Waste Management Practices of An Educational Institution
Waste Management Practices of An Educational Institution
Waste Management Practices of An Educational Institution
4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Waste Management Practices of an Educational Institution
Carlo M. Punongbayan, Sheena P. Abu, MarrielDanise P. Arago, Michelle G. Caponpon, Alyssa Marie C.
Geron, Maela P. Leyesa, Jennie Margaret Apritado, Abigail Manzano
Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management Graduates, College of International Tourism
and Hospitality Management, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines
Date Received: July 15, 2014; Date Published: September 15, 2014
Abstract - The study aimed to assess the waste
management practices of LPU-B. Specifically, it
determined the level of effectiveness of Waste
Management Practices of LPU-B in terms of: collection
strategies, disposal and recovery and processing of
waste materials; determined the problems encountered
on waste disposal practices tested the significant
difference on Waste Management Practices in LPU-B
and finally, proposed an action plan that will improve
the Waste Management Practices of LPU-B.
This research utilized descriptive method of
research. The descriptive research is also known as
statistical research that describes data and
characteristic about what practices, level of
effectiveness and recovery and processing. The
respondents of the study were the staff and heads of
different offices/department. One hundred and one
(101) respondents were chosen randomly and
purposively. The researchers used a questionnaire as
the main gathering instrument.
The researchers concluded that waste
management practices of LPU-Bwas effective in terms
of collection, disposable, recovery and processing as
perceived by the respondents. Problems occurred
specifically that disposal areas of waste materials were
not strategically located. Moreover, means of
recovering and reusing such waste were not strictly
Keywords Waste Management LPU-B collection,
disposal and processing and recovery.
Batangas City is a progressive community which
provides a peaceful and clean and a high value for the
environment and above all God fearing community. The
local government of the city proposed projects and
plans for the conservation of the environment. It
promulgated an Act, Environment Code (E-Code) last
October 27-31, 2011.And license received a Gold
Award in the Project Category in the International
Awards for Liveable Communities (LivCom)
Competition which was held at Songpa, Seoul, South
Korea and was recognized as a Model Eco-City by the
Philippine National Solid Waste Commission, and
considered as the First Class City Category of the
According to Perez, (2011) segregating the waste is
also doing part in waste management. Avoidance of
having trash is one way of lessening the garbage
problem in the country. Using materials that are
environmental friendly, to minimize and solve the
garbage problems of the Philippines. On the other side,
the focus on economic growth has led as to take
environmental management for granted. Solid waste
became the most visible environmental problem in the
country, and has remained so for years.
A management to that can help planners study
objectively and make rational decisions as to the best
alternative strategic options of managing, recovering
and utilizing the vast quantity of solid waste is a very
important investment (Guzman, et.al 2010).
The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Batangas City
promulgated an ordinance in the E-Code providing for
the Environment Code of Batangas City. Ordinance No.
16, Series of 2010.
This code shall be known and cited as the
Environment Code of Batangas City, and shall be
commonly referred to as E-Code.
As stated in Section 82: Under the ECODE
ordinance of Batangas the Batangas City Solid Waste
Management Plan shall contain strategies that promote
waste minimization at source, community-based or
cluster-based solid waste segregation, ecologically
sound sanitary temporary storage, safe and secure waste
collection method, efficient and effective transport
schemes, market-based disposal fees that would sustain
operations of sanitary landfill, specific for the following
major sources of solid wastes: included in the ordinance
that the households on the residential houses within
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
subdivisions, apartments and condominiums. The
Sangguniang Panlungsod shall enact
resolutions/ordinances recognizing Eco-waste Clusters
and deputizing cluster leaders as recommended by the
City ENRO. The barangay cluster leaders shall be
authorized to recommend to the Sangguniang
Panlungsod guidelines for the solid waste management
plan. These guidelines may also include collection of
fees, fines and penalties including the proposed
utilization schemes for income generated by each
Also all industries located inside the City shall be
mandated, for offshore industries, the solid waste
management to establish their own waste disposal
facilities or in the alternative, enter into contract with
solid waste disposal facilities of private operators or of
the City. Plan shall include provisions for safe
collection and transport of solid waste from plant to
They shall be required to establish their own solid
waste disposal facilities in the mainland or may enter
into contract with solid waste disposal facilities of
private operators or of the City.
