovel is traveling= t'e <oom of s)c' crane or s'ovel
is in t'e direction of s)c' travel and t'e <)c0et or scoop attac'ed to s)c' crane or s'ovel is
raised and &it'o)t load= e(cept &'en it is traveling do&n'ill%
DmE -efore loading or )nloading po&er tr)c0s or trailers attac'ed to tractors= t'e <ra0es s'o)ld <e
applied and if ve'icle is on a sloping gro)nd= t'e &'eels s'o)ld <e <loc0ed% Gandcart s'o)ld
not <e )sed for t'e transfer of constr)ction/erection materials in t'e constr)ction area%
Go&ever if t'e e(igency demands )rgent transfer of lig't materials a small 'andcart may <e
permitted &it' t'e prior approval of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
DnE It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0"
(i) All transport or eart' moving eA)ipment and ve'icles are inspected at least once in a
&ee0 <y responsi<le persons and in case any defect is noticed in s)c' eA)ipment or ve'icle=
it is immediately ta0en o)t of service%
(i) Safe gang&ays are provided for to and fro movement of <)ilding &or0ers engaged in
loading and )nloading of lorries= tr)c0s= trailers and &agons%
(ii)All eart' moving eA)ipment= ve'icles or ot'er transport eA)ipment <e operated only <y
s)c' persons &'o are adeA)ately trained and possess s)c' s0ills as reA)ired for safe
operation of ve'icles or ot'er transport eA)ipment%
(iii)Tr)c0s and ot'er eA)ipment are not loaded <eyond t'eir safe carrying capacity= &'ic'
s'o)ld <e clearly mar0ed on s)c' tr)c0s and ot'er eA)ipment%
(iv) $o )na)t'orised person rides t'e transport eA)ipment employed in s)c' &or0%
DoE It s'o)ld <e ens)red at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0 t'at" DiE A
s'ovel or an e(cavator &'et'er operated <y steam or electric or <y internal com<)stion )sed
for s)c' &or0 is constr)cted= installed= operated= tested and e(amined as reA)ired )nder any
la& for t'e time <eing in force and t'e relevant national standards% DiiE -)c0ets or gra<s of
Tr-640 / 61
po&er s'ovels are propped to restrict t'e movement of s)c' <)c0et or gra<s &'ile <eing
repaired or &'ile t'e teet' of s)c' <)c0et or gra<s are <eing c'anged%
DpE It s'o)ld <e ens)red at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0 t'at"
(i)An operator of a <)lldo!er <efore leaving - applies t'e <ra0es= lo&ers t'e <lade and ripper
and p)ts t'e s'ift lever into ne)tral%
(ii) A <)lldo!er is par0ed on level gro)nd at t'e close of t'e &or0%
(i) T'e <lade of a <)lldo!er is 0ept lo& &'en s)c' <)lldo!er is moving )p'ill%
(ii)-)lldo!er <lades are not )sed as <ra0es e(cept in an emergency%
DAE It s'o)ld <e ens)red at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0 t'at"
(i) A tractor and a scraper are Moined safely at t'e time of its operation
(ii) T'e scraper <o&ls are propped &'ile <lades of s)c' scraper are <eing replaced%
(i) A scraper moving do&n'ill is driven in lo& gear%
DrE It s'o)ld <e ens)red at a constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0 t'at" DiE
-efore a road roller is )sed on t'e gro)nd= s)c' gro)nd is e(amined for its <earing capacity
and general safety= especially at t'e edges of slopes s)c' as em<an0ments on s)c' gro)nds%
DiiE A roller is not moved do&n 'ill &it' t'e engine o)t of gear%
DsE 3e'icle carrying e(cavated material s'o)ld 'ave proper cover over t'e driver;s ca<in%
414 Sa&e .ean8 o& /cce88/Plat&or%8
(a) AdeA)ate safe means of access and e(it s'o)ld <e provided for all &or0 places= at all
(b) S)ita<le scaffolds s'o)ld <e provided for &or0men for all &or0s t'at cannot <e done safely
from t'e gro)nd= or from solid platform e(cept s)c' s'ort d)ration &or0 t'at can <e done
safely from ladders% -am<oo/&ooden scaffolding s'o)ld not <e permitted%
(c) :'ere t'e platform for &or0ing is more t'an *%. m a<ove gro)nd= t'e &idt' of t'e platform
s'o)ld <e minim)m 1 m%
(d) Fadder s'o)ld <e of rigid constr)ction 'aving s)fficient strengt' for t'e intended loads%
:ooden/<am<oo/rope ladders s'o)ld not <e permitted% All ladders s'o)ld <e maintained in
good condition% T'e ladders s'o)ld <e fi(ed to t'e gro)nd or rigid platforms% An additional
person s'o)ld <e engaged for 'olding t'e ladder= if ladder is not sec)rely fi(ed% Fadder s'all
<e e(tended from floor to at least one meter a<ove t'e platform%
(e) A porta<le ladder s'o)ld <e given an inclination not steeper t'an 1 in 4 D1 'ori!ontal and 4
verticalE% Fadders s'o)ld not <e )sed for clim<ing &'ile carrying materials in 'ands% :'ile
clim<ing <ot' t'e 'ands s'o)ld <e free%
(f) Any &or0ing platform on scaffolding or staging more t'an *%. m a<ove t'e gro)nd or floor
s'o)ld 'ave a g)ard rail attac'ed= <olted= <raced at least 1%0 m 'ig' a<ove t'e floor or
platform of s)c' scaffolding or staging along &it' mid-rail%
(g) T'e plan0s )sed for any &or0ing platform s'o)ld not proMect <eyond t'e end s)pports to a
distance e(ceeding fo)r times t'e t'ic0ness of t'e plan0s )sed% T'e plan0s s'o)ld <e rigidly
fi(ed at <ot' ends to prevent sliding= slipping or tilting% T'e t'ic0ness of t'e plan0s s'o)ld <e
adeA)ate to ta0e load of men and materials and s'o)ld not collapse% #ly&ood or pac0ing
&ood s'o)ld not <e )sed as plan0s%
(h) T'e g)ardrail s'o)ld e(tend along t'e entire e(posed lengt' of t'e scaffolding &it' only s)c'
opening as may <e necessary for t'e delivery of materials% Standard railing s'o)ld 'ave
posts not more t'an + m apart and an intermediate rail 'alf&ay <et&een t'e floor or platform
of t'e scaffolding and t'e top rail% S)c' scaffolding or staging s'o)ld <e so fastened as to
prevent it from s&aying from t'e <)ilding or str)ct)re% Scaffolding and ladder s'o)ld conform
to IS *676 D#art IE" 1762 and D#art IIE" 1776%
DiE :or0ing platforms of scaffolds s'o)ld 'ave toe <oards at least 1.cm in 'eig't to prevent
materials from falling do&n%
Tr-640 / 6+
DME A s0etc' of t'e scaffolding proposed to <e )sed s'o)ld <e prepared and approval <y t'e
engineer-in-c'arge o<tained prior to start of erection of scaffolding% All scaffolds s'o)ld <e
e(amined <y engineer-in-c'arge <efore )se%
D0E :or0ing platform= gang&ays and stair&ays s'o)ld <e so constr)cted t'at t'ey s'o)ld not sag
)nd)ly or )neA)ally and if t'e 'eig't of t'e platform or gang&ay or stair&ay is more t'an *%.
m a<ove gro)nd level or floor level= t'ey s'o)ld 'ave adeA)ate &idt' for easy movement of
persons and materials and s'o)ld <e s)ita<ly g)arded%
DlE $o single porta<le ladder s'o)ld <e )sed for access to a 'eig't of more t'an 4%. m% /or
ladders )p to *m in lengt' t'e &idt' <et&een styles Dside <arsE/&idt' in t'e ladder s'o)ld in
no case <e less t'an *00mm% /or longer ladders t'is &idt' s'o)ld <e increased <y at least
+0 mm for eac' additional meter of lengt'% Step/r)ngs spacing s'o)ld <e )niform and s'o)ld
not e(ceed *00 mm% #orta<le ladder s'o)ld <e )sed only for access to &or0 place% In case
&or0 place is 'ig'er t'an 4%. meters= pre-fa<ricated steel staircase s'o)ld <e )sed%
41= Ior( at Aei*ht
DaE #erson to &or0 at 'eig't s'o)ld <e medically fit and s'o)ld 'ave 'eig't pass iss)ed <y safety
section% DAppendi(-SA #art A= - and 4E% Safety training s'o)ld <e imparted <efore &or0ing
at 'eig't%
(b) Safety &or0-permit system for &or0ing at 'eig't s'o)ld <e o<tained from ind)strial safety
(c) At elevated places= sec)re access and foot'old s'o)ld <e provided% AdeA)ate and safe
means of access and e(it s'o)ld <e provided at all &or0 places for all elevations% @eans of
access may <e porta<le or fi(ed ladder= ramp or a stair&ay% T'e )se of crosses= <races or
frame&or0= as a means of access to t'e &or0ing platform s'o)ld not <e permitted%
(d) Finear movement at 'eig't s'o)ld <e red)ced to minim)m% In case of s)c' movement
provision for anc'oring t'e safety <elt s'o)ld <e made%
(e) :'ere <arricades cannot <e installed= a safety net of adeA)ate strengt' s'o)ld <e installed
close to t'e level at &'ic' t'ere is a danger of fall of personnel/fall of o<Mects%
(f) In case &'ere ;&or0 at 'eig't; is on as<estos roof= cra&ling <oard/roof ladder s'o)ld <e )sed
to &al0 across t'e as<estos roof%
416 Electrical Sa&et+
(a) All electrical installations s'all comply &it' t'e appropriate stat)tory reA)irements given <elo&
and s'all <e s)<Mect to approval of t'e Electrical Engineer and Safety fficer%
(i) T'e Electricity Act= +00*
(ii) T'e Indian Electricity 1)les 17.6 Das amended in +000E
(i) T'e $ational Electricity 4ode +006
(ii) Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les= 1776
(iii) t'er relevant r)les of Stat)tory -odies and po&er s)pply a)t'ority
(iv) 1elevant standards of -IS%
In addition to t'e a<ove stat)tory provisions= t'e cla)ses indicated in t'is doc)ment s'all also
<e complied%
(b) It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e )ser see0ing temporary po&er s)pply to indicate in &riting= if
any of t'e cla)ses DreA)irements noted in a<ove reg)lations and in t'is doc)mentE are
conflicting &it' eac' ot'er and for &'ic' t'e )ser cannot decide t'e co)rse of action regarding
safe installation= commissioning= operation= maintenance and decommissioning of t'e electrical
(c) T'e electrical engineer and safety officer of t'e agency providing temporary po&er s)pply s'all
interpret t'e concerned conflicting cla)ses and approve in &riting t'e safe co)rse of action%
Tr-640 / 6*
(d) T'e application /orm-1 D/orm-1A= 1- and 14E as mentioned in Appendi(-S- s'o)ld <e
s)<mitted <y t'e )ser for getting t'e temporary po&er s)pply%
(e) After installation of temporary electrical panels= &iring &or0s <y t'e )ser= 4ertificates as per
/orm-1D DAppendi(-S-E s'o)ld <e s)<mitted to t'e provider%
(f) 4ertificate of safety officer and a)t'ori!ation of electrical engineer for energisation of temporary
po&er s)pply s'o)ld <e filled as per /orm-1E DAppendi(-S-E%
417 .aterial Aandlin* and $i&tin* .achine8 and Tac(le8
(a) It s'o)ld <e made comp)lsory to s)pervise Mo<s li0e lifting / placing / loading / )nloading /
carrying / transporting etc% of 'eavy material <y A)alified s)pervisor 'aving 0no&ledge a<o)t
'a!ards involved and preca)tions to <e ta0en for s)c' Mo<%
(b) T'e line managers s'o)ld ens)re t'at t'e material 'andling eA)ipment )sed is adeA)ate to
'andle t'e load%
(c) @an)al p)lling of 'eavy eA)ipment and trolley loaded &it' 'eavy material is not to <e permitted%
(d) Stac0ing and 'andling of 'eavy materials s'o)ld <e done on a firm gro)nd to prevent settlement%
(e) $o lifting mac'ine and no c'ain= rope or lifting tac0le= e(cept a fi<er rope or fi<er rope sling= s'all
<e ta0en into )se for t'e first time in t'at factory )nless it 'as <een tested and all parts 'ave
<een t'oro)g'ly e(amined <y a competent person% A certificate of s)c' a test and e(amination
specifying t'e safe &or0ing load or loads and signed <y t'e person ma0ing t'e test and t'e
e(amination 'as <een o<tained and is 0ept availa<le for inspection%
(f) Cse of lifting mac'ines and tac0les s'o)ld conform to relevant -IS reA)irements >IS 1**62 D#art
1E" 177+ 1eaffirmed +00*= IS 4.2*" 176+ D1eaffirmed +000E and IS 1*6*4 D#art 1E" 1774
1eaffirmed +00* etc% T'e accessories and t'e attac'ments= anc'orages and s)pports etc%
s'o)ld <e ens)red in 'ealt'y conditions <y reg)lar inspections at defined freA)encies%
(g) Every rope )sed in 'oisting or lo&ering materials or as a means of s)spension s'o)ld <e of good
A)ality and adeA)ate strengt' and free from any defect% T'is s'o)ld <e ens)red <y reg)lar
inspection as per IS +26+" 176+- Specification for &ire rope slings and sling legs Dfirst revisionE%
(h) Every crane operator or lifting appliance operator s'o)ld <e a)t'ori!ed% $o person )nder t'e age
of 16 years s'o)ld <e in c'arge of any 'oisting mac'ine or give signal to an operator of s)c'
DiE In case of every lifting mac'ine Dand of every c'ain= ring= 'oo0= s'ac0le= s&ivel and p)lley <loc0
)sed in 'oisting or as a means of s)spensionE t'e safe &or0ing load s'o)ld <e ascertained and
clearly mar0ed% In case of a lifting mac'ine 'aving a varia<le safe &or0ing load= eac' safe
&or0ing load and t'e conditions )nder &'ic' it is applica<le s'o)ld <e clearly indicated% $o part
of any mac'ine s'o)ld <e loaded <eyond t'e safe &or0ing load e(cept for t'e p)rpose of
testing% T'is s'o)ld <e approved <y t'e engineer-in-c'arge and Gead= Ind)strial Safety%
DME In case of facilities mac'ines= t'e safety of t'e mac'ines s'all <e ens)red <y t'e Engineer-in-
c'arge% As regards t'e 4ontractor;s mac'ines= t'e contractor s'o)ld declare t'e safety of t'e
mac'ine to t'e Engineer-in-c'arge &'enever 'e <rings any mac'inery to site of &or0 and get it
verified <y t'e engineer-in-c'arge= s)pported <y a valid test certificate <y t'e competent person%
D0E T'oro)g' inspection and load testing of lifting mac'ines and tac0les s'o)ld <e done in t'e
presence of competent person at least once in every 1+mont's and records of s)c' inspections
and testing s'o)ld <e maintained%
DlE $o mo<ile crane s'o)ld <e allo&ed to move )nder live 'ig'-tension po&er transmission line%
DmE :'ile lifting loads= cranes s'o)ld <e located on level gro)nd%
DnE A t'oro)g' load analysis s'o)ld <e carried o)t <efore )sing cranes in tandem%
DoE @otors= gear transmission= co)plings= <elts= c'ain drives and ot'er moving parts of 'oisting
appliances s'o)ld <e provided &it' adeA)ate safeg)ards% Goisting appliances s'o)ld <e
provided &it' s)c' means= &'ic' &ill red)ce t'e ris0 of any part of a s)spended load <ecoming
accidentally displaced or lo&ered%
Tr-640 / 64
DpE It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at t'e ca<in of t'e lifting mac'ine in o)tdoor service" DiE is made of fire
resistant material= DiiE 'as a s)ita<le seat= a footrest and protection from vi<ration= DiiiE affords t'e
operator an adeA)ate vie& of t'e area of operation= DivE affords t'e operator adeA)ate protection
against t'e &eat'er= and DvE is provided &it' fire e(ting)is'er%
4.8 Ieldin* and Ga8 C,ttin*
(a) :elding and gas c)tting operations s'o)ld <e done <y A)alified and a)t'ori!ed persons only%
(b) Safety &or0 permit s'all <e o<tained D&'erever necessary li0e presence of flamma<le or
com<)sti<le material etc%E <efore flame c)tting/&elding is ta0en )p%
(c) :elding and gas c)tting s'o)ld not <e carried o)t in places &'ere flamma<le or com<)sti<le
materials are 0ept and &'ere t'ere is danger of e(plosion d)e to presence of gaseo)s mi(t)res%
In case t'e reA)irement cannot <e avoided= specific approval and proced)re s'o)ld <e ens)red
and adeA)ate preca)tions s'o)ld <e ta0en%
(d) :elding and gas c)tting eA)ipment incl)ding 'oses and ca<les s'o)ld <e maintained in good
(e) -arriers s'o)ld <e erected to protect ot'er persons from 'armf)l rays from t'e &or0% :'en
&elding or gas c)tting is done in elevated positions= preca)tions s'o)ld <e ta0en to prevent
spar0s or 'ot metal falling <elo& on persons or com<)sti<le materials%
(f) S)ita<le type of protective clot'ing consisting of fire resistant ga)ntlet gloves= leggings= <oots
and aprons s'o)ld <e provided to &or0ers as protection from 'eat and 'ot metal splas'es% /ace
s'ields &it' filter glasses of appropriate s'ade s'o)ld <e &orn%
(g) AdeA)ate ventilation s'o)ld <e provided &'ile &elding= <ra!ing and c)tting t'e metals li0e !inc=
<rass= <ron!e= galvanised or lead coated material%
(h) :elding and gas c)tting on dr)ms= <arrels= tan0s or ot'er containers s'o)ld <e ta0en )p only
after ascertaining t'at t'ey 'ave <een emptied= cleaned t'oro)g'ly and made free of flamma<le
DiE /ire safety meas)res s'o)ld <e availa<le as reA)ired near t'e location of &elding/c)tting
DME /las' <ac0 arrestor s'o)ld <e provided &it' gas c)tting and gas &elding sets%
D0E /or electric DArcE &elding t'e follo&ing additional safety preca)tions s'o)ld <e ta0en"
(i):'en electrical &elding is )nderta0en t'e ret)rn lead of &elding mac'ine s'o)ld <e directly
connected to t'e Mo< invaria<ly%
(ii) #rovision m)st <e in place in electric &elding mac'ine to prevent p'ysical contact
&it' live parts%
(i) T'e &elding ca<les and po&er ca<les s'o)ld <e ro)ted separately to avoid entanglement%
(ii) T'e electric &elding set s'o)ld 'ave s)ita<le eart' connections% T'ere s'o)ld <e an
electrical isolation device in t'e inp)t po&er s)pply side on t'e &elding mac'ine%
DlE Do)<le ga)ges s'o)ld <e )sed for all gas cylinders )sed for c)tting/&elding% #ress)re
ga)ges/reg)lators s'o)ld <e in 'ealt'y condition%
4.9 Rotar+ C,tter8/Grinder8
(a) All porta<le c)tter/grinders s'o)ld <e provided &it' t'e &'eel g)ard in position%
(b) Grinding &'eels of specified diameter only s'o)ld <e )sed on all grinders in order to
limit t'e
prescri<ed perip'eral speed%
(c) In pedestal grinder= t'e gap <et&een tool rest and grinding &'eel s'o)ld <e
maintained less
t'an *mm%
(d) Goggle/face s'ield s'o)ld <e )sed d)ring grinding operation%
Tr-640 / 6.
(e) $o grinding &'eel s'o)ld <e )sed after its e(piry date%
(f)Ear m)ff/ear pl)g s'o)ld <e )sed d)ring t'e &elding /c)tting Mo<s%
Tr-640 / 66
(g) #orta<le appliances= &'ic' are po&ered <y single p'ase A4 s)pply= s'all <e provided
t'ree-core ca<le and t'ree pin pl)g= ot'er&ise t'e &'ole <ody s'o)ld <e do)<le ins)lated%
(h) Safety &or0 permit s'o)ld <e o<tained D&'erever necessary li0e presence of
flamma<le or
com<)sti<le material etc%E <efore grinding is ta0en )p%
DiE /ire safety meas)res s'o)ld <e availa<le as reA)ired near t'e location of grinding operations%
4.10 Concrete .i:in* EB,i-%ent
(a) 4ement <ags s'o)ld <e stac0ed on &ooden plan0s in dry and lea0 proof area= 1.0mm to +00mm
from t'e floor and 4.0mm a&ay from &alls% Geig't of t'e stac0 s'o)ld not <e more t'an 1. <ags
or 1%. meters &'ic'ever is lo&er% :idt' of t'e stac0 s'o)ld not <e more t'an 4 <ags or *meters%
Fateral loading of t'e &alls of t'e storage room <y stac0ing s'o)ld not <e permitted% Stac0ing of
t'e <ags s'o)ld not <e )sed as a &or0ing platform%
(b) S')ttering and s)pporting str)ct)res s'o)ld <e of adeA)ate strengt' and approved <y engineer-
in-c'arge% T'is s'o)ld <e ens)red <efore concrete is po)red%
(c) If t'e mi(er 'as a c'arging s0ip t'e operator s'o)ld ens)re t'at t'e &or0men are o)t of danger
<efore t'e s0ip is lo&ered%
(d) AdeA)ate &al0ing platforms are to <e provided in t'e reinforcement area to ens)re safe &al0ing
for po)ring concrete on t'e roof%
(e) :'en &or0men are &or0ing/cleaning t'e inside of t'e dr)m of mi(er= t'e po&er of t'e mi(er
s'o)ld <e s&itc'ed off and ;Do not operate; tag s'o)ld <e provided% T'e plant operation and
cleaning of mi(ing pan s'o)ld <e carried o)t as per eA)ipment s)pplier;s instr)ctions%
(f) Interloc0s <et&een t'e cover and t'e mi(er rotor s'all <e esta<lis'ed to ens)re t'at t'e agitator
does not start &'en t'e cover is in open condition%
(g) It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at moving parts of t'e elevators= 'oists= screens= <)n0ers= c')tes and
gro)ting eA)ipment )sed for concrete &or0 and of ot'er eA)ipment )sed for storing and
transporting of ingredients of concrete are sec)rely fenced to avoid contact of &or0ers &it' s)c'
moving parts%
(h) It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at scre& conveyors )sed for cement= lime and ot'er d)sty material are
completely enclosed%
DiE :or0ers engaged for 'andling <)l0 cement in a confined place s'o)ld <e provided &it' tig't
fitting goggle= approved respirators and protective clot'ing= &'ic' &ill fit sn)gly aro)nd t'e
nec0= &rist and an0les%
DME T'e follo&ing s'o)ld <e ens)red for every pipe carrying p)mped concrete"
(i) T'e scaffolding carrying a pipe for p)mped concrete s'o)ld <e strong eno)g' to s)pport
s)c' pipe at a time &'en s)c' pipe is filled &it' concrete or &ater or any ot'er liA)id and to
<ear safely all t'e <)ilding &or0ers &'o may <e on s)c' scaffold at s)c' time%
(ii) Sec)rely anc'ored at its end point and eac' c)rve on it%
(i) #rovided &it' an air release valve near t'e top of s)c' pipeU and sec)rely attac'ed to a
p)mp no!!le <y a <olted collar or ot'er adeA)ate means%
D0E T'e follo&ing s'o)ld <e ens)red &'ile )sing t'e electric vi<rators in concreting &or0 at a
constr)ction site of a <)ilding or ot'er constr)ction &or0 s)c' t'at"
(i)S)c' vi<rators are eart'ed%
(ii) T'e leads of s)c' vi<rators are 'eavily ins)lated%
(i) T'e c)rrent is s&itc'ed off &'en s)c' vi<rators are not in )se%
4.11 Paintin*
(a) Appropriate <reat'ing air respirators s'o)ld <e provided for )se <y t'e &or0ers &'en paint is
applied in t'e form of spray= or a s)rface 'aving lead paint is dry r)<<ed or scraped%
Tr-640 / 62
(b) nly t'e A)antity of paint= t'inner and polis' reA)ired for t'e day;s &or0 s'o)ld <e 0ept at t'e
&or0 spot% E(cess storage s'o)ld not <e permitted at t'e &or0 spot%
Tr-640 / 66
(c) Smo0ing= open flames or so)rces of ignition s'o)ld not <e allo&ed in places &'ere paints=
varnis'= t'inner and ot'er flamma<le s)<stances are stored= mi(ed or )sed% A ca)tion <oard=
&it' t'e instr)ctions &ritten in national lang)age and regional lang)age= ;S@9I$G
-ST1I4TFJ #1GI-ITED; s'o)ld <e displayed in t'e vicinity &'ere painting is in progress or
&'ere paints are stored% Sym<ols s'o)ld also <e )sed on ca)tion <oards%
(d) All electrical eA)ipment of paint storage room s'o)ld <e of e(plosion proof design% S)ita<le
fire e(ting)is'ers / sand <)c0ets s'o)ld <e 0ept availa<le at places &'ere flamma<le paints
are stored= 'andled or )sed%
(e) :'en painting &or0/'ot resin mi( is done in a closed room or in a confined space= adeA)ate
ventilation s'o)ld <e provided and ens)red% In addition= s)ita<le respirators s'o)ld <e
provided% $o porta<le electric lig't or any ot'er electric appliance of voltage e(ceeding +4
volts s'o)ld <e permitted for )se inside any confined space% :al0ie-tal0ie or ot'er means of
comm)nication s'o)ld <e provided% 1esc)e arrangement li0e f)ll <ody 'arness &it' lifeline=
tripod &it' p)lley and e(tra -A sets s'o)ld <e availa<le%
(f) T'e &or0ers s'o)ld )se #34 gloves and/or s)ita<le <arrier creams to prevent t'e s0in contact
&it' Epo(y resins and t'eir form)lations )sed for painting%
4.12 De%olition
(a) -efore any demolition &or0 is commenced and also d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0= all roads
and open area adMacent to t'e &or0 site s'o)ld eit'er <e closed or s)ita<ly cordoned%
Appropriate &arning signs s'o)ld <e displayed for ca)tioning approac'ing persons/ve'icles%
(b) -efore demolition operations <egin= it s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at all t'e service lines are de-
(c) #ersons 'andling demolition operations s'all )se appropriate ##E%
(d) All demolition operations s'o)ld <e carried o)t &it' safe and d)ly approved proced)res &'ic'
s'all incl)de follo&ing <)t not limited to" DiE $o masonry/material s'o)ld <e permitted to fall in
s)c' masses or vol)me or &eig't so as to endanger t'e str)ct)ral sta<ility of any floor or
str)ct)ral s)pport% DiiE $o &all= c'imney or ot'er str)ct)re or part of a str)ct)re is left
)ng)arded in s)c' a condition t'at it may fall= collapse or &ea0en d)e to &ind press)re or
vi<ration% DiiiE $o floor roof or ot'er part of t'e <)ilding s'o)ld <e overloaded &it' de<ris or
materials as to render it )nsafe%
(e) After t'e demolition= t'e de<ris and ot'er materials collected s'o)ld <e disposed safely and
not permitted to <e dropped freely%
(f) Entries to t'e demolition area s'all <e restricted to a)t'ori!ed persons &earing safety 'elmets
and safety s'oes%
4.13 Tra&&ic
(a) All t'e ve'icles moving at sites s'o)ld conform and comply &it' t'e reA)irements of @otor
3e'icles Act= 1766 and t'e 1)les made t'ere)nder% All t'e drivers /operators of ve'icles
s'o)ld possess valid driving license as per @otor 3e'icles Act=1766 or its latest amendment%
(b) :'en t'e constr)ction &or0 ca)ses interference &it' traffic s)c' as road c)tting or transit
)nloading of 'eavy eA)ipment etc% notice of s)c' interference s'o)ld <e given to t'e
engineer-in-c'arge and Gead= ind)strial safety &ell in advance &it' t'e details of start of t'e
&or0 and time reA)ired%
(c) A cleaner/assistant m)st <e availa<le for all 'eavy ve'icles &'enever ve'icles move for&ard
as &ell as in t'e reverse direction% All ve'icles s'o)ld <e fitted &it' proper reverse 'orns= <ac0
vie& mirrors and indicator signals%
(d) /acility s'all ens)re t'at t'e assessment of t'e driver;s vis)al a<ility is carried o)t as per 1)le
.. of t'e Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les= 1776/g)idelines of advisory committee on
occ)pational 'ealt' DA4GE= AE1- or as per t'e latest amendments in stat)tes%
(e) Effective speed <rea0ers &it' yello& stripes on t'e roads to reg)late t'e speed at t'e
v)lnera<le points s'o)ld <e installed% Effective <arricading &it' adeA)ate ca)tion signs s'o)ld
<e placed to &arn t'e ve'icle drivers &'enever t'e Mo<s are carried o)t on t'e road%
Tr-640 / 67
(f) All ve'icles moving at t'e site s'o)ld 'ave road&ort'iness certificate iss)ed <y t'e concerned
(g) Special limit <oards and ca)tion <oards indicating t)rns s'o)ld <e installed &'erever
(h) In general= t'e follo&ing ma(im)m speed limits s'o)ld <e specified and implemented%
3e'icles speed limits s'o)ld <e as per @otor 3e'icle Act or +0 9m/'% E(tra preca)tions and
care s'o)ld <e e(ercised partic)larly d)ring 'eavy material/eA)ipment movements%
DiE Safety a&areness programmes s'o)ld <e cond)cted for all t'e drivers of t'e lig't= medi)m
and 'eavy ve'icles%
4.14 Ior( in Radiation /rea
T'e facility s'all follo& t'e stip)lations )nder Atomic Energy D1adiation #rotectionE 1)les= +004 and
AE1- Safety @an)al on ;1adiation #rotection for $)clear /acilities;>AE1-/$//S@/-+ D1ev%4E? &it'
regard to &or0 in t'e radiation area and ot'er &or0s related &it' radiograp'y= etc%
4.15 Ior( in and /ro,nd Iater odie8
(a) :'en &or0 is done at a place &'ere t'ere is ris0 of dro&ning= all necessary resc)e eA)ipment
s)c' as life <)oys and life Mac0ets s'o)ld <e provided and 0ept ready for )se%
(b) All necessary steps s'all <e ta0en for prompt resc)e of any person in danger and adeA)ate
provision s'o)ld <e made for prompt first-aid treatment of all inM)ries li0ely to <e s)stained
d)ring t'e co)rse of t'e &or0% #roper record of entry/e(it to and from &ater <odies s'all <e
maintained on s'ift <asis and searc' operation s'all <e cond)cted as soon as any person is
detected to <e missing%
(c) 4aisson :or0
(i)Safe means of access s'o)ld <e provided to t'e place of &or0 in t'e caisson and adeA)ate
means s'o)ld <e provided to safely reac' t'e top of caisson in t'e event of inr)s' of &ater%
(ii) T'e &or0 relating to constr)ction= positioning= modification or dismantling of caisson
s'all <e done )nder t'e s)pervision of a responsi<le person%
4.16 ?ire Sa&et+
(a) #rovisions prescri<ed in t'e AE1- safety standard on ;/ire #rotection Systems for $)clear
/acilities;= >AE1-/$//SS//#S D1ev%1E? s'all <e complied%
(b) All necessary preca)tions s'o)ld <e ta0en to prevent o)t<rea0 of fires at t'e constr)ction site%
It s'o)ld <e ens)red t'at all 'ot &or0s are carried o)t )nder valid &or0 permit%
(c) 4om<)sti<le materials s)c' as &ood= cotton &aste= oil= coal= paints= c'emicals etc%= s'o)ld <e
segregated and 0ept to t'e reA)ired <are minim)m A)antity at &or0 place%
(d) 4ontainers of paints= t'inners and allied materials s'o)ld <e stored in a separate room &'ic'
s'o)ld <e &ell ventilated and free from e(cessive 'eat= spar0s= flame or direct rays of t'e s)n%
T'e containers of paint s'o)ld <e 0ept covered or properly fitted &it' lid and s'o)ld not <e
0ept open e(cept &'ile )sing%
(e) AdeA)ate n)m<er of trained persons from approved fire training centre reA)ired to e(tend fire
safety coverage s'o)ld <e ens)red%
(f) /ire e(ting)is'ers as approved <y t'e engineer-in-c'arge/in-c'arge of fire station/safety in-
c'arge s'o)ld <e located at t'e constr)ction site at appropriate places%
(g) AdeA)ate n)m<er of trained &or0men in firefig'ting &'o can operate fire e(ting)is'ers s'o)ld
<e ens)red%
(h) #orta<le fire e(ting)is'ers &it' periodic inspection= maintenance and re-filling complying &it'
t'e mandatory reA)irements s'o)ld <e ens)red%
DiE Availa<ility of adeA)ate &ater for firefig'ting s'o)ld <e ens)red%
Tr-640 / 20
DME Implementation of t'e provisions of vario)s stat)tory licenses for storing gas cylinders=
petrole)m prod)cts= e(plosives etc% as per t'e relevant Acts and 1)les s'o)ld <e ens)red
&'erever reA)ired%
4.17 En)iron%ental Sa&et+
1elevant provisions of t'e state/central stat)tory a)t'ority regarding environment protection s'o)ld <e
ad'ered to%
4.18 P,<lic Protection
T'e 4ontractor s'o)ld ma0e necessary provisions to protect t'e p)<lic% Ge s'o)ld <e <o)nd to <ear
t'e e(penses in defense of every action or ot'er proceedings at la& t'at may <e <ro)g't <y any
person for inM)ry s)stained o&ing to neglect of any preca)tion reA)ired to <e ta0en to protect t'e
p)<lic% Ge s'o)ld pay for t'e any s)c' damage and cost &'ic' may <e a&arded in any s)c' s)it=
action or proceedings to any s)c' person= or t'e amo)nt= &'ic' may <e fi(ed as a compromise <y
any s)c' person%
4.19 Sa&et+ o& "i8itor8
(a) 3isitors for t'e proMect s'all <e given 'ealt' and safety ind)ction <efore t'ey are allo&ed in to
t'e constr)ction proMect% It s'all incl)de t'e minim)m ##E to <e )sed= 'a!ards and ris0s at t'e
&or0 area= restricted areas of entry= emergency response arrangements= etc%
(b) 3isitors s'all al&ays <e accompanied <y one of t'e employees of t'e proMect site%
(c) 3isitors s'all not <e allo&ed in t'e 'a!ardo)s areas )nless t'ey are competent and trained to
&or0 in s)c' areas%
4.20 Ao,8e(ee-in*
(a) It s'o)ld <e recogni!ed t'at a proper place for everyt'ing and everyt'ing in its place is
maintained for a good 'o)se0eeping%
(b) T'e material reA)ired for immediate )se only s'o)ld <e <ro)g't to t'e designated &or0place
and stac0ed properly and la<eled s)ita<ly%
(c) All &or0 spots= site office and s)rro)ndings s'o)ld all times <e 0ept clean and free from de<ris=
scrap= concrete m)c0= s)rpl)s materials and )n&anted tools and eA)ipment% A day-to-day
collection and disposal of scraps/de<ris s'o)ld <e done safely at designated place%
(d) Electrical ca<les s'o)ld <e so ro)ted as to allo& safe traffic <y all concerned% 4a<le s'o)ld <e
prefera<ly s)pported on t'e <rac0ets fi(ed along t'e &all to maintain safe access% :'erever
ro)ting on t'e floor cannot <e avoided= care s'o)ld <e ta0en to ens)re mec'anical protection
of t'ese ca<les and safe access is not dist)r<ed%
(e) $o material at any &or0 place s'o)ld <e so stac0ed or placed or disposed off as to ca)se
danger= inconvenience or damage to any person or environment%
(f) All )n)sed scaffoldings= s)rpl)s/scrap materials and eA)ipment/systems li0e temporary
electrical panels etc% s'o)ld not <e allo&ed to acc)m)late and s'all <e removed from t'e
premises at t'e earliest%
(g) Acc)m)lation of &ater /oil spillages on t'e floor or any ot'er &or0place s'o)ld <e avoided%
(h) #roper aisle space mar0ing s'o)ld <e provided in all &or0places%
4.21 Other Stat,tor+ Pro)i8ion8
$ot&it'standing t'e cla)ses in t'e a<ove s)<sections= t'ere is not'ing in t'ese cla)ses to e(empt t'e
contractor from t'e provisions of any ot'er Act or 1)les in force in t'e 1ep)<lic of India% In partic)lar=
all operations involving t'e transport= 'andling= storage and )se of e(plosives s'o)ld <e as per t'e
standing instr)ctions and conform to t'e Indian E(plosives Act= 1664 and t'e E(plosives 1)les= 176*%
Gandling= transport= storage and )se of compressed gas cylinders and press)re vessels s'o)ld
Tr-640 / 21
conform to t'e Gas 4ylinder 1)les +004 and Static and @o<ile #ress)re 3essels DCnfiredE 1)les
1761% In addition= T'e Indian Electricity Act +00* and Indian Electricity 1)les +00.= t'e Atomic Energy
Tr-640 / 2+
Act= 176+= t'e 1adiation #rotection 1)les= +004= t'e Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les= 1776 and
AE1- safety man)al on ;1adiation #rotection for $)clear /acilities; >AE1-/$//S@/-+ D1ev%4E?
s'o)ld <e complied &it'%
5.1 General
Alt'o)g' t'e primary approac' in any safety effort is t'at t'e 'a!ard to t'e &or0men s'o)ld <e
eliminated or controlled <y engineering met'ods rat'er t'an protecting t'e &or0man t'ro)g' )se of
personal protective eA)ipment D##EE% Engineering met'ods co)ld incl)de design c'ange= s)<stit)tion=
ventilation= mec'anical 'andling= atomi!ation etc% Cnder t'ose sit)ations &'en it is not possi<le to
introd)ce any effective engineering met'ods for controlling 'a!ards= it is necessary t'at &or0man )se
appropriate type of ##E% /or e(ample= in constr)ction &or0 t'ere is t'e possi<ility of a 'and tool= a
<olt= or some loose material to fall from an elevated level and stri0ing t'e 'ead of &or0man &or0ing
<elo&% It is t'erefore necessary t'at constr)ction &or0er &ear a safety 'elmet% It is for s)c' sit)ations=
<ot' t'e /actories Act 1746 and t'e Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les= 1776 'ave provisions for )se of
appropriate type of ##E% It is t')s recogni!ed t'at )se of ##E is an important and necessary
consideration in t'e development of a safety programme% nce t'e safety professional decides t'at
##E is to <e )sed <y &or0men= it is essential to select rig't type of ##E and constr)ction agency
s'o)ld ens)re t'at &or0man )ses it and also ##E is correctly maintained%
5.2 Per8onal Protecti)e EB,i-%ent !PPE#
(a) All personal protective eA)ipment as considered necessary s'o)ld <e made availa<le for t'e
)se of t'e persons employed on t'e site and maintained in a condition s)ita<le for immediate
)se% Also adeA)ate steps s'o)ld <e ta0en <y line manager to ens)re proper )se of ##E%
(b) All t'e ##Es in )se s'o)ld <e as per relevant IS standards as referred in t'e AE1- safety
g)idelines on ;#ersonal #rotective EA)ipment; DAE1-/SG/IS-*E%
(c) All persons employed at t'e constr)ction site s'o)ld )se safety 'elmets% Safety 'elmet s'o)ld
<e &it' -IS mar0 and s'o)ld 'ave its 'ead<and &it' <ac0 s)pport and c'in strap%
(d) :or0ers employed on mi(ing asp'altic materials= cement and lime mortars s'o)ld )se
protective goggles= protective foot &ears= 'and gloves and respirators as reA)ired%
(e) #ersons engaged in &elding and gas-c)tting &or0s s'o)ld )se s)ita<le &elding face s'ields%
T'e persons &'o assist t'e &elders s'o)ld )se s)ita<le goggles% #rotective goggles s'o)ld <e
&orn &'ile c'ipping and grinding%
(f) Stone<rea0ers s'o)ld )se protective goggles% T'ey s'o)ld <e seated at s)fficiently safe
distances from one anot'er%
(g) Safety goggles s'o)ld <e of s'atterproof type and &it' !ero po&er%
(h) #ersons engaged in or assisting in s'ot <lasting operations and cleaning t'e <lasting c'am<er
s'o)ld )se s)ita<le ga)ntlets= overalls= s'atterproof and d)st-proof goggles and self contained
<reat'ing apparat)s set%
DiE All persons &or0ing at 'eig'ts more t'an *%. m a<ove gro)nd or floor and e(posed to ris0 of
falling do&n s'o)ld )se f)ll <ody 'arness safety <elts= )nless ot'er&ise protected <y cages=
g)ard railings= etc% In places &'ere t'e )se of safety <elts is not feasi<le= s)ita<le net of
adeA)ate strengt' fastened to s)<stantial s)pports s'o)ld <e )sed%
DME :'en &or0ers are employed in se&ers and inside man'oles t'at are in )se= it s'o)ld <e ens)red
t'at t'e man'oles are opened and are adeA)ately ventilated at least for an 'o)r% After it 'as
<een &ell ventilated= t'e atmosp'ere inside t'e space s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed for t'e presence of any
to(ic gas or o(ygen deficiency <y a competent person and recorded in t'e register <efore t'e
&or0ers are allo&ed to get into t'e man'oles% A pilot team s'o)ld enter t'e area donning self
contained <reat'ing apparat)s DS4-AE% T'e man'oles opened s'o)ld <e cordoned off &it'
s)ita<le railing and provided &it' &arning signals or ca)tion <oards to prevent accidents% T'ere
s'o)ld <e proper ill)mination in t'e nig't% Depending )pon t'e &or0 sit)ation= t'e contractor
s'o)ld provide ##E incl)ding t'e S4-A as recommended <y Gead= ind)strial safety%
Tr-640 / 2*
61 .EDIC/$ ./N/GE.ENT
6.1 General
(a) T'e contractor s'all ma0e arrangements for t'e first aid and medical services for t'e inM)red or
ill persons for prompt attention or aid%
(b) T'e arrangement can <e made <y t'e contractor or an agreement can <e in vog)e &it' t'e
(c) T'e medical facilities at first-aid centre s'all <e adeA)ate to immediately cater to t'e inM)red
<ased on t'e 'a!ard potential and pro<a<le severe inM)ries%
(d) T'e first-aid centre s'all <e provided &it' t'e adeA)ate eA)ipment and medicines for catering to
t'e site reA)irements% T'e first-aid centre s'all <e manned depending on t'e &or0ing 'o)rs / on
ro)nd t'e cloc0 s'ift <asis% T'e services of at least one A)alified medical practitioner Dmedical
officerE s'all <e made availa<le <y t'e contractor%
6.2 .edical ?acilitie8
(a) @edical facilities conforming to t'e provisions of t'e Atomic Energy D/actoriesE 1)les= 1776
s'o)ld <e provided at all &or0 sites%
(b) T'e reA)isite medical facilities in t'e form of a &ell-eA)ipped first aid centre manned <y A)alified
n)rsing personnel s'o)ld <e provided at all &or0 sites% 4ontractor may avail t'is facility as per
terms and conditions of t'e contract%
(c) In addition= &ell-maintained first-aid <o(es s'o)ld <e 0ept at eac' location of t'e &or0 <y t'e
contractor and availa<ility of t'e personnel trained in first aid s'o)ld <e ens)red%
(d) A manned and eA)ipped am<)lance s'o)ld <e availa<le at &or0 site d)ring t'e &or0ing
'o)rs/on ro)nd-t'e-cloc0 s'ift <asis%
(e) It s'o)ld <e ens)red <y t'e facility t'at occ)pational 'ealt' monitoring of contract &or0ers is
carried o)t as per provisions of t'e /actories Act 1746 as per t'e latest amendment and t'e
stip)lations/directives given <y Atomic Energy 1eg)latory -oard from time to time%
(f) Display of emergency contact n)m<ers of important persons and 'ospitals and ro)te map of site
s'all <e maintained at designated places%
6.3 .edical .ana*e%ent o& Serio,8 InO,rie8
(a) In case of serio)s inM)ries= t'e inM)red s'o)ld <e s'ifted to t'e nearest first-aid centre at site
immediately% T'e opinion of medical officer/certifying s)rgeon s'o)ld <e so)g't immediately for
medical management%
(b) After providing t'e first aid treatment t'e inM)red s'o)ld <e s'ifted to designated medical facility
of t'e site/'ospital for f)rt'er medical assistance= in an am<)lance along &it' a n)rsing
(c) T'e doctor at t'e medical facility of t'e site/'ospital attending t'e case s'all assess t'e e(tent
of inM)ries and render immediate medical aid% If t'e sit)ation &arrants tra)ma/special care t'e
inM)red s'all <e s'ifted to t'e referral 'ospital= 'aving all t'e reA)isite facilities for speciali!ed
treatment in am<)lance along &it' a medical attendant%
(d) A list of s)c' referral 'ospitals for specialised medical management facilities for t'e inM)red
persons s'o)ld <e availa<le &it' t'e proMect management/Gead= ind)strial safety and Gead=
medical services of t'e site for ready reference%
Tr-640 / 24
1. Applicant;s name
2. /acility address
3. 1esidential address
4. Age
5. Se(
6. Geig't
7. Gate #ass $o%
8. $ame of contractor/agency &it' &'om engaged at
9. Geig't pass reA)ired for &or0 at
10. Description of present Mo<
11. #revio)s e(perience of &or0ing at 'eig't
Tr-640 / 2.
"8888m% Geig't
S%$o% $ame of t'e employer D)ration of employment :or0 e(perience
1+% Does t'e applicant s)ffer from any of t'e follo&ing ailments P DIf yes details to <e givenE"
DaE -lood press)re "8888888888 D<E Epilepsy %
(c) /lat foot888888
(d) /reA)ent 'eadac'e or reeling sensation888888
(e) @ental depression888888 DfE Fimping gait %
DgE Aerofo<ia8888888888
I 'ere<y declare t'at t'e a<ove information f)rnis'ed <y me is tr)e and correct% I s'all al&ays &ear
t'e safety <elt and tie t'e life-line &'enever &or0ing at )ng)arded 'eig'ts of * m and a<ove% I s'all
not mis)se t'e 'eig't pass iss)ed to me or transfer it to any ot'er person% I s'all never come to d)ty
or &or0 at 'eig't/dept' )nder t'e infl)ence of alco'ol/dr)gs%
Tr-640 / 26
" Sign"
Tr-640 / 22
DApplicants $ame and Signat)re or loss time inM)ry DF%T%IE in case 'e cannot sign% In case of FTI an
a)t'orised person s'all e(plain eac' point/item to t'e individ)al and certify on t'at <e'alf <elo& t'e
I certify t'at I am satisfied &it' t'e a<ove certification of t'e individ)al for t'e application of 'eig't
pass and reA)est for iss)e of 'eig't pass to 'im%
$ame "
DAgency 4oncernedE
4o)ntersigned <y"
Section Gead D/acilityE
Tr-640 / 26
4ertified t'at I= Dr%888888888888888888888888 'ave e(amined S'ri%88888888888888888888aged
88888888 on DdateE 8888888888888&'o 'as signed <elo& in my presence% General and p'ysical
e(aminations of S'ri%8888888888888888888888888888do not reveal any a<normality% Ge does not
s)ffer from any ac)te/c'ronic s0in disease or any contagio)s or infectio)s disease% Gis eye sig't is
normal &it'/&it'o)t glasses%In my opinion= S'ri%8888888888888888888888is p'ysically and mentally
fit for &or0ing at 'eig't%
Details of e(aminations are given <elo&"
Signat)re of &or0man Signat)re and 1)<<er Stamp of@edical
#ractitioner &it'1eg% $o%
Tr-640 / 27
#ersonal attri<)tes" @edical
1% Geig't 1% Crine
+% 4'est +% -lood press)re
*% :eig't *% Epilepsy
4% Gearing 4% /lat foot
.% Sig't .% /reA)ent 'eadac'e or
reeling sensation
6% S0in 6% @ental depression"
2% Geart <eating 2% Fimping gait
6% Aerop'o<ia
D4onsidering t'e a<ove medical certificate= t'e applicant 'as appeared on t'e follo&ing practical tests
cond)cted <y ind)strial safety section and t'e res)lts are given <elo& Dstri0e off &'ic'ever is in-
(a) :earing a safety <elt and tying t'e rope 0not " #ass/fail
(b) :al0ing over a 'ori!ontal str)ct)re at *m% " #ass/fail
'eig't &earing a safety <elt
(c) General p'ysiA)e D9/$ot 9E
T'e a<ove applicant;s performance in t'e a<ove tests 'as <een satisfactory/)nsatisfactory d)e to t'e
So I certify and iss)e t'is 'eig't pass to S'ri% 88888888888888888888888888 &it' 1egistration $o%
8 in t'e 'eig't pass register% T'is is valid for one year from t'e date of iss)e i%e% )p to
Date" $ame"
Scientific Assistant DSafetyE
Safety fficer
Tr-640 / 60
S ?OR. - 1
temporary s)pply
O All t'e dra&ings and ta<les s'all <e signed <y )ser;s representative indicated against 16 a<ove%
Signat)re of a)t'orised signatory of )ser
Signed endorsement of &or0 order s)pervising
a)t'ority indicated against . a<ove%
Tr-640 / 61
V#o&er s)pply application n)m<er s'all <e different for same )ser &it' m)ltiple applications
3Pre8cri<ed ,nder cla,8e
1% $ame and address of )ser%
+% 1eference of tender or &or0 order Dif
*% $ame and designation of tender/&or0 order
iss)ing a)t'ority%
4% #o&er s)pply application n)m<er V
.% $ame and designation of tender/&or0
order/&or0 s)pervising a)t'ority DEngineer-in-
6% E(pected date of commencement of
temporary s)pply
2% E(pected date of decommissioning of
temporary s)pply
6% 3oltage level DF3/@3/G3E W
7% Type of connection D1#'/*#'E
10% 4onnected load D9&E
11% @a(im)m demandD93AE/#o&er factor
1+% Single line diagram O of proposed po&er
distri<)tion sc'eme along &it' eA)ipment
data s'eet Ddo&nstream installation after
point of connectionE%
Enclosed D/orm-1AE/$ot enclosed
1*% $ame of overall s)pervisor and availa<le
A)alified Staff
Enclosed D/orm-1-E/$ot enclosed
14% A)(iliary eA)ipment data s'eet Dmeters= fire
e(ting)is'er= first aid <o( etc%E
Enclosed D/orm-14E/$ot enclosed
1.% $ame and designation of provider;s
representative to &'om t'e application is
16% $ame and designation of a)t'orised
signatory of )ser= &'o 'ad s)<mitted t'is
?OR. - 1/
!Pre8cri<ed a*ain8t ite%-12 o& &or%-1#
$ame and address of )ser" #o&er s)pply application
Amendment $o"
1eferences"- Single line diagram DSFDE of t'e po&er distri<)tion sc'eme &it' all eA)ipment details
Dattac' t'e SFDE
1%Identity +%Type *%@a0e 4%@an)fact)rer;s .%/i(ed/ 6%Si!e 2%Fast 6%Fast 7% 10%
and S%$o #orta<le )sed test Fatest 1ating
model date date test
Signat)re of a)t'orised signatory of )ser
E(planation of col)mn 'eaders"
1. Identity"- Identification mar0/n)m<er/tag of eA)ipment in single line dra&ing and layo)t
dra&ing% Every eA)ipment in single line dra&ing and layo)t dra&ing s'all 'ave s)ita<le
identification mar0/n)m<er/tag%
2. Type"- 4a<le/4-/@4-/@44-/EF4-/transformer/lig'tning arrestor/eart'ing
station/eart'ing connection/motor/lig'ting fi(t)re/s&itc'/f)se/s&itc'= soc0et <o( etc%
3. @a0e and model"- man)fact)rer;s name and corresponding model no%
4. @an)fact)rer;s S% $o"- serial n)m<er and date in name plate if availa<le% Else $A
5. /i(ed/porta<le"- EA)ipment is installed/laid/anc'ored to s)rface or porta<le%
6. Si!e"- depending )pon type of eA)ipment and as desired <y provider representative e%g%
lengt' for ca<les or all dimensions if 'eavy eA)ipment li0e transformer%
7. Fast )sed date% date of last )se else $E:
8. Fast test date% latest test date <y )ser or <y man)fact)rer if $E:
9. Fatest test data"- I1= G3= resistance= f)nctional test data depending )pon t'e type of
eA)ipment as desired <y provider;s representative%
10% 1ating"- name plate rating of eA)ipment li0e voltage= c)rrent= po&er Dapparent= active=
reactiveE= I# of enclos)re= si!e Dca<le cross sectionE etc% depending )pon t'e type of
eA)ipment and as desired <y provider;s representative%
Tr-640 / 6+
?OR. - 1
!Pre8cri<ed a*ain8t ite%-16 o& &or%-1#
$ame and address of )ser" #o&er s)pply application
Amendment $o"-
$am e
+%Addres s
.%4ertificatio n
relevan t
Signat)re of a)t'orised signatory of
E(planation of col)mn 'eaders"
1. $ame"- $ame of agency/person
2. Address"-
3. Tel $o"- reg)lar= alternate and emergency telep'one n)m<ers
1. 1esponsi<ility"- &'et'er responsi<le for installation= operation= maintenance= overall
s)pervision etc% overall s)pervisor s'all <e indicated specifically%
2. 4ertification detail"- DaE type of certification e%g &ire man license= electrical s)pervisor license=
electrical contractor license= diploma in electrical engineering= degree in electrical engineering
etc% D<E certifying agency e%g% state #:D= central #:D= 4EA= name of college/)niversity etc%
DcE certificate/license n)m<er &it' date% DdE valid )p to date or ne(t rene&al date m)st for
contractor/s)pervisor license%
3. Artificial res)scitation training"- indicate JES/$ if t'e staff is trained to apply artificial
res)scitation tec'niA)e%
4. E(perience%"- n)m<er of years of e(perience%
4. t'er relevant training "- any ot'er training in electrical/ safety co)rse% Indicate name of
training= d)ration Ddays/mont'sE= training providing agency%
5. Signat)re"- original signat)re of individ)al%
Tr-640 / 6*
?OR. - 1C
!Pre8cri<ed a*ain8t ite%-14 o& &or%-1#
$ame and address of )ser" #o&er s)pply application
Amendment $o"-
1eference"- Fayo)t dra&ing $o% /888888888888888888
1%Identity +%Type
*%@a0e and
4% @an)fact)rer;s
.% $o
.%/i(ed/ #orta<le 6%Si!e
2%Fast )sed
Signat)re of )ser;s representative
E(planation of col)mn 'eaders"
1. Identity"- identification mar0/n)m<er/tag of eA)ipment in layo)t dra&ing%
2. Type"-eart'ing rod/megger/m)lti meter/eart' resistance meter/fire e(ting)is'er/s and
<)c0et/first aid <o(/res)scitation c'art/r)<<er mat etc%
3. @a0e and model"- man)fact)rer;s name and corresponding model no%
4. @an)fact)rer;s S% $o"- serial n)m<er and date in name plate if availa<le% Else $A
5. /i(ed/porta<le"- eA)ipment is installed/laid/anc'ored to s)rface or porta<le%
6. Si!e"- depending )pon type of eA)ipment and as desired <y provider representative%
7. Fast )sed date% $E: for ne& eA)ipment% $A for passive devices li0e c'art/mat etc%
Tr-640 / 64
?OR. -1D
!Pre8cri<ed ,nder cla,8e 416!e#4
$ame of )ser agency88888888888 #o&er s)pply application n)m<er"-8888888888888
4ertified t'at s)<Mect installations 'ave <een carried o)t <y )s or c'ec0ed <y )s and is in accordance
&it' I%E% 1)les% T'e doc)ments s)<mitted &it' s)<Mect temporary po&er s)pply application D/orm-1E is
verified <y )s and t'e complete installation confirms to t'ese doc)ments%
:e s'all periodically inspect/c'ec0 t'e installation so t'at no )nsafe sit)ation arises d)ring )se of t'is
temporary po&er s)pply system% :e )nderstand t'at for t'e entire d)ration of e(istence of t'is
temporary po&er s)pply system &e s'all <e responsi<le for any )nsafe installation= operation=
maintenance= testing of t'e same &'ic' res)lts in to any loss of life or material% :e s'all immediately
report to t'e provider;s representative and ens)re de-energisation of s)pply if any )nsafe sit)ation
arises d)ring)se of t'is temporary po&er s)pply system%
Signat)re of t'e a)t'orised signatory of licensed electrical contractor
1)<<er seal of licensed electrical contractor
4ertified t'at my/o)r installations 'ave <een carried o)t in accordance &it' t'e I%E%1)les and t'at
I/:e 'ave employed competent agency/staff to 'andle t'e installations &'ic' is strictly as per t'e staff
data s'eet s)<mitted in /orm-1-%
:e )nderstand t'at for t'e entire d)ration of e(istence of t'is temporary po&er s)pply system &e
s'all <e responsi<le for any )nsafe installation= operation= maintenance=testing of t'e same &'ic'
res)lts into any loss of life or material% :e s'all immediately report to t'e provider;s representative
and ens)re de-energisation of s)pply if any )nsafe sit)ation arises d)ring )se of t'is temporary po&er
s)pply system%
Signat)re of t'e a)t'orised signatory of )ser
$ame of signatory
Tr-640 / 6.
?OR. -1E
3Pre8cri<ed ,nder cla,8e 416!&#4
4ertified t'at I 'ave inspected t'e electrical installation referred 'ere in after satisfying myself a<o)t
t'e safe condition of t'e installation= I 'ere<y recommend t'at t'e service connection <e given to t'e
Signat)re of t'e safety officer
T'e s)<Mect po&er s)pply application along &it' completed installation= necessary certificates Das per
/orm-1 of Appendi(-EE is scr)tinised <y )s% T'e proposal fo)nd to <e in order and t'e installation can
<e energised on 8 in presence of yo)r designated overall s)pervisor as indicated in /orm-1-%
Enclosed 'ere&it' t'e test report data s'eet /orm-1/% Jo) are reA)ested to carry o)t t'e periodic
testing of eA)ipment and s)<mit t'e test report periodically as per t'is form%
Signat)re of t'e electrical engineer of provider
$ame of signatory
Tr-640 / 66
?OR. - 1?
