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December 09, 2012 Team Paper 1

Compare and Contrast Windows 7, Windows 2008 server, and Red Hat Enterprise
in!" #erver $ersion %
December 10, 2012
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 2
Windows 7
Windows 7 is an operating system that is of the Microsoft Windows family. Windows 7 is
part of one of the most used operating systems around the world. It is the successor to Windows
XP and Windows Vista. Alongside Windows 7 are two other operating systems that are viewed as
alternatives to the Windows O. !hose alternatives include "inu# operating systems as well as
Windows erver $%%&.
Windows 7 li'e all other versions (efore has with su( versions of its operating system.
!heses su( versions include Windows 7 tarter) Windows 7 *ome +asic) Windows 7 *ome
Premium) Windows 7 Professional) Windows 7 ,nterprise) and Windows 7 -ltimate. !hese are
all the su( versions of Windows 7 that have their 'ey features as well as their re.uirements.
+eginning with Windows 7 tarter version) the 'ey aspects are that it only comes in a /$0
(it version with a ma#imum 1AM amount of $ giga(ytes. !he other 'ey aspects are that it lac's
the use of aero enhancements and does not have the a(ility to run three programs at the same
time. Also its ma#imum num(er of 2P-3s that it can have is one. !he ne#t version of Windows 7
is the *ome +asic version. !his version is somewhat li'e the starter version in some 'ey aspects.
*ome +asic does not have aero enhancements) live thum(nail previews and internet connection
sharing. ome other 'ey aspects are that it comes in) /$0(it and 450(it versions as well as 5 and &
giga(ytes respectively (etween the /$ and 45 (it versions.
Windows 7 *ome Premium consists of having aero enhancements) multi0touch) and media
functionality and is a(le to create home networ' groups. 1espectively it is also (oth in /$0(it and
450(it versions as well as employs (etween 5 and 64 giga(ytes of 1AM. Alongside *ome
Premium comes Windows 7 Professional. Windows 7 Professional includes an enhanced
networ'ing feature li'e domain 7oin) also advance (ac'up programs. !his version includes (oth a
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper (
versions of a /$ and 45 (it. As well this version includes a ma# 2P- of $ li'e the remaining
Windows 7 enterprise is the ne#t level of windows operating system in which includes (ranch
cache) direct access) (itloc'er) apploc'er) and (oot from V*8 support. !he final level of these
windows versions is the Windows 7 -ltimate version. !his version includes everything in all
other versions and is (oth in /$0(it and 450(it versions. ,very version from tarter to *ome
Premium cannot (ac'up to networ's as the other versions can do.
Windows tarter as well as Professional) ,nterprise and -ltimate are mostly utili9ed (y
(usinesses as well as (ig organi9ations. *ome +asic and *ome Premium are utili9ed for personal
home computing. In that regard Windows 7 utili9es many versions to compete with competitors
li'e "inu# and even in a sense a server version in its own family li'e Windows server $%%&.
Windows 7 has some great networ'ing features. Windows support peer0to0peer and
client0to0server networ'ing. !he networ' management is very user friendly and as many options
for setting up networ's and security parameters and user accounts. :etwor'ing on Windows 7
allows many different computers to connect and share data files as well as printers.
One of the (est parts of the Windows 7 operating system is that it can run on a very wide
variety of different hardware products. !here are many different (rands of computers out there
with many different hardware parts that are also interchangea(le and upgrada(le) and Windows
can (e installed and run on 7ust a(out all of it. !here are certain drivers and fi#es that may need
to (e applied for certain specialty products) (ut most are 7ust plug0n0play. Many users upgrade
their machines to handle the programs and games that they li'e to run. ome e#amples of
hardware that can (e e#changed is 1AM) video cards) fans) (atteries) and mother(oards. !he
operating system can all (e installed as long as the system re.uirements are met.
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper ,
Windows erver $%%&
Windows erver $%%& is also in the windows family (ut in as a server type of operating
system. !his type of operating system is mainly used (y (usinesses or any type of organi9ation
that utili9es the need for servers of this type. It utili9es as well as comes in (oth /$ and 45 (it
versions. As well it respectively holds (etween $ to 5 giga(ytes of 1AM and has a ma# *88 of
5% giga(ytes or higher. It includes new features that version 7 or any other Microsoft versions do
not have. !hese features include things such as;
M+ for server apps; e#tends support for *yper0V virtual dis's and <" erver data(ase files
to M+$ file shares for small organi9ations and (ranch offices. !his means that you can run your
virtual machines and <" data(ase from a o(7ect file server) which would not re.uire no special
storage system. =ou can develop >continuously availa(le? M+ file server clusters that provide
transparent failover to protect your *yper0V and <" wor'loads.
