Spanish Reign of Terror

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Spanish Reign of Terror

The flames of the revolutionary movement that seeks to change the existing
social and political order gained momentum and evidently became a threat to Spanish
authorities. In order to sow fear to the people and crushed the rebels, the Spanish
soldiers resorted to the reign of terror entering indiscriminately houses of the suspected
rebels through force in order to secure evidence against those who were directly
involved in the uprising.
Meanwhile, Governor-General Ramon Blanco issued a decree on August 30,
declaring the provinces of Manila, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Bulacan, Pampanga,
Tarlac and Nueva Ecija, in a state of war and placed them under Martial Law. The
decree provided that any person accused treachery on those against the present form
of government will be tried by the military court, the decree provided for a proviso, that
those who would surrender to the Government within 48 hours after the publication of
the decree would be turned over the military court, except the leaders of the
Katipunan.. Some Katipuneros took advantage of the proviso, but they were forced at
the point of a bayonet to squeal about the secret society and its member for fear of pain
to be inflicted. Hundreds were arrested and incarcerated in Fort Santiago. Torture by
way of hanging the suspect, or the used of electric machine whose wires were
connected to the feet and hands of the suspect were employed. Suspects in the
provinces were hauled to Manila to suffer inhuman punishment. Hundreds of heads of
families were shipped to the Spanish penal colony in Africa to receive what the
Spaniards considered their just punishment. Several types of human violations against
the Filipino people were employed by the Spaniards. There were suspected
Katipuneros who were executed in Cavite, Bicol, and Capis; but the most infamous
injustice was executed by the Colonial Government at Bagumbayan Field (now the
Rizal Park) on December 30, 1896. These executions did not deter the Filipinos to fight
with intense passion up to the last drop of their blood.
In spite of the Spanish terroristic policy to stop the revolution through
imprisonment, torture and execution of the Katipuneros, the flames of the revolution did
not stop the Filipinos to fight the Spanish tyranny.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz- Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna
S.Y. 2014-2015

Major 19: Philippine
(Written Report)
Topic: Spanish Reign of Terror

Submitted by:
Talabis, Sumer Anne V.
BSED IV- C (Major in Social Science) Submitted to:
Dr. Josefina T. De Jesus

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