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Some of the key theories discussed include myframe, metagame, entourage game, and the principles of attraction. The document also discusses tips for improving one's dating life and social skills.

Core theories discussed include myframe, metagame, entourage game, and the principles of attraction. The formula mentioned for causing attraction is (C-R)+Q+S = A, where C = Comfort, R = Rapport, Q = Qualification, S = Sexual Escalation, and A = Attraction.

(C-R)+Q+S = A, where C = Comfort, R = Rapport, Q = Qualification, S = Sexual Escalation, and A = Attraction.


oted least likely to ever get a girlfriend
in school by his classmates aged
15. Adam decided to try his best to
improve his love life, he tried to become more
attractive, and wanted to understand the
psychology of why we are attracted to others.
For 11 years he went by largely unsuccessful,
falling into a couple of relationships and
spending most of the time completely
perplexed by the opposite sex.

In the Summer of 2006 one of his best

friends handed him a copy of a book called
“the game” by Neil Strauss, with the words;
“Read this book, you’ll take to it like a duck to
water” Since then Adam has become known
as one of the worlds leading authorities on

Some of his core theories and articles that he

has become well known for include; and still meet and attract the person of your
Myframe: a core understanding of what
attracts us to other people, and what causes Metagame: the idea that meeting someone
them to be attracted to us in return. From this isn’t just about the way you speak to them in
core knowledge and understanding you can the interaction but rather an understanding
use any method from any Pick Up Company, of the events and situations in the imediate
dating coach or even just invent your own, vicinity to that interaction and potentially

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

preceding it. uUnderstanding and affecting achievements include celebrities, models,

these can be a core principle in attracting and dancers. Adam has gone on taught some
your ideal partner. of the UK’s current experts in the field, and
(See entourage game and pre-selection) is growing to be known as the instructors
instructor with a number of lead companies
Entourage game: also known as extreme and competitors looking to Adam for advice
pre-selection, this concept involves building a on not only helping with their tougher
life where you have a great deal of beautiful students, but with their own life as well.
women around you at all times, so that you
are perceived as being attractive and are Adam has been featured in the Channel 4
therefore able to meet and attract others. A documentary “the rules of seduction” as well
specific branch of Metagame. asbeing interviewed or featured in, FHM, The
News of the world, The Sun, The Independent,
The formula: (C-R)+Q+S = A This is a Kerrang, The Daily Star, Glamour Magazine,
sequence of events that cause someone to Maxim, Arena, The London Paper, The London
become attracted to you, should they not Lite, The Star, Sport radio, and numerous
initially view you as attractive. others.

Where; Adam was once regarded as unfashionable,

chubby, lanky and geeky.
C = Comfort
R = Rapport Within 2 months of being regarded the
Q = Qualification Number 1 in the UK he has also managed to
S = Sexual Escalation change his physical appearance to be equally
A = Attraction receptive to the opposite sex.

The principles of attraction: Core qualities Though he still actively plays dungeons and
that cause people to become attracted to dragons and a whizz at computer games.
you before you even begin an interaction.
This includes a full breakdown as to why a Chat up lines good or bad?
musician may be seen as attractive on stage, We’ve all heard of those terrible chat up
yet not so attractive when met in a bar, or lines, written as jokes in magazines, or to be
other social situation. found in random dating tips sections online.
However, is there a place for the Chat up line?
Within 2 years Adam has been plucked from
Obscurity to be recognised as one of the top 3 Should you use them? Or should you
experts on seduction in the world. His notable instead go direct (indicating interest from

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

the beginning), or
alternatively just “be

hen I first
started learning
how to improve
my dating life I was very
much anti- routines or
canned lines. I would
specifically use made
up interview style
questions, but worded
and presented in a way that still enabled me some article, and then used over and over
to generate attraction. However as I have again, by yourself and 3,000,000 other
been teaching more and more. I have learnt readers. 
that routines definitely have their place in
attraction. They are more than that. They should be
Notably as a means to teach those new to
the game, who may not have the confidence, Now whether you decide to create a personal
experience or even just the knowledge of routine just to break the ice or whether
what to say. So I begun by developing set you just want a conversation piece as a

“ Your routines are not supposed to be rehearsed

lines that you’ve found listed in some article.
routines people could use to get started. Then

filler while going direct. I don’t think it
I’d try to pull them away from the routines as particularly matters. However It wouldn’t
quick as possible. There is however a serious hurt those people who do use the same
point to be made here. standard chat up lines, or ice breakers etc to
build up your own collection of routine like
Your routines are not supposed to be conversational pieces based on your own
rehearsed lines that you’ve found listed in lives.

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

I would start with picking up a pen and paper

and writing a few things down. You can start
out structured, however be sure to throw this
paper away, it is not a “cheat sheet” nor are
your “life routines” something that should be
scripted or remembered and presented in a
certain order. Rather you are identifying key
interesting moments in your life that you can
share with someone else as time goes by.

Feel free to begin however you wish. If you

want to use an opinion opener though, why
not use one that actually relates to you.

