How To Chant Mantras Benefits of Chanting Mantra PDF

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How to Chant Mantras Benefits of Chanting Mantra

Mantra is a Sanskrit word derived from two words, Man (Manan) and Tra (Trana). Trana means liberation
from the worldly ties. Originally originated in the edi! tradition of "ndia, mantras later be!ome an
integral #art of the Hind$ traditions and later a #ra!ti!e followed within B$ddhism, Sikhism and %ainism.
Mantras are a #owerf$l !ombination of words that is believed to rea!h the deity in the form of so$nd
vibrations. Mantra !an be $sed for self reali&ation, freedom from worries, f$lfilling desires, to bring
s$!!ess, #ea!e and ha##iness. Chanting mantras is a good s#irit$al dis!i#line and not a s$#erstition.
'hen mantras are !hanted, an a##ealing effe!t is felt in the body. (lso, the !ombined effe!t of so$nd
vibrations !an be observed on brain, or on ))* ()le!tro )n!e#hala *ra#h). Th$s it is !alled as M$si!
Thera#y or Mantra Thera#y. There are vario$s kinds of Mantras, o$t of whi!h Tantrik Mantras and edi!
Mantras are more #o#$lar. Tantrik mantras are !alled as Bee+a Mantras and edi! Mantras are those
whi!h are followed $nder the edi! system.
How to Chant Mantras
,) The mind sho$ld be ke#t #ea!ef$lly and sho$ld not be distra!ted.
-) Com#lete devotion and faith are ne!essary for !hanting mantras.
.) Mantras sho$ld be !hanted after taking bath, with absol$te !leanliness
/) 0$iet #la!es are !hosen for !hanting mantras.
1) Sitting #osition is best s$ited for meditation as well as for !hanting.
2) The best time is early morning. )ven yo$ !an do on transition #eriods s$!h as dawn to s$nrise and
twilight to s$nset.
3) Some #eo#le $se a rosary of ,45 6$draksha or t$lsi (basil) or sandalwood beads for !hanting mantras
5) Mantras !an be !hanted on a daily basis.
7) Mantras sho$ld not be $sed for negative #$r#oses.
,4) eda mantras are to be !hanted on the g$idan!e from a g$r$.
Benefits of Chanting Mantras
Chanting of mantras re#eatedly in rhythmi! tone with $#s and downs, !reate a melodio$s effe!t in the
body. This effe!t !an be defined as 8e$ro9ling$isti! (8:)) ; <sy!holing$isti! effe!t (<:)). These effe!ts
are !a$sed d$e to the #rod$!tion and s#reading of medi!inal !hemi!als in the brain, whi!h give
smoothening and !$ring effe!t in the body. (lso, listening to mantras lowers blood #ress$re and
normali&es heart beat rate, brain wave #attern, adrenalin level and the !holesterol level. )ven the do!tors
advise the #eo#le $nder high tension to listen to m$si! or mantras. Chanting or listening mantras has
be!ome an a!!e#ted form$la like the yoga and <ranayam #ra!ti!es. Chanting mantras has gentle effe!t on
nervo$s system and hel#s rela= the m$s!les and also $sed to red$!e stress.
Mantras of *ods > *oddesses
There are mantras, slokhas, stotras, and edi! hymns for all gods and goddesses in Hind$ religion. There
are also different ty#es of Mantras s$!h as *ayatri Mantras, (shtakams, Chalisas, <an!haratnams,
?ava!hams, Bh$+angams, (shtottarams (,45 8ames), and Sahasranamama (,45 8ames). Here is a list of
mantras and stotras of *ods > *oddesses with lyri!s and video songs of ea!h mantra @ stotra.

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