Step 1: Content Description and General Information

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Step 1

A Joint Program of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the

United States, Inc., and the National Board of Medical Examiners®
This booklet was updated January 2020.

Copyright © 2020 by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FSMB), and the National
Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®). All rights reserved. The United States Medical Licensing Examination®
(USMLE®) is a joint program of the FSMB and the NBME.


Introduction ….…………………..………………………...……………………………..……………………….. 3

Examination Format .……….…………………..…………………………………..……........................ 3

Purpose and Design of the Examination .…………………………..…................................... 3

Content Description ……………………………….................................................................. 4

Content Outline ………..………………………………………….……………….………………….………….. 4

Table 1: Step 1 Test Content System Specifications ……………………………………………

Physician Tasks/Competencies …………………………………………………………………………..... 5

Table 2: Step 1 Physician Tasks/Competencies Specifications …………………… 5

Table 3: Step 1 Discipline Specifications ……………………………………………………. 5

Step 1 MCQ Content and Competency Examples …………….….................................... 6


This booklet is intended to help you prepare for the Step 1 component of the United States
Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®).

Practice materials, which include Sample Test Items (PDF) and web-based Tutorial and Practice
Test Items, as well as other informational materials, are available at the USMLE website Examinees must also read the USMLE Bulletin of Information at

 You must run the web-based Tutorial and Practice Test Items to become familiar with
the test software prior to your test date.
 The tutorial provided at the beginning of the Step 1 examination has fewer screens and
less detailed information than the Step 1 practice materials on the USMLE website.
 The web-based Tutorial and Practice Test Items on the USMLE website include items
with associated audio findings. Become familiar with how these types of test items
function before your test date.
 The term item is used to describe a test question in any format.

Please visit the USMLE website often to view announcements, regarding
changes in the test delivery software, and to access updated practice materials. You must
obtain the most recent information before taking any USMLE examination.


Step 1 consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) prepared by examination committees

composed of faculty members, teachers, investigators, and clinicians with recognized
prominence in their fields. Committee members are selected to provide broad representation
from the academic, practice, and licensing communities across the United States and Canada.

Step 1 is a one-day examination. It is divided into seven 60-minute blocks and administered in
one 8-hour testing session. The number of questions per block on a given examination form
may vary, but will not exceed 40. The total number of items on the overall examination form
will not exceed 280.


The Step 1 examination is designed to measure basic science knowledge. Some questions test
the examinee’s fund of information per se, but the majority of questions require the examinee
to interpret graphic and tabular material, to identify gross and microscopic pathologic and
normal specimens, and to solve problems through the application of basic science principles.


The content description that follows is not intended as a curriculum development or study
guide. It provides a flexible structure for test construction that can readily accommodate new
topics, emerging content domains, and shifts in emphasis. The categorizations and content
coverage are subject to change. Broadly based learning that establishes a strong general
understanding of concepts and principles in the basic sciences is the best preparation for the

Content Outline

All USMLE examinations are constructed from an integrated content outline, available on the
USMLE website (, which organizes content
according to general principles and individual organ systems. Test questions are classified in
one of 18 major areas, depending on whether they focus on concepts and principles that are
important across organ systems or within individual organ systems.

Sections focusing on individual organ systems are subdivided according to normal and
abnormal processes. In most instances, knowledge of normal processes is evaluated in the
context of a disease process or specific pathology. Approximately 10% to 20% of questions
assess knowledge of normal processes in this way.

While not all topics listed in the content outline are included in every USMLE examination,
overall content coverage is comparable among the various examination forms that will be taken
by different examinees for each Step.

Table 1: Step 1 Test Content System Specifications*

System Range, %*
General Principles** 12–16
Behavioral Health & Nervous Systems/Special Senses 9–13
Reproductive & Endocrine Systems 9–13
Respiratory & Renal/Urinary Systems 9–13
Blood & Lymphoreticular/Immune Systems 7–11
Multisystem Processes & Disorders 6–10
Cardiovascular System 5–9
Musculoskeletal, Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue 6–10
Gastrointestinal System 5–9
Biostatistics & Epidemiology/Population Health 4–6
Social Sciences: Communication and Interpersonal Skills 6–9
* Percentages are subject to change at any time. See the USMLE website ( for
the most up-to-date information.
** The General Principles category for the Step 1 examination includes test items concerning
those normal and abnormal processes that are not limited to specific organ systems. Categories
for individual organ systems include test items concerning those normal and abnormal
processes that are system-specific.

Physician Tasks/Competencies

An additional organizing construct for Step 1 design is physician tasks and competencies. Each
test item assesses one of the competencies listed in Table 2. Detailed information about the
physician tasks and competency outline is available at the USMLE website

Table 2: Step 1 Physician Tasks/Competencies Specifications*

Competency Range, %*
Medical Knowledge: Applying Foundational Science Concepts 60–70
Patient Care: Diagnosis 20–25
History/Physical Exam
Communication and Interpersonal Skills 6–9
Practice-based Learning and Improvement 4–6
* Percentages are subject to change at any time. See the USMLE website ( for
the most up-to-date information.

Finally, each Step 1 examination covers content related to traditionally defined disciplines and
interdisciplinary areas listed in Table 3.

