Iss36 Art2 - 3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads On An Embankment

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10 Plaxis Bulletin l Autumn issue 2014 l www.plaxis.


In terms of structural dynamics, a moving

load changes its place during the time and
compared to a static load, it can signifcantly
increase displacements in the structure. Moreover,
it causes different soil behavior, which has not
been fully investigated so far. The dynamic
deformation that is caused by trains is normally
inelastic. The cumulative plastic dAeformations
during tracks lifetime increase progressively and
its amount depends on several factors, among
them on the subsoil parameters. Irregularities in
the track level are common phenomena due to
the spatial variation of subsoil and, to some extent
the embankment. This degradation of the track is
known as differential track settlement [1].
High train speeds demand smaller differential
settlement, which must be considered in the
modelling of the rail-embankment-subsoil-system
by reducing the model error. Another important
problem to address is that, after a critical speed,
great dynamic amplifcation appears in the dynamic
response of the system, which shows again the
importance of the modelling to detect this critical
speed of the rail-embankment-subsoil-system [2].
Due to the importance of the moving and dynamic
loads, several studies deal with this problem,
especially for high-speed railway trains [3, 4].
Increasing traffc intensity and train speed in modern railway tracks require complex analysis with focus on
dynamic soil behavior. Proper modelling of the dynamic behavior of the railway track system (railway track,
trainload, embankment materials and subsoil) is essential to obtain realistic results. This paper presents preliminary
results of numerical modelling in PLAXIS 3D for simulating moving loads on a typical soil embankment, which is
designed for high-speed railway trains. For this purpose, several static point loads were applied along the railway
track. The amount of load is equal to the axle load of the train. For each point load, a dynamic multiplier is assigned
as a time-shear force signal. A beam under unit loads on the elastic foundation was modeled for calculation of
shear forces. The resulting shear forces in the beam were applied to the 3D model as factors of the dynamic
multiplier. In addition, different constitutive soil models such as Linear Elastic (LE), Mohr-Coulomb (MC) and
Hardening Soil small-strain (HS-small) were used to approximate the dynamic behavior of the soil embankment.
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
M.Sc. Mojtaba Shahraki, Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar, [email protected] - M.Sc. M.Sc. Mohamad Reza Salehi Sadaghiani, Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar,
[email protected] - Prof. Dr.-Ing Karl Josef Witt, Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar, [email protected] - Dr.-Ing Thomas Meier, Baugrund Dresden
Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, [email protected]
To consider the effect of the moving loads,
the authors have statically analyzed the beam
to approximate the length of the shear force
distribution in the rail and then those distances
are taken into account to extend the length of
the model. To estimate shear forces in the rail, a
static analysis based on the theory of beam on
the elastic foundation has been computed by
using PROKON (Structural Analysis and Design
software). PROKON performs a linear analysis in
which the beam is modeled as a 2D frame on a
series of springs with very short distances [8]. The
shear forces that were obtained from this analysis
have been used as the dynamic multipliers for
each point load in PLAXIS 3D.
It has been assumed that the distance between
two supports are too small and contacted
support along the beam has been provided by
the underlying soil. Furthermore, the beam is
signifcantly thin; hence, the external loads are
transferred to the support directly (See Figure 1).
The length of the train axles L controls the length
of the model. Moreover, this length has been
extended 0.18L on both sides of the beam for
considering the effect of the shear force on the
adjacent parts of the impact points of the loads.
In case of the numerical simulation, Vogel et al.
(2011) carried out a study about dynamic stability
of railway tracks on soft soils. They have modeled
a train railway embankment in PLAXIS 2D and
the numerical results have been compared to
experimental data [5]. Correia et al. (2007) also
accomplished a preliminary study of comparative
suitability of 2D modelling with different numerical
tools such as PLAXIS 2D and other fnite element
software [6]. In recent studies, the effect of the third
dimension is considered by some assumptions, for
example, Yang and Hung (2001) suggested a so
called 2.5 D model for moving loads [7].

