Questionnaire Design in Brief

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Title: Marketing research and information systems. (Marketing and
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Chapter Objectives
Structure Of The Chapter
The qualities of a good questionnaire
Preliminary decisions in questionnaire design
Choose the method(s) of reaching target respondents
Decide on question content
Develop the question wording
Disadvantages are also present when using such questions
Closing questions
Physical appearance of the questionnaire
Piloting the questionnaires
Chapter Summary
Key Terms
Review Questions
Chapter References
No survey can achieve success without a well-designed questionnaire. Unfortunately,
questionnaire design has no theoretical base to guide the marketing researcher in
developing a flawless questionnaire. All the researcher has to guide him/her is a lengthy
list of do's and don'ts born out of the experience of other researchers past and present.
Hence, questionnaire design is more of an art than a science.
Chapter Objectives
This chapter is intended to help the reader to:
Understand the attributes of a well-designed questionnaire, and
Adopt a framework for developing questionnaires.
Structure Of The Chapter
A brief account of the key attributes of a sound questionnaire serves as the opening
section of the chapter. This is followed by a nine-point framework for developing an
effective questionnaire. These are the only two components of this chapter on
questionnaire design.
The qualities of a good questionnaire
The design of a questionnaire will depend on whether the researcher wishes to collect
exploratory information (i.e. qualitative information for the purposes of better
understanding or the generation of hypotheses on a subject) or quantitative information
(to test specific hypotheses that have previously been generated).
Exploratory questionnaires: If the data to be collected is qualitative or is not to be
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statistically evaluated, it may be that no formal questionnaire is needed. For example, in
interviewing the female head of the household to find out how decisions are made within
the family when purchasing breakfast foodstuffs, a formal questionnaire may restrict the
discussion and prevent a full exploration of the woman's views and processes. Instead
one might prepare a brief guide, listing perhaps ten major open-ended questions, with
appropriate probes/prompts listed under each.
Formal standardised questionnaires: If the researcher is looking to test and quantify
hypotheses and the data is to be analysed statistically, a formal standardised
questionnaire is designed. Such questionnaires are generally characterised by:
prescribed wording and order of questions, to ensure that each
respondent receives the same stimuli
prescribed definitions or explanations for each question, to ensure
interviewers handle questions consistently and can answer respondents'
requests for clarification if they occur
prescribed response format, to enable rapid completion of the
questionnaire during the interviewing process.
Given the same task and the same hypotheses, six different people will probably come
up with six different questionnaires that differ widely in their choice of questions, line of
questioning, use of open-ended questions and length. There are no hard-and-fast rules
about how to design a questionnaire, but there are a number of points that can be borne
in mind:
1. A well-designed questionnaire should meet the research objectives. This
may seem obvious, but many research surveys omit important aspects due
to inadequate preparatory work, and do not adequately probe particular
issues due to poor understanding. To a certain degree some of this is
inevitable. Every survey is bound to leave some questions unanswered and
provide a need for further research but the objective of good questionnaire
design is to 'minimise' these problems.
2. It should obtain the most complete and accurate information possible.
The questionnaire designer needs to ensure that respondents fully
understand the questions and are not likely to refuse to answer, lie to the
interviewer or try to conceal their attitudes. A good questionnaire is
organised and worded to encourage respondents to provide accurate,
unbiased and complete information.
3. A well-designed questionnaire should make it easy for respondents to
give the necessary information and for the interviewer to record the
answer, and it should be arranged so that sound analysis and interpretation
are possible.
4. It would keep the interview brief and to the point and be so arranged that
the respondent(s) remain interested throughout the interview.
Each of these points will be further discussed throughout the following sections. Figure
4.1 shows how questionnaire design fits into the overall process of research design that
was described in chapter 1 of this textbook. It emphasises that writing of the
questionnaire proper should not begin before an exploratory research phase has been
Figure 4.1 The steps preceding questionnaire design
Even after the exploratory phase, two key steps remain to be completed before the task
of designing the questionnaire should commence. The first of these is to articulate the
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questions that research is intended to address. The second step is to determine the
hypotheses around which the questionnaire is to be designed.
It is possible for the piloting exercise to be used to make necessary adjustments to
administrative aspects of the study. This would include, for example, an assessment of
the length of time an interview actually takes, in comparison to the planned length of the
interview; or, in the same way, the time needed to complete questionnaires. Moreover,
checks can be made on the appropriateness of the timing of the study in relation to
contemporary events such as avoiding farm visits during busy harvesting periods.
