This document outlines guidelines for developers to comply with Section 18 of the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, which requires a balanced housing development. It provides that developers of main subdivision projects must develop an equivalent socialized housing project that is either 20% of the main project's total area or 20% of its total cost. Developers have flexibility in how they meet this requirement and can combine compliance methods. The socialized housing project must meet minimum design standards and be completed within one year to receive a compliance certificate from HLURB, proving balanced development.
This document outlines guidelines for developers to comply with Section 18 of the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, which requires a balanced housing development. It provides that developers of main subdivision projects must develop an equivalent socialized housing project that is either 20% of the main project's total area or 20% of its total cost. Developers have flexibility in how they meet this requirement and can combine compliance methods. The socialized housing project must meet minimum design standards and be completed within one year to receive a compliance certificate from HLURB, proving balanced development.
This document outlines guidelines for developers to comply with Section 18 of the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, which requires a balanced housing development. It provides that developers of main subdivision projects must develop an equivalent socialized housing project that is either 20% of the main project's total area or 20% of its total cost. Developers have flexibility in how they meet this requirement and can combine compliance methods. The socialized housing project must meet minimum design standards and be completed within one year to receive a compliance certificate from HLURB, proving balanced development.
This document outlines guidelines for developers to comply with Section 18 of the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992, which requires a balanced housing development. It provides that developers of main subdivision projects must develop an equivalent socialized housing project that is either 20% of the main project's total area or 20% of its total cost. Developers have flexibility in how they meet this requirement and can combine compliance methods. The socialized housing project must meet minimum design standards and be completed within one year to receive a compliance certificate from HLURB, proving balanced development.
Office of the President Aonsinl! and Urban Development Coordinating Council HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD HLURB MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. Q:L Series of 2013 ~ \ - l \ A A ~ 'l 2013) . TO FROM SUBJECT ALL CONCERNED THE COMMISSIONER AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GUIDELINES FOR SECTION 3 (BALANCED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMPLIANCE) OF THE REVISED IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS TO GOVERN SECTION 18 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7279 Pursuant to Section 7 of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) Resolution No. 890, Series of 2012, or the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to Govern Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279, otherwise known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 (UDHA), the following guidelines are hereby issued: RULE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Objective. These guidelines aim to provide a uniform application, interpretation, usage, and implementation of Section 3 of Board Resolution No. 890, Series of 2012. Section 2. Scope of Application. These guidelines shall apply to developers of main subdivision projects complying with Section 18 of UDHA, or the balanced housing development requirement, by developing an area for a socialized housing project equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision area or developing a socialized housing project with a cost equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision project cost of the main subdivision project, as implemented under Section 3 of Board Resolution No. 890, Series of 2012. Proposed subdivision projects to be sold at or below the prevailing price ceiling for socialized housing, as may be fixed by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), shall be exempt from the coverage of this Rules. HLURB Bldg. Kalayaan Avenue corner Mayaman Street, Diliman, Quezon City Page 1 of19 Section 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes of these guidelines, the following terms or words shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, mean or be understood as follows: 3.1 "Cease and Desist Order" refers to an order issued by HLURB directed against the developer of a main subdivision project, enjoining it from further selling lots and/or units in the said project. 3.2 "Compliance Certificate" refers to a document that proves that the developer of a main subdivision project has complied with the balanced housing development requirement of UDHA. This compliance certificate is issued by HLURB to the developer of the main subdivision project upon submission of proof of completion of the compliance project. 