Assignment 1

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Briefly explain the different methods of Traversing mentioned in
The following methods of traversing are mentioned in lectures;
By the Chain Angles.
By the free or loose needle method.
By the fast needle method.
By the measurement of angles of the successive lines.
1-By the fast needle method:
The method in which the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite
fitted with s compass is called traversing by fast needle method. The direction of the magnetic
meridian is not established at each station but instead, the magnetic bearings of the lines are
measured with reference so that direction of the magnetic meridian established at the first
station. There are three methods of observing the bearings of lines by fast needle method.
Direct method with transiting.
Direct method without transiting.
Back bearing method.
2-By the free or loose needle method
A method of traversing in which the magnetic bearings of survey lines are separately obtained
by reference to the magnetic needle.

3-By the measurement of angles of the successive lines

Knowing the bearing of the line and the included angles between the successive lines, the
bearing of the remaining lines, may be calculated as under:
Let the observed bearing of the line AB be 1 (given)
, , , , , the included angles measured clockwise between adjacent lines. 2 ,3 ,4
,5, ....., the bearing of successive lines.
The bearing of BC = 2 = 1 + -180
The bearing of CD = 3 = 2 + - 180
The bearing of DE = 4 = 3 + - 180
The bearing of EF = 5 = 4 + + 180
The bearing of FG = 6 = 5 + - 540

4-By chain Angle(chain traversing):

Explain how can Electrical Engineers can coordinate with Civil
Engineers in real life projects? Give at least three examples.
Electrical engineer works with electrical and electronic systems.
Civil engineers work with structures and resource control.
An electrical engineer can work with civil engineering in each and every field.
The coordination of the Electrical engineer with civil engineer can be seen through the
following example;
When we have buildings without electricity, roads without stoplights, and flood control without
pumps, then the two engineers will be able to work without each other.

List the different advantages and disadvantages of chain surveying?
Advantages of chain survey:
Advantages of chain survey are as follows.
It is a simple way of carrying out survey.
The instruments used in chain survey are simple and cheap.
It does not require a highly educated surveyor. Little educated but experienced
surveyors can carry out chain survey easily.
It is more suitable in small and level areas.
Disadvantages of chain survey:
Chain survey has the following disadvantages.
This method is not suitable for hilly areas.
It is costly and time consuming if it is carried out for large scale survey.
This survey is not suitable for populated area because forming triangles there are
It is not a becoming way for survey of roads, railway lines and streams etc.
What is Compass Surveying? What is the difference between
Prismatic Compass and Surveyors Compass?

Compass surveying is a method of surveying by taking bearings and linear distances to
produce plan.
Bearing is measured using prismatic compass, while the linear distance is measured
using measuring tape.
Bearing in compass surveying means angle is made by chain line or survey line by
referring it to magnetic meridian or magnetic north.
There are two compass in common use;
1. The prismatic compass
2. The surveyors compass.
1. Prismatic Compass
The sighting of an object and reading of the bearing are done simultaneously
This can be used without stand
2. Surveyors Compass
An object is sighted first and the bearing is then read by going vertically over the
middle point
This cannot be used without a stand.
Explain Prismatic Compass with reference to the following points:

Brief description of prismatic compass
Working principle
How to take readings using this compass


This Prismatic Compass is one of the two main kinds of magnetic compasses included in the
collection for the purpose of measuring magnetic bearings, with the other being the Surveyor's
Compass. The main difference between the two instruments is that the surveyor's compass is
usually the larger and more accurate instrument, and is generally used on a stand or tripod.
The prismatic compass on the other hand is often a small instrument which is held in the hand
for observing, and is therefore employed on the rougher classes of work. The graduations on
this prismatic compass are situated on a light aluminum ring fastened to the needle, and the
zero of the graduations coincides with the south point of the needle. The graduations
therefore remain stationary with the needle, and the index turns with the sighting vanes. Since
the circle is read at the observer's (rather than the target's) end, the graduations run clockwise
from the south end of the needle (0 to 360), whereas in the surveyor's compass, the
graduations run anti-clockwise from north.
The prismatic attachment consists of a 45 reflecting prism with the eye and reading faces
made slightly convex so as to magnify the image of the graduations. The prism is carried on a
mounting which can be moved up and down between slides fixed on the outside of the case.
The purpose of this up-and-down movement is to provide an adjustment for focusing. The
image of the graduations is seen through a small circular aperture in the prism mounting, and
immediately above this aperture is a small V cut on top of the mounting, over which the
vertical wire in the front vane may be viewed. When the V cut, the vertical wire and the
station whose bearing is required are viewed in one line, the bearing is directly read off the
graduated arc at the point immediately underneath the vertical wire.
Elements of prismatic compass:
Cylindrical metal box: Cylindrical metal box is having diameter of 8to 12 cm.
It protects the compass and forms entire casing or body of the compass. It protect
compass from dust, rain etc.
Pivot: pivot is provided at the center of the compass and supports freely suspended
magnetic needle over it.
lifting pin and lifting lever: a lifting pin is provided just below the sight
vane. When the sight vane is folded, it presses the lifting pin. The lifting pin with the
help of lifting lever then lifts the magnetic needle out of pivot point to prevent damage
to the pivot head.
Magnetic needle: Magnetic needle is the heart of the instrument. This needle
measures angle of a line from magnetic meridian as the needle always remains pointed
towards north south pole at two ends of the needle when freely suspended on any
Graduated circle or ring: This is an aluminum graduated ring marked with 0
to 360 to measures all possible bearings of lines, and attached with the magnetic
needle. The ring is graduated to half a degree.
Prism : prism is used to read graduations on ring and to take exact reading by
compass. It is placed exactly opposite to object vane. The prism hole is protected by
prism cap to protect it from dust and moisture.
Prismatic Compass is graduated on whole circle bearing system.

The W. C. B system is also sometimes known as Azimuthal System. In this system, bearing of a
line is measured from the true north or magnetic north in clockwise direction. The value of a
bearing may vary from 0 to 360, utilizing the whole circle of graduations.
3-Measurement of Readings using above compass

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