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Iowa's Summer and

Fall Wildflowers
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Iowa's Plants
1 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
The Iowa Association of Naturalists (IAN) is a nonprofit
organization of people interested in promoting the development of
skills and education within the art of interpreting the natural and
cultural environment. IAN was founded in 1978 and may be contacted
by writing the Conservation Education Center, RR 1, Box 53, Guthrie
Center, IA 50115.
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Iowa's Plants Booklet Series
Plants are a beautiful and important part of nature in Iowa. To assist educators in
teaching their students about the common plants of Iowa, the Iowa Association of Naturalists
has created a series of booklets which offer a basic understandable overview of Iowa's plants,
their ecology, and their benefits and dangers to people. The seven books in this series
Iowa's Spring Wildflowers (IAN-301)
Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers (IAN-302)
Benefits and Dangers of Iowa Plants (IAN-303)
Iowa's Trees (IAN-304)
Seeds, Nuts, and Fruits of Iowa Plants (IAN-305)
Iowa's Mushrooms and Nonflowering Plants (IAN-306)
Iowa's Shrubs and Vines (IAN-307)
For ordering information about these and other IAN publications, please see the back
cover of this booklet.
Editorial Board
Text: Dan Cohen
Illustrations: Mark Mller
Layout and Design: MJC Associates, Ankeny, Iowa
Published by: Iowa Association of Naturalists
Resource Enhancement
And Protection
Education Board
Review Committee
Cele Burnett, Environmental Education Coordinator, Story County Conservation Board
Dan Cohen, Naturalist, Buchanan County Conservation Board
Jean Eells, Environmental Education Coordinator, Hamilton County Conservation Board
Judy Levings, State 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Iowa State University
Stacey Snyder Newbrough, Freelance Naturalist and Librarian, Pocahontas, Iowa
Jim Pease, Extension Wildlife Specialist, Iowa State University
Diane Pixler, Naturalist, Marshall County Conservation Board
The Iowa Plants booklet series is
published by the Iowa Association of
Naturalists with grants from the REAP
Conservation Education Board and the
Iowa Conservation Education Council
(ICEC), 1994.
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Flowers are a beautiful part of the life cycle of
seed-producing plants. The colors of wildflowers
attract birds and insects, and through this attrac-
tion, plants are pollinated and seeds are dispersed.
People are also attracted to wildflowers. We seek the
natural beauty of wildflowers to brighten our sum-
mer days.
Flowers may be arranged on plants in
many different ways. Some plants have a
single flower atop the plant stem. Other
plants may have clusters of flowers. On
plants like Queen Annes lace, many small
flowers form an umbrella-
shaped umbel.
Blazingstars have
an elongated cluster of
flowers known as a
raceme. And the
flowers of purple prairie
clover are arranged as
a spike at the end of
each flower stalk.
Sometimes what ap-
pears to be a single
flower is actually a
composite of many
small flowers, called
and Fall
Looking at a
Queen Anne's Lace
Purple Prairie
3 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
A flower is composed of many parts, each
playing a role in the process of producing seeds.
The actual reproductive parts of the flower are
the pistils, which contain the ovaries, and the
pollen-producing anthers at the tip of each
stamen. Pollination occurs when pollen is
carried to a pistil. If pollination is successful,
one or more seeds begin to develop within the
pistil. Some flowers, such as Michigan lilies,
have large stamens, anthers, and pistils that
can be useful in identifying the plant. In other
flowers, pistils and stamens are hardly notice-
For most flowers, the most colorful and no-
ticeable parts are the petals. These showy
structures surround the reproductive parts
and are often useful in attracting pollinat-
ing animals such as birds and insects.
Behind the petals a flower usually has
nonshowy sepals. Sometimes petals and
sepals are difficult to distinguish and are collec-
tively called tepals. Sunflowers and other
members of the plant family known as compos-
ites have long ray flowers that appear to be
petals. Each ray flower, however, is attached to
a pistil and is therefore considered to be an
individual flower.
or florets
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Plants have adapted several strategies for spread-
ing their pollen to other plants and their seeds to
new places. Pollen may be carried by the wind or
through the intestines and on the hair and beaks of
animals. Wind-spread pollen of ragweed and many
grasses often causes discomfort for allergy sufferers.