!Pre8cri<ed a*ain8t &or%-1E#
$ame and address of )ser" #o&er s)pply application
Amendment $o"-
1%Identity +%Type
4%$e(t d)e
date of any
of I1 test
of G3 test
of eart'
Signat)re of electrical engineer of provider
E(planation of col)mn 'eaders"
1% Identity"- Identification mar0/n)m<er/tag of eA)ipment in single line dra&ing and layo)t
dra&ing% Every eA)ipment in single line dra&ing and layo)t dra&ing s'all 'ave s)ita<le
identification mar0/n)m<er/tag%
2. Type"- 4a<le/4-/@4-/@44-/EF4-/transformer/lig'tning arrestor/eart'ing station/ eart'ing
connection/motor/lig'ting fi(t)re/s&itc'/f)se/s&itc'= soc0et <o( etc%
3. Fast test date" - latest test date indicated in /orm-1A%
4. $e(t d)e date of any test"- as &or0ed o)t <y freA)ency of tests indicated in s)<seA)ent
5. /reA)ency of I1 test"- reA)ired freA)ency depending )pon type of eA)ipment and location of
installation% $A if not reA)ired after installation%
6. /reA)ency of G3 test"- reA)ired freA)ency depending )pon type of eA)ipment and location of
installation% $A if not reA)ired after installation%
7. /reA)ency of eart' resistance test"- reA)ired freA)ency depending )pon type of
eA)ipment and location of installation% $A if not reA)ired after installation%
8. t'er tests"- name and description of any ot'er essential tests/maintenance activity and
reA)ired freA)ency depending )pon type of eA)ipment and location of installation% $A if not
reA)ired after installation%
Tr-640 / 62
Tr-640 / 66
1. T'e GContractG means t'e doc)ments forming t'e tender and acceptance t'ereof and t'e formal
agreement e(ec)ted <et&een t'e #resident of India and t'e 4ontractor toget'er &it' t'e
doc)ments referred to t'erein incl)ding t'ese conditions= t'e specifications= designs= dra&ings and
instr)ctions iss)ed from time to time <y t'e Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO / En*ineer-in-Char*e and
all t'ese doc)ments ta0en toget'er s'all <e deemed to form one contract and s'all <e
complementary to one anot'er%
2. In t'e contract t'e follo&ing e(pression s'all )nless t'e conte(t ot'er&ise reA)ires= 'ave t'e
meanings 'ere<y respectively assigned to t'em%
(i) T'e e(pression GIor(8G or GIor(G s'all )nless t'ere <e somet'ing eit'er in t'e s)<Mect or conte(t
rep)gnant to s)c' constr)ction <e constr)ed and ta0en to means t'e &or0s <y or <y virt)e of t'e
contract contracted to <e e(ec)ted &'et'er temporary or permanent and &'et'er original=
altered= s)<stit)ted or additional%
(ii) T'e GSiteG s'all mean t'e land and/or ot'er places on= into or t'ro)g' &'ic' &or0 is to <e
e(ec)ted )nder t'e contract or any adMacent land= pat' or street t'ro)g' &'ic' &or0 is to <e
e(ec)ted )nder t'e contract or any adMacent land= pat' or street &'ic' may <e allotted or )sed for
t'e p)rpose of carrying o)t t'e contract%
(iii) T'e GContractorG s'all mean t'e individ)al or firm or company &'et'er incorporated or not
)nderta0ing t'e &or0s and s'all incl)de t'e legal personnel representative or s)c' individ)al or
t'e persons composing s)c' firm or company or t'e s)ccessors of s)c' firm or company and t'e
permitted assignees of s)c' individ)al or firm or firms or company%
(iv) T'e GPre8identG means t'e #resident of India and 'is s)ccessors%
(v) T'e GChie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO G means t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS or t'e 4ED= General
Services rganisation= An)p)ram% T'e GEn*ineer-in-Char*eG means t'e a)t'ori!ed
representative of 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS of t'e 4ivil Engineering Division= General Services
rganisation= An)p)ram &'o s'all s)pervise and <e in c'arge of t'e &or0 and &'o s'all sign t'e
contract on <e'alf of t'e #resident%
(vi) GGo)ern%entG or GGo)ern%ent o& IndiaG s'all mean t'e #resident of India%
(vii) T'e term C1E1 represents 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS of t'e 4ED= General Services rganisation=
(viii) G.ar(et RateG s'all <e t'e rate as decided <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge on t'e <asis of t'e cost of
materials and la<o)r at t'e site &'ere t'e &or0 is to <e e(ec)ted pl)s t'e percentage to cover= all
over'eads and profits%
(ix) GContract PriceG means t'e s)m named in t'e Tender s)<Mect to s)c' additions t'ere to or
ded)ctions t'ere from as may <e made )nder t'e provisions 'erein <efore contained%
(x) GTe%-orar+ Ior(G means all temporary &or0s of every 0ind reA)ired in or a<o)t t'e e(ec)tion=
completion and maintenance of t'e &or0s%
(xi) GIord8G imparting t'e sing)lar n)m<er incl)des t'e pl)ral n)m<er and vice versa according to
t'e conte(t%
(xii) GTendered "al,eG means t'e val)e of t'e entire &or0 as stip)lated in t'e letter of a&ard%
Tr-640 / 67
3. :'ere t'e conte(t so reA)ires= &ords imparting t'e sing)lar only also incl)de t'e pl)ral and vice
versa% Any reference to masc)line gender s'all &'enever reA)ired incl)de feminine gender and
vice versa%
Tr-640 / 70
4. Geadings and @arginal notes to t'ese General 4onditions of 4ontract s'all not <e deemed to form
part t'ereof or <e ta0en into consideration in t'e interpretation or constr)ction t'ereof or of t'e
5. T'e contractor s'all <e f)rnis'ed= free of cost one certified copy of t'e contract doc)ments e(cept
standard specifications= Sc'ed)le of I)antities and s)c' ot'er printed and p)<lis'ed doc)ments=
toget'er &it' all dra&ings as may <e forming part of t'e tender papers% $one of t'ese doc)ments
s'all <e )sed for any p)rpose ot'er t'an t'at of t'is contract%
6. T'e &or0 to <e carried o)t )nder t'e contract s'all= e(cept as ot'er&ise provided in t'ese
conditions= incl)de all la<o)r= materials= tools= plants= eA)ipment and transport &'ic' may <e
reA)ired in preparation of and for and in t'e f)ll and entire e(ec)tion and completion of t'e &or0s%
T'e descriptions given in t'e sc'ed)le of I)antities s'all= )nless ot'er&ise stated= <e 'eld to
incl)de &astage on materials= carriage and cartage= carrying and ret)rn of empties= 'oisting=
setting= fitting and fi(ing in position and all ot'er la<o)rs necessary in and for t'e f)ll and entire
e(ec)tion and completion of t'e &or0 as aforesaid in accordance &it' good practice and
recogni!ed principles%
7. T'e contractor s'all <e deemed to 'ave satisfied 'imself <efore tendering as to t'e correctness and
s)fficiency of 'is tender for t'e &or0s and of t'e rates and prices A)oted in t'e Sc'ed)le of
I)antities= &'ic' rates and prices s'all= e(cept as ot'er&ise provided= cover all 'is o<ligations
)nder t'e 4ontract and all matters and t'ings necessary for t'e proper completion and
maintenance of t'e &or0s%
8. T'e several doc)ments forming t'e 4ontract are to <e ta0en as m)t)ally e(planatory of one
anot'er= detailed dra&ings <eing follo&ed in preference to small scale dra&ing and fig)red
dimensions in preference to scale and special conditions in preference to General 4onditions%
6%1 In t'e case of discrepancy <et&een t'e sc'ed)les of A)antities= t'e Specifications and/or t'e
Dra&ings= t'e follo&ing order of preference s'all <e o<served%
8.1.1 Description of Sc'ed)le of I)antities%
8.1.2 #artic)lar Specification and Special 4ondition= if any%
8.1.3 Dra&ings%
8.1.4 Specifications%
8.1.5 Indian Standard Specifications of -%I%S%
8.2 If t'ere are varying or conflicting provisions made in any one doc)ment forming part of t'e
contract= t'e Accepting A)t'ority s'all <e t'e deciding a)t'ority &it' regard to t'e intention of
t'e doc)ment and 'is decision s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
8.3 Any error in description= A)antity or rate in Sc'ed)le of I)antities or any omission t'ere from
s'all not vitiate t'e 4ontract or release t'e 4ontractor from t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &'ole or any
part of t'e &or0s comprised t'erein according to dra&ings and specifications or from any of
'is o<ligations )nder t'e contract%
7% T'e s)ccessf)l tenderer/contractor= on acceptance of 'is tender <y t'e Accepting A)t'ority s'all=
&it'in 1. days from t'e stip)lated date of start of &or0 sign t'e contract consisting of"-
7%1 T'e notice inviting tender= all t'e doc)ments incl)ding dra&ings= if any= forming t'e tender as
iss)ed at t'e time of invitation of tender and acceptance t'ereof toget'er &it' any
correspondence leading t'ereto%
Tr-640 / 71
7%+ Standard form as mentioned in Tender consisting of"
9.2.1 3ario)s standard cla)ses &it' corrections )p to t'e date along &it' anne()re t'ereto%
9.2.2 Specification for vario)s items of &or0%
9.2.3 IG4A1 safety code for contract &or0s%
9.2.4 @odel 1)les for t'e protection of 'ealt'= sanitary arrangements for &or0ers employed
<y IG4A1 or its contractors%
9.2.5 DAE contractor;s Fa<o)r 1eg)lations%
Tr-640 / 7+
i) T'e contractor s'all s)<mit an irrevoca<le #erformance G)arantee of .B D/ive percentE of t'e
tendered amo)nt in addition to ot'er deposits mentioned else&'ere in t'e contract for 'is proper
performance of t'e contract agreement= Dnot &it'standing and/or &it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er
provisions in t'e contractE &it'in period specified in Sc'ed)le ;/; from t'e date of iss)e of letter
of acceptance% T'is period can <e f)rt'er e(tended <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge )pto a ma(im)m
period as specified in Sc'ed)le ;/; on &ritten reA)est of t'e contractor stating t'e reason for
delays in proc)ring t'e #erformance G)arantee= to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'is g)arantee s'all <e in t'e form of Government Sec)rities or fi(ed deposit receipts or
G)arantee -onds of any Sc'ed)led -an0/-an0er;s c'eA)e of any sc'ed)led <an0/ or t'e State
-an0 of India in accordance &it' t'e form anne(ed as Appendi(-;A; 'ereto% In case a fi(ed
deposit receipt of any -an0 is f)rnis'ed <y t'e contractor to t'e Government as part of t'e
performance g)arantee and t'e -an0 is )na<le to ma0e payment against t'e said fi(ed deposit
receipt= t'e loss ca)sed t'ere<y s'all fall on t'e contractor and t'e contractor s'all fort'&it' on
demand f)rnis' additional sec)rity to t'e Government to ma0e good t'e deficit%
ii) T'e #erformance G)arantee s'all <e initially valid )pto t'e stip)lated date of completion pl)s 60
days <eyond t'at% In case t'e time for completion of &or0 gets enlarged= t'e contractor s'all get
t'e validity of performance G)arantee e(tended to cover s)c' enlarged time for completion of
&or0% After recording of t'e completion certificate for t'e &or0 <y t'e competent a)t'ority= t'e
performance g)arantee s'all <e ret)rned to t'e contractor= &it'o)t any interest%
iii) T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all not ma0e a claim )nder t'e #erformance g)arantee e(cept for
amo)nts to &'ic' t'e #resident of India is entitled )nder t'e contract Dnot&it'standing and/or
&it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er provisions in t'e contract agreementE in t'e event of "
(a) /ail)re <y t'e contractor to e(tend t'e validity of t'e #erformance G)arantee as descri<ed
'erein a<ove= in &'ic' event t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may claim t'e f)ll amo)nt of t'e
#erformance g)arantee%
(b) /ail)re <y t'e contractor to pay #resident of India any amo)nt d)e= eit'er as agreed <y
contractor or determined )nder any of t'e 4la)ses/4onditions of t'e agreement= &it'in *0
days of t'e service of notice to t'is effect <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
iv) In t'e event of t'e contract <eing determined or rescinded )nder provisions of any of t'e
cla)se /condition of t'e agreement= t'e performance g)arantee s'all stand forfeited in f)ll and
s'all <e a<sol)tely at t'e disposal of t'e #resident of India%
A55END%C. A9
In consideration of t'e #resident of India D'ereinafter called HT'e GovernmentHE 'aving agreed
)nder t'e terms and conditions of agreement $o%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dated%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%made <et&een
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DGereinafter called
Ht'e said contractorDsEHE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for t'e &or0 of
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DGereinafter called Ht'e said
agreementHE 'aving agreed to prod)ction of a irrevoca<le -an0 G)arantee for 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
D1)pees%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% onlyE as a sec)rity / g)arantee from t'e contractorDsE for
compliance of 'is o<ligations in accordance &it' t'e terms and conditions in t'e said agreement%
1. :e !indicate t"e name of t"e <an0E %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DGereinafter referred to as t'e Ht'e -an0HE
'ere<y )nderta0e to pay to t'e Government a n a mo)nt not e(ceeding 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% only on
demand <y t'e Government%
2. :e Dindicate t"e name of t"e #ank$ do 'ere<y )nder ta0e to pay t'e amo)nts d)e and paya<le
)nder t'is G)arantee &it'o)t any dem)re= merely on a demand from t'e Government stating
t'at t'e amo)nt claimed is reA)ired to meet t'e recoveries d)e or li0ely to <e d)e from t'e said
contractorDsE% Any s)c' demand made on t'e -an0 s'all <e concl)sive as regards t'e amo)nt
Tr-640 / 7*
d)e and paya<le <y t'e -an0 )nder t'is G)arantee% Go&ever= o)r lia<ility )nder t'is g)arantee
s'all <e restricted to an amo)nt not e(ceeding 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D1)pees
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nlyE%
3. :e= t'e said <an0 f)rt'er )nderta0e to pay to t'e Government any money so demanded
not&it'standing any disp)te or disp)tes raised <y t'e 4ontractorDsE in any s)it or proceeding
pending <efore any co)rt or Tri<)nal relating t'ereto= o)r lia<ility )nder t'is present <eing
a<sol)te and )neA)ivocal%
T'e payment so made <y )s )nder t'is <ond s'all <e a valid disc'arge of o)r lia<ility for
payment t'ere )nder and t'e contractorDsE s'all 'ave no claims against )s for ma0ing s)c'
4. :e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !Name of 6ankE%f)rt'er agree t'at t'e G)arantee 'erein contained
s'all remain in f)ll force and effect d)ring t'e period t'at &o)ld <e ta0en for t'e performance of
t'e said agreement and t'at it s'all contin)e to <e enforcea<le till all t'e d)es of t'e
Government )nder or <y virt)e of t'e said agreement 'ave <een f)lly paid and its claims
satisfied or disc'arged or till Engineer-in-4'arge on <e'alf of t'e Government certifies t'at
terms and conditions of t'e said agreement 'ave <een f)lly and properly carried o)t <y t'e said
contractorDsE and accordingly disc'arges t'is G)arantee%
5. :e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !Name of 6ankE%f)rt'er agree &it' t'e Government t'at
Government s'all 'ave t'e f)llest li<erty &it'o)t o)r consent and &it'o)t affecting in any
manner o)r o<ligations 'ere)nder to vary any of t'e terms and conditions of t'e said agreement
or to e(tend time of performance <y t'e said contractorDsE from time to time or to postpone for
any time or from time to time any of t'e po&ers e(ercisa<le <y t'e Government against t'e said
contractorDsE and for<ear or enforce any of t'e terms and conditions relating to t'e said
agreement and &e s'all not <e relieved from o)r lia<ility <y reason of any s)c' variation= or
e(tension <eing granted to t'e said contractorDsE or for any for<earance= act of omission on t'e
part of t'e Government or any ind)lgence <y t'e Government to t'e said contractorDsE or <y any
s)c' matter or t'ing &'atsoever &'ic' )nder t'e la& relating to s)reties &o)ld= <)t for t'is
provision= 'ave effect of so relieving )s%
6. T'is G)arantee &ill not <e disc'arged d)e to t'e c'ange in t'e constit)tion of t'e -an0 or t'e
7. :e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !Name of 2ank$ lastly )nderta0e not to revo0e t'is
G)arantee e(cept &it' t'e previo)s consent of t'e Government in &riting%
8. T'is G)arantee s'all <e valid )p to )nless e(tended on demand <y Government%
$ot&it'standing anyt'ing mentioned a<ove= o)r lia<ility against t'is g)arantee is restricted to
1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D1)pees %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%onlyE and )nless a claim in &riting is lodged
&it' )s &it'in si( mont's of date of e(piry or t'e e(tended date of e(piry of t'is g)arantee all
o)r lia<ilities )nder t'is g)arantee s'all stand disc'arged%
Dated t'e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% day of%%%%%%%%%%%%%%DIndicate t'e name of t'e -an0E
T'e person/ persons &'ose tenderDsE may <e accepted D'ereinafter called t'e contractorE s'all
permit Government at t'e time of ma0ing any payment to 'im for &or0 done )nder t'e contract to
ded)ct a s)m at t'e rate of .B of t'e gross amo)nt of eac' r)nning <ill till t'e s)m along &it' t'e
s)m already deposited as earnest money= &ill amo)nt to sec)rity deposit of .B of t'e tendered
val)e of t'e &or0% S)c' ded)ctions &ill <e made and 'eld <y Government <y &ay of Sec)rity
Deposit )nless 'e 'as / t'ey 'ave deposited t'e amo)nt of Sec)rity at t'e rate mentioned a<ove in
cas' or in t'e form of Government Sec)rities or /i(ed Deposit 1eceipts% In case a fi(ed deposit
receipt of any <an0 is f)rnis'ed <y t'e contractor to t'e Government as part of t'e sec)rity deposit
and t'e <an0 is )na<le to ma0e payment against t'e said fi(ed deposit receipt= t'e loss ca)sed
t'ere<y s'all fall on t'e contractor and t'e contractor s'all fort'&it' on demand f)rnis' additional
sec)rity to t'e Government to ma0e good t'e deficit%
Tr-640 / 74
All compensation or t'e ot'er s)ms of money paya<le <y t'e contractor )nder t'e terms of t'is
contract may <e ded)cted from= or paid <y t'e sale of a s)fficient part of 'is sec)rity deposit or from
Tr-640 / 7.
t'e interest arising t'ere from= or from any s)ms &'ic' may <e d)e to or may <ecome d)e to t'e
contractor <y Government on any acco)nt &'atsoever and in t'e event of 'is Sec)rity Deposit <eing
red)ced <y reason of any s)c' ded)ctions or sale as aforesaid= t'e contractor s'all &it'in 10 days
ma0e good in cas' or fi(ed deposit receipt tendered <y t'e State -an0 of India or <y sc'ed)led
<an0s or Government Sec)rities Dif deposited for more t'an 1+ mont'sE endorsed in favo)r of t'e
#ay , Acco)nts fficer= GS= any s)m or s)ms &'ic' may 'ave <een ded)cted from= or raised <y
sale of 'is sec)rity deposit or any part t'ereof% T'e sec)rity deposit s'all <e collected from t'e
r)nning <ills of t'e contractor at t'e rates mentioned a<ove and t'e Earnest @oney deposited at t'e
time of tenders &ill <e treated as part of t'e Sec)rity Deposit%
T'e sec)rity deposit as ded)cted a<ove can <e released against <an0 g)arantee iss)ed <y a
sc'ed)led <an0= on its acc)m)lations to a minim)m of 1s%. Fa0's s)<Mect to t'e condition t'at
amo)nt of s)c' <an0 g)arantee= e(cept last one= s'all not <e less t'an . Fa0's%
$TE1" Government papers tendered as sec)rity &ill <e ta0en at .B Dfive per centE <elo& its
mar0et price or at its face val)e= &'ic'ever is less% T'e mar0et price of Government papers &o)ld
<e ascertained <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge at t'e time of collection of interest and t'e amo)nt of
interest to t'e e(tent of deficiency in val)e of t'e Government paper &ill <e &it''eld if necessary%
$TE +" Government Sec)rities &ill incl)de all forms of sec)rities mentioned in 1)le $o% +24 of t'e
G%/% 1)les e(cept fidelity <ond% T'is &ill <e s)<Mect to t'e o<servance of t'e condition mentioned
)nder t'e r)le against eac' form of sec)rity%
$TE *" $ote 1 , + a<ove s'all <e applica<le for <ot' 4la)ses 1 , 1A%
If t'e contractor fails to maintain t'e reA)ired progress in terms of 4la)se . or to complete t'e &or0
and clear t'e site on or <efore t'e contract or e(tended date of completion= 'e s'all= &it'o)t
preM)dice to any ot'er rig't or remedy availa<le )nder t'e la& to t'e Government on acco)nt of s)c'
<reac' pay as agreed compensation t'e amo)nt calc)lated at t'e rates stip)lated <elo& as t'e
a)t'ority specified in Sc'ed)le / D&'ose decision in &riting s'all <e final and <indingE may decide
on t'e amo)nt of tendered val)e of t'e &or0 for every completed day/mont' Das applica<leE t'at t'e
progress remains <elo& t'at specified in 4la)se . or t'at t'e &or0 remains incomplete%
T'is &ill also apply to items or gro)p of items for &'ic' a separate period of completion 'as <een
iE Co%-en8ation &or dela+ o& 'or( - N11=> -er %onth o& dela+ to <e co%-,ted on -er da+
#rovided al&ays t'at t'e total amo)nt of compensation for delay to <e paid )nder t'is 4ondition
s'all not e(ceed 10B of t'e Tendered 3al)e of &or0 or of t'e Tendered 3al)e of t'e item or gro)p of
items of &or0 for &'ic' a separate period of completion is originally given%
T'e amo)nt of compensation may <e adM)sted or set-off against any s)m paya<le to t'e 4ontractor
)nder t'is or any ot'er contract &it' t'e Government% In case= t'e contractor does not ac'ieve a
partic)lar mentioned milestone in sc'ed)le /= or t'e re-sc'ed)led milestone DsE in terms of 4la)se
.%4= t'e amo)nt s'o&n against t'at milestone s'all <e &it' 'eld= to <e adM)sted against t'e
compensation levied at t'e final grant of E(tension of Time% :it''olding of t'is amo)nt on fail)re to
ac'ieve a milestone= s'all <e a)tomatic &it'o)t any notice to t'e contractor% Go&ever= if t'e
contractor catc'es )p &it' t'e progress of &or0 on t'e s)<seA)ent milestoneDsE t'e &it''eld amo)nt
s'all <e released% In case t'e contractor fails to ma0e )p for t'e delay in s)<seA)ent milestoneDsE
amo)nt mentioned against eac' milestone missed s)<seA)ently also s'all <e &it''eld% Go&ever= no
interest= &'atsoever s'all <e paya<le on s)c' &it''eld amo)nt%
In case t'e contractor completes t'e &or0 a'ead of sc'ed)led c55D5ion time= a <on)s K 1B Done
percentE of t'e tendered val)e per mont' comp)ted 5peS5day <asis= s'all <e paya<le to t'e
contractor= s)<Mect to a ma(im)m limit of .B MDfi5e O ! of t'e tendered val)e% T'e amo)nt of <on)s= if
paya<le= s'all <e paid along &ft'flnal Klaf5r completion of &or0% #rovided al&ays t'at provision of
t'e 4la)se +A s'all <e applica<O"only &'en so provided in HSc'ed)le /H%
Tr-640 / 76
S)<Mect to ot'er provisions contained in t'is cla)se= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may= &it'o)t preM)dice
to 'is any ot'er rig't or remedy against t'e contractor in respect of any delay= inferior &or0mans'ip=
ot'er&ise or to any claim for damage and / or any ot'er provisions of t'is contract or ot'er&ise and
&'et'er t'e date for completion 'as or 'as not elapsed= <y notice in &riting a<sol)tely determine t'e
contract in any of t'e follo&ing cases"
i) If t'e contractor 'aving <een given <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge a notice in &riting to rectify=
reconstr)ct or replace any defective &or0 or t'at t'e &or0 is <eing performed in an inefficient
or ot'er&ise improper or )n-&or0man li0e manner s'all omit to comply &it' t'e reA)irements
of s)c' notice for a period of seven days t'ereafter%
ii) If t'e contractor 'as= &it'o)t reasona<le ca)se= s)spended t'e progress of t'e &or0 or 'as
failed to proceed &it' t'e &or0 &it' d)e diligence so t'at in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge D&'ic' s'all <e final and <indingE 'e &ill <e )na<le to sec)re completion of t'e &or0
<y t'e date for completion and contin)es to do so after a notice in &riting of seven days from
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
iii) If t'e contractor fails to complete t'e &or0 &it'in t'e stip)lated date or items of &or0 &it'
individ)al date of completion= if any stip)lated= on or <efore s)c' dateDsE of completion and
does not complete t'em &it'in t'e period specified in a notice given in &riting in t'at <e'alf <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
iv) If t'e contractor persistently neglects to carry o)t 'is o<ligations )nder t'e contract and/ or
commits defa)lt in complying &it' any of t'e terms and conditions of t'e contract and does
not remedy it or ta0e effective steps to remedy it &it'in 2 days after a notice in &riting is given
to 'im in t'at <e'alf <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
v) If t'e contractor s'all offer or give or agree to give to any person in Government service or to
any ot'er person on 'is <e'alf any gift or consideration of any 0ind as an ind)cement or
re&ard for doing or for<earing to do or for 'aving done or for<orne to do any act in relation to
t'e o<taining or e(ec)tion of t'is or any ot'er contract for GovernmentU
vi) If t'e contractor s'all enter into a contract &it' government in connection &it' &'ic'
commission 'as <een paid or agreed to <e paid <y 'im or to 'is 0no&ledge= )nless t'e
partic)lars of any s)c' commission and t'e terms of payment t'ereof 'ave <een previo)sly
disclosed in &riting to t'e Engineer-in-4'argeU
vii) If t'e contractor s'all o<tain a contract &it' government as a res)lt of &rong tendering or
ot'er non-<onafide met'ods of competitive tenderingU
viii) If t'e contractor <eing an individ)al= or if a firm= any partner t'ereof s'all at any time <e
adM)dged insolvent or 'ave a receiving order or order for administration of 'is estate made
against 'im or s'all ta0e any proceedings for liA)idation or composition Dot'er t'an a vol)ntary
liA)idation for t'e p)rpose of amalgamation or reconstr)ctionE Cnder any insolvency Act for
t'e time <eing in force or ma0e any conveyances or assignment of 'is effects or composition
or arrangement for t'e <enefit of 'is creditors or p)rport so to do or if any application <e made
)nder any Insolvency Act for t'e time <eing in force for t'e seA)estration of 'is estate or if a
tr)st deed <e e(ec)ted <y 'im for <enefit of 'is creditors%
ix) If t'e contractor <eing a company s'all pass a resol)tion or t'e co)rt s'all ma0e an order t'at
t'e company s'all <e &o)nd )p or if a receiver or a manager on <e'alf of a creditor s'all <e
appointed or if circ)mstances s'all arise &'ic' entitle t'e co)rt or t'e creditor to appoint a
receiver or a manager or &'ic' entitle t'e co)rt to ma0e a &inding )p order%
x) If t'e contract s'all s)ffer an e(ec)tion <eing levied on 'is goods and allo& it to <e contin)ed
for a period of +1 days%
xi) If t'e contractor assigns= transfers= s)<lets Dengagement of la<o)r on a piece-&or0 <asis or of
la<o)r &it' materials not to <e incorporated in t'e &or0= s'all not <e deemed to <e s)<lettingE
or ot'er&ise parts &it' or attempts to assign= transfer= s)<let or ot'er&ise parts &it' t'e entire
&or0s or any portion t'ereof &it'o)t t'e prior &ritten approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 72
(iiE If t'e &or0 is not started <y t'e contractor &it'in 1/6
of t'e stip)lated time%
:'en t'e contractor 'as made 'imself lia<le for action )nder any of t'e cases aforesaid= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India s'all 'ave po&ers"
(a) To determine or rescind t'e contract as aforesaid Dof &'ic' termination or rescission notice
in &riting to t'e contractor )nder t'e 'and of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e concl)sive
evidenceE% Cpon s)c' determination or rescission t'e earnest money deposit= sec)rity
deposit already recovered and performance g)arantee of t'e contractor s'all <e lia<le to <e
forfeited and s'all <e a<sol)tely at t'e disposal of Government%
(b) After giving notice to t'e contractor to meas)re )p t'e &or0 of t'e contractor and to ta0e
s)c' &'ole= or t'e <alance or part t'ereof as s'all <e )n-e(ec)ted o)t of 'is 'ands and to
give it to anot'er contract to complete t'e &or0% T'e contractor= &'ose &or0 is determined
or rescinded as a<ove= s'all not <e allo&ed to participate in t'e tendering process for t'e
<alance &or0%
In t'e event of a<ove co)rses <eing adopted <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'e contractor s'all 'ave no
claim to compensation for any loss s)stained <y 'im <y reasons of 'is 'aving p)rc'ased or
proc)red any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances on acco)nt or &it'
a vie& to t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 or t'e performance of t'e contract% And in case action is ta0en
)nder any of t'e provisions aforesaid= t'e contractor s'all not <e entitled to recover or <e paid any
s)m for any &or0 t'ereof or act)ally performed )nder t'is contract )nless and )ntil t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge 'as certified in &riting t'e performance of s)c' &or0 and t'e val)e paya<le in respect
t'ereof and 'e s'all only <e entitled to <e paid t'e val)e so certified%
In case t'e &or0 cannot <e started d)e to reasons not &it'in t'e control of t'e contractor &it'in l/6
of t'e stip)lated time for completion of &or0= eit'er party may close t'e contract% In s)c' event)ality=
t'e Earnest @oney Deposit and t'e #erformance G)arantee of t'e contractor s'all <e ref)nded= <)t
no payment on acco)nt of interest= loss of profit or damages etc% s'all <e paya<le at aII%
4ontractor lia<le to pay compensation even if action not ta0en )nder 4la)se * #o&ers to ta0e
possession of or reA)ire removal of or sell contractor;s plant%
In any case in &'ic' any of t'e po&ers conferred )pon t'e Engineer-in 4'arge <y cla)se * t'ereof=
s'all 'ave <ecome e(ercisa<le and t'e same s'all not <e e(ercised= t'e non-e(ercise t'ereof s'all
not constit)te a &aiver of any of t'e conditions 'ereof and s)c' po&ers s'all not&it'standing <e
e(ercisa<le in t'e event of any f)t)re case of defa)lt <y t'e contractor and t'e lia<ility of t'e
contractor for compensation s'all remain )naffected% In t'e event of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge p)tting
in force all or any of t'e po&ers vested in 'im )nder t'e preceding cla)se 'e may= if 'e so desires
after giving a notice in &riting to t'e contractor= ta0e possession of or Dat sole discretion of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge &'ic' s'all <e finalD and <inding on t'e contractorE )se as on 'ire Dt'e amo)nt
of t'e 'ire money <eing also in t'e final determination of t'e Engineer-in-4'argeE all or any tools=
plant= materials and stores= in or )pon t'e &or0s= or t'e site t'ereof= <elonging to t'e contractor= or
proc)red <y t'e contractor and intended to <e )sed for t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 or any part t'ereof=
paying or allo&ing for t'e same in acco)nt at t'e contract rates= or= in t'e case of t'ese not <eing
applica<le= at c)rrent mar0et rates to <e certified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &'ose certificate
t'ereof s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor= ot'er&ise t'e Engineer-in-4'arge <y notice in
&riting may order t'e contractor= or 'is cler0 of t'e &or0s= foreman or ot'er a)t'orised agent to
remove s)c' tools= plant= materials= or stores from t'e premises D&it'in a time to <e specified in
s)c' noticeEU and in t'e event of t'e contractor failing to comply &it' any s)c' reA)isition= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge may remove t'em at t'e contractor;s e(pense or sell t'em <y a)ction or private
sale on acco)nt of t'e contractor and at 'is ris0 in all respects and t'e certificate of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge as to t'e e(pense of any s)c' removal and t'e amo)nt of t'e proceeds and e(pense of any
s)c' sale s'all <e final and concl)sive against t'e contractor%
Tr-640 / 76
C$/DSE 4/: C$/I. ?OR ID$E
Tr-640 / 77
T'e time allo&ed for e(ec)tion of t'e :or0s as specified in t'e Sc'ed)le H/H or t'e e(tended time in
accordance &it' t'ese conditions s'all <e t'e essence of t'e 4ontract% T'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s
s'all commence from s)c' time period as mentioned in Sc'ed)le H/H or from t'e date of 'anding
over of t'e site &'ic'ever is later% If t'e 4ontractor commits defa)lt in commencing t'e e(ec)tion of
t'e &or0 as aforesaid= Government s'all &it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er rig't or remedy availa<le in
la&= <e at li<erty to forfeit t'e earnest money , performance g)arantee a<sol)tely%
.%1 As soon as possi<le after t'e 4ontract is concl)ded t'e 4ontractor s'all s)<mit a Time and
#rogress 4'art for eac' milestone and get it approved <y t'e Department% T'e 4'art s'all <e
prepared in direct relation to t'e time stated in t'e 4ontract doc)ments for completion of items of t'e
&or0s% It s'all indicate t'e forecast of t'e dates of commencement and completion of vario)s trades
of sections of t'e &or0 and may <e amended as necessary <y agreement <et&een t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge and t'e 4ontractor &it'in t'e limitations of time imposed in t'e 4ontract doc)ments= and
f)rt'er to ens)re good progress d)ring t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0= t'e contractor s'all in all cases in
&'ic' t'e time allo&ed for any &or0= e(ceeds one mont' Dsave for special Mo<s for &'ic' a separate
programme 'as <een agreed )ponE complete t'e &or0 as per mile stones given Sc'ed)le H/H%
.%+ If t'e &or0DsE <e delayed <y"
I. force maMe)re or
I. a<normally <ad &eat'er or
III. serio)s loss or damage <y fire= or
III. civil commotion= local commotion of &or0men= stri0e or loc0o)t= affecting any of t'e
trades employed on t'e &or0= or
III. delay on t'e part of ot'er contractors or tradesmen engaged <y Engineer-in-4'arge in
e(ec)ting &or0 not forming part of t'e 4ontract= or
3I% non-availa<ility of stores= &'ic' are t'e responsi<ility of Government to s)pply or
VII. non-availa<ility or <rea0 do&n of tools and plant to <e s)pplied or s)pplied <y
Government or
VIII. Any ot'er ca)se &'ic' in t'e a<sol)te discretion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge is <eyond
t'e 4ontractor;s control%
T'en )pon t'e 'appening of any s)c' event ca)sing delay= t'e 4ontractor s'all immediately give
notice t'ereof in &riting to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge <)t s'all nevert'eless )se constantly 'is <est
endeavors to prevent or ma0e good t'e delay and s'all do all t'at may <e reasona<ly reA)ired to t'e
satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to proceed &it' t'e &or0s%
5.3 1eA)est for resc'ed)ling of mile stones and e(tension of time to <e eligi<le for
consideration= s'all <e made <y t'e 4ontractor in &riting &it'in fo)rteen days of t'e
'appening of t'e event ca)sing delay on t'e prescri<ed form% T'e 4ontractor may also= if
practica<le= indicate in s)c' a reA)est t'e period for &'ic' e(tension is desired%
5.4 In any s)c' case t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may give a fair and reasona<le e(tension of time
and resc'ed)le t'e mile stones for completion of &or0% S)c' e(tension s'all <e
comm)nicated to t'e 4ontractor <y t'e Engineer in-4'arge in &riting= &it'in * mont's of t'e
date of receipt of s)c' reA)est% $on application <y t'e contractor for e(tension of time s'all
not <e a <ar for giving a fair and reasona<le e(tension <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and t'is
s'all <e <inding on t'e contractor%
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all= e(cept as ot'er&ise provided= ascertain and determine <y meas)rement
t'e val)e in accordance &it' t'e contract of &or0 done%
Tr-640 / 100
All meas)rement of all items 'aving financial val)e s'all <e entered in @eas)rement -oo0 and/or
level field <oo0 so t'at a complete record is o<tained of all &or0s performed )nder t'e contract%
All meas)rements and levels s'all <e ta0en Mointly <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed
representative and <y t'e contractor or 'is a)t'orised representative from time to time d)ring t'e
progress of t'e &or0 and s)c' meas)rements s'all <e signed and dated <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
and t'e contractor or t'eir representatives in to0en of t'eir acceptance% If t'e contractor o<Mects to
any of t'e meas)rements recorded= a note s'all <e made to t'at effect &it' reason and signed <y
<ot' t'e parties%
If for any reason t'e contractor or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative is not availa<le and t'e &or0 of
recording meas)rements is s)spended <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is representative= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and t'e Department s'all not entertain any claim from contractor for any loss or
damages on t'is acco)nt% If t'e contractor or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative does not remain present
at t'e time of s)c' meas)rements after t'e contractor or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative 'as <een
given a notice in &riting t'ree D*E days in advance or fails to co)ntersign or to record o<Mection &it'in
a &ee0 from t'e date of t'e meas)rement= t'en s)c' meas)rements recorded in 'is a<sence <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is representative s'all <e deemed to <e accepted <y t'e 4ontractor%
T'e contractor s'all= &it'o)t e(tra c'arge= provide all assistance &it' every appliance= la<o)r and
ot'er t'ings necessary for meas)rements and recording levels%
E(cept &'ere any general or details description of t'e &or0 e(pressly s'o&s to t'e contrary=
meas)rements s'all <e ta0en in accordance &it' t'e proced)re set fort' in t'e specifications
not&it'standing any provision in t'e relevant Standard @et'od of meas)rement or any general or
local c)stom% In t'e case of items &'ic' are not covered <y specifications= meas)rements s'all <e
ta0en in accordance &it' t'e relevant standard met'od of meas)rement iss)ed <y t'e -)rea) of
Indian= Standards and if for any item no s)c' standard is availa<le t'en a m)t)ally agreed met'od
s'all <e follo&ed%
T'e contractor s'all give not less t'an seven days notice to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is
a)t'ori!ed representative in-c'arge of t'e &or0 <efore covering )p or ot'er&ise placing <eyond t'e
reac' of meas)rement any &or0 in order t'at t'e same may <e meas)red and correct dimensions
t'ereof <e ta0en <efore t'e same is covered )p or placed <eyond t'e reac' of meas)rement and
s'all not cover )p and place <eyond reac' of meas)rement any &or0 &it'o)t consent in &riting of
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative in-c'arge of t'e &or0 &'o s'all &it'in t'e
aforesaid period of seven days inspect t'e &or0= and if any &or0 s'all <e covered )p or placed
<eyond t'e reac' of meas)rements &it'o)t s)c' notice 'aving <een given or t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge;s consent <eing o<tained in &riting t'e same s'all <e )ncovered at t'e 4ontractor;s
e(pense= or in defa)lt t'ereof no payment or allo&ance s'all <e made for s)c' &or0 or t'e materials
&it' &'ic' t'e same &as e(ec)ted%
Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative may ca)se eit'er t'emselves or t'ro)g'
anot'er officer of t'e department to c'ec0 t'e meas)rements recorded Mointly or ot'er&ise as
aforesaid and all provisions stip)late 'erein a<ove s'all <e applica<le to s)c' c'ec0ing of
meas)rements or levels%
It is also a term of t'is contract t'at recording of meas)rements of any item of &or0 in t'e
meas)rement <oo0 and/or its payment in t'e interim= on acco)nt or final <ill s'all not <e considered
as concl)sive evidence as to t'e s)fficiency of any &or0 or material to &'ic' it relates nor s'all it
relieve t'e contractor from lia<ilities from any over meas)rement or defects noticed till completion of
t'e defects lia<ility period%
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all= e(cept as ot'er&ise provided= ascertain and determine <y meas)rement
t'e val)e of &or0 done in accordance &it' t'e contract%
All meas)rements of all items 'aving financial val)e s'all <e entered <y t'e contractor and compiled
in t'e s'ape of t'e 4omp)teri!ed @eas)rement -oo0 'aving pages of A-4 si!e as per t'e format of
t'e department so t'at a complete record is o<tained of all t'e items of &or0s performed )nder t'e
Tr-640 / 101
All s)c' meas)rements and levels recorded <y t'e contractor or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative from
time to time= d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0= s'all <e got c'ec0ed <y t'e contractor from t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative as per interval or program fi(ed in cons)ltation
&it' Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative% After t'e necessary corrections made <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= t'e meas)rement s'eets s'all <e ret)rned to t'e contractor for
incorporating t'e corrections and for res)<mission to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for t'e dated
signat)res <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and t'e contractor or t'eir representatives in to0en of t'eir
:'enever <ill is d)e for payment= t'e contractor &o)ld initially s)<mit draft comp)teri!ed
meas)rement s'eets and t'ese meas)rements &o)ld <e got c'ec0ed/test c'ec0ed from t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and/or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative% T'e contractor &ill= t'ereafter= incorporate
s)c' c'anges as may <e done d)ring t'ese c'ec0s/test c'ec0s in 'is draft comp)teri!ed
meas)rements= and s)<mit to t'e department a comp)teri!ed meas)rement <oo0= d)ly <o)nd= and
&it' its pages mac'ine n)m<ered% T'e Engineer-in-4'arge and/or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative
&o)ld t'ereafter c'ec0 t'is @-= and record t'e necessary certificates for t'eir c'ec0s/test c'ec0s%
T'e final= fair= comp)teri!ed meas)rement <oo0 given <y t'e contractor= d)ly <o)nd= &it' its pages
mac'ine n)m<ered= s'o)ld <e 100B correct= and no c)tting or over-&riting in t'e meas)rements
&o)ld t'ereafter <e allo&ed% If at all any errors is noticed= t'e contractor s'all 'ave to s)<mit a fres'
comp)teri!ed @- &it' its pages d)ly mac'ine n)m<ered and <o)nd= after getting t'e earlier @-
cancelled <y t'e department% T'ereafter= t'e @- s'all <e ta0en in t'e Divisional ffice records= and
allotted a n)m<er as per t'e 1egister of 4omp)teri!ed @-s% T'is s'o)ld <e done <efore t'e
corresponding <ill is s)<mitted to t'e Divisional ffice for payment% T'e contractor s'all s)<mit t&o
spare copies of s)c' comp)teri!ed @-s for t'e p)rpose of reference and record <y t'e vario)s
officers of t'e department%
T'e contractor s'all also s)<mit to t'e department separately 'is comp)teri!ed A<stract of 4ost and
t'e <ill <ased on t'ese meas)rements= d)ly <o)nd= and its pages mac'ine n)m<ered along &it' t&o
spare copies of t'e <ill% T'ereafter= t'is <ill &ill <e processed <y t'e Division ffice and allotted a
n)m<er as per t'e comp)teri!ed record in t'e same &ay as done for t'e meas)rement <oo0 meant
for meas)rements%
T'e contractor s'all= &it'o)t e(tra c'arges= provide all assistance &it' every appliance= la<o)r and
ot'er t'ings necessary for c'ec0ing of meas)rements/levels <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is
E(cept &'ere any general or detailed description of t'e &or0 e(pressly s'o&s to t'e contrary=
meas)rements s'all <e ta0en in accordance &it' t'e proced)re set fort' in t'e specifications
not&it'standing any provision in t'e relevant Standard @et'od of meas)rement or any general or
local c)stom% In t'e case of items &'ic' are not covered <y specifications= meas)rements s'all <e
ta0en in accordance &it' t'e relevant standard met'od of meas)rement iss)ed <y t'e -)rea) of
Indian Standards and if for any item no s)c' standard is availa<le t'en a m)t)ally agreed met'od
s'all <e follo&ed%
T'e contractor s'all give not less t'an seven days notice to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is
a)t'ori!ed representative in c'arge of t'e &or0 <efore covering )p or ot'er&ise placing <eyond t'e
reac' of c'ec0ing and/or test c'ec0ing t'e meas)rement of any &or0 in order t'at t'e same may <e
c'ec0ed and/or test c'ec0ed and correct dimensions t'ereof <e ta0en <efore t'e same is covered
)p or placed <eyond t'e reac' of c'ec0ing and/or test c'ec0ing meas)rement and s'all not cover
)p and place <eyond reac' of meas)rement any &or0 &it'o)t consent in &riting of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative in c'arge of t'e &or0 &'o s'all &it'in t'e aforesaid period
of seven days inspect t'e &or0= and if any &or0 s'all <e covered )p or placed <eyond t'e reac' of
c'ec0ing and/or test c'ec0ing meas)rements &it'o)t s)c' notice 'aving <een given or t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge;s consent <eing o<tained in &riting t'e same s'all <e )ncovered at t'e
4ontractor;s e(pense= or in defa)lt t'ereof no payment or allo&ance s'all <e made for s)c' &or0 or
t'e materials &it' &'ic' t'e same &as e(ec)ted%
Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed representative may ca)se eit'er t'emselves or t'ro)g'
anot'er officer of t'e department to c'ec0 t'e meas)rements recorded <y contractor and all
provisions stip)lated 'erein a<ove s'all <e applica<le to s)c' c'ec0ing of meas)rements or levels%
Tr-640 / 10+
It is also a term of t'is contract t'at c'ec0ing and/or test c'ec0ing t'e meas)rements of any item of
&or0 in t'e meas)rement <oo0 and/or its payment in t'e interim= on acco)nt of final <ill s'all not <e
considered as concl)sive evidence as to t'e s)fficiency of any &or0 or materials to &'ic' it relates
not s'all it relieve t'e contractor from lia<ilities from any over meas)rement or defects noticed till
completion of t'e defects lia<ility period%
$o payment s'all <e made for &or0= estimated to cost 1s% +0% 000/- D1)pees T&enty t'o)sandE or
less till after t'e &'ole of t'e &or0 s'all 'ave <een completed and certificate of completion given%
/or &or0s estimated to cost over 1s% +0= 000/- D1)pees T&enty t'o)sandE t'e interim or r)nning
acco)nt <ills s'all <e s)<mitted <y t'e contractor for t'e &or0 e(ec)ted on t'e <asis of s)c'
recorded meas)rements on t'e format of t'e Department in triplicate on or <efore t'e date of every
mont' fi(ed for t'e same <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e contractor s'all not <e entitled to <e paid
any s)c' interim payment if t'e gross &or0 done toget'er &it' net payment/adM)stment of advances
for material collected= if any= since t'e last s)c' payment is less t'an t'e amo)nt specified in
Sc'ed)le H/H= in &'ic' case t'e interim <ill s'all <e prepared on t'e appointed date of t'e mont'
after t'e reA)isite progress is ac'ieved% Engineer-in-4'arge s'all arrange to 'ave t'e <ill verified <y
ta0ing or ca)sing to <e ta0en= &'ere necessary t'e reA)isite meas)rements of t'e &or0% In t'e event
of t'e fail)re of t'e contractor to s)<mit t'e <ills= Engineer-in-4'arge s'all prepare or ca)se to <e
prepared s)c' <ills in &'ic' event no claims &'atsoever d)e to delays on payment incl)ding t'at of
interest s'all <e paya<le to t'e contractor% #ayment on acco)nt of amo)nt admissi<le s'all <e made
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge certifying t'e s)m to &'ic' t'e contractor is considered entitled <y &ay of
interim payment at s)c' rates as decided <y t'e Engineer-n-4'arge% T'e amo)nt admissi<le s'all
<e paid <y 10
&or0ing day after t'e day of signing of contractor on t'e meas)rements prepared <y
department toget'er &it' t'e acco)nt of t'e material iss)ed <y t'e department or dismantled
materials= if any% In t'e case of &or0s o)tside t'e 'eadA)arters of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= t'e
period of 10 DtenE &or0ing days &ill <e e(tended to fifteen &or0ing days%
All s)c' interim payments s'all <e regarded as payment <y &ay of advances against final payment
only and s'all not precl)de t'e reA)iring of <ad= )nso)nd and imperfect or )ns0illed &or0 to <e
reMected= removed= ta0en a&ay and reconstr)cted or re-erected% Any certificate given <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge relating to t'e &or0 done or materials delivered forming part of s)c' payment
may <e modified or corrected <y any s)<seA)ent s)c' certificateDsE or <y t'e final certificate and
s'all not <y itself <e concl)sive evidence t'at any &or0 or materials to &'ic' it relates is/are in
accordance &it' t'e contract and specifications% Any s)c' interim payment= or any part t'ereof s'all
not in any respect concl)de= determine or affect in any &ay po&ers of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge )nder
t'e contract or any of s)c' payments <e treated as final settlement and adM)stment of acco)nts or in
any&ay vary or affect t'e contract%
#ending consideration of e(tension of date of completion= interim payments s'all contin)e to <e
made as 'erein provided &it'o)t preM)dice to t'e rig't of t'e department to ta0e action )nder t'e
terms of t'is contract for delay in t'e completion of &or0= if t'e e(tension of date of completion is not
granted <y t'e competent a)t'ority%
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge in 'is sole discretion on t'e <asis of a certificate from t'e Asst% Engineer to
t'e effect t'at t'e &or0 'as <een completed )p to t'e level in A)estion ma0e interim advance
payments &it'o)t detailed meas)rements for &or0 done Dot'er t'an fo)ndations= items to <e
covered )nder finis'ing itemsE )p to lintel level Dincl)ding s)ns'ade etc%E and sla< level for eac' floor
&or0ing o)t at 2.B DSeventy five percentE of t'e assessed val)e% T'e advance payments so allo&ed
s'all <e adM)sted in t'e s)<seA)ent interim <ill <y ta0ing detailed meas)rements t'ereof%
:it'in ten days of t'e completion of t'e &or0= t'e contractor s'all give notice of s)c' completion to
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and &it'in t'irty days of t'e receipt of s)c' notice t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
s'all inspect t'e &or0 and if t'ere is no defect in t'e &or0= s'all f)rnis' t'e contractor &it' a final
certificate of completion= ot'er&ise a provisional certificate of p'ysical completion indicating defects
DaE to <e rectified <y t'e contractor and/or D<E for &'ic' payment &ill <e made at red)ced rates= s'all
<e iss)ed% -)t no final certificate of completion s'all <e iss)ed= nor s'all t'e &or0 <e considered to
Tr-640 / 10*
<e complete )ntil t'e contractor s'all 'ave removed from t'e premises on &'ic' t'e &or0 s'all <e
e(ec)ted all scaffolding= s)rpl)s materials= r)<<is' and all ')ts and sanitary arrangements reA)ired
for 'is/t'eir &or0 people on t'e site in connection &it' t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s as s'all 'ave <een
erected or constr)cted <y t'e contractorDsE and cleaned off t'e dirt from all &ood &or0= doors
&indo&s= &alls= floor or ot'er parts of t'e <)ilding in )pon or a<o)t &'ic' t'e &or0 is to <e e(ec)ted
or of &'ic' 'e may 'ave 'ad possession for t'e p)rpose of t'e e(ec)tion t'ereof= and not )ntil t'e
&or0 s'all 'ave <een meas)red <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% If t'e contractor s'all fail to comply &it'
t'e reA)irements of t'is 4la)se as to removal of scaffolding= s)rpl)s materials and r)<<is' and all
')ts and sanitary arrangements as aforesaid and cleaning off dirt on or <efore t'e date fi(ed for t'e
completion of &or0= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may at t'e e(pense of t'e contractor remove s)c'
scaffolding= s)rpl)s materials and r)<<is' etc%= and dispose of t'e same as 'e t'in0s fit and clean off
s)c' dirt as aforesaid= and t'e contractor s'all 'ave no claim in respect of scaffolding or s)rpl)s
materials as aforesaid e(cept for any s)m act)ally reali!ed <y t'e sale t'ereof%
:'en t'e ann)al repairs and maintenance of &or0s are carried o)t= t'e splas'es and droppings
from &'ite &as'ing color &as'ing= painting= etc%= on &alls= floor= &indo&s= etc% s'all <e removed and
t'e s)rface cleaned sim)ltaneo)sly &it' t'e completion of t'ese items of &or0 in t'e individ)al
rooms= A)arters or premises etc% &'ere t'e &or0 is done &it'o)t &aiting for t'e act)al completion of
all t'e ot'er items of &or0 in t'e contract% In case t'e contractor fails to comply &it' t'e
reA)irements of t'is cla)se= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave t'e rig't to get t'is &or0 done at t'e
cost of t'e contractor eit'er departmentally or t'ro)g' any ot'er agency% -efore ta0ing s)c' action=
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all give ten days notice in &riting to t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all s)<mit completion plan as reA)ired vide General Specifications for Electrical
&or0s D#art-1 internalE +00. and D#art-II e(ternalE 1774= as applica<le &it'in t'irty days of t'e
completion of t'e &or0%
In case= t'e contractor fails to s)<mit t'e completion plan as aforesaid= 'e s'all <e lia<le to pay s)m
eA)ivalent to +%. B of t'e val)e of t'e &or0 s)<Mect to a ceiling of 1s%1.= 000 D1s% /ifteen t'o)sand
onlyE as may <e fi(ed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge concerned and in t'is respect t'e decision of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
C$/DSE ;: P/F.ENT O? ?IN/$ I$$:
T'e final <ill s'all <e s)<mitted <y t'e contractor in t'e same manner as specified in interim <ills
&it'in t'ree mont's of p'ysical completion of t'e &or0 or &it'in one mont' of t'e date of t'e final
certificate of completion f)rnis'ed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &'ic'ever is earlier% $o f)rt'er claims
s'all <e made <y t'e contractor after s)<mission of t'e final <ill and t'ese s'all <e deemed to 'ave
<een &aived and e(ting)is'ed% #ayments of t'ose items of t'e <ill in respect of &'ic' t'ere is no
disp)te and of items in disp)te= for A)antities and rates as approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge= &ill= as
far as possi<le <e made &it'in t'e period specified 'erein )nder= t'e period <eing rec0oned from t'e
date of receipt of t'e <ill <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'ori!ed Asst% Engineer= complete &it'
acco)nt of materials iss)ed <y t'e Department and dismantled materials%
i) If t'e Tendered val)e of &or0 is )p to 1s%1. Fa0's - * mont's
ii) If t'e Tendered val)e of &or0 e(ceeds 1s%1. Fa0's - 6 mont's
#ayments d)e to t'e contractor may if so desired <y 'im <e made to 'is <an0 instead of direct to
'im provided t'at t'e contractor f)rnis'es to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge D1E an a)t'ori!ation in t'e form
of a legally valid doc)ment s)c' as a po&er of attorney conferring a)t'ority on t'e <an0 to receive
payments and D+E 'is o&n acceptance of t'e correctness of t'e acco)nt made o)t as <eing d)e to
'im <y Government or 'is signat)re on t'e <ills or ot'er claim preferred against Government <efore
settlement <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge of t'e acco)nt or claim <y payment to t'e <an0% :'ile t'e
receipt given <y s)c' <an0s s'all constit)te a f)ll and s)fficient disc'arge for t'e payment= t'e
contractor s'o)ld &'erever possi<le present 'is <ills d)ly receipted and disc'arged t'ro)g' 'is
Tr-640 / 104
$ot'ing 'erein contained s'all operate to create in favo)r of t'e <an0 any rig'ts or eA)ities vis-a-vis
t'e #resident%
@aterials &'ic' Government &ill s)pply are s'o&n in Sc'ed)le 3II - Sc'ed)le of S)pply of
@aterials= &'ic' also stip)lates A)ant)m= place of iss)e and rateDsE to <e c'arged in respect t'ereof%
T'e contractor s'all <e <o)nd to proc)re t'em from t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
As soon as t'e &or0 is a&arded= t'e contractor s'all finali!e t'e programme for t'e completion of
&or0 as per cla)se . of t'is contract and s'all give 'is estimates of materials reA)ired on t'e <asis
of dra&ings / or sc'ed)le of A)antities of t'e &or0% T'e contractor s'all give in &riting 'is
reA)irement to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &'ic' s'all <e iss)ed to 'im 0eeping in vie& t'e progress of
&or0 as assessed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= in accordance &it' t'e agreed p'ased programme of
&or0 indicating mont'ly reA)irements of vario)s materials% T'e contractor s'all place 'is indent in
&riting for iss)e of s)c' materials at least 2 days in advance of 'is reA)irement%
S)c' materials s'all <e s)pplied for t'e p)rpose of t'e contract only and t'e val)e of t'e materials
so s)pplied at t'e rates specified in t'e aforesaid sc'ed)le s'all <e set off or ded)cted= as and
&'en materials are cons)med in items of &or0 Dincl)ding normal &astageE for &'ic' payment is
<eing made to t'e contractor= from any s)m t'en d)e or &'ic' may t'erefore <ecome d)e to t'e
contractor )nder t'e contract or ot'er&ise or from t'e sec)rity deposit% At t'e time of s)<mission of
<ills= t'e contractor s'all certify t'at <alance of materials s)pplied is availa<le at site in original good
T'e contractor s'all s)<mit along &it' every r)nning <ill Don acco)nt or interim <illE material-&ise
reconciliation statements s)pported <y complete calc)lations reconciling total iss)e= total
cons)mption and certified <alance Ddiameter/section-&ise in t'e case of steelE and res)lting
variations and reasons t'erefore% Engineer-in-4'arge s'all D&'ose decision s'all <e final and
<inding on t'e contractorE <e &it'in 'is rig'ts to follo& t'e proced)re of recovery in cla)se 4+ at any
stage of t'e &or0 if reconciliation is not fo)nd to <e satisfactory%
T'e contractor s'all <ear t'e cost of getting t'e material iss)ed= loading= transporting to site=
)nloading= storing )nder cover as reA)ired= c)tting assem<ling and Moining t'e several parts toget'er
as necessary% $ot&it'standing anyt'ing to t'e contrary contained in any ot'er cla)se of t'e contract
and Dor t'e 4#:A codeE all stores/materials so s)pplied to t'e contractor or proc)red &it' t'e
assistance of t'e Government s'all remain a<sol)te property of Government and t'e contractor
s'all <e t'e tr)stee of t'e stores/materials= and t'e said stores/materials s'all not <e
removed/disposed off from t'e site of t'e &or0 on any acco)nt and s'all <e at all times open to
inspection <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'orised agent% Any s)c' stores/materials remaining
)n)sed s'all <e ret)rned to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in as good a condition in &'ic' t'ey &ere
originally s)pplied at a place directed <y 'im= at a place of iss)e or any ot'er place specified <y 'im
as 'e s'all reA)ire <)t in case it is decided not to ta0e <ac0 t'e stores/materials t'e contractor s'all
'ave no claim for compensation on any acco)nt of s)c' stores/materials so s)pplied to 'im as
aforesaid and not )sed <y 'im or for any &astage in or damage to in s)c' stores/materials%
n <eing reA)ired to ret)rn t'e stores/materials= t'e contractor s'all 'and over t'e stores/materials
on <eing paid or credited s)c' price as t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all determine 'aving d)e regard to
t'e condition of t'e stores/materials% T'e price allo&ed for credit to t'e contractor= 'o&ever= s'all <e
at t'e prevailing mar0et rate not e(ceeding t'e amo)nt c'arged to 'im= e(cl)ding t'e storage
c'arge= if any% T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final and concl)sive% In t'e event of
<reac' of t'e aforesaid condition= t'e contractor s'all in addition to t'ro&ing 'imself open to acco)nt
for contravention of t'e terms of t'e licenses or permit and/or for criminal <reac' of tr)st= <e lia<le to
Government for all advantages or profits res)lting or &'ic' in t'e )s)al co)rse &o)ld 'ave res)lted
to 'im <y reason of s)c' <reac'% #rovided t'at t'e contractor s'all in no case <e entitled to any
compensation or damages on acco)nt of any delay in s)pply or non-s)pply t'ereof all or any s)c'
material and stores provided f)rt'er t'at t'e contractor s'all <e <o)nd to e(ec)te t'e entire &or0 if
t'e materials are s)pplied <y t'e Government &it'in t'e original sc'ed)le time for completion of
&or0 pl)s .0B t'ereof or sc'ed)le time pl)s 6 mont's &'ic'ever is more if t'e time of completion of
&or0 e(ceeds 1+ mont's= <)t if a part of t'e materials only 'as <een s)pplied &it'in t'e aforesaid
period= t'en t'e contractor s'all <e <o)nd to do so m)c' of t'e &or0 as may <e possi<le &it' t'e
materials and stores s)pplied in t'e aforesaid period% /or t'e completion of t'e rest of t'e &or0= t'e
Tr-640 / 10.
contractor s'all <e entitled to s)c' e(tension of time as may <e determined <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge &'ose decision in t'is regard s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all see t'at only t'e reA)ired A)antities of materials are got iss)ed% Any s)c'
material remaining )n)sed and in perfectly good/original condition at t'e time of completion or
determination of t'e contract s'all <e ret)rned to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge at t'e stores from &'ic' it
&as iss)ed or at a place directed <y 'i m <y a notice in &riting% T'e contractor s'all not <e entitled
for loading= transporting= )nloading and stac0ing of s)c' )n)sed material e(cept for t'e e(tra lead= if
any involved= <eyond t'e original place of iss)e%
T'e contractor s'all= at 'is o&n e(pense= provide all materials= reA)ired for t'e &or0s ot'er t'an
t'ose &'ic' are stip)lated to <e s)pplied <y t'e Government%
T'e contractor s'all= at 'is o&n e(pense and &it'o)t delay s)pply to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
samples of materials to <e )sed on t'e &or0 and s'all get t'ese approved in advance% All s)c'
materials to <e provided <y t'e 4ontractor s'all <e in conformity &it' t'e specifications laid do&n or
referred to in t'e contract% T'e 4ontractor s'all= if reA)ested <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge f)rnis'
proof= to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at t'e materials so comply% T'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all &it'in t'irty days of s)pply of samples or &it'in s)c' f)rt'er period as 'e may reA)ire
intimate to t'e 4ontractor in &riting &'et'er samples are approved <y 'im or not% If samples are not
approved= t'e 4ontractor s'all fort'&it' arrange to s)pply to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for 'is approval
fres' samples complying &it' t'e specifications laid do&n in t'e contract% :'en materials are
reA)ired to <e tested in accordance &it' specifications= approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e
iss)ed after t'e test res)lts are received%
T'e contractor s'all at 'is ris0 and cost s)<mit t'e samples of materials to <e tested or analy!ed
and s'all not ma0e )se of or incorporate in t'e &or0 any materials represented <y t'e samples )ntil
t'e reA)ired tests or analysis 'ave <een made and materials finally accepted <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge% T'e 4ontractor s'all not <e eligi<le for any claim or compensation eit'er arising o)t of any
delay in t'e &or0 or d)e to any corrective meas)res reA)ired to <e ta0en on acco)nt of and as a
res)lt of testing of materials%
T'e contractor s'all= at 'is ris0 and cost= ma0e all arrangements and s'all provide all facilities as t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge may reA)ire for collecting and preparing t'e reA)ired n)m<er of samples for
s)c' tests at s)c' time and to s)c' place or places as may <e directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
and <ear all c'arges and cost of testing )nless specifically provided for ot'er&ise else&'ere in t'e
contract or specifications% Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'orised representative s'all at all times 'ave
access to t'e &or0s and to all &or0s'ops and places &'ere &or0 is <eing prepared or from &'ere
materials= man)fact)red articles or mac'inery are <eing o<tained for t'e &or0s and t'e contractor
s'all afford every facility and every assistance in o<taining t'e rig't to s)c' access%
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave f)ll po&ers to reA)ire t'e removal from t'e premises of all
materials &'ic' in 'is opinion are not in accordance &it' t'e specifications and in case of defa)lt=
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e at li<erty to employ at t'e e(pense of t'e contractor= ot'er persons
to remove t'e same &it'o)t <eing ans&era<le or acco)nta<le for any loss or damage t'at may
'appen or arise to s)c' materials% T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all also 'ave f)ll po&ers to reA)ire
ot'er proper materials to <e s)<stit)ted t'ereof and in case of defa)lt= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may
ca)se t'e same to <e s)pplied and all costs &'ic' may attend s)c' removal and s)<stit)tion s'all
<e <orne <y t'e 4ontractor%
C$/DSE 10:
T'e contractor= on signing an Indent)re in t'e form to <e specified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= s'all
<e entitled to <e paid d)ring t'e progress of t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 )pto 70B D$inety percentE of
t'e assessed val)e of any materials &'ic' are in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge non-
peris'a<le= non-fragile and non-com<)sti<le and are in accordance &it' t'e contract and &'ic' 'ave
<een <ro)g't on t'e site in connection t'ere&it' and are adeA)ately stores and/or protected against
damage <y &eat'er or ot'er ca)ses <)t &'ic' 'ave not at t'e time of advance <een incorporated in
Tr-640 / 106
t'e &or0s% :'en materials on acco)nt of &'ic' an advance 'as <een made )nder t'is s)<-cla)se
are incorporated in t'e &or0= t'e amo)nt of s)c' advance s'all <e recovered / ded)cted from t'e
ne(t payment made )nder any of t'e cla)se or cla)ses of t'is contract%
S)c' sec)red advance s'all also <e paya<le on ot'er items of peris'a<le nat)re fragile and
com<)sti<le &it' t'e approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge provided t'e contractor provides a
compre'ensive ins)rance cover for t'e f)ll cost of s)c' materials% T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor in t'is matter% $o sec)red advance= s'all
'o&ever= <e paid on 'ig'-ris0 materials s)c' as ordinary glass= sand= petrol= diesel= etc%
C$/DSE 10 !ii#: .OI$IS/TION /D"/NCE
@o<ilisation advance not e(ceeding 10B DTen percentE of t'e tendered val)e may <e given= if
reA)ested <y t'e contractor in &riting &it'in one mont' of t'e order to commence t'e &or0% In s)c'
a case= t'e contractor s'all e(ec)te a -an0 g)arantee <ond from a sc'ed)led nationali!ed <an0 as
specified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for t'e f)ll amo)nt of s)c' advance is released% S)c' advance
s'all <e in t&o or more installments to <e determined <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge at 'is a<sol)te
discretion% T'e first installment of s)c' advance s'all <e released <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to t'e
contractor on a reA)est made <y t'e contractor to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in t'is <e'alf% T'e second
and s)<seA)ent installments s'all <e release <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge only after t'e contractor
f)rnis'es a proof of t'e satisfactory )tili!ation of t'e earlier installment to t'e entire satisfaction of
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
#rovided al&ays t'at provision of cla)se 10- DiiE s'all <e applica<le only &'en so provided in
sc'ed)le H/H
An advance for plant= mac'inery , s')ttering material reA)ired for t'e &or0 and <ro)g't to site <y
t'e contractor may <e given if reA)ested <y t'e contractor in &riting &it'in one mont' of <ringing
s)c' plant and mac'inery to site% S)c' advance s'all <e given on s)c' plant and mac'inery= &'ic'
in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &ill add to t'e e(peditio)s e(ec)tion of &or0 and improve
t'e A)ality of &or0% T'e amo)nt of advance s'all <e restricted to .B of t'e tender val)e% In t'e case
of ne& plant and eA)ipment to <e p)rc'ased for t'e &or0= t'e advance s'all <e restricted to 70B of
t'e price of s)c' ne& plant and eA)ipment paid <y t'e contractor for &'ic' t'e contractor s'all
prod)ce evidence satisfactory to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% In t'e case of second 'and and )sed
plants and eA)ipment= t'e amo)nt of s)c' advance s'all <e limited to .0B of t'e depreciated val)e
of plant and eA)ipment as may <e decided <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e contractor s'all= if so
reA)ired <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= s)<mit t'e statement of val)e recogni!ed <y t'e 4entral -oard
of Direct Ta(es )nder t'e Income-Ta( Act= 1761% $o s)c' advance s'all <e paid on any plant and
eA)ipment of peris'a<le nat)re and on any plant and eA)ipment of a val)e less t'an 1s%.0= 000/-=
Seventy five percent of s)c' amo)nt of advance s'all <e paid after t'e plant , eA)ipment is <ro)g't
to site and <alance t&enty five percent s)ccessf)lly commissioning t'e same%
Feasing of eA)ipment s'all <e considered on par &it' p)rc'ase of eA)ipment and s'all <e covered
<y t'e tripartite agreement &it' t'e follo&ing"
1) Feasing company &'ic' gives certificate of agreeing to lease eA)ipment to t'e contractor%
2) Engineer-in-4'arge and
3) T'e contractor
T'is advance s'all f)rt'er <e s)<Mect to t'e condition t'at s)c' plant and eA)ipment DaE are
considered <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to <e necessary for t'e &or0U D<E and are in and are
maintained in &or0ing order DcE 'ypot'ecated to t'e Government as specified <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge <efore t'e payment of advance is released% T'e contractor s'all not <e permitted to remove
from t'e site s)c' 'ypot'ecated plant and eA)ipment &it'o)t t'e prior &ritten permission of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e contractor s'all <e responsi<le for maintaining s)c' plant and eA)ipment in
good &or0ing order d)ring t'e entire period of 'ypot'ecation falling &'ic' s)c' advance s'all <e
entirely recovered in l)mp s)m% /or t'is p)rpose= steel scaffolding and form &or0 s'all <e treated as
plant and eA)ipment%
Tr-640 / 102
T'e contractor s'all ins)re t'e plant and mac'inery for &'ic' mo<ili!ation advance is so)g't and
given= for a s)m s)fficient to provide for t'eir replacement at site% Any amo)nts not recovered from
ins)rer &ill <e <orne <y t'e contractor%
T'e mo<ili!ation advance and plant and mac'inery advance in DiiE , DiiiE a<ove <ear simple interest
at t'e rate of 10B DTen percentE per ann)m and s'all <e calc)lated from t'e date of payment to t'e
date of recovery= <ot' days incl)sive= on t'e o)tstanding amo)nt of advance% 1ecovery of s)c'
s)ms advanced s'all <e made <y t'e ded)ction from t'e contractor;s <ills commencing after first ten
percent of t'e gross val)e of t'e &or0 is e(ec)ted and paid= on pro-rata percentage <asis to t'e
gross val)e of t'e &or0 <illed <eyond 10B DTen percentE in s)c' a &ay t'at t'e entire advance is
recovered <y t'e time eig'ty percent of t'e gross val)e of t'e contract is e(ec)ted and paid=
toget'er &it' interest d)e on t'e entire o)tstanding amo)nt )pto t'e date of recovery of t'e
If t'e circ)mstances are considered reasona<ly <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= t'e period mentioned in
DiiE and DiiiE for reA)est <y t'e contractor in &riting for grant of mo<ili!ation advance and plant and
eA)ipment advance may <e e(tended in t'e discretion of t'e Engineer-in c'arge%
T'e said <an0 g)arantee for advances s'all initially <e made for t'e f)ll amo)nt and valid for t'e
contract period= and <e 0ept rene&ed from time to time to cover t'e <alance amo)nt and li0ely
period of complete recovery toget'er &it' interest%
If= after s)<mission of t'e tender= t'e price of material specified in Sc'ed)le H/H increases/decreases
<eyond t'e priceDsE prevailing at t'e time of t'e last stip)lated date for receipt of tenders Dincl)ding
e(tensions= if anyE for t'e &or0= t'en t'e amo)nt of t'e contract s'all accordingly <e varied and
provided f)rt'er t'at any s)c' variations s'all <e effected for stip)lated period of contract incl)ding
t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of cla)se . of t'e contract &it'o)t any action
)nder cla)se +%
Go&ever for t'e &or0 done/d)ring t'e M)stified period e(tended as a<ove= it &ill <e limited to indices
prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of completion or as prevailing for t'e period )nder
consideration= &'ic'ever is less%
T'e increase / decrease in prices s'all <e determined <y t'e All India :'olesale #rice Indices of
materials as p)<lis'ed <y Economic Adviser to Government of India= @inistry of 4ommerce and
Ind)stry and <ase price for cement and/or steel reinforcement <ars as iss)ed )nder a)t'ority of
Engineer-in-4'arge as valid in t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of tender= incl)ding e(tension= if
any= and for t'e period )nder consideration incase= price inde( of a partic)lar material is not iss)ed
<y @inistry of 4ommerce , Ind)stry= t'en t'e price inde( of nearest similar materials is indicated in
Sc'ed)le H/H s'all <e follo&ed%
T'e amo)nt of t'e contract s'all accordingly <e varied for cement and/or steel reinforcement <ars
and &ill <e &or0ed o)t as per t'e form)la given <elo& for individ)al material"
a# A"7+stment &or component o& in"ivi"+al materialD
: Q ( ; ( !CI - Clo E
3" 3ariation in material cost i%e% increase or decrease in t'e amo)nt in r)pees to <e paid or
Tr-640 / 106
#" -ase price of material as iss)ed )nder a)t'ority of Engineer-in-4'arge= valid at t'e time of
t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of tender incl)ding e(tensions= if any%
I" I)antity of material )sed in t'e &or0s since previo)s <ill%
4lo" All India &'ole sale price inde( for material as p)<lis'ed <y t'e Economic Advisor to
Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry and 4ommerce as valid on t'e last stip)lated
date of receipt of tenders incl)ding e(tensions= if any%
4I" All India &'ole sale price Inde( for material for period )nder consideration as p)<lis'ed <y
Economic Advisor to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry and 4ommerce%
DIn respect of t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of cla)se . of t'e contract &it'o)t
any action )nder cla)se += t'e inde( prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of completion or t'e
prevailing inde( of t'e period )nder consideration= &'ic'ever is less= s'all <e consideredE
If t'e prices of materials Dnot <eing materials s)pplied or services rendered at fi(ed prices <y t'e
department in accordance &it' cla)se 10 , *4 t'ereofE and/or &ages of la<o)r reA)ired for
e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 increaseU t'e contractor s'all <e compensated for s)c' increase as per
provisions detailed <elo& and t'e amo)nt of t'e contract s'all accordingly <e varied= s)<Mect to t'e
condition t'at s)c' compensation for escalation in prices and &ages s'all <e availa<le only for t'e
&or0 done d)ring t'e stip)lated period of t'e contract incl)ding t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder
t'e provisions of cla)se . of t'e contract &it'o)t any action )nder cla)se +% Go&ever= for t'e &or0
done d)ring t'e M)stified period e(tended as a<ove= t'e compensation as detailed <elo& &ill <e
limited to prices/&ages prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of completion or as prevailing for t'e
period )nder consideration= &'ic'ever is less% No 8,ch co%-en8ation 8hall <e -a+a<le &or a
'or( &or 'hich the 8ti-,lated -eriod o& co%-letion i8 eB,al to or le88 than the ti%e a8
8-eci&ied in 8ched,le C?C1 S)c' compensation for escalation in t'e prices of materials and la<o)r=
&'en d)e= s'all <e &or0ed o)t <ased on t'e follo&ing provisions"-
(i) T'e <ase date for &or0ing o)t s)c' escalation s'all <e t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of
tenders incl)ding e(tension= if any%
(ii) T'e cost of &or0 on &'ic' t'e escalation &ill <e paya<le s'all <e rec0oned as <elo&"
(a) Gross val)e of &or0 done )pto t'is A)arter DAE
(b) Gross val)e of &or0 done )pto t'e last A)arter D-E
(c) Gross val)e of &or0 done since previo)s A)arter DA--E " D4E
(d) /)ll assessed val)e of Sec)red Advance fres' paid in t'is A)arter DDE
(e) /)ll assessed val)e of Sec)red Advance recovered in t'is A)arter" DEE
(f) /)ll assessed val)e of Sec)red Advance for &'ic' escalation is
paya<le in t'is A)arter DD-EE% D/E
(g) Advance payment made d)ring t'is A)arter DGE
(h) Advance payment recovered d)ring t'is A)arter DGE
DiE Advance payment for &'ic' escalation is paya<le in t'is A)arter DG-GE DIE
DME E(tra items/deviated A)antities of item paid as per 4la)se 1+ <ased on
prevailing mar0et rates d)ring t'is A)arter% DLE
T'en= @ Q 4 R / R I - L
$ Q 0%6. ( @
D0E Fess cost of material s)pplied <y t'e Department as per 4la)se 10 and
recovered d)ring t'e A)arter% D9E
Tr-640 / 107
DlE Fess cost of services rendered at fi(ed c'arges and recovered
as per cla)se *4 and recovered d)ring t'e A)arter% DFE
Co8t o& 'or( &or 'hich e8calation i8 a--lica<le :
Q $ - !0 R $#
(iii) 4omponents of 4ement= Steel= materials= la<o)r= #%%F%= etc% s'all <e pre-determined for every
&or0 and incorporated in t'e special conditions of contract attac'ed Dto t'e tender paperE
'ere-in-after% T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in &or0ing o)t s)c' percentages s'all <e
<inding on t'e contractors%
(iv) T'e compensation for escalation for 4ement= Steel= @aterials and #%%F% s'all <e &or0ed as
per t'e form)lae given <elo&"
a# A"7+stment &or component o& "Cement"
<c CI ) Cl o
:c = > T--------T---------------
100 Cl o
3c" 3ariation in cement cost i%e% increase or decrease in t'e amo)nt in r)pees to <e paid or
:" 4ost of &or0 done= &or0ed o)t as indicated in s)< para DiiE of cla)se l044%
Tc" 4omponent of cement e(pressed as percent of t'e total val)e of &or0%
4I" All India :'olesale price Inde( for cement for t'e period )nder consideration as p)<lis'ed <y
t'e Economic Advisor to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry , 4ommerce% DIn
respect of t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of 4la)se -. of t'e contract
&it'o)t any action )nder 4la)se - += t'e inde( prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of
completion or t'e prevailing inde( of t'e period )nder consideration= &'ic'ever is less=
s'all <e consideredE%
4lo" All India :'ole Sale #rice Inde( for 4ement as p)<lis'ed <y t'e Economic Adviser to
Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry and 4ommerce as valid on t'e last stip)lated
date of receipt of tenders incl)ding e(tension= if any%
<# A"7+stment &or component o& "Steel"
3s" 3ariation in steel cost i%e% increase or decrease in t'e amo)nt in r)pees to <e paid or
:" 4ost of &or0 done= &or0ed o)t as indicated in s)< para DiiE of a<ove%
Ts" 4omponent of steel e(pressed in percent to t'e total val)e of &or0%
DAs indicated )nder #ara +1 of special conditions of contractE%
All India :'olesale #rice Inde( for steel D<ars , rodsE for t'e period )nder consideration
as p)<lis'ed <y Economic Advisor to t'e Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry ,
4ommerce% Go&ever= t'e #rice Inde( s'all <e minim)m of t'e follo&ing"-
(i) Inde( for t'e mont' &'en t'e last consignment of steel reinforcement for t'e stip)lated
contract period is over%
(ii) Inde( for t'e mont' <y &'ic' 'alf of t'e stip)lated contract period is over%
(iii) Inde( for t'e period )nder consideration%
/or t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of 4la)se . of t'e contract= &it'o)t any action
)nder 4la)se += t'e same principle as for t'e period &it'in stip)lated period of completion= &ill
Tr-640 / 110
(a) /or t'e mont' &'en t'e last consignment of steel reinforcement for t'e &or0 is proc)red or
(b) /or t'e mont' in &'ic' 'alf of t'e stip)lated contract period is over% :'ic'ever of t'ese t&o
is earlier%
S1o" All India :'ole Sale #rice Inde( for Steel D-ar , 1odsE p)<lis'ed <y t'e Economic Adviser
to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry and 4ommerce $e& Del'i= as valid on t'e last
stip)lated date of receipt of tender incl)ding e(tension= if any%
c) A"7+stment &or component o& ":aterial" 2e*cept cement E steel $ electrical
component o& constr+ction material4


3@" 3ariation in @aterials cost i%e% increase or decrease in t'e amo)nt in r)pees to <e paid or
:" 4ost of &or0 done= &or0ed o)t as indicated in s)< #ara DiiE of a<ove%
T@" 4omponent of @aterials e(pressed as percent of t'e total val)e of &or0%
@I" All India :'olesale #rice Inde( for civil component/electrical component of constr)ction
material as &or0ed o)t on t'e <asis of All India :'olesale #rice Inde( for individ)al
4ommodities/Gro)p items for t'e period )nder consideration as p)<lis'ed <y Economic
Advisor to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry , 4ommerce and applying
:eig'tage to t'e individ)al 4ommodities/Gro)p items%
DIn respect of t'e M)stified period= e(tended )nder t'e provisions of 4la)se . of t'e contract &it'o)t
any action )nder 4la)se += t'e inde( prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of completion or t'e
prevailing inde( of t'e period )nder consideration= &'ic'ever is less= s'all <e consideredE%
@lo" All India :'ole Sale #rice Inde( for civil component / electrical componentO of constr)ction
materials as &or0ed o)t on t'e <asis of All India &'ole sale #rice Inde( for Individ)al
4ommodities/ gro)p items valid on t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of tender incl)ding
e(tension= if any= as p)<lis'ed <y t'e Economic Adviser to Government of India= @inistry
of Ind)stry and 4ommerce= and applying :eig'tage to Individ)al 4ommodities / gro)p
O Note: relevant component only &ill <e applica<le%
d) A"7+stment &or component o& "5O?"
