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OCK Rotection: Specification 406

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Copyright MAIN ROADS Western Australia

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Contract xxx/xx Document 04/10106 Issue 20/09/2017



Date Clause Description of Revision Authorised
Number By

20/09/2017 Table 406.1 Added Half Tonne A/SWE

12/12/2016 Whole Reformatting SCO


28/11/2016 Table 406.1 Renaming of Rock Class SWE

03/03/2009 Table 406.1 Column 4 removed SWE

“Minimum” from the title.

01/08/2006 Whole Complete revision of Issue MCP

document No 3 to new format

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Clause Page No

GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 4 
406.01  Scope ........................................................................................................... 4 
406.02  References ................................................................................................... 4 
406.03 – 406.05  NOT USED ..................................................................................... 4 
PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS ...................................................................................... 5 
406.06  Source Rock ................................................................................................. 5 
406.07  Rock Fill for Gabions and Mattresses ........................................................... 6 
406.08   Rock Supply by Principal .............................................................................. 7 
406.09   Geotextile Lining ........................................................................................... 7 
406.10   Gabions ........................................................................................................ 8 
406.11   Mattresses .................................................................................................... 9 
406.12   Selvedges ..................................................................................................... 9 
406.13   Lacing/Tying and Connecting Wire ............................................................. 10 
406.14 – 406.25  NOT USED ................................................................................... 10 
CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................... 10 
406.26  Geotextile Lining ......................................................................................... 10 
406.27  Rock Protection .......................................................................................... 11 
406.28  Rock Pitching .............................................................................................. 12 
406.29  Installation of Gabions and Mattresses....................................................... 13 
406.30 – 406.80  NOT USED ................................................................................... 14 
AS BUILT AND HANDOVER REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 14 
406.81 – 406.90  NOT USED ................................................................................... 14 
CONTRACT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 14 
406.91 – 406.99  NOT USED ................................................................................... 14 
ANNEXURE 406A.......................................................................................................... 15 
Supply of Rock by Principal ........................................................................................ 15 

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406.01 SCOPE

1. The work under this specification consists of the supply and

construction of all types of rock protection linings and rock pitching.


1. Australian Standards, MAIN ROADS Western Australia

Standards and MAIN ROADS Western Australia Test Methods are
referred to in abbreviated form (e.g. AS 1234, MRS 67-08-43 or WA
123). For convenience, the full titles are given below:

Australian Standards

AS 1141.22 Methods for Sampling and Testing Aggregates:

Method 22: Wet/Dry Strength Variation
AS 1726 Geotechnical Site Investigations
AS 2758.4 Aggregates and Rock for Engineering Purposes
Part 4: Aggregates for gabions baskets and wire
AS 3704 Geotextiles – Glossary of Terms
AS 3705 Geotextiles – Identification, Marking and General Data
AS 3706 Geotextiles – Method of Tests

Other Standards & Publications

AUSTROADS Waterway Design, A Guide to the Hydraulic Design of

Bridges, Culverts and Floodways. Publication No. AP-23/94
AUSTROADS Guide to Geotextiles. Publication No. AP-3/90

MAIN ROADS Specifications

Specification 302 EARTHWORKS

406.03 – 406.05 NOT USED

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1. Source rock for rock protection and rock pitching shall Properties
consist of clean, sound, durable, hard rock. Rock used shall be fresh to
slightly weathered and of very high to extremely high strength, as
defined in AS 1726. Rock that is laminated, fractured, porous or
otherwise physically weak is unacceptable. Flat slab-like rock pieces,
with the breadth or thickness less than one third its length, should be
avoided due to poor interlocking and easy dislodgement by flow where
not grouted.

2. Limestone (calcarenite) used for rock pitching shall be Rock

moderately strong to strong, with reference to the Clark and Walker Pitching
Classification System for cementation and strength.

 Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) shall not be less

than 12.5 MPa, and

 Calcium Carbonate Content (CaCO3) shall not be less than

80% in accordance with Test Method WA 915.1.

3. Rock for use in bridgeworks shall be to the details shown on Rock Type
the Bridgeworks Drawings. For roadworks and drainage works, rock and Size
shall conform to the details given in Table 406.1.

4. Prior to delivery to site, the Contractor shall certify to HOLD

the Superintendent that the rock conforms to the specified POINT
requirements for its intended use. Test results shall be reported on
NATA endorsed documents.

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TABLE 406.1 Rock Protection and Rock Pitching (General Requirements)

Rock Class Rock Size Approximate Percentage of Typical Use

(m) * Rock Mass Rock Larger than (Examples Only)
(kg) Rock Size in the
Second Column
0.40 100 0
0.30 35 50 Culvert Outlets
(Type B)
0.15 2.5 90
0.55 250 0
Light 0.40 100 50 Floodway Batters
0.20 10 90
0.75 500 0
Quarter Tonne 0.55 250 50 Floodway Batters
0.30 35 90
0.90 1000 0
Half Tonne 0.70 450 50 Floodway Batters
0.40 100 90
1.15 2000 0
One Tonne 0.90 1000 50 Floodway Batters
0.55 250 90
1.45 4000 0
Two Tonne 1.15 2000 50 Floodway Batters
0.75 500 90
150 Rock 0.15 x 0.15 x Slopes
Pitching 0.15 (Typically
400 Rock 0.40 x 0.40 x
60 Slopes (Typically
Pitching 0.20

* Assuming a specific gravity of 2.65 and spherical shape for Facing, Light, Quarter
Tonne, Half Tonne, One Tonne and Two Tonne.


1. Rock fill for gabions and mattresses shall be produced or Rock Type
derived from dense, hard, durable and clean rock in accordance with AS
2758.4. It shall be resistant to weathering actions of air and water and
shall be free from cracks and other structural defects.

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2. Rock used for rock fill shall be fresh to slightly weathered Properties
and of very high to extremely high strength, as defined in AS 1726. The
rock fill shall be clean, angular, and durable and of uniform quality, free
from dust, clay, dirt and other deleterious material and free from an
excess of flat or laminate pieces. For gabions the minimum rock size
shall be 100mm and the maximum rock size shall be 250mm. For
mattresses the minimum rock size shall be 75mm and the maximum
rock size shall be two-thirds the thickness of the mattress, or 250mm,
whichever is the lesser. The rock supplied shall have a range of sizes
and a degree of angularity to ensure mechanical interlocking between

3. When determined in accordance with AS 1141.22, the

aggregate wet strength shall not be less than 100kN and the wet/dry
strength variation shall not exceed 35%. The rock may be crushed so
as to produce the aggregate suitable to test by AS 1141.22.

4. Prior to delivery to site, the Contractor shall certify to HOLD

the Superintendent that the rock fill conforms to the specified POINT
requirements for its intended use. Test results shall be reported on
NATA endorsed documents.


1. Where some or all the rock protection requirements are Annexure

supplied by the Principal, details are provided at Annexure 406A. The 406A
Contractor shall supply any additional rock that is required for the works.


1. The geotextile for rock protection shall be a non-woven fabric Geotextile

consisting of long chain synthetic polymer fibres, composed of at least
95% by mass of polyester or polyolefins (polypropylene, polyethylene),
bonded by needle punching, heat or chemical bonding processes or
combinations thereof. Bonded fibres must be capable of retaining their
relative position in the geotextile. The polymer fibres shall be rot proof,
chemically stable and have low water absorbency. The geotextile shall
have a high ultraviolet resistance such that when tested in accordance
with AS 3706.11 shall have retained strength of at least 50% after 672
hours of test exposure. The geotextile shall be free of any flaws or
defects that may adversely affect the mechanical or physical properties
of the fabric.

