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Transcript of Let's Master English's Podcast Episode 5

Hello everybody, you're listening to Let's Master English and my name is Coach Shane.
Welcome to podcast Number 5 of Let's Master English. Once again my name is Coach
Shane, thank you so much for listening to my podcast. Without you I would be alone. So I
really really appreciated.
Okay, transcripts. The transcript for podcast number 4 is up on our Google+ community.
The Google+ community is called Let's Master English. So you can search and if you want
the transcript you can get it. Podcast number 4 was transcribed by Bettina from France. She
did a fantastic job. Thank you very much and hey everybody, if you want to do a little
transcription, do a little transcribing of our podcast, you can ! Just join the community and
share your answers.
Okay, iTunes, now we're getting a lot of downloads on iTunes. However, I don't know, there is
no ratings. Now, Margherita who's from Italy, actually she's from Poland, she said that she did
make a rating for me, ve stars ! Thank you very much Margherita but I don't see it. So I'm
curious. Does anybody else see any ratings for my podcast? I only see two and one of them
was me.
But we do have great statistics. So let me tell you. Yes Russia is still number 1. Russia has
almost a thousand downloads already. So thank you very much. Right behind Russia, well
actually quite far but in 2nd place is Italy. That's right. They took over from the United States
which is in 3rd place and close behind the US is Japan and close behind Japan is Brazil and
close behind Brazil is Mexico. Then there is a big gap and then we go to Korea, France,
China and Vietnam and that is the Top 10. So New Rabia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Spain,
Canada, Germany, Thailand... You're all right there but you're not in the Top 10 yet. Tell your
friends in your country to listen to my podcast. Once again you can get it on iTunes, you can
also get it at my website and I uploaded to YouTube also. However,
the ones that go on YouTube I don't know which country. So if you really want me to introduce
your country then you have to go to my website or to iTunes.
Okay in podcast number 4 we had a new corner and it was called: !Did you really
understand?! Did you really understand? And I asked ve questions. So let me give you
the answers.
Question n: 1
How many references of tuna in the article? Many ! Chicken of the sea, sh, seafood, beef
alternative, the stuff, it, those were all references to tuna.
What makes for a tuna sandwich?
The answer: Tuna, a hard boiled egg and mayo or mayonnaise.
Question n: 3
If you had a friend who is drinking too much alcohol how would you advise him?
Slow down on the beer!
N: 4
Is the guy still eating tuna?
He is off tuna.
And n: 5:
What are some of the symptoms of mercury poisoning?
Dizziness and chest pains.
That's what we learnt in the article. Those were the answers and now it's time to get into the
News for podcast number 5.
Although they say that man's best friend is a dog we really ought to consider the
swine. Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man who's index nger was bitten off
by a horse is whole once again. Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez,
the bones, soft tissue and even the ngernail are growing back. He should be 100% in
eight more weeks.
Oh yes, very very very fast. Let me read it slowly.
Although they say that man's best friend is a dog we really ought to consider the swine.
Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man who's index nger was bitten off by a horse is
whole once again. Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, the bones, soft tissue
and even the ngernail are growing back. He should be 100% in eight more weeks.
Okay, did you understand the story? I hope so. It's a little bit confusing, a couple of animals, a
couple of big actions, verbs, main verbs. So the animals, we talked about a dog, we talked about
a pig and a horse. The actions, we talked about, bitten off, a nger that was bitten off and a nger
that was growing back. So if you understood that, then you've got most of the story.
Let's go back to the rst sentence.
Although they say that man's best friend is a dog. Have you heard that expression? In
America we do say that. What about in your country? A man's best friend is a dog. A dog is a
man's best friend. Why do we say that? Because it's true. Dogs are very loyal, l-o-y-a-l. They
love their master. If the master is nice to the dog and feeds the dog and pets the dog, the dog will
always be by its master. Now, of course women can have dogs and we might say "A dog is a
woman's best friend" but we don't have that expression. The expression is: A dog is man's best
friend. Now, although they say that... Who's THEY? People, people in general. In America, in the
UK, people say "man's best friend is a dog". Although they say that, even though they say that,
let's move on, we really ought to consider the swine. We really should, o-u-g-h-t, ought to . Many
students want to say "oto" but that's wrong. Well in America, the typical pronunciation in America
is ought to, ought to. It's an 'aw' sound. 'Ought to' and we put the T's together, ought_to but if we
say it fast we get that ap 'T' sound and it sounds like (...) We really (...) consider the swine.