Furthermore, the commercial establishments cover
business establishments offering services such as food
and short- term accommodation, selling and or trading
processed goods, vehicle repairs and maintenance,
students and office needs services shops and stalls,
coastal resorts, garage and port operators and other as
may be identified later.
According to Baula (as cited in Bussala, 2010) the
participation is the key when the students are involved
in the waste management program of the school, an
effective and sustainable implementation of the waste
management practices is achieved. The support of the
schools administration to the waste management is also
One of the issues discovered by Barrows and
Griffin (2010) in their study was the lack of
documentation on the part of the school regarding the
implementation of the waste management practices
such as recycling. For this reason, researchers in the
past had difficulty obtaining full and accurate data.
Barrows and Griffin asserted that the first step to
improving waste management in schools is to improve
their accountability, and similarly, the regulations
placed on them.
Waste management includes strategy system to
have proper collection, segregation and proper disposal
of waste. Everywhere in many sectors from hospitals,
factories, manufacturing companies, Government/
private offices, hospitality establishments or even in the
households have their own waste management
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
(LPU-B) is committed to its continuous improvement;
LPU-B is also the first school in the region to receive a
school-wide ISO 9001:2000 accreditation, signifying
the schools compliance to quality management
standards, (Wowbatangas.com) and (Lyceum of the
Philippines University Manual).
LPU-B is dedicated in providing quality education
and never stops in upgrading the facilities and
enhancing the curriculum to produce high caliber
graduates. With all this, the University exert effort on
other areas on non- academic aspects for the betterment
of the entire LPU-Bs community. Thus, Waste
Management Practices of Lyceum is included,
In fact, LPU-B is fully implementing the 5s
program or simply the five-step process (sort, set in
order, shine, standardized and sustain) in each offices
and departments. The selected auditors rate and audit
each of the departments/offices who qualifiesto the
standards of 5s program. The 5s award will be given to
those who able to meet the criteria.
In the hospitality industry, Waste Management is
essential to implement and notice at all times. The
positive result has a great effect on the behavior
side/operation. The researchers as a tourism student
soon to be part of the hospitality industry would like to
know the waste management practices, its system and
how it affects our environment, how important waste
management system and if there is risk factors of waste
management practice to humanity.
With this, the researchers will make a further study
to contribute for the improvement of waste management
system of LPU-B. To prevent the grave effect of
improper waste management that can lead to the
destruction of the environment. In this way the
researchers can somehow help the community in
environmental preservation by providing and utilizing
the results of the study.
This research focused on the Waste Management
Practices of LPU-B. Specifically, it aimed to determine
the level of effectiveness of Waste Management
Practices of LPU-B in terms of: collection strategies,
disposal and recovery and processing of waste
materials. Furthermore, to determine the problems
encountered on waste disposal practices and to identify
if there is significant difference on Waste Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Practices in LPU-B. Finally, to propose an action plan
that will improve the Waste Management Practices of
Research Design
This research utilized descriptive method of
research. The descriptive research is also known as
statistical research that describes data and
characteristics about what practices, level of
effectiveness and recovery and processing. It answers
that question who, what, where, and how. This kind of
research also deals with the present existing condition
and data gathering (Beredo et al.,2013).
The respondents of the study were the staff and
heads of different offices/department. Respondents
were chosen randomly and purposively. A total 101
respondents were surveyed in the study.
In order to obtain the necessary data, the
researchers used a questionnaire as the main gathering
instrument. The questionnaire was self-structured
patterned from books and studies of similar topics. The
questionnaire is composed of three parts. Part 1
involved the respondents department/office where
he/she belongs. Part 2 deals with the effectiveness of
the existing waste management practices of LPU-B.
Part 3 is consist of the problems encountered in the
waste management practices in LPU-B.
