Iss36 Art2 - 3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads On An Embankment
Iss36 Art2 - 3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads On An Embankment
Iss36 Art2 - 3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads On An Embankment
- [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] -
6 Peat, HN, HZ 0.7 2000 2000 6000 8100 3000 6.2910
7 Organic silt 0.7 4000 4000 12000 16200 6000 2.7910
8 Sand 0.5 80000 80000 240000 270000 100000 1.81-10
Figure 5: Shear force in the beam
Figure 6: Details of the model
Table 5: Input properties in PLAXIS 3D for rail and sleeper
Parameter Unit Rail Sleeper
Cross section area (A) [m
] 7.710
Unit weight () [kN/m
] 78 25
Young's modulus (E) [kN/m
] 20010
Moment of inertia around the second axis (I
) [m
] 3.05510
Moment of inertia around the third axis (I
) [m
] 5.1310
Table 6: Rail clips properties
Maximum tension force |F
| 312 kN
Maximum compression force |F
| 1716 kN
Axial stiffness (EA) 210
consideration of three different constitutive
soil models. In SIM1, for all soil layers the Linear
Elastic (LE) model was used. SIM2 was simulated
using a combination of Mohr-Coulomb (MC) and
Hardening Soil small-strain model (HS-small).
Here, upper soil layers are modeled with the
MC model and the deepest three soil layers are
modeled with the HS-small model [12].
In dynamics, velocities rather than displacements
are presented to avoid second integration leading
to increasing errors in low frequency domain [14].
The velocity amplitude decreases by propagation
of the wave to the deeper soil layers. Material and
geometric damping are the main reasons for the
decreasing velocity amplitude in deep layers. In
this model, both types of damping are considered
by applying Rayleigh damping coeffcients.
The lowest and highest relevant frequencies
14 Plaxis Bulletin l Autumn issue 2014 l
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
Table 7: Estimated velocities for train with speed of 180 km/h
Constitutive model Wagons No.
Train speed 180 km/h
Vertical velocity (mm/s) in different checkpoints
SIM 1 1 27.15 4.54 1.38 0.74 0.23 1.2
SIM 2 1 28.90 9.40 2.51 1.40 0.58 0.16
Figure 8: Vertical velocity, HS-small & MC-Model, 180Km/h
Figure 7: Vertical velocity, LE-Model, 180 Km/h l Autumn issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin 15
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
depend upon the model properties and train
speed. In this study, the lowest and highest
frequencies for estimation of the Rayleigh
damping coeffcients are assumed to be between
10 and 100 Hertz.
Table 7 summarizes the results of the simulations
in terms of velocity (mm/s) for four checkpoints in
different soil layers. Moreover, velocity amplitudes
are decreased by going to the depth, which is
matched to the engineering expectation.
The checkpoints BP5 and BP6 show smaller
velocities as the wave goes deeper in Z-direction.
Velocity changes in each checkpoint by passing
the train for both models are shown in Figure 7
and 8. Figure 9 shows a comparison between the
calculated maximum velocities in checkpoints
of two simulations (SIM1 and SIM2). The highest
velocity belongs to the checkpoint BP1 that is
located in shallowest depth under the railway.
SIM2 estimated smaller values for deeper
checkpoints than SIM1, while in shallow depth, it
points out higher velocity compared to the SIM1.
However, both simulations show a similar trend in
the results.
Moving loads can be modeled in PLAXIS 3D by
applying the proposed approach and the help of
auxiliary software. This proposed approach has also
a big limitation. For defning the moving loads, all
multipliers have to be assigned manually to each
dynamic point load. For getting more accurate results,
one could divide the distance between the sleepers in
four or even eight parts. By adding more point loads,
it is possible to get more detailed results. With this
method, one could also model the break effect as
well as the interaction of two trains, which are moving
in opposite directions. This approach provides a way
for investigating moving loads in PLAXIS. Real 3D
modelling of moving loads in PLAXIS 3D was done
here successfully. These models have to be evaluated
through comparison with results from experiments
and theoretical analysis. The validation of these
models will be accomplished in next phase of this
project. Geotechnical applications require advanced
constitutive models for the simulation of the non-
linear and time-dependent behavior of soils. Although
the modelling of the soil itself is an important issue,
many geotechnical engineering projects involve the
modelling of complex geotechnical problems such
as the moving loads. Therefore, future versions of
the PLAXIS software will be equipped with special
features to deal with the moving loads.
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Figure 9: Estimated velocities for train with speed of 180 km/h in checkpoints