Bachelor of Vision Science

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Future domestic students

Bachelor of Vision Science

Year 2015
QUT code OP45
QTAC code 425312
Duration 3 years full time
OP 2
Rank 98
Total credit
Start months February
Domestic fee
2015: CSP $4,400 per
Study Period (48 credit
Course contact [email protected]
3138 2000
Campus Kelvin Grove
Accurate as at 23/09/2014. For the latest information see:
This PDF contains information about the course structure. For more information about the course
see the course information PDF
2015 Semester 1 (Feb) entry - Full-
2015 Semester 1 (Feb) entry -
Year 1, Semester 1
Year 1, Semester 2
Year 2, Semester 1
Year 2, Semester 2
Year 3, Semester 1
Year 3, Semester 2
Code Title
Year 1, Semester 1
CZB190 Chemistry for Health Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics for Medical
PUB104 Australian Health Care Systems
LQB182 Human Cell & Molecular Biology
Year 1, Semester 2
LSB255 Foundations of Anatomy and Histology
LSB250 Human Physiology
PCB150 Biomedical Physics
PYB007 Interpersonal Processes and Skills
Year 2, Semester 1
CSB520 Disease Processes
OPB352 Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 3
OPB353 Ophthalmic Optics 3
PCB240 Optics 1
Year 2, Semester 2
LSB384 Pharmacology For Health Professionals
OPB351 Visual Science 3
OPB452 Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 4
OPB453 Ophthalmic Optics 4
Year 3, Semester 1
OPB451 Visual Science 4
OPB550 Diseases of the Eye 5
OPB556 Assessment of Vision 5
OPB654 Ocular Pharmacology
Year 3, Semester 2
LSB492 Microbiology
Code Title
OPB557 Binocular Vision
OPB650 Diseases of the Eye 6
OPB656 Assessment of Vision 6
Unit Synopses
CSB520 Disease Processes
Anti-requisites LSB321, LSB361, LSB367
Equivalents LSB475
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1
Clinical health professionals work in multi
disciplinary teams within the health care
system to provide optimal care to
individuals and communities. The nature
and standards of professional practice are
determined by government and professional
organisations, and the scope of clinical
practice for clinicians evolves in response to
community needs. There is a community
expectation that clinical health care
professionals will be effective
communicators who engage in ethical
practice that is continually improved through
ongoing reflection. This unit introduces
students to these concepts as they apply to
professional practice.
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CZB190 Chemistry for Health
Anti-requisites CVB101, CVB102
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1, SEM-2
The study of chemistry forms an important
foundation for all students of the health
sciences. The organisation of the human
body begins with chemicals (atoms and
molecules) making up its simplest or
smallest scale level of organisation.
Chemistry allows us to understand how
cells, tissues and organs are formed, how
Bachelor of Vision Science
these substances react with each other and their environment,
and how these substances behave. This unit will develop the
essential concepts of chemistry necessary for students studying
health and biological science with topics introduced and applied
in a contextualised manner relevant to their disciplines. As part
of your early biomedical science training, you need to explore
the chemical composition of the human body and have an
understanding of chemical processes relevant to biology. This
unit will form an essential foundation to further study in the areas
of health sciences.
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LQB182 Human Cell & Molecular Biology
Anti-requisites SCB122
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1
Human Cell and Molecular Biology equips you with a
comprehensive understanding of the molecular structure and
function of the cell. This unit introduces the basic principles and
concepts of cell structure, function, specialisation, maintenance
and replication, and introduces you to fundamental molecular
mechanisms important to the organisation of the cell. You will be
shown how macromolecular interactions are crucial to
information flow and heredity. You are taught the relationships
between chromosomes, genes and cellular function and
ultimately how these may determine an organism's phenotype.
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LSB250 Human Physiology
Pre-requisites SCB112 or LSB118 or LSB131 or LQB182 or LSB142
Anti-requisites LSB231
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-2
A strong foundation in human physiology is crucial for students
in Optometry, Podiatry and Medical Science. This unit will
provide you with the necessary foundation for subsequent units
in physiology, pathology or immunology. This unit is also
appropriate for other students interested in studying medical
physiology at an intermediate level and is also designed to
encourage your interest in scientific research and current issues
in medical physiology. The aim of this unit is for students to gain
a strong a background in human physiology and to develop skills
and gain knowledge that are relevant to the needs of future
optometrists, podiatrists and medical scientists.