2. Each roll of geotextile shall be provided with a suitable Supply

covering to protect the fabric against moisture and ultraviolet radiation,
and marked in conformance with AS 3705.

3. Prior to installation, the geotextile rolls shall be stored on site Storage

under a protective cover and supported off the ground. The Contractor
shall take appropriate measures to protect the geotextile from damage.
This includes adhering to any other recommendations on method of
storage set by the supplier/manufacturer.

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4. Prior to the use of geotextile, the Contractor shall HOLD
submit to the Superintendent product certificates of compliance POINT
from the supplier, showing that the geotextile complies with all the
requirements of this specification for intended use. Test results
shall be reported on NATA endorsed documents.

5. The Contractor shall also certify that the geotextile delivered Sampling
to site meets the Specification requirements. Sampling, conditioning and Testing
and statistical analysis of results for each batch of geotextile shall be
carried out in accordance with AS3706.1. Sampling frequency shall be
in accordance with Appendix A of AS 3706.1. The conformance testing
shall include determining the mean weight (mass per unit area) of the
geotextile, in accordance with AS 3706.1.


1. The Equivalent Opening Size (EOS) of the geotextile shall EOS and G
be less than 200 µm, mean value determined in accordance with AS Rating
3706.7. The Geotextile Strength Rating (G) shall be greater than 4500,
as defined in AUSTROADS “Guide to Geotextiles” where G = (L . h50)0.5.
L (in Newtons) is the characteristic value of burst strength (CBR Plunger
Method) for the batch tested determined in accordance with AS 3706.1
and AS 3706.4. h50 (in mm) is the characteristic puncture resistance
(Drop Cone Method) value for the batch tested determined in
accordance with AS 3706.1 and AS 3706.5. The characteristic values of
L and h50 shall be calculated as the mean value less 0.83 standard
deviation. If appropriate, the minimum G rating may be reduced to 2000
where the nominal maximum particle size of the rock is no greater than
200 mm.


1. All gabions and mattresses shall be laid on geotextile filter

lining as per the Drawings.

2. The Equivalent Opening Size (EOS) of the geotextile shall EOS and G
be less than 200 µm, mean value determined in accordance with AS Rating
3706.7. The Geotextile Strength Rating (G) shall be greater than 2000,
as defined in AUSTROADS “Guide to Geotextiles” where G = (L . h50)0.5.
L (in Newtons) is the characteristic value of burst strength (CBR Plunger
Method) for the batch tested determined in accordance with AS 3706.1
and AS 3706.4. h50 (in mm) is the characteristic puncture resistance
(Drop Cone Method) value for the batch tested determined in
accordance with AS 3706.1 and AS 3706.5. The characteristic values of
L and h50 shall be calculated as the mean value less 0.83 standard

406.10 GABIONS

1. Details of gabions shall be as shown on the Drawings.

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2. The gabions supplied by the Contractor shall be flexible, Corrosion
woven, galvanised PVC coated steel wire mesh boxes to the overall Protection
dimensions as specified on the Drawings. Alternative equivalent or
improved methods of corrosion protection such as Zinc-Aluminium alloy
and polyethylene coatings are acceptable.

3. Gabions shall have a hexagonal mesh with nominal size of Mesh Size
80mm x 100 mm. The minimum steel core wire diameter for the mesh and Wire
shall be 2.7 mm. Diameter

4. Each gabion shall be divided by diaphragms into cells whose Cells

length shall not be greater than the width of the gabion plus
100 millimetres.

5. Prior to use, the Contractor shall submit to the HOLD

Superintendent product certificates of compliance from the POINT
supplier, showing that the gabions, selvedges and lacing wire
comply with all the requirements of this specification for its
intended use.


1. Details of rock mattresses shall be as shown on the


2. The mattresses supplied by the Contractor shall be flexible, Corrosion

woven, galvanised PVC coated steel wire mesh boxes to the overall Protection
dimensions as specified on the Drawings. Alternative equivalent or
improved methods of corrosion protection such as Zinc-Aluminium alloy
and polyethylene coatings are acceptable.

