The Exercise For Developing Clairvoyance

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The Exercise for Developing Clairvoyance

The exercise is this: visualize yourself holding seven balloons, of the colours red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and indigo. Let the balloons go one by one,
beginning with the red balloon. Watch them float up to the blue sky until they
disappear before you release the next one.
If youre not used to visualizing, then this exercise could be quite difficult for you at
first. You may find it hard to concentrate or it may be difficult for you to visualize
vividly or in colour. It all depends on how developed your imagination muscles are.
Any activity which uses your visual imagination is good for strengthening clairvoyant
abilities, because your imagination is the tool that Spirit uses to send you information,
in the form of images. The more well-oiled your imagination cogs are, the easier it is
for spirit to send you clear images. How can you tell the difference between whats
from your imagination and whats from Spirit? When you receive an image from Spirit,
you are not in control. You are not creating the image. It just appears in your minds
eye without any active participation from you.
Another way to open up your clairvoyance: Imagine a third eye, between your
eyebrows. Visualize the eyelid on your third eye opening up. All visualization does is
set an intention to do something. If you visualize this regularly, youre putting energy
behind your intention to open up your third eye, the centre of your clairvoyant
Blocks to Clairvoyance
A few people who are natural clairvoyants never see any evidence of their gift. When
this happens, it usually means there is a blockage or an energy leak at the third eye
chakra. At the bottom of this there tends to be some trauma caused by having seen
something unexpected or unpleasant.
There are two reasons why I personally do not put much effort into developing my
clairvoyant abilities further: one is that I dont need it too much for my work and the
second is that I dont really want to see, because I had a scary experience in the past.
When I was about seven, I was playing in my bed late at night, looked up and saw a
woman standing in the corner of my room, by the door, staring at me. Just writing
about it gives me the creeps. I have never been more frightened in my life than at
that moment. All I can remember is pulling the covers over my head and hoping shed
go away. I remember my heart beating so fast that I thought it would burst! I think I
decided at that point that seeing spirits sucked. Which is probably why I dont like
seeing spirits now. I have done some clearing work around that experience, but I
remain reluctant to explore my clairvoyance further.
Lots of people have a blockage like this, due to some sort of frightening psychic
experience. If this applies to you and you can locate or remember what is blocking
your third eye, use my angelic healing exercise (method # 3) in the article Four ways
to heal yourself it really works.
Any general blocks to truth can also affect your clear-seeing (and the overall state of
your intuitive faculties). For example, if you live your life in a state of denial or
falsehood, your clairvoyance will be weakened. If you want to have strong intuition,
get into the habit of facing up to the truth in your life, if youre not already. If you kid
yourself about something on a regular basis, it weakens your trust in your own
perceptions and intuition and this will affect your clairvoyant abilities.
Further Tips:
Place a lapis lazuli or clear quartz crystal over your third eye chakra. Or go into a
crystal shop with the intention of finding the right crystal to help you to open up your
third eye. You may feel really drawn to one crystal in particular which can help you.
When youre working with your clairvoyance at first, it helps to close your eyes and
use your minds eye rather than expecting to see things straight away with your
physical eyes.
Use the affirmation I am profoundly clairvoyant. It is safe for me to see
Release and heal whatever fears/trauma you have around seeing spirits.

