Tyler Durden and Mystery - Building Jealousy Into A Sarge
Tyler Durden and Mystery - Building Jealousy Into A Sarge
Tyler Durden and Mystery - Building Jealousy Into A Sarge
n [email protected] Date: Monday, May 26, 2003 07:07 AM Insights from hanging with Mys this weekend. Building jealousy into a sarge.
At a certain point in the sarge of an elite level girl in a public venue, you wi
ll be concerned about keeping her on her toes. This is because elite level hot g
irls have many many options, so you need to really get to them.
A solution to this is to build JEALOUSY into the s
Topic: Building Jealousy into a sarge (2 of 5), Read 402 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: ijjjji [email protected] Date: Monday, May 26, 2003 08:27 AM DEMONSTRATE is good. Do it!
TALK is bad IME. Be very careful with this. Chicks are incredibly GOOD at readin
g people and playing these kind of mind games.
Oh yeah! I have found a way to DEMONSTRATE that is very easy to do. It is also i
ncredibly effective and must be used sparingly and with care. From an old post '
cute guy emulation':
OK, yesterday, I was talking to the hottest (HB9) girl I've seen in a long
time, and I was doing CGM and sending 'No, don't hit on me.. pleease behave!'
looks right and left while fluff talking to her about pointless shit.
Then this happens: one of the girls I target with CGM goes straight into sexual
state.. .. .. guess what, so do I.. and thats when I see it: there is like
lightning sparks coming from HB9s eyes. She is totally MAD WITH FRUSTRATION!
She does NOT like me going into sexual state with other girls! She freak-hates
it. So I do it a few more times to random girls, and HB9 comes closer.. puts
her hand on my thigh.. holds my head to keep my attention on her.. says "let's
get out of here".. starts grinding against my groin.
I have refined this tech slightly, so now I have like 3 different types of eye c
ontact that I use:
Happy smile look
Oh behave smile look
DAMN you are soo HOT look
Try it out and notice that even the hottest SHBs will bend over backwards to fig
ht for your full attention :-)
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Topic: Building Jealousy into a sarge (3 of 5), Read 403 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: TylerDurden [email protected] Date: Monday, May 26, 2003 08:42 AM On 5/26/03 8:27:00 AM, ijjjji wrote:
>DEMONSTRATE is good. Do it!
>TALK is bad IME. Be very
>careful with this. Chicks are
>incredibly GOOD at reading
>people and playing these kind
>of mind games.
Agreed. I've had bad experiences in the past as well. However if you're very goo
d at it, its extremely effective.
Remember that even if she suspects what you're doing, if you do it convincingly
enough it will STILL get to her.
This is all dependant on how secure you come off in the first place. If you appe
ar to have the personality type of a guy who would pull a stunt like this, she'l
l see though it. If you've got the PUA thing going for you really well though, t
hen it will hit her hard.
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Topic: Building Jealousy into a sarge (4 of 5), Read 336 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: Mystery [email protected] Date: Monday, May 26, 2003 06:31 PM ADVANCED GROUP THEORY tactics: this is for people who enjoy attracting HOT BEAUT
IFUL WOMEN - designed for getting 10s. if you dont specifically want 9s and 10s
and prefer to just settle for 7s and 8s, you can skip this post.