In order to obtain information about waste
management the researchers utilized the library, online
resources, and data searching online. After series of
consultations and reviews, the questionnaire was
finalized by the faculty member of the department of
College of International Tourism and Hospitality
Management. The researcher distributed the
questionnaires to the respondents in order to identify
and get the answer to the questions stated in the
objectives of the study.
Data Analysis
All data gathered were presented graphically to
interpret the result and descriptive statistics such
frequency distribution and weighted mean were used.
Frequency distribution and weighted mean and ranking
were utilized to determine the waste management
practices of LPU-B in terms of: collections, disposal
and recovery and processing. Also, to identify the
problems encountered in waste management practices.
Pearson r is the most commonly used method of
computing a correlation coefficient between variables
that are linearly related, it is used to analyze if there
significant relationships among the different waste
management practices being employed by LPU B.
For certain responses in the study, the following
scale and its corresponding verbal interpretations were
used: 3.50 4.00: Highly Effective (HE)/ Strongly
Agree (SA); 2.50 3.49: Effective (E)/Agree (A); 1.50
2.49: Moderately Effective (ME)/ Disagree (D); 1.00
1.49: Not Effective (NE)/Strongly Disagree (SD).
Table 1. Effectiveness of the Existing Waste Management Practices (N=101)
Collection Practices WM VI Rank
1. Waste Materials are collected according to the schedule. 3.31 E 2
2. Waste Materials are collected during weekends and even during holidays. 3.02 E 6
3. Departments are informed on the days when garbage are to be collected. 3.05 E 5
4. No garbage are left uncollected on the scheduled time.
2.97 E 9
5. Waste Materials are collected in designated area. 3.27 E 3
6. Medical Waste are place in appropriate container located throughout medical department
facility at time of generation. (if applicable)
3.14 E 4
7. Wastes are collected by the maintenance staff. 3.40 E 1
8. Infectious Waste, chemical waste, toxic substances are collected together, regardless of
whether or not they are contaminated. (if applicable)
3.01 E 7
9. Grease trap, kitchen waste, are collected by authorized staff in strong, leak proof
containers that are clearly label. (if applicable)
3.00 E 8
Composite Mean 3.13 E
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
Table 1 shows the effectiveness of the existing
waste management practices in terms of collection. All
items yield from 2.97 to 3.40 weighted mean with
moderately effective verbal interpretation. The waste
are collected by the maintenance staff ranked first with
3.40 weighted mean while no garbage are left
uncollected on the scheduled time ranked last with 2.97
weighted mean, both statements with effective verbal
interpretation. The composite mean of 3.13, verbally
interpreted as moderately effective suggests that
respondents are sensible enough about the collection
practices of the wastes.
Every college, offices and building itself have
assigned maintenance personnel to do the cleaning,
collecting and disposing of waste as the classes and
offices ended each day. That complements to waste
materials are collected according to the schedule ranked
as no 2. Though no garbage are left un collected on the
schedule time ranked lowest but with verbal
interpretation of effective.
In order to the local community to participate in
waste management services the municipality of
Bhaktapur has overall responsibility in inspecting and
facilitating effective waste management. The
municipality allocates one ways inspector to each of the
wards. (Practical Action Nepal November 2008)
In addition, staff management of the Bhaktapur
municipality the monitoring of streets sweeping and
waste collections are very effective because
municipalities staff work in the area where they deal.
Furthermore, the study of Dimaculangan (2009)
shows that the wastes being disposed can be recovered
and reused. It is also possible to design and construct
material recovery facilities or M.R.F fort the solid waste
The effectiveness of the existing waste management
practices in terms of disposal is presented in Table 2.
All items yield from 3.03 to 3.31 weighted mean with
effective verbal interpretation. Waste are disposed in
the designated area and are not disposed in rivers,
canals and vacant lots ranked first while leftovers are
disposed in the trash bins ranked last. The composite
mean of 3.18, verbally interpreted as effective indicated
that respondents were conscious enough about the
disposal practices of wastes.