Who is Clairaudient?
Clairaudients tend to hear more than most people. People who are bothered by loud noises are
naturally predisposed towards clairaudience because of their heightened sensitivity.
Clairaudients often hear ringing in their ears. Some clairaudients interpret this as a sign to pay
attention and consciously tune in to their intuition.
Musicians are often clairaudient. There are many accounts of composers who have heard or dreamt
of a melody playing internally before they put it down on paper.
The first step to developing your clairaudience is to really fine-tune your sense of hearing. Heres
an exercise to help you do this:
Unpicking the Orchestra
Listen carefully to all the sounds you hear around you while youre lying in bed at night the sounds
of cars passing, the sounds of birds or animals, of a plane, of people talking, the sound of music.
We normally tune out these noises so that we can concentrate or sleep. But when you tune out
noise, you dull your perception and you become less sensitive to your inner voice.
When you begin to listen consciously to the noise that you normally tune out, you will hear an
orchestra of sounds. Your objective with this exercise is to notice each and every one of these
sounds that make up this orchestra. Take it apart. Count how many sounds you can hear and make
a note of what they are. Some may be really subtle and barely noticeable. The goal here is really to
heighten your auditory perception.
Do this every night for a week before you go to sleep and you will be amazed at how much you
were not hearing before. This will begin to activate your clairaudience.
Clairaudient Listening
You can also actively listen for clairaudient guidance.
Visualize turning on a radio and tuning into the channel of your intuition or your spirit guides.
Imagine them sitting around a table, ready to communicate with you. Then, start asking questions.
See if you can hear or perceive any words it could be a clear voice that is easy to discern or you
may have to really focus and go inside yourself to hear it clearly. If you dont hear anything at all,
dont give up on your first attempt. For most people it takes practice and persistence to get into
the habit of listening to your intuition.
Further Tips
Set the intention to utilize your clairaudience. Write it down somewhere as this reinforces it.
Dont block your clairaudience through fear of hearing something negative/frightening. If
youre afraid of hearing spirit for fear of being spooked, intend only to hear your spirit
guides and Higher Self, who have your best intentions at heart and who would never
knowingly scare you. Ask your Asher guide (the spirit guide who is your energetic
bouncer) to keep out negative energies. Remember that if you keep your vibration high and
deal mostly in positive energies, you wont attract negative energies anyway.
Meditate. Intuitive guidance often comes through the gaps between our thoughts. Meditation
quietens the mind and creates more gaps in our thoughts so our intuitive guidance can more
easily be heard during meditation. (If you want to read more about why quietening the mind
is so essential to psychic development, you might like to read this article:The Alpha State
Why is it Essential to Psychic Development?
Use affirmations to develop clairaudience, such as It is safe to hear my inner voice or I am
powerfully clairaudient.

Gut Feelings
Gut feelings are strong emotional responses that feel almost physical for example, a
feeling of dread or a feeling of excitement. A sinking feeling in my gut means that
something is not going to end well or is to be avoided. An uplifted, excited feeling in
my gut means that I am on the right track. Hindsight will show you that gut feelings
appear for a reason, often to warn you against something or someone. Gut feelings
allow you to sense very quickly whether or not you like and trust someone.
Empathy is a psychic gift. It is the ability to pick up on the feelings of other people
and know what it is like to be another person. Empathy can be a double-edged sword.
It allows you to put yourself in other peoples shoes more easily. However, if youre
an unskilled empath, you can be like a sponge, absorbing and feeling emotions which
arent your own. Do you ever experience overwhelming negative feelings which seem
to have no cause? Then you could be feeling someone elses feelings.
I have written articles on Empathy including this one: Is Overactive Empathy Ruining
your Life?
Physical Sensations
Clairsentience also speaks to you through sensations in your body - like tickling or
As clairsentience is one of my strongest gifts, I get impulsed all the time by my guides
through physical sensations. Whenever I am tuning into spirit (talking to my spirit
guides or higher self) and doing a reading, I get a strong tingling sensation on both
sides of my head. I also get a prickling sensation on the top of my head.
How to Develop Your Clairsentience
Using your Clairsentience to Read Another Person
Here is a quick exercise you can do to develop your clairsentience further:
1. Ask a friend to show you a picture of somebody they know well (but make sure you
dont know the person in the picture)
2. Look into the persons eyes and tune into their energy how do they feel at the
moment of the photo being taken? If this is the first time you have consciously used
your clairsentience, you may just pick up on a basic negative or positive vibe.
3. Ask yourself what this individual is like as a person. Ask yourself whether you trust
the person.
4.Is there anything else the persons eyes are revealing?
5. Now check with your friend how accurate were you?
Psychometry Exercise

This exercise involves getting hold of an object that someone has worn regularly, like
a watch. All objects absorb energy from their owners and if you are clairsentient, you
can tune into this energy residue. Hold the object in your hand for a minute or two. If
the watch is holding a lot of strong positive or negative energy, you will probably pick
up on that. You may also be able to feel what type of energy.
Listening to Your Chakras
This is an exercise for tuning into and reading your own energy. (it is best to do this
exercise when you have some knowledge of the chakra system, as it makes it easier to
do. Check out this article on the chakra system if youre unfamiliar with it.) This
exercise also helps to develop clairsentience because it makes you more sensitive to
your emotions and feelings. Here are the steps:
1. Lie down or sit comfortably.
2. Open each chakra, beginning with the root chakra. Visualize each chakra as a
coloured wheel spinning horizontally and bring the energy outwards, about one metre
outside of your body.
3. Then ask yourself: how do I feel in this chakra? Ask each chakra one by one. See if
you get any sensations in your body or emotions that are connected to the chakras.
The first time I did this, at the heart chakra (the centre of love and self-love) I felt a
sense of hollowness which told me that I was taking care of everyone except myself.
At my throat chakra (the centre of communication), it felt tight and constricted and I
remembered I had something to say to someone that I had suppressed.