what TD is talking about is what happened to me last night. Im working a 2set at
a club. obstacle leaves to chat with friends luckily so Im isolated. I work her
some 20 minutes and its all good. I want to get closer with her (she's an asian
8.5) to I head to the couches. She sits beside me and a guy friend of hers come
s and sit beside her to a bit. the body language reveals they are interested in
eachother. I mean, there was light hand holding, close contact, her hand on his
back ... and I was TOTALLY JEALOUS. I got through attract phase (hell at one poi
nt I said, "you're attracted to me" and she looked at me for 5 seconds and said
coyly, "how do you know?" and I replied "esp". she laughed and looked down.) and
was into rapport for 10 minutes. in fact TD came around with 26 and I whispered
, "ok Im gonna pull back and just rapport her." I was going to go kino (well I h
eld her hands and got her close to me during attract phase but no arm around her
and rubbing her neck and doing the hair pull thing yet) but then this guy was h
ere. so the only choice I had was BEFRIEND HIM. Now I was able to get him to say
"that was incredible" thanks to my vanishing a cigaratte (no big magical powers
there haa) and I was attempting to OWN HIM. you know, "own the men and you own
the women". and I did good in that I said, "its too bad Im gay or you'd be so my
type" to the girl in front of him. I didnt bother correcting this and saying it
was a joke to him. although she knew I was definitely kidding. well he wasnt le
aving (it was obvious to me he was protecting his PROPERTY ... this is normal, I
d do it too ... hell I did it the night before with a girl I had kissed and met
2 weeks earlier (the girl of a 2set that came over to my house directly from clu
b) when she was talking to a guy and I came up and whispered, "you taking good c
are of my girl?" then came behind her and kissed her neck. I blew him out.) well
this guy with my asian target was simply trying to blow me out. I didnt faulter
and get mad and GIVE UP. I stayed and chatted with the guy because, "I have no
RIGHT to be jealous right?" well, I said Id be back and went off to find TD. thi
s was an epiphany for me. This situation actually SUBJECTIVELY GOT TO ME ... emo
tionally. it TRIGGERED JEALOUSY. so I instantly looked at this OBJECTIVELY and t
hought, "this is fucking POWERFUL!" Hell, Ive DONE this to many girls before. (T
aylor for one! that night I fucked her!) it would happen when I would merge grou
ps. you know, Id get a girl attracted and then a girl from a previous set would
come by and sit on my lap and Id introduce the two girls. this is how I got (who
I fucked later on) when she knew (visiting from ) was there with me. this is wh
y ADVANCED GROUP TACTICS (merging groups to build social proof) was so valuable.
Ahha! This is a new distinction. That the perfect sarge needs this to totally s
peed up the sarge ... from 7 hours to a LOT LESS. there is NO REASON for her to
be jealous ... until AFTER the ATTRACT PHASE. So, while in RAPPORT PHASE when yo
u are NOT HITTING ON HER just laughing and spending time (AFTER QUALIFICATION!!!
) imagine a girl comes and sits on your lap. you intro the two and VOILA! instan
t EMOTIONS! see, we need to build PLOTLINES into our sarge consciously (like NEG
S are really build a plotline between target and you - that the group is aware o
f the social dynamic that you and the target arent getting along and that draws
focus as people observe that situ). Why leave it to CHANCE as Ive been doing. I
know to get a 10 (which is rare) I needed to MERGE GROUPS. but certain things di
dnt always take place. know I know that it is this JEALOUSY DEMONSTRATION in the
RAPPORT PHASE that is NECCESSARY. It is NOW a part of my 7 steps! And so is the
added use of EMBARRASSMENT NEGS in rapport phase. imagine a girl sits on your l
ap and then you say "you have something on your nose" and hand a tissue to the t
arget to wipe it. JEALOUSY and EMBARRASSMENT. ok maybe THAT is WAY TOO MUCH. a g
irl could simply EJECT ... like I WANTED TO just on JEALOUSY ALONE.
ok so after I reveled in my knew enlightenment, I returned and sat with her but
across the coffee table away from her. did talk to her, just her room mate (the
original obstacle) and disarmed her and rapported her. there was a 10 with her B
F sitting there too (the BF was my target's guys friend I presume by the similar
style - you know, all you losers have to dress alike for some ungodly boring re
ason) I occupy myself with them and completely make the 10 want me (removed bitc
h shield completely haaa!) but the BF was there so I just toyed (if you ever mee
t me in person, ask me and Ill tell you the story it was good, I just dont wanna
type it out) with them. now, what did my target do while she still sat beside t
he guy? well, she wasnt getting my attention anymore (see this is punishment/rew
ard in action: she does something I dont like so I punish by active ignorance) s
o she mimes with her hands "write your # down for me". I knod but dont do it as
Im talking to the others. then 2 minutes later she says, "do you have a pen?" sh
e writes her pager # down. I take it and put it in my pocket. I dont write one f
or her. We get kicked out the vip section just then (end of night) and I get up.
she follows behind and hand shakes me. the tension was there. I mean, I was jea
lous and she was alienated. it was ... perfect.
so, new mods to MM:
1) Use teasing negs AND embarrassment negs during attract phase as nessessary.
2) Use embarrassment neg (one will do) in rapport phase and then demo active ign
orance afterwards for a bit.