The pollen of goldenrod and asters sticks to the
bodies of insects as they move from flower to flower.
Seeds may be carried by wind or water, on the fur
or in the mouths of animals, or through animal
bodies. Some plants, such as jewelweed, have spe-
cial structures that fling the seeds away from the
parent plant.
Summer and fall flowers are often found in grassy
areas where an abundance of wind and many insects
and birds act as pollinators and seed spreaders.
Showy plants such as coneflowers, clovers, and
goldenrod attract nectar-feeding insects such as
butterflies, bees, and moths. Less colorful flowers
such as ragweed and most grasses spread their
pollen by wind.
There is a close relationship between many in-
sects and the beauty of fall wildflowers. In some
cases, wildflowers depend on a specific insect or
group of insects for their pollination. Only large
insects, such as bumblebees, are able to pollinate
bottled gentians. Butterfly milkweed can
only be pollinated by butterflies and
other large insects. Evening prim-
rose opens its flowers to pollination
in evenings and is, therefore, mostly
dependent on moths that fly at
dusk. The anatomy of a flower may
allow only certain insects to reach
the flower parts and effect pollina-
tion. For many plant species their
survival depends on the survival of
their insect pollinator.
Similarly, many insects depend
on the availability of specific wild-
flowers. One famous example is the
relationship between milkweed and
monarch butterflies. The monarch
caterpillars feed only on the milk-
weed plant. Adult monarchs may
feed on other wildflower nectar, but
the butterflies must return to milk-
weed plants to lay their eggs.
Pollen and Seed Strategy
Flowers and Insects
5 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Flowers that bloom in late summer and fall have
some tough obstacles to overcome. In late summer,
woodlands have thick canopies and undergrowth
that block sunlight from reaching the low places
where flowers are most often found. Although wood-
lands are home to numerous spring wildflowers,
summer and fall wildflowers are not so common.
These later-blooming flowers are most typically found
along woodland edges and open woodland areas
where there is less shade.
Most summer and fall wildflowers are found in
grassy areas such as roadsides, pastures, and prai-
ries. These are places exposed to direct sunlight and
wind, and plants have adapted to these conditions.
Many prairie plants have thin leaves and thick stems
that reduce the surface area exposed to the drying
effects of wind and sun. They are also deeply rooted,
reaching as far as ten feet into the soil for moisture.
Adaptations for Fall Blooming
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Among our native prairie grasses that flower and
begin producing seeds in the summer and fall are big
bluestem, little bluestem, Indiangrass, switchgrass,
sideoats grama, and tall dropseed. These grasses are
often called warm-season grasses because they
reach their peak during the warmer days of midsum-
mer. Historically, these grasses dominated the
landscape of Iowa. However, many cool-season
grasses have been brought to our state since the
time of European settlement. These introduced
grasses have, in many cases, come
to dominate the landscape. Ex-
amples of non-native, but now
common, cool-season grasses
that may displace our native
grasses are brome
grass, meadow
foxtail, reed
and Kentucky
Warm-season Grasses
Big Bluestem
7 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Although most late-blooming flowers are found in
open grassy areas, some beautiful woodland flowers
can be found in summer and fall months. Most of
these flowers bloom in woodland openings and along
waterways or ponds. Look for wild rose, Jerusalem
artichoke, cup plant, and asters such as daisy flea-
bane along woodland edges. Jewelweed, hemlocks,
and blue lobelia grow along woodland waters. A few
flowers, such as white snakeroot and bittersweet,
may grow among the shadows of summer woodlands.
Late-blooming Woodland
Iowa Association of Naturalists
A variety of flowers from many plant families
bloom in the summer and fall months. However,
most late-blooming wildflowers are members of only
a handful of plant families. The showiest and most
abundant family of fall and summer flowers is the
composite family. Other plant families, including the
legumes and parsley family, are also numerous and
bloom during the summer and fall months.