So here's another keyword: swine, s-w-i-n-e. Swine is a pig. It's the science name for pigs. Do
you like swine? Some other similar words are cat, we can say feline, a dog canine, a cow
bovine and the list goes on. They might be the latin names but I'm not exactly sure. So look at
the sentence again. 'Ought to' means should, right? So listen again. Although they say that
man's best friend is a dog we really ought to consider the swine.
Okay so that means: everybody says man's best friend is a dog but maybe we should be saying
"Man's best friend is a swine", a pig. Mmm, that's interesting. So maybe a dog is a good friend
but maybe a pig is a better friend. Why?
So now we need to go to the next sentence. Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man
who's index nger was bitten off by a horse is whole once again. Okay so, there is a man
and he had a horse. Now, he was feeding the horse and the horse bit off his nger. Oh my good,
so he's feeding the horse a carrot, here's a carrot, here's a carrot. Ouch, that's not a carrot, that's
my nger. Now, on our hand we have many ngers, ve ngers. So actually in America many
people say four ngers and a thumb. So let's start with the thumb. The rst nger would be the
thumb, then we have the index nger, i-n-d-e-x, the index nger. We can also say the pointer.
Then we have the middle nger. Ah yes, in America the middle nger is a very dangerous
nger. Do not use your middle nger in America. Then we have the ring nger, r-i-n-g and
that's were people put their wedding rings if you're married, right? Or any ring I guess. And
then nally we have the pinky, p-i-n-k-i-e and some people say p-i-n-k-y, the baby nger, the
little nger. So the most important nger on your hand is what? For me it's the index nger. I
use the index nger to clean my ears and pick my n...ah, I mean, I use my index, ah, never
Anyway, so this guy was feeding his horse carrots or cookies or something and the horse bit
off his index nger. OUCH, oh my good, but thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, his nger
is whole once again, w-h-o-l-e. His nger is complete once again. Why is his nger, now the
horse bit off the nger but now it's complete, why? Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig. So
a doctor in Florida and a pig are responsible for xing this man's nger. It's really an
incredible story. So listen again!
Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man who's index nger was bitten off by a horse is
whole once again. Let's move on.
Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, the bones, soft tissue and even
the ngernail are growing back. Hah, my goodness. So did they do surgery? No it's not
surgery, they're actually growing the nger back. Yeah, like, like maybe a starsh. Do you
know the starsh in the ocean? It looks like a star, it's not really a sh but it looks like a star. If
you brake off a leg of a starsh, the leg will grow back. If we cut off a nger, does the nger
grow back? No! No it doesn't but the doctor in Florida, his name is Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez
and he created a special technique, a method and with that technique he can grow your
nger back. It's amazing. The bones, the soft tissue which means the skin, the muscles, the
ligaments and even the ngernail. Yah, the ngernail. It's incredible!
So listen to the sentence again. Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, the
bones, soft tissue and even the ngernail are growing back.
The last sentence. He should be 100% in eight more weeks. So the man who lost his
nger and now his nger is growing back, he should be 100%, his nger should be 100%
grown back in eight more weeks. So the nger is still growing and there are pictures on the
internet. Oh the pictures are kind of gross but it's really an amazing story. I think it's great
news. So if you can grow somebody's nger back, and he did it, oh then maybe you can grow
lungs and a liver, an ear, an arm, maybe you could grow a heart. Wouldn't that be amazing?
Yeah modern technology is fantastic. As long as we use technology to help people, boy,
nothing can stop us. It's fantastic! And Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, hum, he comes from Porto
Rico and he, he is an amazing doctor, he is doing a great job and he says God has given him
this talent. Well, congratulations. I think it's fantastic. Maybe I need to do some praying too
and get some good talent. Okay so that's the story. I hope that you understand. Let's look at
the key expressions and words. A dog is a man's best friend. We say that in America.
Ought to, o-u-g-h-t to, t-o, ought to. When we say it fast, ...,... it means should. We really
ought to study - we really should study. In America 'should' is much more common than
'ought to' but 'ought to' is a great expression and you can use it any time.