The reliability of the models depends largely on
the accuracy of the model, the input data and the
choice of an appropriate underlying theory. In
this respect, the presented results are based on
3D modelling and a frst contribution to provide a
method for modelling of moving loads.
Simulation Approach
The moving-loads-induced reactions at the track
differ signifcantly depending on trainloads and
speed. When the loads travel on a beam, they
do not affect only under the impact points; these
loads have also effect on the adjacent parts (away
from the impact points of the loads) of the beam. l Autumn issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin 11
It has been supposed that the dynamic loads have
effect over a greater length of the beam than static
loads, and the effect of each axle is felt further away,
hence, another length of 0.12L is added to each
side of the beam, to consider the dynamic impact
of the loads. Therefore, the optimal length of model
could be suggested as L
(see Table 1).
To approximate the shear forces in a standard
railway track, a beam with length L
and pin
supports in every 60 cm (a = 60) laying on soil
was considered. A dynamic multiplier is defned
as a time-shear force signal in PLAXIS 3D. In the
model, every single dynamic point load has its own
multiplier. In other words, the dynamic point load
is multiplied with the value of signal in every time
step. These load multipliers represent the shear
forces in the beam due to the static load along the
rail in the specifc time. The time interval of the
multiplier signal has to be considered suffciently
small to prevent miscalculation in FE simulations.
The time step is constant because the train speed
and the distance between dynamic point loads
are constant. For example, a train with speed 180
km/h passes every 30 cm in 0.006 sec, hence, the
time interval must be chosen 0.006 sec for the
fxed dynamic point loads [9].
The dynamic point loads are located in distances
of a/2, to consider the maximum shear forces in
the middle of the spans. The distance between the
dynamic point loads can be reduced to minimize
the model error; but it increases the calculation
time. A total number of 4(L
/a) dynamic point
loads for two rails are defned (Figure 2 & Table 1).
In Figure 2 and Table 1 the relevant information for
the model can be found. In the example simulation,
the train speed is 180 km/h, and the distance
between each dynamic point load is 30 cm. The
train passes every 30 cm in 0.006 sec (time step).
Consequently, the frst axle of the train needs 0.702
sec to pass all 117 dynamic point loads.
Figure 1: Theory and assumption
Table 1: Model parameters for modelling the moving loads
Distance between the frst and the last wagon axles [m] L 21.7
Additional length for model [m] L
= 0.3L 6.5
Total additional length (right and left) [m] L
= 2*0.3L 13.0
Model length [m] L
=L+0.6L 34.7
Sleepers distance [m] a 0.6
Dynamic loads distance [m] a/2 0.3
Number of dynamic loads for one rail [-] (2L
)/a 117
Number of dynamic loads for whole model (two rails) [-] (4L
)/a 234
Figure 2: Dimensions of an ICE train and calculated lengths for model
12 Plaxis Bulletin l Autumn issue 2014 l
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
value used for K. Figure 5 illustrates the calculated
shear force in the beam. The length of the model
in PROKON was rescaled to the model length used
in the PLAXIS model.
Geometry of 3D-model
The length of the model for X and Y direction is 35
meters. Due to the geological conditions a model
with the depth of 11 m has been considered.
Standard fxities and absorbent boundaries were
applied in the model to reduce wave refection at
the boundaries. A typical railway track includes
rails, rail clips (rail fastening system), and sleepers
while all these track elements rest on ballast and
subsoil with different soil layers.
The rail is modeled with a beam element along 35
m of profle in Y direction with rectangular cross
section. The properties of the beam section are
considered in such a way that it has the same
properties as a rail (UIC 60). The rail clips are
modeled as node to node anchor elements. Each
of the sleepers is connected to the rail with two rail
clips with 30 cm thickness. The standard sleeper
B70 is modeled as a beam element by providing
the moment of inertia and area. 68 sleepers
are placed in the model with a center-to-center
