Drum Boiler Modeling

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S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
S. R. Tawfeic
Department of mechanical power & energy, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Received 1 April 2013; accepted 5 May 2013
In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to describe the dynamics of the drum-level of a
natural circulation boiler. A boiler-drum is divided into two parts; the upper part contains saturated
steam while the lower part contains a steam/water mixture. The ratio of the steam in that mixture is
defined in this work as the steam volumetric ratio. On the other hand, balance equations are applied
to the drum. The resulting equations are used to model the drum-level. The importance of the
resulting model comes from the direct modeling of drum level which is usually computed off-line
with the aid of empirical formulas and assumptions. Safe operation of boilers requires perfect level
controller which cannot be designed without proper modeling. Simulation of the water level
dynamics for step changes in heat rate and steam demand are compared with those in the literature.
The results show that the drum level can be obtained from the basic balance equations.
Keywords: water level dynamics, Drum-type Boilers, Natural circulation, and boiler modeling, Simulation.
1. Introduction
A dramatic shift from the use of nuclear power generation plants is expected very soon,
due to the upset of repeated nuclear accidents caused by these plants. Strong tendency for
this shift is led by industrial countries, especially after the recent Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Fossil-fuel power plants with large boilers are expected to replace such huge capacity
units. Drum-type boilers use the principle of natural water circulation, where the density
differences causes circulation of water in the down comer riser loop. Addition of heat
causes the creation of steam bubbles in the riser tubes which are naturally separated from
the saturated water in the drum. The primary function of boiler system is to balance load
demand with generator output energy While, maintaining the internal variables of the
system at designated values.
It is important to realize that drum-type boiler is a highly nonlinear complex system and
it is difficult to design an effective controller for such system with Shrink/Swell
phenomena. Therefore, thorough understanding of the process is essential for the design of
the boiler control system. Modeling of drum boiler dynamics was considered by many
researchers over the years. A lot of research has been devoted to model-based control, Wen
Tan et al. [1] and [2] designed a linear controller to work in a carefully selected operating
range of a highly non-linear model. Analysis of the response of a thermal power plant
using optimal control of drum level is given by Eun. Gee. Kim [3]. Caifen Fu et al. [4]
designed a robust PI controller to study the performance of a benchmark boiler system.
Tuning rules for a structured PID controller of a boiler-turbine unit are introduced by Wen
Tan et al. [5]. Hamdi A. Awad & Saad M. Hewaidy [6], Addel Ben-Abdennour, & Kwang
Y. Lee [7], & Ali Ghaffari et al. [8] used fuzzy logic control strategies. Hctor, G.C. et al.
[9] used sliding-mode control to achieve robust tracking of drum-type steam generating
units. Yu Nanhua et al. [10] Introduced an adaptive derivative action to monitor steam
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
flow, and weaken the effect of false water level. The development of a dynamic
simulation model and its application in the study and design of a new control philosophy
and turbine bypass system to meet the operational requirements is presented by W. J. Peet,
& T. K. P. Leung [11]. Pang-Chia Chen & Jeff S. Shamma [12] introduced a gain-
scheduled approach for boiler-turbine controller design. Simulation of the startup behavior
of controlled circulation and natural circulation boilers is given by Bin Li, Tingkuan Chen
et al. [13]. A furnace model describing the combustion in a model of an air-flue gas which
includes a bubbling fluidized bed and a model for a water-steam circuit describing heat
transfer from hot flue gases to water and steam is presented by Tuomas Kataja & Yrj
Majanne [14]. The results of a comparison of four finite-volume-algorithms for the
dynamic simulation of natural circulation steam generators are reported by Heimo Walter
[15]. K.L. Lo & Y. Rathamarit [16] examined state estimation using an unscented Kalman
The development of a mathematical model for drum type boilers requires a combination
of non-linear equations, to describe the evaporation in the vertical tubes and the phase
separation in the steam drum as shown by Adam, E.J, Marchetti, and J.L [17]. L. C.
Gmez, F. E. Milioli [18], & M.H. Zhang et al. [19] studied two phase flow inside the
risers, while H.E. Emara-Shabaik et al. [20] introduce a model to predict risers
Modeling water level is a quite complicated task because of the complex flow patterns
inside the drum. Although the drum level is very important parameter to control for safe
operation of boilers, none of the available literature presents a complete model for the
system including the drum level. H. Kim, & S. Choi, [21] and strm, K.J., & Bell, R.D.
[22] present models to describe the volume of steam under the water level which can be
used indirectly to evaluate the level. An Important problem with steam volume evaluation
given in thesis papers is the use of empirical models to simulate the steam flow rate out of
the surface. On the other hand, direct evaluation of drum level is given by F. M. Mansour
et al. [23], yet the model does not account for the volume of steam in the mixture which is
responsible for swell and shrink phenomena and is essential for accurate evaluation of the
drum level.
In this work, a complete dynamic model including the level inside the drum is presented.
Evaluation of the level is based on the elementary equations. The simulator is based on
three models; one uses global mass and energy balance to capture the behavior of the
system, the second one to describe the operation in the riser downcomer loop and the third
for the level inside the drum. The behavior of drum level is directly obtained using a
combination of the energy equation applied to the drum, and the fact that, the rate of
change of volume of the system is zero. The mixture of water and steam below the level is
given by another equation describing the volumetric ratio of steam in the mixture. The
results from the presented model are compared with those of strm, K.J., & Bell, R.D.
[22] to examine the accuracy of the model.