*yper0 V 1eplica; One of the greatest characteristics of virtuali9ation is uncomplicated
disaster recovery) (ut this (ecomes simple in the Windows erver $%%& 1$ *yper0V. !he
cum(ersome process for setting up virtual machine replication in 1$ gives way to a clear wi9ard
in Windows erver &. It allows you to select the virtual dis's to replicate and the position for the
replicas) you have the option of syncing immediately) scheduling the sync) or writing the replica
to local dis' (ut if you want to (ring up the replica on a immense -+ drive and forward it to
the other end for the (eginning load. !his results in what you would call asynchronous. =ou can
also identify the IP settings for the failover environment within the replica) and fail(ac' is
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper )
@riction0free server deployment; Windows erver & receives Window erver $%%&3s wi9ards
for positioning roles and .ualities) (ut 7oin them in what Microsoft calls >scenario0(ased
deployment.? Installs can aim at local machines) remote machines) or virtual hard dis's) with
deployment to various machines automated through Powershell cmdlets) WMI APIs) and
>wor'flows? that control postponing and continuing with (atch operations. !hen you would no
longer have to give another thought to that erver 2ore install. Instead of starting over) Windows
erver & lets you move amongst erver 2ore and a full server (y installing or getting rid of
components. @urthermore) you can install a full server without the geographical shell (ecause
genuine servers do not have A-Is.
2lean service shutdown; One of Window3s pro(lems in the past was concerns a(out it system
shutdown procedure. In XP) when the system is shutdown) the system (egins a $%0second timer.
After the time has e#pired) it cues the user whether to eliminate the application) then perhaps to
eliminate it prematurely. !hat same $%0second timer may (e the lifecloc' for an application on a
Window erver. In Window erver $%%& a $%0second countdown has (een changed with a
service that will 'eep application given the signal all the time they need to shutdown) 7ust as long
as they are repeatedly signaling they are in fact shutting down. !he creators were worried that
whether this procedure was going to re.uire to much power to applications (ut in trials they
came up with the conclusion that the cleaner the overall shutdown would (e worth the power to
the application.
!he self0healing :!@ file system; ,ver since latter time of the 8O) a mista'e in the file
system meant that a volume had to removed offline for it to (e fi#ed. In Windows erver $%%&) a
recent developed system service functions in the (ac'ground that can detect a file system error)
and carry out a healing function without anyone ta'ing the server down.
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper %
Active 1oles resolve security pro(lems and meets those never0ending compliance
re.uirements (y defending and shielding Active 8irectory simply and efficiently. It wor's (y
carrying automated tools for user and group management and Active 8irectory 8elegation) the
server overcome the a(original imperfection of Active 8irectory) so you can do your 7o( faster.
!he windows $%%& erver has five active directory roles and they are as follows;
B Active 8irectory 1oles of the $%%& Windows erver
6. Active 8irectory 2ertificate ervices
$. Active 8irectory 8omain ervices
/. Active 8irectory @ederation ervices
5. Active 8irectory "ightweight 8irectory ervices
B. Active 8irectory 1ight Management ervices
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu#
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# is a "inu#0 (ased operating system created (y 1ed *at and aimed
for the (usiness mar'et. !he original name when it hit the mar'et was >1ed *at "inu# Advance
erver? (ut in $%%/ 1ed *at rela(eled that name to what is 'nown now as 1ed *at ,nterprise
"inu#. !he operating system is released in server versions for the #&4) Itanium) Power P2 and
I+M system 9) and des'top versions for #&4 and #&4045. 1ed *at was release free to the pu(lic
or any(ody who wanted to download 1ed *at. 8uring the meantime it made its revenue from
support. +ecause it is free and availa(le to anyone) 1ed *at releases its source code to its
enterprise distri(ution through its @!P site) to any(ody who wants it.