distance of 60 cm. Figure 6 shows the model in
PLAXIS 3D. Active dynamic point loads are defned
For each time step all of the point loads acquire
their values based on the PROKON outputs. In this
way, the point loads will be activated continuously
and they reach the maximum values when the train
axles pass over them (See Table 2).
The distance between the frst and the last axle for
an ICE is 21.7 m, which in terms of time is 0.434 sec
for a train with speed of 180 km/h. The total time
that the last axle of the train needs to pass the
length of the model is 1.136 sec. In this time, the
effect of the train before entering and after leaving
the model was also considered.
An additional time of 0.112 sec, which denotes
eighteen added rows to the multiplier was
considered for relaxing and preventing of
miscalculations in the model to the effect of stress
wave refection in dynamic calculations. Various
methods are used for modelling boundaries
that decrease the effect of wave refection. Nine
multiplier rows with values (shear forces) equal to
zero are inserted in the beginning and the end of the
multiplier. A small part of the multipliers sequence
is shown in Table 2 and schematic view of multipliers
change during the time is illustrated in Figure 3.
The static analysis for the calculation of shear
forces was performed by applying four unit point
HS-small model, besides the basic parameters,
oedometric, tangent, un/reloading Youngs
modulus, reference shear modulus and shear
strain as well as the advanced parameters are
calculated from the secant modulus [11].
Small values of cohesion in shallow depth for
simulation with the HS-small constitutive model,
particularly for gravel materials leads to unreliable
outcomes [12], hence, greater values of cohesion
are chosen for the upper soil layers.
Moreover, the frst layer (Ballast) is modeled with
MC rather than HS-small constitutive model;
because of small vertical stresses in the upper
layers, the hardening soil constitutive model
tend to deliver unrealistic results. Soil basic and
advanced properties in models are listed in Table
3 and Table 4. The applied poissons ratio for all
layers in the HS-small model is the default value of
= 0.2).
To defne a node to node anchor in PLAXIS, the
maximum forces that the element can carry in
tension as well as compression are demanded.
In addition, it needs only one stiffness parameter,
which is the axial stiffness [13]. The properties of
rail clips and the needed parameters for modelling
of beam element are listed in Table 5 and Table 6.
Figure 4: Scaled static model of unit loads of the beam in PROKON
Figure 3: Pictorial representation of multipliers sequence for 117 point loads in the
PLAXIS model
loads on the beam to simulate four axles forces
of one wagon. The beam with pin supports
every 60 cm are placed on soil. Figure 4 shows
the position of four unit point loads, rail and
sleepers in PROKON. For this calculation, the
default parameters of PROKON (see Figure 4)
were used. The modulus of subgrade reaction,
K, is a conceptual relationship between the soil
pressure and defection of the beam. Because
the beam stiffness is usually ten or more times
as large as the soil stiffness as defned by K, the
bending moments in the beam and calculated soil
pressures are normally not very sensitive to the
on track 1 (Figure 6-b). For better visualization
of the 3D model, the modeled point loads are
deactivated in Figure 6-a and 6-b. Figure 6-c
shows exemplary some dynamic point loads.
Material Properties
Saturated, unsaturated density, Poissons ratio and
shear modulus were available from geotechnical
investigations, which were used for modelling of
soil behavior with the linear elastic constitutive
model. Secant modulus, friction angle, cohesion
and dilatancy of materials were acquired from
literature [10]. To model the soil behavior with the
Calculation Phases and Results
The calculation consists of three phases. The frst
phase is common for generating the initial stresses
with active groundwater table. A plastic drained
calculation type is chosen in phase two. In this phase,
all elements of the railway track (sleepers, rails and
rail clips) should be active. The dynamic option
should be selected in phase three to consider stress
waves and vibrations in the soil. In this phase, all
dynamic point loads on the rails are active.

