Specification Girley
Specification Girley
Specification Girley
All parts of the construction shall be fnished with frst class
workmanship, to the fullest talent and meaning of the plans and
these Specifcations, and to the entire satisfaction of the
Architect!ngineer and the Owner"
#he construction shall conform to all the re$uirements of
the National %uilding &ode, as well as the local rules and
regulations of the 'unicipalit( of &arigara, Philippines"
!."! C#ea$in% t&e Site
#he building site shall be le)eled according to the plans
and cleared of rubbish, roots and other perishable and
objectionable matters to a suitable subgrade"
All such unsuitable materials shall be remo)ed from the
building site and spread uniforml( o)er the areas adjacent to the
proposed building, or otherwise disposed of as ma( be directed
b( the Architect or !ngineer in charge of the construction"
!."' Sta(in% o)t o* t&e B)i#+in% Line
#he building lines shall be staked out and all lines and
grades shown in the drawing established before an( e*ca)ation
is started" %atter boards and reference marks shall be erected at
such places where the( will not be disturbed during e*ca)ation of
the building"
!.", E-ca.ation
All e*ca)ations shall be made to grade indicated in the
drawings" +here the building site is co)ered with an( kind of fll,
the e*ca)ation for footings should be made deeper until the
stratum for safe bearing capacit( of the soil is reached"
+hene)er water is encountered in the e*ca)ation process,
it shall be remo)ed b( bailing or pumping, care being taken that
the surrounding soil particles are not disturbed or remo)ed"
!."/ Bac(f##
Proposed #wo Store( ,esidential %uilding Page -
After concrete for foundations is hard enough to withstand
pressure resulting from flls, the materials remo)ed from
e*ca)ations shall be used for backfll around them"
%ackfll and flls shall be placed in la(ers not e*ceeding
-./mm in thickness, and each la(er shall be thoroughl(
compacted b( wetting, tamping and rolling"
0"/-1eneral 2 All concrete works shall be done in accordance with the
plans and standard go)ernment specifcations"
0"/0Schedule of &oncrete 2 #he following shall be used in mi*ing of
concrete and mortar"
a" &lass 3A4 5-:0:67 2 shall be used for all footings, columns and
b" &lass 3%4 5-:0".:67 2 shall be used for 8oor slabs and
0"/9:orms for &oncrete +orks 2 All forms for concrete works shall be
properl( braced or connected together so as to maintain the
correct position and shapes of the concrete members" :orms
shall be constructed su;cientl( tight to pre)ent bulging and
seepage of water"
:orms shall be remo)ed until the concrete has attained
su;cient strength to support its own weight and an( loads that
ma( be placed on it" Side forms of beams and girders ma( be
remo)ed earlier than the bottom forms but additional posts or
shoring must be placed under the beams or girders until the(
ha)e attained their strength"
0"/6&oncrete Slab :loors on :ill 2 &oncrete slabs on fll shall be
poured on a gra)el bed or not less than -//mm thick" !ach
concrete slab course to be poured shall not be more than one
meter wide, and each course shall be poured alternatel( to the
indicated 8oor fnish"
0"/.Second :loor #oilet<%ath and %alcon( &oncrete :loor Slabs 2
+hen preparing the concrete for upper 8oor slabs of #oilet<%ath
and balcon( it shall be made waterproof b( adding 3Sahara4
waterproofng compound to the mi*ture"
#he proportion of the waterproofng compound to a gi)en
)olume of concrete mi*ture shall be as recommended b( the
product manufacturer"
0"/=Steel ,einforcing %ars 2 All steel reinforcing bars to be used in
this construction shall consist of round deformed bars with lugs