Z (FI - Flo)
F =
100 Flo
3/" 3ariation in cost of /)el= il and F)<ricant i%e% increase or decrease in t'e amo)nt in
r)pees to <e paid or recovered%
:" 3al)e of &or0 done= &or0ed o)t as indicated in s)< #ara DiiE of 4la)se l044%
N" 4omponent of /)el= il and F)<ricant e(pressed as percent of t'e total val)e of &or0%
/I" All India :'olesale #rice Inde( for /)el= il , F)<ricant for t'e period )nder consideration as
p)<lis'ed <y Economic Advisor to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry ,
4ommerce= $e& Del'i%
DIn respect of t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of 4la)se . of t'e contract &it'o)t
any action )nder 4la)se += t'e inde( prevailing at t'e time of stip)lated date of completion or t'e
prevailing inde( of t'e period )nder consideration= &'ic'ever is less= s'all <e consideredE%
/lo" All India :'ole Sale #rice Inde( for /)el= il and F)<ricant as p)<lis'ed <y t'e Economic
Adviser to Government of India= @inistry of Ind)stry and 4ommerce= $e& Del'i 3alid on
t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of tender incl)ding e(tension= if any%
Tr-640 / 111
(v) T'e follo&ing principles s'all <e follo&ed &'ile &or0ing o)t t'e indices mentioned in para
DivE a<ove%
(a) T'e compensation for escalation s'all <e &or0ed o)t at A)arterly intervals and s'all <e &it'
respect to t'e cost of &or0 done as per <ills paid d)ring t'e t'ree calendar mont's of t'e said
A)arter% T'e first s)c' payment s'all <e made at t'e end of t'ree mont's after t'e mont'
De(cl)dingE in &'ic' t'e tender &as accepted and t'ereafter at t'ree mont's interval% At t'e
time of completion of t'e &or0= t'e last period for payment mig't <ecome less t'an * mont's=
depending on act)al date of completion%
(b) T'e inde( D@I / /I etc%E relevant to any A)arter / period for &'ic' s)c' compensation is paid
s'all <e t'e arit'metical average of t'e indices relevant to t'e t'ree calendar mont's% If t'e
period )p to date of completion after t'e A)arter covered <y t'e last s)c' installment of
payment= is less t'an t'ree mont's= t'e inde( @I , /I s'all <e t'e average of t'e indices for
t'e mont's falling &it'in t'at period%
(vi) T'e compensation &or escalation &or labo+r s'all <e &or0ed o)t as per t'e form)la given
Y (LI - LIo)
L Q : T XX T----------------
100 LIo
"$ - 3ariation in la<o)r cost i%e% amo)nt of increase or decrease in r)pees to <e paid or recovered%
I - 3al)e of &or0 done= &or0ed o)t as indicated in s)<-#ara DiiE a<ove%
F - 4omponent of la<o)r e(pressed as a percent of t'e total val)e of t'e &or0%
Fl - @inim)m daily &age in r)pees of an )ns0illed ad)lt male @a!door fi(ed )nder any la&=
stat)tory r)le or order as applica<le on t'e last date of t'e A)arter previo)s to t'e one
)nder consideration% DIn respect of t'e M)stified period e(tended )nder t'e provisions of
4la)se . of t'e contract= &it'o)t any action )nder 4la)se += t'e inde( prevailing on t'e
last date of A)arter previo)s to t'e A)arter pertaining to stip)lated date of completion or
t'e inde( prevailing on t'e last date of t'e A)arter previo)s to t'e one )nder
consideration= &'ic'ever is less= s'all <e considered%
Flo - @inim)m daily &age in r)pees of )ns0illed ad)lt male @a!door fi(ed )nder any la&= stat)tory
r)le or order as on t'e last stip)lated date of receipt of tender incl)ding e(tension= if any%
viiE T'e follo&ing principles &ill <e follo&ed &'ile &or0ing o)t t'e compensation as per s)<
#ara DviE a<ove%
a) T'e minim)m &age of an )ns0illed ad)lt male @a!door mentioned in s)< para DviE
a<ove s'all <e t'e 'ig'er of t'e &age notified <y Government of India= @inistry of
Fa<o)r and t'at notified <y t'e local administration= <ot' relevant to t'e place of &or0
and t'e period of rec0oning%
b) T'e escalation for la<o)r also s'all <e paid at t'e same A)arterly intervals &'en
escalation d)e to increase in cost of materials and/or #%%F% is paid )nder t'is 4la)se%
If s)c' revision of minim)m &ages ta0es place d)ring any s)c' A)arterly intervals= t'e
escalation compensation s'all <e paya<le at revised rates only for &or0 done in
s)<seA)ent A)arters%
c) Irrespective of variation in minim)m &ages of any category of la<o)r= for t'e p)rpose
of t'is 4la)se= t'e variation in t'e rate for an )ns0illed ad)lt male @a!door alone s'all
form t'e <asis for &or0ing o)t t'e escalation compensation paya<le on t'e la<o)r
viiiE In t'e event t'e price of materials and/or &ages of la<o)r reA)ired for e(ec)tion of t'e &or0
decreaseDsE= t'ere s'all <e a do&n&ard adM)stment of t'e cost of &or0 so t'at s)c' price of
materials and/or &ages of la<o)r s'all <e ded)cta<le from t'e cost of &or0 )nder t'is
Tr-640 / 11+
contract and in t'is regard t'e form)la 'erein <efore stated )nder t'is 4la)se 10 44 s'all
m)tatis-m)tandis apply= provided t'at"
(a) $o s)c' adM)stment for t'e decrease in t'e price of materials and/or &ages of la<o)r
aforementioned &o)ld <e made in case of contracts in &'ic' t'e stip)lated period of
completion of t'e &or0 is eA)al to or less t'an t'e time as specified in Sc'ed)le H/H%
(b) T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all ot'er&ise <e entitled to lay do&n t'e proced)re <y &'ic'
t'e provision of t'is s)<-cla)se s'all <e implemented from time to time and t'e decision
of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in t'is <e'alf s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
i(E #rovided al&ays t'at t'e provision of t'e preceding 10 4A s'all not <e applica<le for contracts
&'ere provisions of t'is 4la)se is applica<le= <)t in cases &'ere provisions of t'is 4la)se is
not applica<le= t'e provisions of 4la)se 10 4A &ill <ecome applica<le%
T'e contractor s'all treat all materials o<tained d)ring dismantling of a str)ct)re= e(cavation of t'e
site for a &or0 etc% as Governments property and s)c' materials s'all <e disposed off to t'e <est
advantage of Government according to t'e instr)ctions in &riting iss)ed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'e contractor s'all e(ec)te t'e &'ole and every part of t'e &or0 in t'e most s)<stantial and
&or0man li0e manner and <ot' as regards materials and ot'er&ise in every respect in strict
accordance &it' t'e specifications% T'e contractor s'all also conform e(actly f)lly and fait'f)lly to
t'e designs= dra&ings and instr)ctions in &riting in respect of t'e &or0 signed <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge and t'e contractor s'all <e f)rnis'ed free of c'arge one copy of t'e contract doc)ments
toget'er &it' specifications= design= dra&ings and instr)ctions as or not incl)ded in t'e standard
specifications of DAE= 4#:D=-IS= Indian standards specified in Sc'ed)le H/H or in any -)rea) of
Indian Standard or any ot'er= p)<lic standard or code or sc'ed)le of rates or any ot'er printed
p)<lications referred to else&'ere in t'e contract%
T'e contractor s'all comply &it' t'e provisions of t'e contract and &it' t'e care and diligence
e(ec)te and maintain t'e &or0s and provide all la<o)r and materials= tools and plants incl)ding for
meas)rements and s)pervision of all &or0s= str)ct)ral plans and ot'er t'ings of temporary or
permanent nat)re for s)c' e(ec)tion and maintenance in so for as t'e necessary for providing
t'ese= is specified or is reasona<ly inferred from t'e contract% T'e contractor s'all ta0e f)ll
responsi<ility for adeA)acy= s)ita<ility and safety of all t'e &or0s and met'ods of constr)ction%
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave po&er DiE to ma0e alteration in= omissions from= additions to or
s)<stit)tion for t'e original specifications= dra&ings= designs and instr)ctions t'at may appear to 'im
to <e necessarily advisa<le d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 and DiiE to omit a part of t'e &or0s in
case of non-availa<ility of a portion of t'e site or for any ot'er reasons and t'e contractor s'all <e
<o)nd to carry o)t t'e &or0s in accordance &it' any instr)ctions given to 'im in &riting signed <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and s)c' alterations= omissions= additions= s)<stit)tions s'all form part of
t'e contract as if originally provided t'erein and any altered= additional or s)<stit)ted &or0 &'ic' t'e
contractor may <e directed to do in t'e manner specified a<ove as part of t'e &or0s s'all <e carried
o)t <y t'e contractor on t'e same conditions in all respects incl)ding price on &'ic' 'e agreed to do
t'e main &or0 e(cept as 'ere after provided%
1+%1 T'e time for completion of t'e &or0 s'all= in t'e event of any deviations res)lting in additional
cost over t'e tendered val)e s)m <eing ordered= <e e(tended= if reA)ested <y t'e contractor
as follo&s"
(i) In t'e proportion &'ic' t'e additional cost of t'e altered= additional or s)<stit)ted &or0=
<ears to t'e original tendered val)e= pl)s
(ii) +.B of t'e time calc)lated in DiE a<ove or s)c' f)rt'er additional time as may <e
considered reasona<le <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 11*
1+%+ DE"I/TION5 E2TR/ ITE.S /ND PRICING: In t'e case of e(tra itemDsE= t'e contractor may
&it'in fifteen days of receipt of order or occ)rrence of t'e itemDsE claim rates= s)pported <y
proper analysis= for t'e &or0 and t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all &it'in one mont' of t'e
receipt of t'e claims s)pported <y analysis= after giving consideration to t'e analysis of t'e
rates s)<mitted <y t'e contractor= determine t'e rates on t'e <asis of t'e mar0et rates and
t'e contractor s'all <e paid in accordance &it' t'e rates so determined%
In t'e case of s)<stit)ted items= t'e rate for t'e agreement items Dto <e s)<stit)tedE and s)<stit)ted
item s'all also <e determined in t'e manner as mentioned in t'e aforesaid para"
(a) DE"I/TION5 SDSTITDTED ITE.S PRICING: If t'e mar0et rate for t'e s)<stit)ted item so
determined is more t'an t'e mar0et rate of t'e agreement item Dto <e s)<stit)tedE= t'e rate
paya<le to t'e contractor for t'e s)<stit)ted item s'all <e t'e rate for t'e agreement item Dto
<e s)<stit)tedE so increased to t'e e(tent of t'e difference <et&een t'e mar0et rate of
s)<stit)ted item and t'e agreement item Dto <e s)<stit)tedE%
(b) If t'e mar0et rate for t'e s)<stit)ted item so determined is less t'an t'e mar0et rate of t'e
agreement item Dto <e s)<stit)tedE= t'e rate paya<le to t'e contractor for t'e s)<stit)ted item
s'all <e t'e rate for t'e agreement item Dto <e s)<stit)tedE so decreased to t'e e(tent of t'e
difference <et&een t'e mar0et rate of s)<stit)ted item and t'e agreement item Dto <e
In t'e case of contract items= s)<stit)ted items= contract c)m s)<stit)ted items= &'ic' e(ceed t'e
deviation limit mentioned <elo&= t'e contractor may &it'in fifteen days of receipt of order or
occ)rrence of t'e e(cess= claims revision of t'e rates= s)pported <y proper analysis= for t'e &or0 in
e(cess of t'e a<ove mentioned limits= provided t'at if t'e rates so claimed are in e(cess of t'e rates
specified in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all &it'in one mont' of receipt of
t'e claims s)pported <y analysis= after giving consideration t'e analysis of t'e rates s)<mitted <y
t'e contractor= determine t'e rates on t'e <asis of t'e mar0et rates and t'e contractor s'all <e paid
in accordance &it' t'e rates so determined%
12.3 T'e provisions of t'e preceding paragrap' s'all also apply to t'e decrease in t'e rates of
items for t'e &or0s in e(cess of t'e deviation limits as given <elo&= and t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all after giving notice to t'e contractor &it'in one mont' of occ)rrence of t'e e(cess
and after ta0ing into consideration any reply received from 'im &it'in fifteen days of t'e
receipt of t'e notice= revise t'e rates of t'e &or0 in A)estion &it'in one mont' of t'e e(piry of
t'e said period of fifteen days 'aving regard to t'e mar0et rates%
12.4 T'e contractor s'all send to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge once every t'ree mont's an )pto date
acco)nt giving complete details of all claims for additional payments to &'ic' t'e contractor
may consider 'imself entitled as an all additional &or0 ordered <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge=
&'ic' 'e 'as e(ec)ted d)ring t'e preceding A)arter failing &'ic' t'e contractor s'all <e
deemed to 'ave &aived 'is rig't% Go&ever= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may at consideration of
s)c' claims on merits%
12.5 /or t'e p)rpose of operation of Sc'ed)le H/H= t'e follo&ing &or0s s'all <e treated as &or0s
relating to fo)ndations"
(i) /or <)ildings= compo)nd &alls= plint' level or 1%+ metres D4 feetE a<ove gro)nd level
&'ic'ever is Fo&er t'an e(cl)ding items of flooring and D%#%4 <)t incl)ding <ase
concrete <elo& t'e floors%
(ii) /or a<)tments= piers= retaining &alls of c)lverts and <ridges= &alls of &ater reservoirs"
t'e <ed of floor level%
(iii) /or retaining &alls &'ere floor level is not determinate" 1%+ metres a<ove t'e average
gro)nd level or <ed level%
(iv) /or roads" All items of e(cavations and filling incl)ding treatment of s)< <ase%
Tr-640 / 114
1+%6 Any operation incidental to or necessarily 'as to <e in contemplation of tenderer &'ile filling
tenders= necessary for proper e(ec)tion of t'e item incl)ded in t'e Sc'ed)le of I)antities or
in t'e sc'ed)le of rates mentioned a<ove= &'et'er or not= specifically indicated in t'e
description of t'e item and t'e relevant specifications= s'all <e deemed to <e incl)ded in t'e
rates A)oted <y t'e tenderer or t'e rate given in t'e sc'ed)le of rates= as t'e case may <e=
$ot'ing e(tra s'all <e admissi<le for s)c' operations%
If at any time after acceptance of t'e tender Government s'all decide to a<andon or red)ce t'e
scope of t'e &or0 for any reason &'atsoever and 'ence not reA)ire t'e &'ole or any part of t'e
&or0s to <e carried o)t= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all give notice in &riting to t'at effect to t'e
contractor and t'e contractor s'all act accordingly in t'e matter% T'e contractor s'all 'ave no claim
to any payment of compensation or ot'er&ise &'atsoever= on acco)nt of any profit or advantage
&'ic' 'e mig't 'ave derived from t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s in f)ll <)t &'ic' 'e did not derive in
conseA)ence of t'e foreclos)re of t'e &'ole or part of t'e &or0s%
T'e contractor s'all <e paid at contract rates f)ll amo)nt for &or0s e(ec)ted at site and in addition=
a reasona<le amo)nt as certified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for t'e items 'ere)nder mentioned
&'ic' co)ld not <e )tilised on t'e &or0 to t'e f)ll e(tent in vie& of t'e foreclos)re%
(i) Any e(pendit)re inc)rred on preliminary site &or0= e%g% temporary access roads= temporary
la<o)r ')ts= staff A)arters and site office= storage accommodation and &ater storage tan0s%
(ii) Government s'all 'ave t'e option to ta0e over contractor;s materials or any part t'ereof eit'er
<ro)g't to site or of &'ic' t'e contractor is legally <o)nd to accept delivery from s)ppliers Dfor
incorporation in or incidental to t'e &or0E provided 'o&ever= Government s'all <e <o)nd to
ta0e over t'e materials or s)c' portions t'ereof as t'e contractor does not desire to retain% /or
materials ta0en over or to <e ta0en over <y Government cost of s)c' materials as detailed <y
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e paid% T'e cost s'all= 'o&ever= ta0e into acco)nt p)rc'ase price=
cost of transportation and deterioration or damage &'ic' may 'ave <een ca)sed to materials
&'ilst in t'e c)stody of t'e contractor%
(iii) If any materials s)pplied <y Government are rendered s)rpl)s= t'e same e(cept normal
&astage s'all <e ret)rned <y t'e contractor to Government at rates not e(ceeding t'ose at
&'ic' t'ese &ere originally iss)ed less allo&ance for any deterioration or damage &'ic' may
'ave <een ca)sed &'ilst t'e materials &ere in t'e c)stody of t'e contractor% In addition= cost
of transporting s)c' materials from site to Government stores= if so reA)ired <y Government=
s'all <e paid%
(iv) 1easona<le compensation for transfer of T , # from site to contractor;s permanent stores or to
'is ot'er &or0s= &'ic'ever is less% If T , # are not transported to eit'er of t'e said places= no
cost of transportation s'all <e paya<le%
(v) 1easona<le compensation for repatriation of contractor;s site staff and imported la<o)r to t'e
e(tent necessary%
T'e contractor s'all= if reA)ired <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge f)rnis' to 'im <oo0s of acco)nt= &age
<oo0s= time s'eets and ot'er relevant doc)ments and evidence as may <e necessary to ena<le 'im
to certify t'e reasona<le amo)nt paya<le )nder t'is condition%
T'e reasona<le amo)nt of items on DiE= DivE and DvE a<ove s'all not <e in e(cess of + B of t'e cost of
t'e &or0 remaining incomplete on t'e date of clos)re= i%e% total stip)lated cost of t'e &or0 as per
accepted tender less t'e cost of &or0 act)ally e(ec)ted )nder t'e contract and less t'e cost of
contractor;s materials at site ta0en over <y t'e Government as per item DiiE a<ove ;#rovided al&ays
t'at against any payments d)e to t'e contractor on t'is acco)nt or ot'er&ise= t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all <e entitled to recover or <e credited &it' any o)tstanding <alances d)e from t'e
contractor for advance paid in respect of any tool= plants and materials and any ot'er s)ms &'ic' at
t'e date of termination &ere recovera<le <y t'e Government from t'e contractor )nder t'e terms of
t'e contract%
Tr-640 / 11.
Deleted D@erged &it' 4la)se *E
i) T'e contractor s'all= on receipt of t'e order in &riting of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= D&'ose
decision s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractorE s)spend t'e progress of t'e &or0s or
any part t'ereof for s)c' time and in s)c' manner as t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may consider
necessary so as not to ca)se any damage or inM)ry to t'e &or0 already done or endanger
t'e safety t'ereof for any of t'e follo&ing reasons"
(a) on acco)nt of any defa)lt on t'e part of t'e contractor orU
(a) for proper e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s or part t'ereof for reasons ot'er t'an t'e defa)lt of t'e
contractorU or
(b) for safety of t'e &or0s or part t'ereof%
T'e contractor s'all= d)ring s)c' s)spension= properly protect and sec)re t'e &or0s to t'e
e(tent necessary and carry o)t t'e instr)ctions given in t'at <e'alf <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
ii) If t'e s)spension is ordered for reasons D<E and DcE in s)<-#ara DiE a<ove"
(a) t'e contractor s'all <e entitled to an e(tension of time eA)al to t'e period of every s)c'
s)spension #FCS +.B= for completion of t'e item or gro)p of items of &or0 for &'ic' a
separate period of completion is specified in t'e contract and of &'ic' t'e s)spended &or0
forms a part= andU
(b) If t'e total period of all s)c' s)spensions in respect of an item or gro)p of items of &or0 for
&'ic' a separate period of completion is specified in t'e contract e(ceeds t'irty days= t'e
contractor s'all= in addition= <e entitled to s)c' compensation as t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
may consider reasona<le in respect of salaries and/or &ages paid <y t'e contractor to 'is
employees and la<o)r at site= remaining idle d)ring t'e period of s)spension= adding t'ereto
+ B to cover indirect e(penses of t'e contractor% #rovided t'e contractor s)<mits 'is claim
s)pported <y details to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &it'in fifteen days of t'e e(piry of t'e period
of *0 days%
iii) If t'e &or0s or part t'ereof is s)spended on t'e orders of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for more
t'an t'ree mont's at a time= e(cept &'en s)spension is ordered for reasons DaE in s)<-para DiE
a<ove= t'e contractor may after receipt of s)c' order serve a &ritten notice on t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge reA)iring permission &it'in fifteen days from receipt <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge of t'e said
notice= to proceed &it' t'e &or0 or part t'ereof in regard to &'ic' progress 'ave <een s)spended
and if s)c' permission is not granted &it'in t'at time= t'e contractor= if 'e intends to treat t'e
s)spension= &'ere it affects only a part of t'e &or0s as an omission of s)c' part <y Government or
&'ere it affects &'ole of t'e &or0s= an a<andonment of t'e &or0s <y Government= s'all &it'in ten
days of e(piry of s)c' period of 1. days give notice in &riting of 'is intention to t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge% In t'e event of t'e contractor treating t'e s)spension as an a<andonment of t'e contract <y
Government= 'e s'all 'ave no claim to payment of any compensation on acco)nt of any profit or
advantage &'ic' 'e mig't 'ave derived from t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 in f)ll <)t &'ic' 'e co)ld not
derive in conseA)ence of t'e a<andonment% Ge s'all= 'o&ever= <e entitled to s)c' compensation= as
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may consider reasona<le= in respect of salaries and/or &ages paid <y 'im to
'is employees and la<o)r at site= remaining idle in conseA)ence adding to t'e total t'ereof +B to
cover indirect e(penses of t'e contractor provided t'e contractor s)<mits 'is claim s)pported <y
details to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &it'in *0 days of t'e e(piry of t'e period of * mont's%
#rovided= f)rt'er= t'at t'e contractor s'all not <e entitled to claim any compensation from
Government for t'e loss s)ffered <y 'im on acco)nt of delay <y Government in t'e s)pply of
materials in sc'ed)le ;-; &'ere s)c' delay is covered <y diffic)lties relating to t'e s)pply of &agons=
force maMe)re incl)ding non-allotment of s)c' materials <y controlling a)t'orities= acts of God= acts
of enemies of t'e state/co)ntry or any reasona<le ca)se <eyond t'e control of t'e Government%
Tr-640 / 116
All &or0s )nder or in co)rse of e(ec)tion or e(ec)ted in p)rs)ance of t'e contract s'all at all times
<e open and accessi<le to t'e inspection and s)pervision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= 'is a)t'orised
s)<ordinates in c'arge of t'e &or0 and all t'e s)perior officers= officer of t'e I)ality Ass)rance Cnit
of t'e Department or any organi!ation engaged <y t'e Department for I)ality Ass)rance and of t'e
4'ief Tec'nical E(aminer;s ffice= and t'e contractor s'all= at all times= d)ring t'e )s)al &or0ing
'o)rs and at all ot'er times at &'ic' reasona<le notice of t'e visit of s)c' officers 'as <een given to
t'e contractor= eit'er 'imself <e present to receive orders and instr)ctions or 'ave a responsi<le
agent d)ly accredited in &riting= present for t'at p)rpose% rders given to t'e 4ontractor;s agent
s'all <e considered to 'ave t'e same force as if t'ey 'ad <een given to t'e contractor 'imself%
If it s'all appear to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is a)t'orised s)<ordinates in c'arge of t'e &or0 or
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge of I)ality Ass)rance cell / or 'is s)<ordinate officers or t'e officers of t'e
organi!ation engaged <y t'e Department of I)ality Ass)rance or to t'e 4'ief Tec'nical E(aminer or
'is s)<ordinate officers= t'at any &or0 'as <een e(ec)ted &it' )nso)nd= imperfect= or )ns0illf)l
&or0mans'ip= or &it' materials or articles provided <y 'im for t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 &'ic' are
)nso)nd or of a A)ality inferior to t'at contracted or ot'er&ise not in accordance &it' t'e contract=
t'e contractor s'all= on demand in &riting &'ic' s'all <e made &it'in t&elve mont's DSi( mont's in
t'e case of &or0 costing 1s%10 Fa0's and <elo& e(pect road &or0E of t'e completion of t'e &or0
from t'e Engineer-in-4'arge specifying t'e &or0= materials or articles complained of not&it'standing
t'at t'e same may 'ave <een passed= certified and paid for fort'&it' rectify= or remove and
reconstr)ct t'e &or0 so specified in &'ole or in part= as t'e case may reA)ire or as t'e case may <e=
remove t'e materials or articles so specified and provide ot'er proper and s)ita<le materials or
articles at 'is o&n c'arge and cost% In t'e event of t'e failing to do so &it'in a period specified <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in 'is demand aforesaid= t'en t'e contractor s'all <e lia<le to pay
compensation at t'e same rate as )nder 4la)se + of t'e contract Dfor non-completion of t'e &or0 in
timeE for t'is defa)lt%
In s)c' case t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may not accept t'e item of &or0 at t'e rates applica<le )nder
t'e contract <)t may accept s)c' items at red)ced rates as t'e Sc'ed)le H/H may consider
reasona<le d)ring t'e preparation of on acco)nt <ills or final <ill if t'e item is so accepta<le &it'o)t
detriment to t'e safety and )tility of t'e item and t'e str)ct)re or 'e may reMect t'e &or0 o)trig't
&it'o)t any payment and/or get it and ot'er connected and incidental items rectified= or removed
and re-e(ec)ted at t'e ris0 and cost of t'e contractor% Decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to <e
conveyed in &riting in respect of t'e same &ill <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
If t'e contractor or 'is &or0ing people or servants s'all <rea0= deface= inM)re or destroy any part of
<)ilding in &'ic' t'ey may <e &or0ing= or any <)ilding= road= road 0er<= fence= enclos)re= &ater
pipe= ca<les= drains= electric or telep'one post or &ires= trees= grass or grassland= or c)ltivated
gro)nd contig)o)s to t'e premises on &'ic' t'e &or0 or any part of it is <eing e(ec)ted= or if any
damage s'all 'appen to t'e &or0 &'ile in progress= from any ca)se &'atever or if any defect=
s'rin0age or ot'er fa)lts appear in t'e &or0 &it'in 1+ mont's D6 mont's in t'e case of &or0 costing
1s% 10=00=000/- and <elo& e(cept road &or0E after a certificate final or ot'er&ise of its completion
s'all 'ave <een given <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge as aforesaid arising o)t of defect or improper
materials or &or0mans'ip= t'e contractor s'all )pon receipt of a notice in &riting on t'at <e'alf ma0e
t'e same good at 'is o&n e(pense= or in defa)lt= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge ca)se t'e same to <e
made good <y ot'er &or0men and ded)ct t'e e(pense from any s)ms t'at may <e d)e= or at any
time t'ereafter may <ecome d)e to t'e contractor= or from 'is sec)rity deposit= or t'e proceeds of
saIe t'ereof or of a s)fficient portion t'ereof% T'e sec)rity deposit of t'e contractor s'all not <e
ref)nded <efore t'e e(piry of 1+ mont's D6 mont's in t'e case of &or0 costing 1s% 10=00=000/- and
<elo& e(cept road &or0E after t'e iss)e of t'e certificate final or ot'er&ise= of completion of &or0= or
till t'e final <ill 'as <een prepared and passed &'ic'ever is later% #rovided t'at in t'e case of road
&or0= if in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= 'alf of t'e sec)rity deposit is s)fficient to meet all
t'e lia<ilities of t'e contractor )nder t'is contract= 'alf of t'e sec)rity deposit &ill <e ref)nda<le after
6 mont's and t'e remaining 'alf after 1+ mont's of t'e iss)e of t'e said certificate of completion or
till t'e final <ill 'as <een prepared and passed &'ic'ever is later% Per&or%ance Sec,rit+ 8hall <e
re&,nded to the contractor a&ter co%-letion o& the 'or( and recordin* the co%-letion
Tr-640 / 112
In case of maintenance and operation of E,@ services= t'e sec)rity deposit ded)cted from
contractors s'all <e ref)nded &it'in one mont' from t'e date of final payment or &it'in one mont'
from t'e date of completion of t'e maintenance contract= &'ic'ever is earlier
T'e contractor s'all provide at 'is o&n cost all materials De(cept s)c' special materials= if any= as
may in accordance &it' t'e contract <e s)pplied from t'e Engineer-in-4'arge;s storesE= mac'inery=
tools , plants as specified in sc'ed)le H/H% in addition of t'is ot'er plant= tools= appliances=
implements= ladders= cordage= tac0le= scaffoldings and temporary &or0s reA)isite or proper for t'e
proper e(ec)tion of t'e &or0= &'et'er original= altered or s)<stit)ted and &'et'er incl)ded in t'e
specification or ot'er doc)ments forming part of t'e contract or referred to in t'ese conditions or not=
or &'ic' may <e necessary for t'e p)rpose of satisfying or complying &it' t'e reA)irements of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge as to any matter as to &'ic' )nder t'ese conditions 'e is entitled to <e satisfied=
or &'ic' 'e is entitled to reA)ire toget'er &it' carriage t'erefore to and from t'e &or0% T'e
contractor s'all also s)pply &it'o)t c'arge t'e reA)isite n)m<er of persons &it' t'e means and
materials= necessary for t'e p)rpose of setting o)t &or0s= and co)nting= &eig'ing and assisting in
t'e meas)rement or e(amination at any time and from time to time of t'e &or0 or materials% /ailing
'is so doing t'e same may <e provided <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge at t'e e(pense of t'e contractor
and t'e e(penses may <e ded)cted= from any money d)e to t'e contractor= )nder t'e contract
and/or from 'is sec)rity deposit or t'e proceeds of sale t'ereof= or of s)fficient portions t'ereof%
In every case in &'ic' <y virt)e of t'e provisions of section 1+ s)<section D1E of t'e :or0men;s
4ompensation Act% 17+*= Government is o<liged to pay compensation to a &or0man employed <y
t'e contractor= in e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s= Government &ill recover from t'e contractor t'e amo)nt of
t'e compensation so paidU and= &it'o)t preM)dice to t'e rig'ts of t'e Government )nder Section 1+=
s)<-section D+E of section 1+ t'e said Act= Government s'all <e at li<erty to recover s)c' amo)nt or
any part t'ereof <y ded)cting it from t'e sec)rity deposit or from any s)m d)e <y Government to t'e
contractor &'et'er )nder t'is contract or ot'er&ise% Government s'all not <e <o)nd to contest any
claim made against it )nder section D1E of 1+= s)<-section t'e said Act= e(cept on t'e &ritten reA)est
of t'e contractor and )pon 'is giving to Government f)ll sec)rity for all costs for &'ic' Government
mig't <ecome lia<le in conseA)ence of contesting s)c' claim%
In every case in &'ic' <y virt)e of t'e provisions of t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE
Act= 1720 and of t'e contract la<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE 4entral 1)les= 1721= Government is
o<liged to pay any amo)nts of &ages to a &or0man employed <y t'e contractor in e(ec)tion of t'e
&or0s= or to inc)r any e(pendit)re in providing &elfare and 'ealt' amenities reA)ired to <e provided
)nder t'e a<ove said Act and t'e 1)les= )nder 4la)se 17 G or )nder t'e DAE 4ontractor;s Fa<o)r
1eg)lations= or )nder t'e r)les framed <y Government from time to time for t'e protection of 'ealt'
and sanitary arrangements for &or0ers employed <y Department of Atomic Energy contractors=
Government &ill recover from t'e contractor t'e amo)nt of &ages so paid or t'e amo)nt of
e(pendit)re so inc)rredU and &it'o)t preM)dice to t'e rig'ts of t'e Government )nder Section +0=
s)<-section D+E and Section +1= s)<-section D4E of t'e contract la<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE Act=
1720= Government s'all <e at li<erty to recover s)c' amo)nt or any part t'ereof <y ded)cting it from
t'e sec)rity deposit or from any s)m d)e <y Government to t'e contractor &'et'er )nder t'is
agreement or ot'er&ise% Government s'all not <e <o)nd to contest any claim made against it )nder
Section +0= s)<section D1E and section +1= s)<-section D4E of t'e said Act= e(cept on t'e &ritten
reA)est of t'e contractor and )pon 'is giving to t'e Government f)ll sec)rity for all costs for &'ic'
Government mig't <ecome lia<le in contesting s)c' claim%
T'e contractor s'all o<tain a valid license )nder t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r D1 , AE Act= 1720 and t'e
4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE 4entral 1)les= 1721= <efore t'e commencement of t'e
&or0= and contin)e to 'ave a valid license )ntil t'e completion of t'e &or0% T'e contractor s'all also
a<ide <y t'e provision of t'e 4'ild Fa<o)r D#ro'i<ition , 1eg)lationE Act-1766%
Tr-640 / 116
T'e contractor s'all also comply &it' t'e provisions of t'e <)ilding and ot'er 4onstr)ction :or0ers
D1eg)lation of Employment , 4onditions of ServiceE Act= 1776 and t'e <)ilding and ot'er
4onstr)ction :or0ers :elfare 4ess Act= 1776%
Any fail)re to f)lfill t'ese reA)irements s'all attract t'e penal provisions of t'is contract arising o)t of
t'e res)ltant non-e(ec)tion of t'e &or0%
C?A8SE ,GA3 NO ?A)O8R )E?OW 14 >EARS
$o la<o)r <elo& t'e age of 14 Dfo)rteenE years s'all <e employed on t'e &or0%
(i) T'e contractor s'all pay to la<o)r employed <y 'im eit'er directly or t'ro)g' s)<-contractors=
&ages not less t'an fair &ages as defined in t'e DAE= 4ontractor;s Fa<o)r 1eg)lations or as
per t'e provisions of t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE Act= 1720 and t'e
4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE 4entral 1)les= 1721= &'erever applica<le%
(ii) T'e contractor s'all not&it'standing t'e provisions of any contract to t'e contrary= ca)se to <e
paid fair &age to la<o)r indirectly engaged on t'e &or0= incl)ding any la<o)r engaged <y 'is
s)<-contractors in connection &it' t'e said &or0= as if t'e la<o)r 'ad <een immediately
employed <y 'im%
(iii) In respect of all la<o)r directly or indirectly employed in t'e &or0s for performance of t'e
contractor;s part of t'is agreement= t'e contractor s'all comply &it' or ca)se to <e complied
&it' t'e DAE 4ontractor Fa<o)r 1eg)lations made <y Government from time to time in regard
to payment of &ages= &age period= ded)ctions from &ages= recovery of &ages not paid and
ded)ctions )na)t'orisedly made= maintenance of &age <oo0s or &age slips= p)<lication of
scale of &ages and ot'er terms of employment= inspection and s)<mission of periodical
ret)rns and all ot'er matters of t'e li0e nat)re or as per t'e provisions of t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r
D1eg)lation and A<olitionE Act= 1720 and t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE
4entral 1)les 1721= &'erever applica<le%
iv-aE T'e Engineer-in-4'arge concerned s'all 'ave t'e rig't to ded)ct from t'e moneys d)e to t'e
contractor any s)m reA)ired or estimated to <e reA)ired for ma0ing good t'e loss s)ffered <y
a &or0er or &or0ers <y reasons of non f)lfillment of t'e conditions of t'e contract for t'e
<enefit of t'e &or0ers= nonpayment of &ages or of ded)ction made from 'is or t'eir &ages
&'ic' are not M)stified <y t'eir terms of t'e contract or non-o<servance of t'e reg)lations%
iv-<E Cnder t'e provisions of t'e minim)m &ages D4entralE 1)les= 17.0= t'e contractor is <o)nd to
allo& to t'e la<o)rs directly or indirectly employed in t'e &or0s one day;s rest for si( days
contin)o)s &or0 and pay &ages at t'e same rate as for d)ty% In t'e event of defa)lt= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave t'e rig't to ded)ct t'e s)m or s)ms not paid on acco)nt of
&ages for &ee0ly 'oliday to any la<o)rer= and pay t'e same to t'e persons entitled t'ereto
from any money d)e to t'e contractor <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
v) T'e contractor s'all comply &it' t'e provisions of t'e payment of &ages Act 17*6= @inim)m
:ages Act= 1746= Employees Fia<ility Act= 17*6= :or0men;s 4ompensation Act= 17+*=
Ind)strial Disp)tes Act= 1742= @aternity -enefit Act= 1761 and t'e 4ontractor;s Fa<o)r
D1eg)lation and A<olitionE Act= 1720 or t'e modifications t'ereof or any ot'er la&s relating
t'ereto and t'e r)les made t'ere )nder from time to time%
vi) T'e contractor s'all indemnify Government against payments to <e made )nder and for t'e
o<servance of t'e la&s aforesaid and t'e D%A%E% 4ontractor;s Fa<o)r 1eg)lations &it'o)t
preM)dice to 'is rig't to claim indemnity from 'is s)<-contractors%
vii) T'e reg)lations aforesaid s'all <e deemed to <e a part of t'is contract and any <reac' t'ereof
s'all <e deemed to <e a <reac' of t'is contract%
viii) :'atever is t'e minim)m &ages for t'e time <eing= or t'e &age paya<le is 'ig'er t'an s)c'
&ages= s)c' &age s'all <e paid <y t'e contractor to t'e &or0man directly &it'o)t t'e
intervention of Lamadar and t'at Lamadar s'all not <e entitle to ded)ct or recover any amo)nt
from t'e minim)m &age paya<le to t'e &or0man as and <y &ay commission or ot'er&ise%
Tr-640 / 117
i(E T'e contractor s'all ens)re t'at no amo)nt <y &ay of commission or ot'er&ise is ded)cted or
recovered <y t'e Lamadar from t'e &age of &or0man%
C$/DSE - 1; !1#: Additional Fia<ilities if any in complying &it' t'e provisions of 4la)se 17D-E - DiE
to DviiiE s'all <e entirely to t'e contractor;s acco)nt%
In respect of all la<o)r directly or indirectly employed in t'e &or0 for t'e performance of t'e
contractors part of t'is agreement= t'e contractor s'all at 'is o&n e(pense arrange for t'e safety
provisions as per DAE safety code framed from time to time and s'all at 'is o&n e(pense provide
for all facilities in connection t'ere&it'% In case t'e contractor fails to ma0e arrangements and
provide necessary facilities as aforesaid= 'e s'all <e lia<le to pay a penalty of 1s% +00/- for eac'
defa)lt and in addition t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e at li<erty to ma0e arrangement and provide
facilities as aforesaid and recover t'e costs inc)rred in t'at <e'alf from t'e contractor%
C?A8SE ,GD3 T'e contractor s'all s)<mit= <y t'e 4t' and 17t' of every mont'= to t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge a tr)e statement s'o&ing= in respect of t'e second 'alf of t'e preceding mont' and t'e first
'alf of t'e c)rrent mont' respectively%
1. T'e n)m<er of la<o)rers employed <y 'im on t'e &or0%
2. T'eir &or0ing 'o)rs%
3. T'e &ages paid to t'em%
4. T'e accidents t'at occ)rred d)ring t'e said fortnig't s'o&ing t'e circ)mstances
)nder &'ic' t'ey 'appened and t'e e(tent of damage and inM)ry ca)sed
<y t'em= and
5. T'e n)m<er of female &or0ers &'o 'ave <een allo&ed @aternity -enefit=
according to 4la)se 17 / and t'e amo)nt paid to t'em%
/ailing &'ic' t'e contractor s'all <e lia<le to pay to Government a s)m not e(ceeding 1s% +00/- for
eac' defa)lt or materially incorrect statement% T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final
in ded)cting from any <ill d)e to t'e contractor t'e amo)nt levied as fine and <e <inding on t'e
In respect of all la<o)r directly or indirectly employed in t'e &or0s for t'e performance of t'e
contractors part of t'is agreement= t'e contractor s'all comply &it' or ca)se to <e complied &it' all
t'e r)les framed <y Government from time to time for t'e protection of 'ealt' and sanitary
arrangements for &or0ers employed <y t'e Department of Atomic Energy and its contractors%
C?A8SE ,GF3 Feave and pay d)ring leave s'all <e reg)lated as follo&s"
1) ?eave
i) In case of delivery" maternity leave not e(ceeding 6 &ee0s= 4 &ee0s )pto and incl)ding
t'e day of delivery and 4 &ee0s follo&ing t'at day%
i) In t'e case of miscarriage" )pto * &ee0s from t'e date of miscarriage%
2) 5a6
i) In t'e case of delivery" leave pay d)ring maternity leave &ill <e at t'e rate of t'e &omen;s
average daily earnings= calc)lated on t'e total &ages earned on t'e days &'en f)ll time
&or0 &as done d)ring a period of * mont's immediately preceding t'e date on &'ic' s'e
gives notice t'at s'e e(pects to <e confined or at t'e rate of 1s%1/- only a day &'ic'ever
is greater%
ii) In case of miscarriage" leave pay at t'e rate of average daily earnings calc)lated on t'e
total &ages earned on t'e days &'en f)ll time &or0 &as done d)ring a period of * mont's
Tr-640 / 1+0
immediately preceding t'e date of s)c' miscarriage%
3) Con"itions &or t'e grant o& maternit6 ?eave
$o maternity leave <enefit s'all <e admissi<le to a &oman )nless s'e 'as <een employed for a total
period of not less t'an 6 Dsi(E mont's immediately preceding t'e date on &'ic' s'e proceeds on leave%
4) T'e contractor s'all maintain a register of maternity D-enefitE in t'e prescri<ed from as s'o&n
<elo& and t'e same s'all <e 0ept at t'e place of &or0%
REGISTER O? ./TERNITF ENE?ITS D4la)se 17 / of t'e conditions of contractE
$ame and address of t'e contractorDsE"8888888888888888888888888888888888888
Feave pay paid to t'e employee 1emar0s
In case of delivery In case of @iscarriage
1ate of leave pay Amo)nt paid 1ate of leave pay Amo)nt paid
11 1+ 1* 14 1.
Tr-640 / 1+1
$ame and location of t'e &or0" 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
$ame of t'e
$at)re of
#eriod of act)al
Date on &'ic' notice of
confinement given
1 + * 4 .
Date of
delivery /
Date on &'ic' maternity leave commenced and ended
In case of Delivery In case of @iscarriage
4ommenced 5 Ended 4ommenced Ended
6 2 6 7 10
Specimen &orm o& t'e register( regar"ing maternit6 bene&it a"missible to t'e contractorHs
labo+r in DAE Works!
Name of t"e work?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Name of t"e contractor?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
1. Name of t"e woman and "er "us#and9s Name?
2. Designation?
3. Date of appointment?
4. Date wit" mont"s and years in w"ic" s"e is employed?
5. Date of disc"arge%dismissal( if any?
6. Date of production of certificates in respect of pregnancy?
7. Date on w"ic" t"e woman informs a#out t"e e5pected delivery?
8. Date of delivery%Miscarriage%deat"?
9. Date of production of certificate in respect of delivery%miscarriage ?
10. Date wit" t"e amount of maternity%deat" #enefit paid in advance of e5pected delivery?
11. Date wit" t"e amount of su#se4uent payment of maternity #enefit?
12. Name of t"e person nominated #y t"e woman to receive t"e payment of t"e maternity
#enefit after "er deat"? A
13. If t"e woman dies( t"e date of "er deat"( t"e name of t"e person to w"om maternity #enefit
amount was paid( t"e mont" t"ereof and t"e date of payment?
14. Signature of t"e contractor aut"enticating entries in t"e register ?
15. Bemarks column for t"e use of Inspecting &fficer?
In t'e event of t'e contractorDsE committing a defa)lt or <reac' of any of t'e provisions of t'e D%A%E%
4ontractor;s Fa<o)r 1eg)lations and @odel 1)les and provisions of 4ontract Fa<o)r D1,AE Act
1720=and 4entral Fa<o)r D1,AE 4entral 1)les= 1721= for t'e protection of 'ealt' and sanitary
arrangements for t'e &or0ers as amended from time to time or f)rnis'ing any information or
s)<mitting or filing any statement )nder t'e provisions of t'e a<ove 1eg)lations and 1)les &'ic' is
materially incorrect= 'e/t'ey s'all= &it'o)t preM)dice to any ot'er lia<ility= pay to t'e Government a
s)m not e(ceeding 1s% +00/- for every defa)lt= <reac' or f)rnis'ing= ma0ing= s)<mitting= filling s)c'
materially incorrect statements and in t'e event of t'e contractorDsE defa)lting contin)o)sly in t'is
respect= t'e penalty may <e en'anced to 1s% +00/- per day for eac' day of defa)lt s)<Mect to a
ma(im)m of .B of t'e estimated cost of t'e &or0 p)t to tender% T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all <e final and <inding on t'e parties%
S'o)ld it appear to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at t'e 4ontractorDsE is/are not properly o<serving and
complying &it' t'e @odel r)les and t'e provisions of t'e 4ontract Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE
Act= 1720 and t'e contract Fa<o)r D1,AE 4entral 1)les 1721 for t'e protection of 'ealt' and
sanitary arrangements for &or0 people employed <y t'e contractorDsE D'ereinafter referred as Ht'e
said 1)lesHE t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave po&er to give notice in &riting to t'e contractorDsE
reA)iring t'at t'e said 1)les <e complied &it' and t'e amenities prescri<ed t'erein <e provided to
t'e &or0-people &it' in a reasona<le time to <e specified in t'e notice% If t'e contractorDsE s'all fail
&it'in t'e period specified in t'e notice to comply &it' and/or o<serve t'e said 1)les and to provide
t'e amenities to t'e &or0-people as aforesaid= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave t'e po&er to
provide t'e amenities 'erein <efore mentioned at t'e cost of t'e contractorDsE%
Tr-640 / 1++
T'e contractorDsE s'all erect= ma0e and maintain at 'is/t'eir o&n e(pense according and to
approved standards all necessary ')ts and sanitary arrangements reA)ired for 'is/t'eir &or0-people
on t'e site in connection &it' t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0s= and if t'e same s'all not 'ave <een
erected or constr)cted= according to approved standards= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave po&er
to give notice in &riting to t'e contractorDsE reA)iring t'at t'e said ')ts and sanitary arrangements <e
remodeled and/or reconstr)cted according to approved standard= and if t'e contractorDsE s'all fail to
remodel or reconstr)ct s)c' ')ts and sanitary arrangements according to approved standards &it'in
t'e period specified in t'e notice= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave t'e po&er to remodel or
reconstr)ct s)c' ')ts and sanitary arrangements according to approved standards at t'e cost of t'e
T'e contractorDsE s'all at 'is/t'eir o&n cost provide 'is/t'eir la<o)r &it' a s)fficient n)m<er of ')ts
D'ereinafter referred to as t'e HcampHE of t'e follo&ing specifications on a s)ita<le plot of land to <e
approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
1. DaE T'e minim)m 'eig't of eac' ')t at t'e eaves level s'all <e +%10 m% and t'e floor area to <e
provided &ill <e at t'e rate of +%2 SA%m% for eac' mem<er of t'e &or0er;s family staying &it' t'e
(b) T'e contractorDsE s'all in addition constr)ct s)ita<le coo0ing places 'aving a minim)m area
of 1%60 m% ( 1%.0 m adMacent to t'e ')t for eac' family%
(c) T'e contractorDsE s'all also constr)ct temporary latrines and )rinals for t'e )se of t'e
la<o)rers eac' on t'e scale of not less t'an fo)r per eac' one ')ndred of t'e total strengt'=
separate latrines and )rinals <eing provided for &omen%
(d) T'e contractorDsE s'all constr)ct s)fficient n)m<er of <at'ing and &as'ing places= one )nit
for every +. persons residing in t'e camp% T'ese <at'ing and &as'ing places s'all <e s)ita<ly
2. DaE All t'e ')ts s'all 'ave &alls of s)n-dried or <)rnt-<ric0s laid in m)d mortar or ot'er s)ita<le
local materials as may <e approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% In case of s)n dried <ric0s= t'e
&alls s'o)ld <e plastered &it' m)d go<ri on <ot' sides% T'e floor may <e 0atc'a <)t plastered
&it' m)d go<ri and s'all <e at least 1. cm% a<ove t'e s)rro)nding gro)nd% T'e roofs s'all <e
laid &it' t'atc' or any ot'er materials as may <e approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and t'e
contractor s'all ens)re t'at t'ro)g'o)t t'e period of t'eir occ)pation t'e roofs remain &ater -
(b) T'e contractorDsE s'all provide eac' ')t &it' proper ventilation%
(c) All doors= &indo&s and ventilators s'all <e provided &it' s)ita<le leaves for sec)rity
(d) T'ere s'all <e 0ept an open space of at least 2%+ m <et&een t'e ro&s of ')ts &'ic' may <e
red)ced to 6 m according to t'e availa<ility of site &it' approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
-ac0 to <ac0 constr)ction &ill <e allo&ed%
3. :ater S)pply" T'e contractorDsE s'all provide adeA)ate s)pply of &ater for t'e )se of la<o)rers%
T'e provision s'all not <e less t'an 10 Fiters% of p)re and &'olesome &ater per 'ead per day
for drin0ing p)rposes and 1. Fiters of clean &ater per 'ead per day for <at'ing and &as'ing
p)rposes% :'ere piped &ater s)pply is availa<le= s)pply s'all <e at stand posts and &'ere t'e
s)pply is from &ells or rivers= tan0s= &'ic' may <e of metal or masonry= s'all <e provided% T'e
contractorDsE s'all also at 'is/t'eir o&n cost ma0es arrangements for laying pipe lines for &ater
s)pply to 'is/t'eir la<o)r camp from t'e e(isting mains &'erever availa<le and s'all pay all fees
and c'arges t'erefore%
4. T'e site selected for t'e camp s'all <e 'ig' gro)nd= removed from M)ngle%
5. Disposal of E(creta" T'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e necessary arrangements for t'e disposal of
e(creta from t'e latrines <y trenc'ing or incineration &'ic' s'all <e according to t'e
reA)irements laid do&n <y t'e Focal Gealt' A)t'orities% If trenc'ing or incineration is not
Tr-640 / 1+*
allo&ed= t'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e arrangements for t'e removal of t'e e(creta t'ro)g' t'e
@)nicipal 4ommittee/a)t'ority and inform it a<o)t t'e n)m<er of la<o)rers employed so t'at
arrangements may <e made <y s)c' committee/a)t'ority for t'e removal of t'e e(creta% All
c'arges on t'is acco)nt s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor and paid direct <y 'im to t'e
@)nicipality/a)t'ority% T'e contractor s'all provide one s&eeper for every 6 seats in case of dry
6. Drainage" T'e contractorDsE s'all provide efficient arrangements for draining a&ay s)llage &ater
so as to 0eep t'e camp neat and tidy%
7. T'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e necessary arrangements for 0eeping t'e camp area s)fficiently
lig'ted to avoid accidents to t'e &or0ers%
8. Sanitation" T'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e arrangements for conservancy and sanitation in t'e
la<o)r camps according to t'e r)les of t'e Focal #)<lic Gealt' and @edical A)t'orities%
C?A8SE ,G %3
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge may reA)ire t'e contractor to dismiss or remove from t'e site of t'e &or0
any person or persons in t'e contractors employ )pon t'e &or0 &'o may <e incompetent or
miscond)ct 'imself and t'e contractor s'all fort'&it' comply &it' s)c' reA)irements%
C?A8SE ,G @3
It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e contractors to see t'at t'e <)ilding )nder constr)ction is not
occ)pied <y any<ody )na)t'orised d)ring constr)ction and to 'and over to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
vacant possession of complete <)ilding% If s)c' <)ilding t'o)g' completed= is occ)pied illegally= t'en
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &ill 'ave t'e option to ref)se to accept t'e said <)ilding/<)ildings in t'at
position and delay in acceptance on t'is acco)nt &ill <e treated as delay in completion and for s)c'
delay levy )pto .B of tendered val)e of &or0 may <e imposed <y t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS /
Engineer-in-4'arge &'ose decision s'all <e final <ot' &it' regard to t'e M)stification and A)ant)m
and <e <inding on t'e contractor%
Go&ever t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS may reA)ire t'e contractor t'ro)g' a notice to remove t'e
illegal occ)pation any time on or <efore constr)ction and delivery%
C$/DSE 1; 0: E:5?O>:ENT OF SE%??ED $SE:%.SE%??ED WOREERS!
T'e contractor s'all= at all stages of &or0= deploy s0illed/semi-s0illed tradesmen &'o are A)alified
and possess certificate in partic)lar trade from 4#:D Training Instit)te/Ind)strial Training
Instit)te/$ational Instit)te of constr)ction @anagement and 1esearc' D$I4@A1E/ $ational Academy
of 4onstr)ction= 4ID4 or any similar rep)ted and recogni!ed Instit)te managed/certified <y
State/4entral Government% T'e n)m<er of s)c' A)alified tradesmen s'all not <e less t'an +0B of
total s0illed/semi-s0illed &or0ers reA)ired in eac' trade at any stage of &or0% T'e contractor s'all
s)<mit n)m<er of man days reA)ired in respect of eac' trade= its sc'ed)ling and t'e list of A)alified
tradesmen along &it' reA)isite certificate from recogni!ed Instit)te to Engineer-in-4'arge for
approval% $ot&it'standing s)c' approval= if t'e tradesmen are fo)nd to 'ave inadeA)ate s0ill to
e(ec)te t'e &or0 of respective trade= t'e contractor s'all s)<stit)te s)c' tradesmen &it'in t&o days
of &ritten notice from Engineer-in-4'arge% /ail)re on t'e part of contractor to o<tain approval of
Engineer-in-4'arge or fail)re to deploy A)alified tradesmen &ill attract a compensation to <e paid <y
contractor at t'e rate of 1s%100/- per s)c' tradesman per day% Decision of Engineer-in-4'arge as to
&'et'er partic)lar tradesman possesses reA)isite s0ill and amo)nt of compensation in case of
defa)lt s'all <e final and <inding%
Pro)ided al'a+85 that the -ro)i8ion8 o& thi8 Cla,8e 8hall not <e a--lica<le &or 'or(8 'ith
e8ti%ated co8t -,t to tender <ein* le88 than R81= Crore81
T'e contractor s'all comply &it' all t'e provisions of t'e @inim)m :ages Act= 1746= 4ontract
Fa<o)r D1eg)lation and A<olitionE Act= 1720= and r)les framed t'ere )nder and ot'er la<o)r la&s
affecting contract la<o)r t'at may <e <ro)g't into force/amended from time to time%
Tr-640 / 1+4
T'e contract s'all not <e assigned or s)<-let &it'o)t t'e &ritten approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
And if t'e contractor s'all assign or s)<-let 'is contract= or attempt to do so= or <ecome insolvent or
commence any insolvency proceedings or ma0e any composition &it' 'is creditors or attempt to do
so= or if any <ri<e= grat)ity= gift= loan= perA)isite= re&ard or advantage pec)niary or ot'er&ise= s'all
eit'er directly or indirectly= <e given= promised or offered <y t'e contractor= or any of 'is servants or
agent to any p)<lic officer or person in t'e employ of Government in any &ay relating to 'is office or
employment= or if any s)c' officer or person s'all <ecome in any &ay directly or indirectly interested
in t'e contract= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India s'all 'ave po&er to adopt
t'e co)rses specified in 4la)se * 'ereof in t'e interest of Government and in t'e event of s)c'
co)rses <eing adopted t'e conseA)ences specified in t'e said 4la)se * s'all ens)e%
C?A8SE 22: S8:S 5A>A)?E )> WA> OF CO:5ENSAT%ON
All s)ms paya<le <y &ay of compensation )nder any of t'ese conditions s'all <e considered as
reasona<le compensation to <e applied to t'e )se of Government &it'o)t reference to t'e act)al
loss or damage s)stained= and &'et'er or not any damage s'all 'ave <een s)stained%
:'ere t'e contractor is a partners'ip firm= t'e previo)s approval in &riting of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all <e o<tained <efore any c'ange is made in t'e constit)tion of t'e firm% :'ere t'e
contractor is an individ)al or a Gind) )ndivided family <)siness concern s)c' approval as aforesaid
s'all li0e&ise <e o<tained <efore t'e contractor enters into any partners'ip agreement &'ere )nder
t'e partners'ip firm &o)ld 'ave t'e rig't to carry o)t t'e &or0 'ere<y )nderta0en <y t'e contractor%
If previo)s approval as aforesaid is not o<tained= t'e contract s'all <e deemed to 'ave <een
assigned in contravention of 4la)se +1 'ereof and t'e same action may <e ta0en= and t'e same
conseA)ence s'all ens)e as provided in t'e said 4la)se +1%
All &or0s to <e e(ec)ted )nder t'e contract s'all <e e(ec)ted )nder t'e direction and s)<Mect to t'e
approval in all respects of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &'o s'all <e entitled to direct at &'at point or
points and in &'at manner t'ey are to <e commenced= and from time to time carried on%
E(cept &'ere ot'er&ise provided in t'e contract= all A)estions and disp)tes relating to t'e
meaning of t'e specifications= design= dra&ings and instr)ctions 'ere-in <efore mentioned and
as to t'e A)ality of &or0mans'ip or materials )sed on t'e &or0 or as to any ot'er A)estion=
claim= rig't= matter or t'ing &'atsoever in any &ay arising o)t of or relating to t'e contract=
designs= dra&ings= specifications= estimates= instr)ctions= orders or t'ese conditions or
ot'er&ise concerning t'e &or0s or t'e e(ec)tion or fail)re to e(ec)te t'e same &'et'er
arising d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 or after t'e cancellation= termination= completion or
a<andonment t'ereof s'all <e dealt &it' as mentioned 'ereinafter"
DiE If t'e contractor considers any &or0 demanded of 'im to <e o)tside t'e reA)irements of t'e
contract= or disp)tes any dra&ings= record or decision given in &riting <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge on any matter in connection &it' or arising o)t of t'e contract or carrying o)t of t'e
&or0= to <e )naccepta<le= 'e s'all promptly &it'in 1. days reA)est t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in
&riting for &ritten instr)ction or decision% T'ere)pon= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all give 'is
&ritten instr)ctions or decision &it'in a period of one mont' from t'e receipt of t'e contractor;s
If t'e Engineer-in-4'arge fails to give 'is instr)ctions or decision in &riting &it'in t'e aforesaid
period or if t'e contractor is dissatisfied &it' t'e instr)ctions or decision of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge= t'e contractor may= &it'in 1. days of t'e receipt of Engineer-in-4'arge;s decision=
appeal to t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS &'o s'all afford an opport)nity to t'e contractor to
<e 'eard= if t'e latter so desires= and to offer evidence in s)pport of 'is appeal% T'e 4'ief
Engineer= ESG= GS s'all give 'is decision &it'in *0 days of receipt of contractor;s appeal% If
t'e contractor is dissatisfied &it' t'is decision= t'e contractor s'all &it'in a period of *0 days
Tr-640 / 1+.