For a more detailed description of Iowa's summer
and fall wildflowers, consult a field guide.
Flowers in the family Compositae, also called
composites, are most represented during the sum-
mer and fall months. Included in this family are
showy daisylike flowers such as sunflowers, asters,
and coneflowers. Dandelions, thistles, and golden-
rod are also members of this family of plants. The
composites have several unique characteristics.
Each flower head actually includes two different
types of flowers called florets. Many tiny florets
gathered together in the center of the flower head
make up the disc. On a black-eyed Susan, the dark
center of the flower head is actually a cluster of small
disc florets. The long yellow petal-like flowers that
surround the disc are actually ray flowers. Each of
the florets of a composite has the ability to pro-
duce a seed. The white fluffy ball of seeds that
surrounds a dandelion is produced by indi-
vidual disc and ray florets. The vast number of
seeds produced by sunflowers, asters, and
thistles make them important to seed-eating
birds such as goldfinches. The following is a
brief description of the more common compos-
ite wildflowers found blooming in Iowa during
the summer and fall months.
Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia
serotina) are a common sign of summer in the
grasslands. The black eye refers to the dark
disc flowers in the center of the flower head.
Yellow ray flowers, about an inch long, surround
the disc flowers. The stem is rough and hairy with
thick hairy alternate leaves. The plant blooms from
June through September in grasslands and open
Iowa's Summer and
Fall Wildflowers
The Composite Family
Disc Flowers
Ray Flowers
9 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Yellow coneflowers (Ratibida pinnata), with their
dark disc flowers and surrounding yellow ray flowers,
somewhat resemble black-eyed Susans. Coneflow-
ers, however, have drooping ray flowers which are
longer and thinner than those of black-eyed
Susans. The plant is sometimes called gray-headed
coneflower because the disc flowers are gray until
the florets open and change the color of the disc to
brown. The stem is slender and hairy with slender
compound leaves. Yellow coneflowers bloom from
June to September in dry grassland areas.
Purple coneflowers
(Echinacea purpurea) are
easy to identify. The plant
may grow to a height of
more than four feet.
Each flower head may
be more than three
inches wide. The
center disc flowers are
bigger than those of
other coneflowers.
The purple ray
flowers are also
larger, sometimes
growing to three
inches. The stem
and leaves are
rough and hairy.
The plant blooms
from June through
Smooth asters (Aster laevis) are a common
daisy of grasslands and woodland edges. The
disc flowers of asters are yellow or orange tubular
florets surrounded by a double set of ray flowers.
The blue or purple rays are thin and form a flower
head less than an inch in diameter. Below the flower
head is a circle of green bracts. The plant grows to a
height of one to three feet and blooms from July until
Smooth Asters
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Tall thistles (Cirsium altissimum) are a
rosy, purple color with a typical thistle appear-
ance. They are members of the composite
family and have a mass of tubular florets that
make up the flower head. Below the flower is a
cup-shaped series of bracts with bristled points.
The branched stem is typically three to seven feet
tall. The leaves grow alternately along the stem
and are whitish underneath. Tall thistles bloom
in August and September in grasslands.
Stiff goldenrod (Solidago rigida) has many
tiny golden flowers. The composite flowers of this
prairie plant give the flower head a fluffy appear-
ance. Plants may grow to a height of more than
three feet. The leaves and stems have gray hairs.
Lower leaves form a basal rosette, while the stem
leaves grow alternately. Goldenrods bloom in dry
grasslands from August to October at the same
time that ragweed is producing pollen. Many
people believe they are allergic to the showy golden-
rods when it is actually the drab rag-
weeds that are responsible for
their discomfort.
Blazingstars (Liatris
pycnostachya) are showy prairie
plants. Nearly a third of the one- to
three-foot tall plant consists of a
purplish flower head arranged as a
long spike. Flowering begins at the
top of each spike and moves downward.
Individual flower heads have a mass of
tubular florets. The lower part of the stem has many
slender closely alternate leaves. Blazingstars bloom
from July until frost.