'Consider', to consider something, to think about something.
'Swine', a swine, a pig, s-w-i-n-e. It's the medical word or the science word for a pig.
'Index nger', i-n-d-e-x nger, index nger, that's right after your thumb and before the
middle nger. So between the thumb and the middle nger is your index nger. Another
name: the pointer.
'Bitten off', b-i-t-t-e-n o-f-f, so when we bite something, we can bite a piece of pizza. 'Bitten
off' is the past participle and it's use as an adjective to describe a nger that is no longer
there because somebody bit it off. In this case it wasn't a somebody, it was a horse. Did you
know, a long time ago there was a famous boxer. His name was Mike Tyson and during a
boxing match, Mike Tyson actually bit off his competitor's ear, a part of the ear, ugh !
Using a technique, technique, t-e-c-h-n-i-q-u-e. A technique is a method, a special, a
scientic method.
And 'soft tissue', s-o-f-t t-i-s-s-u-e, two words, but when we say it fast we don't say soft
tissue, we say 'sof_tissue', 'sof_tissue'. That refers to your skin, your muscles, your tendons
and hmm ngernail. Yah, we have, hopefully we have our ngernails. They are the things
that we use to clean our ears and pick our nose. Hmm, well, some of us. I never do. I never
pick my nose. I'm clean always.
Okay so those are the words. I'm going to read the story two more times. The rst time I'll
say it nice and slowly and the second time I'll use normal speed.
Although they say that man's best friend is a dog we really ought to consider the swine.
Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man who's index nger was bitten off by a horse is
whole once again. Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, the bones, soft
tissue and even the ngernail are growing back. He should be 100% in eight more weeks.
Although they say that man's best friend is a dog we really ought to consider the swine.
Thanks to a doctor in Florida and a pig, a man who's index nger was bitten off by a horse is
whole once again. Using a technique created by Dr. Eugenio Rodriguez, the bones, soft
tissue and even the ngernail are growing back. He should be 100% in eight weeks.
! Did you really understand? !Did you really understand?
Question n: 1
What's a swine?
Question n: 2
True or false? A horse is a man's best friend.
Question n: 3
Which nger had the problem?
Question n: 4
What did the horse do?
a) grew a man's nger
b) bit a man's nger
c) bit off a man's nger
d) grew back a man's nger
Question n: 5
Did the skin grow back?
Okay, it's question and answer time and the rst question comes from (Anthony ...). I hope it's
(...). I'm sorry if my pronunciation is bad.
Anthony's question is: Can you teach us the difference between 'll it out', 'll it in' and 'll
it up'. Yes, I can teach you the difference.
Um, this is better if I have a visual but this is the idea. If they say to 'll out' something,
f-i-l-l o-u-t, ll this out, ll it out. I want you to ll out this form. Usually it means you have to
wright a lot. You have to wright about your experience, you have to write, you have to wright
sentences usually and 'out', o-u-t, you can think of .... like a long way. So you have to wright a
'Fill it in' when we say 'in' we're thinking of just a box.
So ll this in!
Name........: Shane
Age...........: Mmm, I can't lie... 46
Nationality: American
Okay, that's 'll in'. Very short spaces, usually a box.
'Fill it up' , now here we're using 'up' and 'up' as a phrasal verb usually means completely. All
of it. Do you understand? So 'll this out' once again you have to write descriptions for
example a job obligation. Shane I want you to ll this out. Why did you leave your last job? I
left my last job because I was getting sick and tired of living in a city and I wanted to move to
the country. Our next question. What is your goal? My goal is to become the world's most
loved English coach online. So, long sentences.
'Fill it in', Shane ll this in. Name: Shane /Nationality: American / Sex: Male and 'll it up', from
the top to the bottom. Fill out the form completely. Okay Anthony? I hope that answers your
Question n: 2
(...) asks: " Are 'watched the show' and 'watched a show' the same ?
If you're taking about pronunciation, NO. If you're talking about meaning, NO.
If you say, I watched the show, that means we know which show you're talking about. If you
say, I watched a show, that means you saw something on television but I don't know which
show. Okay?