3) make her JEALOUS by having a girl sit on your lap for a bit and you intro her
OK lets get to the details of HOW to do step 3.
there are two ways to build in the jealousy plotline. most of us try to do it VE
RBALLY on the phone. we talk about other girls, but usually only in response to
her telling us she has a BF or some shit right? so as always, its time we beat h
er to the punch. also, why TELL her when you can DEMO it. afterall, demonstraton
is the secret key to a woman, not LANGUAGING as TJ Macky from Magnolia said. we
'll get to ways to make her jealous verbally later, but there's nothing better t
han a live DEMO and PROOF that there is another girl and its not just TALK (whic
h doesnt impact emotions like DEMOing: think about it ... which is more powerful
, telling a girl girls like you or having 2 girls on your arm? telling a girl yo
u are adventurous or showing a picture of you rock climbing?). how do with do th
is technically? I see TWO WAYS to make this situation happen:
1) have a female wing or pivot who is "in the know" with you.
2) build a pawn while in the club.
So you can do a brief take-away (always leave something of yours to lock her in
- last night while I was isolated with target, I wanted to talk to TD who came b
y for 20 seconds with 26 so I simply took my hat off and put it on her. LOCKS he
r IN! damn Im good!) and go find a girl from a previous set. tell her "Im sittin
g over there with my friend. Let me introduce you." so when you come back you co
me back with a friend. of course this 'friend' sits on your lap. in otherwards,
a previous sarge is MERGED with the new sarge but not GROUP to GROUP but ISOLATI
ON to ISOLATION. (damn this is advanced stuff, I think Im writing this only for
Style now haa). from the previous girls point of view, you introing her to one o
f your other 'friends' is respectful and its a rapport tactic. the friend being
another hot girl helps with social proof (this is forward merging from that sarg
es POV). also she feels good when you kino her in front of the other hottie. but
from the target's POV, she's got a challenge on her hands and JEALOUSY. BAM!!!!
If you cant merge (i was gonna say merge groups but its merge isolations cool di
stinction!) because you dont have ready pawns from previous sets, you can MAKE O
NE WHILE YOU DO YOUR TAKEAWAY. so you run off and can enlist a girl to directly
help you by saying, "I like this girl. will you make her jealous for me?" its a
tool, but I prefer just sarging another set quickly and when you isolate the gir
l from that group, say, "ive got my friend over there, let me introduce you." if
you have a pivot, find her and tell her to find you and sit on your lap in 2 mi
so you have 3 options: find your pivot, enlist a girl to directly help you, back
wards merge to a previous sarge or forwards merge by opening a new sarge and bri
nging her to the main target.
now with this all said, what is amazing is, "IVE BEEN DOING THIS!" but not all t
he time. this is why I kept saying to all my students that if you want a 10, you
need to do ADVANCED GROUP THEORY (which is the application of MERGING GROUPS).
so NOW its about MERGING ISOLATIONS too! I didnt always build jealousy and those
are the ones that were more tenuous in securing.
So make them jealous as a regular part of your game and you'll have a girl WANTI
NG YOU. trust me, I wanted this girl because there was someone ELSE. and she bec
ame more ATTRACTIVE to me. Value wise, she went from 8 to 10 in my heart (when I
say heart I mean "emotional mind") because she was desired, he was good looking
, and she showed intimacy which I was jealous of.
cool huh. comments?
ok quickly my thoughts on VERBAL JEALOUSY TACTICS. here are some handy examples,
though nowhere near as emotive at DEMOing:
1) on phone say, "hold on I have another call." do this 3 or 4 times during conv
o and act annoyed. itll make you seem popular. Girls have done that to me and it
works. Style does this to girls (well, for real but still - to her, whats the d
iff if you fake it. the way to internalize it is to fake it all the time.)
2) you know how when you tell a girl as a joke you are gay it sets a challenge a
nd then when you are kissing and she says, "I thought you were gay" you say, "I
was"? well, you can also throw in the fact that you have a GF. "A girlfriend of
mine ..." and "I don't my girlfriend would like it that you're flirting with me"
are good ones. dont worry about blowing yourself out because when the girl says
, "I thought you have a GF" you say, "you want me to be single dont you? so you
can have me. you LIKE ME!!! Haa, I THOUGHT that would make you jealous." dont re
ply, "I was" like with the gay bit.
