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Ex1: Put the verbs into the present simple or the present progressive tense.
1. All right, youll try to fix the television! But I (hope)________ you know what youre doing!
2. Who (knock) _______________ at the door?
3. Every year I (visit) _________ Britain to improve my English.
4. What_____this word (mean)_______?
5. Of course, youre Mary, arent you? I (recognise)_________ you now.
6. Let me see what you (draw) _________?
7. Why that man (stand)________________in the middle of the road?
- He (try)_________to get across. He (wait) __________for a gap in the traffic.
- Why people (not use) the flyover? Its too dangerous to get across at this rush hour?
8. I usually (go) _______ home by train, but this weekend I (go)____________by bus. It (take)________ longer
but it (cost)__________less.
9. John (take)___________ a group of American tourists round now and tomorrow an Australian group
10. My wife usually (do)____________ the shopping, but I (do)________________it today as she isnt well.
11. Why you (smell)_____________ the milk? Do you think it has gone off?
Ex2. Put the verbs into the present simple or the present perfect
1. Ann (want)____________to see you. You (not be)____________here for ages!
2. What (be)________your name?
Why? My name always (be) Brighton.
3. You (read)____________this book already? What you (think) of it?
4. I (not be)___________to a zoo before. It (be)________ a nice feeling to go somewhere you never (be)_____
5. You (know)_______________Mai?
- Yes.
- How long you (know)____________her?
- I (know)________________her for 10 years.
6. There (be)_________ a lot of things I (want)____________to do for a long time and I (not
7. You (know)______________the girl who just (leave)________________the shop?
8. Itll be good to see him again. How long he (be) away?
Ex3. Complete the following sentences with the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present
Perfect tense:
1. My teacher (teach)________________ English at this school for six years.
2. Listen! I (think)_______________someone (knock)____________at the door.
3. Mr.Smith (pay)______________all of his bills at the end of the month.
4. Michael (study)______________English for six months now.
5. It usually (rain)___________very much in that part of the country.
6. I (be)__________sorry. I (forget)___________that girls name already.
7. My secretary (sit)_____________at a different desk today.
8. Our present boss (work)______________in this company all of his life.
9. Up to the present, George (do)_______________good work in this class.
10. So far, you (make)_________________no mistakes on this exercise.
Ex4: Underline the correct item.
1. I see/am seeing that the situation is out of control.
2. The dish tastes/is tasting delicious.
3. Do you enjoy/Are you enjoying this party?
4. He has/is having a Alaska dog.
5. These flowers are smelling/smell nice.
6. That suit looks/is looking good on you.
7. Why do you smell/are you smelling the milk? Do you think it has gone off?
8. John weighs/is weighing 60 kilos.
9. Your child is/is being very naughty these days.
Ex5. Change the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
1. I (not see)_____________you for a long time.
2. You must tell me what you (do)________________since I last saw you.
3. He (not be)______________here since Christmas. I (wait)________________for him for two weeks.
4. I (try)_________to learn English for years, but I (not succeed)__________________yet.
5. We (live)_______________here for the last six months, and just (decide)_____________to move.
Ex6: Fill in with Past Simple or Present Simple
1. A: ________you ever (be)________to the Tretyakov Gallery?
B: Yes, I (be)_________there several times.
2. A: I (lose)_________my black gloves. ________you (see)______them anywhere?
B: No, Im afraid not. When you last (wear)_______them?
A: I (wear)__________them at the theatre last night.
B: Perhaps you (leave)_____________them at the theatre.
3. A: (you/be)__________________on holiday this year?
B: No, I (can/not)___________go, because I (break)___________my leg in August and ___________(have) to
stay in hospital.
4. A: ____________(you/visit) the National Museum yet?
B: Yes, I__________(be) there three times but I ________________(not/see) everything yet.
5. A: Im so sorry, Jim, but I_________(burn) your dinner. Maria___________(phone) and I_________forget)
about the food.
B. Thats OK. I____________________(already/eat)
6. A: I___________(buy) a new dress yesterday, but when I____________(arrive) home, I____________(find)
a hole.
B: What_______________(you/do)? ____________(you/take) it back to the shop?
A: No, I______________(not/be) into town yet. Ill do it this afternoon.
7. A: Your hair _______________(grow) a lot since I last ____________(see) you.
B: Yes. I ___________(want) to get it cut yesterday but I_________(be) too busy.
8. A: I___________(lose) my glasses.
B: Where______________(you/put) them?
A: I_____________(put) them on the table a minute ago, but theyre not there now.
9. A._____________________(you/ever/meet) anyone famous?
B: Yes. I_____________(speak) to G-Dragon and I ________(see) Jessica Jung before she left SNSD.
10. A. Hows your job, Mai?
B. I___________(just/start) a new one. I__________(leave) the old one because they ___________(not/pay) me
enough money.

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