from receipt of t'e decision= give notice to t'e 4'ief Engineer for appointment of ar<itrator
failing &'ic' t'e said decision s'all <e final <inding and concl)sive and not refera<le to
adM)dication <y t'e ar<itrator%
DiiE E(cept &'ere t'e decision 'as <ecome final= <inding and concl)sive in terms of S)< #ara DiE
a<ove disp)tes or difference s'all <e referred for adM)dication t'ro)g' ar<itration <y a sole
ar<itrator appointed <y t'e Director= IG4A1 / Secretary= DAE% If t'e ar<itrator so appointed is
)na<le or )n&illing to act or resigns 'is appointment or vacates 'is office d)e to any reason
&'atsoever anot'er sole ar<itrator s'all <e appointed in t'e manner aforesaid% S)c' person
s'all <e entitled to proceed &it' t'e reference from t'e stage at &'ic' it &as left <y 'is
It is a term of t'e contract t'at t'e party invo0ing ar<itration s'all give a list of disp)tes &it'
amo)nts claimed in respect of eac' s)c' disp)te along &it' t'e notice for appointment of
ar<itrator and giving reference to t'e reMection <y t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS of t'e
It is also a term of t'is contract t'at no person ot'er t'an a person appointed <y s)c' Director=
IG4A1 / Secretary= DAE= as aforesaid s'o)ld act as ar<itrator and if for any reason t'at is not
possi<le= t'e matter s'all not <e referred to ar<itration at all%
It is also a terms of t'e contract t'at if t'e contractor does not ma0e any demand for
appointment of ar<itrator in respect of any claims in &riting as aforesaid &it'in 1+0 days of
receiving t'e intimation from t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at t'e final <ill is ready for payment t'e
claim of t'e contractor s'all <e deemed to 'ave <een &aived and a<sol)tely <arred and t'e
Government s'all <e disc'arged and released of all lia<ilities )nder t'e contract in respect of
t'ese claims%
T'e ar<itration s'all <e cond)cted in accordance &it' t'e provisions of t'e Ar<itration and
4onciliation Act= 1776= D+6 of 1776E or any stat)tory modifications or re-enactment t'ereof and
t'e r)les made t'ere )nder and for t'e time <eing in force s'all apply to t'e ar<itration
proceeding )nder t'is 4la)se%
It is also term of t'is contract t'at t'e ar<itrator s'all adM)dicate on only s)c' disp)tes as are
referred to 'im <y t'e appointing a)t'ority and give separate a&ard against eac' disp)te and
claim referred to 'im and in all cases &'ere t'e total amo)nt of t'e claims <y any party
e(ceeds 1s%1= 00=000/- t'e ar<itrator s'all give reasons for t'e a&ard%
It is also a term of t'e contract t'at if any fees are paya<le to t'e ar<itrator= t'ese s'all <e paid
eA)ally <y <ot' t'e parties%
It is also a term of t'e contract t'at t'e ar<itrator s'all <e deemed to 'ave entered on t'e
reference on t'e date 'e iss)es notice to <ot' t'e parties calling t'em to s)<mit t'eir
statement of claims and co)nter statement of claims% T'e ven)e of t'e ar<itration s'all <e
s)c' place as may <e fi(ed <y t'e ar<itrator in 'is sole discretion% T'e fees= if any= of t'e
ar<itrator s'all= if reA)ired to <e paid <efore t'e a&ard is made and p)<lis'ed= <e paid 'alf and
'alf <y eac' of t'e parties% T'e cost of t'e reference and of t'e a&ard Dincl)ding t'e fees= if
any= of t'e ar<itratorE s'all <e in t'e discretion of t'e ar<itrator &'o may direct to any <y &'om
and in &'at manner= s)c' costs or any part t'ereof s'all <e paid and fi( or settle t'e amo)nt
of costs to <e so paid%
T'e contractor s'all f)lly indemnify t'e #resident of India against any action= claim or proceeding
relating to infringement or )se of any patent or design or any alleged patent or design rig'ts and
s'all pay any royalties &'ic' may <e paya<le in respect of any article or part t'ereof incl)ded in t'e
contract% In t'e event of any claims made )nder an action <ro)g't against Government in respect of
any s)c' matters as aforesaid t'e contractor s'all <e immediately notified t'ereof and t'e contractor
Tr-640 / 1+6
s'all <e at li<erty= at 'is o&n e(pense= to settle any disp)te or to cond)ct any litigation t'at may arise
t'ere from% #rovided t'at t'e contractor s'all not <e lia<le to indemnify t'e #resident of India in t'e
infringement of t'e patent or design or any alleged patent or design rig't is t'e direct res)lt of an
order passed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in t'is <e'alf%
:'en t'e estimate on &'ic' a tender is made incl)de l)mp s)ms in respect of parts of t'e &or0 t'e
contractor s'all <e entitled to payment in respect of t'e items of &or0 involved or t'e part of t'e &or0
in A)estion at t'e same rates= as are paya<le )nder t'is contract for s)c' item= or if t'e part of t'e
&or0 in A)estion is not= in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge paya<le of meas)rement= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge may at 'is discretion pay t'e l)mp s)m amo)nt entered in t'e estimate= and t'e
certificate in &riting of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final and concl)sive against t'e contractor
&it' regard to any s)m or s)ms paya<le to 'im )nder t'e provisions of t'e cla)se%
In t'e case of any cla)se of &or0 for &'ic' t'ere is no s)c' specification as referred to in 4la)se 11=
s)c' &or0 s'all <e carried o)t in accordance &it' t'e -)rea) of Indian Standard specification% In
case t'ere are no s)c' specifications in -)rea) of Indian standards= t'e &or0 s'all <e carried o)t as
per man)fact)rer;s specifications= if not availa<le t'en as per District specification% In case t'ere are
no s)c' specifications as reA)ired a<ove= t'e &or0 s'all <e carried o)t in all respects in accord &it'
t'e instr)ctions and reA)irements of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
(i) :'enever any claim or claims for payment of a s)m of money arises o)t of or )nder t'e contract
against t'e contractor= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge of t'e Government s'all <e entitled to &it''old
and also 'ave a lien to retain s)c' s)m or s)ms in &'ole or in part from t'e sec)rity= if any
deposited <y t'e contractor and for t'e p)rpose aforesaid= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e
Government s'all <e entitled to &it''old t'e sec)rity deposit= if any= f)rnis'ed as t'e case may
<e and also 'ave a lien over t'e same pending finalisation or adM)dication of any s)c' claim% In
t'e event of t'e sec)rity <eing ins)fficient to cover t'e claimed amo)nt or amo)nts or if no
sec)rity 'as <een ta0en from t'e contractor= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e Government s'all <e
entitled to &it''old and 'ave a lien to retain to t'e e(tent of s)c' claimed amo)nt or amo)nts
referred to a<ove= from any s)m or s)ms fo)nd paya<le or &'ic' at any time t'ereafter may
<ecome paya<le to t'e contractor )nder t'e same contract or any ot'er contract &it' t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e Government or any contracting person t'ro)g' t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge pending finalisation or adM)dication of any s)c' claim%
It is an agreed term of t'e contract t'at t'e s)m of money or moneys so &it''eld or retained
)nder t'e lien referred to a<ove= <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or Government &ill <e 0ept
&it''eld or retained as s)c' <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or Government till t'e claim arising
o)t of or )nder t'e contract is determined <y t'e Ar<itrator= Dif t'e contract is governed <y t'e
ar<itration cla)seE <y t'e competent co)rt= as t'e case may <e= and t'at t'e contractor &ill
'ave no claim for interest or damages &'atsoever on any acco)nt in respect of s)c'
&it''olding or retention )nder t'e lien referred to a<ove and d)ly notified as s)c' to t'e
contractor% /or t'e p)rpose of t'is cla)se= &'ere t'e contractor is a partners'ip firm or a
limited company= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e Government s'all <e entitled to &it''old and
also 'ave a lien to retain to&ards s)c' claimed amo)nt or amo)nts in &'ole or in part from
any s)m fo)nd paya<le to any partner/limited company as t'e case may <e= &'et'er in 'is
individ)al capacity or ot'er&ise%
(ii) Government s'all 'ave t'e rig't to ca)se an a)dit and tec'nical e(amination of t'e &or0s and
t'e final <ills of t'e contractor incl)ding all s)pporting vo)c'ers= a<stract= etc% to <e made after
payment of t'e final <ill and if as a res)lt of s)c' a)dit and tec'nical e(amination= any s)m fo)nd
to 'ave <een over paid in respect of any &or0 done <y t'e contractor )nder t'e contract or any
&or0 claimed <y 'im to 'ave <een done <y 'im )nder t'e contract and fo)nd not to 'ave <een
e(ec)ted= t'e contractor s'all <e lia<le to ref)nd t'e amo)nt of over-payment and it s'all <e
la&f)l for Government to recover t'e same from 'im in t'e manner prescri<ed in s)<-cla)se D1E
of t'is cla)se or in any ot'er manner legally permissi<le= and if it is fo)nd t'at t'e contractor &as
paid less t'an &'at &as d)e to 'im )nder t'e contract in respect of any
Tr-640 / 1+2
&or0 e(ec)ted <y 'im )nder it= t'e amo)nt of s)c' )nderpayment s'all <e d)ly paid <y
Government to t'e contractor%
#rovided t'at Government s'all not <e entitled to recover any s)m overpaid= nor t'e contractor s'all
<e entitled to payment of any s)m paid s'ort &'ere s)c' payment 'as <een agreed )pon <et&een
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or Site Engineer on t'e one 'and and t'e contractor on t'e ot'er )nder any
terms of t'e contract permitting payment for &or0 after assessment <y t'e Site Engineer%
Any s)m of money d)e and paya<le to contractor Dincl)ding t'e sec)rity deposit ret)rna<le to 'imE
)nder t'e contract may <e &it''eld or retained <y &ay of lien <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e
Government or any ot'er contracting person or persons t'ro)g' Engineer-in-4'arge against any
claim of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or Government or s)c' ot'er person or persons in respect of
payment of a s)m of money arising o)t of or )nder any ot'er contract made <y t'e contractor &it'
t'e Engineer in-c'arge or t'e Government or &it' s)c' ot'er person or persons%
It is an agreed term of t'e contract t'at t'e s) m of money so &it''eld or retained )nder t'is cla)se
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e Government &ill <e 0ept &it''eld or retained as s)c' <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge or t'e Government or till 'is claim arising o)t of in t'e same contract or any
ot'er contract is eit'er m)t)ally settled or determined <y t'e ar<itration cla)se or <y t'e competent
co)rt= as t'e case may <e= and t'at t'e contractor s'all 'ave no claim for interest or damage
&'atsoever on t'is acco)nt or on any ot'er gro)nd in respect of any s)m of money &it''eld or
retained )nder t'is cla)se and d)ly notified as s)c' to t'e contractor%
5ER:%SS%)?E - DE$ETED -
T'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e 'is/t'eir o&n arrangements to &ater reA)ired for t'e &or0 and not'ing
e(tra &ill <e paid for t'e same% T'is &ill <e s)<Mect to t'e follo&ing conditions"
a) T'at t'e &ater )sed <y t'e contractorDsE s'all <e fit for constr)ction p)rposes to t'e
satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
b) T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all ma0e alternative arrangements for s)pply of &ater at t'e ris0
and cost of contractorDsE if t'e arrangements made <y t'e contractorDsE for proc)rement of
&ater are in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= )nsatisfactory%
C?A8SE 61 A3 DE5ART:ENTA? WATER S855?>( %F AFA%?A)?E
:ater if availa<le may <e s)pplied to t'e contractor <y t'e department s)<Mect t'e follo&ing
(i) T'e &ater c'arges s'all <e recovered as specified in special conditions%
(ii) T'e contractorDsE s'all ma0e 'is/t'eir o&n arrangement of &ater connection and laying of
pipeline from e(isting main of so)rce of s)pply%
(iii) T'e Department do not g)arantee to maintain )ninterr)pted s)pply of &ater and it &ill <e
inc)m<ent on t'e contractorDsE to ma0e alternative arrangements for &ater at 'is/t'eir o&n cost
in t'e event of any temporary <rea0do&n in t'e Government &ater main so t'at t'e progress of
'is/t'eir &or0 is not 'eld )p for &ant of &ater% $o claim of damage or ref)nd of &ater c'arges
&ill <e entertained on acco)nt of s)c' <rea0do&n%
DiE :'ere t'ere is no piped &ater s)pply arrangement and t'e &ater is ta0en <y t'e contractor from
t'e &ells or 'and p)mp constr)cted <y t'e Government= no c'arge s'all <e recovered from
t'e contractor on t'at acco)nt% T'e contractor s'all= 'o&ever= dra& &ater at s)c' 'o)rs
Tr-640 / 1+6
of t'e day t'at it does not interfere &it' t'e normal )se of &'ic' t'e 'and p)mps and &ells
are intended% Ge &ill also <e responsi<le for all damage and a<normal repairs arising o)t of
'is )se= t'e cost of &'ic' s'all <e recovera<le from 'im% T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e t'e
final a)t'ority to determine t'e cost recovera<le from t'e contractor on t'is acco)nt and 'is
decision s'all <e <inding on t'e contractor%
DiiE T'e contractor s'all <e allo&ed to constr)ct temporary &ells in Government land for ta0ing &ater
for constr)ction p)rposes only after 'e 'as got permission of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in
&riting% $o c'arges s'all <e reA)ired to provide necessary safety arrangements to avoid any
accidents or damage to adMacent <)ildings= roads and service lines% Ge s'all <e responsi<le
for any accidents or damage ca)sed d)e to contri<)tion and s)<seA)ent maintenance of t'e
&ells and s'all restore t'e gro)nd to its original condition after t'e &ells are dismantled on
completion of t'e &or0%
$ot-&it'standing anyt'ing contained to t'e contrary in any or all of t'e cla)ses of t'is contract=
&'ere any materials for t'e e(ec)tion of t'e contract are proc)red &it' t'e assistance of
Government eit'er <y iss)e from Government stoc0s or p)rc'ase made )nder orders or permits or
licenses iss)ed <y Government= t'e contractor s'all 'old t'e said materials economically and solely
for t'e p)rpose of t'e contract and not dispose of t'em &it'o)t t'e permission of t'e Government
and ret)rn= if reA)ired <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= all s)rpl)s or )nservicea<le materials t'at may <e
left &it' 'im after t'e completion of t'e contract or at its termination for any reason &'atsoever on
<eing paid or credited s)c' price as t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all determine 'aving d)e regard to
t'e condition of t'e materials% T'e price allo&ed to t'e contractor 'o&ever= s'all not e(ceed t'e
amo)nt c'arged to 'im e(cl)ding t'e element of storage c'arges if any% T'e decision of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final and concl)sive% In t'e event of <reac' of t'e aforesaid condition
t'e contractor s'all in addition to t'ro&ing 'imself open to action for contravention of t'e terms of
t'e licenses or permit and/or for criminal <reac' of tr)st= <e lia<le to Government for all moneys=
advantages or profits res)lting or &'ic' in t'e )s)al co)rse &o)ld 'ave res)lted to 'im <y reason of
s)c' <reac'%
T'e contractor s'all provide all necessary s)perintendence d)ring e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 and as
along t'ereafter as may <e necessary for proper f)lfilling of t'e o<ligations )nder t'e contract%
T'e contractor s'all immediately after receiving letter of acceptance of t'e tender and <efore
commencement of t'e &or0= intimate in &riting to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'e name= A)alifications=
e(perience= age= address and ot'er partic)lars along &it' certificates= of t'e principal tec'nical
representative to <e in c'arge of t'e &or0 and ot'er tec'nical representativeDsE &'o &ill <e
s)pervising t'e &or0% @inim)m reA)irement of s)c' tec'nical representativeDsE and t'eir
A)alifications and e(perience s'all not <e lo&er t'an as specified in Sc'ed)le H/H% T'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all &it'in * days of receipt of s)c' comm)nication intimate in &riting 'is approval or
ot'er&ise of s)c' a representative to t'e contractor% Any s)c' approval may at any time <e
&it'dra&n and in case of s)c' &it'dra&al= t'e contractor s'all appoint anot'er s)c' representative
according to t'e provisions of t'is 4la)se% Decision of t'e tender accepting a)t'ority s'all <e final
and <inding on t'e contractor in t'is respect% S)c' a principal tec'nical representative and ot'er
tec'nical representativeDsE s'all <e appointed <y t'e contractor soon after receipt of t'e approval
from Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all <e availa<le at site <efore of start of &or0%
All t'e provisions applica<le to t'e principal tec'nical representative )nder t'e 4la)se &ill also <e
applica<le to ot'er tec'nical representativeDsE% T'e principal tec'nical representative and ot'er
tec'nical representativeDsE s'all <e present at t'e site of &or0 for s)pervision at all times &'en any
constr)ction activity is in progress and also present 'imself/t'emselves= as reA)ired= to t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and/or 'is designated representative to ta0e instr)ctions% Instr)ctions given to
Tr-640 / 1+7
t'e principal tec'nical representativeDsE s'all <e deemed to 'ave t'e same force as if t'ese 'ave
<een given to t'e contractor% T'e principal tec'nical representative and ot'er tec'nical
representativeDsE s'all <e act)ally availa<le at site f)lly d)ring all stages of e(ec)tion of &or0= d)ring
recording/c'ec0ing/test c'ec0ing of meas)rements of &or0s and &'enever so reA)ired <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all also note do&n instr)ctions conveyed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
designated representativeDsE in t'e site order <oo0 and s'all affi( 'is/t'eir signat)re in to0en of
noting do&n t'e instr)ctions and in to0en of acceptance of meas)rements/c'ec0ed
meas)rements/test c'ec0ed meas)rements% T'e representativeDsE s'all not loo0 after any ot'er
&or0% S)<stit)tes= d)ly approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge of t'e &or0 in similar manner as aforesaid
s'all <e provided in event of a<sence of any of t'e representativeDsE <y more t'an t&o days%
If t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= &'ose decision in t'is respect is final and <inding on t'e contractor= is
convinced t'at no s)c' tec'nical representative or agent is effectively appointed or is/are effectively
attending of f)lfilling t'e provision of t'is cla)se a recovery non ref)nda<le s'all <e effected from t'e
contractor as specified in Sc'ed)le / and t'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge as recorded in t'e
site order <oo0 and meas)rement recorded in @eas)rement -oo0s s'all <e final and <inding on t'e
contractor% /)rt'er if t'e contractor fails to appoint a s)ita<le tec'nical representative and if s)c'
appointed persons are not effectively present or are a<sent <y more t'an t&o days &it'o)t d)ly
approved s)<stit)te or do not disc'arge t'eir responsi<ilities satisfactorily= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
s'all 'ave f)ll po&ers to s)spend t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 )ntil s)c' date as a s)ita<le ot'er
tec'nical representativeDsE is fare appointed and t'e contractor s'all 'e 'eld responsi<le for t'e
delay so ca )sed to t'e &or0% T'e contractor s'all s)<mit a certificate of employment of t'e
tec'nical representative along &it' every on acco)nt <ill/final <ill and s'all prod)ce evidence if at
any time so reA)ired <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'e contractor s'all provide and employ on t'e site only s)c' tec'nical assistants as are s0illed and
e(perienced in t'eir respective fields and s)c' foremen and s)pervisory staff as are competent to
give proper s)pervision to t'e &or0%
T'e contractor s'all provide and employ s0illed= semis0illed and )ns0illed la<o)r as is necessary for
proper and timely e(ec)tion of t'e &or0%
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e at li<erty to o<Mect to and reA)ire t'e contractor to remove from t'e
&or0s any person &'o in 'is opinion miscond)cts 'imself= or is incompetent or negligent in t'e
performance of 'is d)ties or &'ose employment is ot'er&ise considered <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge
to <e )ndesira<le% S)c' person s'all not <e employed again at &or0s site &it'o)t t'e &ritten
permission of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and t'e persons so removed s'all <e replaced as soon as
possi<le <y competent s)<stit)tes%
i) Sales Ta(/3AT or any ot'er ta( on materials in respect of t'is contract s'all <e paya<le <y
t'e contractor and Government s'all not entertain any claim &'atsoever in t'is respect%
ii) T'e contractor s'all deposit royalty and o<tain necessary permit for s)pply of t'e red <aMri=
stone= 0an0ar etc% from local a)t'orities%
iiiE If p)rs)ant to or )nder any la&= notification or order any royalty= cess or t'e li0e <ecomes paya<le
<y t'e Government of India and does not any time <ecome paya<le <y t'e contractor to t'e State
Government% Focal a)t'orities in respect of any material )sed <y t'e contractor in t'e &or0s t'en in
s)c' a case= it s'all <e la&f)l to t'e Government of India and it &ill 'ave t'e rig't and <e entitled to
recover t'e amo)nt paid in t'e circ)mstances as aforesaid from d)es of t'e contractor%
DiE All tendered rates s'all <e incl)sive of all ta(es and levies paya<le )nder respective stat)tes%
Go&ever= p)rs)ant to t'e 4onstit)tion D46
AmendmentE Act= 176+= if any f)rt'er ta( or levy is
imposed <y Stat)te= after t'e last stip)lated date for t'e receipt of tender incl)ding e(tensions= if any
and t'e contractor t'ere)pon necessarily and properly pays s)c' ta(es/levies= t'e contractor s'all
<e reim<)rsed t'e amo)nt so paid= provided s)c' payments= if any= is not= in t'e opinion of t'e
Tr-640 / 1*0
Engineer-in-4'arge D&'ose decision s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractorE attri<)ta<le to
delay in e(ec)tion of &or0 &it'in t'e control of t'e contractor%
(ii) T'e contractor s'all 0eep necessary <oo0s of acco)nts and ot'er doc)ments for t'e
p)rpose of t'e condition as may <e necessary and s'all allo& inspection of t'e same <y a
d)ly a)t'ori!ed representative of t'e Government and / or t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and
f)rt'er s'all f)rnis' s)c' ot'er information/doc)ment as t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may reA)ire
from time to time%
(iii) T'e contractor s'all &it'in a period of *0 days of t'e imposition of any s)c' f)rt'er ta( or
levy p)rs)ant to t'e 4onstit)tion D/orty si(t' AmendmentE Act= 176+= give a &ritten notice t'ereof to
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at t'e same is given p)rs)ant to t'is condition= toget'er &it' all necessary
information relating t'ereto%
:it'o)t preM)dice to any of t'e rig'ts or remedies )nder t'is contract= if t'e contractor dies= t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India s'all 'ave t'e option of terminating t'e
contract &it'o)t compensation to t'e contractor%
T'e contractor s'all not <e permitted to tender for &or0s in t'e Indira Gand'i 4entre for Atomic
1esearc'= D1esponsi<le for a&ard and e(ec)tion of contractsE in &'ic' 'is near relative is posted as
A/AA or as an officer in any capacity <et&een t'e grades of Engineer-in 4'arge to Assistant
Engineer% D-ot' incl)siveE DS/4 and a<oveE Ge s'all also intimate t'e names of persons &'o are
&or0ing &it' 'im in any capacity or are s)<seA)ently employed <y 'im and &'o are near relatives to
any ga!etted officer in t'e Department of Atomic Energy% Any <reac' of t'is condition <y t'e
contractor &o)ld render 'im lia<le to <e de<arred from tendering in t'is Department%
$TE" -y t'e term ;near relative; is meant &ife= ')s<and= parents and grandparents= c'ildren and
grand c'ildren= <rot'ers and sisters= )ncles= a)nts and co)sins and t'eir corresponding in-
$o Engineer of ga!ette ran0 or ot'er ga!ette officer employed in Engineering or administrative
d)ties in an Engineering Department of t'e Government of India is allo&ed to &or0 as a contractor
for a period of ne year of 'is retirement from Government Service &it'o)t t'e previo)s permission
of Government of India% T'is contract is lia<le to <e cancelled if eit'er t'e contractor or any of 'is
employees is fo)nd at any time to <e s)c' a person &'o 'ad not o<tained t'e permission of
Government of India as aforesaid= <efore s)<mission of t'e tender or engagement in t'e contractor;s
service as t'e case may <e%
iE After completion of t'e &or0 and also at any intermediate stage in t'e event of non reconciliation of
materials iss)ed= cons)med and in <alance - Dsee 4la)se 10E= t'eoretical A)antity of materials
iss)ed <y t'e Government for )se in t'e &or0 s'all <e calc)lated on t'e <asis and met'od given
a) I)antity of cement and <it)men s'all <e calc)lated on t'e <asis of A)antity of cement and
<it)men reA)ired for different items of &or0 as s'o&n in t'e Sc'ed)le of 1ates mentioned in
Sc'ed)le ;/;% In case any item is e(ec)ted for &'ic' standard constants for t'e cons)mption
of cement or <it)men are not availa<le in t'e a<ove mentioned sc'ed)le/statement or
cannot <e derived from t'e same s'all <e calc)lated on t'e <asis of standard form)la to <e
laid do&n <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
b) T'eoretical A)antity of steel reinforcement or str)ct)ral steel sections s'all <e ta0en as t'e
A)antity reA)ired as per design or as a)t'ori!ed <y Engineer-in-c'arge= incl)ding a)t'ori!ed
lappages= c'airs etc% pl)s .B D/ive #ercentE &astage d)e to c)tting into pieces= s)c'
t'eoretical A)antity <eing determined and compared &it' t'e act)al iss)es eac' diameter
&ise= section &ise and category &ise separately%
Tr-640 / 1*1
c) T'eoretical A)antity of G%I% , 4 l% or ot'er pipes= cond)its= &ires and ca<les= pig lead and
G%I%/@%S% s'eets s'all <e ta0en as A)antity act)ally reA)ired and meas)red pl)s .B for
&astage d)e to c)tting into pieces De(cept in t'e case of G%I%/@%S% s'eets it s'all <e 10BE=
s)c' determination , comparison <eing made diameter &ise , category &ise%
d) /or any ot'er material as per act)al reA)irements%
ii)ver t'e t'eoretical A)antities of materials so comp)ted a variation s'all <e allo&ed as specified
in Sc'ed)le ;/;% T'e difference in t'e net A)antities of material act)ally iss)ed to t'e contractor and
t'e t'eoretical A)antities incl)ding s)c' a)t'ori!ed variation= if not ret)rned <y t'e contractor or if
not f)lly reconciled to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &it'in fifteen days of t'e iss)e of
&ritten notice <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to t'is effect s'all <e recovered at t'e rates specified in
Sc'ed)le ;/; &it'o)t preM)dice to t'e provision of t'e relevant conditions regarding ret)rn of
materials governing t'e contract% Decision of Engineer-in-4'arge in regard to t'eoretical A)antities
of materials= &'ic' s'o)ld 'ave <een act)ally )sed as per t'e Anne()re of t'e standard sc'ed)le of
rates and recovery at rates specified in Sc'ed)le ;/;= s'all <e final , <inding on t'e contractor%
/or no sc'ed)led items= t'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge regarding t'eoretical A)antities of
materials &'ic' s'o)ld 'ave <een act)ally )sed s'all <e final and <inding on t'e contractor%
iii) T'e said action )nder t'is cla)se is &it'o)t preM)dice to t'e rig't of t'e Government to ta0e
action against t'e contractor )nder any ot'er conditions of contract for not doing t'e &or0 according
to t'e prescri<ed specifications%
T'e &or0 D&'et'er f)lly constr)cted or notE and all materials= mac'ines= tools and plants=
scaffolding= temporary <)ildings and ot'er t'ings connected t'ere&it' s'all <e at t'e ris0 of t'e
contractor )ntil t'e &or0 'as <een delivered to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and a certificate from 'im to
t'at effect o<tained% In t'e event of t'e &or0 or any materials properly <ro)g't to t'e site for
incorporation in t'e &or0 <eing damaged or destroyed in conseA)ence of 'ostilities or &ar li0e
operations= t'e contractor s'all= &'en ordered in &riting <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= remove any
de<ris from t'e site= collect and properly stac0 Dor removeE in store all servicea<le materials
salvaged from t'e damaged &or0 and s'all <e paid at t'e contract rates in accordance &it' t'e
provision of t'is agreement for t'e &or0 of clearing t'e site of de<ris= stac0ing or removal of
servicea<le materials and for t'e reconstr)ction of all &or0s ordered <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge=
s)c' payments <eing in addition to compensation )p to t'e val)e of t'e &or0= originally e(ec)ted
<efore <eing damaged or destroyed and not paid for% In case of &or0s damaged or destroyed <)t not
already meas)red and paid for= t'e compensation s'all <e assessed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge )p
to 1s% .=000/- and <y t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS for a 'ig'er amo)nt% T'e contractor s'all <e
paid for t'e damage/destr)ction s)ffered and for t'e restoring t'e materials at t'e rate <ased on t'e
analysis of rates tendered for in accordance &it' t'e provisions of t'is agreement% T'e certificate of
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge regarding t'e A)ality and A)antity of materials and t'e p)rpose for &'ic'
t'ey &ere collected s'all <e final and <inding on all parties to t'is contract%
#rovided al&ays t'at no compensation s'all <e paya<le for any loss in conseA)ence of 'ostilities or
&ar-li0e operations DaE )nless t'e contractor 'ad ta0en all s)c' preca)tions against Air 1aid as are
deemed necessary <y t'e A%1%#% fficers or t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= D<E for any materials etc% not on
t'e site of t'e &or0 or for any tools and plant= mac'inery= scaffolding= temporary <)ildings and ot'er
t'ings not intended for t'e &or0%
In t'e event of t'e contractor 'aving to carry o)t reconstr)ction as aforesaid= 'e s'all <e allo&ed
s)c' e(tension of time for its completion as is considered reasona<le <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'e contractor s'all comply &it' t'e provisions of t'e Apprentices Act= 1761 and t'e r)les and
orders iss)ed t'ere )nder from time to time% If 'e fails to do so= 'is fail)re &ill <e a <reac' of t'e
contract and t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS may= in 'is discretion= cancel t'e contract% T'e
contractor s'all also <e lia<le for any pec)niary lia<ility arising on acco)nt of any violation <y 'im of
t'e provisions of t'e said Act%
Tr-640 / 1*+
Re&erence to General Condition8 o& Contract1
$ame of &or0
Estimated cost of &or0
iE Earnest @oney
ii) #erformance G)arantee
iii) Sec)rity Deposit
" Pro)idin* and la+in* D,ctile iron Pi-eline &ro% NDDP 2.GD
Plant to Poi+a((arai near D/E %ain *ate at 0al-a((a%1
" R81 249120 $a(h8
" R81 45 ;6 5400/-
" . B of t'e tendered val)e of t'e &or0
" . B of t'e tendered val)e of t'e &or0
Tr-640 / 1**
GE$E1AF 1CFES , fficer inviting tender
Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5
Tr-640 / 1*4
@a(im)m percentage of A)antity of all items of &or0 to <e
e(ec)ted <eyond &'ic' rates are to <e determined in
accordance &it' cla)ses 1+%+ , 1+%* See -elo&
+ DvE
+ DviiiE
+ D(E
+ D(iE
+ D(iiE 7 DiiE
Cla,8e - 1
i) Time allo&ed for s)<mission of #erformance
G)arantee from t'e date of iss)e of letter of
Indent= in days
ii) @a(im)m allo&a<le e(tension <eyond t'e period
provided in DiE a<ove in days
" As mentioned in t'e &or0 order
" 4'ief Engineer= ESG=GS
" 1. B D/or arriving rate for e(tra itemE
" 4EG= IG4A1 Sc'ed)le of rates DS1E
" DAE= Government of India
" 4#:D form 2/6 as modified and corrected
)p to +00.
" 1. D/ifteenE days
2 DSevenE days
Cla,8e - 2
Tr-640 / 1*.
Accepting a)t'ority
#ercentage on cost of materials and
la<o)r to cover all over 'eads and profits
Standard sc'ed)le of rates
Standard 4#:D contract form
A)t'ority for fi(ing compensation )nder
cla)se + : Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5
Tr-640 / 1*6
Cla,8e - 2/
:'et'er 4la)se + A is applica<le " $o
Cla,8e - =
$)m<er of days after t'e date of iss)e of 1. D/ifteenE days
&or0 order for rec0oning date of start
@ile stoneDsE as per ta<le given <elo&"
Ta<le o& .ile Stone!8#
Sl% $o% Description of @ilestone D#'ysicalE
Time allo&ed in days
Dfrom date5ofstartE
Amo)nt to <e &it'-'eld in
case of non ac'ievement of
Tr-640 / 1*2
" 6 !Si:# .onth8 Dincl)ding monsoon periodE
Sl% $o% /inancial progress
Time allo&ed in days Dfrom
date of startE
Amo)nt to <e &it'-'eld in case of
non ac'ievement of milestone
1% 1/6
Dof &'ole &or0E 1/4
Dof &'ole &or0E
In t'e event of not ac'ieving t'e
necessary progress as assessed
from t'e r)nning payments= 1%. B
of t'e tendered val)e of &or0 &ill
<e &it''eld for fail)re of eac'
+% */6
Dof &'ole &or0E
/4 Dof &'ole &or0E
*% */4
Dof &'ole &or0E */4
Dof &'ole &or0E
4% /)ll /)ll
Time allo&ed for e(ec)tion of
&or0 Cla,8e - 6 or 6/ 4la)se
applica<le -D6 or 6AE 4la)se 6A is
Tr-640 / 1*6
Cla,8e - 7
Gross &or0 to <e done toget'er &it' net
payment/adM)stment of advances for material
collected= if any= since t'e last s)c' payment for
<eing eligi<le to interim payment
Tr-640 / 1*7
Cla,8e - 10 !ii#
:'et'er 4la)se 10- DiiE s'all <e applica<le%
DJes or $oE
Cla,8e - 10C/
@aterials 4overed )nder t'is cla)se
1. -ase price of t'e 4ement !P#
- R81 6200100/.T1
2. -ase price of t'e Steel 1einforcement
!P# - R81 =1404100/.T
3. Str)ct)ral steel - Nil -
$earest @aterial for &'ic' All India :'olesale
#rice inde( is to <e follo&ed
+%Steel D<ars and rodE *%Steel
s'eets= #lates , strips
Tr-640 / 140
4% -it)men - Nil-
Cla,8e - 10CC
4la)se 1044 to <e applica<le in contracts
&it' stip)lated period of completion e(ceeding
t'e period s'o&n in ne(t col)mn%
12 !T'el)e#
Tr-640 / 141
Tr-640 / 14+
rea(,- o&
Labour #S 2=>
1212 E 1216
Deviation limit <eyond &'ic' cla)ses 1+%+ , 1+%* s'all apply
for S)perstr)ct)re in -)ilding &or0
Deviation limit <eyond &'ic' cla)se 1+%.
s'all apply for /o)ndation in -)ilding &or0
De)iation li%it &or /ll .aintenance 'or(8 =0>
Tr-640 / 14*
Cla,8e - 16
4ompetent A)t'ority for deciding red)ced
rates "
Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5
Tr-640 / 144
Sl% $o%
I)alification of
Designation D#rincipal 5
H Din
1ate at &'ic' recovery s'all
<e made from t'e contractor
in t'e event of not f)lfilling
provision of 4la)se *6 DiE
1 -%E #roMect @anager 10 R81605000/- -er %onth
+ -%E Grad)ate Engineer . R81205000/- -er %onth
* Diploma Diploma Engineer . R811=5000/- -er %onth
Assistant Engineers/Scientific fficer - H4H= retired from 4entral Government services t'at are 'olding
Diploma &ill <e treated at par &it' Grad)ate Engineers%
Cla,8e - 42
DaE Sc'ed)le/Statement for determining t'eoretical
A)antity of cement on t'e <asis of "
/8 -er Ci)il Ior(8 S-eci&ication8 o& the
DiiE 3ariations permissi<le on t'eoretical A)antities
a Ce%ent
iE for &or0s &it' estimated cost p)t to tender not
%ore than R81= $a(h8
= > -l,8 /.in,8
iiE for &or0s &it' estimated cost p)t to tender %ore
than R81= $a(h8
6 > -l,8 /.in,8
< it,%en for All :or0s 21= > -l,8 onl+ E Nil on .in,8 8ide
Steel rein&orce%ent and Str,ct,ral 8teel 8ection8 Pl,8 !R# = > OR .in,8 !-# 4 > <ein*
)ariation in 'a8ta*e
d All ot'er materials Nil
Tr-640 / 14.
Cla,8e - 66 !i#
ReB,ire%ent o& Technical Re-re8entati)e!8# and reco)er+
4ost of &or0 D1s% in 1eA)irement of Tec'nical Staff @inim)m
Fa0'sE I)alification $)m<er E(perience DyearsE
iE #roMect @anager &it' degree in
corresponding discipline of Engineering 1 10
@ore t'an 1000 iiE Grad)ate Engineer 1 .
iiiE Grad)ate Engineer !or# + $il
Diploma Engineer + .
DiE Grad)ate Engineer 1 .
.00 to 1000 DiiE Grad)ate Engineer !or# + $il
Diploma Engineer + .
DiE Grad)ate Engineer 1 .
+00 to .00 DiiE Grad)ate Engineer !or# 1 $il
Diploma Engineer 1 .
.0 to +00 Grad)ate Engineer 1 .
10 to .0 Grad)ate Engineer !or# 1 $il
Diploma Engineer 1 .
(a) /or p)rposes of planning= t'e 4ontractor s'all f)rnis' along &it' t'e tender= t'e estimated
reA)irement of electric po&er for t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0 in terms of ma(im)m 9:
(b) T'e constr)ction po&er s)pply &ill <e made availa<le to t'e 4ontractor at a nominal system
voltage of 41. 3= * p'ase= .0 c/s% T'e po&er s)pply to t'e 4ontractor &ill <e made availa<le
s)<Mect to t'e follo&ing terms and conditions%
i) T'is po&er s'all not <e )sed for any ot'er p)rpose ot'er t'an t'is &or0%
ii) T'e s)pply &ill <e made availa<le at t'e #44 of an e(isting S)<-station &it'in a
distance of .00 metres from t'e &or0 site% @a(im)m capacity of feeder reserved for
t'is p)rpose is 400 A% In case t'e contractor needs additional po&er +.0 A/1+. A
feeders from t'e same #44 &ill <e allotted for t'is p)rpose% T'e contractor s'all ma0e
'is o&n arrangements for do&nstream distri<)tion of po&er in all respects to all 'is
&or0s from t'e point to s)pply%
iii) T'e Department s'all meter t'e s)pply of po&er to t'e 4ontractor at t'e points at
&'ic' t'e s)pply is given% /or t'is p)rpose= t'e 4ontractor s'all ma0e s)ita<le
metering arrangement as approved <y t'e Department% T'e meter )sed s'all <e of
approved ma0e and &it' 4lass 1%0 or <etter acc)racy% All t'e test certificates for t'e
meter s'all <e f)rnis'ed <y t'e contractor% T'e contractor &ill <e lia<le to pay t'e
electricity c'arges at a rate of 1s% ./- per )nit cons)med &'ic' &ill <e ded)cted from
t'e r)nning acco)nt <ill% If any disp)te on acc)racy of meter is raised <y t'e
Department= t'e meter s'all <e replaced <y t'e 4ontractor at no e(tra cost%
iv) All t'e e(pendit)re inc)rred for t'e constr)ction po&er s)pply incl)ding t'at for
metering s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor%
v) It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of t'e 4ontractor to provide and maintain t'e complete
installation do&nstream of #44 &it' d)e regard to t'e safety reA)irements at site% All
ca<ling and installations s'all comply in all respects &it' appropriate stat)tory
reA)irements given in t'e follo&ing"
(a) Indian Electricity Act= +00*%
(b) Indian Electricity 1)les= 17.6 Das amendedE and s'all <e s)<Mect to approval of
vi) T'e po&er s)pply &ill also <e reg)lated <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in line &it' t'e
availa<ility of po&er from @A#S%
vii) T'e 4ontractor s'all maintain t'e po&er factor at not less t'an 0%6.= <y installing if
necessary= at 'is o&n cost= s)ita<le corrective devices% T'e 4ontractor;s fail)re to ta0e
)p necessary action in t'is regard &it'in a period stip)lated <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge may entail installation of t'e necessary corrective devices <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge at t'e 4ontractor;s ris0 and cost% All electrical installation made <y t'e
contractor at &or0 site &ill <e s)<Mected to periodical inspection of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge or 'is a)t'orised representative%
viii) T'e Department &ill not <e lia<le for any loss or damage to t'e contractor;s eA)ipment
as a res)lt of variations in voltage or freA)ency or interr)ption in po&er s)pply for a
contin)o)s period not e(ceeding +4 'o)rs= t'e contractor s'all 'ave no claim
&'atsoever against t'e Government% /or any po&er fail)re/stoppage res)lting in
interr)ptions for a contin)o)s period e(ceeding +4 'o)rs= t'e contractor &ill <e eligi<le
only for reasona<le e(tension of time and not for any compensation on t'is acco)nt%
Tr-640 / 146
T'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge &it' regard to t'e grant of e(tension of time
and its reasona<leness= if granted s'all <e final%
Tr-640 / 142
ix) T'e Department &ill not <e lia<le for any loss to t'e 4ontractor arising from
interr)ption= fail)re or stoppage of &or0s and any attendant delays conseA)ent )pon
s)c' interr)ptions= fail)re or stoppage of po&er s)pply or variations in voltage or
x) 1ecoveries for t'e po&er s)pplied for constr)ction p)rpose s'all <e made from t'e
r)nning acco)nt <ills of t'e 4ontractor at t'e rate of 1s% .%00 per 0:' on t'e <asis of
act)al cons)mption%
xi) After completion of t'e &or0s= t'e 4ontractor s'all promptly dismantle at 'is o&n cost=
t'e distri<)tion and ot'er facilities 'e may 'ave erected%
i) T'e Department &ill provide 41. 3= * p'ase= 4 &ire s)pply at one location as indicated
in t'e dra&ing% T'e energy cons)mption &ill <e metered and c'arged as specified%
ii) T'e 4ontractor &ill ma0e arrangements for receiving t'e po&er s)pply% Ge &ill 'ave a
distri<)tion s&itc'<oard &it' one n)m<er incomer s&itc' &it' G14 f)ses and s)fficient
n)m<ers of o)tgoing feeders= properly &it' G14 f)se protection% S)<-distri<)tion
<oards may <e provided and &ired from t'e distri<)tion <oard <y t'e 4ontractor%
4a<ling from t'e meter and s)pply point to t'e distri<)tion <oard &ill <e done <y t'e
4ontractor% T'e distri<)tion <oard and ot'er locations s'all <e provided &it' danger
<oards &it' s0)ll mar0%
iii) Single p'ase loads &ill <e connected s)c' t'at t'e loads and t'e * p'ases are
iv) All distri<)tion <oards and s)<-distri<)tion <oards &ill <e properly gro)nded &it' +
gro)nd connections and eac' <oard &ill 'ave one independent pipe eart' electrodes%
v) All electrical eA)ipment li0e s&itc'es= motors and po&er o)tlets s'all <e properly
gro)nded and s'all <e &ell protected from &eat'er Drain and d)stE%
vi) EA)ipment &it' electric prime movers &ill <e installed in permanent manner as far as
possi<le &it' fi(ed ca<ling% Ins)lated &ires in metallic cond)its can s)<stit)te for
armo)red ca<les= if reA)ired%
vii) #orta<le lig'ts and eA)ipment Dlimited to )navoida<le tools li0e vi<rators= drills and
polis'ing mac'ineE &ill <e connected )sing metal clad soc0ets and pl)gs to avoid
mec'anical damage%
i) Insertion of &ires in soc0ets &ill not <e permitted%
ii) All porta<le appliances s'all <e properly gro)nded%
viii) All porta<le electrical tools &ill <e tested and certified <y a)t'orised staff% 4ontractor;s
Electrical S)pervisor may <e a)t'orised for t'e &or0 <y t'e Department at its discretion%
ix) 4a<ling and &iring &ill <e r)n )ndergro)nd &it' proper mec'anical protection or
over'ead <eyond normal ')man reac' so as to avoid 'indrance to movement of men
and materials% 4a<le ro)te indicators s'all <e provided as directed <y Engineer-in-
4'arge &'erever ca<les are r)n )ndergro)nd%
x) /or temporary connections * 4ore ins)lated and s'eat'ed ca<les &ill <e )sed for single
p'ase and 4 core ins)lated and s'eat'ed ca<les &ill <e )sed for * p'ase &iring=
Armo)red ca<les &ill <e preferred%
iii) Cnarmo)red ca<les &ill not <e tied to metal s)pports )sing metal &ires%
xi) All &ires )sed s'all <e 'ealt'y and Moints s'all <e of minim)m% T'e Moints s'all <e
properly ins)lated and s'all <e approved <y Departmental Engineer% Loints s'all <e
properly s)pported and positioned a<ove normal ')man reac'% Loints s'all not <e
Tr-640 / 146
permitted in &et areas% Foose &iring &ill not <e allo&ed over floor= e(tra lengt' of &ires
and ca<les s'all <e properly coiled and 0ept in safe position%
xv) Electrical &or0s incl)ding temporary connections and e(tensions &ill <e carried o)t <y
licensed electricians only% All electrical installations &ill <e energised only after approval
<y t'e Department%
xvi) Fist of electrical staff to <e posted at site &ill <e f)rnis'ed <y t'e 4ontractor <efore t'e
commencement of 4ontract%
xvii) AdeA)ate area lig'ts &ill <e provided <y t'e 4ontractor to ens)re safe &or0ing%
xviii)Departmental electrical staff &ill <e availa<le at Site for rectification of fa)lts )pto
metered point d)ring normal &or0ing 'o)rs on normal &or0ing days% 4ontractor;s
A)alified staff &ill maintain t'e 4ontractor;s electrical installations%
xix) T'e contractor &ill allo& free access to departmental safety engineers for inspection of
electrical connections and distri<)tion systems and a<ide <y t'eir decisions= in t'e
interest of safety of personnel% T'e contractor also &ill avail t'e ind)strial safety and
related training <eing provided <y t'e department free of cost and ens)re t'at most of
t'e field staff are trained adeA)ately%
A/"E / SENSITI"ITF O? 100 .I$$I /.PS1
+ M
Tr-640 / 147
Tr-640 / 1.0
1.1. SCOPE O? IOR0 :
T'e scope of &or0 covered )nder t'is specifications pertains to e(cavation of fo)ndations=
trenc'es= pits and over areas= in all sorts of soils= soft and 'ard roc0= correct to dimensions given in
t'e dra&ing incl)ding s'oring= protections of e(isting )ndergro)nd )tilities if any= s)c' as &ater lines=
electric ca<les etc%= de&atering and s'oring if necessary= stac0ing t'e )sef)l materials as directed
&it'in t'e lead specified= refilling aro)nd t'e fo)ndation and into t'e plint' &it' selected )sef)l
e(cavated eart' and disposing off t'e s)rpl)s eart'/materials &it'in specified lead and finis'ing t'e
s)rface to proper levels= slopes and cam<er etc% all complete%
1.2. SITE C$E/R/NCE :
-efore t'e eart' &or0 is started t'e area coming )nder c)tting and filling s'all <e cleared of all
o<str)ctions= loose stones= s'r)<s= ran0 vegetation= grass= <r)s'-&ood= trees and saplings of girt'
)pto *0 cm% meas)red at a 'eig't of one metre a<ove gro)nd and r)<<is' removed )pto a distance
of 1.0 metres o)tside t'e perip'ery of t'e area )nder clearance% T'e roots of trees s'all <e
removed to a minim)m dept' of 60 cm% <elo& gro)nd level= or a minim)m of *0cm% <elo& formation
level &'ic'ever is lo&er= and t'e 'ollo&s filled )p &it' eart'= levelled and rammed% T'is &or0 is
deemed to <e incl)ded in t'e eart' &or0 items and no separate payment &ill <e admissi<le for t'e
T'e trees of girt' a<ove *0 cm% meas)red at a 'eig't of one meter a<ove gro)nd= s'all only <e
c)t after permission of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge is o<tained in &riting% T'e roots s'all also <e
removed as descri<ed in t'e preceding s)<-para% #ayment for c)tting and removing roots of s)c'
trees s'all <e made separately% Any material o<tained from t'e site &ill <e t'e property of t'e
Department and t'e )sef)l materials as decided <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge &ill <e conveyed and
properly stac0ed as directed &it'in t'e lead specified%
@asonry or concrete pillars &ill <e erected at s)ita<le points in t'e area to serve as <enc'
mar0s for t'e e(ec)tion of t'e &or0% T'ese <enc' mar0s s'all <e connected &it' G% T% S% or any
ot'er permanent <enc' mar0 approved <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge% $ecessary profiles &it' pegs=
<am<oos and strings or -)rMis s'all <e made to s'o& t'e correct formation levels <efore t'e &or0 is
started% T'e contractor s'all s)pply la<o)r and materials for setting o)t and ma0ing profiles and
-)rMis for t'e &or0 at 'is o&n cost and t'e same s'all <e maintained d)ring t'e e(cavation &or0%
T'e Department &ill s'o& grid 4o-ordinate or ot'er reference points% It s'all <e t'e responsi<ility of
t'e contractor to set o)t centre lines correctly &it' reference to t'e dra&ings and install s)<stantial
reference mar0s% 4'ec0ing of s)c' alignment <y t'e Department &ill not a<solve t'e contractor from
'is responsi<ility to e(ec)te t'e &or0 strictly in accordance &it' t'e dra&ings%
1.4. E2C/"/TION :
T'e contractor s'all notify t'e Engineer-in-c'arge <efore starting e(cavation and <efore t'e
gro)nd is dist)r<ed= to ena<le 'im to ta0e e(isting levels for t'e p)rpose of meas)rements% T'e
gro)nd levels s'all <e ta0en at . to 1. metres intervals in )niformly sloping gro)nd and at closer
distance &'ere local mo)nts= pits or )nd)lations are met &it'= as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-
c'arge% T'e gro)nd levels s'all <e recorded in field <oo0s and plotted on plans= &'ic' s'all <e
signed <y t'e 4ontractor and t'e Engineer-in-c'arge= <efore t'e eart' &or0 is act)ally started% T'e
la<o)r reA)ired for ta0ing levels= s'all <e s)pplied <y t'e 4ontractor at 'is o&n cost% T'e 4ontractor
s'all perform e(cavation in all types of soils= m)rr)m= soft and 'ard roc0= <o)lders etc% in fo)ndation=
over areas and in trenc'es to &idt's= lines= levels= grades and c)rves as s'o&n in t'e dra&ing or
lesser &idt's= lines and levels as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge and as per items in t'e
sc'ed)le of A)antities%
114111 T'e item in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities s'all specify t'e e(cavation in trenc'es or over areas%
/or t'is p)rpose= t'e e(cavation for any dept' in trenc'es for fo)ndation not e(ceeding 1%. m% in
&idt' or 10 SA%m% on plan s'all <e descri<ed as E:ca)ation in &o,ndation trenche81
Tr-640 / 1.1
1.4.2. E(cavation e(ceeding 1%.m in &idt' as &ell as 10 SA%m% on plan De(cl)ding
trenc'es for pipes= ca<les etc%E and e(ceeding *0 cm in dept' s'all <e descri<ed as
E:ca)ation o)er area81
1.4.3. E(cavation e(ceeding 1%.m in &idt' as &ell as 10 SA%m% on plan <)t not e(ceeding
*0 cm% in dept' s'all <e descri<ed as S)rface E(cavation%
1.5. Cla88i&ication o& Earth Ior(: T'e eart' &or0 s'all <e classified )nder t'e
follo&ing main categories and meas)red separately for eac' category%
a) All types of soils= m)rr)m= <o)lders%
b) Soft roc0%
c) Gard roc0%
11=111 a# /ll t+-e8 o& Soil85 .,rr,%5 o,lder8 : T'is incl)des eart'= m)rr)m= top deposits of
agric)lt)ral soil= reclaimed soil= clay= sand or any com<ination t'ereof and soft and 'ard m)rr)m=
s'ingle etc% &'ic' is loose eno)g' to <e removed &it' spades= s'ovel and pic0 a(es% -o)lders not
more t'an 0%0* c)m% in vol)me fo)nd d)ring t'e co)rse of e(cavation s'all also fall )nder t'is
b) E:ca)ation in So&t Roc( : T'is s'all incl)de all materials &'ic' are roc0 or 'ard
conglomerate= all decomposed &eat'ered roc0= 'ig'ly fiss)red roc0= old masonry= <o)lders <igger
t'an 0%0* c)m% in vol)me <)t not <igger t'an 0%. c)m% and ot'er varieties of soft roc0 &'ic' can <e
removed only &it' pic0 a(es= cro& <ars= &edges and 'ammers &it' some diffic)lty% T'e mere fact
t'at t'e contractor resorts to <lasting and/or &edging and c'iseling for reasons of 'is o&n= s'all not
mean t'e roc0 is classifia<le as 'ard roc0%
c) E:ca)ation in Aard Roc( : T'is incl)des all roc0 ot'er t'an soft roc0 mentioned in
para 1%.%1 D<E vi!% soft roc0= occ)rring in masses= <o)lders 'aving appro(imate vol)me more t'an
0%. c)m% plain or reinforced cement concrete= &'ic' can <est <e removed <y <lasting or c'iseling
and &edging &'ere <lasting cannot <e permitted o&ing to any restriction at site%
i) E:ca)ation in Aard Roc( <+ la8tin* : :'ere <lasting is permitted t'e e(cavation in
roc0 s'all <e done <y means of <lasting% $o 'eavy <lasting &ill <e permitted and only
controlled/m)ffled <lasting &ill <e permitted at t'e discretion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e
4ontractor s'all <e governed <y t'e relevant stat)tory la&s= r)les and reg)lations on e(plosives=
pertaining to t'e acA)isition= transport= storage= 'andling and )se of e(plosive &'ic' s'all <e rigidly
follo&ed and s'all o<tain 'imself all necessary materials and eA)ipment for <lasting% -lasting s'all
<e e(ec)ted t'ro)g' a licensed <laster &it' prior permission from police a)t'orities% #rior to <lasting
s)fficient notice s'all <e given to concerned parties to avoid danger to people= materials and near<y
str)ct)res% All t'e damages ca)sed <y careless <lasting if any s'all <e made good <y t'e contractor
at 'is o&n e(penses%
ii) E:ca)ation in Aard Roc( <+ Chi8elin* and Ied*in* : :'ere <lasting is not
permitted and if t'e Engineer-in-4'arge so desires= t'e e(cavation s'all <e done <y c'iseling and
&edging or any ot'er agreed met'od%
NOTE : All t'e e(cavated 'ard roc0 o<tained s'all <e stac0ed properly and neatly &it'in t'e
specified lead <y t'e contractor as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
1.6. E2C/"/TION P/R/.ETERS : T'e e(cavation )nder all classifications in areas in
trenc'es or in pits s'all <e carried o)t systematically% 4)tting s'all <e done from top to
<ottom and no )nder-pining or )nderc)tting &ill <e allo&ed% T'e <ottom and sides of
e(cavation s'all <e dressed to proper level= slopes= steps= cam<er etc% <y removing 'ig'
spots= and ramming t'oro)g'ly as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
All t'e e(cavation s'all <e carried o)t strictly to t'e dimensions given in t'e dra&ing% T'e &idt'
s'all generally <e of t'e &idt' of m)d mat concrete and dept' as s'o&n in dra&ing or as directed <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= according to availa<ility of t'e desired <earing capacity of soil <elo&% Any
e(cavation if ta0en <elo& t'e specified dept's and levels= t'e contractor s'all at 'is o&n cost fill )p
s)c' overc)t to t'e specified level &it' cement concrete 1"4"6 in case of e(cavation in all types of
soils and &it' cement concrete 1"+"4 in case of e(cavation in soft and 'ard roc0%
Tr-640 / 1.+
After t'e e(cavation is completed= t'e contractor s'all notify t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to t'at
effect and no f)rt'er &or0 s'all <e ta0en )p )ntil t'e Engineer-in-4'arge 'as approved t'e dept'
and dimensions and also t'e nat)re of fo)ndation materials% Fevels and meas)rements s'all also <e
recorded prior to ta0ing )p any f)rt'er &or0%
1.7. SAORING :
Cnless separately provided for in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities= t'e A)oted rate for e(cavation
s'all incl)de e(cavation of slopes to prevent falling in soil <y providing and/or fi(ing= maintaining and
removing of s'oring= <racing etc% T'e contractor &o)ld <e responsi<le for t'e design of s'oring for
proper retaining of sides of trenc'es= pits etc% &it' d)e consideration to t'e traffic= s)perimposed
loads etc% S'oring s'all <e of s)fficient strengt' to resist t'e press)re and ens)re safety from slips
and to prevent damage to &or0 and property and inM)ry to persons% It s'all <e removed as directed
after items for &'ic' it is reA)ired are completed% S'o)ld t'e slips occ)r= t'e slipped material s'all
<e removed and slope dressed to a modified sta<le slope% 1emoval of t'e slipped eart' &ill not <e
meas)red for payment%
Cnless specifically provided for as a separate item in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities= rate s'all also
incl)de <ailing or p)mping o)t all &ater &'ic' may acc)m)late in t'e e(cavation d)ring t'e progress
of f)rt'er &or0s s)c' as m)d mat concrete= 1%4% footings= s')ttering etc% eit'er d)e to seepage=
springs= rain or any ot'er ca)se and diverting s)rface flo& <y <)nds or ot'er means% 4are s'all <e
ta0en to ens)re t'at t'e &ater disc'arged s)fficiently a&ay from t'e fo)ndations to 0eep it free from
n)isance to ot'er &or0s in t'e neig'<o)r'ood%
1.9. DISPOS/$ O? E2C/"/TED ./TERI/$S :
a) /NTIJDITES : Any finds of arc'aeological interest s)c' as relics of antiA)ity= coins= fossils
or ot'er articles of val)e s'all <e delivered to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all <e t'e
property of t'e Government%
b) DSE?D$ ./TERI/$S : Any material o<tained from t'e e(cavation &'ic' in t'e opinion of
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge is )sef)l= s'all <e stac0ed separately in reg)lar stac0s as directed <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all <e t'e property of t'e Government%
$o material e(cavated from fo)ndation trenc'es of &'atever 0ind t'ey may <e are to <e placed
even temporarily nearer t'an a<o)t * m% from t'e o)ter edge of e(cavation% Discretion of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge in s)c' cases is final% All materials e(cavated &ill remain t'e property of t'e
Department% 1ate for e(cavation incl)des sorting o)t of t'e )sef)l materials and stac0ing t'em
separately as directed &it'in t'e specific lead%
@aterials s)ita<le and )sef)l for <ac0filling or ot'er )se s'all <e stac0ed in convenient place
<)t not in s)c' a &ay as to o<str)ct free movement of materials= &or0ers and ve'icles or encroac'
on t'e area reA)ired for constr)ctional p)rposes% It s'all <e )sed to t'e e(tent reA)ired to completely
<ac0fill t'e str)ct)re to original gro)nd level or ot'er elevation s'o&n on t'e plan or as directed <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% .aterial8 not ,8e&,l in an+'a+ 8hall <e di8-o8ed o&&5 le)elled and
co%-acted a8 directed <+ the En*ineer-in-char*e 'ithin a 8-eci&ied lead1 The 8ite 8hall <e le&t
clean o& all de<ri8 and le)elled on co%-letion1
T'e <ac0 filling s'all <e done after t'e concrete or masonry 'as f)lly set and s'all <e done in
s)c' a &ay as not to ca)se )nder-t'r)st on any part of t'e str)ct)re% :'ere s)ita<le e(cavated
material is to <e )sed for <ac0 filling= it s'all <e <ro)g't from t'e place &'ere it &as temporarily
deposited and s'all <e )sed in <ac0filling% T'e scope of &or0 for <ac0 filling/filling in fo)ndation=
plint'= )nder floors etc% s'all incl)de filling for all t'e <)ildings covered )nder t'e contract% S)rpl)s
eart' availa<le from one <)ilding= if reA)ired= s'all <e )sed for <ac0filling/filling for ot'er <)ildings
also &it'in t'e specified lead mentioned in t'e item%
All tim<er s'oring and form &or0 left in t'e trenc'es= pits= floors etc% s'all <e removed after
t'eir necessity ceases and tras' of any sort s'all <e cleared o)t from t'e e(cavation% All t'e space
<et&een fo)ndation masonry or concrete and t'e sides of e(cavation s'all <e <ac0filled to t'e
Tr-640 / 1.*
original s)rface &it' approved materials in layers not e(ceeding 1.0 mm% in t'ic0ness= &atered and
&ell consolidated <y means of rammers to atleast 70B of t'e consolidation o<taina<le at optim)m
moist)re content D#roctor densityE% /looding &it' &ater for consolidation &ill not <e allo&ed% Areas
inaccessi<le to mec'anical eA)ipment s)c' as areas adMacent to &alls and col)mns etc% s'all <e
tamped <y 'and rammer or <y 'and 'eld po&er rammers to t'e reA)ired density% T'e <ac0fill s'all
<e )niform in c'aracter and free from large l)mps= stones= s'ingle or <o)lder not larger t'an 2. mm%
in any direction= salt= clods= organic or ot'er foreign materials &'ic' mig't rot% T'e <ac0filling in
plint' and )nder floors s'all <e done in similar &ay in layers not e(ceeding 1.0 mm% t'ic0 and s'all
<e &ell consolidated <y means of mec'anical or 'and operated rammers as specified to ac'ieve t'e
reA)ired density%
Test to esta<lis' proper consolidation as reA)ired &ill <e carried o)t <y t'e Department at rates
specified% T&o tests per .0 SA%m% &ill <e ta0en to ascertain t'e proper consolidation% T'e cost of
tests carried o)t &ill <e recovered from t'e contractors <ill%
After t'e availa<le s)ita<le e(cavated materials are e('a)sted as <ac0filling= t'e contractor
s'all notify t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= of t'e fact and levels ta0en Mointly &it' Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e
eart'= m)rr)m= sand= gravel etc% or s)c' materials s)ita<le for filling proposed to <e filled )nder
floors and so mentioned in t'e item of sc'ed)le of A)antities s'all t'en <e <ro)g't to site from
approved locations and so)rces%
i) Earth ?illin* : T'e eart'= soft m)rr)m etc% so <ro)g't s'all <e filled )p in layers of 1. cm
dept'= eac' layer <eing &ell &atered and consolidated <y approved 'and or mec'anical tampers or
ot'er s)ita<le means to ac'ieve t'e reA)ired density%
ii) Gra)el or Sand ?illin* : Gravel if reA)ired to <e filled )nder floors= s'all <e single &as'ed
gravel of approved A)ality and of si!e varying from 1+ mm% to +0 mm% it s'all <e )niformly <linded
&it' approved type of soil and/or sand to o<tain f)ll compaction% Gravel s'all <e filled in specified
t'ic0ness and s'all <e &ell &atered and rammed entirely to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-
If sand is reA)ired to <e filled )nder floors= it s'all <e clean= medi)m grained and free from
imp)rities% T'e filled in sand s'all <e 0ept flooded &it' &ater for +4 'rs% to ens)re ma(im)m
consolidation% Any temporary &or0 reA)ired to maintain sand )nder flooded condition s'all <e done
<y t'e contractor at 'is o&n cost% T'e s)rface s'all t'en <e &ell dressed and got approved from
Engineer-in-4'arge <efore any ot'er &or0 is ta0en over t'e fill%
1.12. $E/D E $I?T
$E/D : T'e lead for disposal/deposition of e(cavated materials s'all <e as specified in t'e
respective item of &or0% /or t'e p)rpose of meas)rements of lead= the area to <e e:ca)ated or
&illed or area on 'hich e:ca)ated %aterial i8 to <e de-o8ited/di8-o8ed o&& 8hall <e di)ided in
8,ita<le <loc(8 and &or each o& the <loc(5 the di8tance <et'een centre line8 8hall <e ta(en a8
the lead 'hich 8hall <e %ea8,red <+ the 8horte8t 8trai*ht line ro,te on the -lan and not the
act,al ro,te ado-ted1
$I?T : Fift s'all <e meas)red from gro)nd level% E(cavation )p to 1%. m dept' <elo& gro)nd
level and depositing e(cavated material on t'e gro)nd s'all <e incl)ded in t'e item of eart'&or0 for
vario)s 0inds of soil% E(tra lift s'all <e meas)red in )nit of 1%. m or part t'ereof% <vio)s lift s'all
only <e meas)redU t'at is lifts in'erent in t'e lead d)e to gro)nd slope s'all not <e meas)red e(cept
for lead )pto +.0 m% All e(cavation s'all <e meas)red in s)ccessive stages of 1%. m stating t'e
commencing level% T'is s'all not apply to cases &'ere no lift is involved as in 'ill side c)tting%
1.13. .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENTS:
1116111 All e(cavation in areas 'aving dept' more t'an *0 cm% pits= trenc'es etc% s'all <e meas)red
net% T'e dimensions for t'e p)rpose of payment s'all <e rec0oned on t'e 'ori!ontal area of t'e
e(cavation at t'e <ase for fo)ndations of t'e &alls= col)mns= footings= rafts or ot'er fo)ndations=
m)ltiplied <y t'e mean dept' from t'e s)rface of gro)nd determined <y levels% E(cavation for side
slopes &ill not <e paid for% E(cavation in areas 'aving dept's less t'an *0 cm%
Tr-640 / 1.4
s'all <e meas)red as s)rface e(cavation on sA)are metre <asis= mentioning t'e average dept' of
1easona<le &or0ing space <eyond concrete dimensions s'all <e allo&ed for &aterproofing and
s')ttering &or0s in )ndergro)nd &ater tan0s= s)mps= septic tan0s etc%= &'ere considered necessary in
t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% Go&ever t'e same s'all <e limited to t'e follo&ing"
iE :aterproofing and s')ttering &or0s
)pto +@ dept'
@a(im)m )pto 600mm from &all face or *00mm from t'e
edge of offset / raft= &'ic'ever is more%
iiE :aterproofing and s')ttering &or0s
<eyond +@ dept'
@a(im)m )pto 700mm from &all face or *00mm from t'e
edge of offset / raft= &'ic'ever is more%
1easona<le &or0ing space <eyond concrete dimension reA)ired for &aterproofing and s')ttering
&'ere considered necessary in t'e opinion of Engineer-in 4'arge &ill <e allo&ed in e(ec)tion and
considered for payment for )ndergro)nd &ater tan0= s)mp= septic tan0 etc%
1.13.2. :'erever direct meas)rements of roc0 e(cavation are not possi<le= vol)me of roc0 <e
calc)lated on t'e <asis of lengt'= <readt' and dept' of stac0s made at site as mentioned in para 1%.%1
DcE% T'e net vol)me s'all <e &or0ed o)t <y red)cing it <y .0B= ta0ing t'e voids into consideration as
.0B% Similarly to arrive at net A)antity to <e paid in t'e case of soil= red)ction K +0B of
corresponding stac0/tr)c0 meas)rements s'all <e made%
1.13.3. The rate &or e:ca)ation 8hall incl,de cartin* and di8-o8in* and le)ellin* the e:ca)ated
%aterial8 'ithin the 8-eci&ied lead1 T'e rate s'all also <e incl)sive of cost of all tools= plants=
e(plosives= s'oring= de&atering at vario)s stages= la<o)r= materials etc% to complete all t'e operations
1.13.4. T'e <ac0filling and consolidation in sides of fo)ndation and in plint' &it' e(cavated material
&ill not <e paid for separately% T'e rate A)oted for e(cavation s'all <e deemed to 'ave <een incl)ded
t'e cost of stac0ing of e(cavated materials= conveying &it'in t'e specified lead= pic0ing of selected
stac0ed materials= conveying it to t'e place of final <ac0fill= compaction to t'e reA)ired proctor density
1.13.5. #ayment for filling and consolidation inside t'e trenc'es= sides of fo)ndations= plint' etc% &it'
selected materials <ro)g't <y t'e contractor ot'er t'an t'e e(cavated material= s'all <e paid for
separately as per t'e rates in sc'ed)le of A)antities &'ic' incl)des cost of s)c' materials/e(cavation=
royalty= its conveyance &it'in t'e specified lead= &atering= consolidating= dressing etc% Act)al A)antity
of consolidated filling s'all <e meas)red and paid in c)<ic metres )pto t&o places of decimal%
1.13.6. T'e rate A)oted in c)m% for items of e(cavation is deemed to incl)de t'e necessary additional
A)antity of e(cavation involved <eyond t'e plan dimensions of t'e &or0 &'ic' may <e necessary to
<e carried o)t for carrying o)t t'e &or0 in an engineering manner= decided )pon <y t'e contractor%
T'erefore no e(tra payment &ill <e made for any e(cavation done ot'er t'an t'e reA)ired A)antity as
per t'e plan dimension indicated in t'e dra&ings%
1.13.7. @eas)rements for e(cavation over areas s'all <e determined <y levels or <y HDead menH or
<ot' at t'e discretion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% If 'o&ever t'e Engineer-in-4'arge decides on
meas)rement <y levels= levels of site s'all <e Mointly ta0en and recorded <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge or
'is representatives and t'e contractor= <efore commencement of t'e &or0 and after completion of t'e
&or0 and t'e A)antity of &or0 done s'all <e comp)ted <ased on t'ese levels% T'e vol)me of eart'
&or0 s'all <e comp)ted <ased on HSimpsons form)laH or any ot'er approved met'od at t'e discretion
of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 1..