3. Mattresses shall have a hexagonal mesh with nominal size Mesh Size
of 60mm x 80mm. The minimum steel core wire diameter for the mesh and Wire
shall be 2.0mm for mattresses with less than 350mm depth and 2.4mm Diameter
for 350 to 550mm depth.

4. Each mattress shall be divided by diaphragms into cells Cells

across the width of the unit and at not more than 1m centres or as
shown on the Drawings.

5. Prior to use, the Contractor shall submit to the HOLD

Superintendent product certificates of compliance from the POINT
supplier, showing that the mattresses, selvedges and lacing wire
comply with all the requirements of this specification for its
intended use.


1. All edges of the gabions, mattresses, diaphragms and end Edge

panels shall be selvedged with a continuous wire, thicker than the Selvedge
corresponding wire of the gabion, mattress or diaphragm, to give the
mesh rigidity when subjected to tension.

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2. The selvedging must be such that the mesh will not unravel. Properties
In addition, the strength of the connection between the galvanised
selvedge wire and the mesh shall be equal to or greater than the
breaking strength of the mesh.

3. The minimum steel core wire diameter shall be 3.4mm for Wire
gabions, 2.4mm for mattresses less than 350mm depth and 3.0mm for Diameter
mattresses between 350 to 550mm depth.


1. Lacing/tying and connecting wire must be supplied with the Lacing

gabions and mattresses to perform all the wiring operations required for
the construction of the gabions or mattresses on site.

2. The minimum steel core wire diameter, for lacing/tying and Wire
connecting either gabions or mattresses, shall be 2.2mm. Diameter

3. Where the selvedge has to be fastened to the cut ends of the Fastening
mesh, its diameter shall be 3.4mm, and it shall be attached by binding
the cut ends of the mesh about it so that a force of not less than 8 330N
applied in the same plane as the mesh, at a point on the selvedge of a
mesh sample of length 1 000mm, is required to separate it from the

406.14 – 406.25 NOT USED



1. The correct geotextile filter lining shall be supplied to suit Lining

unconfined rock protection, or for use with gabions and mattresses. Types

2. The period between initial laying out and complete cover of Exposure
the geotextile with rock embankment protection, gabions or mattresses
shall not exceed 14 days. Where possible and practical, geotextile shall
be placed just ahead of associated advancing construction work and
covered by relevant construction materials or suitable protective
sheeting within 48 hours of being placed.

3. Any geotextile allowed to remain exposed to sunlight for a Prolonged

period greater than 14 days shall be removed and replaced at no cost to Exposure
the Principal.

4. The geotextile shall be laid in full roll widths as supplied with Laying and
the length of the fabric laid in the direction of stream flow. Adjacent Overlap
strips shall be overlapped a minimum of 500mm.

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5. The Contractor shall take every reasonable care to ensure Care
that the geotextile is not damaged during installation and cover
placement operations. The laid geotextile shall be subjected only to
pedestrian traffic.

6. Any geotextile torn shall be replaced or patched by the laying Repair

over of an additional piece of geotextile extending a minimum of 1m from
the extremities of the tear. The fabric shall be held down by rocks or
other suitable means to prevent movements before placement of the
rock embankment protection, gabions or mattresses.


1. Rock protection shall be supplied to the specified classes of Class of

rock, and shall comprise hard, clean rock spalls or cobbles obtained Rock
from the excavation of a uniform type and colour and grading as
specified in Clause 406.06, placed to the dimensions, shape and extent
shown on the Drawings.