3.3 "Compliance Project" refers to the entire or a portion of the socialized housing project utilized to comply with the balanced housing development requirement of UDHA. 3.4 "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" refers to a document embodying specific proposals for guiding and regulating the growth and development of a city or municipality considering all sectors significant in the development process; e.g., demography, socio-economic, infrastructure and utilities, land use and local administration, within the territorial jurisdiction of the city or municipality, as approved or ratified by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or HLURB. 3.5 "Develop an area" refers to the completion of the socialized housing project including the provision of basic amenities and facilities in accordance with the approved development plan and/or as represented in brochures and advertisement. 3.6 "Developer'' refers to the person, natural or juridical, who develops or improves the main subdivision project or the compliance project for and in behalf of the owner thereof. The land owner who develops a subdivision project directly shall be considered as a developer. 3.7 "Land Development'' refers to land clearing .and grubbing, road construction, installation of power and water distribution system, construction of drainage and sewerage system and other developments contained in the approved plans and/or in the brochure and advertisement. 3.8 "Main Subdivision Project" refers to the proposed residential subdivision project required to comply with the twenty percent (20%) balanced Page 2 of 19 housing development requirement of UDHA, the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost of which shall be the basis for computing such balanced housing development requirement. 3.9 "Socialized Housing Project'' refers to residential subdivision projects, and multi-level and medium rise housing projects and condominium projects, sold at or below the prevailing price ceiling for socialized housing and which comply with the standards under Batas Pambansa Big. 220 (BP 220), undertaken by the government or the private sector for underprivileged and homeless citizens. 3.10 "Subdivision Project" refers to a tract or parcel of land registered under the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496), as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1529, which is partitioned primarily for residential purposes into individual lots with or without improvements thereon, and offered to the public for sale, in cash or in installment terms. 3.11 "Total Subdivision Project Cost" refers to the total cost of: (i) raw land, based on the zonal value at the time of application for subdivision development permit, (ii) land development and (iii) housing component construction. 3.12 "Zoning Ordinance" refers to a local measure which embodies regulations affecting land use, the demarcation of a city into zones (areas/districts) and the establishment of regulations to govern the use of land and the location, bulk, height, shape, use, population density and coverage of structures within each zone. RULE II COMPLIANCE Section 4. Manners of Compliance. For purposes of complying with Section 3 of Board Resolution No. 890, Series of 2012, the developer of the main subdivision project shall develop a socialized housing project: 4.1 with an area equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision area of the main subdivision project; or 4.2 with a cost equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision project cost of the main subdivision project. Page 3 of 19 If the compliance project is a socialized condominium project, its total area shall be the gross land area and the gross floor area, and its total condominium project cost shall be the cost of raw land based on its zonal value at the time of application for condominium development permit and total building construction cost. In case of expansion or alteration of the main subdivision project resulting to an increase in the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost, the developer thereof shall be required additional compliance to be computed based on the increase in the total subdivision project area or total subdivision project cost. Section 5. Computation and Allowable Combination of Compliance. If the socialized housing project will not be equivalent to at least 20% of the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost of the main subdivision project, it shall not be considered as full compliance. In such a case, the developer may combine one mode of compliance with other allowable modes except as proscribed in Section 6 of Board Resolution No. 890, Series of 2012. Section 6. Future or Subsequent Utilization of a Compliance Project. 6.1 Future Utilization. A developer may develop a socialized housing project as compliance for its future main subdivision project,/s. 6.2 Subsequent Utilization. A developer may develop a socialized housing project in excess of the required area or cost of its main subdivision project and utilize the excess thereof for the same developer's other main subdivision projects. In both cases, such future or subsequent utilization shall likewise be declared in the application form for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell (CR/LS) of the compliance project. Section 7. Minimum Design Standards. The compliance project shall be subject to the minimum design standards promulgated pursuant to Batas Pambansa Big. 220 (BP 220), HLURB rules and regulations, and other related laws. Section 8. Location of Compliance Project. A compliance project shall be located in the same city or municipality as the main subdivision project, whenever feasible. Otherwise, it may be allowed elsewhere in the country, preferably within a zone designated in the comprehensive land use plan and zoning ordinance as a socialized housing site or in a settlement area where it is