or projections on their sides to pro)ide a greater bond between
the concrete and the steel"
Proposed #wo Store( ,esidential %uilding Page 0
9"/-&oncrete >ollow %locks 2 All concrete hollow blocks shall be non<
load bearing of good $ualit(" ?t should be properl( reinforced as
shown in plan"
0"/0"- :loor 2 #he materials to be used as 8oor fnishes for the
rooms of the building shall be as follows:
a" -=4 * -=4 &eramic :loor #iles 2 !ntrance Porch, Li)ing
,oom, @ining ,oom, Aitchen, %edrooms, %alcon(,
b" B4 * B4 &eramic :loor #iles 2 #oilet and %ath, Aitchen
0"/0"0 +alls
a" All e*terior and interior &>% wall shall be plain cement
plastered fnished: wood trowel fnish for e*terior
6"/- 1eneral 2 All lumber shall be dr(, well seasoned and free from
large, loose on unsolined knots or other imperfections impairing
the strength, durabilit( and appearance"
6"/0&eiling %oard 2 Cse D4 thick marine pl(wood on 04 * 04 ceiling
joists spaced at /"=/m on center"
6"/9,oofng S(stem 2 #he roof shall be co)ered with pre<painted
roofng sheets as shown in the plans" #he roofng sheets shall be
secured to the purlins with =mm diameter 5-64 dia"7 1"?" ,i)ets
and 1a" No" 0= plain 1"?" straps cut long enough for bending
around the specifed siEe or purlins" #he straps shall be at least
0.mm wide with corners chipped oF at the ri)eting ends"
,idge rolls, hip rolls and )alle(s to be used shall be those
compatible with the pre<painted long<span roofng sheets" #he(
shall lap the roofng sheets at least 0./mm" #he 1"?" Straps in
securing the roofng sheets to the purlins"
."/-"- +ater closets 2 5Saniware7 3,!1?NA4 model white
."/-"0 La)ator( 2 5Saniware7 3G!N#C,A4 model white
."/-"9 Pro)ide chrome plated faucet on kitchen sink and
shower area, brass faucet 5hose bib7 on garden and
laundr( area"
6"/0"- All plumbing rough<in shall be PG& of an( brand"
6"/0"0 SiEes of pipes shall be in accordance with plans"
Proposed #wo Store( ,esidential %uilding Page 9
6"/0"9 Pipes for water line shall be 1al)aniEed ?ron Schedule
="/-?nstallation of wiring in concrete, &>% walls, double wall partition
shall be done in PG& Pipe Sch" 6/ including ceiling"
="/0All siEe of wire shall follow the specifcations of the professional
electrical engineer" Cse P>!LPS @O@1! brand wire, or
e$ui)alent brand"
="/9All outlets and switches shall be !A1L! or e$ui)alent brand"
="/6'ain switch shall be of fusible t(pe 3!G!,4 or e$ui)alent brand"
H"/- All concrete shall be neutraliEed before painting"
H"/0 Appl( two coats of late* paint for interior walls"
H"/9 Appl( one coat of te*tured paint on e*terior wall"
H"/6 !*terior ceiling shall be applied with gloss enamel paint"
H"/. ?nterior ceiling shall be applied with 8at wall enamel paint"
H"/= :ascia boardsinterior doors and ser)ice doors shall be
painted with chocolate brown enamel"
H"/H 'ain door shall be stained and oil fnished"
H"/-"- 'ain and ser)ice doors shall be panel t(pe as per
detailed drawing"
H"/-"0 %edroom doors shall be marineordinar( pl(wood
H"/0"- +indows to be used in this project shall conform to
the siEe and designs shown in the detail drawings or
schedule of steel windows, or as per the bill of materials"
H"/9"- 'ain" ser)ice and bedroom doors shall be ke(ed
c(lindrical 31OAL4 or 3ALP>A4 locksets, stainless steel
fnished with three pieces of 9 I4 * 9 I4 3JAPAN4 L"P"
hinges, or an( e$ui)alent brand"
Proposed #wo Store( ,esidential %uilding Page 6
H"/9"0 #oilet door shall non<ke(ed 31OAL4 or 3ALP>A4
locksets with three pieces of 9 I4 * 9 I4 3JAPAN4 L"P"
Prepared %(:
&i)il !ngineer
,eg" No" //K../H
P#, No" H=09.6-
@ate ?ssued: Jul( -B, 0/-6
Place ?ssued: &arigara, Le(te
#?N: K90<B-H<=.K
Appro)ed %(:
Project Owner
Proposed #wo Store( ,esidential %uilding Page .