This document outlines the duties and activities of a construction consultant on a project. It discusses three main services provided: design consultancy, construction supervision, or both combined. It then details the consultant's responsibilities during the construction phase, including establishing a site supervision team headed by a senior resident engineer to monitor the contractor's work. The consultant will also perform contract administration duties like managing the construction program and costs, producing monthly/quarterly reports, issuing certificates, and handling claims. Project meetings will also be arranged to coordinate work.
This document outlines the duties and activities of a construction consultant on a project. It discusses three main services provided: design consultancy, construction supervision, or both combined. It then details the consultant's responsibilities during the construction phase, including establishing a site supervision team headed by a senior resident engineer to monitor the contractor's work. The consultant will also perform contract administration duties like managing the construction program and costs, producing monthly/quarterly reports, issuing certificates, and handling claims. Project meetings will also be arranged to coordinate work.
Original Description:
Project Mang.- Construction Supervision Consultency Services
This document outlines the duties and activities of a construction consultant on a project. It discusses three main services provided: design consultancy, construction supervision, or both combined. It then details the consultant's responsibilities during the construction phase, including establishing a site supervision team headed by a senior resident engineer to monitor the contractor's work. The consultant will also perform contract administration duties like managing the construction program and costs, producing monthly/quarterly reports, issuing certificates, and handling claims. Project meetings will also be arranged to coordinate work.
This document outlines the duties and activities of a construction consultant on a project. It discusses three main services provided: design consultancy, construction supervision, or both combined. It then details the consultant's responsibilities during the construction phase, including establishing a site supervision team headed by a senior resident engineer to monitor the contractor's work. The consultant will also perform contract administration duties like managing the construction program and costs, producing monthly/quarterly reports, issuing certificates, and handling claims. Project meetings will also be arranged to coordinate work.
Faculty Of Architectural Engineering Beirut Arab University Khaled A.Sadek Architect - M.S. Urban and Regional Planning
Arch. 447 Construction Supervision Consultancy Services Arch. 447 Project Management Lecture 10 The Consultants Duties and Activities Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Arch. 447 Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Project Management Employer Consultant
Upon the Employer's request
The Consultant provides for a new project:
1- The Design Consultancy Services
2- The Construction Supervision
3- (1+2) The Design Consultancy Services and the Construction Supervision.
1 2 Contractor 10.0 Introduction Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek The Client C o n s t r u c t i o n
P h a s e
Contractor 2 Contractor 1
D e t a i l e d
D e s i g n
S t a g e
B i d s
E v a l u a t i o n
Project Management Arch. 447 Contractor 3 Contractor 4 P o s t
B i d
C o n f e r e n c e
a n d
C o n t r a c t
N e g o t i a t i o n s
B i d
S u b m i s s i o n
Tendering Assistance Tendering Documentation Design Stages B i d d e r s
S h o r t
L i s t
P r e p a r a t i o n
Tendering Conditions & Conditions of Contract General Specifications for all trades Bills of Quantities for all trades All deliverables for the Detailed Design Stage (drawings , Calculations, .) Tender Clarification Conferences and Responding to Queries F o r m a l
c o n t r a c t
a g r e e m e n t
Tender Documents 1 2 3 4 10.0 Tendering Activities Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.0 Introduction
10.0.1 Approach After award of the construction contract to the successful contractor, and during the construction period of the project, the Consultant will deploy a contract administration and construction supervision staff/team at the site in accordance with the construction schedule (to be prepared by the construction contractor and monitored by the Consultant's supervision team) as soon as the Contractor is mobilized, and will remain until completion and handing over of the works.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.0 Introduction
10.0.2 The Senior Resident Engineer A senior Resident Engineer will head the site supervision team. He will liaise with the Client, as necessary, and will be responsible for monitoring and controlling the Contractor works as well as the submission of material and shop drawings and supply/delivery of equipment, to ensure the quality and timely completion of works.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.0 Introduction
10.0.3 The Site Team The site team will consist of qualified architect, and structural/civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, quantity surveyor, in addition to an equipment engineer. The supervision team will be deployed at the site in accordance with the construction program and when needed, as will be agreed upon with Client. The team shall consist of the following: Resident Engineer Civil and structural Engineer Topo Surveyor Architect Materials Engineer Mechanical and Utilities Engineer Electrical Engineer Quantity surveyor Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.1 Contract Administration Manual The Consultant shall prepare Contract Administration Manual that includes the procedures needed for the proper organization and coordination of the construction and erection activities. This manual will also include the formats to be adopted for material and drawings submissions, the flow of information, and the control of project progress and cost. The manual will include: Brief project description; Project organisation chart; Contract key dates; Project formats and filing; Description of work procedures, etc. Safety procedures Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.2 Project Construction Program The project construction program will be prepared by the Contractor and reviewed by the Consultant to make sure that the project milestones and critical path are in line with the Clients requirements, the project will be delivered according to the time period required by the Client.