Preli minary deci sions in questionnai re design
There are nine steps involved in the development of a questionnaire:
1. Decide the information required.
2. Define the target respondents.
3. Choose the method(s) of reaching your target respondents.
4. Decide on question content.
5. Develop the question wording.
6. Put questions into a meaningful order and format.
7. Check the length of the questionnaire.
8. Pre-test the questionnaire.
9. Develop the final survey form.
Deciding on the information required
It should be noted that one does not start by writing questions. The first step is to
decide 'what are the things one needs to know from the respondent in order to meet the
survey's objectives?' These, as has been indicated in the opening chapter of this
textbook, should appear in the research brief and the research proposal.
One may already have an idea about the kind of information to be collected, but
additional help can be obtained from secondary data, previous rapid rural appraisals
and exploratory research. In respect of secondary data, the researcher should be aware
of what work has been done on the same or similar problems in the past, what factors
have not yet been examined, and how the present survey questionnaire can build on
what has already been discovered. Further, a small number of preliminary informal
interviews with target respondents will give a glimpse of reality that may help clarify
ideas about what information is required.
Define the target respondents
At the outset, the researcher must define the population about which he/she wishes to
generalise from the sample data to be collected. For example, in marketing research,
researchers often have to decide whether they should cover only existing users of the
generic product type or whether to also include non-users. Secondly, researchers have
to draw up a sampling frame. Thirdly, in designing the questionnaire we must take into
account factors such as the age, education, etc. of the target respondents.
Choose the method(s) of reaching target respondents
It may seem strange to be suggesting that the method of reaching the intended
respondents should constitute part of the questionnaire design process. However, a
moment's reflection is sufficient to conclude that the method of contact will influence not
only the questions the researcher is able to ask but the phrasing of those questions. The
main methods available in survey research are:
personal interviews
group or focus interviews
mailed questionnaires
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telephone interviews.
Within this region the first two mentioned are used much more extensively than the
second pair. However, each has its advantages and disadvantages. A general rule is
that the more sensitive or personal the information, the more personal the form of data
collection should be.
Decide on question content
Researchers must always be prepared to ask, "Is this question really needed?" The
temptation to include questions without critically evaluating their contribution towards the
achievement of the research objectives, as they are specified in the research proposal,
is surprisingly strong. No question should be included unless the data it gives rise to is
directly of use in testing one or more of the hypotheses established during the research
There are only two occasions when seemingly "redundant" questions might be included:
Opening questions that are easy to answer and which are not perceived
as being "threatening", and/or are perceived as being interesting, can
greatly assist in gaining the respondent's involvement in the survey and
help to establish a rapport.
This, however, should not be an approach that should be overly used. It is almost
always the case that questions which are of use in testing hypotheses can also serve
the same functions.
"Dummy" questions can disguise the purpose of the survey and/or the
sponsorship of a study. For example, if a manufacturer wanted to find out
whether its distributors were giving the consumers or end-users of its
products a reasonable level of service, the researcher would want to
disguise the fact that the distributors' service level was being investigated.
If he/she did not, then rumours would abound that there was something
wrong with the distributor.
Develop the question wording
Survey questions can be classified into three forms, i.e. closed, open-ended and open
response-option questions. So far only the first of these, i.e. closed questions has been
discussed. This type of questioning has a number of important advantages;
It provides the respondent with an easy method of indicating his answer -
he does not have to think about how to articulate his answer.
It 'prompts' the respondent so that the respondent has to rely less on
memory in answering a question.
Responses can be easily classified, making analysis very straightforward.
It permits the respondent to specify the answer categories most suitable
for their purposes.
Disadvantages are al so present when usi ng such questi ons
They do not allow the respondent the opportunity to give a different
response to those suggested.
They 'suggest' answers that respondents may not have considered
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With open-ended questions the respondent is asked to give a reply to a question in
his/her own words. No answers are suggested.
Example: "What do you like most about this implement?"
Open-ended questions have a number of advantages when utilised in a questionnaire:
They allow the respondent to answer in his own words, with no influence
by any specific alternatives suggested by the interviewer.
They often reveal the issues which are most important to the respondent,
and this may reveal findings which were not originally anticipated when the
survey was initiated.