Now pronunciation, 'watched the', what happens here is the 'd' and the 'th' get linked
together but we keep only the 'th'. Watched the. I watched the show, I watched the show, oh
yeah, I watched the show, I watched the show, I watched the show yesterday. 'Watched the
show', I'm doing the 'th' sound but 'watched a show', in this case the 'd' links into the 'a'. So
'watched_a show', 'watched_a show'. I watched_a show yesterday, I watched_a show
yesterday. The 'd' sound is strong. Now Americans really do hear the 'th' and the 'd' sound.
Even if we say it really fast and also in the context of the situation we'll know whether it's 'the'
or 'a'. So this takes lots of practice.
So (...) and everybody else, if you have not seen my videos on YouTube especially 'Daily
Dictation' I want you to go there and practice. Watch those videos! And if you really want to
learn and practice hardcore then join my class. My class is DDM which is Daily Dictation
Members. They're great classes but Daily Dictation on YouTube is FREE. So (...) and
everybody else go there and practice!
Our next question is from Mandy (...). Mandy says 'Make it to work in one piece', what does
that mean?
Oh it's a great expression. I should do this on ???. To make it to work in one piece means
you arrived at the ofce safely. Safely! Maybe you're very hurried, you drove really fast or
maybe there was a storm and it was raining really hard and it was kind of dangerous but you
made it. Oh, I made it in one piece. So, you didn't get killed, you didn't loose anything, you
left your home and you arrived at your ofce in one piece, safely without loosing anything. It's
a great expression.
Another question from (...), I hope my pronunciation was okay, I... is it (...)?
Could you explain the expression 'long week-ends' ? Thanks in advance. You're welcome
on time.
Okay 'long week-ends', now he or she used it with an 's'. A long week-end would... First of all
what is a week-end? For people who aren't Muslim, the week-end is usually Saturday and
Sunday, but I think for Muslim people the week-end is Friday and Saturday, right? And I think,
yah, I think that's the case. I'm not sure about Jewish people but anyway. So it's two days, a
week-end is generally two days but sometimes... Let's... so let's go to America. So Saturday
and Sunday is the week-end but sometimes we get Friday off. Yeah! A three day week-end
and sometimes we get Monday off. Yah! A three day week-end, Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
three days! That is a long week-end. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, three days! That's a long
week-end. Right now in South Korea, we're having a long week-end. There's a big holiday.
On Thursday and it's called Chuseok which is basically a harvest holiday, similar to
Thanksgiving in America. So in Korea we have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Sunday off. That's a super long week-end. Do you like long week-ends? Yeah, long week-
ends are great. So if you're in Korea, have a great long week-end this week-end. What about
the other Asian countries? Do you have a similar holiday perhaps this week-end? I think you
might. I don't know but if you do, let me know. So that is your answer for a long week-end.
I do have another question.
This is from (...). I hope my pronunciation was right. Your podcasts are very helpful. Thank
you. I've a question: How to improve, how can I improve my speaking? Especially with
phrases and sentences like a native American. I want a native American accent.
Well (...), just like I told our friend (...), I want you to go to my YouTube Channel. Now I have
two YouTube Channels for regular daily English. One of them is 'Daily Dictation'. Daily
Dictation is a fantastic channel and we take real English and we dictate it and then I teach the
pronunciation, the linking and the cancellation and we talk about the meaning.
So that's a fantastic channel to work on your pronunciation and to learn expressions. So
once again other channel if you haven't been there is
Daily Easy English. So and on that channel I teach
expressions, sometimes phrasal verbs, sometimes expressions like 'a man's best friend is a
dog'. Really great expressions and I don't talk about pronunciation too much there but I do
teach lots of expressions and I show you a situation how Americans use those expressions.
And nally join my class! DDM, Daily Dictation Masters, ups Members but they're gonna be
masters. We have a great community, people practice all the time, that's the best way.
Practice, join my class but at last, listen to the podcast and go to my YouTube channels.
And I got one more question, ah no, I got a question and a comment. (...) said: In podcast 1
you said corpulent c-o-r-p-u-l-a-n-t and it's c-o-r-p-u-l-e-n-t !
Oh my god, yes my spelling was wrong! Spelling is my enemy. I apologize! So if you listen to
the lesson and you are made a note, please change it. 'Corpulent' which means fat, obese,
the spelling is c-o-r-p-u-l-e-n-t. Thank you very much !