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LSB255 Foundations of Anatomy and Histology
Pre-requisites SCB112 or LQB182
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-2
A detailed understanding of human anatomy is fundamental to
the knowledge base of the medically orientated biological
scientist. This unit introduces you to both theoretical and
practical aspects of gross, systemic and microscopic anatomy of
the human body with emphasis on the microscopic anatomy.
The unit builds upon knowledge gained in previous units which
introduced you to basic principles of cell structure and function.
Knowledge gained in this unit provides a basis for more
advanced studies in cellular pathology, histochemistry and
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LSB384 Pharmacology For Health Professionals
(LSB111 or LSB282 or LSB382 (NS40) or (LSB475 or
CSB520 (OP45) or LQB281 (CS43))) or (LSB235 and
LSB250 (PU43 Podiatry))
Credit Points 12
- SEM-2
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1, SEM-2
Health professionals such as Nurses, Paramedics, Podiatrists
and Optometrists require a detailed understanding of the
pharmacological properties of the medicines that are used daily
in the treatment of patients under their care. This unit introduces
students to the discipline of pharmacology by examining the
interaction of drugs with biological systems. An understanding of
pharmacology is fundamental to a students understanding of
pharmaceutical products in terms of efficacy and safety and
provides a rationale for their therapeutic use.
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LSB492 Microbiology
Anti-requisites LQB301
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-2
This unit will provide you with foundation knowledge and an
understanding of the diversity of microorganisms, the hosts
immune response to infection and methods of control of
microorganisms. You will: (i) study relevant infectious disease
states, (ii) research the importance of microbial pathogens as
aetiological agents of disease, and (iii) reinforce your knowledge
of microorganisms and methods of control of microorganisms by
performing experiments within the microbiology laboratory.
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MAB141 Mathematics and Statistics for Medical
Anti-requisites MAN101, MAB101
Equivalents MAB140
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1
This unit provides you with the essential grounding in
mathematical and statistical concepts, methods and analysis of
data used in units you will encounter later in your course, and
relevant to medical science laboratory data and situations in
pharmacy, vision science, biomedical science and medical
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OPB351 Visual Science 3
Pre-requisites OPB352 and OPB353
Co-requisites OPB452 and OPB453
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This unit includes a study of the basic visual sciences that
underpins the practice of optometry. It covers the optics of the
eye, including its basic design, dimensions and retinal quality as
well as the psychophysical principles of vision.
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Bachelor of Vision Science
OPB352 Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 3
Pre-requisites LSB250 and LSB255
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This unit provides information on the ocular anatomy and
physiology that underlies the functional measurements made in
optometry and their interpretation. It includes the structure and
function of the anterior eye and orbit.
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OPB353 Ophthalmic Optics 3
Pre-requisites (MAB141 or MAB233) and PCB150
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
Ophthalmic Optics is a fundamental area of Vision Science and
Optometry, as a majority of problems deal with in these fields
require optical solutions. It provides much of the optical basis for
other units in the Optometry and Vision Science course dealing
with optics, and thus is placed early in the course.
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OPB451 Visual Science 4
Pre-requisites OPB351and OPB452
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This subject continues studies commenced in OPB351, and
provides students with an understanding of spatial, temporal,
colour and binocular vision, and their influence on visual
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OPB452 Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 4
Pre-requisites OPB352
Co-requisites OPB351
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This is a continuation of OPB352. The unit covers the posterior
eye, orbit, neural pathways, eye movements, neurophysiology of
vision and an introduction to electrophysiological techniques.
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OPB453 Ophthalmic Optics 4
Pre-requisites PCB240 and OPB353
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This unit provides information on the ocular anatomy and
physiology that underlies the functional measurements made in
optometry and their interpretation. It includes the structure and
function of the anterior eye and orbit.