The simulations (SIM1 and SIM2) are performed
for a train (one wagon) speed of 180 km/h with l Autumn issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin 13
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
Table 2: Sequence of multipliers for all point loads
Table 3: Basic material properties of the soil layers for LE and MC models
No. Soil layers
sat unsat c E
] [kN/m
] - [kN/m
] [kN/m
1 Ballast 21 19 0.30 35 30 5 30000
2 Protective layer 23 22 0.25 40 30 15 55000
3 Backfll, SE, SU, loose 19 18 0.35 28 10 0 25000
4 Backfll, SE, SU, semidense 20 19 0.35 28 10 0 35000
5 Backfll, SE, SU, dense 20 19.5 0.35 28 10 0 43000
6 Peat, HN, HZ 11 11 0.35 26 15 0 2000
7 Organic silt 13 13 0.35 25 10 0 4000
8 Sand 20 19 0.35 40 5 10 80000
Table 4: Advanced material properties of the soil layers for HS-small model
No. Soil layers
m E

- [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] [kN/m
] -
6 Peat, HN, HZ 0.7 2000 2000 6000 8100 3000 6.2910
7 Organic silt 0.7 4000 4000 12000 16200 6000 2.7910
8 Sand 0.5 80000 80000 240000 270000 100000 1.81-10
Figure 5: Shear force in the beam
Figure 6: Details of the model
Table 5: Input properties in PLAXIS 3D for rail and sleeper
Parameter Unit Rail Sleeper
Cross section area (A) [m
] 7.710
Unit weight () [kN/m
] 78 25
Young's modulus (E) [kN/m
] 20010
Moment of inertia around the second axis (I
) [m
] 3.05510
Moment of inertia around the third axis (I
) [m
] 5.1310
Table 6: Rail clips properties
Maximum tension force |F
| 312 kN
Maximum compression force |F
| 1716 kN
Axial stiffness (EA) 210
consideration of three different constitutive
soil models. In SIM1, for all soil layers the Linear
Elastic (LE) model was used. SIM2 was simulated
using a combination of Mohr-Coulomb (MC) and
Hardening Soil small-strain model (HS-small).
Here, upper soil layers are modeled with the
MC model and the deepest three soil layers are
modeled with the HS-small model [12].

In dynamics, velocities rather than displacements
are presented to avoid second integration leading
to increasing errors in low frequency domain [14].
The velocity amplitude decreases by propagation
of the wave to the deeper soil layers. Material and
geometric damping are the main reasons for the
decreasing velocity amplitude in deep layers. In
this model, both types of damping are considered
by applying Rayleigh damping coeffcients.
The lowest and highest relevant frequencies
14 Plaxis Bulletin l Autumn issue 2014 l
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
Table 7: Estimated velocities for train with speed of 180 km/h
Constitutive model Wagons No.
Train speed 180 km/h
Vertical velocity (mm/s) in different checkpoints
SIM 1 1 27.15 4.54 1.38 0.74 0.23 1.2
SIM 2 1 28.90 9.40 2.51 1.40 0.58 0.16
Figure 8: Vertical velocity, HS-small & MC-Model, 180Km/h
Figure 7: Vertical velocity, LE-Model, 180 Km/h l Autumn issue 2014 l Plaxis Bulletin 15
3D Modelling of Train Induced Moving Loads on an Embankment
depend upon the model properties and train
speed. In this study, the lowest and highest
frequencies for estimation of the Rayleigh
damping coeffcients are assumed to be between
10 and 100 Hertz.
Table 7 summarizes the results of the simulations
in terms of velocity (mm/s) for four checkpoints in
different soil layers. Moreover, velocity amplitudes
are decreased by going to the depth, which is
matched to the engineering expectation.
The checkpoints BP5 and BP6 show smaller
velocities as the wave goes deeper in Z-direction.
Velocity changes in each checkpoint by passing
the train for both models are shown in Figure 7
and 8. Figure 9 shows a comparison between the
calculated maximum velocities in checkpoints
of two simulations (SIM1 and SIM2). The highest
velocity belongs to the checkpoint BP1 that is
located in shallowest depth under the railway.
SIM2 estimated smaller values for deeper
checkpoints than SIM1, while in shallow depth, it
points out higher velocity compared to the SIM1.
However, both simulations show a similar trend in
the results.
Moving loads can be modeled in PLAXIS 3D by
applying the proposed approach and the help of
auxiliary software. This proposed approach has also
a big limitation. For defning the moving loads, all
multipliers have to be assigned manually to each
dynamic point load. For getting more accurate results,
one could divide the distance between the sleepers in
four or even eight parts. By adding more point loads,
it is possible to get more detailed results. With this
method, one could also model the break effect as
well as the interaction of two trains, which are moving
in opposite directions. This approach provides a way
for investigating moving loads in PLAXIS. Real 3D
modelling of moving loads in PLAXIS 3D was done
here successfully. These models have to be evaluated
through comparison with results from experiments
and theoretical analysis. The validation of these
models will be accomplished in next phase of this
project. Geotechnical applications require advanced
constitutive models for the simulation of the non-
linear and time-dependent behavior of soils. Although
the modelling of the soil itself is an important issue,
many geotechnical engineering projects involve the
modelling of complex geotechnical problems such
as the moving loads. Therefore, future versions of
the PLAXIS software will be equipped with special
features to deal with the moving loads.
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Figure 9: Estimated velocities for train with speed of 180 km/h in checkpoints

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