Respondents can 'qualify' their answers or emphasise the strength of their
However, open-ended questions also have inherent problems which means they must
be treated with considerable caution. For example:
Respondents may find it difficult to 'articulate' their responses i.e. to
properly and fully explain their attitudes or motivations.
Respondents may not give a full answer simply because they may forget
to mention important points. Some respondents need prompting or
reminding of the types of answer they could give.
Data collected is in the form of verbatim comments - it has to be coded
and reduced to manageable categories. This can be time consuming for
analysis and there are numerous opportunities for error in recording and
interpreting the answers given on the part of interviewers.
Respondents will tend to answer open questions in different 'dimensions'.
For example, the question: "When did you purchase your tractor?", could
elicit one of several responses, viz:
"A short while ago".
"Last year".
"When I sold my last tractor".
"When I bought the farm".
Such responses need to be probed further unless the researcher is to be confronted
with responses that cannot be aggregated or compared.
It has been suggested that the open response-option questions largely eliminate the
disadvantages of both the afore-mentioned types of question. An open response-
option is a form of question which is both open-ended and includes specific response-
options as well. For example,
What features of this implement do you like?
Others mentioned:
The advantages of this type of question are twofold:
The researcher can avoid the potential problems of poor memory or poor
articulation by then subsequently being able to prompt the respondent into
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considering particular response options.
Recording during interview is relatively straightforward.
The one disadvantage of this form of question is that it requires the researcher to have
a good prior knowledge of the subject in order to generate realistic/likely response
options before printing the questionnaire. However, if this understanding is achieved the
data collection and analysis process can be significantly eased.
Clearly there are going to be situations in which a questionnaire will need to incorporate
all three forms of question, because some forms are more appropriate for seeking
particular forms of response. In instances where it is felt the respondent needs
assistance to articulate answers or provide answers on a preferred dimension
determined by the researcher, then closed questions should be used. Open-ended
questions should be used where there are likely to be a very large number of possible
different responses (e.g. farm size), where one is seeking a response described in the
respondent's own words, and when one is unsure about the possible answer options.
The mixed type of question would be advantageous in most instances where most
potential response-options are known; where unprompted and prompted responses are
valuable, and where the survey needs to allow for unanticipated responses.
There are a series of questions that should be posed as the researchers develop the
survey questions themselves:
"Is this question sufficient to generate the required information?"
For example, asking the question "Which product do you prefer?" in a taste panel
exercise will reveal nothing about the attribute(s) the product was judged upon. Nor will
this question reveal the degree of preference. In such cases a series of questions would
be more appropriate.
"Can the respondent answer the question correctly?"
An inability to answer a question arises from three sources:
Having never been exposed to the answer, e.g. "How much does your husband earn?"
Forgetting, e.g. What price did you pay when you last bought maize meal?"
An inability to articulate the answer: e.g. "What improvements would you want to see in
food preparation equipment?"
"Are there any external events that might bias response to the question?"
For example, judging the popularity of beef products shortly after a foot and mouth
epidemic is likely to have an effect on the responses.
"Do the words have the same meaning to all respondents?"
For example, "How many members are there in your family?"
There is room for ambiguity in such a question since it is open to interpretation as to
whether one is speaking of the immediate or extended family.
"Are any of the words or phrases loaded or leading in any way?"
For example," What did you dislike about the product you have just tried?"
The respondent is not given the opportunity to indicate that there was nothing he/she
disliked about the product. A less biased approach would have been to ask a
preliminary question along the lines of, "Did you dislike any aspect of the product you
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have just tried?", and allow him/her to answer yes or no.
"Are there any implied alternatives within the question?"
The presence or absence of an explicitly stated alternative can have dramatic effects on
responses. For example, consider the following two forms of a question asked of a
'Pasta-in-a-J ar' concept test:
1. " Would you buy pasta-in-a-jar if it were locally available?"
2. "If pasta-in-a-jar and the cellophane pack you currently use were both
available locally, would you:
Buy only the cellophane packed pasta?
Buy only the pasta-in-a-jar product?
Buy both products?"
The explicit alternatives provide a context for interpreting the true reactions to the new
product idea. If the first version of the question is used, the researcher is almost certain
to obtain a larger number of positive responses than if the second form is applied.