211 SCOPE :
Scope of t'e specification deals &it' t'e str)ct)ral and general )se of plain and reinforced
cement concrete%% T'e specifications cover t'e A)alitative and A)antitative reA)irements in respect
of selection of ingredients= proportioning= man)fact)re of concrete= transport= placing= consolidation=
c)ring= finis'ing= acceptance criteria etc%= T'ese specifications also cover t'e reA)irement of form
&or0 and reinforcement%
2121 Cnless ot'er&ise specified= t'e man)fact)re and placing of concrete s'all <e done <y
&eig' <atc'ing% Go&ever= in t'e specific cases &'ere mec'ani!ed <atc'ing system D1eady mi(
concreteE= mec'anical transport and p)mping is specified t'e same s'all <e follo&ed as per t'e
terms of t'e contract%
2.3.1T'e A)ality of materials and met'od and control of man)fact)re and transportation of all
concrete &or0 in respect of mi(= &'et'er reinforced or ot'er&ise= s'all conform to t'e applica<le
portions of t'ese specifications%
2.3.2.andator+ te8t8: T'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave t'e rig't to inspect t'e so)rces of
materials= t'e layo)t and operation of proc)rement and storage of materials= t'e concrete <atc'ing
and mi(ing eA)ipments and t'e A)ality control system% T'e contractor s'all arrange s)c' an
inspection and t'e Engineer-in-4'arge approval s'all <e o<tained prior to starting t'e concrete &or0%
Fist of mandatory test for 144 to <e carried o)t is enclosed as Anne()re HAH%
2.3.3 .aterial8 &or Standard Concrete : T'e ingredients to <e )sed in t'e man)fact)re of
standard concrete s'all consist solely of a standard type #ortland/#ortland po!!olana
cement= clean sand= nat)ral coarse aggregate= clean &ater= ice and admi(t)res if specially
called for on dra&ings or sc'ed)le of A)antities%
21616111 Ce%ent: Cnless ot'er&ise specified or called for in t'e contract specifications= cement
s'all <e any of t'e follo&ing and t'e type selected s'o)ld <e appropriate for t'e intended )se and as
per t'e contract conditions = specifications and dra&ings%
a) ** Grade rdinary #ortland cement conforming to IS +67
b) 4* Grade ordinary #ortland cement conforming to IS 611+
c) .* Grade ordinary #ortland 4ement conforming to IS 1++67
d) #ortland slag cement conforming to IS 4..%
e) #ortland po!!olana cement Dfly as' <ased E conforming to IS 1467 D#art IE
f) ortland poCColana cement !calcined clay #ased conforming to IS 1467 D#art +E
g) S)lp'ate resisting #ortland cement conforming to IS 1+**0%
In case t'e Mo< reA)ires specific )se of any of t'e follo&ing cements t'e same s'all <e )sed &it' t'e
prior approval of t'e EI4 and necessary preca)tions &it' regard to t'eir setting and 'ardening time=
time reA)ired for de-s')ttering= c)ring etc%= s'all <e ta0en after caref)lly complying &it' specific
literat)re &it' regard to t'ose types%
1) Gig' Al)mina cement - conforming to IS 64.+
2) Fo& 'eat cement - conforming to IS 1+600
3) S)per s)lp'ate cement - conforming to IS 6707
4) 1apid Gardening cement - conforming to IS 6041
5) -lended 4ement for finis'ing &or0 as <elo&
t'er com<inations of #ortland 4ement &it' mineral admi(t)res of A)ality conforming to
relevant Indian Standards laid do&n may also <e )sed in t'e man)fact)re of concrete provided t'at
Tr-640 / 1.6
t'ere are satisfactory data on t'eir s)ita<ility= s)c' as performance test on concrete containing t'em
and only in s)c' case &'ere in specifically called for in t'e contract%
2161611 !/#1 :ineral A"mi*t+res
Po@@olana: #o!!olanic materials conforming to relevant Indian Standards may <e )sed &it' t'e
permission of Engineer-in-c'arge= provided )niform <lending &it' cement is ens)red%
?l+ a8h !-,l)eri@ed &,el a8h#: /ly as' conforming to Grade 1 of IS *61+ may <e )sed as part
replacement of ordinary #ortland cement provided )niform <lending &it' cement is ens)red%
Silica &,%e: Silica f)me conforming to a standard approved <y t'e deciding a)t'ority can <e )sed
as part replacement of cement provided )niform <lending &it' t'e cement is ens)red%
Note: T'e silica f)me Dvery fine non -crystalline silicon dio(ideEis a <y-prod)ct of t'e
man)fact)re of silicon= ferrosilicon or t'e li0e= from A)art! and car<on in electric arc f)rnace% It is
)s)ally )sed in proportion of . to 10 percent of t'e cement content of a mi(%
Rice h,8( a8h: 1ice ')s0 as' giving reA)ired performance and )niformity c'aracteristics may <e
)sed &it' t'e approval of t'e deciding a)t'ority%
Note: 1ice ')s0 as' is prod)ced <y <)rning rice ')s0 and contain large proportion of silica%
To ac'ieve amorp'o)s state= rice ')s0 may <e <)rnt at controlled temperat)re% It is necessary to
eval)ate t'e prod)ct from a partic)lar so)rce for performance and )niformity since it can range from
<eing as deleterio)s as silt &'en incorporated in concrete% :ater demand and drying s'rin0age
s'o)ld <e st)died <efore )sing rice ')s0%
.eta(aoline: @eta0aoline 'aving fineness <et&een 200 to 700m+/0g may <e )sed as po!!olanic
material in concrete%
Note: @eta0aoline is o<tained <y calcination of p)re or refined 0aolintic clay at a temperat)re
<et&een 6.0
4 and 6.0
4= follo&ed <y grinding to ac'ieve a fineness of 200 to 700 m+/0g% T'e
res)lting material 'as 'ig' po!!olanicity%
Gro,nd Gran,lated la8t ?,rnace Sla*: Gro)nd gran)lated <last /)rnace slag o<tained <y
grinding gran)lated <last f)rnace slag conforming to IS 1+067 may <e )sed as part replacement of
ordinary #ortland cement provided )niform <lending &it' cement is ass)red%
A certified report attesting to t'e conformity of t'e cement to I%S% specifications <y t'e cement
man)fact)rers c'emist s'all <e f)rnis'ed to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= if demanded% T'e 4ontractor=
s'all ma0e 'is o&n arrangements for t'e storage of adeA)ate A)antity of cement at no e(tra cost at
t'e site of &or0 as per instr)ctions and approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
S-eci&ication &or Stora*e:
4ement in <ags s'all <e stored and stac0ed in a s'ed= &'ic' is dry= lea0-proof and moist)re
proof as far as possi<le% Storage )nder tarpa)lins &ill not <e permitted% /looring of t'e s'ed s'all
consists of t'e t&o layers of dry <ric0s laid on &ell consolidated eart' to avoid contact of cement
<ags &it' t'e floor% Stac0ing s'all <e done a<o)t 1.0 to +00 mm clear a<ove t'e floor )sing &ooden
plan0s% 4ement <ags s'all <e stac0ed at least 4.0 mm clear off t'e &alls and in ro&s of t&o <ags
leaving in a space of at least 600 mm <et&een t&o consec)tive ro&s% In eac' ro& t'e cement <ags
s'all <e 0ept closed toget'er so as to red)ce air circ)lation% Stac0ing s'all not <e more t'an ten
<ags 'ig' to avoid l)mping )nder press)re% In stac0s more t'an eig't <ags 'ig'= t'e cement <ags
s'all <e arranged in 'eader and stretc'er fas'ion i%e alternately lengt'&ise and cross&ise so as to
tie t'e stac0s toget'er and minimi!e t'e danger of toppling over%
Damaged or reclaimed or partly set cement &ill not <e permitted to <e )sed and s'all <e
removed from t'e site% T'e storage arrangements s'all <e s)c' t'at t'ere is no dead storage
consignments in cement s'all <e stored as received and s'all <e cons)med in t'e order of t'eir
4ement 'eld in store for a period of ninety D70E days or longer s'all <e retested <efore )se in
&or0% S'o)ld at any time t'e Engineer-in-4'arge 'ave reasons to consider t'at any cement is
defective= t'en irrespective of its origin and/or man)fact)rers test certificate= s)c' cement s'all <e
Tr-640 / 1.2
tested immediately at a $ational Test Fa<oratory/Departmental Fa<oratory or s)c' approved
la<oratory= and )ntil t'e res)lts of s)c' tests are fo)nd satisfactory= it s'all not <e )sed in any &or0%
2161612 /**re*ate8 :
aE C/**re*ateC in general designates <ot' fine and coarse inert materials )sed in t'e
man)fact)re of concrete%
b) C?ine /**re*ateC is aggregate most of &'ic' passes t'ro)g' 4%2. mm I%S% sieve%
b) CCoar8e /**re*ateC is aggregate most of &'ic' is retained on 4%2. mm I%S% sieve%
Aggregate s'all comply &it' reA)irement of IS *6*% As far as possi<le preference s'all <e given
to mac'ine <ro0en and graded aggregate%
All fine and coarse aggregates proposed for )se in t'e &or0 s'all <e s)<Mect to t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge;s approval and after specific materials 'ave <een accepted= t'e so)rce of s)pply of s)c'
materials s'all not <e c'anged &it'o)t prior approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Aggregate s'all= e(cept as noted a<ove= consists of nat)ral sand= cr)s'ed stone and gravel
from a so)rce 0no&n to prod)ce satisfactory aggregate for concrete and s'all <e c'emically inert=
strong= 'ard= d)ra<le against &eat'ering= of limited porosity and free from deleterio)s materials t'at
may ca)se corrosion to t'e reinforcement or may impair t'e strengt' and/or d)ra<ility of concrete%
T'e grading of aggregates s'all <e s)c' as to prod)ce a dense concrete of specified strengt' and
consistency t'at &ill &or0 readily into position &it'o)t segregation and s'all <e <ased on t'e Hmi(
designH and preliminary test on concrete specified 'erein-after%
Sa%-lin* and te8tin* : Sampling of t'e aggregates for mi( design and determination of
s)ita<ility s'all <e ta0en )nder t'e s)pervision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and delivered to t'e
la<oratory= &ell in advance of t'e sc'ed)le for placing of concrete% 1ecords of tests &'ic' 'ave
<een made on proposed aggregates and on concrete made from t'is so)rce of aggregates s'all <e
f)rnis'ed to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge in advance of t'e &or0 for )se= in determining s)ita<ility of t'e
proposed aggregate% W JJJJJr
Stora*e o& a**re*ate8 : All coarse and fine aggregates s'all <e stac0ed separately in stoc0
piles in t'e material yard near t'e &or0 site in <ins properly constr)cted to avoid inter mi(ing of
different aggregates% 4ontamination &it' foreign materials and eart' d)ring storage and &'ile
'eaping t'e materials s'all <e avoided% T'e aggregate m)st <e of specified A)ality not only at t'e
time of receiving at site <)t also at t'e time of loading into mi(er% 1a0ers s'all <e )sed for lifting t'e
coarse aggregate from <ins or stoc0 piles% 4oarse aggregate s'all <e piled in layers not e(ceeding
1%00 metres in 'eig't to prevent conning or segregation% Eac' layer s'all cover t'e entire area of t'e
stoc0 pile <efore s)cceeding layers are started% Aggregates t'at 'ave <ecome segregated s'all <e
reMected% 1eMected material after re-mi(ing may <e accepted= if s)<seA)ent tests demonstrate
conformity &it' reA)ired gradation%
S-eci&ic Gra)it+ : Aggregates 'aving a specific gravity <elo& +%6 Dsat)rated s)rface dry <asisE
s'all not <e )sed &it'o)t special permission of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
216161211 ?ine /**re*ate: /ine aggregate e(cept as noted a<ove= and for ot'er t'an lig't
&eig't concrete s'all consist of nat)ral or cr)s'ed sand conforming to I%S% *6*% T'e sand s'all <e
clean= s'arp= 'ard= strong and d)ra<le and s'all <e free from d)st= vegeta<le s)<stances= ad'erent
coating= clay= loam= al0ali= organic matter= mica= salt or ot'er deleterio)s s)<stances &'ic' can <e
inM)rio)s to t'e setting A)alities/strengt'/d)ra<ility of concrete%
216161212 .achine .ade Sand : @ac'ine made sand &ill <e accepta<le= provided t'e constit)ent
roc0 composition is so)nd= 'ard= dense= non-organic= )ncoated and d)ra<le against &eat'ering%
@ac'ine made sand s'all <e accepted provided grading , finer particle limits conform to IS *6*%
216161216 Screenin* and Ia8hin* : Sand s'all <e prepared for )se <y s)c' screening or
&as'ing or <ot'= as necessary= to remove all o<Mectiona<le foreign matter &'ile separating t'e sand
grains to t'e reA)ired si!e fractions% Sand &it' silt content more t'an * percent &ill not <e permitted
to <e )sed )nless t'e same is &as'ed and silt content is <ro)g't &it'in *B <y &eig't%
?orei*n .aterial $i%itation8 : T'e percentages of deleterio)s s)<stances in sand= delivered to t'e
mi(er s'all not e(ceed t'e follo&ing"
Sl1 No S,<8tance8 #ercent <y &eig't
Tr-640 / 1.6
Dncr,8hed Cr,8hed
iE @aterial finer t'an 2. micron I%S% Sieve *%00 1.%00
iiE S'ale 1%00 --
iiiE 4oal and lignite 1%00 1%00
ivE 4lay l)mps 1%00 1%00
vE Total of all a<ove s)<stances incl)ding items
DiE to DivE for )ncr)s'ed sand and items DiiiE
and DivE for cr)s'ed sand%
.%00 +%00
GR/D/TION : Cnless ot'er&ise directed or approved= t'e grading of sand s'all <e &it'in
t'e limits indicated 'ere)nder%
I%S% Sieve
#ercentage passing for
None -I
None -II
None -III
Grading None
7%. mm 100 100 100 100
4%2.mm 70-100 70-100 70-100 7.-100
+%*6mm 60-7. 2.-100 B 6.-100 7.-100
1%16 mm *0-20 ; ..-70 2.-100 70-100
600 micron 1.-*4 *.-.7 60-27 60-100
*00 micron
f .-+0
6-*0 6-*0 +0-6.
1.0 micron 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-1.
:'ere t'e grading falls o)tside t'e limits of any partic)lar grading !one of sieves= ot'er t'an
600 micron DI%S%E sieve <y not more t'an .B= it s'all <e regarded as falling &it'in t'at grading !one%
T'is tolerance s'all not <e applied to percentage passing t'e 600 micron DI%S%E sieve or to
percentage passing any ot'er sieve si!e on t'e coarser limit of grading !one I or t'e finer limit of
grading !one I3% /ine aggregates conforming to Grading None I3 s'all not <e )sed )nless mi(
designs and preliminary tests 'ave s'o&n its s)ita<ility for prod)cing concrete of specified strengt'
and &or0a<ility%
?inene88 .od,l,8 : T'e sand s'all 'ave a fineness mod)l)s of not less t'an +%+ or more
t'an *%+% T'e fineness mod)l)s is determined <y adding t'e c)m)lative percentages retained on
t'e follo&ing I%S% sieve si!es D4%2. mm= +%*6 mm= 1%16 mm= 600 micron= *00 micron and 1.0
micronE and dividing t'e s)m <y 100%
216161214 Coar8e /**re*ate : 4oarse aggregate for concrete= e(cept as noted a<ove and for
ot'er t'an lig't &eig't concrete s'all conform to I%S% *6*% T'is s'all consist of nat)ral or cr)s'ed
stone and gravel= and s'all <e clean and free from elongated= fla0y or laminated pieces= ad'ering
coatings= clay l)mps= coal resid)e= clin0ers= sag= al0ali= mica= organic matter or ot'er deleterio)s
T'e coarse aggregate and fine aggregate s'all <e tested from time to time as reA)ired <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge to ascertain its s)ita<ility for )se in constr)ction and t'e c'arges for testing
aggregate s'all <e <orn <y t'e contractor as specified 'erein after%
Tr-640 / 1.7
Screenin* and Ia8hin* : 4r)s'ed roc0 s'all <e screened and/or &as'ed for t'e removal of dirt
or d)st coating= if so demanded <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
Gradin* : 4oarse aggregates s'all <e eit'er in single or graded= in <ot' t'e cases% T'e grading
s'all <e &it'in t'e follo&ing limits"
I%S% Sieve #ercentage passing for single si!ed aggregates of
nominal si!e
#ercentage passing for graded
aggregates of nominal si!e
6* mm 40 mm +0 mm 16mm 1+ %.mm 10 mm 40 mm +0 mm 16 mm 1+%. mm
2. mm 100 - - - - - - - - -
.* mm 6.100 100 - - - - 100 - - -
*2%. mm 0-*0 6.100 100 - - - 7.100 100 - -
17 mm 0-. 0-+0 6.100 100 - - *0-20 7.100 100 100
1*%+ mm - - - 6.100 100 - - - 70100 -
11%+ mm - - - - 6.100 100 - - - 70100
7%. mm - 0-. 0-+0 0-*0 0-4. 6.100 10-*. +.-.. *0-20 40-6.
4%2. mm - 0-. 0-. 0-10 0-+0 0-+0 0-. 0-10 0-10 0-10
+%*6 mm - - - m - 0-. 0-. - - - -
T'e pieces s'all <e ang)lar in s'ape and s'all 'ave gran)lar or crystalline s)rfaces% /ria<le=
fla0y and laminated pieces= mica and s'ale= if present= s'all <e only in s)c' A)antities t'at &ill not= in
t'e opinion of Engineer-in-4'arge= affect adversely t'e strengt' and/or d)ra<ility of concrete= t'e
ma(im)m si!e of coarse aggregate s'all <e t'e ma(im)m si!e specified a<ove= <)t in no case greater
t'an 1/4 of t'e minim)m t'ic0ness of t'e mem<er= provided t'at t'e concrete can <e placed &it'o)t
diffic)lty so as to s)rro)nd all reinforcement t'oro)g'ly and fill t'e corners of form% #l)ms a<ove 160
mm% and )pto any reasona<le si!e can <e )sed in plain mass concrete &or0 of large dimensions )pto
a ma(im)m limit of +0B <y vol)me of concrete &'en specifically approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge% /or
'eavily reinforced concrete mem<ers= t'e nominal ma(im)m si!e of t'e aggregate s'all <e . mm% less
t'an t'e minim)m clear distance <et&een t'e reinforcing main <ars or .mm less t'an t'e minim)m
cover to t'e reinforcement &'ic'ever is smaller% T'e amo)nt of fine particles occ)rring in t'e /ree
State or as loose ad'erent s'all not e(ceed 1B &'en determined <y la<oratory sedimentation tests as
per I%S% +*66% After +4 'o)rs immersion in &ater= a previo)sly dried sample s'all not 'ave gained more
t'an 10B of its oven dry &eig't in air= as determined <y
Tr-640 / 160
?orei*n .aterial $i%itation8 : T'e percentages of deleterio)s s)<stances in t'e coarse
aggregate delivered to t'e mi(er s'all not e(ceed t'e follo&ing "
Sl% $o% S)<stances
#ercentage <y &eig't of aggregates
Cncr)s'ed 4r)s'ed
iE @aterial finer t'an 2. micron I%S% Sieve *%00 *%00
iiE 4oal and lignite 1%00 1%00
iiiE 4lay l)mps 1%00 1%00
ivE Soft fragments *%00 --
vE Total of all t'e a<ove s)<stances .%00 .%00
2161616 I/TER :
:ater )sed for <ot' mi(ing and c)ring s'all <e clean and free from inM)rio)s amo)nts of
deleterio)s materials%vi! oils= acids= al0alis= salts= s)gar= organic materials or ot'er s)<stances t'at
may <e deleterio)s to concrete or steel% #ota<le &aters are generally satisfactory for mi(ing and
c)ring concrete% In case of do)<t= t'e s)ita<ility of &ater for ma0ing concrete s'all <e ascertained <y
t'e compressive strengt' and initial setting time test specified in I%S% 4.6 - +000% T'e sample of
&ater ta0en for testing s'all <e typical of t'e &ater proposed to <e )sed for concreting= d)e acco)nt
<eing paid to seasonal variation% T'e samples s'all not receive any treatment <efore testing ot'er
t'an t'at envisaged in t'e reg)lar s)pply of &ater proposed for )se in concrete% T'e sample s'all <e
stored in a clean container previo)sly rinsed o)t &it' similar &ater%
Average +6 days compressive strengt' of at least t'ree 1.0 mm% concrete c)<es prepared &it'
&ater proposed to <e )sed s'all not <e less t'an 70B of t'e average strengt' of t'ree similar
concrete c)<es prepared &it' distilled &ater as per IS - .16%
T'e initial setting time of test <loc0 made &it' t'e appropriate cement and t'e &ater proposed
to <e )sed s'all not <e less t'an *0 min)tes and s'all not differ <y more t'an DR/-E *0 min)tes from
t'e initial setting time of control test <loc0 prepared &it' t'e same cement and distilled &ater% T'e
test <loc0s s'all <e prepared and tested in accordance &it' t'e reA)irements of I%S% 40*1D#art .E%
:'ere &ater can <e s'o&n to contain an e(cess of acid= al0ali= s)gar or salt= Engineer-in-
4'arge may ref)se to permit its )se% As a g)ide= t'e follo&ing concentrations represent t'e
ma(im)m permissi<le val)es"
a# $i%it8 o& acidit+ : To ne)trali!e 100 ml sample of &ater= )sing p'enolp't'alein as an
indicator= it s'o)ld not reA)ire more t'an . ml% of 0%0+ normal $aG% T'e details of test s'all <e
as per I%S% *0+. D#art ++E
<# $i%it8 o& al(alinit+ : To ne)trali!e 100 ml sample of &ater= )sing mi(ed indicator = it s'o)ld not
reA)ire more t'an +. ml% of 0%0+ normal G2S4. T'e details of test s'all <e as per I%S% *0+.
D#art +*E%
Tr-640 / 161
c# Per%i88i<le li%it8 &or 8olid8 8hall <e a8 ,nder !'ater#:
T+-e o& 8olid Te8ted a8 -er Per%i88i<le li%it !.a:1#
iE rganic IS *0+. D#art 16E +00 mg/l
iiE Inorganic IS *0+. D#art 16E *000 mg/l
S)lp'ates Das
IS *0+. D#art +4E 400 mg/l
4'lorides Das 4lE
IS *0+. D#art *+E
+000 mg / l for concrete not containing em<edded steel
and .00 mg/l for reinforced cement concrete &or0%
IS *0+. D#art 12E +000mg / l
d# The PA )al,e o& 'ater 8hall <e not le88 than 61
All reinforced concrete in t'e &or0s s'all <e HDesign @i( 4oncreteH as defined in I%S% 4.6-+000%
21411 .i: De8i*n : T'is is to investigate t'e grading of aggregates= &ater cement ratio= &or0a<ility
and t'e A)antity of cement reA)ired to give &or0s c)<es of t'e c'aracteristic strengt' specified% T'e
proportions of t'e mi( s'all <e determined <y &eig't% AdM)stment of aggregate proportions d)e to
moist)re present in t'e aggregate s'all <e made% @i( proportioning s'all <e carried o)t according to
t'e A4I standard designation A4I- 61*or Design of concrete mi(es - 1oad researc' $ote $o%4=
Department of Scientific and Ind)strial 1esearc' C%9% or I%S% 10+6+ - 176+%
After a&ard of t'e &or0= if so desired <y t'e contractor= 'e/t'ey may <e allo&ed <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge= till t'e designed mi( is o<tained= to carry o)t t'e reinforced concrete &or0 in
fo)ndation and plint' as per eA)ivalent nominal mi( against t'e specified design mi( concrete as per
I%S% 4odes% Go&ever= all ot'er specification for design mi( s'all govern for nominal mi( also and
not'ing e(tra s'all <e paid for )se of e(tra cement or else on t'is acco)nt &'et'er t'e cement is
s)pplied <y t'e Department or proc)red <y t'e contractor% :'ere t'e A)antity of 144 is very small=
)nder s)c' circ)mstance eA)ivalent nominal mi( can also <e permitted <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
+" In t'e designation of a concrete mi(= letter H@H refers to t'e mi( and t'e n)m<er to t'e
specified c'aracteristic compressive strengt' of 1.0 mm% si!e c)<es at +6 days e(pressed in
*% /or concrete of grade a<ove @ 60= design parameters given in t'e standard may not <e
applica<le and t'e val)es may <e o<tained from speciali!ed literat)res and e(perimental
Tr-640 / 16+
NOTE : 1% T'e c'aracteristic strengt' is defined as t'e strengt' of material <elo& &'ic' not
more t'an .B of t'e test res)lts are e(pected to fall%
GR/DES O? CONCRETE : The concrete 8hall <e in *rade8 de8i*nated a8 <elo'1
Gro+p Gra"e
Speci&ie" C'aracteristic compressive strengt' o&
,-/ mm c+be at 0A "a6s 2N$mm04
rdinary concrete @ 10
W 10
@ 1.
I 1.
@ +0
@ +0
Standard 4oncrete @ +. S r m +.
@ *0
@ *. 5 5 *.
@ 40 7 C2 Z 40
@ 4. ? 4.
@ .0 W .0
@ .. ..
@ 60 60
Gig' strengt' concrete @ 6. 6.
@ 20 20
@ 2. 2.
@ 60 60
@ 6. 6.
1. 4ement content prescri<ed in t'is ta<le is irrespective of t'e grades of cement and it is
incl)sive of additions mentioned in mineral admi(t)res% T'e additions s)c' as fly as' or
gro)nd gran)lated <last f)rnace slag may <e ta0en into acco)nt in t'e concrete
composition &it' respect to t'e cement content and &ater-cement ratio if t'e s)ita<ility is
esta<lis'ed and as long as t'e ma(im)m amo)nts ta0en into acco)nt do not e(ceed t'e
limit of po!!olana and slag specified in IS 1467 D#art 1E and IS 4.. respectively%
2. @inim)m grade for plain concrete )nder mild e(pos)re condition is not specified%
No%inal co)er to %eet D,ra<ilit+ ReB,ire%ent8
No%inal concrete co)er in %%
not le88 than
@ild +0
@oderate *0
Severe 4.
3ery severe .0
E(treme 2.
1. /or main reinforcement )p to 1+ mm diameter <ar for mild e(pos)re t'e nominal cover may <e
red)ced <y . mm%
2. Cnless specified ot'er&ise= act)al concrete cover s'o)ld not deviate from t'e reA)ired nominal
cover <y R 10 mm
3. /or e(pos)re conditions ;severe; and ; very severe; = red)ction of . mm may <e made= &'ere
concrete grade is @ *. and a<ove%
Tr-640 / 16*
@inim)m 4ement 4ontent= @a(im)m :ater 4ement 1atio and @inim)m Grade of 4oncrete
for Different E(pos)res &it' $ormal :eig't Aggregates of +0 mm $ominal @a(im)m si!e%
Plain concrete Rein&orce"
E:-o8,re .ini%,%
.a:i%, %
?ree Iater
*rade o&
.a:i%, %
?ree Iater
Grade o&
iE @ild ++0 0%60 - *00 0%.. @-+0
iiE @oderate +40 0%60 @-1. *00 0%.0 @-+.
iiiE Severe +.0 0%.0 @-+0 *+0 0%4. @-*0
ivE 3ery severe +60 0%4. @-+0 *40 0%4. @-*.
vEE:tre%e +60 0%40 @-+. *60 0%40 @-40
1 T'e nominal covers given relate specifically to t'e minim)m mem<er dimensions as per
2 4ases t'at lie <elo& t'e <old line reA)ire attention to t'e additional meas)res necessary to
red)ce t'e ris0s of spalling%
AdM)stments to @inim)m cement contents for Aggregates ot'er t'an +0 mm $ominal @a(im)m
Sl1 No No%inal %a:i%,%
/**re*ate 8i@e %%
/dO,8t%ent8 to .ini%,%
ce%ent content (*/ %
iE R40
iiE +0 0
iiiE 40 -*0
3or concrete of compressive strengt" greater t"an MDD design parameters given in t"e
standard may not #e applica#le and t"e values may #e o#tained from specialiCed Eiteratures and
e5perimental results1
T'e mi( s'all <e designed to prod)ce t'e grade of concrete 'aving t'e reA)ired &or0a<ility
and c'aracteristic strengt' not less t'an appropriate val)es given in t'e ta<le a<ove%
Selection o& Iater Ce%ent Ratio : Since different cements and aggregates of different
ma(im)m si!e= grading= s)rface te(t)re= s'ape and ot'er c'aracteristics may prod)ce concretes of
different compressive strengt' for t'e same free &ater cement ratio= t'e relations'ip <et&een
strengt' and free &ater-cement ratio s'o)ld prefera<ly <e esta<lis'ed for t'e materials act)ally to <e
)sed% In t'e a<sence of s)c' data= t'e preliminary free &ater-cement ratio D<y massE corresponding
to t'e target strengt' at +6 days may <e selected from t'e relations'ip s'o&n in /ig%1 of I%S% 10+6+ %
Alternately= t'e preliminary free &ater cement ratio D<y massE corresponding to t'e target
average strengt' may <e selected from t'e relations'ip in /ig%+- I%S% 10+6+= )sing t'e c)rve
corresponding to t'e +6 days cement strengt' to <e )sed for t'e p)rpose%
Tr-640 / 164
No%inal co)er to %eet 8-eci&ied -eriod o& &ire re8i8tance
No%inal co)er
Contin,o ,8
A %% %% %% %% %% %% %%
0%. +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 40
1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 40
1%. +0 +0 +. +0 *. +0 40
+ 40 *0 *. +. 4. *. 40
* 60 40 4. *. .. 4. 40
4 20 .0 .. 4. 6. .. 40
t'er relevant items to <e )sed &it' design of mi( s'o)ld strictly conform to t'e relevant
cla)ses and appendices of I%S% 10+6+ %
T'e calc)lated mi( proportions s'all <e c'ec0ed <y means of trial <atc'es as per IS 10+6+
T'e free &ater cement ratio selected as a<ove= s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed against t'e limiting &ater
cement ratio for t'e reA)irement of d)ra<ility and t'e lo&er of t'e t&o val)es s'o)ld <e adopted%
:'enever t'ere is a c'ange eit'er in reA)ired strengt' of concrete or &ater cement ratio or
&or0a<ility or t'e so)rce of aggregates and/or cement= fres' tests s'all <e carried o)t to determine
t'e revised proportion of t'e mi( to s)it t'e altered conditions% :'ile designing mi( proportions= over
&et mi(es s'all al&ays <e avoided%
:'ile fi(ing t'e val)e for &ater cement ratio for Design @i( assistance may <e derived from
t'e standard grap' s'o&ing t'e relations'ip <et&een t'e +6 days compressive strengt' of concrete
mi(es &it' different &ater-cement ratios and t'e 2 days compressive strengt' of cement tested in
accordance &it' I%S%+67%
It &ill <e contractors sole responsi<ility to esta<lis' t'e concrete mi( designs for different
grades of concrete specified in t'e &or0 consistent &it' t'e &or0a<ility reA)ired for nat)re of &or0
and also ta0ing into consideration t'e ass)med standard deviation &'ic' &ill <e e(pected at site or
<y esta<lis'ing t'e standard deviation <ased on *0 test res)lts at site for eac' grade of concrete so
as to prod)ce concrete of reA)ired strengt'= d)ra<ility and s)rface finis'% T'e materials and
proportions )sed in ma0ing t'e tests to <e carried o)t eit'er at site or )nder la<oratory= conditions
s'all <e similar in all respects to t'ose to <e act)ally employed in t'e &or0s= as t'e o<Mect of t'ese
tests is to determine t'e proportions of cement= aggregates and &ater necessary to prod)ce t'e
concrete of t'e reA)ired consistency to give s)c' specified strengt'%
21412: ST/ND/RD DE"I/TION:
T"e standard Deviation for eac" grade of concrete s"all #e calculated separately1
a) N,%<er o& te8t re8,lt8 - T'e total n)m<er of test res)lts reA)ired to constit)te and
accepta<le record for calc)lation of standard deviation s'all <e not less t'an *0% Attempts s'o)ld <e
made to o<tain t'e *0 test res)lts= as early as possi<le= &'en a mi( is )sed for t'e first time%
b) Standard de)iation to <e <ro,*ht ,- to date - T'e calc)lation of t'e standard deviation
s'all <e <ro)g't )pto date after every c'ange of mi( design and at least once a mont'%
Deter%ination o& 8tandard de)iation :
Concrete of eac" grade s"all #e analyCed separately to determine its standard deviation1
T'e standard deviation of concrete of a given grade s'all <e calc)lated )sing t'e follo&ing
form)la from t'e res)lts of individ)al tests of concrete of t'at grade o<tained as specified for
test strengt' of sample"
iE Estimated standard "eviation S K V [ A
+ 2n.,4
ii) :'ere A Q Deviation of t'e individ)al test strengt' from t'e average strengt' of a
sample and
n Q $)m<er of sample test res)lts%
iii) :'en significant c'anges are made in t'e prod)ction of concrete Dfor e(ample c'anges
in t'e materials )sed= mi( design= eA)ipments or tec'nical controlE= t'e standard
deviation val)e s'all <e separately calc)lated for s)c' <atc'es of concrete%
Tr-640 / 16.
/88,%ed Standard De)iation:
:'ere s)fficient test res)lts for a partic)lar grade of concrete are not availa<le= t'e val)e of
standard deviation given in ta<le <elo& may <e ass)med for design of mi( in t'e first instance%
As soon as t'e res)lts of samples are availa<le= act)al calc)lated standard deviation s'all <e
)sed and t'e mi( designed properly% Go&ever= &'en adeA)ate past records for a similar grade
e(ist and M)stify to t'e designer a val)e of standard deviation different from t'at s'o&n in ta<le
<elo&= it s'all <e permissi<le to )se t'at val)e%
Grade o&
/88,%ed Standard
De)iation N/ %%
@ 10 @ 1.
@ +0 @+.
@4. .%0
@60 5
Note: T'e a<ove val)es correspond to t'e site control 'aving proper storage of cement" &eig'
<atc'ing of all materials" controlled addition of &ater" reg)lar c'ec0ing of all materials"
aggregate grading and moist)re contents " and periodical c'ec0ing of &or0a<ility" and strengt'%
:'ere t'ere is deviation from t'e a<ove t'e val)es given in t'e a<ove ta<le s'all <e increased
<y 1 $ / mm%
21416 Pro-ortionin*5 Con8i8tenc+5 atchin* and .i:in* o& Concrete:
2141611 Pro-ortionin* :
/**re*ate : T'e proportions &'ic' s'all <e decided <y cond)cting preliminary tests s'all <e
<y &eig't% T'ese proportions of cement= fine and coarse aggregates s'all <e maintained d)ring
s)<seA)ent concrete <atc'ing <y means of &eig' <atc'ers conforming to I%S% +2++= capa<le of
controlling t'e &eig'ts &it'in one percent of t'e desired val)e% E(cept &'ere it can <e s'o&n to t'e
satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at s)pply of properly graded aggregate of )niform A)ality
can <e maintained over t'e period of &or0= t'e grading of aggregate s'all <e controlled <y o<taining
t'e coarse aggregate in different si!es and <lending t'em in t'e rig't proportions% T'e different si!es
s'all <e stac0ed in separate stoc0 piles% T'e grading of coarse and fine aggregates s'all <e c'ec0ed
as freA)ently as possi<le= as determined <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= to ens)re maintaining of
grading in accordance &it' samples )sed in preliminary mi( design% T'e materials s'all <e stoc0
piled &ell in advance of )se%
Ce%ent : T'e cement s'all <e meas)red <y &eig't% Every facility s'o)ld <e provided to t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge for sampling and inspection of stored cement at site of &or0%
Tr-640 / 166
I/TER : nly s)c' A)antity of &ater s'all <e added to t'e cement and aggregate in t'e
concrete mi( as to ens)re dense concrete= specified s)rface finis'= satisfactory &or0a<ility=
consistent &it' strengt' stip)lated for eac' class of concrete% T'e &ater added to t'e mi( s'all <e
s)c' as not to ca)se segregation of materials or t'e collection of e(cessive free &ater on t'e
s)rface of t'e concrete%
De&inition o& 'ater ce%ent ratio "T'e &ater cement D:/4E ratio is defined as t'e &eig't of
&ater in mi( Dincl)ding t'e s)rface moist)re of t'e aggregatesE divided <y t'e &eig't of t'e cement
in t'e mi(%
Iater ce%ent ratio "T'e act)al &ater cement ratio to <e adopted s'all <e determined in eac'
instance <y contractor and approved <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
Pro-ortionin* <+ 'ater-ce%ent ratio "T'e :/4 ratio specified for )se <y t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge s'all <e maintained% 4ontractor s'all determine t'e &ater content of t'e aggregate as
freA)ently as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge as t'e &or0 progresses and as specified in I%S%
+*66 part III and t'e amo)nt of mi(ing &ater added at t'e mi(er s'all <e adM)sted as directed <y t'e
Engineer-in-c'arge so as to maintain t'e specified :/4 ratio% To allo& for t'e variation in t'eir
moist)re content= s)ita<le adM)stments in t'e &eig'ts of aggregates s'all also <e made%
2141612 Con8i8tenc+ and 8l,%- "4oncrete s'all <e of a consistency and &or0a<ility s)ita<le
for t'e conditions of t'e Mo<% After t'e amo)nt of &ater reA)ired is determined= t'e consistency of mi(
s'all <e maintained t'ro)g'o)t t'e progress of t'e corresponding parts of t'e &or0 and approved
tests e%g% sl)mp tests= compacting factor tests etc% in accordance &it' I%S% 1177= s'all <e cond)cted
from time to time to ens)re t'e maintenance of s)c' consistency%
T'e follo&ing ta<)lation gives a range of &or0a<ility &'ic' s'all generally <e )sed for vario)s
types of constr)ction )nless ot'er&ise instr)cted <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 162
E(pos)re conditions"
Sl1 No: En)iron%ent E:-o8,re Condition8
!1# !2# !6#
iE @ild 4oncrete s)rfaces protected against &eat'er or aggressive conditions=
e(cept t'ose sit)ated in coastal area%
iiE @oderate
4oncrete s)rfaces s'eltered from severe rain or free!ing &'ilst &et
4oncrete e(posed to condensation and rain 4oncrete contin)o)sly )nder
4oncrete in contact or <)ried )nder non-aggressive soil/gro)nd &ater
4oncrete s)rfaces s'eltered from sat)rated salt air in coastal area
iiiE Severe
4oncrete s)rfaces e(posed to severe rain= alternate &etting and drying or
occasional free!ing &'ilst &et or severe condensation% 4oncrete
completely immersed in sea &ater 4oncrete e(posed to coastal
ivE 3ery severe 4oncrete s)rfaces e(posed to sea&ater spray= corrosive f)mes or severe
free!ing conditions &'ilst &et%
4oncrete in contact &it' or <)ried )nder aggressive s)<-soil/gro)nd
&ater %
vE E(treme S)rface of mem<ers in tidal !one
@em<ers in direct contact &it' liA)id/solid aggressive c'emicals%
Note 3 -? 3or most of t"e placing conditions( internal vi#rators !needle vi#rators$ are suita#le1
T"e diameter of t"e needle s"all #e determined #ased on t"e density and spacing of
reinforcement #ars and t"ickness of sections1 3or tremie concrete( vi#rators are not re4uired to
#e used1
+" t'e ;very lo&; category of &or0a<ility &'ere strict control is necessary= for e(ample
pavement A)ality concrete= meas)rement of &or0a<ility <y determination of compacting factor &ill <e
more appropriate t'an sl)mp Dsee IS 1177E and a val)e of compacting factor of 0%2. to 0%60 is
*" In t'e ;3ery 'ig'; category of &or0a<ility= meas)rement of &or0a<ility <y determination of
flo& &ill <e appropriate Dsee IS 710* E%
In order t'at t'e properties of t'e completed str)ct)re <e consistent &it' t'e reA)irements
and t'e ass)mptions made d)ring t'e planning and t'e design= adeA)ate A)ality ass)rance
meas)res s'all <e ta0en% T'e constr)ction s'o)ld res)lt in satisfactory strengt'= servicea<ility and
long term d)ra<ility so as to lo&er t'e overall life-cycle cost% I)ality ass)rance in constr)ction
activity relates to proper design )se of adeA)ate materials and components to <e s)pplied <y t'e
prod)cers= proper &or0mans'ip in t'e e(ec)tion of &or0s <y t'e contractor and )ltimately proper
care d)ring t'e )se of str)ct)re incl)ding timely maintenance and repair <y t'e o&ner%
I)ality ass)rance meas)res are <ot' tec'nical and organi!ational% Some common cases
s'o)ld <e specified in a general I)ality Ass)rance #lan &'ic' s'all identify t'e 0ey elements
necessary to provide fitness of t'e str)ct)re and t'e means <y &'ic' t'ey are to <e provided and
meas)red &it' t'e overall p)rpose to provide confidence t'at t'e reali!ed proMect &ill &or0
satisfactorily in service f)lfilling intended needs% T'e Mo< of A)ality control and A)ality ass)rance
&o)ld involve A)ality a)dit of <ot' t'e inp)ts as &ell as t'e o)tp)ts% Inp)ts are in t'e form of
materials for concreteU &or0mans'ip in all stages of <atc'ing= mi(ing= transportationU placing=
compaction and c)ringU and t'e related plant= mac'inery and eA)ipmentsU res)lting in t'e o)tp)t in
t'e form of concrete in place% To ens)re proper performance= it is necessary t'at eac' step in
concreting &'ic' &ill <e covered <y t'e ne(t step is inspected as t'e &or0 proceeds%
Eac' party involved in t'e reali!ation of a proMect s'o)ld esta<lis' and implement a I)ality
Ass)rance #lan= for its participation t'e proMect% S)ppliers and contractors activities s'all <e covered
in t'e plan% T'e individ)al A)ality ass)rance plans s'all fit into t'e general I)ality
Tr-640 / 166
Ior(a<ilit+ o&
5lacing con"ition
Degree o&
!1# !2# !6#
-linding 4oncreteU
S'allo& SectionsU
#avement )sing pavers
:ery low See note 1%
@ass concreteU Fig'tly reinforced Sections in sla<s= -eams=
&alls= col)mnsU /loorsU Gand placed pavementsU 4anal liningU
Strip footings
Eow +.-2.
Geavily 1einforced sections In sla<s= <eams= &alls= col)mns= slip
form &or0U p)mped concrete
:e"i+m .0-100 2.-
Trenc' fill= In-sit) piling 6ig" 100-1.0
Tremie 4oncrete :ery 6ig" See note +%
Ass)rance #lan% A A)ality ass)rance plan s'all define t'e tas0s and responsi<ilities of all persons
involved =adeA)ate control and c'ec0ing proced)res= and t'e organi!ation maintaining adeA)ate
doc)mentation of <)ilding process and its res)lts% S)c' doc)mentation s'o)ld generally incl)de"
a) test reports and man)fact)rers certificate for materials= concrete mi( design detailsU
b) po)r cards for site organi!ation and clearance for concrete placementU
c) record of site inspection of &or0mans'ip= field tests
d) non-conformance reports= c'ange ordersU
e) A)ality control c'artsU
f) statistical analysis%
NOTE - I)ality control c'arts are recommended &'erever t'e concrete is in contin)o)s prod)ction
over considera<le period%
2141616 atchin* and %i:in* o& concrete :
To avoid conf)sion and error in <atc'ing= consideration s'o)ld <e given to )sing t'e smallest
practical n)m<er of different concrete mi(es on any site or in any one plant% In <atc'ing concrete=
t'e A)antity of <ot' cement and aggregate s'all <e determined <y massU admi(t)re= if solid= <y
massU liA)id admi(t)re may 'o&ever <e meas)red in vol)me or massU &ater s'all <e &eig'ed or
meas)red <y vol)me in a cali<rated tan0 D see also IS47+.E
1eady mi(ed concrete s)pplied <y ready-mi(ed concrete plant s'all <e preferred% /or large
and medi)m proMect sites t'e concrete s'all <e so)rced from ready-mi(ed concrete plants or from on
site or off site <atc'ing and mi(ing plants D see IS 47+6E
E(cept &'ere it can <e s'o&n to t'e satisfaction of t'e engineer-in-c'arge t'at s)pply of
properly graded aggregate of )niform A)ality can <e maintained over a period of &or0= t'e grading of
aggregate s'o)ld <e controlled <y o<taining t'e coarse aggregate in different si!es and <lending
t'em in t'e rig't proportions &'en reA)ired= t'e different si!es <eing stoc0ed in separate stoc0
-piles% T'e material s'o)ld <e stoc0-piled for several 'o)rs prefera<ly a day <efore )se% T'e grading
of coarse and fine aggregate s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed as freA)ently as possi<le = t'e freA)ency for a given
Mo< <eing determined <y t'e engineer-in-c'arge to ens)re t'at t'e specified grading is maintained%
T'e acc)racy of t'e meas)ring eA)ipment s'all <e &it'in R/- + B of t'e A)antity of cement
<eing meas)red and &it'in R/- * percent of t'e A)antity of aggregate= admi(t)res and &ater <eing
#roportion / Type and grading of aggregate s'all <e made <y trial in s)c' a &ay so as to o<tain
densest possi<le concrete% All ingredients of t'e concrete s'o)ld <e )sed <y mass only%
3ol)me <atc'ing may <e allo&ed only &'ere &eig'-<atc'ing is not practical and provided
acc)rate <)l0 densities of materials to <e act)ally )sed in concrete 'ave earlier <een esta<lis'ed%
Allo&ance for <)l0ing s'all <e made in accordance &it' IS +*66 D#art *E% T'e mass vol)me
relations'ip s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed as freA)ently as necessary= t'e freA)ency for t'e given Mo< <eing
determined <y engineer-in-c'arge to ens)re t'at t'e specified grading is maintained%
It is important to maintain t'e &ater-cement ratio constant at its correct val)e% To t'is end
determination of moist)re contents in <ot' fine and coarse aggregates s'all <e made as freA)ently
as possi<le t'e freA)ency for a given Mo< <eing determined <y t'e engineer-in-c'arge according to
&eat'er conditions% T'e amo)nt of t'e added &ater s'all <e adM)sted to compensate for any
o<served variations in t'e moist)re content% /or t'e determination of moist)re content in t'e
aggregates IS +*66 D#art *E may <e referred to% To allo& for t'e variation in mass of aggregate d)e
to variation in t'eir moist)re content= s)ita<le adM)stments in t'e masses of aggregates s'all also <e
made% In t'e a<sence of e(act data only in t'e case of nominal mi(es t'e amo)nt of s)rface &ater
may <e estimated from t'e val)es given in ta<le <elo&%
Tr-640 / 167
S,r&ace 'ater carried <+ a**re*ate
/--ro:i%ate B,antit+ o& 8,r&ace 'ater
Percent <+ %a88 I/%
iE 3ery &et sand 2%. 1+0
iiE@od erately &et sand .%0 60
iiiE@oist sand +%. 40
ivE @oist gravel or cr)s'ed roc0 1%+. -+%. +0 - 40
4oarser aggregate less t'e
&ater it &ill carry
No su#stitutions in materials used on t"e work or alterations in t"e esta#lis"ed propositions
e5cept as permitted as a#ove s"all #e made wit"out additional tests to s"ow t"at t"e 4uality and
strengt" of concrete are satisfactory1
4oncrete s'all <e mi(ed in a mec'anical mi(er% T'e mi(er s'o)ld &it' IS 1271 and IS 1+117% T'e
mi(ers s'all <e fitted &it' &ater meas)ring DmeteringE devices% T'e mi(ing s'all <e contin)ed )ntil t'ere
is a )niform distri<)tion of t'e materials and t'e mass is )niform in colo)r and consistency% If t'ere is
segregation after )nloading from t'e mi(er= t'e concrete s'o)ld <e remi(ed%
/or g)idance= t'e mi(ing time s'all <e at least + min% /or ot'er types of more efficient mi(ers=
man)fact)rers recommendations s'all <e follo&edU for 'ydrop'o<ic cement it may<e decided <y t'e
:or0a<ility s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed at freA)ent intervals%
Dosage of retards= plasticisers and s)per plsticisors s'all <e restricted to 0%.0=1%0 and +%0 B
respectively <y &eig't of cementecio)s materials and )nless 'ig'er val)e is agreed )pon <et&een t'e
man)fact)rer and constr)ctor <ased on performance test%
Eac' time t'e &or0 stops= t'e mi(er s'all <e cleaned o)t and &'en ne(t commencing t'e mi(ing=
t'e first <atc' s'all 'ave 10B additional cement to allo& for stic0ing in t'e dr)m%
21= S/.P$ING /ND TESTING CONCRETE IN TAE ?IE$D: /acilities reA)ired for sampling
materials and concrete in t'e field= if Engineer-in-4'arge so desires= s'all <e provided <y contractor at
no e(tra cost% T'e follo&ing eA)ipment &it' operator s'all <e made availa<le at Engineers reA)est Dall
m)st <e in servicea<le conditionE"
1% 4ast iron c)<e mo)lds 1. cm% Si!e 1+ $os%Dmin%E
+% Sl)mp cone complete &it' tamping rod 1 Set
*% Fa<% <alance to &eig' )pto . 0g% &it' sensitivity of 10 gm% 1 $o%
4% Fa<oratory <alance of + 0g% capacity and of sensitivity of 1 gm% 1 $o%
.% I%S% sieves for coarse and fine aggregates% 1 Set
6% A set of meas)res from . ltrs% to 0%1 ltr% 1 Set
2% Electric oven &it' t'ermostat )pto 1+0
4% 1 $o%
6% #ycnometer 1 $o%
7% 4ali<rated glass Mar 1 ltr% 4apacity + $os%
10 Glass flas0s and metal containers As reA)ired
11 4oncrete c)<e testing mac'ine DoptionalE 1 $o%
Tr-640 / 120
2161 TESTING CA/RGES " Different tests reA)ired to <e carried o)t for concrete &or0s
incl)ding t'e mi( design= c)<e tests as per t'e a<ove specifications s'all <e got done as directed <y
Samples from fres" concrete s"all #e taken as per I1S1 --FF and cu#es s"all #e made( cured and
tested at .G days in accordance wit" I1S1 D-*1
In order to get a relatively A)ic0er idea of t'e A)ality of concrete= option tests on <eams for
mod)l)s of r)pt)re at 2+ D\E + 'o)rs or at 2 days or compressive strengt' tests at 2 days may <e
carried o)t in addition to +6 days compressive strengt' tests% /or t'is p)rpose= t'e val)es given in
ta<le <elo& may <e ta0en for general g)idance in t'e case of concrete made &it' ordinary cement%
In all cases= t'e +6 days compressive strengt' specified s'all alone <e t'e criterion for acceptance
or reMection of t'e concrete% If 'o&ever= from test carried o)t in partic)lar Mo< over a reasona<ly long
period= it 'as <een esta<lis'ed to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge t'at a s)ita<le ratio
<et&een +6 days compressive strengt' and mod)l)s of r)pt)re at 2+ D\E + 'o)rs or 2 days or
compressive strengt' at 2 days may <e accepted= t'e Engineer-in-4'arge may s)ita<ly rela( t'e
freA)ency of +6 days compressive strengt'= provided t'e e(pected strengt' val)es at t'e specified
early age are consistently met%
21711 ?reB,enc+ o& Sa%-lin* :
Sa%-lin* Proced,re : A random sampling proced)re s'all <e adopted to ens)re t'at eac'
concrete <atc' s'all 'ave a reasona<le c'ance of <eing tested= i%e% t'e sampling s'o)ld <e spread
over t'e entire period of concreting and cover all mi(ing )nits%
?reB,enc+ : T'e minim)m freA)ency of sampling of concrete of eac' grade s'all <e in
accordance &it' follo&ing"
J,alit+ o& concrete in the 'or( !in C,1%# N,%<er o& 8a%-le8
1-. 1
6-1. +
16-*0 *
*1-.0 4
.1 and a<ove
4 pl)s one additional for eac' additional .0
c)m% or part t'ereof
Tr-640 / 121
O-tional Te8t8 ReB,ire%ent8 o&
Grade o& Co%-re88i)e 8tren*th on .od,l,8 o& r,-t,re <+ <ea% te8t
Concrete 1= c% c,<e8 %in1 at 7 da+8 /t 72 !R/-# 2
N / %%2
/t 7 da+8 N /
@ 10 2%0 1%+ 1%2
@ 1.
1%. +%1
@ +0 1*%. 1%2 +%4
@ +.
12%0 :
1%7 +%2
@ *0 +0%0 +%1 *%0
@ *. +*%. +%* *%+
@ 40 +2%0 +%. *%4
At least one sample s'all <e ta0en from eac' s'ift% :'ere concrete is contin)o)s prod)ction
)nit= s)c' as ready - mi(ed concrete plant= freA)ency of sampling may <e agreed )pon m)t)ally <y
s)ppliers and p)rc'asers%
2.7.2 Te8t S-eci%en : T'ree test specimen s'all <e made from eac' sample for testing at +6
days% Additional c)<es may <e reA)ired for vario)s p)rposes s)c' as to determine t'e strengt' of
concrete at 2days or at t'e time of stri0ing t'e form &or0 or to determine t'e d)ration of c)ring or to
c'ec0 t'e testing error% Additional c)<es may also <e reA)ired for testing c)<es c)red <y accelerated
met'ods as descri<ed in I%S% 701* - 1726% T'e specimen s'all <e tested as descri<ed in I%S% .16 -
2.7.3 Te8t Stren*th o& Sa%-le8 : T'e test strengt' of t'e samples s'all <e t'e average of t'e
strengt' of t'ree specimen% T'e individ)al variation s'o)ld not <e more t'an DR/-E 1. percent
of t'e average%
2.7.4 Con8i8tenc+ : Sl)mp test s'all <e carried o)t as often as demanded <y t'e Engineer-
in-4'arge and invaria<ly from t'e same <atc' of concrete from &'ic' t'e test c)<es are made%
Sl)mp tests s'all <e done immediately after sampling%
2.7.2 Standard De)iation : 3ide cla)se 4%4%+ of t'is specification%
T'e concrete s'all <e deemed to comply &it' t'e strengt' reA)irements &'en <ot' t'e follo&ing
conditions are met"
(a) T'e mean strengt' determined from any gro)p of fo)r consec)tive test res)lts complies
&it' t'e appropriate limits in col)mn + of Ta<le <elo&
(b) Any individ)al test res)lt complies &it' t'e appropriate limits in col)mn of Ta<le <elo&%
$ote -
1. In t'e a<sence of esta<lis'ed val)e of standard deviation= t'e val)es given in cla)se +%4%+
may <e ass)med= and attempt s'o)ld <e made to o<tain res)lts of *0 samples as early as
possi<le to esta<lis' t'e val)e of standard deviation%
2. /or concrete of A)antity )pto *0 m
D&'ere n)m<er of samples to <e ta0en is less t'an fo)r
as per t'e freA)ency of sampling given in cla)se +%2%+E= t'e mean of test res)lts of all s)c'
samples <e fck R 4 $/mm
minim)m and t'e reA)irement of minim)m individ)al test res)lts
s'all <e fck - + $/mm
minim)m% Go&ever= &'en t'e n)m<er of samples is only one as per
cla)se +%2%+= t'e reA)irement s'all <e fck R 4 $/mm
Tr-640 / 12+
C"aracteristic Compressive Strengt" Compliance
.ean o& the Gro,- o& 4 Non-o)erla--in*
con8ec,ti)e te8t re8,lt8 in N / %%
Indi)id,al te8t
re8,lt8 in N/ %%
!1# !2# !6#
@ 1. ,
Q / ]fc0 R 0%6+. ( esta<lis'ed standard deviation Dro)nded
off to nearest 0%. $/mm
Q / ]fc0 R * $ / mm
&'ic'ever is greater
Q / ]fc0 -* $/ mm
?le:,ral Stren*th
:'en <ot' t'e follo&ing conditions are met= t'e concrete complies &it' t'e specified fle()ral
a) T'e mean strengt' determined from any gro)p of fo)r consec)tive test res)lts e(ceeds t'e
specified c'aracteristic strengt' <y at least 0%* $/mm
b) T'e strengt' determined from any test res)lt is not less t'an t'e specified c'aracteristic strengt'
less 0%*$/mm
J,antit+ o& Concrete Re-re8ented <+ Stren*th Te8t Re8,lt81
T'e A)antity of concrete represented <y a gro)p of fo)r consec)tive test res)lts s'all incl)de
t'e <atc'es from &'ic' t'e first and last samples &ere ta0en toget'er &it' all intervening
/or t'e individ)al test res)lt reA)irements given in col)mn + of a<ove ta<le or in item D <E of
fle()ral strengt'= only t'e partic)lar <atc' from &'ic' t'e sample &as ta0en s'all <e at ris0%
:'ere t'e mean rate of sampling is not specified t'e ma(im)m A)antity of concrete t'at fo)r
consec)tive test res)lts represent s'all <e limited to 60m
If t'e concrete is deemed not to comply p)rs)ant to a<ove t'e str)ct)ral adeA)acy of t'e parts
affected s'all <e investigated and any conseA)ential action as needed s'all <e ta0en%
4oncrete of eac' grade s'all <e assessed separately
4oncrete is lia<le to <e reMected if it is poro)s or 'oney-com<ed= its placing 'as <een interr)pted
&it'o)t providing a proper constr)ction Moint= t'e reinforcement 'as <een displaced <eyond t'e
tolerances specified= or constr)ction tolerances 'ave not <een met% Go&ever= t'e 'ardened
concrete may <e accepted after carrying o)t s)ita<le remedial meas)res to t'e satisfaction of
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
21; /D.I2TDRES :
Admi(t)res= if )sed s'all comply &it' IS 710*% #revio)s e(perience &it' and data on s)c'
materials s'o)ld <e considered in relation to t'e li0ely standards of s)pervision , &or0mans'ip
to t'e &or0 <eing specified% Admi(t)res s'o)ld not impair d)ra<ility of t'e concrete not
com<ined &it' t'e constit)ent to form 'armf)l compo)nds nor increase t'e ris0 of corrosion of
T'e &or0a<ility= compressive strengt' and t'e sl)mp loss of concrete &it' , &it'o)t t'e )se of
admi(t)res s'all <e esta<lis'ed d)ring t'e trial mi(es <efore )se of admi(t)res%
T'e relative density of liA)id admi(t)res s'all <e c'ec0ed for s)c' dr)m containing admi(t)res
and compared &it' t'e specified val)e <efore acceptance%
T'e c'loride content of t'e admi(t)res s'all <e independently tested for eac' <atc' <efore
acceptance% If t&o or more admi(t)res are )sed sim)ltaneo)sly in t'e same concrete mi( data
s'o)ld <e o<tained to assess t'eir interaction and to ens)re t'eir compati<ility%
General :
Admi(t)re may <e )sed in concrete only &it' t'e approval of Engineer-in-c'arge <ased )pon
evidence t'at= &it' t'e passage of time neit'er t'e compressive strengt' nor its d)ra<ility red)ced%
:'en admi(t)res are )sed= t'e designed concrete mi( s'all <e corrected accordingly% Admi(t)res
s'all <e )sed as per man)fact)rers instr)ctions and in t'e manner and &it' t'e control specified <y
i# Calci,% Chloride : 4alci)m c'loride s'all not <e )sed for accelerating set of t'e cement for
any concrete containing reinforcement or em<edded steel parts% :'en calci)m c'loride is
Tr-640 / 12*
permitted to <e )sed= s)c' as in mass concrete &or0s= it s'all <e dissolved in &ater and added to
t'e mi(ing &ater in an amo)nt not to e(ceed 1%. percent of t'e &eig't of cement in eac' <atc' of
ii) /ir Entrainin* /*ent8 : :'ere specified and approved <y Engineer-in-c'arge= ne)trali!ed
vinsol resin or any ot'er approved air entraining agent may <e )sed to prod)ce t'e specified
amo)nt of air in t'e concrete mi( and t'ese agents s'all conform to t'e reA)irements of
AST@ standard 6%+60= Air Entraining admi(t)res for concrete% T'e recommended total air
content of t'e concrete is 4B DR/-E 1B% T'e met'od of meas)ring air content s'all <e as per
iii) Retardin* /d%i:t,re8 : :'ere specified and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge= retarding
agents s'all <e added to t'e concrete mi( in A)antities specified <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
i)# Iater Red,cin* /d%i:t,re8 : :'ere specified and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge=
&ater red)cing lignos)lfonate mi(t)re s'all <e added in A)antities specified <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
T'e admi(t)res s'all <e added in t'e form of a sol)tion%
v) Iater Proo&in* /*ent8 : :'ere specified and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge= c'loride
and s)lp'ate free &ater proofing agents s'all <e added in A)antities specified <y Engineer-in-
v) Other /d%i:t,re8 : Engineer-in-4'arge may at 'is discretion= instr)ct contractor to )se
any ot'er admi(t)re in t'e concrete%
Immediately after stripping t'e form &or0= all concrete s'all <e caref)lly inspected and any
defective &or0 or small defects= eit'er removed or made good <efore concrete 'as t'oro)g'ly
'ardened= as instr)cted <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
In case of do)<t regarding t'e grade of concrete )sed or res)lts of c)<e strengt' are o<served
to <e lo&er t'an t'e designed strengt' as per specifications at +6 days= compressive strengt' test of
concrete <ased on core test= )ltrasonic test and/or load test s'all <e carried o)t <y t'e digital
)ltrasonic concrete tester <y an approved agency as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge all at t'e
cost of t'e contractor% In case t'ese tests do not satisfy t'e reA)irements= t'e Department &ill <e at
li<erty to reMect t'e concrete= and t'e contractor= at 'is o&n cost= 'as to dismantle and re-do t'e
same or carry o)t s)c' remedial meas)res as approved <y t'e Department%
211111 O-tional Te8t8 : Engineer-in-c'arge= if 'e so desires= may order for tests to <e carried
o)t on cement= sand= coarse aggregate= &ater etc% in accordance &it' t'e relevant Indian
Te8t8 on ce%ent s'all incl)de DiE fineness test= DiiE test for normal consistency= DiiiE test for
setting time= DivE test for so)ndness= DvE test for compressive strengt'= DviE test for 'eat of 'ydration
D<y e(periment and <y calc)lationsE in accordance &it' I%S%+67%
Te8t8 on 8and s'all incl)de DiE sieve test= DiiE test for organic imp)rities= DiiiE decantation test for
determining clay and silt content= DivE specific gravity test= DvE test for )nit &eig't and <)l0age factor=
DviE test for sieve analysis and fineness mod)l)s%
Te8t8 on coar8e a**re*ate s'all incl)de DiE sieve analysis= DiiE specific gravity and )nit &eig't
of dry= loose and rodded aggregate= DiiiE so)ndness and al0ali aggregate reactivity= DivE petrograp'ic
e(amination= DvE deleterio)s materials and organic imp)rities= DviE test for aggregate cr)s'ing val)e%
T'e test on aggregates &o)ld normally <e ordered to <e carried o)t only if Engineer-in-c'arge
feels t'e materials are not in accordance &it' t'e specifications or if t'e specified concrete strengt's
are not o<tained and s'all <e performed <y contractor at an approved test la<oratory% 4ontractor
s'all 'ave to pay all t'e c'arges of optional tests% If t'e &or0 c)<es do not give t'e stip)lated
strengt's= Engineer-in-4'arge reserves t'e rig't to as0 contractor to dismantle s)c' portions of t'e
Tr-640 / 124
&or0= &'ic' in 'is opinion are )naccepta<le and re-do t'e &or0 to t'e standards stip)lated at
contractors cost%
T'e contractor s'o)ld also cond)ct concl,8i)e te8t8 s)c' as )ltrasonic p)lse test= core test
etc% to prove t'e s)ita<ility of concrete= in case c)<e tests give )nsatisfactory res)lts% T'e cost of t'e
concl)sive test s'o)ld <e <orne <y t'e contractor%
211112 Core Te8t : T'e points from &'ic' cores are to <e ta0en and t'e n)m<er of cores
reA)ired= s'all <e at t'e discretion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all <e representative of t'e
&'ole of concrete concerned% In no case= 'o&ever= s'all fe&er t'an t'ree cores <e tested% 4ores
s'all <e prepared and tested as descri<ed in I%S% .16
2.11.3 4oncrete in t'e mem<er represented <y a core test s'all <e considered accepta<le if
t'e average eA)ivalent c)<e strengt' of t'e cores is eA)al to at least 6.B of t'e c)<e strengt'
of t'e grade of concrete specified for t'e corresponding age and no individ)al core 'as
strengt' less t'an 2.B%
In case t'e core test res)lts do not satisfy t'e reA)irements as a<ove or &'ere s)c' tests 'ave
not <een done= load test Dsee 4"11"*E may <e resorted to%
2.11.4 $oad Te8t8 on Part8 o& Str,ct,re :
Foad tests s'o)ld <e carried o)t as soon as possi<le after e(piry of +6 days from t'e time of
placing of concrete%
T'e str)ct)re s'o)ld <e s)<Mected to a load eA)al to f)ll dead load of t'e str)ct)re pl)s 1%+.
times t'e imposed load for a period of +4 'o)rs and t'en t'e imposed load s'all <e removed%
Note: Dead load incl)des &eig't of t'e str)ct)ral mem<ers pl)s &eig't of finis'es and &alls or
partitions= if any= as considered in t'e design%
T'e deflection d)e to imposed load only s'all <e recorded% If &it'in +4 'o)rs of removal of t'e
imposed load= t'e str)ct)re does not recover at least 2.B of t'e deflection )nder s)per imposed
load= t'e test may <e repeated after a lapse of 2+ 'o)rs% If t'e recovery is less t'an 60B= t'e
str)ct)re s'all <e deemed to <e )naccepta<le%
If t'e ma(im)m deflection in mm% s'o&n d)ring +4 'o)rs )nder load is less t'an 40F
&'ere F is t'e effective span in @% and D t'e overall dept' of t'e section in mm= it is not necessary
for recovery to <e meas)red and t'e recovery provision as a<ove &ill not apply%
21111= t'er non-destr)ctive test met'ods may <e adopted= in &'ic' case t'e acceptance
criteria s'all <e agreed )pon <et&een t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and t'e 4ontractor and t'e test
s'all <e done )nder e(pert g)idance%
@em<ers ot'er t'an fle()ral mem<ers s'o)ld <e prefera<ly investigated <y analysis% Non -
de8tr,cti)e te8t8:
$on-destr)ctive tests are )sed to o<tain estimation of properties of concrete in t'e str)ct)re%
T'e met'ods adopted incl)de )ltrasonic p)lse velocity >see IS 1**11 D#art 1E? and re<o)nd 'ammer
>IS 1**11 D#art +E?= pro<e penetration= p)ll o)t and mat)rity% $on destr)ctive tests provide
alternatives to core tests for estimating t'e strengt' of concrete in a str)ct)re= or can s)pplement t'e
data o<tained from a limited n)m<er of cores% T'ese met'ods are <ased on meas)ring a concrete
property t'at <ears some relations'ip to strengt'/ t'e acc)racy of t'ese met'ods= in part is
determined <y t'e degree of correlation <et&een strengt' and t'e p'ysical A)ality meas)red <y t'e
non-destr)ctive tests%
Any of t'ese met'ods may <e adopted= in &'ic' case t'e acceptance criteria s'all <e agreed
)pon prior to testing%
Tr-640 / 12.