DEFINITION: BTW, a BIT is a length of thread. a piece of thread. a BIT of thread
3) usually we try to make a girl jealous TOO LATE. and then we do the dumbass th
ing and just tell her, "well, there's another girl." horrible. so ...
we need more JEALOUSY TACTICS. I now completely see the power and it should be i
ntegrated into EVERY SARGE. well, that is, only is you want to fuck 10s.
Comments appreciated.
Jealousy is a powerful motivator (or emotivator). Horniness is NOT as strong a m
otivator for a girl. I mean, which is better: a girl who feels horny but is in a
club with her friends (like the asian chick at a club that I left TD with) or a
girl who isnt horny but is super jealous? I pick jealousy in the club because i
t demonstrate just how attracted she is to you. Horny has its place too ... but
NOT until you get her ALONE at the SEX LOCATION.
UPDATE: had a 15 minute fun phone convo with the asian today. (pager #, I left l
eft voice message and she called my cel back) Went well, RAPPORT PHASE is going
well and BRIDGE was a SUCCESS.
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Topic: Building Jealousy into a sarge (5 of 5), Read 328 times Conf: >> Tactics / Techniques From: midas [email protected] Date: Monday, May 26, 2003 07:06 PM "and I was attempting to OWN HIM. you know, "own the men and you own the women""
This is so true mystery... Always be friendly and MAKE SURE that you to the chic
k that you are clearly cooler than the AFC. Last night I made friends with a str
anger dude and convinced him to pretend like me and him were really pissed at ea
ch other.... so the chicks thought we were manly for fighting, then they found o
ut that we were kidding and everyone LOVED it. Check it out under tactics
"and I did good in that I said, "its too bad Im gay or you'd be so my type" to t
he girl in front of him. I didnt bother correcting this and saying it was a joke
to him. although she knew I was definitely kidding. "
I REALLY like this line! Shows confidence and probably makes the dude self-consc
ious or uncomfortable. I'm using this!
"well he wasnt leaving (it was obvious to me he was protecting his PROPERTY ...
this is normal, Id do it too ... hell I did it the night before with a girl I ha
d kissed and met 2 weeks earlier (the girl of a 2set that came over to my house
directly from club) when she was talking to a guy and I came up and whispered, "
you taking good care of my girl?" then came behind her and kissed her neck. "
At first I didn't like this... I generally will let a guy flirt with my target..
. and let her see that I don't give a fuck, and that I think the dude shes talki
ng too is a loser... If I do look at them, I'll just kind of chuckle.
The way that you went up and whispered and broke the ice was PERFECT! You totall
y changed it around... Good save.
" So you can do a brief take-away (always leave something of yours to lock her i
n - last night while I was isolated with target, I wanted to talk to TD who came
by for 20 seconds with 26 so I simply took my hat off and put it on her. LOCKS
her IN! damn Im good!) and go find a girl from a previous set. tell her "Im sitt
ing over there with my friend. Let me introduce you." so when you come back you
come back with a friend. of course this 'friend' sits on your lap. in otherwards
, a previous sarge is MERGED with the new sarge but not GROUP to GROUP but ISOLA
TION to ISOLATION. (damn this is advanced stuff, I think Im writing this only fo
r Style now haa). from the previous girls point of view, you introing her to one
of your other 'friends' is respectful and its a rapport tactic. the friend bein
g another hot girl helps with social proof (this is forward merging from that sa
rges POV). also she feels good when you kino her in front of the other hottie. b
ut from the target's POV, she's got a challenge on her hands and JEALOUSY. BAM!!
This is the kind of shit I can really use... if only you wrote more like that al
l the time...
" 2) you know how when you tell a girl as a joke you are gay it sets a challenge
and then when you are kissing and she says, "I thought you were gay" you say, "
I was"? well, you can also throw in the fact that you have a GF. "A girlfriend o
f mine ..." and "I don't my girlfriend would like it that you're flirting with m
e" are good ones. dont worry about blowing yourself out because when the girl sa
ys, "I thought you have a GF" you say, "you want me to be single dont you? so yo
u can have me. you LIKE ME!!! Haa, I THOUGHT that would make you jealous." dont
reply, "I was" like with the gay bit."
I really like that
King Midas, the man cursed with the golden touch..