2. Excavation for any required trenching for the placement of Excavation

rock protection shall be constructed to the line, level and dimensions
shown on the Drawings. Surplus, oversize and unsuitable material from
excavations shall be disposed of in accordance with Specification 302

3. The rock spalls shall be firmly placed into position to the Placement
required lines and levels with a minimum of voids and shaped to suit the
drain grades or batter slopes to the following tolerances and compacted
with at least 4 passes of a crawler tractor of mass not less than 11

(a) Batter slopes shall be smoothly shaped to a uniform Tolerances

(b) The dimensions of the rock layer shall not be less than
that shown in the Drawings. Local surface irregularities
of the finished surface shall not vary from the prevailing
batter slope by more than +100mm or -50mm measured
at right angles to the slope except for culvert outlet
protection which shall not vary by more than +0mm
or -100mm;
(c) On floodways, no rock shall project above the shoulder
and pavement level.
4. Rock protection shall present a generally uniform finish with Finish
flat surfaces of larger individual spalls, facing uppermost, comprising the
finished surface and thoroughly keyed to the adjoining rocks.

5. Care shall be taken during placement to prevent sand filling Voids

voids between the rocks.

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6. Where grouted rock protection is specified, individual rock Mortar
spalls shall be placed on a mortar bed and voids between spalls filled
with mortar, as detailed in the Drawings. The size of the voids shall not
exceed 50mm in any direction.

7. Mortar for grouting shall comprise a 3:1 mix of builder's sand Mortar Mix
and ordinary Portland cement, with all sand being from the same source.



1. Prior to the commencement of rock pitching, the HOLD

Contractor shall prepare a sample panel of each type of rock POINT
pitching required in the Works, each at least 1.5m high x 2m long,
for the Superintendent’s approval.

2. The samples shall display rock colour, texture, grain, surface Display
treatment, rock size and jointing detail. The sample shall remain until
the completion of stonework in the Works.

3. The standard of construction approved for the samples shall Standard

be maintained throughout the Works.


1. The finished rockwork on sloping rock pitching shall present Sloping

a uniform surface matching adjacent slopes. The finished surface shall Rockwork
be thoroughly cleaned of all excess mortar and other debris.

2. Transitions from pitched batter slopes to pitched level Slope

surface shall be in the form of a smooth vertical curve to both top and Transition
toe conforming to the dimensions and form as indicated on the

3. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the rocks shall be Paving

set level and flush for a lateral distance of 1.0m when located adjacent Transition
to other paving materials such as kerbs, paths and manholes.

4. Rocks at the top and toe of batter slopes shall be securely Mortar Work
underpinned with mortar to prevent any vertical movement. No mortar
shall be visible after adjacent finished levels have been restored. Voids
shall be filled with mortar from the bottom to within 10mm of the exposed
face of the rock.

5. Mortar shall comprise a 3:1 mix of builder's sand and Mortar Mix
ordinary Portland cement, with all sand being from the same source.
Where limestone is used for rock pitching, mortar shall comprise a 3:1:1
mix of builder's sand, builders lime, and ordinary Portland cement, with
all sand being from the same source.

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1. The assembly and erection of the gabions and mattresses Assembly

shall conform to the following and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Prior to assembly, the wire mesh of the gabion or mattress shall be
opened out flat on the ground and stretched as much as possible to
remove all kinks and bends, and checked to make sure that all creases
are in the correct positions for forming the box.

2. The gabion or mattress shall be assembled individually by Panels

lifting the side and end panels into vertical position to form a rectangular
box, ensuring that the tops of all four sides are level.

3. The four corners of the gabion or mattress box shall be wired Lacing
together with lengths of lacing wire supplied. Starting at the top, the
end of the wire shall be secured by twisting it around the selvedges and
through each mesh in turn using alternate single and double loops. The
wire at the bottom shall be secured with the lacing wire turned to the
inside of the box on completion. The diaphragm panels shall also be
secured in a similar fashion.

4. The assembled empty gabion or mattress boxes shall be Staking

positioned in the structure. The end or side from which work is expected
to proceed shall be secured either to completed work or by stakes driven
into the ground at the corners. These stakes must be secure and reach
at least to the top of the gabion or mattress.

