Cc1110 Cc2510 Basic Software Examples Overview
Cc1110 Cc2510 Basic Software Examples Overview
Cc1110 Cc2510 Basic Software Examples Overview
Radio radio_carrier_freq_cc2510
This example performs single-ended, single channel CPU controlled ADC conversion.
The example illustrates how the ADC interrupt works, based on extra conversion trigger.
This example shows how the DMA can be used to store the results from an ADC conversion.
It performs single-ended ADC sequence in continous mode with DMA transfer on end of ADC conversion event.
This example changes the system clock source to High Speed Crystal Oscillator (HS XOSC)
and sets clock speed to highest clock speed (26 Mhz)
This examples sets the system clock source to High Speed RC oscillator (HS RCOSC)
and sets system clock speed = 3.25 Mhz.
This examples sets 32 kHz clock oscillator to 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (LS XOSC).
This example sets 32 kHz clock oscillator to low power RC Oscillator (LS RCOSC).
This example shows how to trigger the DMA manually and make the DMA move data from one area of RAM to
This example shows both how to trigger a DMA channel manually and how to trigger a DMA channel by the
completion of the previous channel. Both channels copy data in RAM. Channel 0 makes the first copy and channel 1
makes a copy of the first copy.
This example illustrates how to write data to flash memory using DMA (rather than the CPU). The DMA transfer
method is the preferred way to write to the flash memory, since when using the DMA to write to flash, the code can
be executed from within flash memory.
This example illustrates how to write data to flash memory using the CPU (rather than DMA). Writing data to flash
with the CPU can not be done while executing code from flash, so the function that writes to flash must be copied to
RAM and executed from there.
This examples sets up P0_0 to generate interrupts when output is changed.
This examples uses multiple pins to communicate with each other.
P2_0 is configured as output and P1_6 is configured as input.
This example sets up one pin on port 1 to generate interrupts on incoming events.
When a rising edge is detected on the pin, the ISR for the pin will be executed. This will toggle the red LED on
SRF04EB. The pin can be chosen using the PIN macro.
This example shows how to correctly enter Power Mode 0 and wake up using an External Interrupt.
The example uses Button 1 (S1) on SMARTRF04EB to generate the External Interrupt. For test purpose, LED 1 is
used to show when the SoC enters and exits PM0. When the LED 1 is set, the SoC will stay in Active Mode for some
time before going into PM0 again, when the LED is cleared.
This example shows how to correctly enter Power Mode 1 and wake up using an External Interrupt. The example
uses Button 1 (S1) on SMARTRF04EB to generate the External Interrupt. For test purpose, LED 1 is used to show
when the SoC enters and exits PM1. When the LED 1 is set, the SoC will stay in Active Mode for some time before
entering PM1 again, when the LED is cleared.
This software example shows how to properly enter Power Mode 2 based on the CC111xFx/CC251xFx Errata Note,
and then exit upon Sleep Timer Interrupt. The SRF04EB LED1 is cleared before entering Power Mode 2, and then
set by the Sleep Timer ISR. Hence, the SRF04EB LED1 is ON in Active Mode and OFF in Power Mode 2.
This software example shows how to properly enter Power Mode 3 based on the CC111xFx/CC251xFx Errata Note,
and then exit upon Port 0 Interrupt. The SRF04EB LED1 is cleared before entering Power Mode 3, and then set by
the Port 0 ISR. Hence, the SRF04EB LED1 is ON in Active Mode and OFF in Power Mode 3.
This example shows how to make the radio transmit an unmodulated carrier. The radio settings are calculated with
SmartRf Studio. Continuous sending of unmodulated carrier is achieved by setting the deviation to zero and setting
the radio in TX.
The ADC is set up for the following configuration:
- Single-ended and single-channel conversion on PIN0_7
- Reference Voltage is VDD on the AVDD pin
- 12 bit resolution (512 dec rate)
The ADC is set up with the following configuration:
- Single-ended and single-channel conversion on PIN0_7
- Reference Voltage is VDD on the AVDD pin
- 10 bit resolution (256 dec rate)
The ADC is set up with the following configuration:
- Continous mode
- Single-ended sequence conversion {P0_0 - P0_1, P0_5 - P0_7}
- Internal 1.25 Voltage Reference
- 9 bit resolution (128 dec rate)
The default system clock settings are used, so that the system clock frequency F is 13
MHz. This makes the flash write timing FWT 17.065. 17 = 0x11, which is the default value
The default system clock settings are used, so that the system clock frequency F is 13
MHz. This makes the flash write timing FWT 17.065. 17 = 0x11, which is the default value
of [FWT.FWT].
Button S1 on SMARTRF04EB is used to toggle P0_0. When a rising edge is detected on
the pin, the ISR for the pin will be executed. This will toggle the green LED.
Button S1 on SMARTRF04EB is used to toggle P2_0. Port 1 will generate interrupt on
incoming event. So, by connecting P2_0 and P1_6 (with a wire), a port 1 interrupt will be
generated when the button is pushed. When a rising edge is detected on the P1_6, the
ISR for that pin will be executed. This will toggle the green LED on SRF04EB.
The pin that is set up, can be toggled with GND, for example using a wire from GND to the
-Interrupt: External Interrupt
-System clock oscillator: HS XOSC oscillator
-Clock speed: 26 Mhz
-Interrupt: External Interrupt
-System clock oscillator: HS XOSC oscillator
-Clock speed: 26 Mhz
Uses Sleep Timer Interrupt to exit Power Mode 2
Uses Port 0 Interrupt to exit Power Mode 3