Okay, I have one more question. It's from Enrika (...) and she says, Thanks for the videos.
She watched all of 'DD', Daily Dictation and... Thank you very much. And she gave me my
year birthday. That's right, we'd our one year birthday for Daily Dictation. Thank you so much.
And her question is: rise and raise, r-i-s-e / r-a-i-s-e ! I'm never sure if I have chosen the
correct one. Would you please help me out with those confusing words?
This is really confusing for Americans too, especially kids when they're taking a grammar test.
So let me give you these rules and I found these on the internet. Very short, very simple,
write them down and then you need to practice. The verb 'rise' means to go to a higher
position. The verb 'raise' means to lift something to a higher position. 'Rise' is intransitive
which means it never has an object. 'Raise' is transitive, which means it almost always has
an object. Things rise by themselves. The sun rises. I rise at 7 o'clock every morning. Things
are raised by something else. I raised my hand. My Dad raised his voice.
Present tense: rise / raise
Past tense: rose / raised
Past participle: risen / raised
Now there is an exercise that you can nd on Google. Just type : rise or raise and then type:
sinclair, s-i-n-c-l-a-i-r and you should be able to nd a pdf le and that pdf le has many
questions. So I encourage you to practice and see if you can gure it out. Share your
answers with other students. It's a great question. It's tricky. It is very tricky. Americans we
don't think about it when we speak but suddenly if we're looking at a grammar test, especially
children, they do get confused. Okay so you're not alone. Thank you guys for the questions
and keep those questions rolling in !
How are you doing everybody? This is Country Shane and I'm here to bring you the facts.
You all might have heard the expression: You eat like a pig ! I've heard it. Especially when I
eat Pizza. People say I eat Pizza like a pig but pigs don't eat like pigs ! No, they prefer to eat
very slowly and they savor their food. They're actually very clean animals. This is been
Country Shane, bringing you the facts.
Hey guys, this is Cliff Langston from the YouTube Channel 'That Was History'. How many
of you are you familiar with the famous abolitionist and popular leader of the underground
railroad Harriet Tubmen. She played a huge role in helping many African American slaves
escape to the free States in the Northern regions of North America during the time period of
the American civil war. Did you know that September, 17th of 1849 was the day that Harriet
Tubman successfully escaped from slavery. Pretty neat isn't it? If you'd like to learn about
other great events from history be sure to join us by searching for 'That Was History' on
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Alright it's time for Let's Master English's studying tip. Today: Make a notebook ! Get a
notebook ! I have a little notebook and when I hear a new word in Korean and I want to
memorize that word, I want know that word, I write it down. Now a lot of people use their
smartphones. There's a note pad in your smartphone. That's great, you can type it in your
smartphone or put it on your computer but the most important thing if you write it or type it
only once, you're going to forget it. Really you gonna forget it. So my recommendation is:
Write it down or type it in one place and then pick a day every week like Monday or Friday or
Sunday night and transfer your things on your smartphone to an actual notebook. So you're
typing it once and then using a pencil or a pen the next time. That is really important ! If you
do that, words really stick. Now, remember when you write things down, writing just a word is
okay but try and write the sentence. So having a notebook, using your smartphone, writing it
in your computer, maybe a journal or diary in your computer are very important things to
memorize new words, to learn a new expression. It's not everything but it's really important.
My tip for you, please remember, write it twice ! Write it with your pencil or a pen and type it.
Doing it two times really reinforces that word or expression. It'll be easier to remember and of
course remember when you're writing the word, SAY it, don't say it to yourself inside your
head, at least write it down and go for example, today did we learn rise, rise. I rise every
morning at 7 AM. The sun rises. And the same thing with 'raise' but you have to say it. So as
you're writing SAY it and write it twice and then once again, pick that one day a week when
you transfer your written notes to your computer or your computer notes to your notebook.
Okay? That's my studying tip for the week. I hope you liked it and I hope you use it.
So that's gonna do it for me today everybody. I hope that you have a fantastic week and once
again, please tell everybody about the podcast. I would really appreciate it and don't forget to
check up my website It's also our community on Google+ Let's
Master English and we have lots of YouTube channels and our online course DDM.
If you have any questions or if you want a FREE sample of DDM send me an email
[email protected] . All in one word.
See you next time and Let's Master English ! ! !

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