The result revealed and showed consistency on:
Waste disposal in the designated collection area as it
tied to waste materials are not disposed to rivers, canals,
sea or vacant lots. This show how waste management
system is being practiced by lyceum a whole.
Table 2. Effectiveness of the Existing Waste
Management Practices
Disposal Practices WM VI Rank
1. Waste Materials are not
disposed to rivers, canals,
sea, or vacant lots.
3.31 E 1.5
2. Disposal of waste materials
are being done through
bidding process.
3.11 E 7
3. Waste Materials are disposed
according to the methods
prescribed by the
3.21 E 4.5
4. Waste Materials are disposed
properly in the designated
trash bins.
3.24 E 3
5. Waste are disposed
according to schedule.
3.16 E 6
6. Leftovers are disposed in
separate trash bins.(if
3.03 E 9
7. Waste are disposed in the
designated collection area.
3.31 E 1.5
8. Infectious Waste, chemical
waste, sharps waste, toxic
substances are disposed
3.21 E 4.5
9. Kitchen waste, infectious
waste, chemical waste, sharp
waste, toxic substances,
medical waste are disposed
in marked high-density
garbage bags. (if applicable)
3.07 E 8
Composite Mean
3.18 E
In the study made by Baula(2010) wherein when
student are involve in the waste management program
an effective and sustainable implementation of the
waste management practices are achieved. Moreover,
the faculty are the promoters and must be the leaders of
the schools waste management program in order for
the students to follow.
According to Practical action Nepal 2008 the
residents of Nepal are expressing their desire to develop
final disposal system with the help of the municipalities
promotion of waste reduction, reuse and recycling
among local communities would be match easier by the
same token, 58 municipalities in various part of the
country are providing effective house to house waste
collection services and some are making good progress
towards finalist disposal.
Through the help of five steps process or 5s the
principle in is improved safety, efficiency and employee
morale. The result of 5s are both visually and
economically dramatic where in it eliminates waste full
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
platter and creates owner ship of process among
In the study, of Perez, 2011 avoidance of having
trash is one way of lessening the garbage problem in the
country. Using materials that are environmental
friendly, community can help in minimizing and even
solving the garbage problems of the Philippines.
Table 3. Effectiveness of the Existing Waste
Management Practices
Recovery and Processing
WM VI Rank
1. Practice 3R. (Reuse,
Reduce, Recycle)
2. Using 5S. (Sort, Set in
Order, Shine, Standardized,
3.45 E 1
3. Full implementation of
MRF. (Material Recovery
3.32 E 2
Composite Mean 3.35 E
Table 3 presented the effectiveness of the existing
waste management practices in terms of recovery and
processing. Based from the table, the respondents are
aware in the recovery and processing of the wastes.
This statement is attested by the composite mean of
3.35, with using 5s as first, full implementation of
materials recovery facility as 2
, and practice of 3r as
. This means that the management is determined to
turn wastes into new reusable thing or object.
As presented in the above tables about the
effectiveness of the existing waste management
practices of LPU - B, it can be viewed that the recovery
has the highest weighted mean (3.35), followed by
disposal (3.18), and the collection (3.13) as last. This
means that respondents are aware of the waste
management practices. Further, it attested that the
school officials fully understand the significance of the
implementation of proper and order waste disposal
According to the study of Furto and Reyes (2010),
residents of Batangas City, in general, moderately
implement the solid waste management practices in
their communities. The residents practiced fully the
feeding of left over foods to pets. Selling of bottles,
plastics, cans and other scraps to junkshops; avoiding
the use of toxic and hazardous materials and chemicals;
collection of garbage by municipal trucks; reuse of
reusable materials; segregation of biodegradable from
non-biodegradable wastes and acquisition of sanitary
landfill are practiced to a moderate level. Practices such
as reducing waste generation, composting and recycling
are implemented slightly.
Table 4. Problems Encountered in the Existing
Waste Management Practices
Problems Encountered WM VI Rank
1. Disposal area is not
strategically located.
2.15 MA 1
2. None compliance of the
2.02 MA 4
3. 5S/3r is not strictly
2.06 MA 2
4. Waste Materials are not
properly disposed.