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OPB550 Diseases of the Eye 5
Pre-requisites (CSB520 or LSB475) and OPB452
Co-requisites OPB654
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This unit provides students with a knowledge and understanding
of relevant general diseases and those that affect the eye. It
includes general disease principles and processes, referral
procedures, genetics, congenital, dystrophic and degenerative
eye disease, and the ocular manifestation of general disease.
[Designated Unit]
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OPB556 Assessment of Vision 5
Pre-requisites OPB351 and OPB453 and PYB007
Co-requisites OPB451
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This unit addresses the theory and practice of a number of
clinical procedures which are used in eye examination: visual
acuity measurement, external and internal examination of the
eyes, subjective refraction, and tonometry. Students are also
introduced to communication with patients, and the
communication principles and skills in taking a case history.
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OPB557 Binocular Vision
Pre-requisites OPB451 and OPB556
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This unit covers the different types of refractive errors and what
to expect in different age groups, and the types of binocular
vision and accommodation anomalies frequently found in the
population. A suite of procedures to investigate binocular and
accommodation anomalies is covered.
View unit details online | View unit timetable
OPB650 Diseases of the Eye 6
Pre-requisites OPB451 and OPB550 and OPB556
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This is a continuation of OPB550 and covers the ocular
manifestations of general disease, neuro-ophthalmology,
glaucoma, inflammations/infections, tumours and trauma.
View unit details online | View unit timetable
OPB654 Ocular Pharmacology
Pre-requisites OPB452 and LSB384
Co-requisites OPB550
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This unit provides students with the appropriate knowledge of
pharmaceutical agents used to examine the eye and to treat eye
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OPB656 Assessment of Vision 6
Pre-requisites OPB556
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-2
This unit introduces the student to the theory and practice of
further core clinical techniques of vision assessment. The
integration of these core clinical techniques with the basic
Bachelor of Vision Science
techniques learned previously gives students a thorough
knowledge of all aspects of routine patient management.
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PCB150 Biomedical Physics
Anti-requisites PVB101
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-2
Professionals in the applied sciences require an understanding
of the processes of making and recording measurements and an
understanding of the physical principles that govern the
behaviour of both the physical parameters being measured and
the instrument being used to make the measurement. The aim of
this unit is to introduce you to the processes of making
measurements and estimating, processing and interpreting the
uncertainties involved with these measurements. To enable you
to understand the physical parameters being measured and also
the limits of the measuring instrument; the physics of mechanics,
heat, sound and light will be introduced and explained.
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PCB240 Optics 1
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1
This unit includes a study of selected topics in optics particularly
related to aspects of optometry. Topics include geometrical
optics in mirrors and lenses, including thick lenses, cylindrical,
spherical and toric lenses, colour and colour measurement,
photometry, lens aberrations and optical instruments.
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PUB104 Australian Health Care Systems
Credit Points 12
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1
This is an important unit for students who are intending to enter
the health industry. It is designed to give a broad overview of the
system of health care in Australia and its methods of operation.
This unit outlines the structure of the Australian health care
system, examines the roles and responsibilities of members of
the health care team. It also helps identify the key issues
confronting the provision of health care.
View unit details online | View unit timetable
PYB007 Interpersonal Processes and Skills
Anti-requisites PYB074, HHB113, PYB111
Credit Points 12
Gardens Point
- SEM-1
Kelvin Grove
- SEM-1, SEM-2
- SEM-2
This unit gives you an introduction to the factors that contribute
to effective communication, both personally and professionally.
This unit adopts a multidisciplinary allied health approach to
consider how characteristics such as self-regulation, self-esteem
and perceptual biases, or experiences such as trauma, culture
and technology can influence our capacity to communicate
View unit details online | View unit timetable
This information has been prepared for Australian and New Zealand citizens and those with Australian permanent resident status. Some
courses are not open to international students, and entryrequirements and fee information maybe different. For more information and to
check if a course is available, international students should visit Generated on: 23/09/2014. Information
contained in this document was correct at the time of printing. The universityreserves the right to amend anyinformation, and to cancel,
change or relocate anycourse. For information on new and changed courses visit CRICOS

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