Essay - Hiv

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REPORT WRITING - HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) / Acquired Immune

Deficiency Syndrome AIDS

The HIV virus poses one of the biggest viral threats to human society today . The
virus is a very dangerous disease that sees no race, no color, no gender, no economic
background and not even a specific age group. AIDS stands for what is called Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The virus causes the body's immune system to break down
and become useless in fighting illness and bacteria. There are many ways for a person to
acquire AIDS in their body.
According to my research, HIV and Aids can be transmitted several different ways.
Some of those ways include sexual intercourse, sharing needles, or by the contact of HIV-
infected bodily fluids and an open wound. It cannot permeate though intact skin, hence it
cannot be spread through informal contact. A HIV infected mother can spread the virus to
her baby before, during or after birth through infected breast milk.
There are few suggestion to prevent ourselves from AIDS. First of all, needles and
syringes can easily carry HIV from one person to another. Never use recreational drugs
which use needles and never use any needles not given to you by your doctor. Next, try to
use protection. Only engage in unprotected sex if you are in a mutually monogamous
relationship in which both you and your partner are uninfected by HIV. This is the most
important part of preventing HIV.
Even after a person is infected from AIDS, there are some recommendation for them to
keep their illness in control. While there is no cure for HIV, medications are prescribed to
stop HIV from replicating, so patients can manage the condition and live healthy lives. Some
drugs stop the virus maturing and leaving the cells. None of these drugs cures HIV infection
or AIDS, although when used in combination they can delay the appearance of symptoms,
perhaps indefinitely. However, not everyone in the world infected with HIV can afford, or get
access to, these drugs.

As a result, the lack of knowledge in todays world is a major issue. It is causing the
spread of many dangerous health problems. Yes, people hear about it but however, the
spread continues. With higher knowledge of everything that goes hand and hand with it, the
spread can be put to a stop. HIV/AIDS Awareness is the most effective way to end the
worldwide spread of this killer disease.

( 394 words )

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