allowed. Page 4 of 19 Section 9. Completion. The compliance project shall be completed within one ( 1) year from the issuance of its LS or such other period of time as may be fixed by HLURB. Section 10. Compliance CertiriCate. The compliance certificate shall be issued by HLURB to the developer of the main subdivision project upon submission of proof of completion of the compliance project in accordance with Section 21 hereof. RULE Ill APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION AND LICENSE TO SELL AND ANNOTATIONS Section 11. Certificate of Registration and License to Sell. The main subdivision project and its compliance project shall be issued separate CR/LS, subject to the procedures and documentary requirements under the existing implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 957 (PD 957) or BP 220, as the case may be. However, in case the main subdivision project and the compliance project are both under BP 220, are covered or included in a single verified survey or subdivision plan, and issued with only one development permit, only one CR shall be issued covering both the main subdivision and compliance projects. Section 12. Application for CertiriCate of Registration and License to Sell of the Main Subdivision Project. The developer shall submit a copy of the LS of the compliance project with the required annotations in accordance with Section 19 hereof, in addition to the documents required to be submitted upon the filing of application for CR/LS of the main subdivision project in accordance with the existing IRR under PD 957 or BP 220. However, if the LS of the compliance project is issued by a different Regional Field OffiCe (RFO) of HLURB, a certified true copy thereof is required. Section 13. Application for e r t i r ~ e a t e of Registration and License to Sell of Main Subdivision Project Utilizing a Previously Declared Compliance Project. The developer registering a new main subdivision project which will utilize a previously declared compliance project for future or subsequent utilization in accordance with Section 6 hereof shall first submit the original LS of the compliance project to the RFO that issued it for the annotation of the following new or additional items: 13.1 The name and location of the new main subdivision project; Page 5 of 19 13.2 If only a portion of the socialized housing project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project, the particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as compliance for the new main subdivision project and the total area or the total cost of such blocks and lots or units of the socialized housing project; and 13.3 The available balance for future or subsequent utilization in terms of remaining area or cost and number of lots or units. If the main subdivision is to be registered and licensed in another RFO, the developer shall submit therein a certified true copy of the LS of the previously declared compliance project with the required new or additional annotations as above-stated. Section 14. Application for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell of the Compliance Project. In addition to submitting the documents required upon the filing of application for CR/LS of the compliance project in accordance with the existing IRR under BP 220, the developer shall indicate the following information in the application for CR/LS: 14.1 The name and exact location of the main subdivision project; and 14.2 Either the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost of the main subdivision project, depending on the manner of compliance selected. Section 15. Application for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell of the Compliance Project to be Developed by a Subsidiary for Future or Subsequent Utilization. If the socialized housing project to be registered is likewise intended for subsequent utilization in accordance with Section 6.2 hereof, the developer shall indicate the following information in the application for CR/LS: 15 .1 The name and exact location of the current main subdivision project; 15.2 Either the total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost of the current main subdivision project, depending on the manner of compliance selected; 15.3 The particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as current compliance, and either the total cost or total area of such blocks and lots or units of the socialized housing project; and Page 6 of 19 15.4 The available balance for subsequent utilization in terms of remaining area or cost and number of lots or units. If the socialized housing project to be registered is intended for future utilization in accordance with Section 6.1 hereof, such intention shall likewise be indicated in the application for CR/LS. Section 16. Publication. Upon receipt of the Notice to Publish from the RFO, the developer shall cause the publication of the notice of filing of registration statement and the posting of billboard notices at the sites of both the main subdivision and compliance projects. In addition to the requirements of PD 957 and its IRR or the IRR of BP 220, the notice of filing of registration statement shall likewise include the following: 16.1 For the main subdivision project: 16.1.1 The name and location of the compliance project; and 16.1.2 The particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as current compliance, if only a portion of the socialized housing project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project. 