5. For gabions, the opposite end or side of the box shall be Gabion
stretched using crowbars or a small winch and secured top and bottom Stretching
by stakes placed at the corners, fixed at the bottom and tied back at the
top. Lacing to adjacent boxes and filling shall be carried out whilst
gabion boxes are under tension.

6. For mattresses, movement of the rockfill inside the cells, Mattress

either due to gravity or flowing current, should be kept to a minimum. Alignment
Mattresses on slopes shall be placed such that the long dimension lies
up and down the slope i.e. internal diaphragms at right angles to the
direction of the slope. In watercourses, the long dimension of the
mattress should be aligned with the direction of flow i.e. internal
diaphragms at right angles to the direction of flow. The boxes shall be
wired together along all adjoining edges and at diaphragm points.

7. The gabion boxes shall be filled one third full and horizontal Filling
interval bracing inserted (approximately 0.30m apart) to prevent
excessive bulging and distortion of the completed structure. This
procedure shall be repeated when the box is two thirds full. For both
gabions and mattresses, final filling shall be to a level 25 to 50mm above
their tops to allow for subsequent settlement.

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8. Closing and lacing down of lids for both gabions and Final Lacing
mattresses shall proceed as soon as practicable after filling operations.
The lids shall be stretched tight over the filling with suitably design
closing tools and laced securely through each mesh along all edges,
ends and diaphragms. The ends of all lacing wires shall be turned into
the box on completion of all lacing operations.

406.30 – 406.80 NOT USED


406.81 – 406.90 NOT USED


406.91 – 406.99 NOT USED

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1.1 Rock spalls supplied by the Principal are to the following details:

Location of Type Class Quantity Cost

Stockpile/Dumpsite (eg Granite) (eg Facing) (m³) ($/m³)

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All edits to downloaded TDP documents shall be tracked (most word processing
software allows this to be done automatically). Deletions shall be struck through e.g.
example. Insertions shall be in italics e.g. example. If all information relating to a clause
is deleted then the clause number should be retained and the words "NOT USED"
should be inserted.

The proposed documents with tracked changes shall be submitted to the Project
Manager for review, prior to printing the final batch of documents. When this final
printing is carried out, the tracked changes option is to be turned off.

The Custodian of this specification is the Senior Waterways Engineer.


1.1 Insert details into Table where some or all the rock requirement is being
supplied by the Principal.

1.2 If not applicable, delete table and insert “NOT APPLICABLE FOR THIS

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Specification Name: No: 406 Revision No: _____ Title: ROCK PROTECTION

Project Manager: Name: _______________Signature: __________Date:________

Checked By: Name: _______________Signature: _______________Date:________

Contract No: ______Contract Description:___________________________________


Note: All changes/amendments must be shown in Tracked Change mode until approved.

1. Project Manager has reviewed Specification and identified Additions and



specific materials/products/clauses added? (Refer Specification
Guidance Notes for guidance).

3. Any unlisted Materials/Products proposed and approved by the Project

Manager? – if “Yes” provide details at 15.

4. Standard Clauses amended? – MUST SEEK approval from MCP.

5. Clause deletions shown as ‘NOT USED’.

6. Appropriate INSPECTION & TESTING parameters included in Spec 201

(Test Methods, Minimum Testing Frequencies verified).

7. ANNEXURES completed (Refer Specification Guidance Notes).

8. HANDOVER and AS BUILT requirements addressed.

9. Main Roads QS has approved changes to SMM.

10. Project Manager certifies completed Specification reflects intent of the


11. Completed Specification – independent verification arranged by Project


12. Project Manager’s review completed.


14. TABLE OF CONTENTS updated.

15 Supporting information prepared and submitted to Project Manager.

Further action necessary:

Signed: (Project Manager) Date: ______________

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