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]

2. Mathematical modeling
2. 1. Model formulation
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of natural circulation drum type boiler. The heat
released from the combustion of fuel is used to evaporate water in the riser tubes. The
resulting difference in water densities causes the circulating flow of water. Accordingly,
the water-steam mixture enters the lower part of the drum. Steam flows out at the top of
the drum as demanded. Feed-water makeup is supplied to the lower part of the drum.
Modeling of the boiler includes the essential inputs and outputs needed for the overall plant
operation and control. Linearization about normal operating conditions is given and the
shrink/swell phenomenon is incorporated in the model.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the boiler natural circulation loop
, is the total energy stored in the metal of the steel drum and tubes,
where the wall temperature of the metal is assumed to be strongly correlated to the
saturation temperature at the operating condition . The heat loss to the ambient
is neglected.
Assuming uniform saturation pressure in the drum and tubes
, and (3)

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
, and (4)
The global mass and energy balance equations (1) and (2) become
Since the saturated properties of water and steam are functions of the pressure only, the
differentiation of equations (5) and (6) include partial differential of these terms with
respect to pressure at the equilibrium condition giving rise to the following equations
They can be written in the following forms
Where , and are constants given by
Due to the complexity of the resulting highly non-linear system equations, the constant
coefficients in the equations will be collected and initiated by a capital to reduce the size
of the equations and make the linearization process less prone to errors.
2. 2. The downcomerriser flow loop
The balance equations applied to the riser tubes are

Where , and are the masses of steam and water inside the risers.
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
Assuming linear distribution of steam-mass fraction, strm & Bell [22] show that the
average volumetric ratio of the steam inside the risers is given by:

Using the above equation, total steam and water volumes inside the risers can be
evaluated as
With the aid of (15), equations (12), and (13) become

Canceling out from equations (16), and (17) results the following
This can be reduced to the form
, and
Also from eq. (16) we have

Where: , and are constants evaluated at the equilibrium operating condition and
are given by
, And
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
strm & Bell [22] described the natural circulation inside the riserdowncomer loop as
2.3. Drum
Modeling water the drum water level is a very complicated task. Poor control of the
drum level is expected due to the non-minimum phase behavior caused by the complicated
swell and shrink phenomena.
There are many efforts to model the drum-water level. Kim & Choi [21] use drift
velocity of steam bubbles to evaluate the flow rate of steam crossing the water surface
taking into account constitutional equations for the condensation rate to compute the
volume of steam contributing to the drum water level. strm & Bell [22] use mass
balance equations to evaluate the volume of steam under water level with the aid of an
empirical model describing the steam flow rate out of the surface. Bin Li et al. [13] &
Adam, E.J. & Marchetti, J.L. [17] divide the drum into two phases above and below water
level and apply the basic conservation equations together with some empirical formulas on
each phase to evaluate the volume of steam under water level.
All of the above researchers indirectly evaluate the level inside the drum using volumes
of steam and water below drum level. Direct modeling of drum water level is carried out
by F. M. Mansour et al. [23] but their work doesnt account for the contribution of the
volume of steam under water level to the level of the drum.
Fig. 2 shows a schematic representation of a boiler drum. The drum is divided into two
zones. The first zone below water level is filled with steam water mixture while the upper
zone is filled with steam.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the drum
2. 3. 1. Volumetric ratio of the mixture
Denoting the initial volume of the mixture by , the volume of mixture under water
surface can be given by
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
Where is the water surface at the operating level as shown in Fig. 2.
It is easy to show that the volumetric ratio of the steam in the mixture is given by
With the aid of eq. (25), the total volume of the boiler system can be given as
, (26)
Differentiating eq. (26) using the fact that is constant yields
This can be written in the form