1.90 MA 7
5. Delayed schedules of
1.99 MA 6
6. No designated area for
disposal of infectious
waste/chemical wastes.
2.03 MA 3
7. No safe disposal of infectious
waste, toxic waste, sharps
waste, chemical waste,
pressurized container and
radioactive waste. (if
2.00 MA 5
Composite Mean 2.02 MA
The problems encountered in the effectiveness of
the waste management practices are presented in Table
4. All items yield from 1.90 2.15 and is interpreted
verbally as Moderately Agree. Disposal area are not
strategically located ranked 1
while waste materials are
not properly disposed ranked 7
.The composite mean of
2.02, verbally interpreted as Moderately Agree, showed
that collection, disposal, and recovery and processing of
waste, though they are means of doing it, are
moderately practiced and implemented.
The finding is synonymous with Furto and Paz
(2013) study. The residents of Batangas City
encountered problems in the implementation of Solid
Waste Management practices to a moderate level such
as lack of awareness regarding the effects of solid waste
management to health, lack of training on proper solid
waste management practices, public indifference,
increasing population and inadequate government
Other problems were encountered at a minimum
level and these are the non operation of a good
disposal facility, irresponsible government officials,
rapid urbanization, and inefficient collection of garbage.
Further, the similar result from Bhaktapur faced
numerous problems from poor response for its effort to
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 4 | September 2014
P-ISSN 2362 8022 | E-ISSN 2362 8030 | www.apjeas.apjmr.com
encourage waste minimization at source. One of the
major problems is that the waste management work
force is too small to enable the municipality to achieve
its vision. Similar with the present studies of the
researchers department of offices did not complied that
match to the vision of the project. Moreover, the
municipality of Bhaktapur charges a very nominal
yearly fee for waste management in so thus not have
sufficient in count to fund needed investment.
The municipality Tribhuvannagar encountered
poor response from citizens to waste minimizations
initiatives due to shortage of waste management staffs
and lack of authority of the community development
section to make financial and administrative decisions
and implement enforcement measures. Similar to the
presents study of the researchers problem encountered
are delayed schedules of collection disposal area are not
strategically located, none compliance of the
department or offices and 5s/3r is not strictly
Table 5. Correlation of the Existing Waste
Management Practices
r value
p -
Collection-Disposal 0.662** 0.000 Significant
and Processing
0.591** 0.000 Significant
Disposal - Recovery
and Processing
0.626** 0.000 Significant
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed);
Legend: Significant at p-value< 0.05
Table 5 reveals the correlation of the existing waste
management practices of LPU - B when paired. It can
be viewed that practices when paired exhibited from
moderate to strong positive correlation ranging from
0.591 to 0.662 r values. Based form the result, the
computed p values were all less than the 0.05 level of
significance, thus the alternative hypothesis of
significant relationship between waste management
practices is accepted. This means that if level of
collection practices on waste management is high, the
disposal and recovery and processing practices will also
be high.
The Waste Management practices of LPU-B are
effective in terms of collection, disposable, recovery
and processing as perceived by the respondents. The
respondents are moderately agreed that there are
problems occurring in the waste management practices
of LPU-B, specifically that disposal area of waste
materials is not strategically located. Moreover, though
there are means of recovering and reusing such waste
but there were not strictly implemented. There are
significant relationships in the waste management
practices of LPU-B in terms of collection, disposal and
recovery and processing. The researchers proposed an
action plan for the improvement of waste management
practices in LPU-B.
It is recommended that the implementation of waste
disposal, collection and proper segregation of Waste
may strictly be implemented and monitored in all
offices/colleges. School officials/Management PFMO
may conduct regular assessments and evaluation on the
programs supporting Waste Management Practices.
Seminars may be conducted to keep them abreast with
the current technologies on waste management
practices. Disciplinary actions/ sanctions may be given
for those who violate the rules and regulations on waste
management practices of LPU-B through community
service and sponsoring seminars/forums regarding
waste management practices. Future researcher may
conduct similar study using different variables.
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