The Latest Open Source Software Available and The Latest Development in ICT

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The Latest Open Source Software Available and the Latest Development in ICT

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Nur Fatin Liyana Bt Rosli 4sn2/2013 970523 0! 542!


Intro#u$tion %eanin& o' ()en *our$e *o't+are ,(**Open source software (OSS) is defined as computer software for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that meets the Open Source Definition or that is in the public domain. This permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms.

%eanin& o' .ar#+are

A computer s hardware consists of the physical components necessary to operate and interact with a computer. Since a computer s primary language is binary, devices are necessary to convert our input into that language. The binary code coming out of the computer must also be translated into something usable for the operator.

%eanin& o' *o't+are

Software is often divided into two categories! 1" *ystem so't+are: "ncludes the operating system and all the utilities that enables the computer to function. 2" /))li$ation so't+are! "ncludes programs that do real wor# for users. $or e%ample, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software.


01e Latest ()en *our$e ()eratin& *ystem ,(*2"1 %eanin& o' ()en *our$e (*
Open Source Operating System is the most important program that runs on a computer that is free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. &very general'purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tas#s, such as recogni(ing input from the #eyboard, sending output to the display screen, #eeping trac# of files and directories on the dis#, and controlling peripheral devices such as dis# drives and printers.


23am)les o' ()en *our$e (*

A user friendly operating system based on )D&, the ) Des#top &nvironment.

4ubuntu Linu3 *ith a predictable + month release cycle and part of the ,buntu pro-ect, )ubuntu is the ./,01inu% distribution for everyone. "mproved des#top, updated applications and increased usability features are -ust a few of the surprises with this latest release. Fe#ora Linu3 A 1inu%'based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. $edora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. "t is built by people across the globe who wor# together as a community! the $edora 2ro-ect. The $edora 2ro-ect is open and anyone is welcomed to -oin.


01e Latest ()en *our$e /))li$ation *o't+are 3"1 %eanin& o' ()en *our$e /))li$ation *o't+are
Open Source Application Software (also called as end'user programs) includes database programs, word processors, and spreadsheets. "t is free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms.


23am)les o' ()en *our$e /))li$ation *o't+are

An office application set (for word processing, spreadsheet manipulation,

()en (''i$e picture drawing and data base access) compatible with all other ma-or office application sets such as Office and available for *indows and 3ac as well as 1inu% and other ,/"4 systems. *5uirrel %ail An email application (for reading and writing email through a web client program) supporting "3A2 and S3T2 and available for *indows and 3ac as well as 1inu% and other ,/"4 systems.


01e Latest 6e7elo)ment in IC0

4"1 .ar#+are A3D $4 +'5ore 6lac# &dition $4 +899 $D+899*3*+)., $D+899*3.,S64 :es :es A3;<

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Oct @@, @98@

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/#obe )1otos1o) $s!

2hotoshop 5S+, released in 3ay @98@, added new creative design tools and provided a redesigned interface with a focus on enhanced performance. /ew features have been added to the 5ontent'Aware tool such as the 5ontent'Aware 2atch and 5ontent'Aware 3ove. Adobe 2hotoshop 5S+ brought a suite of tools for video editing. 5olor and e%posure ad-ustments, as well as layers, are among a few things that are featured in this new editor. ,pon completion of editing, the user is presented with a handful of options of e%porting into a few popular formats. 5S+ brings the CstraightenC tool to 2hotoshop, where a user simply draws a line anywhere on an image, and the canvas will reorient itself so that the line drawn becomes hori(ontal, and ad-usts the media accordingly. This was created with the intention that users will draw a line parallel to a plane in the image, and reorient the image to that plane to easier achieve certain perspectives. 5S+ allows bac#ground saving, which means that while another document is compiling and archiving itself, it is possible to simultaneously edit an image. 5S+ also features a customi(able auto'save feature, preventing any wor# from being lost. Adobe has responded to feedbac# from graphic designers and has modified the ,ser "nterface accordingly. /ow, it boasts a more unified, static loo#, and is easier to #eep trac# of all the palettes and documents. 2hotoshop 5S+ was released on 3ay A, @98@. The price for 5S+ is ,SD+== and the e%tended version is ,SD===. /#obe )1otos1o) C*5 2hotoshop 5S? was launched on 8@ April @989. "n a video posted on its official $aceboo# page, the development team revealed the new technologies under development, including three'dimensional brushes and warping tool. "n 3ay @988, Adobe 5reative Suite ?.? (5S?.?) was released, with new versions of some of the applications. "ts version of 2hotoshop, [email protected], is identical to the concurrently released update for 2hotoshop 5S?, version [email protected], e%cept for support for the new subscription pricing that was introduced with 5S?.?. 5S? introduces new tools such as the 5ontent'Aware $ill, Eefine &dge, 3i%er 6rush, 6ristle Tips and 2uppet *arp. The community also had a hand in the additions made to 5S? as ;9 new features and improvements were included by reFuest.These include automatic image straightening, the Eule'of'Thirds cropping tool, color pic#up and saving an 8+'bit image as aB2&.. Another feature includes the Adobe 3ini 6ridge which allows for efficient file browsing and management. 5S? &%tended includes everything in 5S? plus features in ;D and video editing. A new materials library was added, providing more options such as 5hrome, .lass, and 5or#.The new Shadow 5atcher tool can be used to further enhance ;D ob-ectst.$or motion graphics, the tools can be applied to over more than one frame in a video seFuence.

5S? and 5S? &%tended were made available through Adobe s online store, Adobe Authori(ed Eesellers and Adobe direct sales.6oth 5S? and 5S? &%tended are offered as either a stand' alone application or feature of Adobe 5reative Suite ?.The price for 5S? is ,SD+== and the e%tended version is ,SD===.6oth products are compatible with "ntel'based 3ac OS and *indows 42, *indows Gista, and *indows A


8er7asi7e Com)utin& 5"1 %eanin&

The idea that technology is moving beyond the personal computer to everyday devices with embedded technology and connectivity as computing devices become progressively smaller and more powerful. Also called ubiFuitous computing, pervasive computing is the result of computer technology advancing at e%ponential speeds ' a trend toward all man'made and some natural products having hardware and software. 2ervasive computing goes beyond the realm of personal computers. "t is the idea that almost any device, from clothing to tools to appliances to cars to homes to the human body to your coffee mug, can be imbedded with chips to connect the device to an infinite networ# of other devices. The goal of pervasive computing, which combines current networ# technologies with wireless computing, voice recognition, "nternet capability and artificial intelligence, is to create an environment where the connectivity of devices is embedded in such a way that the connectivity is unobtrusive and always available.


A smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with

*mart)1one 25'li#e functionality. There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone. $or some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardi(ed interface and platform for application developers. $or others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features li#e e'mail, "nternet and e' boo# reader capabilities, and0or a built'in full #eyboard or e%ternal ,S6 #eyboard and G.A connector. "n other words, it is a miniature computer that has phone capability. 8ersonal 6i&ital /ssistant ,86/-

A personal digital assistant (2DA) is a handheld computer, also #nown as a palmtop computer. /ewer 2DAs also have both color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones, web browsers, or portable media players. 3any 2DAs can access the "nternet via *i'$i, or *ireless *ide'Area /etwor#s (**A/s). 3any 2DAs employ touch screen technology.


Open Source can be used by anyone and because it has no copyright claims, so users

are free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. 2ervasive 5omputing is to ma#e our lives easier because we can interact with computers. 6esides that, we can easily give the computer commands and the computer will grant your wish.



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