Team Lease PVT Ltd.

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About Us
TeamLease Services Private Ltd is Indias largest and foremost people supply chain and HR Services ompany!
"stablished in #$$#% TeamLease provides corporate clients a one stop solution for all their staffing and HR
re&uirements' offering a gamut of services! (ver the last decade% )e have emerged as a preferred service partner
to a ma*ority of leading Indian and multi+national companies!
(ur three legged service offering has been designed ,eeping in mind three most critical needs in todays conte-t'
needs both of orporate India as )ell as India as a )hole!
Hiring. Temp Staffing as )ell as on rolls hiring' non technical as )ell as technical hiring!
Hygiene: /anaging Payroll% ompliances and HR Administration for temp employees' Payroll Process
(utsourcing' and comprehensive Regulatory and Labour La) support services
Productivity: A )ell crafted platform for Assessments% Training and certification to ensure a productive )or,force!
0ith our corporate office in 1angalore and other full fledged offices in /umbai% 2elhi% hennai% Hyderabad%
3ol,atta% Ahmadabad and Pune% TeamLease has a national footprint )ith 4$%$$$ deputed employees across more
than 5#$$ locations! 0e engage )ith more than ##$$ orporate lients and )or, across industry verticals
catering to re&uirements of leading names in 16SI% 6/7 and onsumer 2urables% Retail% Telecom% IT% 1P( and
IT"S% Automobiles% Services% /anufacturing% "ngineering and several other sectors!
(ffering a gamut of services that include Temporary Staffing% Permanent Recruitments% Payroll Process
(utsourcing% Regulatory ompliance Services% Training and Assessments' TeamLease is probably the only
integrated HR services provider% offering corporate customers an end to end solution!
As an organisation TeamLease is committed to offering an enhanced value proposition to its clients by focusing on
process and technological innovation% complete adherence to compliances and customer satisfaction! 0e
benchmar, the &uality of our service delivery on parameters of accuracy and timeliness% customer centricity%
adherence to regulatory compliances and agreed client specific SLAs! 0e have invested consistently
in People% Technology and Processes in order to successfully deliver on our ob*ective of value creation for our
As one of the largest remitters of statutory dues in the country% )e contribute nearly #8 of Indias "SI and have
been given t)ice a Samman Patra by the 6inance /inistry for maintaining the highest levels of compliance levels
)ith regard to 2irect and Indirect Ta-es! TeamLease is also
Taking care of time Management and Master data Updation and Part Payroll
Using SAP software.
Doing Salary Register Every month.
Updating ank And PA! details in SAP.
Sending Pay slip to the employees.
"o#"oordinating with location head and getting attendance on Daily $asis.
Uploading p%nch data and &ver time 'o%rs.
SAP End User.
Entering forms like(
)eave forms and Attendance Reg%li*ation forms.
Earned leave And )TA +orms.
,enerating Reports from SAP
Monthly E-ception Report.
&vertime Reports.
Prod%ctive and non Prod%ctive reports.
+inal preparation of Average monthly ho%rs of time management System.
Updating !ew hiring details in SAP.'R/
Preparation of man power Report.
Reg%lar contact with Regional delivery center.
Updating master data inp%ts in SAP like(
Ed%cation details.

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