During the implementation of the project, the Consultant will keep monitoring the construction program, and any delays in construction activities, material procurement, material and shop drawing submittals, will be brought to the attention of the contractor, and requests will be made to him to take mitigation measures to recover the delays.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.3 Cost Control
To provide a control on the cost as per contract and projected cash flow schedule, the Consultant will continuously monitor the changes, variations and other deviations that have an impact on the project cost and payment schedule.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.4 Monthly and Quarterly Reports
The Consultant will prepare and submit to the Client monthly and quarterly reports in order to provide continuous information and documentation concerning the progress of the material delivery to the sites and of construction/erection works, will be prepared and
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.4 Monthly and Quarterly Reports
The monthly reports cover:
Updated construction works schedule. Progress percentages. Actual progress versus planned. Labour force. Summary of major actions. Recommendations to remedy delays. Revised construction cost. Summary of actual costs and payments.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.4 Monthly and Quarterly Reports
The quarterly reports will cover:
Statement of major activities and events, and submittal of material and shop drawings approvals. Description of major problems and constraints with recommended solutions. Project sites staffing, including beginning, period and departure dates. Comments on the status of material and shop drawings approvals, and as well as the status of the material delivery to site. Description of construction activities with statistics on progress and payment certificates. Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.5 Certificates
The Consultant will prepare all necessary certificates such as: Payment certificates, Taking over certificates, and Final acceptance certificates.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.6 Evaluation of Contract Claims and disputes
The Consultant will assist in analysing and settling claims from the Contractor, which may occur at any phase of the project.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.7 Project Meetings
The Consultant will arrange for the project meetings including:
Monthly design and coordination meetings. Bi-weekly site coordination meetings. Weekly site progress meetings.
These meetings will be held to coordinate the supply and delivery of equipment with progress of construction works, review the progress achieved during the previous week, to compare such progress against the contract time schedule and to discuss and agree on the activities for the following week.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.7 Project Meetings Other meetings will also be held whenever necessary for the following reasons:
To distribute information to all concerned parties To coordinate interface matters between the various parties. To overcome problems encountered in shop drawings and design drawings. To coordinate status of development and compatibility with the overall time schedule. To monitor overall progress and overcome delays. To review and discuss the financial matters.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.1 Contract Administration
10.1.8 Project Procedures Project procedures will be established by the Consultant in order to ensure an effective and efficient system for quality, cost and progress control. The procedures will cover the following: Correspondence. Review and approval of shop drawings. Review and approval of material submittals. Report procedures. Billing procedures. Project organization. Document/Construction change procedures. Document/drawing numbering system. Quality assurance and quality control procedures. Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.2 Supervision of Construction and Erection Works
10.2.1 Site Works During the construction stage, the Consultant will be responsible for the overall control and supervision of construction and erection activities. This includes the following: Monitoring of materials supplied to ensure proper handling, storage, maintenance and installation. Inspection and monitoring of materials and equipment received. Supervision of all construction work through monitoring and witnessing of key activities and tests, and ensuring compliance with approved procedures and the contracts specifications. Quantity surveying of all materials and equipment used, together with progress of work, in order to approve contractor invoices. Performance of quality control activities by witnessing tests, evaluating test procedures and results and issuing compliance reports. Preparation of monthly progress report including actions to correct abnormalities. Checking of the training programme of Clients personnel.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.3.1 Completion Report
Contract completion reports will be prepared for the following: Record of all deviations as compared with the original design. Summary of contractual key events. Delays and extension of time. Variation Orders and Claims. Appraisal of Contractor Performance. Comments and recommendations.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services 10.3 Contract Completion Report, Manuals & As-Built Dwgs. Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.3.2 Manuals and As-Built Drawings The Consultant will review and check the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals (related to the equipment to be furnished by the contractor) and final as-built drawings. Each O&M manual will be checked to ensure it includes: Description of operation. Specifications. Maintenance instructions including drawings, parts list, catalogues, troubleshooting procedure and dismantling and assembly procedures. As-built drawings will be compiled in a file to be submitted to the Client with the operation and maintenance manuals. As-built drawings package shall include modifications and additions made during the course of construction. This package shall include all revisions related to Changes in components reference, models, numbers, as well as the numbering of drawings in order to reflect exactly the executed works on site.
Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services 10.3 Contract Completion Report, Manuals & As-Built Dwgs Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.4 Supervision of Commissioning Works 10.4.1 Start-up Period (Pre-Commissioning) During the start-up period/ Trial Runs, the Consultant will perform the following: A check of the final construction and erection of the Works, An examination of the test runs and programme of start-up prepared by the Contractor, Coordination of test runs and commissioning program, The witnessing and certification of the following: oPutting under tension of the main electrical and sub-systems oPutting under tension of the control and alarm systems oNo-load start-up of the individual and groups of machines oNo-load start-up of each production department oStart-up of each production department under load.
During this test runs, the Consultant will have a close observation to prevent undue or un-necessary damage to the equipment due to mis-operation by the new operators. Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.4.2 Commissioning and Taking over:
The monitoring of the under load operation of the equipment and systems. Evaluation of the operational results, and certifying that the equipment and/or systems are meeting the requirements of the tender documents. In case the equipment and systems are not meeting the requirements of the tender requirements, to define the course of action, by either replacing the equipment/systems or modifying/rectifying it, in order to meet the tender requirements.
10.4 Supervision of Commissioning Works Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Project Management Arch. 447 10.4.2 Commissioning and Taking over:
Provision of advice to the Client that the equipment/systems are ready for take-over Preparing and issuing of Acceptance Certificate for the equipment/systems.
10.4 Supervision of Commissioning Works Lecture 10: Construction Supervision Services Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek Thank you Arch. 438 Project Management Beirut Arab University - Faculty of Architectural Engineering / Arch. 447: Project Management / 2013-2014 / Khaled A. Sadek