"Will the question be understood by the type of individual to be
It is good practice to keep questions as simple as possible. Researchers must be
sensitive to the fact that some of the people he/she will be interviewing do not have a
high level of education. Sometimes he/she will have no idea how well or badly educated
the respondents are until he/she gets into the field. In the same way, researchers should
strive to avoid long questions. The fewer words in a question the better. Respondents'
memories are limited and absorbing the meaning of long sentences can be difficult: in
listening to something they may not have much interest in, the respondents' minds are
likely to wander, they may hear certain words but not others, or they may remember
some parts of what is said but not all.
"Is there any ambiguity in my questions?"
The careless design of questions can result in the inclusion of two items in one
question. For example: "Do you like the speed and reliability of your tractor?"
The respondent is given the opportunity to answer only 'yes' or 'no', whereas he might
like the speed, but not the reliability, or vice versa. Thus it is difficult for the respondent
to answer and equally difficult for the researcher to interpret the response.
The use of ambiguous words should also be avoided. For example: "Do you regularly
service your tractor?"
The respondents' understanding and interpretation of the term 'regularly' will differ.
Some may consider that regularly means once a week, others may think once a year is
regular. The inclusion of such words again present interpretation difficulties for the
"Are any words or phrases vague?"
Questions such as 'What is your income?' are vague and one is likely to get many
different responses with different dimensions. Respondents may interpret the question
in different terms, for example:
hourly pay?
weekly pay?
yearly pay?
income before tax?
income after tax?
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income in kind as well as cash?
income for self or family?
all income or just farm income?
The researcher needs to specify the 'term' within which the respondent is to answer.
"Are any questions too personal or of a potentially embarrassing nature?"
The researcher must be clearly aware of the various customs, morals and traditions in
the community being studied. In many communities there can be a great reluctance to
discuss certain questions with interviewers/strangers. Although the degree to which
certain topics are taboo varies from area to area, such subjects as level of education,
income and religious issues may be embarrassing and respondents may refuse to
"Do questions rely on feats of memory?"
The respondent should be asked only for such data as he is likely to be able to clearly
remember. One has to bear in mind that not everyone has a good memory, so
questions such as 'Four years ago was there a shortage of labour?' should be avoided.
Putting questions into a meaningful order and format
Opening questions: Opening questions should be easy to answer and not in any way
threatening to THE respondents. The first question is crucial because it is the
respondent's first exposure to the interview and sets the tone for the nature of the task
to be performed. If they find the first question difficult to understand, or beyond their
knowledge and experience, or embarrassing in some way, they are likely to break off
immediately. If, on the other hand, they find the opening question easy and pleasant to
answer, they are encouraged to continue.
Question flow: Questions should flow in some kind of psychological order, so that one
leads easily and naturally to the next. Questions on one subject, or one particular aspect
of a subject, should be grouped together. Respondents may feel it disconcerting to
keep shifting from one topic to another, or to be asked to return to some subject they
thought they gave their opinions about earlier.
Question variety:. Respondents become bored quickly and restless when asked similar
questions for half an hour or so. It usually improves response, therefore, to vary the
respondent's task from time to time. An open-ended question here and there (even if it
is not analysed) may provide much-needed relief from a long series of questions in
which respondents have been forced to limit their replies to pre-coded categories.
Questions involving showing cards/pictures to respondents can help vary the pace and
increase interest.
Closing questions
It is natural for a respondent to become increasingly indifferent to the questionnaire as it
nears the end. Because of impatience or fatigue, he may give careless answers to the
later questions. Those questions, therefore, that are of special importance should, if
possible, be included in the earlier part of the questionnaire. Potentially sensitive
questions should be left to the end, to avoid respondents cutting off the interview before
important information is collected.
In developing the questionnaire the researcher should pay particular attention to the
presentation and layout of the interview form itself. The interviewer's task needs to be
made as straight-forward as possible.
Questions should be clearly worded and response options clearly
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Prescribed definitions and explanations should be provided. This ensures
that the questions are handled consistently by all interviewers and that
during the interview process the interviewer can answer/clarify respondents'
Ample writing space should be allowed to record open-ended answers, and to cater for
differences in handwriting between interviewers.