What is Claircognizance?
Claircognizance means clear-knowing. Claircognizants know certain things without
being told. For claircognizants, their higher self or spirit guides put information (in the
form of thought) into their mind. This can be a whole load of information that is
downloaded into the mind. It can be smaller insights about people and situations
here and there. It can be an inspired idea. All claircognizance is characterized by this
strong sense of knowing that goes beyond logic and by the fact that the intuitive
information comes into the thinking mind, not into the heart or the minds eye.
Who is Claircognizant?
Claircognizants tend to be very mentally-oriented people. They are often analytical
and are good at understanding abstract concepts and solving problems.
As children, they seem to know too much and have an answer for everything. They
were probably labeled know-it-alls growing up.
I find that around 35% of the people I read for are primarily claircognizant.
Claircognizance is very common but not as well known
as clairvoyance orclairaudience. Few people have heard of claircognizance. Most
people think of visions and clairvoyance when they hear the word psychic. Many
expect their intuition to be a voice from heaven or an amazing premonition. Some
Psychics can see dead people and hear voices, but many gifted psychics receive
information through less dramatic channels like claircognizance. However, if youre
expecting visions and fireworks and voices, you may miss your claircognizance.
Claircognizance is no less powerful for being subtle. Anyone who had channelled
information in written form (this is called automatic writing) is utilizing their
Some Examples of Claircognizance:
You have a sense of inner knowing that it would not be a good idea to accept
the job youve just been offered, despite the fact that it seems perfect.
You have a certainty that someone is lying about something, despite evidence
to the contrary.
You receive information about future outcomes.
You get a truly inspired idea
A Common Question that People Ask about Claircognizance:
If Claircognizance comes in the form of thought, how can you tell the difference
between claircognizance and your own thoughts?
Here is a key difference between thoughts and claircognizant input: When youre
thinking, your conscious mind is in control. When you receive claircognizant
information, your conscious mind is only observing the information that is coming in
and sometimes trying to interpret it - it is not generating the information. The
claircognizant information just comes from nowhere it often has nothing to do with
what you were thinking about.
Another difference Thoughts are usually ego-based and want to protect you from
failure, embarrassment or disappointment. Claircognizance transcends those fears and
comes from a place of wisdom. Claircognizance may only make sense in hindsight.
Your thoughts wont usually require you to take a leap of faith, whereas
claircognizance might.
How to Develop your Claircognizance
Automatic writing is suitable for receiving claircognizant information, as it
often comes through in big chunks. Open a word document or get a piece of
paper and a pen and ask your Higher Self a question. Write down whatever
comes into your mind in response - it doesnt matter if it sounds like a load of
nonsense at first, no-one will read it but you. Make sure the conscious mind is
only a spectator in this exercise dont allow your mind to think about the
information youre getting. The first time I did this, I got three pages of
nonsense from my subconscious mind. When I persisted with it, I began to
channel some insights which surprised me in their clarity and wisdom. Now
whenever I want to tune in to my guides or Higher Self, I open a word document
and start typing and my claircognizance begins to take over.
Just setting the intention for your claircognizance to develop will start the
process! Write your intention down as this will make it more powerful.
Make time for intuitive guidance. If you dont already meditate, start a
meditation practice, as just five minutes a day will help you to tune in more to
your intuition. Meditation helps to quieten your mind and Divine guidance can
come through a quiet mind more easily than a distracted one. Claircognizant
information often comes through to me when Im meditating. When Im
meditating, I imagine my crown chakra (the chakra on the top of my head)
opening up and I often receive spontaneous intuitive insights upon doing that.
Some people like to visualize a funnel being placed upon the crown chakra, to
funnel the intuitive guidance from the Divine Intelligence. When youre in a
relaxed state and ready to receive intuitive guidance, if none is forthcoming,
start the process by asking a question of your Higher Self and see what comes
into your mind.
Often your claircognizance is already operating and waiting to be recognized as
guidance. Become more aware of your thoughts. In particular be very aware of what
thoughts you are having when you meet someone new or when youre being told about
a situation that you know little about. See what you glean about that person/situation
between the lines and if you can, get it validated.

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