16.2 For the compliance project: 16.2.1 The name and location of the main subdivision project; and 16.2.2 The particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as compliance, if only a portion of the socialized housing project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project. If the developer of the main subdivision project is combining different modes of compliance in accordance with Section 5 hereof, the other modes and the respective amounts or costs of contribution, participation, purchase, subscription or provision shall likewise be stated in the notice of filing of registration statement. The format of the notice of filing of registration statement is hereto attached as Annex "A". Section 17. Posting of Billboard Notices. The billboard notices required by the IRRs of PD 957 and BP 220 shall be posted at the sites of both the main Page 7 of 19 subdivision project and the compliance project and both shall contain the same information as in the notice of filing of registration statement. The billboard notices for the main subdivision project and the compliance project shall be posted until their respective LS is issued. A new billboard notice for the compliance project shall be posted in case of its subsequent utilization and the same shall remain posted until the issuance of the lS of the new main subdivision project. The format of the billboard notice is hereto attached as Annex "B". Section 18. Submission of Affidavits of Publication and Posting. The developer shall submit the Affidavit of Publication executed by the publisher and the Affidavit of Posting of Billboard Notice to the RFO where the projects are respectively registered. The Affidavit of Posting of Billboard Notice shall state therein the fact of posting of the billboard notices at the sites of both the main subdivision and compliance projects and a photograph of each of the billboard notices clearly showing the locations where they are posted shall be attached and annexed to the affidavit. The pro-forma copy of the Affidavit of Posting of Billboard Notice is hereto attached as Annex "C". Section 19. Annotations on and Issuance of the Certif'"ICate of Registration and License to Sell of the Compliance Project. Upon submission of all of the required documents for registration and licensing of the compliance project, the RFO shall prepare its CR/LS and cause the annotation of the following on the LS of: 19.1 The compliance project: 19.1.1 The name and location of the main subdivision project; and 19.1.2 Either the total subdivision area or the total subdivision project cost of the main subdivision project depending on the manner of compliance. 19.2 The compliance project being registered for subsequent utilization: 19.2.1 The name and location of the current main subdivision project; and 19.2.2 Either the total subdivision area or the total subdivision project cost of the current main subdivision project depending on the manner of compliance. Page 8 of 19 19.2.3 The particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as current compliance and either the total area or total cost of such blocks and lots or units of the socialized housing project; and 19.2.4 The available balance for subsequent utilization in terms of remaining area or cost and number of lots or units. If the RFO finds everything complete and in order, it shall approve and release the CR/LS of the compliance project. Section 20. Annotations on and Issuance of the Certif"teate of Registration and License to Sell of the Main Subdivision Project. Upon submission of all of the required documents for registration and licensing of the main subdivision project, the RFO shall prepare its CR/LS and cause the annotation of the following on its LS: 20.1 The name and location of the compliance project; 20.2 The LS number of the compliance project and date of its issuance; 20.3 The total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost of the socialized subdivision project or the total area or total condominium project cost of the socialized condominium project, depending on manner selected; and 20.4 If only a portion of the socialized housing project project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project, the particular block numbers and lot numbers or unit numbers of the socialized housing project being allotted as compliance, and either the total area or total cost of such block numbers and lot numbers or units of the socialized housing project. If the RFO finds everything complete and in order, it shall approve and release the CR/LS of the main subdivision project. Page 9 of 19 RULE IV COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Section 21. Issuance of Compliance Certificate. A compliance certificate shall be issued to the main subdivision project upon full compliance with the balanced housing development requirement of UDHA by the developer, in accordance with the following procedure: 21.1 If the main subdivision and compliance projects are registered in the same RFO: 21.1.1 Upon issuance of a Certificate of Completion to the compliance project, if the entire socialized housing project constitutes full compliance for the main subdivision project; or 21.1.2 If only a portion of the compliance project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project, upon issuance by the RFO of a certification attesting that the particular blocks and lots or units of the socialized housing project allotted as current compliance for the main subdivision project, together with the required roads and access to ingress or egress, the utilities and amenities, and the required open space, have been completely developed. 