Table 3: Step 1 Discipline Specifications*

Discipline Range, %*
Behavioral Sciences 8–15
Biochemistry & Nutrition 14–24
Genetics 5–9
Gross Anatomy & Embryology 11–15
Histology & Cell Biology 8–13
Immunology 6–11
Microbiology 10–15
Pathology 44–52
Pharmacology 15–22
Physiology 25–35
*Percentages are subject to change at any time. See the USMLE website ( for
the most up-to-date information.


Examples of MCQs focused on each of the competencies and a sampling of topics from
different areas of the content outline are shown below.

Competency: Medical Knowledge/Scientific Concepts:

Applying Foundational Science Concepts
Content Area: Cardiovascular System

A 55-year-old man has had crushing substernal chest pain on exertion over the past 6 weeks.
He had a myocardial infarction 2 months ago. He takes nitroglycerin as needed and one aspirin
daily. He has smoked two packs of cigarettes daily for 30 years. Examination shows normal
heart sounds and no carotid or femoral bruits. Treatment with a β-adrenergic blocking agent is
most likely to improve his symptoms due to which of the following mechanisms?

(A) Decreasing myocardial contractility

(B) Dilating the coronary arteries
(C) Peripheral vasodilation
(D) Preventing fibrin and platelet plugs

Answer: A

Competency: Medical Knowledge/Scientific Concepts: Patient Care:

Diagnosis: History and Physical Examination
Content Area: Nervous System and Special Senses

A 31-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department 45 minutes after sustaining

injuries in a motor vehicle collision. Physical examination shows tenderness to palpation of the
right upper extremity. An x-ray shows a midshaft fracture of the right humerus. The physician
wants to assess the integrity of the radial nerve, but the patient has severe pain with
movement of the upper extremity. If this patient has sustained damage to the radial nerve,
altered sensation to pinprick of which of the following areas would most likely confirm the
(A) Anterior medial surface of the forearm
(B) Palmar surface of the index finger
(C) Palmar surface of the small finger
(D) Posterior lateral surface of the hand
(E) Posterior surface of the small finger

Answer: D

Competency: Practice Care: Diagnosis
Content Area: Renal/Urinary System

A 28-year-old man comes to the office because of a 1-year history of pain with urination that
has increased in severity during the past month. He also has had episodes of blood in his urine
during the past 5 years. He lived in sub-Saharan Africa until he came to the USA 6 months ago
for graduate school. Temperature is 38.0°C (100.4°F), pulse is 80/min, respirations are 16/min,
and blood pressure is 110/84 mm Hg. Physical examination shows suprapubic tenderness.
Laboratory studies show:

Hemoglobin 12.3 g/dL

Hematocrit 37%
Leukocyte count 13,400/mm3
Segmented neutrophils 65%
Bands 5%
Eosinophils 5%
Lymphocytes 22%
Monocytes 3%
Urea nitrogen 75 mg/dL
Creatinine 3.8 mg/dL
Blood 3+
RBC 200/hpf
WBC 100/hpf
RBC casts absent
WBC casts absent

Imaging studies show bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis and foci of calcification in the
region of the bladder. A biopsy specimen of the bladder shows marked chronic inflammation
with fibrosis and scattered granulomas. Which of the following best explains the biopsy

(A) Exposure to a chemical toxin

(B) Interstitial cystitis
(C) Malacoplakia
(D) Schistosomiasis
(E) Vesicoureteral reflux

Answer: D

Competency: Practice-based Learning
Content Area: Biostatistics
A study is designed to evaluate the feasibility of acupuncture in children with chronic
headaches. Sixty children with chronic headaches are recruited for the study. In addition to
their usual therapy, all children are treated with acupuncture three times a week for 2 months.
Which of the following best describes this study design?

(A) Case-control
(B) Case series
(C) Crossover
(D) Cross-sectional
(E) Historical cohort
(F) Randomized clinical trial

Answer: B

Competency: Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Content Area: Social Sciences

A 22-year-old man comes to the clinic to discuss the results of an HIV immunoassay done 1
week ago. At that time, he was also diagnosed with syphilis, and intramuscular penicillin was
administered. He has no other history of serious illness and no known drug allergies. He takes
no other medications. He had never previously undergone HIV testing. He has had sexual
intercourse with six sexual partners in his lifetime; they have used condoms inconsistently. Vital
signs are within normal limits. Physical examination shows a resolving, painless chancre over
the penis. He is informed that the HIV immunoassay results are positive. Which of the following
is the most appropriate statement by the physician to the patient at this time?

(A) “At this time, we recommend antiretroviral therapy for all HIV-infected patients. This needs
to be taken consistently for the rest of your life. Are you ready to start therapy today?”
(B) “I noticed that you had never been tested for HIV before last week, although you were at
high risk for infection. Why is that?”
(C) “Pre-exposure prophylaxis is very effective in preventing HIV infection. Had you ever
considered using it?”
(D) “What are your thoughts and feelings about this HIV test result?”
(E) “You must be shaken by this diagnosis, but understand that we have effective treatment for
this that can enable you to lead a normal life.”

Answer: D

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