Tall Thistle
Stiff Goldenrod
11 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Legumes are members of the bean family
(Leguminosae) which includes clovers, vetches, and
peas. Also included in this family are indigos, alfalfa,
and lead plant.
Legumes have unique flowers. The sepals are
united as a tube and are separate from the other
flower parts. The five petals are typically not
alike and vary as to the number of petals above
and below the pistil and stamens. The leaves
are compound and arranged alternately
along the stem. Legumes are easily identi-
fied by their flat or rounded pods that
contain the plants seeds. Some legumes,
such as soybeans, alfalfa, and clovers, are
grown agriculturally. In addition to their
value as crops, pasture, or hay, these
plants may fix nitrogen in the soil,
adding nutrients that can be used by
future plantings. The following is a
brief description of some wild-growing
legumes that are common in Iowa
during the summer and fall months.
Purple prairie clover
(Petalostemum purpureum),
unlike other legumes, has
one large petal and four
smaller ones. The small
purple flowers are clustered
together around a cylindri-
cal flower spike. The flow-
ers begin blooming at the
bottom of the cylinder and
blooming progresses up-
ward during the summer
months. Purple prairie
clover plants grow in
patches and are typically
one to two feet tall. The
leaves are slender and
divided into three to five
The Legume Family
Purple Prairie Clover
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Partridge Pea
Partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) has
a typical pealike appearance. Leaves are divided
into many leaflets. The plant is sometimes called
sensitive pea because when touched the leaves
may curl inward. The bright yellow flowers have
ten unequal stamens, four of which have yellow
anthers while the other six have purple an-
thers. The plant produces a flat pod ap-
proximately two inches long, which con-
tains the small brown seeds. Partridge
pea blooms in dry or sandy soil from
July through September.
Lead plant (Amorpha canescens) grows in
sandy soils, often in the same
places as partridge pea. It is a
shrubby plant with long leaves
divided into many leaflets.
Hairs on the stems and leaves
give the plant a whitish
leadlike appearance. The
tiny purple flowers grow as
spikes on the upper two to
seven inches of the stem.
The flowers bloom from
May to August. A single
seed is contained in
each of many silvery
purple pods.
Lead Plant
13 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
The Parsley Family The parsley family (Umbellifereae) includes pars-
nips, hemlocks, Queen Annes lace, and rattlesnake
master. The hemlocks are poisonous and may even
be deadly if swallowed. But other members of the
parsley family, including carrots and
domestic parsnips, are palatable.
The flowers in this family are arranged
as flat, domed, or balled umbels. Most
are white, although golden Alexander,
parsnip, and yellow pimpernel are
yellow. The following is a brief descrip-
tion of a few of the more common mem-
bers of the parsley family found bloom-
ing in Iowa during the summer and fall
Water hemlock (Cicuta maculata) is found in wet
open areas throughout Iowa. It is a tall stout plant
that sometimes grows to seven feet. The tiny flowers
are white and clustered tightly together in a rounded
umbel. Each flower head is composed of
several umbels, and each plant has several
flower heads. Flowers bloom from June
through August. The leaves have long
petioles and are divided into three or
fewer lance-shaped leaflets.
All parts of the plant are
poisonous, especially the
seeds. However, water hem-
lock is less toxic than poison
hemlock, and poisoning is not
always fatal.
Queen Annes lace (Daucus
carota) blooms in roadsides and prai-
ries from May through October. Al-
though not native to Iowa, it is now very
common. It is sometimes called wild
carrot. The white umbels form flat lacy
flower heads that may be more than
three inches wide. Old flower heads curl
upward to form a nestlike cup. The
leaves are thin and finely divided, similar
to those of carrots. Look for Queen
Annes lace along roadsides, pastures,
and other disturbed areas.
Water Hemlock
Queen Anne's
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is a
prairie relict, indicating that an area still has its
historic prairie features. Several flower heads,
each on its own stem, grow at the top of the
plant. Flower heads are spherical umbels
with many flowers and small whitish
bracts. The bracts give the flower heads
a rough, prickly feel and appearance. The
lance-shaped leaves have bristlelike teeth and
form a basal rosette. Similar leaves may be
found on upper parts of the stem. The plant
blooms from June through September.