1ed *at "inu# 4 is the preeminent platform to alter today and later technology innovations
into the premier value and scale for Information !echnology solutions. !his server offer features
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 7
that advances that scale for technology and the following will entail some of the features this
server has to offer. Red hat enterprise linux 6 feature benefit summary. C$%6%) DuneE. 1etrieved
from http;FFwww.redhat.comFfFpdfFrhel040features.pdf
Feature Function Benefts
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# 4
introduces fully consolidated
virtuali9ation constructed on
the GVM hypervisor. A
variety of new features
enhance scala(ility) IFO
e#ecution and deployment
fle#i(ility. !he application
world is uniform for physical
and virtual systems) ma'ing it
simple to adopt virtuali9ation.
!he 10IOV) virtuali9ed
asynchronous IFO) and
message signaled interrupts
transfer enhancement for all
their guests) from the
enormous enterprise
application to the Windows
Performance and scala(ility
enhancements ma'e it
practical to deploy large0 scale
enterprise applications in
virtuali9ed environments)
com(ining the (est features of
physical and virtuali9ed
systems. 10IOV0ena(led
performance enhancements
allow IFO0(ound applications
to (e virtuali9ed) so I!
departments can adopt a >run
anywhere? capa(ility. upport
for Microsoft Windows and
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu#
guests ena(les rapid
deployment and easy
management of heterogeneous
environments. !he fully
featured implementation
includes capa(ilities such as
"ive Migration that competing
products only offer as
e#pensive options. And guest
scala(ility matches) and
usually e#ceeds) that of
competing products.

Performance and scala(ility
enhancements ma'e it
practical to deploy large0 scale
enterprise applications in
virtuali9ed environments)
com(ining the (est features of
physical and virtuali9ed
systems. 10IOV0ena(led
performance enhancements
allow IFO0(ound applications
2ustomers and application
providers will achieve
industry0leading performance
across all aspects of the 1ed
*at ,nterprise "inu# 4
computing environment;
processor) :-MAFMP)
networ'ing) storage)
filesystem) virtuali9ation)
daemonsFapplications) etc.
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 8
to (e virtuali9ed) so I!
departments can adopt a >run
anywhere? capa(ility. upport
for Microsoft Windows and
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu#
guests ena(les rapid
deployment and easy
management of heterogeneous
environments. !he fully
featured implementation
includes capa(ilities such as
"ive Migration that competing
products only offer as
e#pensive options. And guest
scala(ility matches) and
usually e#ceeds) that of
competing products.
Ongoing pu(lication of the
results of industry0standard
(enchmar's ena(le customers
to assess the performance of
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# 4)
showing leadership over
competing -:IX) Microsoft)
and VMware products.
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# 4
scales to the largest systems
on the mar'et today with
plenty of headroom for
systems e#pected in the ne#t
decade. !ested and supported
limits will grow in step with
top0of0the0line hardware
capa(ilities) while theoretical
limits are e#ceptionally high.
@or e#ample) for #&4045
systems) limits of up to 5)%H4
2P-s) //)%%% I1<s. 45!+ of
memory) 5 million processes)
and /$)%%% thread per process)
give an idea of the capacity of
the system. In line with these
increases) enhanced software
algorithms) for e#ample in the
scheduler and spinloc'
su(systems) ensure that the
operating system can handle
huge systems efficiently.
@or 1ed *at ,nterprise "inu#
4) the scala(ility message is
one of essentially unlimited
headroom for the foreseea(le
future. And scala(ility features
are not restricted to physical
systems; 1ed *at ,nterprise
"inu# 4 also provides
industry0leading scala(ility of
virtual guests. Physical)
virtual) and cloud deployments
can scale to meet (usiness
re.uirements) eliminating the
need to switch platforms when
an e#isting platform reaches
its ma#imum capacity. And
customers with smaller
configurations can (e
confident in the 'nowledge
that the platform has (een
engineered to meet the
re.uirements of the worldIs
largest systems.
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# 4
leverages new hardware
capa(ilities to offer a num(er
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# 4
provides features that improve
the availa(ility of the system
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 9
High Availability
of 1A C1elia(ility)
Availa(ility) ervicea(ilityE
improvements. !hese include;
hot0 add of devices and
memory) and enhanced error
chec'ing for P2Ie devices via
A,1 CAdvanced ,rror
1eportingE. upport for M2A
CMachine 2hec' ArchitectureE
capa(ilities allows the system
to recover from hardware
errors that would previously
have caused complete system
failure. upport for advanced
2I data integrity features J
8I@ C8ata Integrity @ieldE and
8IX C8ata Integrity
eXtensionE J provides end0to0
end data chec'0summing from
the application to the storage
platter. And the introduction of
A+1! CAutomated +ug
1eporting !oolE provides a
more consistent way to
identify and report system
e#ception conditions li'e
'ernel failures.