, and (29)
2. 3. 2. Mass balance
Applying the mass balance equation to the drum gives

It can easily be shown that
Replacing the term from eq. (31), using its equivalent term
as given by eq. (32) gives
Substituting from eq. (21) into eq. (33) gives

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
2. 3. 3. Energy balance
The energy equation applied to the drum is

This can be reduced to
This can be simplified with the aid of eq. (21) to

It is important to realize that the volume of water in the drum mixture is
given in terms of instead of the traditional states to emphasize the coupling between
the states of the system.
The properties of water at the equilibrium operating conditions are evaluated using the x-
steam freeware MATLAB file, implementing the standard formulas given by the
International Association for the Properties of Water IAPWS-IF97.
3. State Space Analysis
Define as state vector, and as the input
vector. Equations (9), (10), (19), (23), (34), and (36) can have the form
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]




, and

The above equation is equivalent to the form
Where, , is a nonlinear functions of the states and the inputs of the system.
Suppose is an equilibrium point with equilibrium input . Assume the system starts a
little bit away from with a slightly different input . Define the deviation variables

Jacobean linearization of the system gives
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]

Matlab code is used to simulate the response of the system while the symbolic toolbox of
Matlab is used in the linearization process of the resulting system.
4. Results and Discussion
Testing and verification of the presented nonlinear model using parameters quoted from
[22] is used to compare the simulation results under identical environmental conditions. A
list of the parameters used is shown in table (1).
Table 1.
Design parameters and operating conditions of the simulated boiler
Drum pressure P
8.5 MPa
Drum volume V
40 m

Steam flow rate 50 kg/s
Feed water flow rate 50 kg/s
Riser volume V
37 m

Heating rate 86 Mw
Downcomer volume V
11 m

Drum water surface area 20 m

Riser metal mass 160000 kg
Steam quality 0.051
Riser & downcomer mass
flow rate
1194 kg/s
Initial volume of the steam
water mixture in the drum
24 m

Total volume of water 57.1 m

Specific heat of metal 0.5 kJ/kg
Total metal mass 300000 kg
Volumetric mixture fraction 0.21 m

Level of the water 1.47 m
Feed water temperature
k/ 25/0.3

Fig. 3 shows the open loop responses of the system for a 10 Mw step change in heat
addition compared to [22]. Since the input conditions, and the parameters used are
identical, responses show close matching between the total water volumes, drum pressures.
Slight difference in riser exit steam quality is shown in the figure which can be attributed
to the insufficient data about metal masses. The figure also shows little discrepancy in the
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
volume of steam as expressed by steam level contribution. This can be explained, since the
current model incorporates balance equations to evaluate the volume of steam instead of
the empirical model and assumptions used in [22].
It is shown in the figure that the increase of pressure is accompanied by an increase in
total water volume. This is mainly due to the condensation of steam caused by increasing
the saturation pressure which explains the decrease of the volume of steam known as the
shrink phenomenon.

Fig. 3. Open loop responses for a step change of 10 Mw in heat added (solid)
presented and (dotted) strm's.
The comparison due to 10 kg/s step change in steam demand is shown in fig. 4. The
results show close matching in total water volumes and drum pressures with little
mismatching in riser exit steam qualities. The volumes of steam in the mixtures show
discrepancy as is the case in figure (3) due to the same reasons. The decrease of pressure
shown in fig. 4 is accompanied by a decrease of total water volume due to the evaporation
resulting from the lower saturation pressure which explains the increase of the volume of
steam in the drum water mixture.
Drum level comparisons due to a step change of 10 Mw in heat added (a) and to 10 kg/s
step change in steam demand (b) are shown in fig. 5. The figure show better agreement in
the case of step changes in heat added than in the case of step change in steam demand.
The discrepancies of results due to changes in steam demand are expected as is explained
in the discussion of figures (3) & (4) before. The shrink/swell phenomena appears in the
figure as the addition of heat is accompanied by an increase in the drum water level or
swelling and the increase of steam demand is accompanied by a decrease of water level or
shrinking. Apparently water level does not correctly reflect the actual change of water
storage in the loop which causes non-minimum-phase behavior of level dynamics and
suggests suitable compensation for better control of the level.

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]

Fig. 4. open loop responses for a step change of 10 kg/s in steam demand; (solid)
presented and (dotted) strm's.