21.2 If the main subdivision and compliance projects are registered in two different RFOs: 21.2.1 Upon submission by the developer of a certified true copy of the Certificate of Completion issued to the compliance project, if the entire socialized housing project constitutes full compliance for the main subdivision project; or 21.2.2 If only a portion of the compliance project is being utilized as compliance for the main subdivision project, upon submission by the developer of a certification from the RFO where the compliance project is registered attesting that the particular blocks and lots or units of the socialized housing project allotted as current compliance for the main subdivision project, together with the required roads and access to ingress or egress, the utilities and amenities and the required open space, have been completely developed. Page 10 of 19 If the developer avails of the allowable combination of modes of compliance, the compliance certificate shall only be issued upon completion of all the component modes of compliance. RULEY MONITORING, SANCTIONS AND REMEDIES Section 22. Monitoring. Both the main subdivision project and the compliance project shall be subject to the regular monitoring activity of the RFO where each project is registered. Section 23. Suspension or Revocation of License to Sell. The LS of the main subdivision project shall be suspended or revoked and a COO shall be issued against its developer in case the LS of the compliance project is suspended or revoked in accordance with existing HLURB substantive and procedural rules, on the ground, among others, of non-completion of development of the compliance project within the period fixed by HLURB. Any order of suspension or revocation issued against the compliance project shall be reported, within five (5) wor1<ing days from the issuance of the said order, by the RFO where the compliance project is registered to the RFO where the main subdivision project is registered in order that appropriate sanctions may be imposed on the main subdivision project. The RFO may lift the COO upon: 23.1 Reinstatement of the LS of the compliance project; or 23.2 Submission of proof of a different full compliance by the developer without prejudice to the liabilities that the developer may have incurred in the development of the original compliance project Section 24. Sanctions. The imposition of fines and other administrative sanctions shall be in accordance with the schedule and guidelines promulgated by HLURB. Section 25. Effect of Non-Completion. The application for the issuance of CR/LS of a developer for a new main subdivision project anywhere in the Philippines shall not be accepted or shall be denied if any of its compliance projects for any of its main subdivision projects has not been completed within the period fixed by HLURB. Page 11 of19 RULE VI SEPARABILITY AND EFFECTIVITY Section 26. Separability Clause. The provisions of these guidelines are hereby declared separable and, in the event that any provision herein is declared null and void, the validity of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby. Section 27. Effectivity Clause. These guidelines shall take effect immediately. For strict compliance and implementation. ANTONIO M. BERNARDO Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer Page 12 of 19 ANNEXA NOTICE OF FILING OF REGISTRATION STATEMENT FOR THE MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD (Regional Field Office) Office Address NOTICE Notice is hereby given that OWNER I DEVELOPER has filed with this Office a sworn registration statement for the sale of LOTS/HOUSE AND LOTS in NAME OF MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT located at LOCATION and more particularly described as LOT /PSD NO. containing an area of sq.m. and covered by TCT No. _____ . The foregoing project is utilizing NAME OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT located at LOCATION as its compliance pursuant to Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279. All papers relative thereto shall, upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon. Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered and a certificate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith be issued after five (5) days from the last day of publication. PLACE OF ISSUE, Regional Officer Page 13 of19 PILIPINO VERSION OF NOTICE OF FILING OF REGISTRATION STATEMENT FOR THE MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT (PANGUNAHING PROYEKTO) HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD (Tanggapang Rehional) Lugar ng Tanggapan PAUNAWA Ipinagbibigay-alam na ang MAY-ARI I DEVELOPER ay naghain sa Tanggapang ito ng sinumpaang aplikasyon para sa pagbebenta ng mga LOTE I BAHAY AT LOTE sa PANGUNAHING PROYEKTO na matatagpuan sa KINAROROONAN at sinasakop ng LOT IPSD NO. sa ilalim ng TITULO BLG. Ang nasabing proyekto ay ginagamit ang PROYEKTONG TAGATUPAD na matatagpuan sa (KINAROROONANl bilang pagtupad sa Seksyon 18 ng Batas ng Republika Big. 7279. Lahat ng mga kasulatang kaugnay nito ay maaaring suriin ng sinuman na nagtataglay ng legal na interes dito matapos humiling ng pagsusuri at magbayad ng kaukulang halaga sa tanggapang ito. Kapag walang sagabal na legal, ang proyektong nabanggit ay ituturing na rehistrado at maaari nang bigyan ng sertipiko bilang katibayan nito, pagkalipas ng limang (5) araw mula sa huling paglalathala. LUGAR NG TANGGAPPAN, Pinunong Rehional Page 14 of 19 NOTICE OF FlUNG OF REGISTRATION STATEMENT FOR THE COMPLIANCE PROJECT HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD (Regional Field Office) Office Address NOTICE Notice is hereby given that OWNER I DEVELOPER has filed with this Office a sworn registration statement for the sale of LOTS I HOUSE AND LOTS/ UNITS in NAME OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT located at LOCATION and more particularly described as LOT /PSD NO. containing an area of __ sq.m. and covered by TCT No. __ The foregoing project is being utilized as compliance for CNAME OF MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT located at ____ ___, in accordance with Section 18 of Republic Act No. 7279. All papers relative thereto shall, upon request and payment of processing fee, be available for inspection during business hours by any person having legal interest thereon. Absent any legal impediment, the above-cited project is deemed registered and a certificate, in evidence thereof, shall forthwith be issued after five (5) days from the last day of publication. PLACE OF ISSUE, Regiona I Officer Page 15 of 19 PIUPINO VERSION OF NOTICE OF FILING OF REGISTRATION STATEMENT FOR THE COMPLIANCE PROJECT (PROYEKTONG TAGATUPAD) HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD (Tanggapang Rehional) Office Address PAUNAWA Ipinagbibigay-alam na ang MAY-ARI I DEVELOPER ay naghain sa Tanggapang ito ng sinumpaang aplikasyon para sa pagbebenta ng mga LOTE I BAHAY AT LOTEI YUNITS sa PROYEKTONG TAGATUPAD na matatagpuan sa KINAROROONAN at sinasakop ng ilalim ng TITULO BLG. sa Ang nasabing proyekto ay ginagamit ng PANGUNAHING PROYEKTO na matatagpuan sa KINAROROONAN bilang pagtupad sa Seksyon 18 ng Batas Republika Big. 7279. Lahat ng mga kasulatang kaugnay nito ay maaaring suriin ng sinuman na nagtataglay ng legal na interes dito matapos humiling ng pagsusuri at magbayad ng kaukulang halaga sa tanggapang ito. Kapag walang sagabal na legal, ang proyektong nabanggit ay ituturing na rehistrado at maaari nang bigyan ng sertipiko bilang katibayan nito, pagkalipas ng limang (5) araw mula sa huling paglalathala. LUGAR NG TANGGAPAN. Pinunong Rehional Page 16 of 19 ANNEX B BILLBOARD NOTICE MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT Name of Project: Owner I Developer: Location: Project Area OR Cost: Compliance Project: Location: Project Area OR Cost: Name of Compliance Project: Owner /Developer: Location: Project Area OR Cost: Main Subdivision Project: Location: Project Area OR Cost: ABC SUBDIVISION ABC REALTY & DEVT. CORP. ____ sq.m./11-___ _ XYZ SOCIALIZED HOUSING PROJECT _____ .sq.m. /ll ____ _ COMPLIANCE PROJECT XYZ SOCIALIZED HOUSING PROJECT ABC REALTY & DEVT. CORP. ____ sq.m./ ABC SUBDIVISION ____ sq.m./ ___ _ Page 17 of19 ANNEXC AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF BILLBOARD NOTICE FOR THE MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT Republic of the Philippines ] 1 s.s. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF BILLBOARD NOTICE I, _______ _, Filipino, of legal age, with residence and postal address at ______________ _, after being sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: 1. That I am the POSmON of OWNER/DEVELOPER: 2. That said corporation is the owner/developer of NAME OF MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT located at LOCATION which is the subject of an application for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell before the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB); 3. That OWNER/DEVELOPER has caused the posting of a 3' X 6' billboard notice in front of the project site in compliance with the requirements of the HLURB; 4. That stated in the said billboard notice are the following: 4.1 Name and location of the main subdivision project: 4.2 Total subdivision area or cost: Pesos: or __ sq.m. 4.3 Name and location of the compliance project: (P ____ ) 4.4 Total project area or cost of the compliance project: Pesos: or __ sq.m. (P ____ ) s. That a billboard notice was likewise posted at the site of NAME OF COMPUANCE PROJECT located at i and 6. Photographs of the two billboard notices as posted in front of the project sites are hereto attached as ANNEXES A and B hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto afFIX my signature this_ day of 20 in --------- AFFIANT (NOTARIZATION) Page 18 of 19 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF BILLBOARD NOTICE FOR THE COMPLIANCE PROJECT Republic of the Philippines ] ] s.s. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF BIUBOARD NOTICE I, _______ _, Filipino, of legal age, with residence and postal address at ----------------'after being sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state: 1. That I am the POSffiON of OWNER/DEVELOPER; 2. That said corporation is the owner/developer of NAME OF COMPIANCE PROJECT located at LOCATION which is the subject of an application for Certificate of Registration and License to Sell before the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB); 3. That OWNER/DEVELOPER has caused the posting of a 3' X 6' billboard notice in front of the project site in compliance with the requirements of the HLURB; 4. That stated in the said billboard notice are the following: 4.1 Name and location of the compliance project: 4.2 Total subdivision area or cost: 4.3 Name and location of the main subdivision project: 4.4 Total project area or cost of the main subdivision project: Pesos: or __ sq.m. (ll _____ ) Pesos: or __ sq.m. (P ____ ) 5. That a billboard was likewise posted at the site of NAME OF MAIN SUBDIVISION PROJECT located at LOCATION (Optional, in case of simultaneous filing of the applications For main and compliance projects); and 6. Photographs of the two billboard notices as posted in front of the project sites are hereto attached as ANNEXES A and B hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto afFIX my signature this_ day of __ ...J 20 in AFFIANT (NOTARIZATION) Page 19 of 19