(y coupling advanced error
recovery with enhanced
loggingFreporting of errors J
there(y increasing M!+@
CMean time (etween failuresE
and reducing M!!1 CMean
time to repairE. upport for
M2A capa(ilities and
comprehensive data integrity
chec'ing) previously only
availa(le with e#pensive
-:IXF1I2Fstorage systems)
positions 1ed *at ,nterprise
"inu# 4 and its underlying
hardware platforms for the
most demanding enterprise
application environments. !he
plug0in architecture of A+1!)
allowing it to (e integrated
with any pro(lem resolution
infrastructure) coupled with its
support for >phone home?
capa(ilities) ma'e it a
powerful feature for
improving pro(lem
management and trend
:umerous new security
features ma'e 1ed *at
,nterprise "inu# 4 the most
secure version ever. virt)
which is ena(led (y default)
provides containment and
isolation of virtual guests.
Xace (rings Multi0"evel
ecurity CM"E capa(ilities to
des'top environments. !he
and(o#ing feature allows
users to containeri9e
potentially insecure
applications. !he Gios'
capa(ility allows constrained)
read0 only environments to (e
virt capa(ilities are uni.ue to
1ed *at ,nterprise "inu# J
unmatched (y competing
virtuali9ation solutions from
VMware) Microsoft) or
Oracle. With virt customers
can achieve guest isolation and
confidently "ive Migrate
virtual guests across systems)
or deploy in cloud
environments) without
worrying a(out malicious
ad7oining guests
compromising security. -sing
Xace) IVs will (e a(le to
deliver >trusted? des'tops to
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 10
created for use in pu(licF'ios'
settings) reducing the ris' of
system compromise (y
malicious users. Policy'it
provides fine0grained
authori9ation for user
applications that need to do
privileged operations) Cusing a
clientFserver d0(us (ased
modelE J and 1ed *at
,nterprise "inu# 4
applications are provided with
default Policy'it policies.
customers with high security
re.uirements CM"E J a
capa(ility not availa(le with
Microsoft Window des'tops.
and(o#ing (rings ,"inu#
security confinement to any
application) including des'top
and console users) thus
allowing for testing un0 trusted
content without harm to the
host. Gios' allows customers
to create fully functional
environments with restrictions
that are suita(le for
deployment in pu(lic 'ios'
settings such as li(raries and
pu(lic schools. Policy'it
ena(les applications to
perform privileged operations
while minimi9ing e#posure to
security flaws J offering users
an improved and safer
Alongside the types of versions of Windows 7 come the comparison and the contrasting of its
competitors or other versions. !hese would include "inu# and Windows erver $%%&. "inu# is
considered to (e one of the most recent on the rise operating system alongside mainstream
Windows operating systems. According to what is "inu#K C$%6$E) "inu# is an operating system
in which evolved from a type of 'ernel. According to what is "inu#K C$%6$E) "inu# is also a type
of interface that is (etween computerFserver hardware as well as the programs and applications
that run on it. A direct difference in comparison to Windows 7 is that the file system is different
in terms of having to mount copied files from floppies or 2801OM3s. According to what is
"inu#K C$%6$E) "inu# is also (uilt upon having professional 'nowledge of how to use the -:IX
operating system.
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 11
In our world today there are so many different types of operating systems as well as features
and applications that run on them. !here are many similarities as well as differences (etween
Windows 7) "inu# and Windows erver $%%&. !hat3s why you need to thin' a(out all your needs
in an operating system (efore you decide on which operating system you will need to have
installed on your systems.
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems
December 09, 2012 Team Paper 12
1ed hat enterprise linu# 4 feature (enefit summary. C$%6%) DuneE. 1etrieved from
@ulton III) . C$%%7) May $5E. !op 6% new features in window server $%%&. 1etrieved from
1ed hat enterprise linu#. C$%6$) :ovem(er /%E. 1etrieved from www.en.wi'ipedia.org
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, Seventh Edition, by William
Stallings. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright 202 by Pearson Education, !nc.
Operating ystem 2oncepts) ,ighth ,dition 2hapter $$; Windows 7 (y A(raham il(erschat9
-cop+ri./t 0 20121 2o/n Wi*e+ 3 #ons 4nc5
POS/355- Introduction To
&perationa* #+stems

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