2.11.6 Te8tin* o& Dnder*ro,nd Iater Tan(/Se-tic Tan(/Dnder*ro,nd Str,ct,re8 :
T'e tan0 &ill <e tested after t'e completion according to t'e proced)re laid do&n 'ere"
T'e middle compartment s'all <e filled first to its f)ll 'eig't and t'e lea0age if any s'all <e
c'ec0ed on its o)ter s)rfaces and if fo)nd= t'e same s'all <e e(amined caref)lly and defects
rectified/gro)ted if necessary% T'e drop in level of s)rface of &ater s'all also <e recorded for 46
'o)rs% If t'is drop in level e(ceeds +0 mm% and s'o&s any lea0age in t'e said &alls= necessary
steps s'all <e ta0en in cons)ltation &it' t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
After t'is compartment is tested to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= all &ater from
middle compartment s'all <e p)mped into side compartment to t'e f)ll 'eig't and c'ec0ed for &ater
lea0ages from t'e o)ter s)rfaces of t'e tan0 as &ell as inner s)rface of t'e middle compartment%
T'e drop in level of s)rface of &ater s'all also <e c'ec0ed as stated a<ove and defects rectified%
T'e e(ternal s)rface of t'e tan0 s'all t'en <e plastered and c)red as per t'e specifications and
<ac0 filling s'all <e ta0en )p t'ereafter% T'e &ater from t'e compartments s'all t'en <e p)mped o)t
and t'e inner s)rface of t'e tan0 in all compartments t'en <e c'ec0ed and defects rectified%
After satisfactory completion of c'ec0s= internal plaster s'all <e ta0en )p as specified in t'e
T'e contractor s'all <e responsi<le for carrying o)t t'e complete test= rectifying t'e lea0ages if
any% T'e cost of providing all eA)ipments= la<o)r for carrying o)t tests s'all <e <orned <y t'e
contractor% T'e rates A)oted for concreting items for constr)cting )nder gro)nd &ater tan0 s'all <e
incl)sive of testing of 144 tan0 for &ater tig'tness as per a<ove specifications% T'e contractor s'all
ma0e 'is o&n arrangement to tap t'e &ater from t'e departmental s)pply line for filling t'e tan0= if
s)pply of &ater stip)lated )nder Sc'ed)le ;A;% If s)pply of &ater not stip)lated )nder Sc'ed)le ;A;=
t'e contractor s'all ma0e 'is o&n arrangement as per contract conditions at 'is o&n cost%
2.11.7 Dn8ati8&actor+ Te8t8 :
S'o)ld t'e res)lts of any test prove )nsatisfactory= or t'e str)ct)re s'o&s signs of &ea0ness=
)nd)e deflection or fa)lty constr)ction= contractor s'all remove and re<)ild t'e mem<er or mem<ers
involved or carry o)t s)c' ot'er remedial meas)res as may <e reA)ired <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
4ontractor s'all <ear t'e cost of so doing= )nless t'e fail)re of t'e mem<er or mem<ers to f)lfill t'e
test conditions is proved to <e solely d)e to fa)lty design% T'e cost of load and ot'er tests s'all <e
<orne <y 4ontractor if t'e tests s'o& )nsatisfactory res)ltsU ot'er&ise s)c' costs &ill <e <orne <y
t'e Department%
Some aggregates containing partic)lar varieties of silica may <e s)scepti<le to attac0 <y al0alis
D$a20 and 920 E originating from cement and ot'er so)rces= prod)cing an e(pansive reaction &'ic'
can ca)se crac0ing and disr)ption of concrete% Damage to concrete from t'is reaction &ill normally
only occ)r &'en all t'e follo&ing are present toget'er%
a) A 'ig' moist)re level= &it'in t'e concreteU
b) A cement &it' 'ig' al0ali content= or anot'er so)rce of al0aliU
c) Aggregate containing an al0ali reactive constit)ent%
:'ere t'e service records of partic)lar cement / aggregate com<ination are &ell esta<lis'ed=
and do not incl)de any instances of crac0ing d)e to al0ali-aggregate reaction= no f)rt'er preca)tions
s'o)ld <e necessary% :'en t'e materials are )nfamiliar= preca)tions s'o)ld ta0e one or more of t'e
follo&ing forms"
aE Cse of non-reactive aggregate from alternate so)rces
Tr-640 / 126
b) Cse of lo& al0ali ordinary #ortland cement 'aving total al0ali content not more t'an 0%6
percent Das $a+ eA)ivalentE%
/)rt'er advantage can <e o<tained <y )se of fly as' DGrade IE conforming to IS *61+or
gran)lated <last f)rnace slag conforming to IS 1+067 as part replacement of ordinary #ortland
cement D'aving total al0ali content as $a+ eA)ivalent not more t'an 0%6 percentE provided fly as'
content is at least +0 B or slag content is at least .0 percent%
c) @eas)res to red)ce t'e degree of sat)ration of t'e concrete d)ring service s)c' as )se
of impermea<le mem<ranes
d) Fimiting t'e cement content in t'e concrete mi( and t'ere<y limiting total al0ali content
in t'e concrete mi( as per approval of Engineer- in-c'arge%
Chloride8 in the concrete
:'enever t'ere is c'lorides in concrete t'ere is an increased ris0 of corrosion of em<edded
metal% T'e 'ig'er t'e c'loride content or if s)<seA)ently e(posed to &arm moist conditions= t'e
greater t'e ris0 of corrosion% All constit)ents may contain c'lorides and concrete may <e
contaminated <y c'lorides from t'e e(ternal environment% To minimi!e t'e c'ance of deterioration of
concrete from 'armf)l c'emical salts= t'e levels of s)c' 'armf)l salts in concrete materials= t'at is=
cement= aggregates= &ater and admi(t)res= as &ell as <y diff)sion from t'e environment s'o)ld <e
limited% T'e total amo)nt of c'loride content Das 4lE in t'e concrete at t'e time of placing s'all <e as
given <elo& in t'e ta<le%
T'e total acid sol)<le c'loride content s'o)ld <e calc)lated from t'e mi( proportions and t'e
maMor c'loride contents of eac' of t'e constit)ents% :'enever possi<le t'e total c'loride content of
t'e concrete s'o)ld <e determined as per t'e approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
S,l-hate8 in concrete:
S)lp'ates are present in most cements and in some aggregatesU e(cessive amo)nts of
&ater-sol)<le s)lp'ate from t'ese or ot'er mi( constit)ents can ca)se e(pansion and disr)ption of
concrete% To prevent t'is= t'e total &ater-sol)<le s)lp'ate content of t'e concrete mi(= e(pressed as
S3, s'o)ld not e(ceed 4 per cent <y mass of t'e cement in t'e mi(% T'e s)lp'ate content s'o)ld
<e calc)lated as t'e total from t'e vario)s constit)ents of t'e mi( as per t'e approval of t'e
T'e 4 percent limit does not applied to concrete made &it' s)per s)lp'ated cement
complying &it' IS 6707 or as approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 122
$i%it8 o& Chloride Content o&
Sl1 No T+-e or D8e o& Concrete
.a:i%,% Total /cid 8ol,<le
Chloride Content E:-re88ed a8
o& Concrete1
iE 4oncrete containing metal and steam c)red at
elevated temperat)re and pre-stressed concrete
iiE 1einforced concrete or plain concrete containing
em<edded metal 5555
iiiE 4oncrete not containing em<edded metal or any
material reA)iring protection form c'loride
/PPRO"/$ :
-efore t'e concrete is act)ally placed in position= t'e inside of t'e form &or0 s'all <e inspected
to see t'at t'ey 'ave <een cleaned and oiled% Temporary openings s'all <e provided to facilitate
inspection= especially at <ottom of col)mns and &all forms= to permit removal of sa& d)st= &ood
s'avings= <inding &ire= r)<<is'= dirt etc% pening s'all <e placed or 'oles drilled so t'at t'ese
materials and &ater can <e removed easily% S)c' openings / 'oles s'all <e later s)ita<ly pl)gged%
T'e vario)s traders s'all <e permitted ample time to install drainage and pl)m<ing lines= floor
and trenc' drain= cond)its= 'angers= anc'ors= inserts= sleeves= <olts= frames and ot'er
miscellaneo)s em<edment to <e cast in t'e concrete as indicated on t'e dra&ing or as necessary
for t'e proper e(ec)tion of t'e &or0% All s)c' em<edment s'all <e correctly positioned and sec)rely
'eld in t'e forms to prevent displacement d)ring depositing and vi<rating of concrete%
Slots= openings= 'oles= poc0ets etc% s'all <e provided in t'e concrete &or0 in t'e positions
indicated in t'e dra&ings or as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
1einforcement and ot'er items to <e cast in concrete s'all 'ave clean s)rfaces t'at &ill not
impair <ond%
#rior to concrete placement= all &or0s s'all <e inspected and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge=
and if fo)nd )nsatisfactory= concrete s'all not <e po)red )ntil all defects 'ave <een corrected at
contractors cost%
Approval <y Engineer-in-4'arge of any and all materials and &or0 as reA)ired 'erein s'all not
relieve contractor from 'is o<ligations to prod)ce finis'ed concrete in accordance &it' t'e dra&ings
and specifications%
2.13.1 Rain or Ia8h Iater :
$o concrete s'all <e placed in &et &eat'er or on a &ater covered s)rface% Any concrete t'at
'as <een &as'ed <y 'eavy rain s'all <e entirely removed= if t'ere is any sign of cement and sand
'aving <een &as'ed a&ay from t'e concrete mi(t)re% To g)ard against damage &'ic' may <e
ca)sed <y rain= t'e &or0s s'all <e covered &it' tarpa)lins immediately after t'e concrete 'as <een
placed and compacted <efore leaving t'e &or0 )nattended% Any &ater acc)m)lating on t'e s)rface
of t'e ne&ly placed concrete s'all <e removed <y approved means and no f)rt'er concrete s'all <e
placed t'ereon )ntil s)c' &ater is removed% To avoid flo& of &ater over/aro)nd fres'ly placed
concrete= s)ita<le drains and s)mps s'all <e provided%
2.13.2 ondin* .ortar :
Immediately <efore concrete placement <egins= prepared s)rfaces= e(cept form &or0= &'ic'
&ill come in contact &it' concrete to <e placed= s'all <e covered &it' a <onding mortar of same
strengt' of concrete%
2.13.3 Tran8-ortation :
All <)c0ets= containers or conveyers )sed for transporting concrete s'all <e mortar-tig't% All
means of conveyance s'all <e adopted to deliver concrete of t'e reA)ired consistency and plasticity
&it'o)t segregation or loss of sl)mp &'atever met'od of transportation is employed% 4')te s'all not
<e )sed to transport t'e concrete &it'o)t t'e &ritten permission of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and
concrete s'all not <e re-'andled <efore placing%
2.13.4 Rete%-ered or Conta%inated Concrete :
4oncrete m)st <e placed in its final position <efore it <ecomes too stiff to &or0% n no acco)nt
&ater s'all <e added after t'e initial mi(ing% 4oncrete &'ic' 'as <ecome stiff or 'as <een
contaminated &it' foreign materials and &'ic' 'as not <een placed &it'in 'alf an 'o)r of mi(ing
&ater &it' cement s'all <e reMected%
Tr-640 / 126
2.13.5Cleanin* o& EB,i-%ent :
All eA)ipments )sed for mi(ing= transporting and placing of concrete s'all <e maintained in
clean condition% All pans= <)c0ets= 'oppers= c')tes= pipe lines and ot'er eA)ipments s'all <e
t'oro)g'ly cleaned after eac' period of placement%
2.13.6Proced,re &or Placin* o& Concrete :
1 En*ineer8 /--ro)al o& EB,i-%ent and .ethod8 : -efore any concrete is placed= t'e
entire placing programme= consisting of eA)ipment= layo)t proposed proced)res and met'ods s'all
<e s)<mitted to Engineer-in-4'arge and no concrete s'all <e of s)c' si!e and design to ens)re a
practically contin)o)s flo& of concrete d)ring depositing &it'o)t segregation of materials=
considering t'e si!e of t'e Mo< and placement location%
1 Ti%e Inter)al et'een .i:in* and Placin* : 4oncrete s'all <e placed in its final position
<efore t'e cement reac'es its initial set and concrete s'all normally <e compacted in its final
position &it'in t'irty min)tes of leaving t'e mi(er and once compacted it s'all not <e dist)r<ed%
2 /)oidin* Se*re*ation : 4oncrete s'all in all t'e cases <e deposited as nearly as
practica<le directly in its final position and s'all not <e re-'andled or ca)sed to flo& in a
manner &'ic' &ill ca)se segregation= loss of materials= displacement of reinforcement=
s')ttering or em<edded inserts or impair its strengt'% /or locations &'ere direct placement
is not possi<le= and in narro& forms= contractor s'all provide s)ita<le prop and Elep'ant
Tr)n0s to confine t'e movement of concrete% Special care s'all <e ta0en &'en concrete is
dropped from a 'eig't= especially if reinforcement is in t'e &ay= partic)larly in col)mns and
t'in &alls%
3 Placin* <+ .an,al $a<o,r : E(cept &'en ot'er&ise approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge=
concrete s'all <e placed in t'e s')ttering <y s'ovels or ot'er approved implements and s'all not <e
dropped from a 'eig't more t'an 1%0 m% or 'andle in a manner &'ic' &ill ca)se segregation%
4 Placin* <+ .echanical EB,i-%ent : T'e follo&ing specifications s'all apply &'en placing
of concrete <y s)e of mec'anical eA)ipment is specially called for &'ile inviting <ids or is &arranted=
considering t'e nat)re of &or0 involved%
T'e control of placing s'all <egin at t'e mi(er disc'arge% 4oncrete s'all <e disc'arged <y a
vertical drop into t'e middle of t'e <)c0et of 'opper and t'is principle of a vertical disc'arge of
concrete s'all <e ad'ered-to t'ro)g' o)t all stages of delivery )ntil t'e concrete comes to rest in its
final position%
T+-e o& <,c(et8 : All concrete s'all <e conveyed from t'e mi(er to t'e place of final deposit in
s)ita<le <)c0ets= d)mpers= containers &'ic' s'all <e lea0-tig't% All means of conveyance s'all <e
adopted for delivering concrete to t'e reA)ired consistency/ &or0a<ility and plasticity &it'o)t
4entral <ottom d)mp <)c0ets of a type t'at provides for positive reg)lation of t'e amo)nt and
rate deposition of concrete in all d)mping position s'all <e employed%
O-eration o& ,c(et : In placing concrete in large open areas= t'e <)c0et s'all <e spotted
directly over t'e position designated and t'en lo&ered for d)mping% T'e open <)c0et s'all clear t'e
concrete already in place and t'e 'eig't of drop s'all not e(ceed 1%0 m% T'e <)c0et s'all <e opened
slo&ly to avoid 'ig' vertical <o)nce% D)mping of <)c0ets on t'e s&ing or in any manner &'ic'
res)lts in separation of ingredients or dist)r<ance of previo)sly placed concrete &ill not <e
6 Place%ent in Re8tricted ?or%8 : 4oncrete placed in restricted forms <y <orro&s= <)ggies=
cars= s'ort c')tes or 'and s'oveling s'all <e s)<Mect to t'e reA)irement for vertical delivery of
limited 'eig't to avoid segregation and s'all <e deposited as nearly as practica<le in its final
7 Ch,ttin* : :'ere it is necessary to )se transfer c')tes= specific approval of Engineer-in-
4'arge m)st <e o<tained to type= lengt'= slopes= <affles= vertical terminal and timing of operations%
Tr-640 / 127
T'ese s'all <e so arranged t'at almost contin)o)s flo& of concrete is o<tained at t'e disc'arge and
&it'o)t segregation% To allo& for t'e loss of mortar against t'e sides of t'e c')tes= t'e first mi(es
s'all 'ave less coarse aggregate% D)ring cleaning of c')tes= t'e &aste &ater s'all <e 0ept clear of
t'e forms% T'e concrete s'all not <e permitted to fall from t'e end of t'e c')tes <y more t'an 1%0 m%
4')tes= &'en approved for )se= s'all 'ave slopes not flatter t'an 1 vertical to * 'ori!ontal and not
steeper t'an 1 vertical to + 'ori!ontal= c')tes s'all <e of metal or metal line and of ro)nded cross
section% T'e slopes of all c')te sections s'all <e appro(imately same% T'e disc'arge end of t'e
c')tes s'all <e maintained a<ove t'e s)rfaces of t'e concrete in t'e forms%
8 Placin* <+ P,%-in*/ Pne,%atic Placer8 : 4oncrete may <e conveyed and placed <y
mec'anically operated eA)ipment e%g% p)mps or pne)matic placers= only &it' t'e &ritten permission
of Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e sl)mp s'all <e 'eld to t'e minim)m= necessary for conveying concrete
<y t'is met'od%
:'en p)mping is adopted= <efore p)mping of concrete is started= t'e pipelines s'all <e
l)<ricated &it' one or t&o <atc'es of mortar composed of one part cement and t&o parts sand% T'e
concrete mi( s'all specially designed to s)it p)mping% 4are s'all <e ta0en to avoid stoppages in
&or0 once p)mping 'as started%
:'en pne)matic placer is )sed= t'e man)fact)rers advice on layo)t of pipeline s'all <e
follo&ed to avoid <loc0ages and e(cessive &ear% 1estraint s'all <e provided at t'e disc'arge <o( to
cater for t'e reaction at t'e end%
@an)fact)rers advice s'all <e follo&ed regarding concrete A)ality and all ot'er related matters
&'en p)mping/ pne)matic placing eA)ipments are )sed%
9 Concrete in $a+er8 : 4oncreting= once started= s'all <e contin)o)s )ntil t'e po)r is
completed% 4oncrete s'all <e placed in s)ccessive 'ori!ontal layers of )niform t'ic0ness ranging
from 1. cm% to 70 cm% as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge% T'ese s'all <e placed as rapidly as
practica<le to prevent t'e formation of cold Moints or planes of &ea0ness <et&een eac' s)cceeding
layers &it'in t'e po)r% T'e t'ic0ness of eac' layer s'all <e s)c' t'at it can <e deposited <efore t'e
previo)s layer 'as stiffened% T'e <)c0et loads or ot'er )nits of deposit= s'all spotted progressively
along t'e face of t'e layer &it' s)c' overlap as &ill facilitate spreading t'e layer to )niform dept'
and te(t)re &it' a minim)m of s'oveling stones into mortar rat'er t'an mortar on to stones% S)c' a
condition s'all <e corrected <y redesign of mi( or ot'er means= as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
eddin* o& $a+er8 : T'e top s)rface of eac' po)r and <edding planes s'all <e appro(imately
'ori!ontal )nless ot'er&ise instr)cted%
211617 CO.P/CTION : 4oncrete s'all <e compacted d)ring placing= &it' approved vi<rating
eA)ipment= )ntil t'e concrete 'as <een consolidated to t'e ma(im)m practica<le density= is free of
poc0ets of coarse aggregate and fits tig'tly against all form s)rfaces= reinforcement and em<edded
fi(t)res% #artic)lar care s'all <e ta0en to ens)re t'at all concrete placed against t'e form faces and
into corners of forms or against 'ardened concrete at Moints is free from voids or cavities% T'e )se of
vi<rators s'all <e consistent &it' t'e concrete mi( and ca)tion is to <e e(ercised not to over vi<rate
t'e concrete to t'e point of segregation%
1 T+-e o& "i<rator8 : 3i<rators s'all conform to I%S% specifications% Type of vi<rators to <e
)sed s'all depend )pon t'e str)ct)re &'ere concrete is to <e placed% S')tter vi<rators= to <e
effective= s'all <e firmly sec)red to t'e form &or0 &'ic' m)st <e s)fficiently rigid to transmit t'e
vi<rations and strong eno)g' not to <e damaged <y it% Immersion vi<rators s'all 'ave $o load
freA)ency amplit)de and acceleration as per I%S%+.0. depending on t'e si!e of t'e vi<rator%
Immersion vi<rators in s)fficient n)m<ers and eac' of adeA)ate si!e s'all <e )sed to properly
consolidate all concrete% Tapping or e(ternal vi<rating of forms <y 'and tools or immersion vi<rators
&ill not <e permitted%
Tr-640 / 160
2 D8e o& "i<rator8 : T'e e(act manner application and t'e most s)ita<le mac'ines for t'e
p)rpose m)st <e caref)lly considered and operated <y e(perienced men% Immersion vi<rators s'all
<e inserted vertically at points not more t'an 4.0 mm% apart and &it'dra&n &'en air <)<<les cease
to come to t'e s)rface% Immersion vi<rators s'all <e &it'dra&n very slo&ly% In no case s'all
immersion vi<rators <e )sed to transport concrete inside t'e forms% #artic)lar attention s'all <e paid
to vi<ration at t'e top of lift= e%g% in a col)mn or &all%
6 .eldin* 8,cce88i)e <atche8 : :'en placing concrete in layers= &'ic' are advancing
'ori!ontally as t'e &or0 progress= great care s'all <e e(ercised to ens)re adeA)ate vi<ration=
<lending and melding of t'e concrete <et&een t'e s)ccessive layers%
4 Penetration o& )i<rator8 : T'e immersion vi<rator s'all penetrate t'e layer <eing placed
and also penetrate t'e layer <elo& &'ile t'e )nder layer is still plastic to ens)re good <ond and
'omogeneity <et&een t'e t&o layers and prevent t'e formation of cold Moints%
5 "i<ratin* a*ain8t rein&orce%ent : 4are s'all <e ta0en to prevent contact of immersion
vi<rators against reinforcement steel% Immersion vi<rators s'all not <e allo&ed to come in contact
&it' reinforcement steel after start of initial set% T'ey s'all also not <e allo&ed to come in contact
&it' forms or finis'ed s)rfaces%
6 D8e o& ?or% /ttached "i<rator8 : /orm attac'ed vi<rators s'all <e )sed only &it' specific
a)t'orisation of Engineer-in-4'arge%
7 D8e o& 8,r&ace )i<rator8 : T'e )se of s)rface vi<rators &ill not <e permitted )nder normal
conditions% Go&ever= for t'in sla<s= s)c' as 'ig'&ays= r)n&ays and similar constr)ction= s)rface
vi<rations <y specifically designed vi<rators may <e permitted= )pon approval of Engineer-in-
2.13.8 STONE POC0ETS /ND .ORT/R POND/GES : /ormation of stone poc0ets or
mortar pondages in corners and against faces of forms s'all not <e permitted% S'o)ld t'ese occ)r=
t'ey s'all <e d)g o)t= reformed and refilled to a s)fficient dept' and s'ape for t'oro)g' <o)nding as
directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
2.13.9 P$/CE.ENT INTER"/$ : E(cept &'en placing &it' slip forms= eac' placement of
concrete in m)ltiple lift &or0= s'all <e allo&ed to set for at least +4 'o)rs after t'e final set of
concrete and <efore t'e start of a s)<seA)ent placement%
1 S-ecial Pro)i8ion in Placin* : :'en placing concrete in &alls &it' openings= in floors of
integral sla< and <eam constr)ction and ot'er similar conditions= t'e placing s'all stop &'en t'e
concrete reac'es t'e top of t'e opening in &alls or <ottom 'ori!ontal s)rface of t'e sla<s as t'e
case may <e% #lacing s'all <e res)med <efore t'e concrete in place ta0es initial set= <)t not )ntil it
'as 'ad time to settle as determined <y Engineer-in-c'arge%
2 Placin* Concrete Thro,*h Rein&orcin* Steel : :'ile placing concrete t'ro)g' reinforcing
steel= care s'all <e ta0en to prevent segregation of t'e coarse aggregate% :'ere t'e congregation
of steel ma0e placing diffic)lt= it may <e necessary to temporarily move t'e top steel aside to get
proper placement and restore reinforcing steel to design position%
2116110 $EEDING : -leeding or free &ater on top of concrete <eing deposited in to t'e
forms= s'all <e ca)sed to stop t'e concrete po)r and t'e conditions ca)sing t'is defect corrected
<efore any f)rt'er concreting is res)med%
4oncrete s'all <e placed &it'o)t interr)ption )ntil completion of t'e part of t'e &or0 <et&een
predetermined constr)ction Moints= as specified t'erein after% Time lapse <et&een t'e po)ring of
adMoining )nits s'all <e as specified in t'e dra&ings or as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
Con8tr,ction Ooint8 and cold Ooint8:
Loints are a common so)rce of &ea0ness and t'erefore it is desira<le to avoid t'em% If t'is is
not possi<le= t'eir n)m<er s'all <e minimi!ed % 4oncreting s'all <e carried o)t contin)o)sly )p to
Tr-640 / 161
constr)ction Moints t'e position and arrangement of &'ic' s'all <e indicated <y t'e designer%
4onstr)ction Moints s'o)ld comply &it' IS 11612%
4onstr)ction Moints s'all <e placed at accessi<le locations to permit cleaning o)t of laitance=
cement sl)rry and )nso)nd concrete= in order to create ro)g'/)neven s)rface % It is recommended to
clean o)t laitance and cement sl)rry <y )sing &ire <r)s' on t'e s)rface of Moint immediately after
initial setting of concrete and to clean at t'e same immediately t'ereafter% T'e prepared s)rface
s'o)ld <e in a clean sat)rated s)rface dry condition &'en fres' concrete is placed= against it% In t'e
case of constr)ction Moints at locations &'ere t'e previo)s po)r 'as <een cast against s')ttering t'e
recommended met'od of o<taining a ro)g' s)rface for t'e previo)sly po)red concrete is to e(pose
t'e aggregate &it' a 'ig' press)re &ater Met or any ot'er appropriate means%
/res' concrete s'o)ld <e t'oro)g'ly vi<rated near constr)ction Moints so t'at mortar from t'e
ne& concrete flo&s <et&een large aggregates and develop proper <ond &it' old concrete%
:'ere 'ig' s'ear resistance is reA)ired at t'e constr)ction Moints= s'ear 0eys may <e provided%
Sprayed c)ring mem<ranes and release agent s s'o)ld <e t'oro)g'ly removed from Moint
If stopping of concreting <ecomes )navoida<le any&'ere= a properly formed constr)ction Moint
s'all <e made &'ere t'e &or0 is stopped% Loints s'all <e eit'er vertical or 'ori!ontal= )nless s'o&n
ot'er&ise in dra&ing% In case of an inclined or c)rved mem<er= t'e Moints s'all <e at rig't angles to
t'e a(is of t'e mem<er% 3ertical Moints in &alls s'all <e 0ept to a minim)m% 3ertical Moints s'all <e
formed against a stop <oard= 'ori!ontal Moints s'all <e level and &'erever possi<le= arranged= so t'at
t'e Moint lines coincide &it' t'e arc'itect)ral feat)res of t'e finis'ed &or0% -attens= s'all <e nailed to
t'e form &or0 to ens)re a 'ori!ontal line and if directed= s'all also <e )sed to form a grooved Moint%
/or tan0 &alls= similar &or0 Moints s'all <e formed as per I%S% **20% 4oncrete t'at is in t'e process of
setting s'all not <e dist)r<ed or s'a0en <y traffic eit'er on t'e concrete itself or )pon t'e s')ttering%
Gori!ontal and vertical constr)ction Moints and s'ear 0eys s'all <e located and s'all conform in detail
to t'e reA)irements of t'e plans )nless ot'er&ise directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge% :'ere not
descri<ed= t'e Moints s'all <e in accordance &it' t'e follo&ing"
1 Col,%n Hoint8 : In a col)mn= t'e Moint s'all <e formed 2. mm% <elo& t'e lo&est soffit of t'e
<eams incl)ding 'a)nc'es if any% In flat sla< constr)ction t'e Moint s'all <e 2. mm% <elo& t'e soffit of
col)mn capital% At least + 'o)rs s'all elapse after depositing concrete in col)mn= piers or &alls=
<efore depositing in <eams= girders or sla<s s)pported t'ereon%
2 ea% and Sla< Hoint8 : 4oncrete in a <eam s'all <e placed t'ro)g'o)t &it'o)t a Moint <)t if
t'e provision of a Moint is )navoida<le= t'e Moint s'all <e vertical and at t'e centre or &it'in t'e middle
t'ird of t'e span )nless ot'er&ise s'o&n in dra&ing% :'ere a <eam intersects a girder= t'e Moints in
t'e girder s'all <e offset a distance eA)al to t&ice t'e &idt' of t'e <eam and additional
reinforcement provided for s'ear% T'e Moints s'all <e vertical t'ro)g'o)t t'e f)ll t'ic0ness of t'e
concrete mem<er% A Moint in a sla< s'all <e vertical and parallel to t'e principal reinforcement% :'ere
it is )navoida<le at rig't angles to t'e principle reinforcement= t'e Moint s'all <e vertical and at t'e
middle of span%
6 Hoint8 in $iB,id Retainin* Str,ct,re8 : 3ertical constr)ction Moints in &atertig't
constr)ction &ill not <e permitted )nless indicated on t'e dra&ings% :'ere a 'ori!ontal constr)ction
Moint is reA)ired to resist &ater press)re= special care s'all <e ta0en in all p'ases of its constr)ction
to ens)re ma(im)m &ater tig'tness%
4 Do'el8 : Do&els for concrete &or0= not li0ely to <e ta0en )p in t'e near f)t)re= s'all <e
&rapped in tar paper and <)rlap%
4 .a88 ?o,ndation8 : @ass fo)ndations s'all <e po)red in lifts not e(ceeding 1%. m% in
'eig't )nless= ot'er&ise indicated on t'e dra&ings and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 16+
6 Treat%ent o& Con8tr,ction Hoint8 on Re8,%in* Concretin* : Drier s'all <e )sed for t'e
top lift or 'ori!ontal po)rs to avoid a laitance% All laitance and loose stones s'all <e t'oro)g'ly and
caref)lly removed <y &ire <r)s'ing/ 'ac0ing and s)rface &as'ed%
L)st <efore concreting is res)med= t'e ro)g'ened Moint s)rface s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleaned
and loose matter removed and t'en treated &it' a t'in layer of cement gro)t of proportion specified
<y Engineer-in-4'arge and &or0ed &ell into t'e s)rface% T'e ne& concrete s'all <e &ell &or0ed
specially against t'e prepared face <efore t'e gro)t mortar sets% Special care s'all <e ta0en to
o<tain t'oro)g' compaction and to avoid segregation of t'e concrete along t'e Moint plane%
1 C,rin* : All concrete s'all <e c)red <y 0eeping it contin)o)sly damp for t'e period of time
reA)ired for complete 'ydration and 'ardening to ta0e place% #reference s'all <e given to t'e )se of
contin)o)s sprays or ponded &ater= contin)o)sly sat)rated covering of sac0ing= canvas= 'essian or
ot'er a<sor<ent materials= or approved effective c)ring compo)nds applied &it' spraying eA)ipment
capa<le of prod)cing a smoot'= even te(t)red coat% E(tra preca)tions s'all <e e(ercised in c)ring
concrete d)ring cold and 'ot &eat'er as o)tlined 'ereinafter% T'e A)ality of c)ring &ater s'all <e t'e
same as t'at )sed for mi(ing concrete%
4ertain types of finis' or preparation for overlaying concrete m)st <e done at certain stages of
c)ring process and special treatment may <e reA)ired for specific concrete s)rface finis'%
4)ring of concrete made of 'ig' al)mina cement and s)per s)lp'ated cement s'all <e carried
o)t as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
2 C,rin* 'ith Iater : /res' concrete s'all <e 0ept contin)o)sly &et for a minim)m period of
14 days from t'e date of placing of concrete= follo&ing a lapse of 1+ to +4 'o)rs after laying
concrete% T'e c)ring of 'ori!ontal s)rfaces e(posed to t'e drying &inds s'all 'o&ever <egin
immediately t'e concrete 'as 'ardened% :ater s'all <e applied to )nformed concrete s)rfaces
&it'in 1 'o)r after concrete 'as set% :ater s'all <e applied to formed s)rfaces immediately )pon
removal of forms% I)antity of &ater applied s'all <e controlled so as to prevent erosion of fres'ly
placed concrete%
3 Contin,o,8 S-ra+in* : 4)ring s'all <e ass)red <y )se of an ample &ater s)pply )nder
press)re in pipes= &it' all necessary appliances of 'ose sprin0lers and spraying devices%
4ontin)o)s fine mist spraying or sprin0ling s'all <e )sed= )nless ot'er&ise specified or approved <y
4 /lternate C,rin* .ethod8 : :'enever in t'e M)dgment of Engineer-in-4'arge= it may <e
necessary to omit t'e contin)o)s spray met'od= covering of clean sand or ot'er approved means
s)c' as &et g)nny <ags= &'ic' &ill prevent loss of moist)re from t'e concrete= may <e )sed% Any
type of covering &'ic' &o)ld stain or damage t'e concrete d)ring or after t'e c)ring period= &ill not
<e permitted% 4overing s'all <e 0ept contin)o)sly &et d)ring t'e c)ring period%
/or c)ring of concrete in pavements= side-&al0s= floors= flat roofs or ot'er level s)rfaces= t'e
ponding met'od of c)ring is preferred% T'e met'od of containing t'e ponded &ater s'all <e
approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge% Special attention s'all <e given to edges and corners of t'e sla<
to ens)re proper protection to t'ese areas% T'e ponded areas s'all <e 0ept contin)o)sly filled &it'
&ater d)ring t'e c)ring period%
5 C,rin* Co%-o,nd8 : S)rface coating type c)ring compo)nd s'all <e )sed only on special
permission of Engineer-in-4'arge% 4)ring compo)nds s'all <e liA)id type &'ile pigmented=
conforming to C%S% -)rea) of 1eclamation Specification% $o c)ring compo)nd s'all <e )sed on
s)rface &'ere f)t)re <lending &it' concrete= &ater or acid proof mem<rane or painting is specified%
6. C,rin* EB,i-%ent : All eA)ipments and materials reA)ired for c)ring s'all <e on 'and and
ready for )se <efore concrete is placed%
7. .oi8t C,rin*: E(posed s)rfaces of concrete s'all <e 0ept contin)o)sly in a damp or &et
condition <y ponding or <y covering &it' a layer of sac0ing = canvas= 'essian or similar materials
Tr-640 / 16*
and 0ept constantly &et for at least seven days from t'e date of placing concrete% In case of ordinary
#ortland cement and at least ten days &'ere mineral admi(t)res or <lended cement are )sed% T'e
period of c)ring s'all not <e less t'an ten days of concrete e(posed to dry and 'ot &eat'er
conditions% In t'e case of concrete t'e mineral admi(t)res or <lended cement are )sed= it is
recommended t'at t'e a<ove minim)m periods may <e e(tended to fo)rteen days as per t'e
approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
A! :embrane C+ring3 Approved c)ring compo)nds may <e )sed in lie) of moist c)ring &it'
t'e permission of Engineer-in-c'arge% S)c' compo)nds s'all <e applied to all e(posed s)rfaces of
t'e concrete as soon as possi<le after t'e concrete 'as set% Impermea<le mem<ranes s)c' as poly
et'ylene s'eeting covering= closely t'e concrete s)rface may also <e )sed to provide effective
<arrier against evaporation%
/or t'e concrete containing #ortland po!!olana cement= #ortland slag cement or mineral
admi(t)res increased period of c)ring may <e decided <y Engineer-in-c'arge%
T'e rate of strengt' development at early age of concrete made &it' s)per s)lp'ated cement
is significantly red)ced at lo&er temperat)res% S)per s)lp'ated cement concrete is serio)sly
affected <y inadeA)ate c)ring and t'e s)rface 'as to <e 0ept moist for at least seven days or more
as per t'e approval of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
/res' concrete s'all <e protected from t'e elements= from defacements and damage d)e to
constr)ction operations <y leaving forms in place for ample period as specified later in t'is
specification% $e&ly placed concrete s'all <e protected <y approved means s)c' as tarpa)lins from
rain= s)n and &inds% Steps as approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge= s'all also <e ta0en to protect
immat)re concrete from damage <y de<ris= e(cessive loading= vi<rations= a<rasion or contact &it'
ot'er materials etc% t'at may <e &arned against and prevented from dist)r<ing green concrete
d)ring its setting period% If it is necessary t'at &or0men enter t'e area of fres'ly placed concrete=
Engineer-in-4'arge may reA)ire t'at <ridges <e placed over t'e area%
Immediately after t'e s')ttering is removed= t'e s)rface of concrete s'all <e very caref)lly
gone over and all defective areas called to t'e attention of Engineer-in-4'arge &'o may permit
patc'ing of t'e defective areas or else reMect t'e concrete )nit eit'er partially or entirely% 1eMected
concrete s'all <e removed and replaced <y 4ontractor at no additional e(pense to t'e Department%
Goles left <y form <olts etc% s'all <e filled )p and made good &it' mortar composed of one part of
cement to one and 'alf parts of sand passing t'ro)g' +%*6 mm% I%S% sieve after removing any loose
stones ad'ering to t'e concrete% @ortar filling s'all <e str)c0 off fl)s' at t'e face of t'e concrete%
4oncrete s)rface s'all <e finis'ed as descri<ed )nder t'e partic)lar item of &or0%
S)perficial 'oney com<ed s)rfaces and ro)g' patc'es s'all <e similarly made good
immediately after removal of s')ttering= in t'e presence of Engineer-in-4'arge and s)perficial &ater
and air 'oles s'all <e filled in% T'e mortar s'all <e &ell &or0ed into t'e s)rface &it' &ooden float%
E(cess &ater s'all <e avoided% Cnless instr)cted ot'er&ise <y Engineer-in-4'arge= t'e s)rface of
t'e e(posed concrete placed against s')ttering s'all <e r)<<ed do&n immediately on removal of
s')ttering to remove fine or ot'er irreg)larities= care <eing ta0en to avoid damaging t'e s)rfaces%
S)rface irreg)larities s'all <e removed <y grinding%
If reinforcement is e(poses or t'e 'oney com<ing occ)rs at v)lnera<le position e%g% ends of
<eams or col)mns= it may <e necessary to c)t o)t t'e mem<er completely or in part and reconstr)ct%
T'e decision of Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e final in t'is regard% If only patc'ing is necessary= t'e
defective concrete s'all <e c)t o)t till solid concrete is reac'ed Dor to a minim)m dept' of +. mm%E=
t'e edges <eing c)t perpendic)lar to t'e affected s)rface or &it' a small )nder c)t if possi<le=
anc'ors= tees or do&els s'all <e provided in slots &'enever necessary to attac' t'e ne& concrete
sec)rely in place% An area e(tending several centimeters <eyond t'e edges
Tr-640 / 164
and t'e s)rfaces of t'e prepared voids s'all <e sat)rated &it' &ater for +4 'o)rs immediately <efore
t'e patc'ing material is placed%
1 D8e o& E-o:+ : T'e )se of epo(y for <onding fres' concrete )sed for repairs &ill <e
permitted )pon &ritten approval of Engineer-in-4'arge% Epo(ies s'all <e applied in strict accordance
&it' t'e instr)ction of t'e man)fact)rer%
2 .ethod o& Re-air : Small si!e 'oles 'aving s)rface dimensions a<o)t eA)al to t'e dept' of
t'e 'ole= 'oles left after removal of form <olts= gro)t insert 'oles and slots c)t for repair of crac0s
s'all <e repaired as follo&s"
T'e 'ole to <e patc'ed s'all <e ro)g'ened and t'oro)g'ly soa0ed &it' clean &ater )ntil
a<sorption stops%
A . mm% t'ic0 layer of gro)t of eA)al parts of cement and sand s'all <e &ell <r)s'ed into t'e
s)rface to <e patc'ed follo&ed immediately <y t'e patc'ing concrete &'ic' s'all <e &ell
consolidated &it' a &ooden float and left slig'tly pro)d of t'e s)rro)nding s)rface% T'e concrete
patc' s'all <e <)ilt )p in 10 mm% t'ic0 layers% After an 'o)r or more= depending )pon &eat'er
conditions= it s'all <e &or0ed off fl)s' &it' a &ooden float and a smoot' finis' o<tained <y &iping
&it' 'essian% Steel tro&el s'all not <e )sed for t'is p)rpose% T'e mi( for patc'ing s'all <e of t'e
same materials and in t'e same proportions as t'at )sed in t'e concrete <eing repaired= alt'o)g'
some red)ction in t'e ma(im)m si!e of t'e coarse aggregates may <e necessary and t'e mi( s'all
<e 0ept as dry as possi<le%
@ortar filling <y air press)re Dg)nitingE s'all <e )sed for repair of areas to large and/ or too
s'allo& for patc'ing &it' mortar% #atc'ed s)rfaces s'all <e given a final treatment to matc' t'e
colo)r and te(t)re of t'e s)rro)nding concrete% :'ite cement s'all <e s)<stit)ted for ordinary
cement= if so directed <y Engineering-in-4'arge= to matc' t'e s'ade of t'e patc' &it' t'e original
3 C,rin* o& Patched Ior( : T'e patc'ed area s'all <e covered immediately &it' an
approved non-staining &ater-sat)rated material s)c' as g)nny <ags= &'ic' s'all <e 0ept
contin)o)sly &et and protected against s)n and &ind for a period of +4 'o)rs% T'ereafter= t'e
patc'ed area s'all <e 0ept &et contin)o)sly <y a fine spray of sprin0ling &ater for not less t'an 10
4 /--ro)al <+ En*ineer-in-Char*e : All materials= proced)res and operations )sed in t'e
repair of concrete and also t'e finis'ed repair &or0 s'all <e s)<Mect to t'e approval of Engineer-in-
4'arge% All fillings s'all tig'tly <onded to t'e concrete and s'all <e so)nd= free from s'rin0age
crac0s after t'e fillings 'ave <een c)red and dried%
2119 ?INISAING :
T'is specification is intended to cover t'e treatment of concrete s)rfaces of all str)ct)res%
1 ?ini8h &or ?or%ed S,r&ace8 : T'e type of finis' for formed concrete s)rfaces s'all <e as
follo&s= )nless ot'er&ise specified <y t'e Engineer in c'arge"
/or s)rfaces against &'ic' <ac0fill or concrete is to <e placed= no treatment is reA)ired e(cept
repair of defective areas%
3or surfaces #elow grade( w"ic" will receive waterproofing treatment( t"e concrete s"all #e
free of surface irregularities w"ic" would interfere wit" proper application of t"e water)proofing
materials w"ic" is specified for use1
Tr-640 / 16.
Cnless specified= s)rfaces &'ic' &ill <e e(posed &'en t'e str)ct)re is in service s'all receive
no special finis'= e(cept repair of damaged or defective concrete= removal of fins and a<r)pt
irreg)larities= filling of 'oles left <y form ties and rods and clean )p of loose or ad'ering de<ris%
S)rfaces &'ic' &ill <e e(posed to t'e &eat'er and &'ic' &o)ld normally <e levelled= s'all <e
sloped for drainage% Cnless t'e dra&ing specify a 'ori!ontal s)rface or s'o&s t'e slope reA)ired=
t'e tops of narro& s)rfaces s)c' as staircase treads= &alls= c)r<s and parapets s'all <e sloped
across t'e &idt' appro(% as 1 in *0% -roader s)rfaces s)c' as &al0&ays= roads= par0ing areas and
platforms s'all <e sloped a<o)t 1 in .0% S)rfaces t'at &ill <e covered <y <ac0fill or concrete= s)<
floors to <e covered &it' concrete topping= terra!!o or A)arry tile and similar s)rfaces s'all <e
smoot'= screeded and leveled to prod)ce even s)rfaces% S)rface irreg)larities s'all not e(ceed
6mm% S)rfaces &'ic' &ill not <e covered <y <ac0fill= concrete or tile topping s)c' as o)tside dec0s=
floors of galleries and s)mps= parapets= g)tters= side&al0s= floors and sla<s s'all <e consolidated=
screeded and floated%
E5cess water and laitance s"all #e removed #efore final finis"ing1 3loating may #e done wit"
"and or power tools and started as soon as t"e screeded surface "as attained a stiffness to permit
finis"ing operations and t"ese s"all #e t"e minimum re4uired to produce a surface uniform in
te5ture and free from screed marks or ot"er imperfections1 Hoints and edges s"all #e tooled as
called for on t"e drawings or as directed 2y Engineer)in)C"arge1
2 Standard ?ini8h &or E:-o8ed Concrete : E(posed concrete s'all mean any concrete
ot'er t'an floors or sla<s e(posed to vie& )pon completion of t'e Mo<% Cnless ot'er&ise specified on
t'e dra&ings= t'e standard finis' for e(posed concrete s'all <e of smoot' finis'%
A smoot' finis' s'all <e o<tained &it' )se of lined or ply&ood forms 'aving smoot' and even
s)rfaces and edges% #anels and form linings s'all <e of )niform si!e and <e as large as practica<le
and installed &it' closed Moints% Cpon removal of forms= t'e Moint mar0s s'all <e smoot'ed off and all
<lemis'es= proMections etc% removed= leaving t'e s)rfaces reasona<ly smoot' and )nmarred%
3 Inte*ral Ce%ent Concrete ?ini8h : :'en specified on t'e dra&ings= an integral cement
concrete finis' of specified t'ic0ness for floors and sla<s s'all <e applied eit'er monolit'ic or
<onded= as specified in t'e dra&ings and as per I%S%+.21% T'e s)rface s'all <e compacted and t'en
floated &it' a &ooden float or po&er floating mac'ine% T'e s)rface s'all <e tested &it' a straig't
edge and any 'ig' and lo& spots eliminated% /loating or tro&elling of t'e finis' s'all <e permitted
only after all s)rface &ater 'as evaporated% Dry cement or a mi(t)re of dry cement and sand s'all
not <e sprin0led directly on t'e s)rface of t'e cement finis' to a<sor< moist)re or to stiffen t'e mi(%
4 R,<<ed ?ini8h : A r)<<ed finis' s'all <e provided only on e(posed concrete s)rfaces as
specified on t'e dra&ings% Cpon removal of forms= all fins and ot'er proMections on t'e s)rfaces
s'all <e caref)lly removed= off sets leveled and voids and/ or damaged sections immediately
sat)rated &it' &ater and repaired <y filling &it' concrete or mortar of t'e same composition as &as
)sed in t'e s)rfaces% T'e s)rfaces s'all t'en <e t'oro)g'ly &etted and r)<<ed &it' car<orand)m or
ot'er a<rasive% 4ement mortar may <e )sed in t'e r)<<ing= <)t t'e finis'ed s)rfaces s'all not <e
<r)s' coated &it' eit'er cement or gro)t after r)<<ing% T'e finis'ed s)rfaces s'all present a )niform
and smoot' appearance%
All concrete s'all <e protected against damage )ntil final acceptance <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
All s)rfaces )pon or against &'ic' concrete &ill <e placed s'all <e s)ita<ly prepared <y
t'oro)g'ly cleaning= &as'ing and de&atering as may <e indicated in t'e plans or as Engineer-in-
4'arge may direct to meet t'e vario)s sit)ations enco)ntered in t'e &or0%
Tr-640 / 166
Soft or spongy areas s'all <e cleaned o)t and <ac0 filled &it' eit'er a soil cement mi(t)re=
lean concrete or clean sand fill compacted to minim)m density of 70B @odified #roctor= )nless
ot'er&ise mentioned in sc'ed)le of A)antities%
#rior to constr)ction of form &or0 for any item &'ere soil &ill not act as <ottom form= approval
s'all <e o<tained from Engineer-in-4'arge as to t'e s)ita<ility of t'e soil%
To provide tig't <ond &it' roc0 fo)ndations= t'e roc0 s)rface s'all <e prepared and t'e
follo&ing general reA)irements s'all <e o<served"
4oncrete s'all not <e deposited on large sloping roc0 s)rface% :'ere reA)ired <y Engineer-in-
4'arge or as indicated on t'e plans= t'e roc0 s'all <e c)t to form ro)g' steps or <enc'es to provide
ro)g'ness or a more s)ita<le <earing s)rface%
1oc0 fo)ndation strat)m s'all <e prepared <y pic0ing= <arring= &edging and similar met'ods
&'ic' &ill leave t'e roc0 in an entirely so)nd and )ns'attered condition%
S'ortly <efore concrete is placed= t'e roc0 s)rface s'all <e cleaned &it' 'ig' press)re &ater
and air Met even t'o)g' it may 'ave <een previo)sly cleaned in t'at manner%
#rior to placing concrete= t'e roc0 s)rface s'all <e 0ept &et for a period of + to 4 'o)rs )nless
ot'er&ise directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
-efore placing concrete on roc0 s)rfaces= all &ater s'all <e removed from depressions to
permit t'ro)g' inspection and proper <onding of t'e concrete to t'e roc0%
All eart' s)rfaces )pon &'ic' or against &'ic' concrete is to <e placed= s'all <e &ell
compacted and free from standing &ater= m)d or de<ris% Soft= yielding soils s'all <e removed and
replaced &it' s)ita<le eart' and &ell compacted as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% :'ere
specified= lean concrete s'all <e provided in t'e eart' strat)m for eceiving concrete% T'e s)rface of
a<sorptive soil against &'ic' concrete is to <e placed s'all <e moistened t'oro)g'ly so t'at no
moist)re &ill <e dra&n form t'e fres'ly placed concrete and later s'all 'elp to c)re t'e concrete%
#reparation of concrete s)rface )pon &'ic' additional concrete is to <e placed later= s'all
prefera<ly <e done <y scarifying and cleaning &'ile t'e concrete is <et&een its initial and final set%
T'is met'od s'all <e )sed &'erever practica<le and s'all consist of c)tting t'e s)rface &it' pic0s
and stiff <rooms and <y )se of an approved com<ination of air and &ater Met as directed <y
Engineer-in-c'arge% Great care s'all <e ta0en in performing t'is &or0 to avoid removal of too m)c'
mortar and t'e &ea0ening of t'e s)rface <y loosening of aggregate% :'en it is not practica<le to
follo& t'e a<ove met'od= it &ill <e necessary to employ air tools to remove laitance and ro)g'en t'e
T'e final reA)ired res)lt s'all <e a pitted s)rface from &'ic' all dirt= )nso)nd concrete= laitance
and gla!ed mortar 'ave <een removed%
After roc0 or concrete s)rfaces )pon &'ic' ne& concrete is to <e placed 'ave <een scarified=
cleaned and &etted as specified 'erein= it s'all receive a <onding treatment= immediately <efore
placement of t'e concrete%
T'e <onding medi)m s'all <e a coat of cement sand mortar% T'e mortar s'all 'ave t'e same
cement-sand proportion as t'e concrete &'ic' s'all <e placed on it% T'e &ater cement ratio s'all <e
determined <y placing conditions and as approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
-onding mortar s'all <e placed in s)fficient A)antity to completely cover t'e s)rface a<o)t 10
mm% t'ic0 for roc0 s)rface and a<o)t . mm% t'ic0 for concrete s)rfaces% It s'all <e <r)s'ed or
Tr-640 / 162
<roomed over t'e s)rface and &or0ed t'oro)g'ly into all crac0s= crevices and depressions%
Acc)m)lations or p)ddles of mortar s'all not <e allo&ed to settle in depressions and s'all <e
<r)s'ed o)t to a satisfactory degree as determined <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
@ortar s'all <e placed at s)c' a rate t'at it can <e <r)s'ed over t'e s)rface M)st in advance of
placement of concrete% nly as m)c' area s'all <e covered &it' mortar as can <e covered &it'
concrete <efore initial set in t'e mortar ta0es place% T'e amo)nt of mortar t'at &ill <e permitted to <e
placed at any one-time= or t'e area &'ic' is to cover= s'all <e in accordance &it' Engineer-in-
3ertical constr)ction Moints s'all <e cleaned as specified a<ove or <y ot'er met'ods approved
<y Engineer-in-4'arge% In placing concrete against formed constr)ction Moints= t'e s)rfaces of t'e
Moints= &'ere accessi<le= s'all <e coated t'oro)g'ly &it' t'e specified <ed-Moint <onding mortar
immediately <efore t'ey are covered &it' concrete or <y scr)<<ing &it' &ire <rooms= dipped into t'e
fres' concrete% :'ere it is impractica<le to apply s)c' a mortar coating= special preca)tions s'all <e
ta0en to ens)re t'at t'e ne& concrete is <ro)g't into intimate contact &it' t'e s)rface of t'e Moint <y
caref)lly p)ddling and spading &it' aid of vi<rators and s)ita<le tools%
#rovision s'all <e made for e(pansion and contraction in concrete <y )se of special type Moints
located as s'o&n in t'e dra&ings% 4onstr)ction Moint s)rfaces s'all <e treated as specified in t'e
specifications= s'o&n in t'e dra&ings or as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
All concrete &or0 performed in 'ot &eat'er s'all <e in accordance &it' I%S% 4.6= e(cept as
'erein modified%
Admi(t)res may <e )sed only &'en approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
AdeA)ate provision s'all <e made to lo&er concrete temperat)res <y cool ingredients=
eliminating e(cessive mi(ing= preventing e(pos)re of mi(ers and conveyers to direct s)nlig't and t'e
)se of reflective paint= on mi(ers etc% T'e temperat)re of t'e fres'ly placed concrete s'all not <e
permitted to e(ceed *004%
4onsideration s'all <e given to s'ading aggregate stoc0 piles from direct rays of t'e s)n and
spraying stoc0 piles &it' &ater= )se of cold &ater availa<le and <)rying= ins)lation= s'ading and/ or
painting &'ite t'e pipe lines and &ater storage tan0s and conveyances%
In order to red)ce loss of mi(ing &ater= t'e aggregates= &ooden forms= s)< grade= adMacent
concrete and ot'er moist)re a<sor<ing s)rfaces= s'all <e &ell &etted prior to concreting% #lacement
and finis'ing s'all <e done as A)ic0ly as possi<le%
E(tra preca)tions s'all <e ta0en for t'e protection and c)ring of concrete% 4onsideration s'all
<e given to contin)o)s &ater c)ring and protection against 'ig' temperat)res and drying 'ot &ind
for a period of at least 2 days immediately after concrete 'as set and after &'ic' normal c)ring
proced)res may <e res)med%
Cnder all ordinary conditions all fo)ndations s'all <e completely de&atered and concrete
placed in t'e dry% Go&ever= &'en concrete placement )nder &ater is necessary= all &or0 s'all
conform to I%S%4.6 and proced)re s'all <e as follo&s"
.ethod o& Place%ent : 4oncrete s'all <e deposited )nder &ater <y means of tremies or drop
<ottom <)c0ets of approved type%
Tr-640 / 166
All &or0 reA)iring placement of concrete )nder&ater s'all <e designed= directed and inspected
&it' regard to t'e local circ)mstances and p)rposes% All )nder &ater concrete s'all <e placed
according to t'e plans or specifications and as directed and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
#recast concrete , precast reinforced concrete s'all comply &it' I%S% 4.6= and &it' t'e
follo&ing reA)irements"
216111 General reB,ire%ent8 : #recast reinforced concrete )nits s)c' as col)mns= fencing
posts= door and &indo& frames= lintels= c'aMMas= copings= sills= s'elves= sla<s= lo)vers etc% s'all <e of
grade of mi( as specified and cast in forms or mo)lds% T'e forms / mo)lds s'all <e of fi<er glass or
of steel sections for <etter finis'% #rovision s'all <e made in t'e forms and mo)lds to accommodate
fi(ing devices s)c' as ni<s= clips= 'oo0s= <olts and forming of notc'es and 'oles% #recast concrete
s'all <e cast on s)ita<le <ed or platform &it' firm fo)ndation and free from &ind% T'e contractor may
precast t'e )nits on a cement or steel platform &'ic' s'all <e adeA)ately oiled provided t'e s)rface
finis' is of t'e same standard as o<tained in t'e forms% Eac' )nit s'all <e cast in one operation%
4ontractor s'all <e responsi<le for t'e acc)racy of t'e level or s'ape of t'e <ed or platform% A
s)ita<le serial n)m<er and t'e date of casting s'all <e impressed or painted on eac' )nit%
2.31.2 4oncrete )sed for precasting t'e )nits s'o)ld <e &ell proportioned= mi(ed= placed
and t'oro)g'ly compacted <y vi<rations or tamping to give a dense concrete free from voids and
2.31.3 #recast articles s'all 'ave a dense s)rface finis' s'o&ing no coarse aggregate and
s'all 'ave no crac0s or crevices li0ely to assist in disintegration of concrete or r)sting of steel or
ot'er defects t'at &o)ld interfere &it' t'e proper placing of t'e )nits% All angles of t'e precast )nits
&it' t'e e(ception of t'e angles res)lting from t'e splayed or c'amfered faces s'all <e tr)e rig't
angles% T'e arises s'all <e clean and s'arp e(cept t'ose specified or s'o&n to <e ro)nded% T'e
&earing s)rface s'all <e tr)e to t'e lines% n <eing fract)red= t'e interior of t'e )nits s'o)ld present
a clean 'omogeno)s appearance%
2.31.4 T'e longit)dinal reinforcement s'all 'ave a minim)m cover of 1+ mm or t&ice t'e
diameter of t'e main <ar= &'ic'ever is more= )nless ot'er&ise directed in respect of all items e(cept
fencing posts or electric posts &'ere t'e minim)m cover s'all <e +. mm%
2.31.5 CDRING
After 'aving <een cast in t'e mo)ld or form t'e concrete s'all <e adeA)ately protected d)ring
setting in t'e first stages of 'ardening from s'oc0s and from 'armf)l effects of frost= s)ns'ine=
drying &inds and cold% T'e concrete s'all <e c)red at least for 2 days from t'e date of casting%
2.31.6 T'e precast articles s'all <e mat)red for +6 days <efore erection or <eing <)ilt in so
t'at t'e concrete s'all 'ave s)fficient strengt' to prevent damage to )nits &'en first 'andled% Side
s')tters s'all not <e str)c0 in less t'an +4 'o)rs after depositing concrete and no precast )nit s'all
<e lifted )ntil t'e concrete reac'es a strengt' of at least t&ice t'e stress to &'ic' t'e concrete may
<e s)<Mected at t'e time of lifting%
2.31.7 .ar(in*
#recast )nits s'all <e clearly mar0ed to indicate t'e top of mem<er and its location and
orientation in t'e str)ct)re%
2.31.8 #recast )nits s'all <e stored= transported and placed in position in s)c' a manner
t'at t'ey &ill not <e overstressed or damaged% T'e lifting and removal of precast )nits s'all <e
)nderta0en &it'o)t ca)sing s'oc0s= vi<ration or )nder <ending stresses to or in t'e )nits% -efore
lifting and removal ta0es place= contractor s'all satisfy Engineer-in-4'arge or 'is representative t'at
t'e met'ods 'e proposes to adopt for t'ese operations &ill not over-stress or ot'er&ise affect
Tr-640 / 167
serio)sly t'e strengt' of t'e precast )nits% T'e reinforced side of t'e )nits s'all <e distinctly mar0ed%
2.32.1 T'e Lalli s'all <e of cement concrete 1"+"4 D1 cement " + coarse sand " 4 stone
aggregate 6 mm nominal si!eE reinforced &it' 1%6 mm t'ic0 mild steel &ire= )nless ot'er&ise
2.32.2 ?i:in* : T'e Lalli s'all <e set in position tr)e to pl)m< and level <efore t'e Moints= sills
and soffits of t'e openings are plastered% It s'all t'en <e properly gro)ted &it' cement mortar 1"* D1
cement " * coarse sandE and rec'ec0ed for levels% /inally t'e Mam<s= sills and soffits s'all <e
plastered em<edding t'e Lalli )niformly on all sides%
2.32.3 .ea8,re%ent : T'e Lalli s'all <e meas)red for its gross s)perficial area% T'e
lengt' and <readt' s'all <e meas)red correct to a cm% T'e t'ic0ness s'all not <e less t'an t'at
2.32.4 Rate : T'e rate s'all <e incl)sive of materials and la<o)r involved in all t'e
operations descri<ed a<ove e(cept plastering of Mam<s= sill and soffits= &'ic' &ill <e paid for )nder
relevant items of plastering%
2.33CDRING :
All precast &or0 s'all <e protected from t'e direct rays of t'e s)n for at least 2 days after
casting and d)ring t'at period eac' )nits s'all <e 0ept constantly &atered or prefera<ly <y
completely immersed in &ater if t'e si!e of )nit so permits% t'er&ise c)ring practices as given in
cla)ses stated earlier s'all <e follo&ed%
Slots= openings or 'oles= poc0ets etc% s'all <e provided in t'e concrete &or0 in t'e positions
indicated in t'e dra&ings or as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% Any deviation from t'e approved
dra&ings s'all <e made good <y contractor at 'is o&n e(penses &it'o)t damaging any ot'er &or0%
Sleeves= <olts= inserts etc% s'all also <e provided in concrete &or0 &'ere so specified%
216=11 Standard Gro,t : Gro,t 8hall <e -ro)ided a8 8-eci&ied in the dra'in*1
T'e proportions of gro)t s'all <e s)c' as to prod)ce a flo&a<le mi(t)re consistent &it'
minim)m &ater content and s'rin0age% T'e gro)t proportions s'all <e limited as follo&s"
D8e Gro,t thic(ne88 .i:1 -ro-ortion8
I/C1 Ratio
aE /l)id mi( Cnder +. mm%
ne part #ortland cement
to one part sand%
<E General
+. mm% and over <)t
less t'an .0 mm%
ne part #ortland cement
to + parts of sand%
cE Stiff mi(% .0 mm% and over ne part #ortland cement to * parts
of sand%
Tr-640 / 170
Sand s'all <e s)c' as to prod)ce a flo&a<le gro)t &it'o)t any tendency to segregate% Sand= for
general gro)ting p)rposes= s'all <e graded &it'in t'e follo&ing limits"
#assing I%S% sieve +%*6 mm% 7. to 100B
#assing I%S% sieve 1%16 mm% 6. to 7.B
#assing I%S% sieve *00 micron a<ove 10 to *0B
#assing I%S% sieve 1.0 micron a<ove * to 10B
Sand for fl)id gro)ts s'all 'ave t'e fine material passing t'e *00 and 1.0 micron sieves at t'e
)pper limits specified a<ove%
Sand for stiff gro)ts= s'all meet t'e )s)al grading specifications and concrete%
S)rface to <e gro)ted s'all <e t'oro)g'ly ro)g'ened and cleaned of all foreign matter and
Anc'or <olts= anc'or <olt 'oles and <ottom of eA)ipment and col)mn <ase plates s'all <e
cleaned of all oil= grease= dirt and loose material% T'e )se of 'ot= strong= ca)stic sol)tion for t'is
p)rpose &ill <e permitted%
#rior to gro)ting= t'e 'ardened concrete s)rfaces to <e gro)ted= s'all <e sat)rated &it' &ater%
:ater in anc'or <olt 'oles s'all <e removed <efore gro)ting is started%
/orms aro)nd <ase plates s'all <e= reasona<ly= tig'tened to prevent lea0age of t'e gro)t%
AdeA)ate clearance s'all <e provided <et&een forms and <ase plate to permit gro)t to <e
&or0ed properly into place%
Grouting( once started s"all #e done 4uickly and continuously to prevent segregation(
#leeding and #reakdown of initial set1 Grout s"all #e worked from one side of one end to t"e ot"er to
prevent entrapment of air1 To distri#ute t"e grout and to ensure more release from entrapped air( link
c"ains can #e used to work t"e grout into place1
Gro)ting t'ro)g' 'oles in <ase plate s'all <e <y press)re gro)ting%
3ariations in gro)t mi(es and proced)res s'all <e permitted if approved <y t'e Engineer-in-
216=12 S-ecial Gro,t : Special gro)t &'ere specified on t'e dra&ing s'all <e provided in strict
accordance &it' t'e man)fact)rers instr)ctions/ specifications on t'e dra&ings%
All materials= &or0mans'ip and finis'ed constr)ction s'all <e s)<Mect to t'e contin)o)s
inspection and approval of Engineer-in-4'arge%
All reMected materials s)pplied <y contractor and all reMected &or0 or constr)ction performed <y
contractor= as is not in conformance &it' t'e specifications and dra&ings= s'all immediately <e
replaced at no additional e(pense to t'e Department%
Approval of any preliminary material or p"ase of work s"all in no way relieve t"e contractor
from t"e responsi#ility of supplying concrete and% or producing finis"ed concrete in accordance wit"
t"e specifications and drawings1
All concrete s'all <e protected against damage )ntil final acceptance <y t'e Department or its
2.37 C$E/N DP :
Ipon t"e completion of concrete work( all forms( e4uipments( construction tools( protective
coverings and any de#ris resulting from t"e work s"all #e removed from t"e premises1
All de<ris i%e% empty containers= scrap &ood etc% s'all <e removed to d)mp daily or as directed
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / 171
T"e finis"ed concrete surfaces s"all #e left in a clean condition to t"e satisfaction of t"e
3or plain cement concrete work( t"e specification for materials viC1 cement( sand( fine and
coarse aggregates and water s"all #e t"e same as t"at specified in reinforced concrete work
-)t t'e proportion of mi( &ill <e nominal and t'e ratio of fine and coarse aggregate may <e
slig'tly adM)sted &it'in limits= 0eeping t'e total val)e of aggregates to a given vol)mes of cement
constant to s)it t'e sieve analysis of <ot' t'e aggregates% 4ement s'all on no acco)nt <e meas)red
<y vol)me= <)t it s'all al&ays <e )sed directly from t'e <ags Di%e% .0 0g/<agE%
T'e proportion of cement= sand= aggregate and &ater for concrete of proportion 1"."10= 1"4"6=
1"*"6 , 1"+"4 <y vol)me s'all generally consist of A)antities as given <elo& "
Pro-ortion o&
Ce%ent J,antit+ o& %aterial8 ,8ed -er <a* o& ce%ent
?ine a**re*ate
Total o& &ine 8and
coar8e a**re*ate8
1"."10 1 12. ltrs% *.0 ltrs% 600 0gs% 60 ltrs%
1"4"6 1 140 ltrs% +60 ltrs% 6+. 0gs% 4. ltrs%
1"*"6 1 10. ltrs% +10 ltrs% 460 0gs% *4 ltrs%
1"+"4 1 20 ltrs% 140 ltrs% **0 0gs% *+ ltrs%
T'e A)antity of &ater )sed s'all <e s)c' as to prod)ce concrete of consistency reA)ired <y t'e
partic)lar class of &or0 and s'all <e decided <y t'e )se of a sl)mp cone% S)fficient care s'o)ld <e
ta0en to see t'at no e(cess A)antity of &ater is )sed% T'e final proportion of t'e aggregate and
A)antity of &ater s'all <e decided <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge on t'e <asis of test in eac' case%
.i: -ro-ortion Ce%ent in
Sand in
Coar8e /**re*ate in CD.
Ordinar+ %i: in )ol,%e 40 %% 20 %% 12 %%
1"."10 +%60 0%42. 0%66+* 0%+.6* - 1.6
1"4"6 *%40 0%.00 0%666* 0%666* - 1.*
1"*"6 D&it' 40mm aggr%E 4%4 0%46. 0%62+ 0%62+ 0%+6+ 126
1"*"6 D&it' +0 mm aggr%E 4%4 0%46. - 0%2+2 0%+4+ 16+%.
1"+"4 D&it' +0 mm aggr%E 6%4 0%42 - 0%20. 0%+*. +0.
1"+"4 D&it' 40 mm aggr%E 6%4 0%42 0%.44 0%+41 0%1+6 +*.
1"1%."* 6%0 0%441 - 0%661. 0%++0. +40
1"1"+ 1+%+0 0%4. - 0%62. 0%++. **0
Tr-640 / 17+
T'e sl)mp s'all <e specified for eac' class of &or0 and s'all in general <e as
T+-e o& concrete .a:1 8l,%- !in %%1#
@ass concrete .0
4oncrete <elo& &ater proofing treatment .0
4oping +.
/loor paving .0
All plain concrete s"ould #e prefera#ly mi5ed in a drum type powder driven mac"ine wit" a
loading "opper w"ic" will permit t"e accurate measure of various ingredients1 If "and mi5ing is
aut"orised( it s"ould #e done on a water tig"t platform1
T'e mi(ing of eac' <atc' in t'e concrete mi(er s'all contin)e for not less t'an 1%. min)tes
after t'e materials and &ater are in t'e mi(er% T'e vol)me is mi(ed materials per <atc' s'all not
e(ceed t'e man)fact)rers rated capacity of t'e mi(er% T'e mi(er s'all rotate at a perip'eral speed of
a<o)t 60 metres per min)te%
4oncrete s'all <e po)red and consolidated in its final position &it'in 'alf an 'o)r of mi(ing%
T'e retempering of concrete &'ic' 'as partially 'ardened= t'at is remi(ing &it' or &it'o)t additional
cement aggregate or &ater s'all not <e permitted% 4oncrete of mi( 1"*"6 and 1"+"4 &ill <e reA)ired to
<e vi<rated if specified and directed <y t'e Engineer% In case of t'e t'ic0ness of concrete is more
t'an 1.0 mm%= it may <e vi<rated as directed <y t'e Engineer%
T'e concrete s'all <e c)red for 10 days in ordinary &eat'er and 1. days in 'ot &eat'er%
@eas)rements for t'e &or0 done s'all <e e(act lengt'= <readt' and dept' s'o&n in fig)res on
t'e dra&ings or as directed <y t'e Engineer and after t'e concrete is consolidated% $o e(tra s'all <e
paid for e(cess A)antity res)lting from fa)lty &or0mans'ip%
T'e follo&ing specific reA)irements s'all <e met &it'in addition to t'ose provided in t'e cla)se
of specification for 4oncrete and allied &or0s%
2.39.1 General : If so specified in Sc'ed)le ;A; for t'e &or0= t'e Department s'all s)pply &it'
specification for H4oncrete and allied &or0sH and t'e contractor s'all <e solely responsi<le for
s)pplying mi(ed concrete in accordance &it' t'e specification for concrete and allied &or0s and also
t'is specification% T'e rates for t'e reinforced concrete &or0 s'all <e <ased on t'e iss)e rates of
cement and steel as given in t'e sc'ed)le ;A;%
2.39.2 Iater : 4lean &ater in pipes )nder press)re s'all <e provided <y t'e contractor &it' all
necessary eA)ipment for giving a no!!le press)re of not less t'an +%0 0g/ SA%cm% for t'e convenient
and effective Metting of roc0 fo)ndations and concrete s)rfaces= for cooling aggregate reA)ired for
concrete= for c)ring concrete and ot'er reA)irements%
2.39.3 ?ire Protection S+8te% : T'e contractor s'all provide and maintain at all times in
adeA)ate fire protection system to protect 'is eA)ipment= materials and constr)ction In case of an
emergency= t'e contractor s'all permit t'e Engineer-in-4'arge to )se t'e system for protecting
eA)ipment= &or0s etc% on t'e proMect%
2.39.4 Concrete : T'e rates for all concrete &or0 s'o)ld <e <ased as per specifications and
ta0ing into consideration t'e g)idelines indicated in special instr)ction )nder relevant cla)se%
2.39.5 The Place%ent Inter)al8 : Eac' placement of concrete s'all <e allo&ed to set for a
period of 46 'o)rs and longer &'en reA)ired= <efore t'e start of s)<seA)ent placement% A time gap
<et&een t'e t&o adMoining po)rs in t'e 'ori!ontal plane and t'e t&o adMacent po)rs in t'e vertical
plane s'all <e 2 days and * days respectively%
2.39.6 ?ini8hin* o& Concrete :
1 General : Cnless ot'er&ise specified= concrete finis'es s'all conform to t'e follo&ing
/inis' /1= /+ and /* s'all descri<e formed s)rface%
/inis' C1= C+ and C* s'all descri<e )n-formed s)rface%
ff sets or fins ca)sed <y disposed or misplaced form s'eat'ing lining or form sections or <y
defective form l)m<er s'all <e referred to as a<r)pt irreg)larities% All ot'er irreg)larities s'all <e
referred to as grad)al irreg)larities% Grad)al irreg)larities s'all <e meas)red as deviation from a
plane s)rface &it' a template 1%. m% long for formed s)rface and * m% long for )nformed s)rfaces%
Tr-640 / 17*
2 ?or%ed S,r&ace8 :
?ini8h ?1s'all apply to all formed s)rfaces for &'ic' finis' /+= /* or any ot'er special finis'
is not specified and s'all incl)de filling )p all form tie 'oles%
?ini8h ?2Xs'all apply to all formed s)rfaces so s'o&n on t'e dra&ings or specified <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge% T'is s'all incl)de filling all form tie-'oles= repair of grad)al irreg)larities
e(ceeding 6 mm%= removal of ridges and a<r)pt irreg)larities <y grinding%
?ini8h ?6Xs'all apply to all formed s)rfaces e(posed to vie& or &'ere s'o&n in t'e dra&ings
or specified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% /inis' /* - s'all incl)de all meas)res specified for /inis'-/+
and in addition= /illing air 'oles &it' mortar and treatment of t'e entire s)rface &it' sac0 r)<<ed
finis'% It s'all also incl)de clean )p of loose and ad'ering de<ris% :'ere a sac0 r)<<ed finis' is
specified= t'e s)rfaces s'all <e prepared &it'in t&o days after removal of t'e forms%
T'e s)rface s'all <e &etted and allo&ed to dry slig'tly <efore mortar is applied <y sac0
r)<<ing% T'e mortar )sed s'all consist of one part cement to one and 'alf parts <y vol)me of fine
Dmin)s $o% 16 mes'E sand% nly s)fficient mi(ing &ater to give t'e mortar a &or0a<le consistency
s'all <e )sed% T'e mortar s'all t'en <e r)<<ed over t'e s)rface &it' a fine <)rlap or linen clot' so
as to fill all t'e s)rface voids% T'e mortar r)<<ed in t'e voids s'all <e allo&ed to stiffen and solidify
after &'ic' t'e &'ole s)rface s'all <e &iped clean so t'at t'e s)rface presents a )niform
appearance &it'o)t air 'oles= irreg)larities etc%
4)ring of t'e s)rface s'all <e contin)ed for a period of ten D10E days%
3 Dn&or%ed S,r&ace8 :
?ini8h D1 Xs'all apply to all )nformed s)rfaces for &'ic' t'e finis' C+= C* or any ot'er
special finis' is not specified and s'all incl)de screeding t'e s)rface of t'e concrete to t'e reA)ired
slope and grade% Cnless t'e dra&ing specifies a 'ori!ontal s)rface or s'o&s t'e slope reA)ired= t'e
tops of narro& s)rfaces s)c' as stair= treads= &alls= c)r<s and parapets s'all <e sloped
appro(imately 10 mm% per *00 mm% &idt'% S)rfaces to <e covered <y <ac0fill or concrete s)<-floors
to <e covered &it' concrete topping= terra!!o and similar s)rfaces s'all <e smoot' screeded and
leveled to prod)ce even s)rface= irreg)larities not e(ceeding 6 mm%
?ini8h D2Xs'all apply to all )nformed s)rfaces as s'o&n in t'e dra&ing or specified <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge and s'all incl)de screeding and applying a &ood float finis' to t'e s)rface of t'e
concrete to t'e reA)ired slopes and grade%
1epair of a<r)pt irreg)larities )nless a ro)g'ened te(t)re is specified% 1epair of grad)al
irreg)larities e(ceeding 6 mm%
?ini8h D6s'all apply to )nformed s)rfaces for &'ic' a 'ig' degree of s)rface smoot'ness is
reA)ired= &'ere s'o&n on t'e dra&ing or specified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'is s'all incl)de
screeding= floating and applying a steel tro&el finis' to t'e s)rface of t'e concrete to t'e reA)ired
slopes and grade%
1epair of a<r)pt irreg)larities%
1epair of grad)al irreg)larities e(ceeding 6 mm%= finis'ing Moints and edges of concrete &it'
edging tools%
General : 4oncrete as act)ally done s'all <e meas)red for payment= s)<Mect to t'e follo&ing
tolerances= )nless ot'er&ise stated 'ereinafter% Any &or0 done e(tra over t'e specified dimensions
s'all not <e meas)red for payment%
a) Finear dimensions s'all <e meas)red in f)ll centimeters e(cept for t'e t'ic0ness of sla<
&'ic' s'all <e meas)red to t'e nearest 'alf centimeter%
b) Areas s'all <e &or0ed o)t to t'e nearest 0%01 SA%m%
c) 4)<ic contents s'all <e &or0ed o)t to t'e nearest 0%001 4)%m%
Tr-640 / 174
dE T'e concrete s'all <e meas)red for its lengt'= <readt' and 'eig't/ dept' limiting dimensions
to t'ose specified on dra&ings or as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
NOTE : T'e si!es of 144 mem<ers as ass)med in t'e estimate are <ased on preliminary
dra&ings and are li0ely to <e c'anged% T'e contractor is not entitled to any e(tra claim d)e to s)c'
$o ded)ctions s'all <e made for t'e follo&ing "
aE Ends of dissimilar materials e%g% Moists= <eams= posts= girders= rafters= p)rlins= tr)sses=
cor<els= steps etc% )pto .00 sA cm% in cross section%
b) pening )pto 0%1 SA%m% D1000 sA cmE
c) 3ol)me occ)pied <y reinforcement%
d) 3ol)me occ)pied <y pipes= cond)its= s'eat'ing etc% not e(ceeding +. sA cm% eac' in cross
sectional area% $ot'ing e(tra s'all <e paid for leaving and finis'ing s)c' cavities and 'oles%
1%4%4% in fo)ndation and footings s'all <e meas)red for its lengt'= <readt' and dept's limiting
dimensions to t'ose specified in dra&ing or as ordered in &riting <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% In case
of tapering portions of col)mn footings= t'e A)antities s'all <e calc)lated <y t'e /orm)la " "ol,%e "
L A/6 : 3 /1 R /2 R 8B1root o& T/1 : /2U4 U &'ere A1 Q Area at top of footing= A+ Q Area at <ottom of
footing and G Q Geig't of footing% 5555
ii)CO$D.N :
Column s"all #e measured from top of footings to t"e plint" level and from plint" level to t"e
structural sla# level and to t"e su#se4uent structural sla# levels1 Measurements for "ig"er grade
concrete in columns at its Junction wit" lower grade concrete #eams s"all #e restricted to t"e column
section supporting t"e #eam in 4uestion1
iii) I/$$ :
All &alls s'all <e meas)red from top of t'e &all footing to t'e plint' level and from plint' level to
t'e top of str)ct)ral first floor and to s)<seA)ent floors%
iv) E/. /ND $INTE$ :
2eam s"all #e measured from face to face of t"e columns( walls( cross #eams including
"aunc"es if any1 T"e dept" of t"e #eams s"all #e measured from t"e top of t"e sla# to t"e #ottom of
t"e #eam e5cept in t"e case of inverted #eam w"ere it s"all #e measured from top of sla# to top of
#eams1 T"e #eams and lintels wit" narrow widt" even t"oug" acting as facia in elevation in some
cases( will #e measured as #eams and lintels only1
v) S$/ :
T'e lengt' and <readt' of sla< laid to correct t'ic0ness as s'o&n in t'e detailed dra&ings or as
ordered <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e meas)red <et&een <eams= &alls and col)mns%
vi) CA/HH/S5 ?/CI/S5 ?INS /ND .D$$IONS:
a) 4'aMMas s'all <e meas)red net from s)pporting faces )pto t'e edges of c'aMMas &it'o)t any facia%
b) /acia s'all <e meas)red f)ll e(cl)ding c'aMMa t'ic0ness%
c) End fins s'all <e meas)red f)ll%
d) Intermediate fins= m)llions s'all <e meas)red <et&een c'aMMas or ot'er s)pporting str)ct)ral
e) #arapets s'all <e meas)red from top of sla#% c"aJJa1
Tr-640 / 17.