In addition to members of the composite, legume,
and parsley families, there are many other groups of
plants that blossom in the summer and fall months.
Wild roses, horsemints, catnip, and self-heal are
found in open woodlands and grass-
lands. In damp areas, jewelweed, lilies,
and gentians display their beauty. And
tall plants like milkweed, evening prim-
rose, and mullein are easily seen in
road ditches, pastures, and other open
areas. The following is a brief descrip-
tion of some more common wildflowers,
from various plant families, that bloom
in Iowa during the summer and fall
Wild rose (Rosa carolina) is the state
flower of Iowa. It grows as a woody shrub in
open woodlands, woodland edges, and prai-
ries. The flowers are pink-purple with yellow
stamens and may be two inches wide, bloom-
ing from June through September. The leaves
are oval, sharply toothed, and divided into five to
seven leaflets. Thorns are more conspicuous on
larger, woodier stems. Rose fruits, called hips, re-
main on the plant through winter and provide a
source of vitamin C.
Other Prairie Wildflowers
Wild Rose
15 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Hoary vervain (Verbena stricta) is a common,
although not native, grassland flower that is often
found growing in roadsides. The leaves are at the
base of the plant. Small purple flowers are ar-
ranged as a spike on the top four to eight inches of
each stalk. Like purple prairie clover, blooming
begins at the bottom of the spike and proceeds
upwards during the summer months. The plant
may grow to a height of three feet.
Butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) is
the most colorful member of the milkweed family.
Bright orange flowers are clumped together at the
top of the plant. The plant is specifically designed
to be pollinated by larger insects. Pollen is con-
tained in a heavy sticky structure called a pol-
linium. Only larger insects can pull the pollinium,
and themselves, from
the flowers. Smaller
insects, which are too
weak to free them-
selves from the pol-
linium, are often found
dead on the flowers.
Unlike other members
of the milkweed family,
no milky sap is
found in the plant
stem. Rough pointed
leaves grow alternately
along the plant stem.
Butterfly milkweed
grows from one to
three feet high and
blooms from July
through September.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a tall plant with
a long clublike spike of yellow flowers atop a thick
stiff stem. The flowers bloom from June through
September. Mullein is a non-native plant which is
now common in disturbed areas and along road-
sides where it may grow to a height of six feet. The
leaves are soft and velvety and may be very large.
Leaves of mullein are reported to have been used by
pioneer women to rub their cheeks to a blush color.
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) blooms
in sandy or gravelly grassland areas. It is a
large bushy plant that grows to a height of three
to six feet. The flowers are bright yellow, ap-
proximately two inches wide, with four petals and
eight stamens. The coarse leaves have no petioles
and grow alternately along the stem. Evening prim-
rose blooms from July through September. In fall
more than 50 capsules, which contain the seeds,
may be clustered at the top of each plant.
Jewelweed (Impatiens biflora) is a late-blooming
plant of damp woodlands and woodland edges and is
especially common along waterways. It is
a tall plant with a thick, watery, trans-
lucent green stem, sometimes
growing as tall as five feet. The
flowers are funnel-shaped.
They are colored yellow-
orange with reddish
brown spots. A slender
flower stalk is at-
tached at the center
top point of the
flower. The oval
leaves are more
than three inches
long and grow
alternately on the
plant stems. The
liquid of the plant
stem helps allevi-
ate the itching
caused by stinging
nettles and other
plant allergies.
17 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
A summer drive along a prairie roadside reminds
us of the natural beauty of wildflowers. Over many
generations, people have borrowed the secrets of
nature to commercially breed flowers for human
enjoyment. Our flower gardens are full of plants
derived from wildflowers that have been bred for
their beauty. But it is important to remember where
this beauty originated. The summer and fall beauty
of blazingstars, lilies, roses, and other wildflowers is
the historic resource used to produce commercial
plants. The beauty still exists and blooms freely and
annually in Iowas natural areas.
Keep in mind that, regardless of their beauty, all
wild plants serve as members of natural communi-
ties and are, therefore, important. Excessively gath-
ering plants for their beauty has endangered some
plant species. Please look, smell, and enjoy the
wildflowers without picking or digging them.