Physical appearance of the questionnaire
The physical appearance of a questionnaire can have a significant effect upon both the
quantity and quality of marketing data obtained. The quantity of data is a function of the
response rate. Ill-designed questionnaires can give an impression of complexity,
medium and too big a time commitment. Data quality can also be affected by the
physical appearance of the questionnaire with unnecessarily confusing layouts making it
more difficult for interviewers, or respondents in the case of self-completion
questionnaires, to complete this task accurately. Attention to just a few basic details can
have a disproportionately advantageous impact on the data obtained through a
Use of
The use of booklets, in the place of loose or stapled sheets of paper, make it
easier for interviewer or respondent to progress through the document.
Moreover, fewer pages tend to get lost.
Simple, clear
The clarity of questionnaire presentation can also help to improve the ease
with which interviewers or respondents are able to complete a questionnaire.
Creative use of
space and
In their anxiety to reduce the number of pages of a questionnaire these is a
tendency to put too much information on a page. This is counter-productive
since it gives the questionnaire the appearance of being complicated.
Questionnaires that make use of blank space appear easier to use, enjoy
higher response rates and contain fewer errors when completed.
Use of colour
Colour coding can help in the administration of questionnaires. It is often the
case that several types of respondents are included within a single survey
(e.g. wholesalers and retailers). Printing the questionnaires on two different
colours of paper can make the handling easier.
Interviewer instructions should be placed alongside the questions to which
they pertain. Instructions on where the interviewers should probe for more
information or how replies should be recorded are placed after the question.
In general it is best for a questionnaire to be as short as possible. A long questionnaire
leads to a long interview and this is open to the dangers of boredom on the part of the
respondent (and poorly considered, hurried answers), interruptions by third parties and
greater costs in terms of interviewing time and resources. In a rural situation an
interview should not last longer then 30-45 minutes.
Piloting the questionnaires
Even after the researcher has proceeded along the lines suggested, the draft
questionnaire is a product evolved by one or two minds only. Until it has actually been
used in interviews and with respondents, it is impossible to say whether it is going to
achieve the desired results. For this reason it is necessary to pre-test the questionnaire
before it is used in a full-scale survey, to identify any mistakes that need correcting.
The purpose of pretesting the questionnaire is to determine:
whether the questions as they are worded will achieve the desired results
whether the questions have been placed in the best order
whether the questions are understood by all classes of respondent
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whether additional or specifying questions are needed or whether some
questions should be eliminated
whether the instructions to interviewers are adequate.
Usually a small number of respondents are selected for the pre-test. The respondents
selected for the pilot survey should be broadly representative of the type of respondent
to be interviewed in the main survey.
If the questionnaire has been subjected to a thorough pilot test, the final form of the
questions and questionnaire will have evolved into its final form. All that remains to be
done is the mechanical process of laying out and setting up the questionnaire in its final
form. This will involve grouping and sequencing questions into an appropriate order,
numbering questions, and inserting interviewer instructions.
Chapter Summary
A well designed questionnaire is essential to a successful survey. However, the
researcher must develop his/her own intuition with respect to what constitutes 'good
design' since there is no theory of questionnaires to guide him/her.
A good questionnaire is one which help directly achieve the research objectives,
provides complete and accurate information; is easy for both interviewers and
respondents to complete, is so designed as to make sound analysis and interpretation
possible and is brief.
There are at least nine distinct steps: decide on the information required; define the
target respondents, select the method(s) of reaching the respondents; determine
question content; word the questions; sequence the questions; check questionnaire
length; pre-test the questionnaire and develop the final questionnaire.
Key Terms
Group focus interviews
Mailed questionnaire
Open-ended and open response-option questions
Personal interviews
Piloting questionnaires
Target respondents
Telephone interviews
Review Questions
1. Summarise the qualities of a good questionnaire.
2. Where should interviewer instructions pertaining to responses to a particular question
be placed on the questionnaire?
3. The textbook says that one does not start by writing questions. How should the
researcher begin?
4. What are the two occasions when apparently "redundant" questions should be found
in a questionnaire?
5. Name the three advantages of open-ended questions.
6. What are the three reasons why a respondent is unable to answer a question?
7. What is the recommended duration of interviews carried out in rural situations?
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8. What are the key characteristics of opening questions in a questionnaire?
Chapter References
1. Crawford, I. M. (1990) Marketing Research Centre for Agricultural Marketing Training
in Eastern and Southern Africa. Harare Zimbabwe.
2. Sudman, S. and Bradburn, N. M. (1973), Asking Questions, pp. 208 - 28.

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