Past Simple or Continuous

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He _______________ (wait) for half an hour before they _________ (arrive).

Where _____________ (he/go) when you _________ (see) him?

He ____________ (phone) me to say they would be late.
She _____________ (talk) to ohn on the phone when ! _________ (walk) in.
_________________ (she/know) they ____________ ("ome) to the party?
How many people ___________ (sit) in the waiting room when you __________
! __________ (meet) them in the street while ! _____________ (shop).
#he postman ___________ (arrive) while ! _________ (leave) the house.
#he "hildren ______________ (make) so mu"h noise that ! __________ (not/hear)
the phone ring.
We ____________ (walk) down by the river when it _________ (start) to rain.
#he storm ____________ (start) while we __________ (drive) ba"k from $ondon.
#hey ________ (meet) when they _________________ (work) in %aris.
What time ______________ (she/arrive) last night?
He _________ (break) his foot while he ___________ (play) football on Saturday.
! ___________ (not/like) to disturb her be"ause she _____________ (study).
! ______ ("ut) my finger while ! ______________ ("hop) vegetables.
#he plane ____________ (leave) over an hour late.
! _____________ (drive) fast when ! was flashed by the speed "amera.
What ________________(you/do) at & p.m. yesterday?
'y parents _____(go) to several "on"erts while they __________ (stay) in %aris.
Form: we add ed to all regular verbs,
Irregular verbs must be learnt by heart.
We use the Past Simple for something in the past
whih is finished.
!e played tennis yesterday.
"he hildren went to the par# this morning.
We use did to ma#e $uestions and didn%t for
negatives. "he verb stays in the base form.
&id you see 'ob yesterday(
"hey didn%t ome to the party on Sunday.
Form: was)were * verb * ing
"he Past +ontinuous means that at a time in the past
we were in the middle of an ation.
We were playing tennis at , p.m. yesterday.
"hey were eating when we arrived.
We use: wasn%t)weren%t * verb * ing for negatives:
-ohn wasn%t reading a boo# when we arrived.
We use: was)were * * verb * ing for
Was she ma#ing dinner when you got home(
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs
He _______________ (wait) for half an hour before they _________ (arrive).
Where _____________ (he/go) when you _________ (see) him?
He ____________ (phone) me to say they would be late.
She _____________ (talk) to ohn on the phone when ! _________ (walk) in.
_________________ (she/know) they ____________ ("ome) to the party?
How many people ___________ (sit) in the waiting room when you __________
! __________ (meet) them in the street while ! _____________ (shop).
#he postman ___________ (arrive) while ! _________ (leave) the house.
#he "hildren ______________ (make) so mu"h noise that ! __________ (not/hear)
the phone ring.
We ____________ (walk) down by the river when it _________ (start) to rain.
#he storm ____________ (start) while we __________ (drive) ba"k from $ondon.
#hey ________ (meet) when they _________________ (work) in %aris.
What time ______________ (she/arrive) last night?
He _________ (break) his foot while he ___________ (play) football on Saturday.
! ___________ (not/like) to disturb her be"ause she _____________ (study).
! ______ ("ut) my finger while ! ______________ ("hop) vegetables.
#he plane ____________ (leave) over an hour late.
! _____________ (drive) fast when ! was flashed by the speed "amera.
What ________________(you/do) at & p.m. yesterday?
'y parents _____(go) to several "on"erts while they __________ (stay) in %aris.
(. He was waiting for half an hour before they arrived.
). Where was he going when you saw him?
*. He phoned me to say they would be late.
+. She was talking to ohn on the phone when ! walked in.
,. -id she know they were "oming to the party?
.. How many people were sitting in the waiting room when you arrived?
/. ! met them in the street while ! was shopping.
&. #he postman arrived while ! was leaving the house.
0. #he "hildren were making so mu"h noise that ! didn1t hear the phone ring.
(2. We were walking down by the river when it started to rain.
((. #he storm started while we were driving ba"k from $ondon.
(). #hey met when they were working in %aris.
(*. What time did she arrive last night?
(+. He broke his foot while he was playing football on Saturday.
(,. ! didn1t like to disturb her be"ause she was studying.
(.. ! "ut my finger while ! was "hopping vegetables.
(/. #he plane left over an hour late.
(&. ! was driving fast when ! was flashed by the speed "amera.
(0. What were you doing at & p.m. yesterday?
)2.'y parents went to several "on"erts while they were staying in %aris.

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