Past and Present Benefits
of Wildflowers
Beautiful Plants
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Plants are our main source of medicines. Scien-
tists rely on a diversity of plant species to sift through
in their search to find new treatments for disease.
For American Indians and early European settlers,
hundreds of different wild-growing plants provided
the majority of their food, materials, and medicines.
Various wildflowers, including catnip and yarrow,
were used to treat a wide range of illnesses includ-
ing fevers, sore throats, colds, and nervous
disorders. In Iowa prairies plants such as
goldenrod, sage, and flowering spurge were
sought by American Indians and pioneers to
treat maladies such as bee stings, stomach
aches, and bronchitis. Along woodland
edges jewelweed, asters, and cup plant had
medicinal uses.
Because they are easily identified
in fall and because they often hold
their fruit through the colder
months of fall and winter, late-
blooming wildflowers some-
times played a critical role in
providing winter nutrition for
both people and wildlife. The
tubers of Jerusalem artichoke
may be stored and eaten like
potatoes. Wild rose hips may
provide an essential winter
supply of Vitamin C for both
people and wildlife. Seeds from
composites and legumes also
provide valuable food for wildlife
throughout the winter.
The common dandelion,
although not native to this
country, is a good example of
the usefulness of wild plants to
the educated edible plants
enthusiast. The leaves can be
used in salads or for cooked
vegetables. The roots can be ground for coffee or
cooked as a vegetable. And the blossom can be used
to make dandelion wine or eaten as a fried vegetable.
In addition to their food value, dandelions once were
used as vitamin supplements, to increase appetite, as
a diuretic, and to relieve some rheumatic disorders.
Remember, caution is required when considering
eating any wild plant. Do not eat any plant you cannot
positively identify as being edible. Carefully research
the plant or consult an edible plants expert before
Medicines and Food
from Nature
19 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Late summer and fall are the peak times for
viewing wildflowers along Iowa roadsides. With
nearly all of our prairies destroyed, native prairie
wildflowers have found a last refuge in a few pas-
tures, pioneer cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, and
Each year lilies, coneflowers, black-eyed Susans,
Queen Annes lace, and a host of other wildflowers
bloom in our roadsides. In addition to the native
wildflowers commonly found in Iowa roadsides, some
not-so-common flowers may also be encountered.
Keep an eye out for rattlesnake master, compass
plant, blazingstar, and orchids. These and other
plants thrive only in prairie conditions. In recent
years, some very rare plants have been found grow-
ing in Iowa roadsides. Among the more fantastic
Wildflowers of Iowa
Iowa Association of Naturalists
finds are two orchidsthe small white ladys slipper
and the western prairie fringed orchid. The fact that
such rare plants can still be found in roadsides,
which through the years have been disturbed,
sprayed, and reseeded, is remarkable.
Throughout Iowa, more attention is being given to
roadsides managed as prairie. Nearly half of the
counties in Iowa have roadside biologists who work
toward managing roadsides in a way that reduces
weeds, stabilizes the slopes, and increases diversity
of native grasses and flowers. With an increased
awareness of the value of roadside habitat and the
spread of integrated roadside vegetation management
programs, perhaps more rare flowers will be discov-
ered and protected along Iowa roads.
In the summer and fall months, the beauty of
Iowas wildflowers shifts from the woodlands to the
grasslands and other open areas. Composites,
members of the daisy family, dominate the show and
are supported by a cast of other plant families, in-
cluding the legumes and members of the parsley
family. The flowers bloom through the summer
months and into fall, up until the first frost.
Beauty is a functional and necessary charac-
teristic of many wildflowers. The dazzling colors
of the wildflowers provide enjoyment for people,
but they are actually meant to dazzle other
creatures. Many of these flowers must attract
certain insects in order to be successfully
Summer and fall wildflowers may
be viewed throughout Iowa simply by
slowly driving, walking, or biking along
the roads and bike trails. Roadside
wildflowers and native grasses are on
the increase due to the birth of inte-
grated roadside vegetation manage-
ment programs. For a special look at
summer and fall wildflowers, visit a
native prairie remnant or recon-
structed prairie area. Bring a friend
and share the fun of discovering
Iowa wildflowers.