)ii# ST/IRC/SE :
T'e concrete in all mem<ers of staircase li0e &aist sla<s= steps= cantilever steps= stringer
<eams etc% s'all <e meas)red for t'eir lengt'= <readt' and dept'= limiting dimensions to t'ose
specified on dra&ings% $o ded)ctions s'all <e made for em<edded pl)gs= poc0ets%
Rate8: T'e rate for #%4%4/ 1%4%4% s'all incl)de t'e cost of all materials= la<o)r= transport= tools
and plants and all t'e operations mentioned 'it'erto= incl)ding or e(cl)ding t'e cost of form &or0
and/ or reinforcement as mentioned in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities% T'e rates also s'all incl)de t'e
cost of testing materials= mi( design= c)<e test and allied incidental e(penses%
Tr-640 / 176
*1?OR. IOR0 :
610 GENER/$ : T'e form &or0 s'all consist of s'ores= <racings= sides of <eams and
col)mns= <ottom of sla<s etc% incl)ding ties= anc'ors= 'angers= inserts etc% complete &'ic' s'all <e
properly designed and planned for t'e &or0% T'e false &or0 s'all <e so constr)cted t'at )p and
vertical adM)stment can <e made smoot'ly% :edges may <e )sed at t'e top or <ottom of tim<er
s'ores= <)t not at <ot' ends= to facilitate vertical adM)stment or dismantling of form &or0%
611 DESIGN O? ?OR. IOR0 :
T'e design and engineering of form &or0 as &ell as its constr)ction s'all <e t'e responsi<ility
of 4ontractor% If so instr)cted= t'e dra&ings and calc)lations for t'e design of t'e form &or0 s'all <e
s)<mitted &ell in advance to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for approval <efore proceeding &it' &or0= at no
e(tra cost to t'e Department% Engineer-in-4'arges approval s'all not 'o&ever= relieve 4ontractor of
t'e f)ll responsi<ility for t'e design and constr)ction of t'e form &or0% T'e design s'all ta0e into
acco)nt all t'e loads vertical as &ell as lateral t'at t'e forms &ill <e carrying incl)ding live and
vi<ration leadings%
612 TO$ER/NCES :
Tolerances are a specified permissi<le variation from lines= grade or dimensions given in
dra&ings% $o tolerances specified for 'ori!ontal or vertical <)ilding lines or footings s'all <e
constr)cted to permit encroac'ment <eyond t'e legal <o)ndaries% Cnless ot'er&ise specified= t'e
follo&ing tolerances &ill <e permitted"
61211 Tolerance8 &or R1C1 ,ildin*8 :
iE 3ariation from t'e pl)m<"
a) In t'e line and s)rfaces of col)mns= piers= &alls and in <)ttresses" . mm% per +%. m%= <)t not
more t'an +. mm%
b) /or e(posed corner col)mns and ot'er conspic)o)s lines%
In any <ay or . m% ma(im)m" DR/-E . mm%
In 10 m% or more" ^^^^^m DR/-E 10 mm%
iiE 3ariation from t'e level or from t'e grades indicated on t'e dra&ings%
aE In sla< soffits= ceilings= <eam soffits and in arises%
In +%. m%" DR/-E . mm%
In any <ay or . m% ma(im)m" DR/-E 6 mm%
In 10 m% or more" DR/-E 1. mm%
<E /or e(posed lintels= sills= parapets= 'ori!ontal grooves and ot'er conspic)o)s lines%
In any <ay or . m% ma(im)m" DR/-E 1. mm%
In 10 m or more" DR/-E 10 mm%
iii) 3ariation of t'e linear <)ilding lines from esta<lis'ed position in plan and related position of
col)mns= &alls and partitions%
In any <ay or . m% ma(im)m" DR/-E 10 mm%
In 10 m% or more" DR/-E +0 mm%
iv) 3ariations in t'e si!es and locations of sleeves= openings in &alls and floors e(cept in t'e
case of and for anc'or <olts" DR/-E . mm%
Tr-640 / 172
v) 3ariation in cross-sectional dimensions of col)mns and <eams and in t'e t'ic0ness of sla<s
and &alls" DRE 10 mm%/D-E . mm%
v) /ootings"
aE 3ariation in dimensions in plan" DRE .0 mm%/D-E . mm%
<E @isplacement or eccentricity" +B of footing &it'in t'e direction of misplacement <)t not more
t'an .0 mm%
cE 1ed)ction in t'ic0ness" D-E .B of specified t'ic0ness s)<Mect to ma(im)m of .0 mm%
vii) 3ariation in steps%
a) In a flig't of stairs%
1ise" DR/-E *%0 mm%
Tread" DR/-E .%0 mm%
b) In consec)tive steps%
1ise" DR/-E 1%. mm%
Tread" DR/-E * mm%
61212 Tolerance8 in other Concrete Str,ct,re :
/# /ll 8tr,ct,re8:
i) 3ariation of t'e constr)cted linear o)tline from esta<lis'ed position in plan%
In . m%" DR/-E 10 mm%
In 10 m% or more" 55555- DR/-E 1. mm%
ii)3ariation of dimensions to individ)al str)ct)re feat)res from esta<lis'ed positions in plan%
In +0 m% or more" DR/-E +. mm%
In <)ried constr)ctions" DR/-E1.0 mm%
iiiE 3ariation from pl)m<= from specified <atter or from c)rved s)rfaces of all str)ct)res%
In +%. m%" DR/-E 10 mm%
In .%0 m%" DR/-E 1. mm%
In 10%0 m% or more" DR/-E +. mm%
In <)ried constr)ctions" DR/-E T&ice t'e a<ove limits%
iv) 3ariation from level or grade indicated on dra&ings in sla<s= <eams= soffits= 'ori!ontal
grooves and visi<le arises%
In +%. m%" DR/-E . mm%
In 2%. m% or more" DR/-E 10 mm%
In <)ried constr)ctions" DR/-E T&ice t'e a<ove limits%
v) 3ariation in cross-sectional dimensions of col)mns= <eams= <)ttresses= piers and similar
DRE1+ mm%/D-E 6 mm%
Tr-640 / 176
viE 3ariation in t'e t'ic0ness of sla<s= &alls= arc' sections and similar mem<ers%
DRE1+ mm%/D-E 6 mm%
# ?ootin*8 &or col,%n85 -ier85 'all85 <,ttre88e8 and 8i%ilar %e%<er8:
i) 3ariation of dimensions in plan" DRE.0 mm%/D-E1+ mm%
i) @isplacement or eccentricity" +B of footing &it'in t'e direction of misplacement <)t not
more t'an .0 mm%
iiiE 1ed)ction in t'ic0ness" .B of specified t'ic0ness s)<Mect to a ma(im)m of .0 mm%
Tolerances in ot'er types of str)ct)res s'all generally conform to t'ose given in 4la)se +%4 of
1ecommended #ractice for concrete form &or0 DA4I *42E
3.3 TFPE O? ?OR.IOR0 :
/orm &or0 may <e of tim<er= ply&ood= metal= plastic or concrete% /or special finis'es= t'e
form&or0 may <e lined &it' ply&ood= steel s'eets= oil tempered 'ard <oard etc% Sliding forms and
slip forms may <e )sed &it' t'e approval of Engineer-in- 4'arge%
/orms s'all conform to t'e s'apes= lines= grades and dimensions incl)ding cam<er of t'e
concrete as called for in t'e dra&ings% Ample st)ds= &aler <races= straps= s'ores etc% s'all <e )sed
to 'old t'e forms in proper position &it'o)t any distortion &'atsoever )ntil t'e concrete 'as set
s)fficiently to permit removal of forms% /orms s'all <e strong eno)g' to permit t'e )se of immersion
vi<rators% In special cases= from vi<rators may also <e )sed% T'e s')ttering s'all <e close <oarded%
Tim<er s'all <e &ell seasoned= free form sap= s'a0es= loose 0nots= &orm 'oles= &arps or ot'er
s)rface defects in contact &it' concrete% /aces coming in contact &it' concrete s'all <e free from
ad'ering gro)t= plaster= paint= proMecting nails= splits or ot'er defects% Loints s'all <e s)fficiently tig't
to prevent loss of &ater and fine material from concrete%
#ly&ood s'all <e )sed for e(posed concrete s)rfaces= &'ere called for% Sa&n and &ro)g't
tim<er may <e )sed for )ne(posed s)rfaces% Inside faces of forms for concrete s)rfaces &'ic' are
to <e r)<<ed finis'ed s'all <e planed to remove irreg)larities or )nevenness in t'e face% /orm &or0
&it' lining &ill <e permitted%
All ne& and )sed from l)m<er s'all <e maintained in a good condition &it' respect to s'ape=
strengt'= rigidity= &ater tig'tness= smoot'ness and cleanliness of s)rfaces% /orm l)m<er
)nsatisfactory in any respect s'all not <e )sed and if reMected <y Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e
removed from t'e site%
S'ores s)pporting s)ccessive stories s'all <e placed directly over t'ose <elo& or <e so
designed and placed t'at t'e load &ill <e transmitted directly to t'em% Tr)ssed s)pports s'all <e
provided for s'ores t'at cannot <e sec)red on adeA)ate fo)ndation%
/orm&or0= d)ring any stage of constr)ction s'o&ing signs of distortion or distorted to s)c' a
degree t'at t'e intended concrete &or0 &ill not conform to t'e e(act conto)rs indicated on t'e
dra&ings= s'all <e repositioned and strengt'ened% #o)red concrete affected <y t'e fa)lty form&or0=
s'all <e entirely removed and t'e form&or0 corrected prior to placing ne& concrete%
E(cessive constr)ction cam<er to compensate for s'rin0age settlement etc% t'at may impair
t'e str)ct)ral strengt' of mem<ers &ill not <e permitted%
/orms for s)<str)ct)re concrete may <e omitted &'en= in t'e opinion of Engineer-in-4'arge=
t'e open e(cavation is firm eno)g' to act as t'e form% S)c' e(cavations s'all <e slig'tly larger t'an
reA)ired <y t'e dra&ings to compensate for irreg)larities in e(cavation and to ens)re t'e design
/orms s'all <e so designed and constr)cted t'at t'ey can <e stripped in t'e order reA)ired
and t'eir removal do not damage t'e concrete% /ace form&or0 s'all provide tr)e vertical and
Tr-640 / 177
'ori!ontal Moints= conforming to t'e arc'itect)ral feat)res of t'e str)ct)re as to location of Moints and
<e as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
:'ere e(posed smoot' or r)<<ed concrete finis'es are reA)ired= t'e forms s'all <e
constr)cted &it' special care so t'at t'e desired concrete s)rfaces co)ld <e o<tained &'ic' reA)ire
a minim)m finis'%
S')ttering s'all <e <raced= str)tted= propped and so s)pported t'at it s'all not deform )nder
&eig't and press)re of t'e concrete and also d)e to t'e movement of men and ot'er materials%
-am<oos s'all not <e )sed as props or cross <racings%
T'e s')ttering for <eams and sla<s s'all <e so erected t'at t'e s')ttering on t'e sides of
<eams and )nder t'e soffit of sla< can <e removed &it'o)t dist)r<ing t'e <eam <ottoms%
1epropping of <eams s'all not <e done e(cept &'en props 'ave to <e reinstated to ta0e care
of constr)ction loads anticipated to <e in e(cess of t'e design load% 3ertical props s'all <e s)pported
on &edges or ot'er meas)res s'all <e ta0en &'ere<y t'e props can <e gently lo&ered vertically
&'ile stri0ing t'e s')ttering%
If t'e s')ttering for a col)mn is erected for t'e f)ll 'eig't of t'e col)mn= one side s'all <e left
open and <)ilt )pon sections as placing of concrete proceeds= or &indo&s may <e left for po)ring
concrete from t'e sides to limit t'e drop of concrete to 1%0 m% or as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
/ollo&ing points s'all <e <orne in mind &'ile c'ec0ing d)ring erection of form &or0 and form
&or0 got approved <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge <efore placing of reinforcement <ars "
a$ Any mem#er w"ic" is to remain in position after t"e general dismantling is done( s"ould #e clearly
<E @aterial )sed s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed to ens)re t'at= &rong items / reMects are not )sed%
cE If t'ere are any e(cavations near<y &'ic' may infl)ence t'e safety of form &or0s=
corrective and strengt'ening action m)st <e ta0en%
d$ i$ T"e #earing soil must #e sound and well prepared and t"e sole plates s"all #ear well on t"e
ii) Sole plates s'all <e properly seated on t'eir <earing pads or sleepers%
iii) T'e <earing plates of steel props s'all not <e distorted%
iv) T'e steel parts on t'e <earing mem<ers s'all 'ave adeA)ate <earing areas%
eE Safety meas)res to prevent impact of traffic= sco)r d)e to &ater etc% s'o)ld <e ta0en%
AdeA)ate preca)tionary meas)res s'all <e ta0en to prevent accidental impacts etc%
f) -racing= str)ts and ties s'all <e installed along &it' t'e progress of form &or0 to ens)re
strengt' and sta<ility of form &or0 at intermediate stage% Steel sections Despecially deep sectionsE
s'all <e adeA)ately restrained against tilting= over t)rning and form &or0 s'o)ld <e restrained
against 'ori!ontal loads% All t'e sec)ring devices and <racing s'all <e tig'tened%
g) T'e stac0ed materials s'all <e placed as catered for= in t'e design%
h) :'en adM)sta<le steel props are )sed= t'ey s'o)ld "
i) <e )ndamaged and not visi<ly <ent%
ii) 'ave t'e steel pins provided <y t'e man)fact)rers for )se%
iii) <e restrained laterally near eac' end%
iv) 'ave means for centralising <eams placed in t'e for0 'eads%
iE Scre& adM)stment of adM)sta<le props s'all not <e over e(tended%
ME Do)<le &edges s'all <e provided for adM)stment of t'e form to t'e reA)ired position
&'erever any settlement / elastic s'ortening of props occ)rs% :edges s'o)ld <e )sed only at t'e
Tr-640 / +00
<ottom end of single prop% :edges s'o)ld not <e too steep and one of t'e pair s'o)ld <e tig'tened /
clamped do&n after adM)stment to prevent t'eir s'ifting%
0E $o mem<er s'all <e eccentric )pon vertical mem<er%
lE T'e n)m<er of n)ts and <olts s'all <e adeA)ate%
mE All provisions of t'e design and / or dra&ings s'all <e complied &it'%
nE 4antilever s)pports s'all <e adeA)ate%
oE #rops s'all <e directly )nder one anot'er in m)ltistage constr)ctions as far as possi<le% pE
G)y ropes or stays s'all <e tensioned properly%
AE T'ere s'all <e adeA)ate provision for t'e movement and operation of vi<rators and ot'er
constr)ction plant and eA)ipment%
rE 1eA)ired cam<er s'all <e provided over long spans%
sE S)pports s'all <e adeA)ate= and in pl)m< &it'in t'e specified tolerances%
3.6 ?OR. OI$ :
Cse of form oil s'all not <e permitted on t'e s)rface &'ic' reA)ire painting% If t'e contractor
desire to )se form oil on t'e inside of form&or0 of t'e ot'er concrete str)ct)res= a non staining
mineral oil or ot'er approved oil 4E@F-*. of @s% Gind)stan #etrole)m 4o% Ftd% may <e )sed=
provided it is applied <efore placing reinforcing steel and em<edded parts% All e(cess oil on t'e form
s)rfaces and any oil on metal or ot'er parts to <e em<edded in t'e concrete s'all <e caref)lly
removed% -efore treatment &it' oil= forms s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleared of dried splatter of concrete
from placement of previo)s lift%
3.7 CA/.?ERS /ND ?I$$ERS :
All corners and angles e(posed in t'e finis'ed str)ct)re s'all <e formed &it' mo)ldings to form
c'amfers or fillers on t'e finis'ed concrete% T'e standard dimensions of c'amfers and fillets= )nless
ot'er&ise specified= s'all <e +0 ( +0 mm% 4are s'all <e e(ercised to ens)re acc)rate mo)ldings%
T'e diagonal face of t'e mo)lding s'all <e planed or s)rfaced to t'e same te(t)re as t'e forms to
&'ic' it is attac'ed%
3ertical constr)ction Moints on faces &'ic' &ill <e e(posed at t'e completion of t'e &or0 s'all
<e c'amfered as a<ove e(cept &'ere not permitted <y Engineer-in-4'arge for str)ct)ral or 'ydra)lic
3.9 I/$$ TIES :
:ire ties passing t'ro)g' t'e &alls= s'all not <e allo&ed% Also t'ro)g' <olts s'all not <e
permitted% /or fi(ing of form&or0= alternate arrangements s)c' as coil n)ts s'all <e adopted at t'e
contractors cost%
3.10 REDSE O? ?OR.S :
-efore re)se= all forms s'all <e t'oro)g'ly scraped= cleaned= nails removed= 'oles t'at may
lea0 s)ita<ly pl)gged and Moints e(amined and &'en necessary repaired and t'e inside retreated to
prevent ad'esion= to t'e satisfaction of Engineer-in-c'arge% :arped l)m<er s'all <e resi!ed%
4ontractor s'all eA)ip 'imself &it' eno)g' s')ttering to complete t'e Mo< in t'e stip)lated time%
3.11 RE.O"/$ O? ?OR.S :
4ontractors s'all record on t'e dra&ings or a special register= t'e date )pon &'ic' t'e
concrete is placed in eac' part of t'e &or0 and t'e date on &'ic' t'e s')ttering is removed t'ere
In no circ)mstances s'all forms <e str)c0 )ntil t'e concrete reac'es a strengt' of t'e at least
t&ice t'e stress d)e to self &eig't and any constr)ction erection loading to &'ic' t'e concrete may
<e s)<Mected at t'e time of stri0ing form&or0%
Tr-640 / +01
/or ot'er cements and lo&er temperat)re= t'e stripping time recommended a<ove may <e
s)ita<ly modified%
T"e num#er of props left under t"e siCes and t"e position s"all #e suc" as to a#le to safely
carry t"e full dead load of t"e sla#( #eam or arc"1( as t"e case may #e toget"er wit" any live load
likely to occur during curing or furt"er constructions1
:'ere t'e s'ape of t'e element is s)c' t'at t'e form &or0 'as t'e reentrant angles t'e form
&or0 s'all <e removed as soon as possi<le% After t'e concrete 'as set= to avoid s'rin0age crac0ing
occ)rring d)e to t'e restraint imposed%
Stri0ing s'all <e done slo&ly &it' )tmost care to avoid damage to arise and proMection and
&it'o)t s'oc0 or vi<ration= <y gently easing t'e &edges% If after removing t'e form&or0= it is fo)nd
t'at tim<er 'as <een em<edded in t'e concrete= it s'all <e removed and made good as specified
1einforced temporary openings s'all <e provided= as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge= to
facilitate removal of form&or0 &'ic' ot'er&ise may <e in-accessi<le%
Tie rods= clamps= form <olts etc% &'ic' m)st <e entirely removed from &alls or similar
str)ct)res s'all <e loosened not sooner t'an +4 'o)rs nor later t'an 40 'o)rs after concrete 'as
<een deposited% Ties= e(cept t'ose reA)ired to 'old forms in place= may <e removed at t'e same
time% Ties &it'dra&n from &alls and grade <eams s'all <e p)lled to&ards t'e inside face% 4)tting
ties <ac0 from t'e faces of &alls and grade <eams &ill not <e permitted% :or0 damaged d)e to
premat)re or careless removal of forms s'all <e re-constr)cted at contractors cost%
6112 .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT :
In case t'e items of concreting are incl)sive of cost of form &or0= no separate meas)rements
s'all <e ta0en for form &or0% Go&ever= if t'e form &or0 is to <e paid separately
Tr-640 / +0+
In normal circumstances !generally w"ere temperatures are a#ove -D KC1$ forms may #e
struck after e5piry of t"e following periods ?
T+-e o& &or% 'or(
.ini%,% -eriod <e&ore
8tri(in* &or% 'or(
aE 3ertical form &or0 to col)mns= &alls <eams 16 - +4 '
<E Soffit form &or0 to sla<s
D#rops to <e refi(ed immediately after removal of form&or0E
* days
cE Soffit form &or0 to <eams
D#rops to <e refi(ed immediately after removal of form&or0
2 days
dE #rops to sla<s"
1E Spanning )p to 4%. m
+E Spanning over 4%. m
2 days 14 days
eE #rops to <eams and arc'esU
1E spanning )p to 6 m W
+E spanning over 6 m
14 days +1 days
and t'e item e(ists in t'e Sc'ed)le of I)antities for vario)s types of form &or0= t'e net area of
e(posed s)rface of concrete mem<ers as s'o&n in dra&ings coming in contact &it' form &or0 s'all
<e meas)red )nder item of form&or0 in sA)are meters%
All temporary form&or0 s)c' as <)l0 'eads= stop <oards provided at constr)ction Moints &'ic'
are not s'o&n in t'e dra&ings s'all not <e meas)red%
$o ded)ctions s'all <e made for openings/ o<str)ctions )pto an area of 0%1 SA%m% and not'ing
e(tra s'all <e paid for forming s)c' openings%
T'e rate s'all incl)de t'e cost of erecting= centering= s')ttering materials= transport=
des')ttering and removal of materials from site and la<o)r reA)ired for all s)c' operations etc%
Tr-640 / +0*
4.1 SCOPE O? ./TERI/$:
T'e contractor s'all ma0e 'is o&n arrangement for proc)rement of 1einforcement steel <ars and
&ires for )se in 1einforced 4ement 4oncrete &or0s% Cnless ot'er&ise specified in dra&ings /
Sc'ed)le of A)antities= t'e steel <ars s'all <e of HGig' strengt' deformed steel <ars and &iresH
conforming to t'e IS 1266 Dlatest revisionE= in t'e follo&ing strengt' grades"
a) /e 41.= /e 41.DU
b) /e .00= /e .00DU
c) /e ..0= /e ..0DU and
d) /e 600%
:'ere C?eC stands for specified minim)m 0%+B proof / yield stress in $/mm
and CDC stands
for same specified minim)m 0%+B proof / yield stress <)t &it' en'anced specified minim)m
percentage elongation%
Elon*ation: T'e increase in lengt' of a tensile test piece )nder stress= e(pressed as a percentage
of t'e original ga)ge of a standard piece%
$on*it,dinal Ri< -A )niform contin)o)s protr)sion= parallel to t'e a(is of t'e <ar/&ire D<efore cold-
&or0ing= if anyE%
No%inal Dia%eter or Si@e- T'e diameter of a plain ro)nd <ar/&ire 'aving t'e same mass per metre
lengt' as t'e deformed <ar/&ire%
No%inal .a88 -T'e mass of t'e <ar/&ire of nominal diameter and of density 26.0 0g/m
No%inal Peri%eter - *%14 times t'e nominal diameter of a deformed <ar/:ire%
Percent Proo& Stre88 -T'e stress at &'ic' a non-proportional elongation eA)al to 0%+B of t'e
original ga)ge lengt' ta0es place%
Dni&or% elon*ation - T'e elongation corresponding to t'e ma(im)m load reac'ed in a tensile test
Dalso termed as percentage total elongation at ma(im)m forceE%
Ten8ile Stren*th - T'e ma(im)m load reac'ed in a tensile test divided <y t'e effective cross-
sectional area of t'e ga)ge lengt' portion of t'e test piece Dalso termed as )ltimate tensile stressE%
Tran8)er8e Ri< - Any ri< on t'e s)rface of a <ar/&ire ot'er t'an a longit)dinal ri<%
Field Stre88 - Stress Dt'at is= load per )nit cross sectional areaE at &'ic' elongation first occ)rs in
t'e test piece &it'o)t increasing t'e load d)ring t'e tensile test% In t'e case of steels &it' no s)c'
definite yield point= proof stress s'all <e applica<le%
T'e 'ig' strengt' deformed steel <ars and &ires for concrete reinforcement s'all <e 'ot rolled steel
&it'o)t s)<seA)ent treatment or 'ot rolled steel &it' controlled cooling and tempering and cold
&or0ed steel= and reinforcing <ars and &ires &'ic' may <e s)<seA)ently coated%
Steel <ars s'all <e s)pplied from @/s% Steel A)t'ority of India Ftd% DSAIFE or @/s% TATA Steel DTIS4E
or @/s% 1as'triya Ispat $igam Ftd D1I$FE or @/s% Indian Iron , Steel 4o% DIIS4E Ftd%= from t'eir o&n
plants rolled from virgin material= and s'all <e proc)red directly or from t'eir a)t'orised dealers and
not from re-rollers or conversion agents% T'e contractor s'all s)pply copy of Doc)mentary evidence
of p)rc'ase of steel from t'e specified man)fact)rers%
Tr-640 / +04
416 TESTS:
T'e contractor s'all s)<mit t'e test certificate of man)fact)rer% 1eg)lar tests on steel s)pplied <y t'e
contractor s'all <e performed <y t'e contractor at t'e approved la<= in presence of t'e Departmental
Engineers as per relevant Indian Standards% Engineer-in-c'arge may reA)ire 4ontractor to perform
necessary tests of samples at random as per relevant -%I%S% All cost of s)c' tests and incidentals to
s)c' tests s'all <e <orne <y t'e 4ontractor% T'e A)ality= grade= colo)r coding em<ossing mar0s etc% all
s'all <e to t'e entire satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% Steel not conforming to a<ove test criteria
s'all <e reMected%
T'e 4'emical= #'ysical , @ec'anical properties of t'e steel reinforcement <ars s'all <e as per IS
1266% Cnless ot'er&ise specified= Selection and #reparation of Test Sample s'all <e as per t'e
reA)irements of IS +06+%
All test pieces s'all <e selected eit'er from t'e c)ttings of <ars / &iresU or from any <ar/&ire after it 'as
<een c)t to t'e reA)ired or specified si!e and t'e test piece ta0en from any part of it% In neit'er case=
t'e test piece s'all <e detac'ed from t'e <ar/&ire e(cept in t'e presence of t'e EI4 or 'is a)t'ori!ed
T'e test pieces s'all <e f)ll sections of t'e <ars/&ires and s'all <e s)<Mected to p'ysical tests &it'o)t
any f)rt'er modifications% $o red)ction in si!e <y mac'ining or ot'er&ise s'all <e permissi<le= e(cept
in case of <ars of si!e +6 mm and a<ove% $o test piece s'all <e annealed or ot'er&ise s)<Mected to
'eat treatment% Any straig'tening &'ic' a test piece may reA)ire s'all <e done cold%
/or t'e p)rpose of carrying o)t tests for tensile strengt'= proof stress= percentage elongation and
percentage elongation at ma(im)m force for <ars +6 mm in diameter and a<ove= deformations of t'e
<ars only may <e mac'ined% /or s)c' <ars= t'e p'ysical properties s'all <e calc)lated )sing t'e act)al
area o<tained after mac'ining% T'e follo&ing IS codes s'all <e referred for test met'ods"
Title IS No ISO No1
i @ec'anical testing of metals -Tensile testing 1606 667+
ii @et'ods for <end test 1.77 24*6 , 1266 1.6*0-1
iii @et'od for re-<end test for metallic &ires , <ars 1266 1.6*0-1
Che%ical Co%-o8ition o& the <ar8 8hall con&or% to the &ollo'in* reB,ire%ent:
Tr-640 / +0.
.a:i%,% Per%i88i<le Percent Per%i88i
?e 41= ?e 41=D ?e =00 ?e =00D ?e ==0 ?e ==0D ?e 600
<le %a:1
4ar<on 0%*00 0%+.0 0%*00 0%+.0 0%*00 0%+.0 0%*00 0%0+0B
S)lp')r 0%060 0%04. 0%0.. 0%040 0%0.. 0%040 0%040 0%00.B
#'osp'or)s 0%060 0%04. 0%0.. 0%040 0%0.0 0%040 0%040 0%00.B
S)lp')r ,
0%110 0%06. 0%10. 0%02. 0%100 0%02. 0%02. 0%010B
i) /or &elding of deformed <ars= t'e recommendations of IS 7412 s'all <e follo&ed%
ii) In case of deviations from t'e specified ma(im)m= t&o additional test samples s'all <e ta0en
from t'e same <atc' and s)<Mected to t'e test or tests in &'ic' t'e original sample failed%
S'o)ld <ot' additional test samples pass t'e test= t'e <atc' from &'ic' t'ey &ere ta0en s'all
<e deemed to comply &it' t'is standard% S'o)ld eit'er of t'em fail= t'e <atc' s'all <e deemed
not to comply &it' t'is standard
Tr-640 / +06
.echanical Pro-ertie8 o& Ai*h Stren*th De&or%ed ar8 and
Sl1 Pro-ert+ .a:i%,% Per%i88i<le Percent
No1 ?e 41= ?e 41=D ?e =00 ?e =00D ?e ==0 ?e ==0D ?e 600
1 + * 4 . 6 2 6 7
i 0%+ percent proof 41.%0 41.%0 .00%0 ..0%0 ..0%0 600%0
stress / yield
stress= @in=
Elongation= percent=
@in% on ga)ge
lengt' .%6. 3A=
&'ere A is t'e 4ross
- sectional area of
t'e test piece
14%. 16%0 1+%0 16%0 10%0 14%. 10%0
iii Tensile strengt'= 10B S 1+B 6B 10B 6B 6B more 6B
@in more more more more more t'an t'e more
t'an t'e t'an t'e t'an t'e t'an t'e t'an t'e act)al t'an t'e
act)al act)al act)al act)al act)al 0%+B act)al
0%+B 0%+B 0%+B 0%+B 0%+B proof 0%+B
proof proof proof proof proof stress/ proof
stress/ stress/ stress/ stress/ stress/ yield stress/
yield yield yield yield yield stress yield
stress stress stress stress stress <)t not stress
<)t not <)t not <)t not <)t not <)t not less t'an <)t not
less t'an less t'an less less t'an less 600%0 less
Total elongation at
ma(im)m force=
percent= @in of
ga)ge lengt' .%6.
3A= &'ere A is t'e
cross sectional area
of t'e test piece
. . .
Note: To satisfy 4la)se +6 of IS 4.6 -+000= no mi(ing of different types of grades of <ars s'all <e
allo&ed in t'e same str)ct)ral mem<ers as main reinforcement= &it'o)t prior &ritten approval of t'e
Steel for reinforcement s'all <e stored in s)c' a &ay as to prevent distorting and corrosion% T'e
steel for reinforcement s'all not <e 0ept in direct contact &it' gro)nd% /res' / /a<ricated
reinforcement s'all <e caref)lly stored to prevent damage= distortion= corrosion and deteriorations%
4are s'all <e ta0en to protect steel from e(pos)re to saline atmosp'ere d)ring storage= fa<rication
and )se% It may <e ac'ieved <y treating t'e s)rface of reinforcement &it' cement &as' or <y
s)ita<le met'ods% -ars of different classifications= si!es and lengt's s'all <e stored separately to
facilitate iss)e in s)c' si!es and lengt's to ca)se minim)m &astage in c)tting from standard lengt'%
4.5 JD/$ITF :
Steel not conforming to specifications s'all <e reMected% All reinforcement s'all <e clean= free from
grease= oil= paint= dirt= loose mill= scale= loose r)st= d)st= <it)mino)s material or any ot'er s)<stances
t'at &ill destroy or red)ce t'e <ond% All rods s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleaned <efore <eing fa<ricated%
#itted and defective rods s'all not <e )sed% All <ars s'all <e rigidly 'eld in position <efore
concreting% $o &elding of rods to o<tain contin)ity s'all <e allo&ed )nless approved <y t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge% If &elding is approved= t'e &or0 s'all <e carried as per I%S% +2.1= according to
<est modern practices and as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% In all cases of important
connections= tests s'all <e made to prove t'at t'e Moints are of t'e f)ll strengt' of <ars &elded%
S)<stit)tion of reinforcement &ill not <e permitted e(cept )pon &ritten approval from Engineer-in-
T'e nominal si!es of <ars/&ires s'all <e 4mrn= .mrn= 6mrn= 6mrn= 10mrn= 1+mrn= 16mrn= +0mrn= +.
mm= +6mrn= *+mrn= *6mrn= 40 mm% Dt'er si!es vi!% 2mrn= 16mrn= ++ mm= 4. mm and .0 mm may
<e proc)red on specific stip)lationsE%
4.7 NO.IN/$ ./SS
/or t'e p)rpose of c'ec0ing t'e nominal mass= t'e density of steel s'all <e ta0en as 26.0 0g/m
t'e cross-sectional area per metre% Cnless ot'er&ise specified= t'e tolerances on nominal mass
s'all <e as per follo&ing Ta<le%
419 $/PS :
Faps and splices for reinforcement s'all <e s'o&n on t'e dra&ings% Splices in adMacent <ars s'all <e
staggered and t'e locations of all splices= e(cept t'ose specified on t'e dra&ings= s'all <e approved
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e <ars s'all not <e lapped )nless t'e lengt' reA)ired e(ceeds t'e
ma(im)m availa<le lengt's of <ars at site%
Tr-640 / +02
Tolerance8 on No%inal
SN No%inal Si@e in %%
Tolerance on the no%inal %a88 in Percent
Indi)id,al 8a%-le &or
coil8 onl+
1 + * 4 .
iE Cp to and incl)ding 10 \ 2 - 6 \ 6
iiE ver 10 )p to and incl)ding 16 \ . - 6 \ 6
iiiE ver 16 \ * - 4 \ 4
41; ENDING :
All <ars s'all <e acc)rately <ent according to t'e si!es and s'apes s'o&n on t'e detailed &or0ing
dra&ing / <ar <ending sc'ed)les% T'ey s'all <e <ent grad)ally <y mac'ine or ot'er approved
means% 1einforcing <ars s'all not <e straig'tened and re-<ent in a manner t'at &ill inM)re t'e
materials% -ars containing crac0s or splits s'all <e reMected% T'ey s'all <e <ent cold= e(cept <ars of
over +. mm% in diameter &'ic' may <e <ent 'ot if specifically approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
-ars t'at depend for t'eir strengt' on cold &or0ing s'all not <e <ent 'ot% -ars <ent 'ot s'all not <e
'eated <eyond c'erry red colo)r Dnot e(ceeding 64.
4E and after <ending s'all <e allo&ed to cool
slo&ly &it' o)t A)enc'ing% -ars incorrectly <ent s'all <e )sed only after straig'tening and re-
<ending <e s)c' as s'all not= in t'e opinion of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= inM)re t'e material% $o
reinforcement <ar s'all <e <ent &'en in position in t'e &or0 &it'o)t approval= &'et'er or not it is
partially em<edded in 'ardened concrete% -ars 'aving 0in0s or <ends ot'er t'an t'ose reA)ired <y
design s'all not <e )sed%
:'ere reinforcement <ars are <ent aside at constr)ction Moints and after&ards <ent <ac0 into t'eir
original position= care s'o)ld <e ta0en to ens)re t'at at no time t'e radi)s of t'e <end is less t'an 4
<ar diameters for plain mild steel or 6 <ar diameters for deformed <ars% 4are s'all also <e ta0en
&'en <ending <ac0 <ars to ens)re t'at t'e concrete aro)nd t'e <ar is not damaged%
1einforcement s'all <e acc)rately fi(ed <y any approved means maintained in t'e correct position
as s'o&n in t'e dra&ings <y t'e )se of <loc0s= spacers and c'airs as per I%S% +.0+ to prevent
displacement d)ring placing and compaction of concrete% -ars intended to <e in contact at crossing
point s'all <e sec)rely <o)nd toget'er at all s)c' points &it' n)m<er 16 ga)ge annealed soft iron
&ire% T'e vertical distances reA)ired <et&een s)ccessive layers of <ars in <eams or similar
mem<ers s'all <e maintained <y t'e provision of spacer <ars at s)c' intervals t'at t'e main <ars do
not percepti<ly sag <et&een adMacent spacer <ars%
Cnless ot'er&ise specified= reinforcement s'all <e placed &it'in t'e follo&ing tolerances "
Tolerance in spacing
a) /or effective dept'= +00 mm or less \ 10 mm
b) /or effective dept'= more t'an +00 mm \ 1. mm
$ominal cover is t'e design dept' of concrete cover to all steel reinforcements= incl)ding lin0s% It is
t'e dimension )sed in design and indicated in t'e dra&ings% It s'all <e not less t'an t'e diameter of
t'e <ar% Cnless ot'er&ise specified= cover to reinforcement s'all <e provided generally as per
g)idelines of IS 4.6%
No%inal co)er to %eet d,ra<ilit+ reB,ire%ent:
@inim)m val)es for t'e nominal cover of normal &eig't aggregate concrete &'ic' s'o)ld <e
provided to all reinforcement= incl)ding lin0s depending on t'e condition of e(pos)re descri<ed in
4%4 a<ove and as per Dnominal cover to meet d)ra<ility reA)irementsE%
Go&ever for a longit)dinal reinforcing <ar in a col)mn nominal cover s'all in any case not <e less
t'an 40 mm or less t'an t'e diameter of s)c' <ar% In t'e case of col)mns of minim)m dimension of
+00 mm or )nder= &'ose reinforcing <ar do not e(ceed 1+ mm = a nominal cover of +. mm may <e
/or footings minim)m cover s'all <e .0 mm%
$ominal cover to meet specified period of fire resistance
Tr-640 / +06
@inim)m val)es of nominal cover of normal-&eig't aggregate concrete to <e provided to all
reinforcement incl)ding lin0s to meet specified period of t'e resistance as per t'e ta<les given )nder
cla)se 4%4%1 of t'is specifications%
T'e cover s'all in no case <e red)ced <y more t'an one t'ird of specified cover or . mm &'ic'ever
is less%
Cnless indicated ot'er&ise on t'e dra&ings= clear concrete cover for reinforcement De(cl)sive of
plaster or ot'er decorative finis' s'all <e as follo&s"
a) At eac' end of reinforcing <ar not less t'an +.mm%= nor less t'an t&ice t'e diameter of
s)c'= <ar%
b) 3or a longitudinal reinforcing #ar not less t"an .D mm1( nor more t"an L+ mm1( nor less t"an
t"e diameter of suc" #ar1 In t"e case of column of ma5imum dimensions of .++ mm1 or
under( w"ose reinforcing #ars do not e5ceed -. mm1( a cover of .D mm1 may #e used1
c) /or longit)dinal reinforcing <ar in a <eam= not less t'an +.mm%= nor less t'an diameter of
s)c' <ar%
d) /or tensile= compressive= s'ear= or ot'er reinforcement in a sla<= not less t'an +. mm= nor
less t'an t'e diameter of s)c' <ar= and
e) /or any ot'er reinforcement not less t'an 1. mm%= nor less t'an t'e diameter of s)c' <ar%
f) Increased cover t'ic0ness may <e provided &'en s)rfaces of concrete mem<ers are
e(posed to t'e action of 'armf)l c'emicals Das in t'e case of concrete in contact &it' eart' faces
contaminated &it' s)c' c'emicalsE= acid= vapo)r= saline atmosp'ere= s)lp')ro)s smo0e Das in t'e
case of steam-operated rail&aysE etc% and s)c' increase of cover may <e <et&een 1. mm% and .0
mm% <eyond t'e fig)res given in Da to eE a<ove as may <e specified <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
g) /or reinforced concrete mem<ers= totally immersed in sea &ater= t'e cover s'all <e 40 mm%
more t'an specified Da to eE a<ove%
'E /or reinforced concrete mem<ers= periodically immersed in sea &ater or s)<Mect to sea
spray= t'e cover of concrete s'all <e .0 mm% more t'an t'at specified Da to eE a<ove%
iE /or concrete of grade @ +. and a<ove= t'e additional t'ic0ness of cover specified in DfE= DgE
and D'E a<ove may <e red)ced to 'alf% In all s)c' cases t'e cover s'o)ld not e(ceed 2. mm%
ME #rotection to reinforcement in case of concrete e(posed to 'armf)l s)rro)ndings may also
<e given <y providing dense impermea<le concrete &it' approved protective coating= as specified
on t'e dra&ings% In s)c' case t'e e(tra cover= mentioned in D'E and DiE a<ove= may <e red)ced <y
t'e Engineer-in-4'arge= to t'ose s'o&n on t'e dra&ing%
0E T'e correct cover s'all <e maintained <y cement mortar <riA)ettes or ot'er approved
means% 1einforcement for footings= grade <eams and sla<s on s)< grade s'all <e s)pported on
precast concrete <loc0s as approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e )se of pe<<les or stones s'all
not <e permitted%
lE T'e minim)m clear distance <et&een reinforcing <ars s'all <e in accordance &it' I%S% 4.6 or
as s'o&n in dra&ing%
aE In case of <eam and sla< constr)ction precast cover <loc0s in cement mortar 1"+ D1
cement " + coarse sand E a<o)t 4 ( 4 cm section and of t'ic0ness eA)al to t'e specified cover s'all
<e placed <et&een t'e <ars and s')ttering= so as to sec)re and maintain t'e reA)isite cover of
concrete over reinforcement%
Tr-640 / +07
b) In case of cantilevered and do)<ly reinforced <eams or sla<s= t'e vertical distance <et&een t'e
'ori!ontal <ars s'all <e maintained <y introd)cing c'airs= spacers or s)pport <ars of steel at 1%0 metre or
at s'orter spacing to avoid sagging%
c) In case of col)mns and &alls= t'e vertical <ars s'all <e 0ept in position <y means of tim<er
templates &it' slots acc)rately c)t in t'emU or &it' <loc0 of cement mortar 1"+ D1 cement " + coarse sandE
of reA)ired si!e s)ita<ly tied to t'e reinforcement to ens)re t'at t'ey are in correct position d)ring
b) In case of ot'er 1%4%4% str)ct)re s)c' as arc'es= domes= s'ells= storage tan0s etc% a
com<ination of cover <loc0s= spacers and templates s'all <e )sed as directed <y Engineer-in-4'arge%
Erected and sec)red reinforcement s'all <e inspected and approved <y Engineer-in-4'arge prior to
placement of concrete%
1einforcement as detailed in sc'ed)le of A)antities s'all <e meas)red for payment lineally as per t'e
c)tting lengt' nearest to a centimeter s'o&n in <ar <ending sc'ed)le s)<mitted <y t'e contractor and
approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge and &eig't calc)lated <ased on t'e standard &eig'ts as per
I%S%1266= as indicated in t'e follo&ing ta<le"
No%inal 8i@e in %% 6 7 9 A 10 12 16 19 20
4ross Sectional area in mm
% +6%*0 *6%.0 .0%*0 26%60 11*%10 +01%+0 +.4%60 *14%*0
@ass / :eig't in 9g / 1@ 0%+++ 0%*0+ 0%*7. 0%612 0%666 1%.60 + %000 + %42
No%inal 8i@e in %% 22 2= 29
? 62
66 40 4= =0
4ross Sectional area in mm
*60%* 1
0 H
471%1 0 614%0 0 604%6 0 1016%* 0 1+.2%+ 0 1.71%1 0 1764%*0
@ass / :eig't in 9g / 1@ + %760 *%6.0 4%6*0 6%*10 2%770 7%6.0 1+%.00 1.%4+0
No allowance s"all #e made% #e measured in t"e weig"t for rolling margin1 If weig"t of #ar!s$ found to #e
more t"an t"e standard weig"ts( t"e measurement %payment s"all #e restricted to t"e standard weig"ts
as a#ove1 6owever( if weig"t of #ar!s$ found to #e less t"an t"e standard weig"ts !#ut wit"in t"e
permissi#le limit$( t"e measurements %payment for t"e same s"all #e as per standard weig"ts1
&nly aut"orised laps s"all #e measured1 T"e cost of steel used #y t"e contractor in t"e reinforcement of
#eams( sla#s and columns etc1 will #e paid as per t"e rate of reinforcement only upto t"e e5tent s"own in
t"e drawings1 As far as possi#le laps in #ars s"all #e avoided1 Any laps and "ooks provided #y t"e
contractor ot"er t"an aut"orised as per approved #ar #ending sc"edule will #e considered to "ave #een
provided #y t"e contractor for "is own convenience and s"all not #e measured for payment1 ins( c"airs(
spacers s"all #e provided #y t"e contractor w"erever re4uired as per drawing and #ar #ending sc"edule
and as directed #y t"e Engineer)in)C"arge and s"all #e measured for payment1 3an "ooks as re4uired
s"all #e provided #y t"e contractor under t"is item and s"all #e measured for payment1
T'e rate s'all incl)de t'e cost of all materials and la<o)r reA)ired for all a<ove operations incl)ding
transport= &astage= straig'tening= c)tting= <ending= <inding and t'e <inding &ire reA)ired%
Tr-640 / +10
5.1 SCOPE O? IOR0 :
T'e &or0 covered <y t'is specification consists of f)rnis'ing and erecting of str)ct)ral steel
complete in strict accordance &it' t'is specifications and t'e applica<le dra&ings%
5.2 ./TERI/$S :
.%+%1 All str)ct)ral steel s'all <e of standard sections as mar0ed on t'e dra&ings and s'all <e
free of scale= <listers= laminations= crac0ed edges and defects of any sort% If t'e str)ct)ral
steel is not s)pplied <y t'e Department and t'e 4ontractor is reA)ired to <ring s)c' steel= t'e
4ontractor s'all f)rnis' d)plicate copies of all mill orders and/ or also t'e test report received from
t'e mills= to satisfy t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
.%+%+ All str)ct)ral steel and electrodes s'all comply in all respects &it' I%S%S% for str)ct)ral
5.3 IOR0./NSAIP :
All &or0mans'ip s'all <e of first class A)ality in every respect to t'e greatest acc)racy <eing
o<served to ens)re t'at all parts &ill fit toget'er properly on erection%
All ends s'all <e c)t tr)e to planes% T'ey m)st fit t'e a<)tting s)rfaces closely%
All stiffeners s'all <e fit tig'tly at <ot' ends%
All <)tt ends of compression mem<ers s'all <e in close contact t'ro)g' t'e area of t'e Moints%
All 'oles in plates and section <et&een 1+ mm% and +0 mm% t'ic0 s'all <e p)nc'ed to s)c' diameter
t'at * mm% of metal is left all aro)nd t'e 'ole to <e cleaned o)t to correct si!e <y reamer%
T'e <ase connection s'all <e provided as s'o&n on dra&ings and t'e greatest acc)racy of
&or0mans'ip s'all <e ens)red to provide t'e <est connections%
/ig)red dimensions on t'e dra&ings s'all <e ta0en%
Erection and fa<rication s'all <e according to I%S% 600-1764 section-11% D)ring erection= t'e &or0
s'all <e sec)rely <raced and fastened temporarily to provide safety for all erection stresses etc% $o
permanent &elding s'all <e done )ntil proper alignment 'as <een o<tained%
Any part &'ic' do not fit acc)rately or &'ic' are not in accordance &it' t'e dra&ings and
specifications s'all <e lia<le to reMection and if reMected= s'all <e at once <e made good%
Engineer-in-4'arge s'all 'ave f)ll li<erty at all reasona<le times to enter t'e contractors premises
for t'e p)rpose of inspecting t'e &or0 and no &or0 s'all <e ta0en do&n= painted or despatc'ed )ntil
it 'as <een inspected and passed% T'e contractor s'all s)pply free of c'arge all la<o)r and tools
reA)ired for testing of &or0%
5.5 DE$I"ERF /T SITE :
T'e contractor s'all deliver t'e component parts of t'e steel &or0 in an )ndamaged state at t'e site
of t'e &or0s and t'e Engineer-in-4'arge s'all <e entitled to ref)se acceptance of any portion &'ic'
'as <een <ent or ot'er &ise damaged <efore act)al delivery on &or0%
T'e s'op dra&ings of str)ct)ral steel <ased on contract dra&ings s'all <e s)<mitted to t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge% T'e necessary information for fa<rication= erection= painting of str)ct)re etc%
m)st <e f)rnis'ed immediately after acceptance of t'e tender%
5.7 P/INTING :
#ainting s'o)ld <e strictly according to I%S% 1422-1721 D#artI-#retreatmentE and I%S% 1422-1721 D#art
#ainting s'o)ld <e carried o)t on dry s)rfaces free from d)st= scale etc% T'e paint s'all <e approved
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
Tr-640 / +11
ne coat of s'op paint Dred leadE s'all <e applied on steel= e(cept &'ere it is to <e encased in
concrete or &'ere s)rfaces are to <e field &elded%
=19 IE$DING :
:elding s'all <e in accordance &it' I%S% 616-1767= I%S% 617-17.2= I%S% 10+4-1727= I%S% 1+61-17.7=
I%S% 1*+*-176+ and I%S% 7.7.-1760 as appropriate% /or &elding of any partic)lar type of Moint=
&elders s'all give evidence of 'aving satisfactory completed appropriate tests as descri<ed in any
of I%S% 612-1766= I%S% 1*7*-1761= I%S% 2*02 D#art-IE-1724= I%S% 2*10 D#art-IE-1724 and I%S% 2*16
D#art-IE-1724 as relevant%
5.8.1 Ieldin* Con8,%a<le8 : 4overed electrodes s'all conform to I%S% 614 D#art-IE-
1724 and I%S%614 D#art-IIE-1724 or I%S% 1*7.-176+ as appropriate%
/iller rods and &ires for gas &elding s'all conform to I%S% 1+26-172+%
T'e <are &ire electrodes for s)<merged arc &elding s'all conform to I%S% 2+60-1724% T'e
com<ination of arc and flas' s'all satisfy t'e reA)irements of I%S% *61*-1724%
T'e filler rods and <are electrodes for gas s'ielded metal= arc &elding s'all conform to I%S% 6417-
1721 and I%S% 6.60-172+ as appropriate%
5.8.2 Types of :elding" Arc &elding Ddirect or alternating c)rrentE or (yacetylene
&elding may <e )sed% /ield &elding may <e )sed% /ield &elding s'all <e <y D%4%
5.8.3 Si!e of Electrode 1)ns" T'e ma(im)m ga)ge of t'e electrodes for &elding any &or0
and t'e si!e of r)n s'all <e <ased on t'e follo&ing ta<les%
/)era*e thic(ne88 o& -late or 8ection .a:i%,% *a,*e or dia%eter o&
electrode8 to <e ,8ed1
Fess t'an */16H 10 S%:%G%
*/16H and a<ove <)t less t'an ./16H 6 S%:%G%
./16H and a<ove <)t less t'an */6H 6 S%:%G%
*/6H and a<ove <)t less t'an ./6H 4 S%:%G%
./6H and a<ove <)t less t'an 1H ./16Hdia%
1H and a<ove t'ic0 section */6H dia%
Note : n any straig't &eld t'e first r)n s'all not ordinarily <e deposited &it' a larger ga)ge
electrode t'an $o% 6 S%:%G% /or s)<seA)ent r)ns t'e electrode s'all not <e increased <y more t'an
t&o electrode si!e <et&een consec)tive r)ns%
5.8.4 :elding84ontractors " T'e contractor s'all ens)re t'at eac' &elding operator
employed on fa<rication or erection is an efficient and dependa<le &elder= &'o 'as passed
A)alifying tests on t'e types of &elds &'ic' &ill <e called )pon to ma0e% Sample test s'all
'ave to <e given <y t'e contractor to t'e entire satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
5.8.5 :elding #roced)re "
aE :elding s'o)ld <e done &it' t'e str)ct)ral steel in flat position in a do&n 'and manner &'erever
possi<le% AdeA)ate steps s'all <e ta0en to maintain t'e correct arc lengt'= rate of travel= c)rrent
and polarity for t'e type of electrode and nat)re of &or0% :elding plant capacity s'all <e adeA)ate
to carry o)t t'e &elding proced)re laid do&n% AdeA)ate means of meas)ring t'e c)rrent s'all <e
availa<le eit'er as a part of t'e &elding plant or <y t'e provision of a porta<le ammeter% In c'ec0ing
t'e &elding c)rrent= a tolerance of 10B or *0 amperes from t'e specified val)e &'ic'ever is less
s'all <e permitted%
<E T'e &elding proced)re s'all <e s)c' as to ens)re t'at t'e &eld metal can <e f)lly and
satisfactory deposited t'ro)g' t'e lengt' and t'ic0ness of all Moints so t'at distortion and s'rin0age
stresses are red)ced to t'e minim)m and t'ic0ness of &elds meet t'e reA)irements of A)ality
Tr-640 / +1+
=1; IOR0./NSAIP :
5.9.1 #reparation of /)sion /aces " /)sion faces s'all <e c)t <y stearing mac'ine or gas
c)tting and later dressed <y filling or grinding so t'at t'ey s'all <e free from irreg)larities s)c'
as &o)ld interfere &it' t'e deposition of t'e specified si!e of &eld to ca)se t'e defects% /)sion
faces and t'e s)rro)nding s)rfaces s'all <e free from 'eavy slag= oil paint or any s)<stance
&'ic' mig't affect t'e A)ality of t'e &eld or impede t'e progress of &elding% T'e &elding face
s'all <e free of r)st and s'all 'ave metal s'ine s)rfaces%
T'e parts to <e &elded s'all <e <ro)g't into as close contact as possi<le and t'e gap d)e to fa)lty
&or0mans'ip or incorrect fit )p s'all not e(ceed 1/16H% If separation of 1/16H or more occ)rs locally= t'e
si!e of t'e fillet &eld s'all <e increased at s)c' position <y an amo)nt of eA)al to t'e &idt' of t'e gap%
T'e parts to <e &elded s'all <e maintained to t'eir correct position d)ring &elding% T'ey s'all <e
sec)rely 'eld in position <y means of tac0 &elds= service <olts= clamps or rings <efore commencing
&elding so as to prevent and relative movement d)e to distortion= &ind or any ot'er ca)se%
5.9.2 Ste- ac( .ethod Sho,ld <e D8ed to /)oid Di8tortion : T'e minim)m leg lengt'
of a fillet &eld as deposited s'o)ld not <e less t'an t'e specified si!e and t'e t'roat t'ic0ness
as deposited s'o)ld <e not less t'an t'at ta<)lated <elo&"
Throat Thic(ne88 o& ?illet
/n*le <et'een &,8ion &ace8 60
Throat thic(ne88 in c%1 0%20 0%6. 0%60 0%.. 0%.0
In no case s'o)ld a concave &eld <e deposited &it'o)t t'e specific approval of t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge )nless t'e leg lengt' is increased a<ove t'e specified lengt' so t'at t'e res)ltant t'roat
t'ic0ness is as great as &o)ld 'ave <een o<tained <y t'e deposition of a flat%
All &elds s'all <e deposited in a pre-arranged order and seA)ence ta0ing d)e acco)nt of t'e effects of
distortion and s'rin0age stresses%
After ma0ing eac' r)n of &elding= all slag s'all <e removed and final r)n s'all <e protected <y clean
<oiled linseed oil till approved%
T'e &eld metal= as deposited= s'all <e free from crac0= slag= e(cessive porosity= cavities and ot'er
T'e &eld metal s'all <e properly f)sed &it' t'e parent metal &it'o)t overlapping or serio)s
)nderc)tting at t'e toes of t'e &eld%
T'e s)rfaces of t'e &eld s'all 'ave a )niform and consistent conto)r and reg)lar appearance%
In &elds containing crac0= porosity or cavities in &'ic' t'e &eld metal tends to overlap on t'e parent
metal &it'o)t proper f)sion= t'e defective portions of t'e &elds s'all <e o)t c)t and re-&elded% :'ere
serio)s )nder c)tting occ)rs= additional &eld metal s'all <e deposited to ma0e good red)ction% Testing
of &elded Moints s'all <e done as per relevant IS codes *600= *61*= 4+60= 2+0.= 2+1.= 2*02= 2*10=
=110 .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT:
All str)ct)ral steel s'all <e meas)red on &eig't <asis in metric tones or A)intals or 0gs% as mentioned
in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities% T'e lengt' or areas of vario)s mem<ers incl)ding g)sset plates s'all <e
meas)red correct to t&o places of decimals and t'e net &eig't &or0ed o)t from t'e standard steel
ta<les approved <y Indian Standard Instit)tion% $o separate meas)rements s'all <e ta0en for &elding=
riveting= <olting= field connections etc% T'e rate s'all incl)de cost of all la<o)r= materials= scaffolding=
transport and also cost of &elding= riveting and <olting= field connections if any all to complete t'e Mo<
as per specifications%
Tr-640 / +1*
T'e pipes s'all <e 1%4%4% sp)n pipes $#+ class= conforming to I%S% 4.6-1721 and s'all <e approved
<y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge for so)ndness <efore incorporation in t'e &or0%
T'e &or0 consist of providing= laying= Mointing and testing 1%4%4% sp)n pipe storm &ater drain of
reA)ired diameter as mentioned in t'e sc'ed)le to disc'arge storm &ater to t'e main nalla' as
s'o&n in t'e dra&ing%
After t'e cement concrete cradle 'as <een laid properly= if specified or as directed <y t'e Engineer-
in-4'arge= t'e pipes s'all <e lo&ered grad)ally into t'e trenc'es over t'e concrete cradle or <ed%
$ecessary &or0ing space/gap for collars s'all <e made at every Moint% Faying of pipe s'all proceed
)pgrade of a slope% T'e collars s'all <e slipped-on <efore t'e ne(t pipe is laid%
T'e pipe drain s'all rest on t'e <ed at every point t'ro)g' its lengt'% To ens)re t'is t'e space
<et&een t'e )nderside of t'e pipe on t'e invert of t'e cradle s'all <e caref)lly gro)ted solid &it'
cement sl)rry consisting of one part of cement to one part of clean &as'ed sand in s)c' a manner
t'at no void is left% It s'all <e ens)red t'at t'e load of t'e pipes and t'e s)per imposed load of t'e
eart' filling is evenly distri<)ted on t'e cradle or <ed%
T'e contractor s'all ta0e preca)tions to see t'at no dirt= eart' or ot'er foreign matter is allo&ed on
t'e s)rface of t'e cradle or <ed of t'e pipe resting t'ere-on= all to t'e f)ll satisfaction of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge% After t'e alignment and grading of t'e pipes is c'ec0ed <y t'e a)t'orised
representative of t'e Department= t'e gro)ting s'all <e done &it' specified stiff mi( of cement
T'e cradle of concrete s'all <e allo&ed to set at least for t'ree days <efore any pipe is placed on it
and t'e contractor s'all ta0e d)e care in setting t'e pipe in t'e cradle so t'at no damage is occ)r to
t'e cradle% If any damage to t'e cradle occ)rs= it s'all <e rectified to t'e satisfaction of Engineer-in-
4'arge and in any partic)lar case &'ere damage to t'e cradle is <eyond repair in t'e opinion of t'e
Engineer-in-4'arge= t'e contractor s'all c)t o)t t'e damaged section of t'e cradle and re do t'e
same at 'is o&n e(penses to t'e complete satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
$o pipe s'all <e laid or placed till t'e alignment of t'e pipe drain and its levels and gradient 'ave
<een caref)lly c'ec0ed and fo)nd correct/approved <y t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
6.3 HOINTS :
T'e Moints for t'e pipes s'all <e made <y loose collars and t'e connecting space s'all <e as
minim)m as possi<le% T'e collars s'all <e specifically ro)g'ened inside to provide a <etter grip%
T'e t&o adMacent pipes &ill <e so designed and man)fact)red t'at &'en <)tted toget'er
concentrically= a do&el is left <et&een t'e t&o ends% In t'is do&el= cement mortar of D1"1E proportion
or mi(% as specified in t'e sc'ed)le <e filled and t'en <et&een t'e ends a paste of cement mortar of
t'e same proportions &ill <e placed% T'e space remaining <et&een t'e pipe ends and t'e collar
<eing t'en ca)l0ed &it' cement mortar of D1"1E or ot'er specified proportion so t'at an even space
appears all ro)nd t'e e(ternal diameter of t'e pipes% All t'e Moints s'all <e finis'ed off smoot' at an
angle of 4.
&it' t'e longit)dinal a(is of t'e pipe on eit'er side of t'e collars%
T'e interior of t'e pipe drains s'all <e cleaned off all dirt= cement mortar and s)perfl)o)s materials
and Moints s'all <e c)red for atleast 2 days%
After s)fficient interval 'as <een allo&ed for t'e Moints to set= t'e pipe drains &ill <e tested )nder a
&ater 'ead of at least 1%+ m% and in no case )nder a 'ead greater t'an 1%6 m% of &ater a<ove t'e top
of t'e pipes% In addition= t'e pipe drains s'all <e e(amined for lea0s of land/s)<-soil &ater
Tr-640 / +14
ma0ing its &ay t'ro)g' t'e Moints% T'e contractor s'all ma0e t'e pipe drains &ater tig't against t'e
entrance of land/s)<-soil &ater from o)tside and also against t'e lea0ages of &ater from t'e inside
of t'e pipe drains at t'e test 'eads specified a<ove to t'e f)ll satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
All defective or lea0ing pipes or Moints s'all <e c)t o)t and replaced and made good <y t'e
contractor at 'is o&n cost% In case of t'e Moints t'at may <e defective and cannot <e made good=
s'all <e entirely em<edded/s)rro)nded e(ternally &it' cement concrete of 1"+"4 proportion to render
t'e Moint DsE &ater tig't and t'is s'all <e allo&ed to set <efore encasing or <ac0 filling is done% A
strong colo)r s'all <e added to t'e &ater )sed for testing of t'e pipes= in order to detect any lea0age
easily% T'e cost of testing of t'e pipe drain s'all <e <orne <y t'e contractor and is deemed to <e
incl)ded in t'e rates A)oted <y t'e contractor%
T'e Engineer-in-4'arge may increase or decrease t'e concrete on t'e pipe drains as to t'e
A)antity and A)ality or to omit t'e same entirely according to t'e nat)re of t'e gro)nd t'at may <e
revealed &'en t'e storm &ater drain trenc'es are e(cavated%
6.6 ac( &illin*/&illin* Trenche8 :
/illing in trenc'es for pipes and drains s'all <e commenced as soon as t'e Moints of pipes and drains
'ave <een tested and passed% :'ere t'e trenc'es are e(cavated in soil= t'e filling s'all <e done
&it' eart' on t'e sides and top of pipes in layers not e(ceeding +0 cm% &atered= rammed and
consolidated= ta0ing care t'at no damage is ca)sed to t'e pipe <elo&% In case of e(cavation of
trenc'es in roc0= t'e filling )pto a dept' of *0 cm% a<ove t'e cro&n of pipe or <arrel s'all <e done
&it' fine material s)c' as eart'= m)rr)m or p)lveri!ed decomposed roc0 according to t'e availa<ility
at site% T'e remaining filling s'all <e done &it' roc0 filling or <o)lders of si!e not e(ceeding 1. cm%
mi(ed &it' fine material as availa<le to fill )p t'e voids= &atered= rammed and consolidated in layers
not e(ceeding *0 cm%
6.7 .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT :
T'e lengt' of pipes s'all <e meas)red in r)nning metre nearest to a centimeter along t'e centre line
of t'e pipes over all fittings s)c' as collars= <ends= M)nctions etc% /ittings/specials s'all not <e
meas)red separately%
T'e rate s'all incl)de t'e cost of materials and la<o)r incl)ding Mointing= gro)ting= c)tting of pipes to
t'e reA)ired lengt's= &astages etc% involved in all t'e operations descri<ed a<ove%
E(cavation= <ac0 filling= s'oring and tim<ering in trenc'es and cement concreting &'erever reA)ired
s'all <e meas)red separately )nder relevant items of &or0%
Tr-640 / +1.
