10 July A Day To Fight

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he 10 July could be a red letter day.
Tat day could see the launch of
the kind of ghtback we need to
defeat the Tory austerity.
Despite the talk of recovery Camerons
government and employers are still
putting the squeeze on wages, pensions
and jobs.
Huge cuts to local government funding
could see the end of many services unless
Labour councils nally make a stand.
At last some unions are saying enough
is enough. Local government workers
start balloting next week for strikes
against the miserly 1 percent government
pay oer.
If Unison, Unite and GMB members
vote to ght they could be joined by
teachers in the NUT.
NUT members struck across England and
Wales back in March and voted for more
action at their unions Easter conference.
Tey are prepared to coordinate their
strikes with other unions.
Fireghters are taking action again
over attacks on pensions and could join
the ght on 10 July.
PCS members in the civil service
have their conference next week and will
debate joining the action too.
With the Peoples Assembly planning
a major union-backed protest in London
on 21 June, health workers moving to
strike this autumn against their 1 percent
pay oer and the TUC calling for a
major demo under the banner Britain
needs a pay rise in October this could be
the start of something big.
But remember weve been here before.
Back in November 2011 there were more
than 2.5 million on strike to defend
pensions. Most people believed more
united action would come to defeat the
Tory attacks.
But with Ed Miliband and Labour
opposing the strikes some union leaders
stepped back from the ght. None of us

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General 14/05/14
can aord to see that happening again.
We have to put real pressure on our
union leaders to make sure that this time
the ght goes all the way.
Tat means building up union
organisation with new reps and activists in
every workplace and making links between
unions and the community in every area.
Tis week Labour fell behind the
Tories in opinion polls for the rst time
in two years. Milibands pledge to stick
to Tory spending limits isnt inspiring
voters to go out and vote Labour.
And Milibands failure to stand up
to UKIPs racist Euro election campaign
isnt helping them either.
As UKIP shift British politics to the right
the real issues of poverty and austerity
are getting lost.
UKIP want us to blame migrants
for our problems, not the bankers and
politicians who caused the economic crisis.
Tey want to take the heat o the rich.
But were seeing a growing wave of
protests against UKIP. Tat pressure
is starting to pay o. Tis week one of
their leading activists, Sanya-Jeet Tandi,
resigned from the party because of its
racist populism.
If even its own members admit Nigel
Farages party is racist, Labour should be
on the oensive, exposing UKIPs lies.
We cant allow our side to be divided
at a time when the ghtback is gathering
pace. We need maximum unity on
protests and picket lines against our real
enemies the Tories and the bosses. Tat
means standing up to UKIP and its racist
Protesting at a UKIP rally Photo: Ben Windsor
Back these ghts
Unison members at Care UK in
Doncaster are striking for two more
weeks from 5 May against huge pay cuts.
UCU members at Lambeth College
are set to go on indenite strike over a
contract dispute.
Workers at Ritzy cinema in Brixton are
striking for a living wage.
These workers need your solidarity. Rush
messages of support and requests for
reps to speak at your union branch to:
Care UK: admin@unison- dab.org.uk
Ritzy: [email protected]
Lambeth College:
[email protected]

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