Prepare For More Action As Nhs Unions Plan Strikes: Striking Together

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Health 291014
that brought half a million health
workers out together surpassed
everyones expectations.
Across the country many hospitals saw
picket lines of 50+ with a lively, bouyant
atmosphere and solidarity from other trade
unionists, students and NHS campaigners
who brought breakfast to picket lines, or
collected in workplaces for NHS strikers.
The radiographers strike a week later
echoed this mood and boosted momentum
with more big turnouts, not to mention a
brilliant slogan, No Raise, No Rays!
Health workers werent the only ones
mobilising the fght for pay.
Sandwiched between the two health
strikes, Hundreds of thousands of PCS
members working in the civil service
walked out on 15 October.
Tens of thousands joined the TUC and
STUC marches in London and Glasgow
demanding, Britain needs a pay rise!
Its a disgrace that the Westminster elite
have the cheek to tell the workers who slog
day in day out to provide vital services for
society that we have to accept 1 percent
or less, while the MPs grab a 10 percent
rise! That week of action showed the huge
potential for united action that can drive
back the Tories assault on public sector pay.
But it was a problem that the strike
planned for 14 October by up to a million
local government workers was suspended.
Union leaders approached the employers
with a proposal to suspend action, but whats
on the table is just a reshuffing of the offer
members had already rejected!
Many local government workers were
angered to be pulled out of the week of
action with so little offered. Some are
now campaigning inside their unions for a
rejection of the offer and to rejoin strikes.
Thats why its good that NHS workers
are striking in Wales on 10 November,
and that Unison, the biggest union in the
NHS, has decided to go for more action in
November and is in discussion with other
NHS unions about the date for the strike.
This can be a focus for the movement
as the next step after Octobers action.
Firefghters are striking this week too.
The attack on pay is at the heart of a wider
agenda of privatisation, closures and cuts.
The RCM midwives turnout on the strike
was vibrant due to deep anger at the Tories
cuts and closures of maternity units.
Now the Transatlantic Trade Investment
Partnership (TTIP) threatens to bring in
more unprecedented privatisation.
Its good Labour leaders have made
noises about opposing TTIP. But Miliband
has made it clear Labour will stick to Tory
spending cuts, and continue the assault on
public sector pay. They have dangerously
pandered to racist Ukip and the Tories by
blaming migrants for the crisis. This is
divide and rule and its the rich who beneft.
Our unions have to make the NHS a
central political issue during the general
election campaign, and call action that keeps
pressure on whatever government we elect.
The potential for more strikes in November
gives a chance to strengthen organisation at
the base of the unions and in the workplaces.
NHS workers should get organised now
to push union leaders to keep the fght going.
The political impact of NHS strikes is
huge, and when thats at the heart of united
and escalating action across the unions, it is
possible to drive back the assault on pay and
our services alike.
We cant wait for Labour for a fair pay rise or to save our NHS...
More picket lines outside hospitals saw the momentum grow in the
battle for the NHS and fair pay when radiographers struck on 20 October
Organising to win conference
Speakers include: Health workers striking
for fair pay, Unison Care UK strikers, Support
Stafford Hospital campaign, Matt Wrack FBU
frefghters general secretary, John McDonnell
MP, US fast food strikers, local government
workers, E15 mothers campaign and housing
workers who have been striking for pay, Disabled
People Against Cuts, BFAWU bakers union
activists who are fghting zero hours contracts,
migrant workers who have been at the forefront
of union organising... and many more.
As well as main sessions, workshops, include:
Where next for the fght to save the NHS?
with Janet Maiden, UCH nurse & Unison health
SGE; Frank Wood, Kings College Hospital & Unite
NEC; Karen Howell, Support Stafford Hospital
campaign; Roger Hutt, Unsison Care UK striker
Saturday 15 November, 12-5pm
Bloomsbury Baptist Church, central London.
Book up online at

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