“Can I just ask you a quick opinion? Do I

get the cheese and tomato? or the beef

“Can I just ask you a quick opinion? I’d love

an outsiders view on this point, should I quit
my job of 5 years for a new one with better
So this article is really aimed at those of you prospects but more risk?
who are looking to make that move towards
something a little more natural. Allowing Whatever the opener if it genuinely is related

“ Whatever the opener if it genuinely is related to your

life you will find it easier to build conversation
your own personality to shine through, a step

to your life you will find it easier to build
towards “Being yourself” whilst having a few conversation. Ever wondered why it’s hard to
“conversational crutches” to help you along. build conversation after “Do you come here
At this point I can almost hear a chorus of often? The reason is that you genuinely have
people saying, my life is boring, I have nothing no connection with that routine.
to say about it, or what routine about my life
should I be saying? How do I say it? So you’re in conversation, hopefully by now

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

you should be having some form of natural

genuine conversation about the topic. You
may now be looking for something to talk
1 I used to live in (a) but now i live in (b) Its
amazing how different life is between the
two yadda yadda (Bonus points if you use
about. Why not ask one open ended question. yadda yadda in the conversation!)
Remember you’ve never met this person,
you could ask absolutely anything. However
from a game point of view, it may be better
to ask something that really makes her think.
2 Well i currently work as, which I kinda fell
into cos when I grew up I wanted to be a
(...) I always thought it would be amazing to...
Something like.

“Ok cutie, here’s one for you. What’s your

passion in life?”
3 I was hoping to go to (...) on holiday last
year however my (gran/aunt/cousin/dog)
got really ill, so I wanted to be there to look
after them....

“What’s the most interesting thing that’s

ever happened to you?”
4 Personally I don’t understand why so
many people allow their relationships to
get so bad, me and my last girlfriend....

This is designed to really open them up and

to relieve the pressure from you of having
to actually think of what to say. You can
5 Do you do sports? what n/one? Wow... I
actually play .... I didn’t think I’d like it and
kinda just joined as a mate was but man once
be thinking about where you stand while you try it it’s awesome, seriously you should
she is thinking of what
to say. From here the
conversation should go
a lot more natural, and
this is where your natural
routines or “life routines”
should really begin to be

So what are they? Well

think back to 4 or 5 key
events in your life. Some
good, some bad.

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

give it ago, Once I.... more natural conversation.

I mean this is just a sample of things, I’ve Give it a try, what have you got to lose?
tried to think of some basic topics and
hopefully everyone should relate to at least Social Circle
one. Elaborate on these, and think of your Our social circle is one of the biggest
own 4 or 5. but them into words. determining factors in who we meet. Going
back a bit, in a 1956 study 70% of married
Then burn it! American couples lived within 20 blocks of
each other before marriage. Now admittedly
Remember the key thing about this is these that was 1956 and this is now, but the basic
are real memories, you can remember little principle holds true - you’re more likely to find
factors like how the wind felt, or whether your success with someone closer to you than you
parents where there. These added details are someone further way.
build up the story and let others relate to
it. This is the key to engaging someone and So, how do we use this to improve our
making yourself sound interesting. chances? Simple - we expand our social circle!

Use this as a stepping stone to move off of

conventional canned material, and towards a 1 Network, Network, Network
The more people you know the larger

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

your group standing. Ask people what they

do for a living, ask for their business card or
contact details as “you never know when you
4 Don’t try and jump into an encounter or
relationship with every attractive person
you meet. Make friends and try to be a little
might come in handy” This is a really simple more picky as your group increases, and you
business close I have used on countless will probably find a whole bunch of people
occasions; Including Head of Intel UK, Head of are into you naturally. Hold off from the ones
Communications of the Three phone network you don’t want and look out for the one you

“ Put people in contact with each other. This is a

key part, helping people has a big impact
on social networks.
and Head of A+R Sony. As you can see these
are all real people who have massive value

do. If they turn up to a night you’ve organised
you’re in a great position to hit it off with
and yet were more than happy to hand over a them!
business card, with their mobile number on,
all for potential business and networking.
5 Put people in contact with each other.
This is a key part, helping people has

2 Organise a night out, invite all your

friends, tell them to bring friends.
Friends have friends who have friends, and
a big impact on social networks. Don’t give
give give to people who only take, but putting
people in contact with each other will help
so on. Organising a night out once every 3-4 you stay the centre of all the interactions, and
months will really help you become more continue to raise you in all their eyes.
social and get used to leading the group
dynamic, raising your profile, especially on Building bridges like this is a incredibly good
the night you organise. thing to do for your social life. The more
people you know, the smaller your world gets,

3 Join a club. A sports club, a movie club,

a dinner club, a sex club - whatever you
fancy! Meet people there, and invite them to
and you will regularly be bumping into people
who know other people I know, and those
people will have other friends in common
your nights out. Again you are consistently who’s names I already know but who I have
building social proof, and increasing the yet to meet in person. But I know I’ll be
number of people in your group dynamic. meeting them soon - and soon!

PUA Training AFC Adam Lyons

Live Events and 1-on-1 Training

AFC Adam Lyons is currently teaching 3 day intensive boot-

camps in the U.S. Follow this link for further information on

Click here to book a 1-on-1 consultation with Adam.

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