Viewing Iowa's Fall
21 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Botany: A Brief Introduction to Plant Biology, Rost, Barbour, Thornton, Weier, and
Stocking, 1979.
A Field Guide To Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-central North America, Roger
Tory Peterson and Margaret McKenny, 1968.
Iowa State University Extension publications, contact your county extension office.
Iowas Roadside Wildflowers, Iowa Department of Transportation.
Poisonous Plants of the Central United States, H. A. Stephens, University of Kansas,
Wild Edibles of Missouri, Jan Phillips.
Wild Edible Fruits and Berries, Marjorie Furlong and Virginia Pill, Naturegraph, 1974.
Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands, Sylvan T. Runkel and Alvin F. Bull, Iowa State
University Press, 1979.
Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie, Sylvan T. Runkel and Dean Roosa, Iowa State
University Press, 1989.
Wildflowers and Weeds, Booth Courtnay and James Zimmerman, Simon and Schuster,
Useful Resouces
Iowa Association of Naturalists
23 Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers
Iowa Association of Naturalists
Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers is one in a series of seven booklets that are part of the Iowa Plants
Series. The booklets in the series include:
Iowa Plants
Iowa's Spring Wildflowers (IAN-301)
Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers (IAN-302)
Benefits and Dangers of Iowa Plants (IAN-303)
Iowa's Trees (IAN-304)
Seeds, Nuts, and Fruits of Iowa Plants (IAN-305)
Iowa's Mushrooms and Other Nonflowering Plants (IAN-306)
Iowa's Shrubs and Vines (IAN-307)
The Iowa Association of Naturalists also has produced five other booklet series that provide readers
with a clear, understandable overview of topics concerning the Iowa environment and conservation. The
booklets included in each of the other five series are listed below.
Iowa Physical Environment Series
Iowa Weather (IAN-701)
Iowa Geology and Fossils (IAN-702)
Iowa Soils (IAN-703)
Iowa Wildlife Series
Iowa Mammals (IAN-601)
Iowa Winter Birds (IAN-602)
Iowa Nesting Birds (IAN-603)
Iowa Reptiles and Amphibians (IAN-604)
Iowa Fish (IAN-605)
Iowa Insects and Other Invertebrates (IAN-606)
Iowa's Natural Resource Heritage
Changing Land Use and Values (IAN-501)
Famous Iowa Conservationists (IAN-502)
Iowa's Environmental Laws (IAN-503)
Conservation Careers in Iowa (IAN-504)
Iowa Wildlife and People
Iowa Wildlife and Management (IAN-401)
Keeping Iowa Wildlife Wild (IAN-402)
Misconceptions About Iowa Wildlife (IAN-403)
State Symbols of Iowa (IAN-404)
Iowa Food Webs and Other Interrelationships (IAN-405)
Natural Cycles in Iowa (IAN-406)
Iowa Biodiversity (IAN-407)
Adapting to Iowa (IAN-408)
Iowa's Biological Communities
Iowa's Biological Communities (IAN-201)
Iowa Woodlands (IAN-202)
Iowa Prairies (IAN-203)
Iowa Wetlands (IAN-204)
Iowa Waterways (IAN-205)
Iowa Environmental Issues
Iowa Habitat Loss and Disappearing Wildlife (IAN-101)
Iowa Air Pollution (IAN-102)
Iowa Water Pollution (IAN-103)
Iowa Agricultural Practices and the Environment (IAN-104)
People, Communities, and Their Iowa Environment (IAN-105)
Energy In Iowa (IAN-106)
Iowa Waste Management (IAN-107)
Booklets may be ordered
through the Iowa State
University Extension Service at a
cost of $1.00 per booklet. When
ordering, be sure to use the IAN
number to the right of each listed
booklet title. Please send written
orders and payment to:
ISU Extension Service
Printing and Publications Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

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on recycled paper.

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