7.1 S4#E / :19 "
T'e &or0 envisaged )nder t'is s)<-'ead is for dismantling and demolition of <ric0 masonry in
cement/lime mortar= reinforced cement concrete &or0s= removing &ooden c'o&0'ats of doors=
&ooden or steel &indo&s%
7.2 GE$E1AF "
T'e term Dismantling implies caref)lly ta0ing )p or do&n and removing &it'o)t damage% T'is s'all
consist of dismantling one or more parts of t'e <)ilding as specified or s'o&n on t'e dra&ings% T'e
term Demolition implies ta0ing )p or do&n or <rea0ing )p% T'is s'all consist of demolis'ing &'ole or
part of &or0 incl)ding all relevant items as specified or s'o&n on dra&ings%
7.3 #1E4ACTI$S "
$ecessary propping= s'oring and/or )nderpinning s'all <e provided for t'e safety of t'e adMoining
&or0 or property= &'ic' is to <e left in tact= <efore dismantling and demolis'ing is ta0en )p and t'e
&or0 s'all <e carried o)t in s)c' a &ay t'at no damage is ca)sed to t'e adMoining &or0 or property%
:'erever reA)ired= temporary enclos)res or partitions s'all also <e provided% $ecessary
preca)tions s'all <e ta0en to 0eep t'e d)st- n)isance do&n as and &'en necessary%
Dismantling s'all <e commenced in a systematic manner% All materials &'ic' are li0ely to <e
damaged <y dropping from a 'eig't or demolis'ing roofs= masonry etc%= s'all <e caref)lly
dismantled first% T'e dismantled articles s'all <e passed <y 'and &'ere necessary and lo&ered to
t'e gro)nd and not t'ro&n% T'e materials t'en <e properly stac0ed as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-
All materials o<tained from dismantling or demolition s'all <e t'e property of t'e Government )nless
ot'er&ise specified and s'all <e 0ept in safe c)stody )ntil 'anded over to t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
Any servicea<le material= o<tained d)ring dismantling or demolition s'all <e separated o)t and
stac0ed properly as indicated <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge &it'in a lead of 1.0 m% or as specified in
t'e item% All )nder servicea<le materials= r)<<is' etc% s'all <e disposed off as directed <y t'e
7.4 T1EAT@E$T "
All t'e dismantled area s'all <e rendered clean off all de<ris= d)st etc% T'e sides of Mam<s= sills=
soffits etc% of t'e openings if any= after ta0ing o)t doors and &indo& c'o&0'ats= )nless and
ot'er&ise to <e treated= s'all <e plastered in 4%@% 1"* &it' neer) finis' to render tr)e sides= corners=
edges etc%
7.5 @DE / @EASC1E@E$T "
7.5.1 -ric0 @asonry , 1%4%4% :or0s " T'e meas)rement of <ric0 masonry &it' or &it'o)t
plaster/painting s'all <e ta0en correct to a centimeter and vol)me calc)lated in c)<ic metres
)pto t&o places of decimal%
7.5.2 Door8 and Iindo'8 : Dismantling of doors and &indo&s D&ooden or steelE s'all <e
en)merated% 1emoval of c'o&0'ats Dframe &or0sE s'all incl)de D)nless ot'er&ise
separately mentioned for removing s')tters onlyE= t'e removal of s')tters along &it'
arc'itraves= <eadings= fittings and fastenings along &it' frames%
7.5.3 Roo& Terracin* : Dismantling of roof &aterproofing treatment s'all <e meas)red in sA)are
metre area% %Fengt' and <readt' s'all <e meas)red correct to a centimeter <et&een
parapets% $o separate meas)rement s'all <e ta0en for gola and 0')rra' etc%
716 1ATES "
T'e rate s'all incl)de cost of all s)c' operations mentioned a<ove incl)ding necessary la<o)r=
materials= transport= scaffolding= stac0ing t'e servicea<le materials= disposing t'e )nservicea<le
materials &it'in t'e lead specified= all as directed <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge%
Tr-640 / +16
8.1.1. GENER/$: T'e item incl)des t'e provision of s)pplying &ater A)ality d)ctile iron
pipe of specified diameter of class 97 and specials of class 91+ incl)ding c)tting= laying and
fi(ing t'e pipe line%
8.1.2. ./TERI/$: D)ctile Iron pipe s'all <e proc)red from t'e rep)ted man)fact)rers and
t'e pipes s'all confirm to IS 6*+7/+000% T'e pipes diameter given in sc'ed)le is t'e clear
inner diameter% T'e pipe and specials s'o)ld <e s)pplied &it' inside lining &it' a cement
mortar of standard t'ic0ness and specifications and o)tside coating of @etallic Ninc as per
I%S% specifications% T'e pipes s'o)ld <e &it' ISI mar0ing% T'e test certificate f)rnis'ed <y t'e
man)fact)rers s'o)ld <e prod)ced%$O/DING: T'e pipe s'all <e )nloaded &'ere t'ey are reA)ired% :'ere mec'anical
'andling facility are not availa<le= pipes &eig'ing )pto 60 0g s'all <e 'andled <y t&o persons <y
'and passing and 'eavier pipes s'all <e )nloaded from t'e lorry or &agon <y 'olding t'em in loops=
formed &it' ropes and sliding over plan0 set not steeper t'an 4. degrees% T&o ropes al&ays s'all
<e )sed and only one pipe s'all <e )nloaded at a time% Cnder no circ)mstances s'all pipes <e
t'ro&n do&n from t'e carriers or <e dragged or rolled along 'ard s)rfaces% T'e pipes s'all <e
c'ec0ed for any visi<le damage &'ile )nloading and s'all <e sorted o)t for reclamation% T'e pipes s'all <e lined )pon on one side of t'e alignment of t'e trenc'= soc0et
facing )pgrade &'en line r)ns )p'ill and )p stream &'en line r)ns on level gro)nd% Eac' stac0 s'all
contain pipes of same class and si!e% Storage s'all <e done on firm= level and clean gro)nd%
:edges s'all <e provided at t'e <ottom layer to 0eep t'e stac0 sta<le%$E/NING: T'e pipes s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleaned &it' <r)s' and &as'ed if necessary to
remove any acc)m)lated stone= soil or dirt inside and inside of soc0et and o)tside of t'e spigot s'all
also <e cleaned in similar &ay% -efore pipe is laid it s'all <e first e(amined for damage and crac0s% $o
crac0ed or damaged pipe s'all <e )sed% T'e pipe s'all <e tested &it' a 'ammer to prove its
so)ndness O? PIPES: T'e man)fact)rer test certificate/t'ird party inspection certificate
s'o)ld <e prod)ced <y t'e contractor for t'e pipes )sed in t'e &or0% T'e engineer s'all 'ave t'e
rig't to test t'e pipes= &'erever felt necessary for its A)ality% All testing c'arges s'o)ld <e <orne <y
t'e contractor% ./TERI/$ : If any material fo)nd damaged or crac0ed= t'e same s'all not <e
)sed in t'e &or0% T'e contractor 'as to replace t'e same at 'is o&n cost and c'arges%
911161 $/FING TAE PIPES: Faying of pipes s'all <e as per IS 1++66
91116111 TRENCAES : T'e dept' of t'e trenc'es s'all not <e less t'an 1000 mm meas)red from t'e
top of t'e pipe to t'e s)rface of t'e gro)nd )nder roads and not less t'an 2.0 mm else&'ere% T'e
&idt' of t'e trenc' s'all <e t'e nominal diameter of t'e pipeline pl)s 400mm= <)t it s'all not less
t'an ..0 mm in case of all 0ind of soil= e(cl)ding roc0 and not less t'an 1000 mm in case of roc0%
Trenc' s'all <e so deep t'at t'e pipes may <e laid to t'e reA)ired alignment and at reA)ired dept'%
T'e &idt' of trenc' at <ottom <et&een face of s'eeting s'all <e s)c' as to provide not less t'an +00
mm clearance on eit'er side of t'e pipe% Trenc'es s'all <e of s)c' e(tra &idt'= &'en reA)ired as
&ill permit t'e convenient placing of tim<er s)pports str)tting and plan0ing 'andling of specials etc%
T'e <ed of trenc'= in soft or made )p eart'= s'all <e &ell &atered and rammed <efore laying t'e
pipes and depression= if any= s'all <e properly filled &it' eart' and consolidated in +0 cm layers%
Tr-640 / +12
If t'e trenc' <ottom is e(tremely 'ard or roc0y or loose stoney soil= t'e trenc' s'all <e e(cavated
1.0mm <elo& t'e trenc' grade% 1oc0s= stones or ot'er 'ard s)<stances from t'e <ottom of t'e
trenc' s'all <e removed , trenc' <ro)g't <ac0 to t'e reA)ired grade <y filling &it' selected fine
eart' or sand or fine m)rr)m , compact so as to provide smoot' <edding for pipe%
After t'e e(cavation of t'e trenc' is completed= 'ollo&s s'all <e c)t at t'e reA)ired position to
receive t'e soc0et of t'e pipe% T'e <arrels of t'e pipes s'all rest t'ro)g' t'eir entire lengt' on t'e
solid gro)nd t'at s)fficient space left for Mointing t'e )nder side of t'e pipe Moints% T'ese soc0et 'oles
s'all <e refilled &it' sand after Mointing t'e pipe%
T'e trenc' s'all <e 0ept free from &ater s'oring and tim<ering s'all <e provided &'erever reA)ired%
E(cavation <elo& &ater ta<le s'all <e done after de&atering t'e trenc'es%
T'e road crossing s'all <e e(cavated 'alf at a time and &'ere t'e pipe line/drain crosses on
e(isting road after t'e pipe 'ave <een laid in t'e first 'alf and t'e trenc' refilled% 4are s'all <e ta0en
not to dist)r< t'e electrical , comm)nication ca<le net &it' d)ring t'e co)rse of e(cavation%
If t'e &or0 is in a <)ilding/ residential area= t'e contractor s'o)ld carry o)t t'e e(cavation caref)lly
to avoid collapse of any str)ct)re$OIERING: T'e pipe s'all t'en <e placed in trenc'es <y means of proper s'eer legs=
c'ains and ot'er tact and s'all <e properly driven 'ome% In no case pipe s'all <e rolled or dropped
into t'e trenc'% ne end of rope may <e tied to a &ooden or steel #eg or driven into gro)nd and
ot'er end 'old <y men &'ic' &'en slo&ly released till lo&er t'e pipe into trenc'% $/FING: T'e pipes s'all <e caref)lly laid straig't to correct alignment in raising or
falling gradients% T'e soc0et end of t'e pipe s'all face )p'ill% All t'e pipe s'all <e )sed in
standard lengt' as far as possi<le% 4)t lengt' may <e )sed only &'ere it is necessary to
ma0e )p e(act lengt'% :'ile Mointing t'e spigot it s'o)ld <e neatly placed into t'e soc0et for
f)ll lengt' and properly s)pported% T'e pipe s'all <e caref)lly pac0ed )nderneat' so t'at
t'ey s'all <ear loads arising from traffic evenly t'ro)g' o)t t'eir &'ole lengt'% T'e entire
lengt' of pipe s'all <e s)pported on <ed of t'e trenc' evenly t'ro)g' o)t% 4are s'all <e
ta0en to prevent any sand= eart' or ot'er materials from entering into t'e pipes d)ring
laying% At t'e end of t'e day;s &or0 t'e open end s'all <e s)ita<ly pl)gged%
$o pipe s'all <e laid )ntil t'e trenc' 'as <een e(cavated to its reA)ired dept' for a distance of a<o)t
. @ in front of t'e pipe to <e laid% $o pipe s'all <e covered )ntil it 'as <een passed <y t'e Engineer-
In )nsta<le soils= s)c' as soft soil and dry l)mpy soil it s'all <e c'ec0ed &'et'er t'e soil can s)pport
t'e pipe and if reA)ired= s)ita<le special fo)ndation s'all <e provided%
:'ere t'e soils are drastically affected <y e(tremes of sat)ration and dryness= t'ose soils are
s)<Mected to e(traordinary s'rin0age &'ic' from &ide and deep crac0s in t'e eart' s)rface may
res)lt in damage to )ndergro)nd pipe <eca)se of tig't gripping <ond <et&een pipe and clay=
s)<Mecting to it e(cessive stresses as t'e clay s'rin0s% In s)c' case an envelop of minim)m 100 mm
of tamped sand s'all <e made aro)nd t'e pipe line to avoid any <onding%
In places &'ere roc0 is enco)ntered= c)s'ion of fine eart' or sand s'all <e provided for a dept' of
1.0mm <y e(cavating e(tra dept' of t'e trenc' &'ere t'e gradient of t'e <ad slopes is more t'an *0
dept's= it may necessary do and or fine pipe against sliding do&n&ards%
:'ere necessary and as ordered <y t'e Engineer in c'arge= t'e 4ontractor s'all c)t t'e pipes and
fi( and Moint common collars for Mointing spigot ends% T'e c)t ends of t'e pipe s'all <e made tr)ly at
rig't angles &it' t'e a(is of t'e pipe%
T'e 4ontractor s'all ta0e partic)lars care to ens)re t'at t'e apert)res and open ends of pipes are
caref)lly covered &'enever t'e &or0men are not act)ally employed t'erein
911141 HOINTING O? PIPES: T'e trenc' m)st <e 0ept A)ite dry d)ring Mointing )nless in any
partic)lar case t'e Engineer permits laying of t'e pipe in &et conditions% #lain spigot and soc0et
pipes s'all <e Moined as follo&s
Tr-640 / +16 F?ANGED @O%NTS3 /langed Moint s'o)ld <e made <y painting t'e facing of t'e
flange &it' &'ite lead freely and <olting )p evenly on all sides% A t'in fi<re of lead &ool may
<e very )sef)l in ma0ing t'e Moints &ater tig't &'ere facing of t'e pipes is not tr)e%
:'en pac0ing m)st <e )sed= it s'o)ld <e of r)<<er insertion of approved t'ic0ness% T'e pac0ing
s'o)ld <e of t'e f)ll diameter of t'e flange &it' proper pipe 'ole and <olt 'oles c)t o)t evenly on
<ot' t'e inner and o)ter edges% :'ere t'e flange is not f)lly faced= t'e pac0ing may <e of t'e
diameter of t'e pac0ing strip only% #roper placing of t'e pacing s'o)ld <e c'ec0ed <efore anot'er
pipes is Moined on% R8))ER R%NG @O%NTS3 /or r)<<er ring Moints or p)s' on Moints= t'e groove and
t'e soc0et s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleaned <efore inserting t'e r)<<er gas0et% :'ile inserting
t'e gas0et it s'all <e made s)re t'at it faces t'e proper direction and t'at it is correctly
seated in t'e groove% After cleaning dirt or foreign materials from t'e plain end= l)<ricant
s'all <e applied in accordance &it' t'e pipe man)fact)rer;s recommendations% T'e r)<<er
rings s'all <e as per IS .*6+%
T'e 4ontractor s'all ma0e s)re t'at t'e plain end is <eveled as sA)are as s'arp edges may
damage or dislodge t'e gas0et and ca)se a lea0% :'en t'e pipe is c)t at site= t'e plain end s'all <e
<eveled &it' a 'eavy file or grinder to remove all s'arp edges%
T'e plain end of t'e pipe s'all <e p)s'ed into t'e soc0et of t'e pipe and &'ile p)s'ing= t'e pipe
s'all <e 0ept straig't% If any deflecdtions are to <e made in t'e alignment= it may <e made after t'e
Moints is assem<led% A timer 'eader s'all <e )sed <et&een t'e pipe and cro& <ar or Mac0 to avoid
damages to t'e pipe &'ile t'e plain end of t'e pipe is p)s'ed onto t'e soc0et eit'er &it' a cro& <ar
or Mac0= or lever p)ller%
8.1.5. TARDST $OC0: %T'r)st <loc0s are reA)ired to transfer t'e res)lting 'ydra)lic t'r)st from
t'e fittings of pipe on to a larger load <earing soil section% T'r)st <loc0s s'all <e installed &'erever
t'ere is a c'ange in t'e direction/si!e of t'e pipe line or t'e press)re line diagram= or t'e pipe line
ends at a dead end% If necessary= t'r)st <loc0s may <e constr)cted at valves also% T'r)st <loc0 s'all
<e constr)cted ta0ing into acco)nt t'e pipe si!e= &ater press)re= type of filling= gravity component
&'en laid on slopes and t'e type of soil% In case of pipe line laid in soft soil= Moints/co)plings are to
<e anc'ored on eac' side <y providing side t'r)st <loc0s &it'o)t restricting t'e co)pling%
#ipes on slopes need <e anc'ored only &'en t'ere is a possi<ility of t'e <ac0fill aro)nd t'e pipe
sloping do&n t'e 'ill and carrying t'e pipe &it' it% Generally for slopes )pto *0 degrees= good= &ell
drained soil caref)lly damped in layers of 100mm )nder and over t'e pipe= rig't )p to t'e top of
trenc' &ill not reA)ire anc'oring%
/or steeper slopes= one o)t of every t'ree pipes s'all <e 'eld <y straps fastened to vertical s)pports
anc'ored in concrete%
8.1.6. /C0 ?I$$ING: -ac0 filling s'all follo& t'e pipe installation as closely as possi<le to
protect pipe from falling <o)lders= eliminating possi<ility of lifting of t'e pipe d)e to flooding of open
trenc' and s'ifting pipe o)t of line <y caved in soil%
T'e soil )nder t'e pipe and co)pling s'all <e solidly tamped% T'e initial <ac0 fill material s'all <e
free of large stones and dry l)mps%
In <ags and @ons'ers gravel or cr)s'ed stone may <e )sed for t'is p)rpose% T'e initial <ac0 fill
s'all <e placed evenly in a layer of 100 mm t'ic0 and consolidated )p to a c)s'ion of at least *00
mm cover over t'e pipe% Loints s'all <e ta0en care to resist t'e movement of t'e pipe d)e to
press)re &'ile testing%
8.1.7. TESTING :
Tr-640 / +17
After a ne& pipe 'as <een laid= Mointed and <ac0 filled Dor any valve section t'ereofE= it s'all <e
s)<Mected to t'e follo&ing t&o tests "
a) #ress)re test at a press)re of at least do)<le t'e ma(im)m &or0ing press)re-pipe and Moints
s'all <e a<sol)tely &ater tig't )nder t'e test%
b) Fea0age test Dto <e cond)cted after t'e satisfactory completion of t'e press)re testE at a
press)re to <e specified <y t'e a)t'ority for d)ration of t&o 'o)rs% Te8t8: #ortions of t'e line s'all <e tested <y s)<Mecting to press)re test as t'e
laying progresses <efore t'e entire line is completed% In t'is &ay any error of &or0mans'ip &ill <e
fo)nd immediately and can <e corrected at a minim)m cost% Cs)ally t'e lengt' of t'e section to <e
tested s'all not e(ceed .00 m%
:'ere any section of a main is provided &it' concrete t'r)st <loc0s or anc'orages= test s'all not <e
made )ntil atleast t&o days 'ave elapsed%
#rior to testing= eno)g' <ac0 fill as descri<ed a<ove s'all <e placed over t'e pipe line to resist
)p&ard t'r)st% All t'r)st <loc0s forming part of t'e finis'ed line s'all 'ave <een s)fficiently c)red
and no temporary <racing s'all <e )sed%
T'e open end of t'e section s'all <e sealed temporarily &it' an end cap 'aving an o)tlet &'ic' can
serve as an air relief vent or for filling t'e line= as may <e reA)ired% T'e <lind face of t'e end cap
s'all <e properly <raced d)ring testing <y scre& Mac0s and &ooden plan0s or steel plate
T'e section of t'e line to <e tested s'all <e filled &it' &ater man)ally or <y a lo& press)re p)mp% Air
s'all <e vented from all 'ig' spots in t'e pipe line <efore ma0ing t'e press)re strengt' test <eca)se
entrapped air gets compressed and ca)ses diffic)lty in raising t'e reA)ired press)re for t'e press)re
strengt' test%
:ater reA)ired for testing t'e pipeline s'all <e arranged <y t'e contractor at 'is cost%
T'e test press)re s'all <e grad)ally raised at t'e rate of appro(imately one 0g/ sA%cm/ mm% T'e
d)ration of t'e test period if not specified s'all <e s)fficient to ma0e a caref)l c'ec0 on t'e pipe line
section%,re te8t: Eac' valve section of t'e pipe s'all <e slo&ly filled &it' &ater and all air
s'all <e e(pelled from t'e pipe t'ro)g' 'ydrants and <lo& offs% If t'ese are not availa<le at 'ig'
places= necessary tapping may <e made at points of 'ig'est elevation <efore t'e test is made and
pl)gs inserted after t'e tests 'ave <een completed%
If t'e trenc' 'as <een partially <ac0-filled t'e specified press)re <ased on t'e elevation of t'e
lo&est point of t'e line or section )nder test and corrected to t'e elevation of t'e test ga)ge= s'all <e
applied <y means of a p)mp connected to t'e pipe in a manner satisfactory to t'e Engineer-in-
4'arge% T'e d)ration of t'e test s'all not <e less t'an . min)tes%
E:a%ination ,nder Pre88,re: All e(posed pipes= fittings= valves= 'ydrants and Moints s'o)ld <e
caref)lly e(amined d)ring t'e open-trenc' test% Any crac0ed or defective pipes= fittings= valves or
'ydrants discovered in conseA)ence of t'is press)re test s'all <e removed and replaced <y so)nd
material and t'e test s'all <e repeated )ntil satisfactory to t'e Engineer-in-4'arge%
In portion of pipe line= &'ere t'e pipes 'ave developed crac0s or s&eating= s)c' pipes &it' Mointing
materials s'all <e removed and re laid &it' ne& pipes at t'e contractor;s cost and t'e pipe line s'all
<e re-tested to t'e entire satisfaction of t'e Engineer in c'arge% $o e(tra payment &ill <e made on
t'is acco)nt% T'e <idder 'as to ma0e 'is o&n arrangements for t'e proc)rement of t'e reA)ired
eA)ipments for testing of pipes &'ic' s'all <e s)<Mected to s)c' test as t'e Engineer-in-c'arge
deems fit to ens)re t'e acc)racy of t'e ga)ge
Tr-640 / ++0
If t'e trenc' 'as <een <ac0-filled to t'e top= t'e section s'all <e first s)<Mected to &ater press)re
normal to t'e area and t'e e(posed parts s'all <e caref)lly e(amined% If any defects are fo)nd= t'ey
s'all <e repaired and t'e press)re test repeated )ntil no defects are fo)nd% T'e d)ration of t'e final
press)re tests s'all <e at least one 'o)r%
8.1.8. DEI/TERING : T'e contract rate s'all incl)de <ailing or p)mping o)t all t'e &ater if
acc)m)lated d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 eit'er from rain= seepage= springs or any ot'er ca)se%
8.1.9. TAE R/TE INC$DDES ?OR :
1. S)pplying spigot and soc0et or monolit'ic do)<le flanged D)ctile Iron DDIE #ipes of
specified class , diameter%
2. Faying t'e pipe and c)tting t'e pipe &'erever necessary and &astage%
3. De&atering t'e Trenc' or pit if fo)nd necessary till completion of &or0%
4. Testing t'e pipe line%
5. All necessary la<o)r= materials and )se of tools%
8.1.10. .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT : T'e meas)rement s'all <e for )nit r)nning metre lengt' of
pipe line laid or fi(ed% %@eas)rement s'all <e ta0en along t'e centre line of t'e pipe ded)cting o)ter
to o)ter lengt' of specials%
8.1.11. .ODE O? P/F.ENT: 4ontract rate s'all <e for )nit r)nning meter lengt' of pipe line laid or
8.2.1. GENER/$: T'e item incl)des s)pplying of 4lass 91+ d)ctile iron &ater A)ality
specials of specified diameter for DI% &ater s)pply pipe incl)ding laying and fi(ing soc0et=
spigot and flanged specials s)c' as <ends= collars tapers= tees= d)c0foot <end= flanged
soc0et and flanged spigot tail pieces= <lan0 flanges= etc% and conforming to IS"7.+*/+000%
8.2.2. ./TERI/$S: T'e specials for d)ctile iron &ater A)ality pipe s'all <e conforming to IS
7.+*/+000 &it' soc0et and spigot or monolit'ic do)<le flanged% All t'e fittings s'all <e cylindrical=
reasona<ly tr)e &it' inner and o)ter s)rfaces and nearly concentric as practica<le% T'e o)ter
s)rface s'all <e smoot'= so)nd= free from pin 'oles= crac0s and ot'er imperfections%
8.2.3. C$E/NING: T'e specials and fittings s'all <e t'oro)g'ly cleaned &it' <r)s' and &as'ed if
necessary to remove any acc)m)lated stone= soil or dirt inside t'e soc0et and o)tside of t'e spigot%
8.2.4. E2/.INING: -efore special is laid= it s'all <e first e(amined for damage and crac0s% $o
crac0ed or damaged pipe s'all <e )sed% T'e pipe s'all <e tested &it' a 'ammer to prove its
8.2.5. D/./GED ./TERI/$: If any material fo)nd damaged or crac0ed= t'e same s'all not <e
)sed in t'e &or0% T'e contractor 'as to replace t'e same at 'is o&n cost and c'arges%
8.2.6. $OIERING: T'e specials s'all t'en <e placed in trenc'es <y means of proper s'eer legs=
c'ains and ot'er tact and s'all <e properly driven 'ome%
8.2.7. HOINTING/?I2ING: T'e specials s'all <e fi(ed <y means of r)<<er gas0et p)s' on Moints or
flanged Moint on DI% #ipe line &'erever reA)ired and as s'o&n in t'e dra&ing or as directed <y t'e
8.2.8. TESTING: Loints s'all <e tested as per IS 1++66% All lea0ages= defects etc% s'all <e
Tr-640 / ++1
8.2.9. DEI/TERING: T'e contract rate s'all incl)de <ailing or p)mping o)t all t'e &ater if
acc)m)lated d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 eit'er from rain= seepage= springs or any ot'er
ca)se till t'e completion of &or0%
8.2.10. TAE R/TE INC$DDES ?OR:
1. S)pplying spigot and soc0et or monolit'ic do)<le flanged DI specials%
2. /i(ing t'e specials &'erever necessary%
3. De&atering t'e trenc' or pit if fo)nd necessary till completion of &or0%
4. All necessary la<o)r= materials and )se of tools%
8.2.11. .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT: T'e meas)rement s'all <e on t'e <asis of standard
&eig't of specials and/or on t'e <asis of act)al )nit &eig't for fi(ed specials%
8.2.12. .ODE O? P/F.ENT: 4ontract rate s'all <e for )nit &eig't of specials laid or fi(ed%
9161 GDN .ET/$/ R/SS COPPER /$$OF ?D$$ I/F "/$"E :
916111 GENER/$ : T'e item incl)des provision of f)ll &ay Dgate or glo<eE valve of specified diameter
as mentioned in t'e sc'ed)le incl)ding fi(ing% /)ll &ay valve is a valve s)ita<le for controlling or
stopping t'e flo& in &ater s)pply lines%
2.1.1. ./TERI/$ :
8.3.1. /)ll &ay valve s'all <e of eit'er -rass fitted &it' a cast iron 'and &'eel or G)n metal fitted
&it' a 4%I% 'and &'eel or copper alloy as t'e case may <e and s'all <e of Gate valve type opening
f)ll &ay and of t'e si!e as specified conforming to IS 226% T'e &eig't of t'e f)ll &ay gate valve s'all
<e as per t'e ta<le given <elo& &it' a tolerance of . percent%
Dia%eter in %% ?lan*ed arch !0*# Scre'ed arch !0*#
1. @ 1%0+1 0%.62
1%.0* 0%660
+. +%47. 1%022
*+ *%+*+ 1%..7
40 4%06+ +%+66
.0 6%671 *%+*+
6. 10%147 6%604
60 1*%*61 6%64.
8.3.3. ?I2ING : T'e valves s'all <e fi(ed in position in t'e pipeline as s'o&n in t'e dra&ing or as
directed &it' necessary soc0et or )nion= n)ts etc% T'e scre&ed= flanged Moint s'all <e made &it' fe&
t)rns of fine 'emp yarn dipped in linseed oil ta0en over t'e t'readed ends to o<tain complete &ater
8.3.4. TESTING : T'e Moints s'all <e tested to a 'ydra)lic press)re of 1 @#a D10 0g/cm
E along
&it' t'e testing of pipe line%
8.3.5. TAE R/TE INC$DDES ?OR :
1 3alve= G%I% fittings= 'emp yarn= linseed oil= !inc= fi(ing and testing% +%
All necessary la<o)r= materials and )se of tools%
Tr-640 / +++
8.3.6. .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT : T'e meas)rement s'all <e for eac' )nit valve of
specified diameter fi(ed%
8.3.7. .ODE O? P/F.ENT : T'e contract rate s'all <e for eac' )nit of valve of specified
diameter fi(ed% $o e(tra payment s'all <e made for G%I% fittings )sed in fi(ing of t'e valve%
9141 C1 I1 S$DICE "/$"E :
8.4.1. GENER/$ : T'e item incl)des s)pplying of 4%I% Sl)ice 3alve of specified diameter as
mentioned in t'e sc'ed)le incl)ding fi(ing%
8.4.2. ./TERI/$ : T'e Sl)ice valve s'all <e of 4lass or press)re rating as specified in t'e
sc'ed)le of A)antities and conforming to I%S% 14646% T'e valve s'all <e of cast iron and / or
sp'eroidal iron 'aving non-rising spindle &it' 'and &'eel , spindle of stainless steel%
8.4.3. ?I2ING " T'e 4%I% sl)ice valve s'all <e fi(ed in position as indicated in t'e dra&ing or as
directed% T'ey s'all <e fitted &it' t'e tail pieces on <ot' sides <y means of flange Moints%
8.4.4. DEI/TERING " T'e contract rate s'all incl)de <ailing or p)mping o)t all t'e &ater
if acc)m)lated d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 eit'er form rain= seepage= springs or any
ot'er ca)se till completion of t'e &or0%
8.4.5. TESTING " T'e Sl)ice 3alve and t'e Moints s'all <e tested as per t'e cla)se of testing of t'e
pipe line T'e testing s'all <e done along &it' t'e pipe line testing%
8.4.6. TAE R/TE INC$DDES ?OR :
1. S)pplying and fi(ing of 4%I% Sl)ice 3alve of specified diameter%
2. De&atering t'e trenc' or pit till completion of &or0%
3. All necessary la<o)r= materials and )se of tools%
8.4.7. .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT : T'e meas)rement s'all <e for eac' )nit of Sl)ice 3alve
fi(ed% Tail piece= ma0ing flange Moint and lead Moint s'all <e meas)red )nder t'e relevant items%
8.4.8. .ODE O? P/F.ENT : T'e contract rate s'all <e for eac' )nit of Sl)ice 3alve fi(ed%
8.5.1. GENER/$: T'e item incl)des connection &it' t'e e(isting 4%I% or G%I% &ater s)pply line
incl)ding fittings , fi(t)res%
8.5.2. ./TERI/$: 4%I% or G%I% specials s'all <e conforming to relevant IS code and flange Moint or
lead Moint s'all <e as per specifications descri<ed 'erein <efore%
8.5.3. ./0ING CONNECTION: T'e connection s'all <e made &it' e(isting 4%I% or G%I% &ater pipe
line of specified diameter% T'e e(isting &ater s)pply pipe line s'all <e c)t or disMointed caref)lly
&'ere t'e connection is to <e made% T'e connection s'all <e made &it' providing 4%I% or G%I%
specials as per site reA)irement incl)ding ma0ing flanged Moint or lead Moint%
8.5.4. DEI/TERING: T'e contract rate s'all incl)de <ailing or p)mping o)t all t'e &ater if
acc)m)lated d)ring t'e progress of t'e &or0 eit'er from rain= seepage= springs or any ot'er
ca)se till completion of t'e &or0%
8.5.5. TESTING: T'e connection s'all <e tested )nder t'e testing cla)se of pipe line% T'e testing
s'all <e done along &it' t'e testing of pipe line%
8.5.6. TAE R/TE INC$DDES ?OR :
Tr-640 / ++*
1. 4)tting= disMointing t'e 4%I% or G%I% &ater s)pply line%
2. S)pplying of 4%I% or G%I% specials
3. @a0ing flanged Moint= lead or scre&ed Moint incl)ding providing ne& flange%
4. De&atering t'e trenc' or pit till completion of t'e &or0%
5. All necessary la<o)r= material and )se of tools%
91=171 .ODE O? .E/SDRE.ENT : T'e meas)rement s'all <e for one Mo< ma0ing connection &it'
e(isting &ater s)pply line complete in all respect% Incl)ding reA)ired fittings= fi(t)res= specials=
ma0ing flanged Moint or lead Moint etc% &'ic' s'all not <e meas)red separately%
91=191 .ODE O? P/F.ENT : T'e contract rate s'all <e for one Mo< ma0ing connection &it'
e(isting &ater s)pply line complete in all respect% $o payment s'all <e made for any
reA)ired fittings= fi(t)res= and specials and ma0ing flanged Moint or lead Moint )sed in t'e
Tr-640 / ++4
1. #roposed site for t'e &or0 is near Sadras/@amallap)ram &it' a distance of a<o)t 64 9@ from
4'ennai% Tenderers are reA)ested to visit t'e site personally and got t'emselves acA)ainted
&it' site conditions= availa<ility of materials= access road to site etc%=
2. Tenderers are reA)ested to s)<mit f)ll details of &or0s done <y t'em= incl)ding similar nat)re
of &or0 a covered in t'is tender= along &it' t'eir tender to <e A)oted for t'e proposed &or0%
3. T'e tenderer &'ile s)<mitting 'is/t'eir tender for t'e &or0 s'all indicate in 'o& many days
'e/t'ey &ill <e a<le to commence t'e &or0 from t'e date of iss)ing t'e &or0 order in case of
t'e &or0 is a&arded to 'im/t'em= s)<Mect to t'e provisions )nder cla)se + of General
conditions of contract%
4. T'e &or0 s'all <e e(ec)ted as per t'e sc'ed)le of constr)ction of t'e department% T'e
contractor s'all 'o&ever s)<mit a p'ased programme of constr)ction for t'e approval of t'e
engineer and s)c' an approved programme s'all <e strictly ad'ere <y t'e contractor% 4la)se
-+ of General conditions of contract may <e referred to in t'is connection%
5. In t'e a<sence of detailed specifications for certain items mentioned in t'e tender and for
amplifications of specifications already covered= t'e corresponding Indian Standard
Specifications s'all <e applica<le%
6. T'e contractor s'all follo& at site all sec)rity r)les as may <e framed <y t'e department from
time to time= regarding removal of materials from site= iss)e of identity cards= control of entry
of personnel and all similar matters% T'e contractor and 'is personnel s'all a<ide <y all
sec)rity meas)res imposed <y t'e engineer or 'is d)ly a)t'orised representative from time to
7. 4ontractor;s lorry &'ile plying &it'in t'e to&ns'ip s'o)ld not e(ceed t'e speed limit of +0 9m
per 'o)r%
8. T'e sc'ed)le of A)antities is to <e read for t'e p)rpose of pricing in conM)nction &it' t'e
special conditions , general r)les for t'e g)idance of contractors= conditions of contract=
specifications= dra&ings= sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials and t'e appendices%
9. T'e prices inserted in t'e sc'ed)le of A)antities s'all <e incl)sive= val)e of t'e &or0
descri<ed incl)ding all cost and e(penses &'ic' may <e reA)ired in and for t'e constr)ction of
t'e &or0 descri<ed toget'er &it' t'e general ris0s= lia<ilities and o<ligations not fort' or
implied in t'e doc)ments on &'ic' t'e tender is to <e <ased%
10. T'e A)antities stated are to <e considered appro(imate only and t'e )nit prices entered in t'e
sc'ed)le of A)antities and prices s'all apply only to t'e act)al A)antities meas)red in t'e
completed &or0 in accordance &it' t'e specifications%
11. All t'e materials ot'er t'an t'ose s'o&n in sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials in section 3II are
to <e arranged <y t'e contractor and 'is rates s'o)ld acco)nt for t'e same% #rior approval
'as to <e o<tained from t'e Engineer for t'e A)antities proposed to <e p)rc'ased%
12. D)ring t'e e(ec)tion of t'e contract and )ntil completion certificate is iss)ed contractor &ill <e
f)lly lia<le to compensate all concerned for any loss= damage or destr)ction of &or0 str)ct)re=
property etc%= incl)ding t'ird party ris0 arising d)e to ca)ses attri<)ta<le to t'e contractor
&'ic' &ill <e decided <y t'e Engineer-in-c'arge &'ose decision in t'is regard &ill <e final%
13. 1ates A)oted for all items in t'is tender s'all incl)de cost of all materials incl)ding cement and
steel= if reA)ired% Department &ill not s)pply any materials ot'er t'an t'ose mentioned in
sc'ed)le of s)pply of materials in section 3II of t'is tender and as s)c' t'e rates A)oted m)st
<e all incl)sive%
Tr-640 / ++.
14. T'e Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO reserves t'e rig't to alter t'e design= A)antity of &or0 and
specifications in t'e tender etc%= at 'is discretion &'ic' may res)lt eit'er in increase or
decrease in t'e A)antities for &'ic' t'e contractors &ill 'ave no claims= as ot'er&ise covered
in t'e tender governing t'e respective cla)ses of any increase or decrease in t'e A)antities of
15. Chie& En*ineer5 ESG5 GSO5 reserves t'e rig't to consider t'e tender as a &'ole or to split )p
t'e tender at 'is discretion and &or0 covered )nder different parts a&arded to different
contractors for &'ic' t'e contractor s'all 'ave no additional claims &'atsoever%
16. If contractors need any clarification t'ey are reA)ired to contact GEn*ineer-in -Char*e5 DEC5
Ci)il En*ineerin* Di)i8ion5 GSO5 /n,-,ra% - 606 1275 0anchee-,ra% di8trict5
Ta%ilnad, !Ph - 044 - 274941;2 / 274929;0# d)ring office 'o)rs%
Tr-640 / ++6
Sl% $o% /inancial progress
Time allo&ed in days
Dfrom date of startE
1% 1/6
Dof &'ole &or0E 1/4
Dof &'ole &or0E
+% */6
Dof &'ole &or0E
/4 Dof &'ole &or0E
*% */4
Dof &'ole &or0E */4
Dof &'ole &or0E
4% /)ll /)ll
Amo)nt to <e &it'-'eld in case of non ac'ievement of
In t'e event of not ac'ieving t'e necessary progress as
assessed from t'e r)nning payments= 1%. B of t'e
tendered val)e of &or0 &ill <e &it''eld for fail)re of eac'
Tr-640 / ++2
T'e follo&ing dra&ings &ill form part of t'e Tender doc)ment%
Dra&ing $o% Title
F%%! SCHED8?E OF S855?> OF :ATER%A?S
DTo <e s)pplied <y t'e GovernmentE
Sl% $o% #artic)lars of @aterials Cnit
1ate at &'ic'
materials &ill <e
s)pplied to
#lace of
- Nil -
Tr-640 / ++6
$ame of &or0 " Tender
$o% "
Sl% $o% Description
@anpo&er to <e deployed
<y tenderer
11 Aa)e the tenderer )i8ited the 8ite
21 :anpoer "eplo6ment3
a% @asons
<% 4arpenters 55555
c% /itters / -ar <enders 5 :
d% :elders & L M HJJJJ
e% Fa<o)rs N :
f% Semis0illed for 4arpenter//itters
g% Electricians 555555
'% @ec'anical perators
61 Tec'nical Staff Deployment
a% Grad)ate Engineers
<% Diploma Engineers
c% S)pervisors
d% I)ality 4ontrol Engineer
Tr-640 / ++7
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith Seal
Sl% $o Description
@ac'ineries to <e
deployed <y tenderer
41 .achiner+ de-lo+%ent:
a% 4oncrete @an)fact)ring #lant%
<% 4oncrete @i(ers%
c% 3i<rators%
d% De&atering p)mps%
e% Goist I To&er 4rane%
f% L4- I #oclain%
g% 4ompression Testing @ac'ine%
'% 4oncrete :or0a<ility Test EA)ipment%
i% /orm&or0 @aterials%
Tr)c0s I D)mpers% : "^k
0% Scaffolding @aterials%
l% Transit @i(ers% 555555
m% 4ompressors%
n% @ec'anical 1ammer%
o% :elding @ac'ines%
p% Gas 4)tting Sets%
A% S)rvey Instr)ments%
r% 4)ring p)mps%
s% @aterial Testing Fa<% EA)ipments%
1E It is noted t'at t'e a<ove deployment is minim)m% After detailed programming and act)al
condition at site= additional deployment s'all <e done as necessary for completion of t'e
&or0 &it'in t'e stip)lated time period%
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith Seal:
Tr-640 / +*0
$ame of &or0 "
Sl% $o% Description of @aterials
d? )#34 :indo&s
7E #ly&ood
10/AE #ressed Steel Door /rames
10/-E Steel Door / :indo&
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith 8eal
Tender $o%
Sl% $o% Description of @aterials 1ecommended @A9E/-1A$D <y Department
1E rdinary #ortland 4ement of
Grade 4*
@/s% A44
@/s% CFT1ATE4G 4E@E$TS
@/s% NCA1I 4E@E$TS @/s%
@/s% 41A@A$DAF @/s%
@/s DAF@IA
+E T@T DT'ermo @ec'anically
TreatedE -ar
@/s% TATA I1$ , STEEF 4%
@/s% SAIF
@/s% 1I$F
@/s% LI$DAF
*E Str)ct)ral Steel Section @/s% SAIF @/s%
TIS4 @/s
TATA @/s%
4E Str)ct)ral Steel #late @/s% SAIF @/s%
TIS4 @/s
TATA @/s%
.E Anti-Termite 4'emical 4'emical and Agency approved <y I#4A
a? 4eramic Tiles= Semi 3itrified ,
3itrified tile :
@/s% S@A$J @/s% 9ALA1IA
4eramics Ftd% @/s% G%1%
LG$S$ DIE Ftd% @/s%
2E #34 /looring @/s% FG Ind)stries @/s%
A1@ST1$G @/s%
9ris'na 3inyl Ftd% @/s%
#oly /loor
6E :ooden Doors
a? /l)s' Door S')tter @/s% DIA@$D Ind)stries
@/s% 9 C I I I J /l)s' Doors
@/s% S:I$ Ind)stries
@/s% S:ASTI9 #ly<oards DS:ATIE
<? /actory made #anelled Door
@/s% DIA@$D Ind)stries
@/s% 9CTTJ /l)s' Doors
@/s% S:I$ Ind)stries
@/s% S:ASTI9 #ly<oards DS:ATIE
c? #34 Doors , /rames @/s% A44C4EF
@/s% /ore( Doors
@/s% 1ALASG1I
@/s% SI$TET
Tr-640 / +*1
11E Al)mini)m Grill / Al)mini)m section%
1+E /itting , /i(t)res%
1*/aE :aterproofing Treatment
<E Integral :aterproofing
14E 4ement -ased #aint
1.E Glass for Door/ :indo&
1ecommended @A9E/-1A$D <y Department
@/s /E$ESTA @/s SI$TET
@/s FG :I$D:8888888888888888888888888
@/s% Assam #ly&ood @/s% Indian #ly&ood
@/s% A$4G1 #ly&ood% @/s SGA1$ #ly&ood%
@/s% S:ASTI9 #ly<oards8888888888888888888
@/s% $4F SE44F1
@/s% GD1EL
@/s% $4F SE44F1
@/s% STEEF TE4G888888888888888888888888
@/s% AE1 G1IFF
@/s% DE4G1IFF @/s% LI$DAF
@/s% GI$DAF488888888888888888888888888
@/s% E3E1ITE
@/s% DIA@$D @/s% E-4 @/s% LGAF @/s%
4FASSI4 @/s% DJ$A @/s% GD1EL @/s%
GA1D:J$ @/s% FI$9 @/s% GA1G @/s%
@/s% 3ista Fevelor
@/s% G)nter Do)glas88888888888888888888888
@/s% Str)ct)ral :ater #roofing 4ompany D#E Ftd% @/s% D)gar :ater #roofing 4o%
@/s% /osroc 4'emicals% @/s% Dr /i(it @/s% -o)c'eme
@/s% A44#1/ @/s% 4I4 @/s% I@#E1@
@/s% /osroc 4'emicals
@/s% #IDIFITE Ind)stries
@/s% 1off 4'emicals%
@/s% -o)c'eme8888888888
@/s% S$:4E@ India Ftd%
@/s% AE14E@
@/s% -E1GE1 #aints DIE Ftd @/s% @DI GCA1D @/s% SAI$T
@/s% ASAGI
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith 8eal
Tr-640 / +*+
Sl% $o% Description of @aterials
1ecommended @A9E/-1A$D <y
+6E Sl)ice 3alve= 1efl)( 3alve= #ress)re 1elease @/s% 9I1FS9A1
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith 8eal
Sl% $o% Description of @aterials
1ecommended @A9E/-1A$D <y
16/aE Distemper= -D= Em)lsion #aint=
Synt'etic enamel #aint=
@/s% ASIA$ paints
@/s% 9A$SAI $E1FE4 #aints Ftd%
@/s% I4I #aints
@/s% -E1GE1 #aints DIE Ftd
@/s% SGAFI@A1 paints
@/s% DCFCT #aints%
<E :all care #)tty for 4oncrete/
#lastered S)rface
@/s -irla :'ite @/s L9
4ement Ftd%= @/s
Asian #aints
cE Epo(y #aint @/s% ASIA$ paints
@/s% SGAFI@A1
@/s% 4ar<oline @/s%
Ameron paints% @/s
@1/ #aints
12E E(pansion Loint fi<er -oard @/s% SGAFI@A1 Tar #rod)cts Ftd% @/s%
FFJD I$SCFATI$ @/s% Sanfilled%
@/s% 9anta fle( India #vt% Ftd%
16E Sanitary &are @/s% #A11J:A1E
@/s% 14A @/s%
17E 4%#% -rass /ittings , /i(t)res % @/s% LAGCA1 @/s%
ESS4 @/s% @ET1
@/s% #A11J:A1E%
+0E #34 /l)s'ing 4istern WH NN @/s% #A11J:A1E
@/s% 14A @/s%
GI$D:A1E @/s%
+1E #lain Glass @irror @/s% @DI /loat Glass
@/s% SAI$T 4-AI$
@/s% ASAGI
++E E:4 Seat 4over @/s% 4ommander
@/s% #A11J:A1E
@/s% GI$D:A1E
@/s% 14A
+*E S%S% Sin0 @/s% DIA@$D @/s%
$I1AFI @/s% LAGCA1
@/s% #A11J:A1E
+4E G%I% #ipe @/s% TATA @/s%
+.E G%I% /ittings @/s% STA1
@/s% LI$DAF
@/s% TATA
@/s% 1-<rand
+6E G@ Gate 3alve @/s% GI@S$
@/s% FEADE1
@/s% S9E
+2E -all 3alve @/s% #EA4
@/s% GA:A
@/s% FEADE1
Tr-640 / +**
3alve= #ress)re 1ed)cing 3alves @/s% 9A1TGA1
@/s% FEADE1
@/s% S9E
+7E 4%I% #ipe/ D%I% pipe and Specials @/s% EFE4T1STEEF
@/s% LI$DAF
@/s% FA$4
*0E 4%I% /rame , 4over @/s% DIA@$D
@/s% S:ASTI9
*1E S: #ipe , G)lly Trap @/s TA$4E@ DTA4EFE
@/s% DAF@IA @/s%
*+/aE #34 #ipe= S:1 #ipes @/s% /I$FET
@/s% T1C-1E
@/s% #1I$4E
<E #E-AF-#E #ipes D4omposite pipesE @/s LI$DAF #ipes
@/s 9ITE4 Ind)stries Ftd%=
@/s 3ISTA Associates Ftd%=
**E 4ement 4oncrete Tile @/s% CFT1A @/s%
@/s% GI$DCSTA$
-ric0s A ^
@/s% E-:
@/s% S$-
@/s A-$ @/s%
@/s% SCTGA
@/s% S3-
@/s% E-I
@/s% -F1
@/s% 311
@/s% D41
@/s% SS-
*.E /alse 4eiling Tiles
<E cE
dE eE
Gyp -oard= : #article <oard=
4ement -onded #article -oards=
4alci)m silicate -oard= @ineral /i<re -oard
, Al)mini)m #remo)ld
@/s% Anc'or
@/s% $4F
@/s -ison #anel @/s% 1amco DGile(E @/s%
Armstrong= @/s% Dia0on
@/s% F)(alon DG)nter Do)glessE @/s%
*6E 1eady @i( 4oncrete @/s% 444F 1eady mi( concrete @/s%
@/s 1D4 4oncrete DIE #vt Ftd%= @/s
Cltratec' 4oncrete
*2E Admi(t)re -AS/ - 1'eo<)ild-662+ Si0a - Si0ament
610-CT /S14 - 4$#FAST 4*0G
Grace 4onstr)ction prod)ct-AD3A100
*2E /ly As' -ric0s D/AFGE -ric0 s'all <e approved <y EI4 after
confirming t'e test res)lt relevant to IS
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith 8eal
Tr-640 / +*4
/nne:,re GDG
$ame of &or0 "
Tender $o%
Sl% $o% @ont's 4as' /lo& B
1% 1 st B
+% B
*% *
4% 4
.% B
Si*nat,re o& Tenderer 'ith Seal
Tr-640 / +*.
/nne:,re GDG
>$ $$ LCDI4IAF STA@# #A#E1 / 3AFCE 1S%
1. In consideration of t'e #resident of India D'ereinafter called HT'e GovernmentHE 'aving
offered to accept t'e terms and conditions of t'e #roposed agreement / FI
$o"8888888888888888888888888888888888888= Dated" 8888888888 made <et&een t'e
Government and8888888888888888888888888888 D$ame , Address of t'e contractorE
DGerein after called Ht'e contractor DsEHE 888888888888888888 for t'e &or0 of ;88888888888
8888888888888888888888888888888; DGerein after called Ht'e said agreementHE 'aving
agreed to prod)ction of an irrevoca<le -an0 G)arantee for 1s%888888888888888888888888
D1)pees 88888888888888888888 nlyE as a Sec)rity /#erformance G)arantee from t'e
contractorDsE for compliance of 'is o<ligations in accordance &it' t'e terms and conditions
in t'e said agreement% :e888888888888888888888888DIndicate t'e $ame , Address of
-an0E DGerein after referred to as Ht'e -an0HE 'ere<y )nderta0e to pay to t'e Government
an amo)nt not e(ceeding 1s% 8888888888888888 D1)pees 888888888888888888 onlyE on
demand <y t'e Government%
2. :e88888888888888888DIndicate t'e $ame , Address of -an0E do 'ere<y )nderta0e to pay
t'e amo)nts d)e and paya<le )nder t'is G)arantee &it'o)t any dem)re= merely on a
demand from t'e Government stating t'at t'e amo)nt claimed is reA)ired to meet t'e
recoveries d)e or li0ely to <e d)e from t'e said contractorDsE% Any s)c' demand made on
t'e -an0 s'all <e concl)sive as regards t'e amo)nt d)e and paya<le <y t'e <an0 )nder t'is
G)arantee% Go&ever= o)r lia<ility )nder t'is g)arantee s'all <e restricted to an amo)nt not
e(ceeding 1s%8888888888D1)pees8888888888888888888888onlyE%
3. :e t'e said <an0 f)rt'er )nderta0e to pay to t'e Government any money so demanded not
&it'standing any disp)te or disp)tes raised <y t'e contractorDsE in any s)it or proceeding
pending <efore any co)rt or Tri<)nal relating t'ereto= o)r lia<ility )nder t'is present <eing
a<sol)te and )neA)ivocal%
T'e payment so made <y )s )nder t'is <ond s'all <e a valid disc'arge of o)r lia<ility for
payment t'ere)nder and t'e contractorDsE s'all 'ave no claim against for ma0ing s)c'
4. :e 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 DIndicate t'e $ame ,
Address of -an0E f)rt'er agree t'at t'e g)arantee 'erein contained s'all remain in f)ll force
and effect d)ring t'e period t'at &o)ld <e ta0en for t'e performance of t'e said agreement
and t'at it s'all contin)e to <e enforcea<le till all t'e d)es of t'e Government )nder or <y
virt)e of t'e said agreement 'ave <een f)lly paid and its claims satisfied or disc'arged or till
Engineer-in-c'arge on <e'alf of t'e Government certified t'at t'e terms and conditions of
t'e said agreement 'ave <een f)lly and properly carried o)t <y t'e said contractorDsE and
accordingly disc'arges t'is G)arantee%
5. :e 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 DIndicate t'e $ame ,
Address of -an0E f)rt'er agree &it' t'e Government t'at t'e Government s'all 'ave t'e
f)llest li<erty &it'o)t o)r consent and &it'o)t effecting any manner o)r o<ligations
'ere)nder to vary any of t'e terms and conditions of t'e said agreement or to e(tend time of
performance <y t'e said contractorDsE from time to time or to postpone for any time or from
time to time any of t'e po&ers e(ercisa<le <y t'e Government against t'e said contractorDsE
and to for<ear or enforce any of t'e terms and conditions relating to t'e said agreement and
&e s'all not <e relieved from o)r lia<ility <y reason of any s)c' variation= or
Tr-640 / +*6
/nne:,re GDG
e(tension <eing granted to t'e said contractorDsE or for any for<earance= act of omission on
t'e part of t'e Government or any ind)lgence <y t'e Government to t'e said contractorDsE
or <y any s)c' matter or t'ing &'atsoever &'ic' )nder t'e la& relating to s)reties &o)ld=
<)t for t'is provision= 'ave effect of so relieving )s%
6. T'is g)arantee &ill not <e disc'arged d)e to t'e c'ange in t'e constit)tion of t'e <an0 or
t'e contractorDsE%
7. :e88888888888888888888888DIndicate t'e $ame , Address of -an0E lastly )nderta0e not
to revo0e t'is g)arantee e(cept &it' t'e previo)s consent of t'e Government in &riting%
8. T'is g)arantee s'all <e valid )pto 8888888888888888 )nless e(tended on demand <y
Government% $ot&it'standing anyt'ing mentioned a<ove= o)r lia<ility against t'is
g)arantee is restricted to 1s%888888888888888D1)pees %888888888888888888888888onlyE
and )nless a claim in &riting is lodged &it' )s &it'in si( mont's of t'e date of e(piry or t'e
e(tended date of e(piry of t'is g)arantee all o)r lia<ilities )nder t'is g)arantee s'all stand
Dated t'e8888888888888day of888888888888@ont' of88888888Jear for88888888888DIndicate
t'e $ame , Address of -an0E%
!Note: Plea8e indicate $OI No1 and date in -lace o& a*ree%ent No1 and date re8-ecti)el+#
Tr-640 / +*2
/nne:,re GEG
$ame of &or0
:or0 rder
$o% " Agreement
$o% "
tho,8and and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM <et'een MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !hereina&ter called the
G,arantor o& the other -art# and the PRESIDENT O? INDI/MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!hereina&ter
called the Go)ern%ent o& the one -art#
IAERE/S thi8 a*ree%ent i8 8,--le%entar+ to a contract !hereina&ter called the
Contractor dated and 1%ade <et'een the GD/R/NTOR O? TAE ONE P/RT /ND
GO"ERN.ENT o& the other -art5 'here<+ the Contractor5 inter alia5 ,ndertoo( to render the
<,ildin*8 and 8tr,ct,re8 in the 8aid contract recited co%-letel+ 'ater and lea( -roo&1
A$D :GE1E TGE GCA1A$T1 agreed to give a g)arantee to t'e effect t'at t'e said
str)ct)res &ill remain &ater and lea0 proof for &i)e +ear8 from t'e date of giving of &ater proofing
treatment% I I
$: TGE GCA1A$T1 'ere<y g)arantees t'at &aterproofing treatment given <y 'im &ill
render t'e str)ct)res completely lea0 proof and t'e minim)m life of s)c' &aterproofing treatment
s'all <e &i)e +ear8 to <e rec(oned &ro% the date a&ter the %aintenance -eriod -re8cri<ed in
the contract1 I
#rovided t'at t'e g)arantor &ill not <e responsi<le for lea0age ca)sed <y eart'A)a0e or
str)ct)ral defects or mis)se / alteration of str)ct)res and for s)c' p)rpose"
DaE @is)se s'all mean operation &'ic' &ill damage treatment= li0e
D<E Alteration s'all mean constr)ction of an additional str)ct)re or apart or constr)ction
adMoining to e(isting str)ct)re &'ere<y treatment is removed in parts
DcE t'e decision of t'e 4'ief Engineer= ESG= GS &it' regard to ca)se of lea0age s'all <e
D)ring t'is period of g)arantee t'e g)arantor s'all ma0e good all defects and incase of any
defect <eing fo)nd render t'e <)ilding &aterproof to t'e satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge at 'is
cost arid s'all commence t'e &or0 for s)c' rectification &it'in seven days from t'e date of iss)e of
t'e notice from t'e Engineer-in-4'arge calling )pon 'im to rectify t'e defects failing &'ic' t'e &or0
s'all <e got done <y t'e Department <y some ot'er contractor at t'e g)arantor;s cost , ris0% T'e
decision of t'e Engineer-in-4'arge as to t'e cost paya<le <y t'e G)arantor s'all <e final and
T'at if t'e G)arantor fails to e(ec)te t'e &aterproofing or commits <reac' t'ere-)nder t'en
t'e G)arantor &ill indemnify t'e #rincipal and 'is s)ccessors against all loss damage= cost e(pense
or ot'er&ise &'ic' may <e inc)rred <y 'im <y reason of any defa)lt on t'e part of t'e G)arantor in
performance and o<servance of t'is s)pplemented agreement% As to t'e amo)nt of loss and/or
Tr-640 / +*6
/nne:,re - G?G
damage and cost inc)rred <y t'e Government t'e decision of Engineer-in-4'arge &ill <e final ,
<inding on t'e parties%
I$ :IT$ESS :GE1E/ t'ese presents 'ave <een e(ec)ted <y t'e <ligator DG)arantorE
88888888888888888888for and on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India on t'e day= mont' and year first
a<ove &ritten%
SIGNED SE/$ED /ND DE$I"ERED F !O<li*ator/G,arantor# in the -re8ence o&:
Signed for and on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India in t'e presence of
Tr-640 / +*7
/nne:,re - G?G
D/or )se in cases in &'ic' t'e contract is for finis'ed &or0 and t'e contractor 'as entered in an
agreement for t'e e(ec)tion of a certain specified A)antity of &or0 in given timeE
Go)ern%ent o& India
De-art%ent o& /to%ic Ener*+
State " Tamilnad)
/d%ini8tration " Department of Atomic Energy
Di)i8ion " 4ivil Engineering Division= GS
TAIS INDENTDRE %ade the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 da+ o& 1111111111111111111111 20141111111111
ETIEEN e:-re88ion 8hall 'here the conte:t 8o ad%it8 or i%-lie8 <e dee%ed to incl,de hi8
e:ec,tor85 ad%ini8trator8 and a88i*n8# o& the one -art and the Pre8ident !hereina&ter called
the Pre8ident 'hich e:-re88ion 8hall 'here the conte:t 8o ad%it8 or i%-lie8 <e dee%ed to
incl,de hi8 8,cce88or8 in o&&ice and a88i*n8# o& the other -art1
:GE1EAS <y an agreement dated%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%D'ere in after
called t'e said agreementE t'e contractor 'as agreed%
A$D :GE1EAS t'e #resident 'as agreed to advance to t'e contractor t'e s)m of
1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% on t'e sec)rity of materials= t'e A)antities and ot'er partic)lars of &'ic' are
detailed in #art-II of a 1)nning Acco)nt -ill D-E for t'e said &or0s signed <y t'e contractor on
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%and #resident 'as reserved t 'imself t'e option of ma0ing any f)rt'er
advances on t'e sec)rity of ot'er materials <ro)g't <y t'e contactor to t'e site of t'e said &or0s%
$: TGIS I$DE$TC1E :ITG$ESSETG t'at in p)rs)ance of t'e said agreement and in
consideration of t'e s)m of 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%on or <efore t'e e(ec)tion of t'ese presents paid to
t'e contractor <y t'e #resident Dt'e receipt &'ere of t'e contractor <ot' 'ere<y ac0no&ledge and of
s)c' f)rt'er advance= if any= as may <e made to 'im as aforesaid t'e contractor <ot' 'ere<y
convenient and agree &it' t'e #resident and declare as follo&s"
1E T'at t'e said s)m of 1)pees%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%so advanced <y t'e #resident to t'e
contractor as aforesaid and all or any f)rt'er s)m or s)ms advanced as aforesaid s'all <e
employed <y t'e contractor in or to&ards e(pendit)re t'e e(ec)tion of t'e said &or0s and
for no ot'er p)rpose &'atsoever%
2) T'at t'e materials detailed in t'e said 1)nning Acco)nt -ill D-E &'ic' claims to any
materials in respect of &'ic' an advance 'as <een made to 'im as aforesaid%
3) T'at t'e materials detailed in t'e said 1)nning Acco)nt -ill D-E and all ot'er materials on
;t'e sec)rity of &'ic' any f)rt'er advance or advances may 'ereafter to <e made as
aforesaid D'ereinafter called t'e said materialsE s'all <e )sed <y t'e contractor solely in t'e
e(ec)tion of t'e said &or0s in accordance &it' t'e directions of t'e Divisional fficer of t'e
said &or0s= 4ivil Engineering Division D'ereinafter called Ht'e Divisional fficerE and in t'e
terms of t'e said agreement%
4) T'at t'e contractor s'all ma0e at 'is o&n cost all necessary and adeA)ate arrangements for
t'e proper &atc'= safe-c)stody and protections against all ris0s of t'e said materials and
t'at )ntil )sed in constr)ction as aforesaid said materials s'all remain at t'e site of t'e said
&or0s in t'e contractor;s c)stody and on 'is o&n responsi<ility and s'all at all times <e open
to inspection <y t'e Divisional fficer or any officer a)t'orised <y 'im% In t'e event of
Tr-640 / +40
/nne:,re - G?G
t'e materials or any part t'ereof <eing stolen= destroyed or damaged or <ecoming
deteriorated in a greater degree t'at is d)e to reasona<le )se and &ear t'ereof t'e
contractor &ill fort'&it' replace t'e same &it' ot'er materials of li0e A)ality or repair and
ma0e good t'e same as reA)ired <y t'e Divisional fficer%
5) T'at t'e said materials s'all not on any acco)nt <e removed from t'e site of t'e &or0s
e(cept= &it' t'e &ritten permission of t'e Divisional fficer or an officer a)t'orised <y 'im
on t'at <e'alf
6) T'at- t'e advance s'all <e repaya<le in f)ll &'en or <efore contractor receives payment
from t'e #resident of t'e price paya<le to 'im for t'e said &or0s )nder t'e terms and
provisions of t'e said agreement% #rovided t'at if= any intermediate payments are made to
t'e contractor on acco)nt of &or0 done t'ereon t'e occasion of eac' s)c' payment t'e
#resident &ill <e at li<erty to ma0e a recovery from t'e contractor;s <ill for s)c' payment <y
ded)ction t'ere from t'e val)e of t'e said materials t'an act)ally )sed in t'e constr)ction
and in respect of &'ic' recovery 'as not <een made previo)sly t'e val)e for t'is p)rpose
<eing determined in respect of t'e eac' description of materials at t'e rates at &'ic' t'e
amo)nts of t'e advances made )nder t'ese presents &ere calc)lated%
7) T'at if t'e contractor s'all at any time ma0e any defa)lt in t'e performance or o<servance in
any respect of any of t'e terms and provisions of t'e said agreement or of t'ese presents
t'e total amo)nt of t'e advance or advances &'at may still <e o&ing to t'e #resident s'all
immediately on t'e 'appening of s)c' defa)lt <e repaya<le <y t'e contractor to t'e
#resident toget'er &it' interest t'ereon at t&elve percent per ann)m from t'e date of
respective dates of s)c' advance or advances to t'e date of repayment and &it' all costs=
c'arges= damages and e(penses inc)rred <y t'e #resident in or for t'e recovery t'ereof or
t'e enforcement of t'is sec)rity or ot'er&ise <y reasons of t'e defa)lt of t'e contractor and
contractor 'ere<y covenants and agrees &it' t'e #resident to repay and pay t'e same
respectively= to 'im accordingly%
8) T'at t'e contractor 'ere<y c'arges all t'e said materials &it' t'e re-payment to t'e
#resident of India %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t'e said s)m of 1s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and any f)rt'er s)m of s)ms advanced as aforesaid and all
cost= c'arges= damages and e(penses paya<le )nder t'ese presents #13IDED AF:AJS
and it is 'ere<y agreed to declared t'at not&it'standing anyt'ing in t'e said agreement and
&it'o)t preM)dice to t'e po&ers contained t'erein if and &'enever"
a) Sei!e and )tili!e t'e said materials or any part t'ereof in t'e completion of t'e said &or0s
on <e'alf of t'e contractor in accordance &it' t'e provisions in t'at <e'alf contained in t'e
said agreement de<iting t'e %contractor &it' t'e act)al cost of effecting s)c' completion
and t'e amo)nt d)e in respect of advances )nder t'ese present and crediting t'e
contractor &it' t'e val)e of &or0 done as if 'e 'ad carried it o)t in accordance &it' t'e
said agreement and at t'e rates t'ere<y provided% If t'e <alance is against t'e contractor
'e is to pay same to t'e #resident on demand
b) 1emove and sell <y p)<lic a)ction t'e; sei!ed materials or any part t'ereof and o)t of t'e
moneys arising from t'e sale retain t'e entire s)m= aforesaid repaya<le or paya<le to t'e
#resident )nder t'ese presents and pay over t'e s)rpl)s Dif anyE to t'e contractor%
c) Ded)ct all or any; part of t'e money o&ing o)t of t'e sec)rity deposit or any s)m d)e to
t'e contractor )nder t'e said agreement%
9) T'at e(cept in t'e event of s)c' defa)lt on t'e part of t'e contractor as aforesaid interest
on t'e said advances s'all not <e paya<le%
10) T'at in t'e event of any conflict <et&een t'e provisions of t'ese presents and t'e said
;agreement t'e provisions of t'ese presents s'all prevail and t'e event of any disp)te or
difference arising over t'e constr)ction or effect of t'ese% presents t'e settlement of &'ic'
Tr-640 / +41
'as not <een 'erein <efore e(pressly provided for t'e same s'all <e referred to t'e 4'ief
Engineer= ESG= GS= Engineering Services Gro)p= time <eing in force s'all apply to any;
s)c' reference%
I$ :IT$ESS t'ereof t'e said%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%and%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<y t'e order
)nder t'e direction of t'e #resident 'ave 'ereinto set t'eir respective 'and t'e day and year first
a<ove &ritten%
Signed= sealed and delivered <y t'e said contractor in t'e presence of
<y t'e order and direction of t'e #resident in t'e presence of
Tr-640 / +4+
/nne:,re - GGG
D/or G)arantee to <e e(ec)ted <y contractors for removal of defects after completion of
Antitermite treatment &or0sE
T'is agreement made t'is %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% day of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t&o t'o)sand
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<et&een @/s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%D'ereinafter called t'e
G)arantor of t'e one partE and t'e #1ESIDE$T / I$DIA D'ereinafter called t'e Government of
t'e ot'er partE%
:'ereas t'is agreement is s)pplementary to t'e contract D'ereinafter called t'e contractE
dated %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%made <et&een t'e G)arantor of t'e one part and Government of t'e ot'er
part= &'ere<y t'e contractor= inter-alia )ndertoo0 to render t'e <)ildings and str)ct)res completely
termite proof%
And &'ereas t'e g)arantor agreed to give a g)arantee to t'e effect t'at t'e said str)ct)re &ill
remain termite proof for &i)e +ear8 to <e rec(oned &ro% the date a&ter the %aintenance -eriod
-re8cri<ed in the contract1
D)ring t'is period of g)arantee t'e G)arantor s'all ma0e good all defects and for t'at matter=
s'all replace at 'is ris0 and cost s)c' &ooden mem<ers as may <e damaged <y termites= and in
case of any ot'er defect <eing fo)nd 'e s'all render t'e <)ilding termite proof at 'is cost to t'e
satisfaction of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge= and s'all commence t'e &or0s of s)c' rectification &it'in
seven days from date of iss)ing notice form t'e Engineer-in-c'arge calling )pon 'im to rectify t'e
defects= failing &'ic' t'e &or0 s'all <e got done <y t'e department <y some ot'er contractor at t'e
g)arantor;s cost and ris0= and in t'e later case t'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge as to t'e cost
recovera<le from t'e g)arantor s'all <e final and <inding%
T'at if t'e G)arantor fails to e(ec)te t'e anti-termite treatment or commits <reac'es
'ere)nder t'en t'e g)arantor &ill indemnify principal and 'is s)ccessors against all loss= damage=
cost= e(pense or ot'er&ise &'ic' may <e inc)rred <y 'im <y reason of any defa)lt on t'e part of
t'e G)arantor in #erformance and o<servance of t'is s)pplemental agreement% As to t'e amo)nt of
loss and/or damage and/or cost inc)rred <y t'e Government= t'e decision of t'e Engineer-in-c'arge
&ill <e final and <inding on t'e parties%
In &itness &'ereof t'ese presents 'ave <een e(ec)ted <y t'e <ligator%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%and <y
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for and on <e'alf of t'e #resident of India on t'e day= mont' and year first
a<ove &ritten%
Signed= sealed and delivered <y D-FIGAT1E in t'e presence of" 1%
Signed for and on <e'alf of t'e president of India <y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in
t'e presence of%
Tr-640 / +4*

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