Fig. 5. open loop level responses for step changes in: (a) 10 Mw heat added, (b) 10
kg/s steam demand.
The volume of water in the drum can easily be evaluated using the state as shown
Since is introduced only in this work. To validate using it, the volume of water in
the drum is also evaluated using equation (33).
Almost identical values of the volume of water in the drum using both of the relations are
shown in fig. (6), for step changes in heat addition and steam demand respectively. The
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
correspondence of these results validates the state as the steam volumetric ratio which
directly means that evaluation of the volume of steam in the mixture is possible using
it as follows:
This means that the volume of steam in the mixture can be accurately obtained from
basic balance equations, which is not the case in the literature available, since the state
is not introduced there. Instead, some empirical relations and assumptions are used to
evaluate it as for example the case in [22].
The importance of the model developed in this work comes from the direct evaluation of
the drum level using the state y incorporated in the model. State is required to
evaluate the level. The control of the drum level is essential for safe and efficient
operation of the boiler. The models available in the literature do not include the drum level
as a state which complicates the design of the level controller.
strm & Bell [22] used the summation of both the changes of the volume of steam and
water in the mixture to evaluate the change of volume of the drum mixture and
consequently use the area of the surface to evaluate the drum level.

Fig. 6. Open loop responses for step changes in: (a) 10 Mw heat added, (b) 10 kg/s
steam demand.
The results of fig. 7 show the volumetric steam ratio in the mixture, the corresponding
volumes of steam and water and the drum level due to 10 Mw a step change in heat added.
It is shown in the figure that the addition of heat causes a decrease in the volumetric steam
ratio and the volume of steam with an increase in water volume. As previously shown in
fig. 3, this is mainly due to the increase of pressure which raises the saturation temperature
and causes condensation of steam. The resulting level response shows an increase of the
drum level with the increase of pressure.
Fig. 8 shows that a step change of 10 kg/s in steam demand causes an initial decrease in
the steam volumetric ratio followed by a large increase in its value. This is mainly due to
the decrease of pressure as shown in fig. 4 which lowers the saturation temperature causing
S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
the evaporation of steam. The corresponding volumes of steam and water are shown in the
figure. The net result is a decrease of the drum level.

Fig. 7. Open loop response for a step change of 10 Mw in heat added

Fig. 8. Open loop responses for a step change in steam demand
Fig. 9 shows the riser and downcomer flow rates corresponding to the step changes in
heat addition and steam demand respectively.

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]

Fig. 9. Open loop responses for step changes in: (a) 10 Mw heat added, (b) 10 kg/s
steam demand
Fig. 10 shows the drum level response for step changes in heat added and steam demand
respectively assuming 10% change of the total metal masses around the original value as
given in table (1). The results show the effect of varying drum metal mass on the dynamic
response of the boiler. An important parameter affecting the dynamics of the drum level is
the metallic masses of the boiler specially the drum metal mass. The dynamics of the
exchange of energy between the metallic masses and the working fluid plays an important
role in damping any rapid increase in drum level since the larger mass of the drum and
tubes is accompanied by higher heat capacity which slows down the rate of exchange of

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
Fig. 10. Open loop responses for step changes in: (a) 10 Mw heat added, (b) 10
kg/s steam demand
5. Conclusions
In this paper a non-linear model describing the water level dynamics of natural
circulation drum-type boilers has been developed. The model has six states and accounts
for the total mass and energy inside the boiler, the riser tubes and the drum. The
distribution of steam in the riser tubes and the drum and the shrink/swell phenomenon are
also captured. Another important issue that affects the dynamics of the process is the
exchange of energy between the working fluid and the boiler metallic walls and is captured
by the model. Unlike many of the available literature, the drum water level is incorporated
as a state in the model presented in this work giving rise to the chance of designing better
level controllers.
6. Notations

Area (m

Initial letter denotes a constant

Specific heat of the metal (J/kg K)

Energy (J)
g Gravitational acceleration (m/s

Specific enthalpy (J/kg)

Friction coefficient in downcomer riser loop

Tube length (m)

Total Mass (kg)

Mass flow rate (kg/s)

Pressure (Pa)

Heat flow rate to the risers (J/s)
q Heat loss

Temperature (K), Time (s)

Specific Internal energy (J/kg)

Total volume ( m

Dryness coefficient

Level (m)

Average volumetric fraction in the risers

volumetric fraction of the steam in mixture
under drum level

Density (kg/ m

S. R. Tawfeic, Boiler Drum-Level Modeling, pp. 1812 - 1829
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 5, September,
2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
7. Subscripts
amb Ambient
sat Saturation condition



Equilibrium condition

Saturated liquid

Phase change from liquid to gas

Feed water

Saturated steam

Mixture of water and steam below drum
water level, metal
md Mass of drum metal (kg)
mt Mass of total boiler metal (kg)

Initial value


Saturated steam
w Saturated water

total value
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2013, E-mail address: [email protected]
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